Is there a way to use the 'AbstractEmu' vulnerability to gain root acsess on this device? - Samsung Galaxy A42 5G Questions & Answers

Any kind of information would be helpful, as I can't even find what the exploit actually does.


[Q] Looking for information on Temporary Root access of devices

I am looking for some information on temporary rooting devices.
My current goal is to gain access to a root adb shell without actually modifying the device permanently. Be able to run a app with elevated privileges that will not modify the phone/tablet in any way and then exit and be back to stock with no changes to the device.
I have been looking at different oneclick root scripts and it seems across many different devices rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin is ran to gain root.
Does it do permanent changes at that point or does it just get access to a root shell to install busybox and su for permanent root after reboot?
If it is just used to gain a root shell, then my goal is to use this within a script to gain root access, run my app with elevated privileges and once finished, close out with no lasting effects to the device. So I will have to do the same process again if needing to run the app again.
If someone can comment on the process of gaining a root shell on android devices I would apprecaite it. I'm sure there is not a simple bin that can be ran on all 2.1 or newer devices but from the research I been doing tonight, seems it has been used on HTC's and Samsungs to gain root.
However if rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin does more than just hack itself root temporarly then that will not work for my issue.
If there is a different area in XDA Forums I should be asking this, please refer me there.
Greatly apprecaite all help on this.
Just root it. Doesnt cause damage
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Perm root would be the direct and simple answer to my needs. However it is not what we are looking for. I basically need to be able to remote control a device for the user and help them correct any issues they are having. There is no simple option for doing this as no one has written a "Log Me In" type app for android. And any that are written are for rooted phones. However, Mary-Jo and JimBob who call for help won't have rooted devices only stock. I am not allowed to root the devices because technically its voiding the warranty (even a flash back to stock would be just fine of a fix, but End Users are not that smart sometimes)
So having a Temp root option to be able to run remote control app is my only solution I can see at this time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hmmm. I root phones for customers as its my job. I understand a bit more where ur ciming from now.
sent from my boosted nexus S

Wondering about temp root

So I recently saw this app called towelroot which can root any android device.. well almost. Seems like Motorola and HTC got the short end of the stick. I also heard that it cannot be rooted due to the fact that the system is write protected but towelroot still can do a temp root.
I can't help wondering that when you have temp root, can't you open a terminal emulator and mount system in read write mode and then install su permanantly. Will this work or am I terribly wrong. Please give me some insight on temp root.
Short answer is No.
As you've mentioned, HTC and Motorola can't be perma rooted with Towelroot exploit.
On the moto devices the bootloader is very well written and very though. The most important thing in the case is that it won't allow to mount /system as rw in any situation, thus making perma root impossible at this point with exploits like towel. The bootloader also performs many more security-related checks at boot, which made even some more-complex root methods infective.
So if you temp root with towel, you won't have write access to /system, therefore not having real root privs, but it may do for some purposes like xposed.

