Toast Skins planned on being announced Friday! Here is the first one! :D - OnePlus 6 Accessories

So Toast reached out on Reddit, and I donated my phone for them to make a mold of it for future skins. I donate, they give me a free skin (pretty sweet trade since I still have my Pixel 2XL)
The whole experience was nice, I didn't pay a dime even for shipping and when they recieved it, their CEO kept me updated. In fact when they noticed a scratch on the screen (my own fault) they asked if they did it and asked what they can do to make it right. Pretty awesome integrity on their end.
Anyway, long story short, they asked what I wanted, I expressed my love for Transformers, and here it is! They stated they want to announce this Friday and even posted a video on their Facebook of them receiving my phone and cracked jokes at the dbrand skin I had shipped the phone with
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

great news, love toast skins.

cool! do they ship globally?


Notion Ink Adam - my 2 cents

If you are considering a pre-order, I would read this first:
I am a web systems admin, and deal with security from an Operations standpoint. With that in mind, I have been watching this over and I am VERY wary of this company. Imo, I would avoid the pre-order and wait until release.
A few things are red flags to me:
- They mentioned that the FCC request is well hidden. Why would they do that? Why the mystery?
- There are ZERO videos of this thing, other than the original prototype from months ago.
- The pics we've seen seem to be photoshopped. Granted, other companies do this but where are the real pics?
- Why hasn't a newer prototype been given to Engadget yet, for review? Again, what are they hiding?
- I have heard that, with the initial pre-order screen, there was no SSL and your SSN was required. Why in the WORLD would they need my SSN?
- $50 shipping. Huh????
- This is not Apple or MS, this is a start-up company. There's no history here.
- I heard that your credit card is being charged, with the pre-order. That is a major red flag. A legit company would put a hold on your CC, but not actually charge you until it is shipped. A recent example of this is what happened with the Archos 101 pre-orders from J&R and Tigerdirect.
I'm not going to go as far as to say that this is a scam, but it sounds very suspicious to me. Again, my 2 cents on the matter. It's a shame because I was considering this device, myself.
I agree completely! I too was considering this device as a preorder option... but I think I can wait now.... I kinda feel like they are just trying to raise the money necessary to START full production.... which is a big NO NO in my book!
VEGAn-TAB Developer
Did you see the Liliputing article from about a hour ago:
Well said Roe. I think everyone was considering pre-ordering this thing, but I was expecting a couple videos and plenty of pictures. We got none of that. Therefore, no dice. The mickey mouse ordering system w/ tons of problems being reported and so many questions left unanswered made it easy for me to decide not to preorder one. Anyone who preorders one of these is naive and dumb if you ask me.
roebeet said:
If you are considering a pre-order, I would read this first:
I am a web systems admin, and deal with security from an Operations standpoint. With that in mind, I have been watching this over and I am VERY wary of this company. Imo, I would avoid the pre-order and wait until release.
A few things are red flags to me:
- They mentioned that the FCC request is well hidden. Why would they do that? Why the mystery?
- There are ZERO videos of this thing, other than the original prototype from months ago.
- The pics we've seen seem to be photoshopped. Granted, other companies do this but where are the real pics?
- Why hasn't a newer prototype been given to Engadget yet, for review? Again, what are they hiding?
- I have heard that, with the initial pre-order screen, there was no SSL and your SSN was required. Why in the WORLD would they need my SSN?
- $50 shipping. Huh????
- This is not Apple or MS, this is a start-up company. There's no history here.
- I heard that your credit card is being charged, with the pre-order. That is a major red flag. A legit company would put a hold on your CC, but not actually charge you until it is shipped. A recent example of this is what happened with the Archos 101 pre-orders from J&R and Tigerdirect.
I'm not going to go as far as to say that this is a scam, but it sounds very suspicious to me. Again, my 2 cents on the matter. It's a shame because I was considering this device, myself.
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This is the BIGGEST warning to me, and I pointed it out in another thread as soon as I saw that. To me, this means that they have no money left, and need the pre-order payments right now to fund manufacturing and the company...
