Question Outlook not working - Samsung Galaxy Watch 4

I got Outlook installed on the watch by default. I installed Outlook on the phone ( while I hate it ) but seems this combo does not work.
When I launch on watch it does not connect to phone's outlook and urges me to install it.
Same with google messages
Doing something wrong ?


How do i sync my contacts onto my pc?

I cannot find a way to sync my contacts onto my pc.
The box for ticking this to sync is not even there nor is the calender.
Does anyone know how to set this up?
when you install activesync dont select guest partnership.
select standard partnership.
in that after a few steps you will see all the boxes select whatever items you want to activesync and it will be saved to your computer.
hope this help's you.
Thanks for your post.
I have tried that and the messege i get next to contacts is
''not installed'' is there an addtional patch to activesync i may be missing?
Have you installed OUTLOOK.
No because i am using Aol and have been told its not compatible. Would that effect it? ive noticed if i install it, it says i can connect to a server and the tic box for contacts appers, problem is it tries to connect to a server and not my pc.
I have installed active sync on my computer at work and gues what??
I can get it to sync my contacts!!
Yet I cannot get it to do this on my home computer???
I have now installed a new copy of windows due to a nasty virues.
Yes I still dont get the option to sync my contacts, calender etc.
"Out of the box" Active Sync will only allow you to Sync with OutLook.
There may be 3rd party tools that allow you to Sync to other products.
AOL? Yeuch!! I've seen how AOL works on (and screws up) peoples' PCs.

Active Sync will not copy contacts?

I have just upgraded to the latest Exec ROM and upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1 Active Sync. When I sync the phone it copies my appointents from Outlook to the phone but no contacts. I have clicked on the settings for Contacts in Active Sync but it's greyed out!!! I really don't want to start typing all my contact info in again, am I doing something plain stupid? :roll:
Sorted it out, just needed to restart XP :roll:

Outlook Mobile messages problem

Hello everybody!
Hope someone can help me, as this is a troublesome issue:
First of all, I'm on a Touch Pro with a Stock WWE ROM. The one that was provided with the phone.
Since yesterday, and without any apparent cause (haven't installed/changed a thing), the Pocket Outlook refuses to open my email messages.
I get the email in the inbox, but when trying to load a message, it just flashes the taskbar, changing the 'X' closing button to 'ok', marks the message as read, but doesn't load it.
The weird thing is it does open the SMS messages. I'm guessing that works because of the threaded view being enabled, so the viewer program is different.
I've tried to erase the account (GMail) and recreate it, didn't help at all.
Any ideas?
Can I reinstall the Outlook in any way without Hard-resetting the device?
Thanks a lot!
no you cant reinstall outlook, its integrated into the rom so cant be uninstalled.
Never seen that problem with out look before. Do you sync ur phone via active sync by anychance?
Yes, I sync by ActiveSync. Everything was working fine until a few days ago, and it's been about 3-4 months since my last hard reset...
I've ended up hard-resetting again... No choise when it comes to email. I need it working...
Thanks for the help anyway.
I am having the same issue with my touch pro runnnig mighty rom 4 with manila 2.1. I am using hotmail (via windows live) for email and nuevasync for calendar sync.
Anyone have any ideas?

Problem syncing outlook 2007 on vista 32-bit

i just got the at&t fuze as an upgrade from the tilt (kaiser) i have all my contacts on my computer but i cannot get it to sync onto the phone. i also have my latest backup file created with sprite backup but when i go to restore it tells me that i need some sort of "sbu" file to go from the old version of sprite to the new one on the fuze.
i would prefer to get all my old text messages back as well as my contacts by using the backup but it would be fine if i could just get it sync'd with outlook. please, can someone help me.
and yes befoe you flame me i have searched the forums but have come up short of a solution.
AFAIK, Sprite won't restore because you have a different device.
SPB backup works for inter-device restorals but only for PIM data.
FYI, PIM restorals will make manila function incorrectly. I suggest using Microsoft My Phone to back up and restore PINM data.
Can you sync through WMDC?
If you can sync but outlook is not syncing, its in your sync settings.
WMDC? Windows media? yes it will let me sync thru that, at least it shows up in the sync center anyway. i dont use my phone for playing music, i have tried installing the old acticesync 4.5 driver, tried turning off the advanced network functionality and i cant remember what else, name off some things and i'll let you know if i've tried them.
one thing i just noticed is that it shows up under portable devices as a windows mobile device
WMDC, Windows Mobile Device Center replaced active sync in Vista.
If you can see your device in WMDC, then you should be able to set up your outlook sync relationship through there.
I have sync'd to outlook this way previously but I only have POP3 going into outlook so I just bypass it.
when i open wmdc all it shows me is the settings window that lets you change settings like allow usb connections, whether to accept connections from bluetooth or com3 etc. i cant get it to show me anything else
SOLVED, i found a link to a tutorial that fixed it all. here

Samsung Wave: How to get contacts on the phone

I was wondering how I can get my contacts on the Samsung Wave.
I'm running on Windows 7 - 64 bit and installed the Samsung software 'Samsung Kies'
It connects to my device, but I cannot synchronize my outlook contacts.
First it said I needed administrator priviliges. However, I am running the program in elevated mode. After a while, it did not say that message and gave me the option to sync. I had to select the fields i wanted (tried several combinations).
Then I clicked sync, and it said: Sync completed. In reality not 1 contact was transferred.
I can also not use my gmail contacts to sync from, so I don't know what else to do. I'm not gonna type 200 contacts by hand like in 1995 :/
Anyone with tips?