AT&T H10 20N Android 6.0 - Temp Root request

Hello everyone,
I would really like to achieve a temporary root on my device. I am running the stock version, recently it updated to 20N for the Android 6.0 MM update.
I am very comfortable with adb and other command line interfaces (I primarily work on Linux servers remotely for my day job).
Are there any good resources for achieving a manual temporary root from adb on this device (or any Android device in general?). I find my Google-Fu searching has been lacking, I haven't found any reliable information on this in general for Android. Ideally, I would like to achieve a temporary root without having to wipe my device or install a new ROM. Am I correct in thinking that some sort of temporary root must be achieved before installing a custom ROM? I am wary of most "One Click" packages out there.... I prefer to do the grunt work and understand why/how something works.
In short, I yearn to see a '#' instead of '$' over an abd connection, specifically for an LG G4 H810 20N, but any general Android process is welcomed! Even being able to mount the filesystem as root (possibly from a bootloader or recovery mode) and access the internal filesystem as root via command line would be considered a success. I primarily want to be able to read/write files that are normally blocked from the standard user.
Thanks in advance!
MisterMagicFingers said:
Hello everyone,
I would really like to achieve a temporary root on my device. I am running the stock version, recently it updated to 20N for the Android 6.0 MM update.
I am very comfortable with adb and other command line interfaces (I primarily work on Linux servers remotely for my day job).
Are there any good resources for achieving a manual temporary root from adb on this device (or any Android device in general?). I find my Google-Fu searching has been lacking, I haven't found any reliable information on this in general for Android. Ideally, I would like to achieve a temporary root without having to wipe my device or install a new ROM. Am I correct in thinking that some sort of temporary root must be achieved before installing a custom ROM? I am wary of most "One Click" packages out there.... I prefer to do the grunt work and understand why/how something works.
In short, I yearn to see a '#' instead of '$' over an abd connection, specifically for an LG G4 H810 20N, but any general Android process is welcomed! Even being able to mount the filesystem as root (possibly from a bootloader or recovery mode) and access the internal filesystem as root via command line would be considered a success. I primarily want to be able to read/write files that are normally blocked from the standard user.
Thanks in advance!
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Bad news: at this point it's not going to happen. With 6.x you have to have a modified kernel to get root and the locked bootloader on your phone will not allow that kernel to boot. In short: don't expect to see root on Marshmallow on this phone anytime soon and it will probably never happen.
I'm not saying that it's impossible, but it's almost certainly not going to happen.
fatbas202 said:
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Thanks for the information! I have several 4.x and 5.x devices around and am still hoping to find some general information on manually achieving temp root access of the filesystems.
MisterMagicFingers said:
Thanks for the information! I have several 4.x and 5.x devices around and am still hoping to find some general information on manually achieving temp root access of the filesystems.
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We are all hoping that you find something that someone else has overlooked! Good luck!

root on 6.0 and a known exploit... quadroot

Ok so theres this security exploit or 4 actually that mainly involve sideloading a specially designed apk called quadroot, i assume that you already have an idea what this is if you're reading this if not then google it. I read that alot of the time root access exploits are found by finding apps that have root access and exploiting them to install su to the system partition. In this case you could potentially create your own. So my question is why isn't this being persued as a viable option? Pleas let the people who know what their talking about speak and if you have no legitimate knowledge of your own (im talking google cut paste) then just syfm please.
that-squirrel said:
Ok so theres this security exploit or 4 actually that mainly involve sideloading a specially designed apk called quadroot, i assume that you already have an idea what this is if you're reading this if not then google it. I read that alot of the time root access exploits are found by finding apps that have root access and exploiting them to install su to the system partition. In this case you could potentially create your own. So my question is why isn't this being persued as a viable option? Pleas let the people who know what their talking about speak and if you have no legitimate knowledge of your own (im talking google cut paste) then just syfm please.
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Interesting. Will look into it. Will update if I find anything.
Checked it out. Useless because we still have locked bootloader. We need SYSTEMLESS root. Anything besides that is useless.
I was under the impression that the bootloader being locked only pertains to trying to install unsigned images, the method used for rooting mm in the same manner as lp would require a modified boot.img and no one has a working system image dump for mm being the reason no one can modify the boot.img. if a app was designed to escalate root access to install super su to the system partition and gain root access that way even temporary we could copy the entire system and make a permanent solution.