Butch1326 said:
Did you see the Liliputing article from about a hour ago:
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I'm reading up on their replies, right now - a lot of it sounds like bull, to me. Yes, it's also possible that this is growing pains for a start-up, but the bottom line is that I just don't trust this enough to give them my money, yet.
- The shipping rates. They could have raised the price $25, and then dropped the shipping to $25. My feeling on this is that shipping is not refundable - that means that if you return the item they keep the shipping and make some money off you. This is same thing that eBay sellers do, and it's not a good way for me to trust them. The device is only a few pounds, it's not a heavy device and $50 is excessive.
- No Mastercard payments. They had more than 6 months to fix this, it's Internet commerce 101, as well as SSL. Not having these scares the carp out of me, as a consumer. I have no faith that my credit card info is safe with them, and that is not a good thing.
- No pics of the device. That takes about 10 minutes to fix. Take pics, upload to blog, done. Same with a video -- why the delay? Again, very suspicious here.
The "mystery" factor works for a company like Apple, as they are an established company who has a history. This company is a start-up - as far as we know, this device doesn't exist and the CEO is about to take all your money and disappear.
Here's NI's reply:
I'm with you. I was on board to pick one up, in addition to my Gtab. I had my CC out and even stayed up waiting for that first 3am preorder. Then details started leaking out and I came to my senses. You are assuming a company will come through because we're used to dealing with large corporations. These assumptions are wrong in this case since this is an uproven company, with unproven people, in another country (legality), with a product that they refuse to show.
My guess is that this is a company run by young enthusiastic engineers getting railroaded hard by the people financing them. However, I'm not going to put my money out their first. The last straw was their sneaky method of jacking the price of the top version, the one I wanted, by 20%. First they increased the base price $50 and then changed free shipping to $50, ending up with a $500 to $600 price.
I hear you Roebeet. I was one of the so called family and got the link and it was a disaster from the onset. Thank God I couldn't get to the purchase page because the server kept crashing and the 12pm PST thing.
What saved me from ordering the adam is that I had to go to work. I was already running late. When I got off work it said they were sold out. WTF! How can something that is not in production be sold out?? If it does exist, I'll wait until it is in a real store.
I am now confident it is still vaporware. I feel for those that bought it without actually seeing a demo video or real pictures. I just hope they didn't get scammed.
Yeah, liliputing echoed my thoughts. I really don't think NotionInk is being deceitful. For those that follow the blog you know they genuinely care about making a great device and I have little doubt Adam exist.
In my mind there is no question the device will be great. The real problem isn't about developing a great device, its about introducing, manufacturing, distributing and supporting your first ever product. That in itself is a huge undertaking if you just planned to sell to one region let alone the world.
I wish them the best of luck and hope this thing does take off. I kind of just wish for their sake they would have started off a little less ambitious.
[My guess is some models 'sold out' because pre-sales numbers where tied to their initial parts inventory and the number of tablets they can produce in a month. That imo is a good thing.]
Too much money to commit for a product with nothing but vapor to show so far. The company appears to be very naive or this is a sham. Hope for the former, none the less.
I am happy with the G and the way I use the device, the viewing angles are fine and the device has 8gb more space and not sourced from India with a VERY dubious January ship date. Gtablet is $150 more for the good display
Some stuff going on does not add up, so if naive or something else, neither is good.
This launch could make the Gtablet seem iPad-like, in comparison
I was about to order mine last night but I couldn't pull the trigger. Too many red flags. The $50 shipping and asking for SSN was what finally made me come to my senses. If this tablet is really awesome why they didn't send demos to any tech blogs ?
For now I'm very happy with my G-Tablet. Thank you roebeet for your hard work.
You know, I kind of think that they might actually have a product and they might have had enough mfged already for the pre-order guys, but ran out of money doing those and hence need to charge new orders immediately.
I thought that they had pictures of an actual unit, that red one in one of the Nov/maybe early Dec blog posts? Still kind of disconcerting that they have no videos and no more better pix of the thing...
Well, since I decided to skip this one anyways since I kept the gTab, I can afford to wait and see what happens, hope that they ship something close to what they claim, and then see if they survive to do a Tegra 3 tablet, which IF they do better in pricing and get me a 7" form factor, I MIGHT spring for...
Maybe just wishful thinking but I guess we'll see when they start shipping, after all remember open pandora? I think they finally started shipping more than prototype versions earlier this year, when they were SUPPOSED to have started shipping over 2y ago! OP is kind of a joke now at the price it's listed at, and what it is...
Took my WPDN back to BBB today. They didn't even open the box, just printed out a form for me to sign and handed over the cash and a receipt showing my return.
After that I wandered over the B&N almost next store and took a look at the Nook Color... was SORELY tempted to just buy one, but decided to wait and see a bit. Nice 7" form factor, nice screen, light(!), and fairly speedy for only being a8 @ 800MHz and 2.1! Woman at the counter claims that they're planning OS upgrades and flash support when I asked her about it. Browser still had problems with the many more button on /. then again so did the WPDN & GT. On the gTab it loads them almost as quickly as my nb... still thinking about NC...
As much as I'd like to think they are just being naive and made some mistakes in the SSL / Mastercard / SSN area, I don't believe that's the case. And for one reason only - no photos and no videos of the product since earlier this year. That is very suspicious.
This is not rocket science - all they need to do is upload a few real photos and a quick video of the device in someone's hands, to allay fears. It's been 24 hours now and that has not happened (yet). If they stop being so darn mysterious and show us that there's really a product out there, then I won't be so cautious.
But, I still wouldn't pre-order it if they charge me before shipping. This is like meeting a stranger on the street, giving them $450 on the honor system that they will come back in 2 months to your house to give you your product. At least we have Visa protection but you might still have a deductible.
Not disagreeing with anyone here, but the whole SSN thing was the credit card companies verifying your identity. That has nothing to do with notion ink, i order internationally all the time and whenever you do so the banks require verification a lot of the time. Also, it doesn't ask for your entire SSN, just the last 4 digits.
I ordered one, nervously. We'll see what happens.
LeftysRule22 said:
Not disagreeing with anyone here, but the whole SSN thing was the credit card companies verifying your identity. That has nothing to do with notion ink, i order internationally all the time and whenever you do so the banks require verification a lot of the time. Also, it doesn't ask for your entire SSN, just the last 4 digits.
I ordered one, nervously. We'll see what happens.
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If it was the last four digits, that's not the same thing - agreed. I heard it was the whole thing, but I didn't see this myself.
I actually hope that I'm wrong and that these devices are shipped in January and are just as good as we all hope they are. But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
roebeet said:
If it was the last four digits, that's not the same thing - agreed. I heard it was the whole thing, but I didn't see this myself.
I actually hope that I'm wrong and that these devices are shipped in January and are just as good as we all hope they are. But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
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No company should or by law use your SSN to identify you!
This is looking fishery than ever, sadly...
roebeet said:
But them charging you before shipment bugs me - I heard that was true, correct?
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This is what made me most nervous, it's true. I was kinda hoping it wouldn't charge immediately. Dec 18th will hopefully alleviate some concern.
Well, maybe when it eventually comes out, if the firmware is as awesome as Notion Ink says it is, it can be ported over to other devices? I'm sure it would make a pretty awesome Android tablet with their supposed custom interface and apps.
I've been waiting on the Adam for the past year because of its Qi-Pixel display, but the lack of videos/photos and important information kept me from pulling the trigger. For some reason they refuse to release specifics such as whether the damn thing will support the Android market. That's B.S. If you want people to give you $550+ for something, you need to tell them what they're getting in return.
The reason they're not showing pictures on their site probably has to do with US law which would hold them accountable if they shipped a device that didn't match the photo. That may be the same reason why they're not discussing some of the specs. Who the hell knows.