"Noob" security question

Hi all,
According to you, is rooting your device or unlock its bootloader a way for making it less secure, more vulnerable to attacks ?
Is it a false idea or a real subject ?
iwanttoknow said:
Hi all,
According to you, is rooting your device or unlock its bootloader a way for making it less secure, more vulnerable to attacks ?
Is it a false idea or a real subject ?
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Yes it definitely is less seure
IronRoo said:
Yes it definitely is less seure
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Thanks for your reply.
Coud you please give us more details ?
Do you mean that it can be hacked ?
What device's components are less secure when the it's rooted ?
iwanttoknow said:
Thanks for your reply.
Coud you please give us more details ?
Do you mean that it can be hacked ?
What device's components are less secure when the it's rooted ?
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Yes, basically everything is less secure. Eg
quote "By gaining root access, you get total control over the entire system. With the right skills and tools, you can read and modify almost any parameter on your device. This is the reason why some apps, as as SuperSU, require root access in order to work properly. However, this type of access is a double edged sword as with root access nothing is there to prevent malicious applications from wreaking havoc on your system: system files can be corrupted or deleted, personal information can be skimmed, and you could even soft brick your device."
And possible even just having su binary installed is an issue, though it's not clear to me whether this has been confirmed, it seems precautionary to me, if it's just a LinageOS issue or more devices are vulnerable, however this weeks update to Linage OS is trying to address this. Anyhow the fix seems to have some extra benefits
Also, just to be clear, you are still able to be hacked even if you are not rooted, but it's a whole lot more difficult.
iwanttoknow said:
Thanks for your reply.
Coud you please give us more details ?
Do you mean that it can be hacked ?
What device's components are less secure when the it's rooted ?
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Also just to be a tad bit more correct in nature,
Rooting or unlocking your bootloader do NOT necessarily mean your device is any less secure than it is when you first turn it on after purchase.
Many people tend to misunderstand what rooting a phone is intended for, and most of the popular "One-Click" methods are simple apps you download install and run on your phone to acquire root access through a process called "Privlidge Escalation" which gains permission as root by simply climbing a chain that eventually lets it give you access to all your phones internals,
Thus in theory, any given app could be injected with that same code & then used to MALICIOUSLY root your device (without your knowledge or control) which would obviously be a MAJOR security flaw *Cough Cough* on Google's end *Cough Cough* but since it is generally only used by geeks who want to use a phone properly they don't look too much deeper past that. However rooting your device by yourself, unlocking your bootloader by yourself, controlling root permissions via SuperSU or like application ensures if anything TRIES to gain root access YOU being the owner of YOUR device can deny the possible threat instead of never being aware of it........
Thanks for your reply.
What is *Cough Cough* ?
BTW I understand that a malicious application can take control of my device without I know it, if it's not rooted, by using the same code as applications rooting your device.
Do I have well understood what you wrote ?
But how can I have the insurance that I always will be warned by an application like SuperSU or others ?
I have necessarily to TRUST this type of application which could be also a malicious application...
It's a veritable vicious circle.
The question you should be asking yourself is this. Why do I want to root my device?
Though, any device may have vulnerabilities which can be exploited to gain root like mentioned. If you want to keep your device secure, do not install or use anything from an unknown source.
samehb said:
The question you should be asking yourself is this. Why do I want to root my device?
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My main raison to root my device (if I did), would be to have a finest control on it.
But it's seems to be a difficult goal... like security in general.
iwanttoknow said:
My main raison to root my device (if I did), would be to have a finest control on it.
But it's seems to be a difficult goal... like security in general.
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SuperSU will automatically deny anything asking it to provide root access by default . When you have an app for rooted phones installed and you run it for the first time you will get a pop-up from the SuperSU app to say "Yes, go ahead" or "No!" to anything before it even runs. So for me I always try to get devices with a way to root available because its the only way I know if stuff is trying to gain root access without my permission & watch it's actions.
Thanks for your reply.
My previous device was rooted and I used SuperSU.
But as I wrote before, "how can I have the insurance that I always will be warned by an application like SuperSU or others ?
I have necessarily to TRUST this type of application which could be also a malicious application..."
iwanttoknow said:
Thanks for your reply.
My previous device was rooted and I used SuperSU.
But as I wrote before, "how can I have the insurance that I always will be warned by an application like SuperSU or others ?
I have necessarily to TRUST this type of application which could be also a malicious application..."
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Oh okay dude apologies the Open Source alternative to SuperSU is Phh's SuperUser & you can find it in the magisk related forum. SuperUser is only questioned as "Malicious" because ChainFire keeps the source closed from what I understand, so I believe it was Phusssion who came to light abt showing us systemless root methods with his open source root management app . You may need to root your phone with an unsafe method, & install Magisk Manager & deploy a magisk install to get the open source variant to work though, not 100% sure
It seems that it will be more and more difficult to root a mobile with new Android's versions.
iwanttoknow said:
It seems that it will be more and more difficult to root a mobile with new Android's versions.