I'm going back to Sears tomorrow to see if I can get the price difference between the $379 I paid and the $349 sale. Hell, if Sears is cool to me I'll probably just pick up a 2nd G-Tab and forget about Notion Ink.
I would've preordered it if I hadn't bought the G tab which I didn't return due to the awesome 'trio' we have here, working all day & night to make this tab better and better.
I think those Notion Ink guys are facing some problems due to their inexperience and lack of support.
Sent from my VEGAn-TAB-v1.0.0b1 using Tapatalk

$50.00 G2X w/ new contracts - free shipping

Update, the phone went up to 99.oo, which is still good.
First off, let me start by that I'm not connected to the company offering this deal. I ordered my G2x from T-mobile, but came across this while reading up on the latest Android news. Seems legit from what I can tell.
Remember the T-Mobile G2x that came out just two days ago? Well, it looks like the folks over at CellHub are offering an unbelievable deal on this brand new Tegra2 powered device: with a new two-year agreement, you can score this beauty for just $50.
If you have never heard of CellHub, don’t stress, because we hadn’t either. We decided to do some digging and, come to find out, these guys are most definitely legit, rocking an almost 5-star score on ResellerRatings.
If you’re still not convinced enough, our own Chris Dehghanpoor decided to take one for the team and pick one up. No hidden fees, no activation charges – not even a shipping charge, just an extremely good deal.
Here is the link...

Gumdrop Drop-Tech Case for Asus Transformer Infinity TF700

This case hasn't been developed yet, but I'm pushing for it and hopefully the company will honor us by making this case for the tf700. I had a Gumdrop case for my tf101 and absolutely loved it. I tried several other cases and screen protector combinations, but none matched up to the protection and style I got from the gumdrop all-in-one case. I've emailed the company already to inquire about development, to which it looked fairly positive, but nothing was stated definitely. I'm hoping that Gumdrop will visit this forum, see this thread, and realize that the tf700 community is thriving and development of a drop-tech case would be profitable for them.
So, with that being said, please post your thoughts and desire to also have a Gumdrop Drop-Tech Series case for your Transformer Infinity TF700. Hopefully they will see this and get on the ball!
Looks interesting, but I'm not sure if I need it for $50 (even it it's a reasonable price for the materials used):
Also, I think on this picture the bottom side covers the tablet a bit?
d14b0ll0s said:
Looks interesting, but I'm not sure if I need it for $50 (even it it's a reasonable price for the materials used):
Also, I think on this picture the bottom side covers the tablet a bit?
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the tablet is covered on all sides. you are not able to use the dock with this case. i had the dock with my tf101 (actually still have the dock even though i sold the tf101) and rarely used it. i never missed the dock after getting the case. regarding the cost...i had purchased two different screen protectors until i found the right one that offered a crystal clear screen and also decent protection with ease of application. the case i settled on at the time was the Blurex Slim Folio, purchased from I liked the case until i dropped my tablet and realized that it doesn't really protect from drops well. also, the corners of the blurex case began to wear a bit and one of them actually was bent. considering the price of the screen protectors and the blurex case, compared to the all-in-one gumdrop...i prefer the gumdrop and know that im protected and my device still looks good.
not using the keyboard dock isn't a biggie at all...especially since i can purchase a bluetooth keyboard and the USB adapter (for my portable hard drive) for a quarter of the cost of the dock.
Sorry, I said it covers the tablet and I meant the screen (the buttons on the bar seem somewhat hidden under the whole construction of this thing).. although I'd love my Infinity to be bullet proof and last for infinity
How easily can you remove this thing and put it back on anyway?
I emailed them after talking about this in another thread and got some stupid generic canned response. Nothing loses my business as fast as canned responses. I'd rather be blown off then get some lame email that is pre-formatted to go out to everyone with a question. I'd still like to see them come to market, and would likely buy one if they were the only solution or best solution for a rugged case, but given an option of a comperable case such as trident or otter or seido styles I'd probably be more likely to pick a competitor that has demonstrated better customer care.
Chief Geek said:
I emailed them after talking about this in another thread and got some stupid generic canned response. Nothing loses my business as fast as canned responses. I'd rather be blown off then get some lame email that is pre-formatted to go out to everyone with a question. I'd still like to see them come to market, and would likely buy one if they were the only solution or best solution for a rugged case, but given an option of a comperable case such as trident or otter or seido styles I'd probably be more likely to pick a competitor that has demonstrated better customer care.
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I actually got 2 messages from them, neither were canned responses. The first stated:
Hey Man
Thanks for the kind words
We just got finished with the Asus 300… What's the difference between these two that make a difference for you?
Thanks for the input!
Tim Hickman
Founder and CEO
GumDrop Cases
[email protected]
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the other reads:
We love to hear great reviews about our products from our customers! Thank you for your support. I've been enjoying a sample of the 700 and really enjoy all the points you mention!
Best Regards,
Joe Muzyka
Executive Vice President, General Manager
Sales & Operations
Hard Candy Cases
[email protected]
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so hopefully they are on the job there...but I really think a little encouragement would go a long way. I worked in sales and nothing brings about a new product more than customer demand and the prospect of future sales.
I will admit that Otterbox has OUTSTANDING customer support. I would be tempted if they made a rugged case for the TF700 as well. But only if they did a total redisign and used different rubber parts. Every otterbox product I have seems to really give and become loose. The gumdrop didn't have that problem and remained strong as the day it was put on. Trident would also be nice, but they don't seem to make the rugged multi-piece case for their asus tablets.
KaliS-Pugilist said:
I actually got 2 messages from them, neither were canned responses. The first stated:
the other reads:
so hopefully they are on the job there...but I really think a little encouragement would go a long way. I worked in sales and nothing brings about a new product more than customer demand and the prospect of future sales.
I will admit that Otterbox has OUTSTANDING customer support. I would be tempted if they made a rugged case for the TF700 as well. But only if they did a total redisign and used different rubber parts. Every otterbox product I have seems to really give and become loose. The gumdrop didn't have that problem and remained strong as the day it was put on. Trident would also be nice, but they don't seem to make the rugged multi-piece case for their asus tablets.
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I sent a nice email originally saying that I really hope to see their case come out for the 700 and so on and so forth. It wasn't just a "do u make one for me?" type of email. I knew they didnt and was showing support fo the 700. That's why I was a bit disappointed by the canned response.
We are not making a case for that tablet at this time. Thank you for your support of our products.
We appreciate you contacting us!
Please note: Due to high email traffic, we will reply to your email as quickly as possible. Multiple emails tend to extend this delay. Please know you, our customer, is very important to us and we are working as quickly as we can to address your emails. Thank you for your patience.
Bev Avery
Customer Service
Chief Geek said:
I sent a nice email originally saying that I really hope to see their case come out for the 700 and so on and so forth. It wasn't just a "do u make one for me?" type of email. I knew they didnt and was showing support fo the 700. That's why I was a bit disappointed by the canned response.
We are not making a case for that tablet at this time. Thank you for your support of our products.
We appreciate you contacting us!
Please note: Due to high email traffic, we will reply to your email as quickly as possible. Multiple emails tend to extend this delay. Please know you, our customer, is very important to us and we are working as quickly as we can to address your emails. Thank you for your patience.
Bev Avery
Customer Service
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yeah, i would have been a little ticked with that response you got was kinda like, "thanks for your money spent, doubt if we make something for your new device, and uh...yeah thanks for the message (while patting you on the back as you exit the building)"
KaliS-Pugilist said:
yeah, i would have been a little ticked with that response you got was kinda like, "thanks for your money spent, doubt if we make something for your new device, and uh...yeah thanks for the message (while patting you on the back as you exit the building)"
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Exactly how I felt. But atleast some are getting genuine responses which says something for the comapny.
O hell yea I would love a gum drop case. A buddy had one for his prime and is was awesome.