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I agree! And it also feels like its becoming a very heavy marketing plot aspect instead of another thing that made Android great. Like are we just supposed to pay ridiculously for the Pixel to obtain root? & for the record, that "Essential" phone, is still sorta essentially too expensive......
iwanttoknow said:
Thanks for your reply.
My previous device was rooted and I used SuperSU.
But as I wrote before, "how can I have the insurance that I always will be warned by an application like SuperSU or others ?
I have necessarily to TRUST this type of application which could be also a malicious application..."
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Phh superuser with Magisk is a 100% open source method for managing root access on your device
Also discussed there:
Primokorn said:
Also discussed there:
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Thanks I was trying to find one of those lol. As ive seen this question asked hundreds of times within recent months across forums
iwanttoknow said:
Hi all,
According to you, is rooting your device or unlock its bootloader a way for making it less secure, more vulnerable to attacks ?
Is it a false idea or a real subject ?
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Rooting is a way to access the root-user on Android. It is the exact same as logging in as the root user in UNIX based operating systems. The windows equivalent of 'root' user, is an administrator account. Only difference is, within other UNIX based operating systems, the root user account is easily accessible. In android, it is blocked, so you need to do some process to gain access to the root user account. This process is known as "rooting".
Now, with administrative privileges, you gain the ability to modify the system, which is very useful, if kept in the right hands. But GOD FORBID, you get some nasty malware, such as a trojan or virus on your rooted device, that piece of malware now has access to administrative privileges, and can virtually do ANYTHING it wants to your system.
If you get some malware while the device does not have root access, the scenario is a lot less serious, as the malware cannot access system files, UNLESS there is an exploit designed SPECIFICALLY for that device or software version.
Now, unlocking bootloader in theory is a security flaw.... but then again, freedom is always inversely proportional to security... you have to sacrifice a bit of one to acquire the other. Theoretically, if all the custom operating systems you install are from trusted sources, and there is no embedded backdoors or spyware, or rootkits, or trojans, it is perfectly alright, software vulnerabilities, it is alright. But you simply cannot trust what these developers of custom roms actually embed into their roms, without actually examining the code itself.
I would recommend if you root and unlock the bootloader, install a custom recovery software such as TWRP. That way, in case your device gets compromised by hackers/malware, you can completely reformat the drive, and flash the stock firmware, thereby removing the malware.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------
iwanttoknow said:
It seems that it will be more and more difficult to root a mobile with new Android's versions.
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Yes, but the difficulty isn't because of the operating system necessarily. It is mostly because the phone manufacturers lock the bootloader, which makes the process of getting root very difficult. In addition to that, certain exploits that we use to gain root access are also being patched in the newer Android versions.
Rooting is a way to access the root-user on Android. It is the exact same as logging in as the root user in UNIX based operating systems. The windows equivalent of 'root' user, is an administrator account. Only difference is, within other UNIX based operating systems, the root user account is easily accessible. In android, it is blocked, so you need to do some process to gain access to the root user account. This process is known as "rooting".
Now, with administrative privileges, you gain the ability to modify the system, which is very useful, if kept in the right hands. But GOD FORBID, you get some nasty malware, such as a trojan or virus on your rooted device, that piece of malware now has access to administrative privileges, and can virtually do ANYTHING it wants to your system.
If you get some malware while the device does not have root access, the scenario is a lot less serious, as the malware cannot access system files, UNLESS there is an exploit designed SPECIFICALLY for that device or software version.
Now, unlocking bootloader in theory is a security flaw.... but then again, freedom is always inversely proportional to security... you have to sacrifice a bit of one to acquire the other. Theoretically, if all the custom operating systems you install are from trusted sources, and there is no embedded backdoors or spyware, or rootkits, or trojans, it is perfectly alright, software vulnerabilities, it is alright. But you simply cannot trust what these developers of custom roms actually embed into their roms, without actually examining the code itself.
I would recommend if you root and unlock the bootloader, install a custom recovery software such as TWRP. That way, in case your device gets compromised by hackers/malware, you can completely reformat the drive, and flash the stock firmware, thereby removing the malware.
Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
---------- Post added at 09:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------
Yes, but the difficulty isn't because of the operating system necessarily. It is mostly because the phone manufacturers lock the bootloader, which makes the process of getting root very difficult. In addition to that, certain exploits that we use to gain root access are also being patched in the newer Android versions.
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Thanks a lot for your detailed answer.
If you need security, just root and install supersu or magisk.
If you have xposed framework, then try a nice fire wall like Xprivacy
As far as I can tell both SuperSU and Magisk are trusted and reliable, people wouldn't be using them, if they were untrustworthy. And I agree with Big's comments, freedom and ability to manipulate what you want in the device comes with a significant security issue. You are going to have to be careful about this either way.