Gumdrop case for tf700t coming
I emailed Gumdrop the other day about a case for the tf700t. This is the reply I got:
We first acknowledge and appreciate your email! The recent increase in interest in our products has created a related increase in customers reaching out to us. You, our customer, are very important to us. We appreciate your business!
Thanks to customers like you, public demand has been heard and we will be making a case for the Asus TF700. We have just begun the pro-type phase and expect the cases to be ready to ship in August.
We appreciate your suggestions and look forward to the launch of this new product.
We appreciate you contacting us!
A "pro-type" phase, wow these guys are high speed. Regardless of poor wordsmithing, I will have to earmark some cash for one of these. Looks like it'll be the first, and possibly only, "tough" case for our tablet and I'm glad it'll be a decent one.
gumdrop case release
Yes, it was initially very surprising to me that they actually decided to make one for the case. It will definitely be better that those leather fold out cases. The only thing that concerned me about the email is that they said it would be shipped out in August. It's already a few day into the month of August and they only have their prototype. They must have a pretty speedy production team in order to create and produce a case in basically under a month. Regardless of my thoughts, it will definitely be very welcomed to have a real case for the tf700t......and look pretty cool, too.
garrettdrogers said:
I emailed Gumdrop the other day about a case for the tf700t. This is the reply I got:
We first acknowledge and appreciate your email! The recent increase in interest in our products has created a related increase in customers reaching out to us. You, our customer, are very important to us. We appreciate your business!
Thanks to customers like you, public demand has been heard and we will be making a case for the Asus TF700. We have just begun the pro-type phase and expect the cases to be ready to ship in August.
We appreciate your suggestions and look forward to the launch of this new product.
We appreciate you contacting us!
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Damn, and not... I emailed them a week or two ago and got the same generic email that was posted previously by another user. Based on that I just ordered a cheaper case for $20. Now I wish I had saved that $20 to put toward one of these. and
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using Tapatalk 2
garrettdrogers said:
Yes, it was initially very surprising to me that they actually decided to make one for the case. It will definitely be better that those leather fold out cases. The only thing that concerned me about the email is that they said it would be shipped out in August. It's already a few day into the month of August and they only have their prototype. They must have a pretty speedy production team in order to create and produce a case in basically under a month. Regardless of my thoughts, it will definitely be very welcomed to have a real case for the tf700t......and look pretty cool, too.
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Well it's nearly identical to the one they already make, just a little thicker and button relocation.
really happy that my thread/plea has been heard. i will be putting some fuloos (cash) into one of these as soon as it is ready. i did actually just order a skinomi full body skin and a poetic case to hold me until one of these came through...i was gonna cancel, but figure what the hey, i can always use them as a backup or just a change of style whenever i want.
great job Gumdrop...i knew you would come through!
KaliS-Pugilist said:
really happy that my thread/plea has been heard. i will be putting some fuloos (cash) into one of these as soon as it is ready. i did actually just order a skinomi full body skin and a poetic case to hold me until one of these came through...i was gonna cancel, but figure what the hey, i can always use them as a backup or just a change of style whenever i want.
great job Gumdrop...i knew you would come through!
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I always pick a case right away even when its not what I want. I got the roocase and am quite happy with it, but would like a gumdrop also. As you said, I like to switch it up from time to time.
anyone heard any updates?
Still a month or so away, according to the owner Tim on August 15th.
they have it listed on their website now for pre-order...should be ready to go this fall:

Ice Dot View Case Hinge tearing?

Hi all,
I have an official HTC Dot view case for my M9, the ICE version (with the transparent back) but I have found that just after a month of normal use, the hinge is starting to tear from the inside, just where it is connected to the hard transparent back.
I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
I'm going to try and get a replacement from the store as I am surprised at the quality issue with this one, just hope it's a one off.
I've never had this issue with my m8 Dot View case.
Same exact thing happened to me, in about 2 weeks. I went to the Verizon store where I bought it, and they offer 14 day returns, and my entire front flap ripped off at 15 days.
I even reached out to HTC, and they said that you have to get warranty thru the store you bought it at. Needless to say, I'm really ****ing pissed, and only saw this post when I came here to find a new case. It just really pisses me off that I got roped into the m9 due to the dotview case, and it ****ing fell apart in 2 weeks. Nice flagship case for your flagship phone, HTC. Ya jerks.
godzirrarawr said:
Same exact thing happened to me, in about 2 weeks. I went to the Verizon store where I bought it, and they offer 14 day returns, and my entire front flap ripped off at 15 days.
I even reached out to HTC, and they said that you have to get warranty thru the store you bought it at. Needless to say, I'm really ****ing pissed, and only saw this post when I came here to find a new case. It just really pisses me off that I got roped into the m9 due to the dotview case, and it ****ing fell apart in 2 weeks. Nice flagship case for your flagship phone, HTC. Ya jerks.
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Luckily I bought mine at best buy, I couldn't get my money back because they have the 15 day policy, but I was able to get store credit and switched to the otterbox. My ice case tore right at the 30 day mark.
That doesn't seem right, HTC should have a standard product warranty. They are willing to give another device through uh-oh protection, but not a case? That's a noodle scratcher if I've ever heard one.
Another ripped case here, after a month of use, contacted HTC, they said to go to the supplier, even though i purchased the case through the HTC Website... It's a bit of a joke and then the online chat rep eventually told me to try contact expansy's which doesn't make any sense either. Ordered a new spiegen slim case anyway now but still trying to claim my compensation back
I had a lengthy discussion with htc support and they basically told me to contact the retailer.
When I told them they are responsible for warranty claims, they basically told me they can't fulfil their own warranty policy.
Really its a joke, if I had the time and energy I would take them to court, as this is clearly illegal.
Sent from a tin of baked beans using some chewing gum, tinfoil, a piece of string and a manual written by MacGyver
Same thing is happening to mine! Found this topic through a search. Really disappointed but haven't reached out to anyone yet. Bottom of hinge barely on now. Really wanted this case and it's such a let down.
Does anyone know if that can happen with the first version of the dot view case for the m9?
Carphone warehouse is sending out a replacement to me.. I'll keep an eye out if it happens again.. Haven't received it yet..
Sent from a tin of baked beans using some chewing gum, tinfoil, a piece of string and a manual written by MacGyver
I wonder if I should not buy a clone then, I thought the main advantage of the original cover is the durability...
Sent from my HTC One M9 using XDA Free mobile app
vegetaleb said:
I wonder if I should not buy a clone then, I thought the main advantage of the original cover is the durability...
Sent from my HTC One M9 using XDA Free mobile app
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Anything is better than the original, poorly maid, probably to have consumers buy multiple cases to help HTC make up for quarterly revenue
I just noticed that HTC did 2 different Dot View cases for the M9, the Ice which is transparent back and the normal one which is like the M8 Dot view.
Do you think only the Ice version has problems?
What do you think about this case?
vegetaleb said:
I just noticed that HTC did 2 different Dot View cases for the M9, the Ice which is transparent back and the normal one which is like the M8 Dot view.
Do you think only the Ice version has problems?
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The only thing I can say is the grey backed one is the one I had on the m8, never had an issue with it.
My gut feeling would be it only effects the ice cases, which is doubly irritating as that is supposed to be the more premium one...
Just had a look and mine is doing the same
@p50kombi did you just go in store or call them?
Electronic Punk said:
Just had a look and mine is doing the same
@p50kombi did you just go in store or call them?
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Don't ask mate...
I went to the store first, but they are just a bunch of idiots..
I thin kI told you before I had a run in at the store before, this time was no different.
They told me they couldn't do anything about it in store and I should call HTC.
I can post the log from my conversation with HTC, they basically said they can't fulfil their own warranty policy and I should go back to CPW..
I really didn't want to go back to the store and waist another hour of my life debating with the knobs there, so decided to call CPW instead.
The woman on the phone sorted it out for me after me explaining my road towards my call with her...
Best bet would be to call them.
Maybe mention there seems to be a real issue with this case and maybe they can push HTC from their side to do something about it....
Man, it makes my head hurt already knowing that I probably will be doing the same after another months worth of use, as the new dot view case shows hairline cracks in the rubber already....
Yeah distinct lack of effort on cases this time, 3 **** colours and low quality imho, bottom of my case is not nicely drilled and has tiny bits of discoloured rubber where it hasn't been done properly.
kash20 said:
Another ripped case here, after a month of use, contacted HTC, they said to go to the supplier, even though i purchased the case through the HTC Website... It's a bit of a joke and then the online chat rep eventually told me to try contact expansy's which doesn't make any sense either. Ordered a new spiegen slim case anyway now but still trying to claim my compensation back
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that's because the "htc accessories website" is operated by expansys. i don't even know if that's the real official website.
the same happened to mine ICE case, i am still waiting for reply from expansys.
Ok went to the store (same store I actually had my online delivery that gave me it 4 days early - so pretty chill / clueless guys but regardless awesome because of it.
They weren't sure on the warranty policy so put me through to customers services. Without evening asking for name/number they told me the warranty was 6 months (which I actually believe is incorrect but serves purpose) and that the store should be able to replace it.
I had the nice lady repeat this for an employee. Boom, job jobbed.
Actually quite obvious on the tearing when the phone is out of the case.
Confirmation from "head office" was all they needed which I assume they meant customer services.
Would encourage everyone to do this to be honest, although a fan of HTC, they should not get away with low quality "premium" accessories and if this has an inherent fault then it needs to be sorted out.
Don't be afraid and if needed point them to this thread, might even start getting this talked on Elevate as I am disappointed in the variety of cases this year and miss my Orange M8
Electronic Punk said:
Ok went to the store (same store I actually had my online delivery that gave me it 4 days early - so pretty chill / clueless guys but regardless awesome because of it.
They weren't sure on the warranty policy so put me through to customers services. Without evening asking for name/number they told me the warranty was 6 months (which I actually believe is incorrect but serves purpose) and that the store should be able to replace it.
I had the nice lady repeat this for an employee. Boom, job jobbed.
Actually quite obvious on the tearing when the phone is out of the case.
Confirmation from "head office" was all they needed which I assume they meant customer services.
Would encourage everyone to do this to be honest, although a fan of HTC, they should not get away with low quality "premium" accessories and if this has an inherent fault then it needs to be sorted out.
Don't be afraid and if needed point them to this thread, might even start getting this talked on Elevate as I am disappointed in the variety of cases this year and miss my Orange M8
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I already posted this on elevate, not really a great deal of response there, just a few others who have similar issues but no response from HTC...
Interesting fact to add is the HTC warranty team I spoke to over the phone had no idea what HTC elevate is...
expansys will also change my case. they say that the first series had a problem that is now solved. will see in a month i guess.
sleby said:
expansys will also change my case. they say that the first series had a problem that is now solved. will see in a month i guess.
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Well I don't believe that for a start
Secondly, no reason to be believe this isn't going to happen to my second case, can already see a gap.
Thirdly, nice of HTC to mention it :s

DBrand Skins

I contacted DBrand and asked if they would start carrying skins for this phone and received this as a response:
"Thanks for reaching out. We’re still on the fence about supporting the Zenfone 3. We haven’t gotten enough requests to begin prototyping and production immediately, but we’ve received enough to still have it on the table as an option."
So if you are like me and want a nice vinyl skin for your phone, be sure contact them and ask them to support the ZS570KL.
Contact form:
jsheradin said:
I contacted DBrand and asked if they would start carrying skins for this phone and received this as a response:
"Thanks for reaching out. We’re still on the fence about supporting the Zenfone 3. We haven’t gotten enough requests to begin prototyping and production immediately, but we’ve received enough to still have it on the table as an option."
So if you are like me and want a nice vinyl skin for your phone, be sure contact them and ask them to support the ZS570KL.
Contact form:
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Done it few weeks ago.
Please support =)
TBH I was just going to make a lost about this I did it yesterday.

