Are PRIVACY concerns overrated? - General Questions and Answers

The single most important, most debated subject of being online - privacy and security.
While security is undisputed, privacy aspect is.
So what exactly is the concern? As normal people in normal professions (which is easily more than 90% of the population), is there a need for worry?
For a long time since I started using smartphones, I had a natural inclination towards remaining anonymous and private online. I would always use incognito browsing for everything I do online, never create an account with a service as much as possible (e.g. I would watch YouTube videos without signing in), etc.
With time, I began realizing that I am actually missing out on so many interesting things that matter to me, and much of the content that would interest me would be made available to me without much effort using machine learning and artificial intelligence, an area where huge investments are being made.
So slowly I started accessing content and using services with my Google account. Over time, everything from Google feed to YouTube videos were showing me content that I am interested in, and sometimes they were so intelligent that I have been amazed with the whole technology that is at works. Surely, you cannot expect a doctor to give you the right prescription without giving him complete details about your problems. You can't talk privacy there. So unless the system learns what you like and what you don't, there is no way it will present stuff (including ads) that will be interesting to you.
With that said, why are are we overemphasizing this aspect of our lives? Is the privacy lobby inflating the privacy problem more than is necessary? Especially since much of what Google learns (according to them) about you is private, and only you can access/ control it, and also because the open-source alternatives are overrated. I say overrated because there are no audit reports (from trustworthy audit entities) available. Their codes may be available for audit, but is there a trustworthy source that is actually auditing them? Are the platforms where they are available being audited? So the issue of privacy and security applies to these platforms too, and more so because they aren't scrutinized as heavily as Google products and services.
As far as more personal info is concerned, like location, age, gender, searches I perform, accounts, mobile number, etc - Google already has all those because I provided them with much of that info when I created my account. Sure, one can always provide fake info for some of them. But if you use 'Find my Device', you are pretty much giving away your location to Google REAL-TIME. While this can potentially be misused, how else is Google supposed to help you if you were to lose your device? Mobile numbers and email addresses are necessarily required to be correct because they are needed when you are locked out of your account. They are the only means to get your account back.
While I am a strong proponent of privacy, I also feel that too much is made out about a lot of stuff that aren't really something to worry about. Those stuff are essential to get the service we expect in return, in other words, putting technology to use.
That said, it is still important not to give anyone a free hand over data, and there has to be several layers of checks and balances, and accountability for safeguarding and using them.
All that said, my current position is this. Make best use of the technology at hand, because if you don't provide the necessary inputs, there cannot be a proper output.
As with some things that we do online which we might want to keep completely private, use a non-google browser (like Firefox Focus or Duck Duck Go) in incognito mode with Duck Duck Go search engine.
For everything else, use GOOGLE (assuming there is accountability and severe penalties for violations).

Reserved for additional info.

We may continue the discussion here.
I have a few specific questions for which I haven't found answers. May be you or others could answer them. I'll compile them and post these later.

Sridhar Ananthanarayanan said:
We may continue the discussion here.
I have a few specific questions for which I haven't found answers. May be you or others could answer them. I'll compile them and post these later.
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I have a hard time understanding how you can say you're a strong proponent of privacy, while at the same time justifying how you exchange yours for convenient services.
I can't justify that exchange, and yet use, work in, and develop in an IT field. No Google account here. So it'd be difficult to discuss the issue when our basic premises and understanding of the situation are completely opposed.
I want a good mail service, so I PAY for it, with MONEY, and I assure you it beats all the tech prowess and illusions of magic that GMail and its indecent, immoral, and insulting data mining and tracking provide. Same for everything else.
The aberration that is 'service' ( lower quality feature set, no support, security issues, client is the product ) for information, which, as mentioned in MiX's thread, also has the tremendously damaging side effect of reducing to zero the value of good honest developer work. 'Google gives it for free' -- No, it doesn't, and no, it's not free.
Edit : And by the way, giving your data away not only puts you at risk, it puts others at risk as well. Unacceptable.

Ultramanoid said:
I have a hard time understanding how you can say you're a strong proponent of privacy, while at the same time justifying how you exchange yours for convenient services.
I can't justify that exchange, and yet use, work in, and develop in an IT field. No Google account here. So it'd be difficult to discuss the issue when our basic premises and understanding of the situation are completely opposed.
I want a good mail service, so I PAY for it, with MONEY, and I assure you it beats all the tech prowess and illusions of magic that GMail and its indecent, immoral, and insulting data mining and tracking provide. Same for everything else.
The aberration that is 'service' ( lower quality feature set, no support, security issues, client is the product ) for information, which, as mentioned in MiX's thread, also has the tremendously damaging side effect of reducing to zero the value of good honest developer work. 'Google gives it for free' -- No, it doesn't, and no, it's not free.
Edit : And by the way, giving your data away not only puts you at risk, it puts others at risk as well. Unacceptable.
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You spoke of making 'reasonable compromises' on the MiX thread.
I have only elaborated the same. How does it matter if Google learns what I like to search on the internet? I am willing to give them that information so that they can provide me with content I am interested in, so that my news feed is mostly content I like to read/ watch, and little garbage. In the process, if they are showing me ads relevant to me, what is wrong with it?
My view is based only on this premise that this is how my data is being used. I have never had a financial security issue (like money being stolen from my account) because of what Google learns about my internet activity.
Also, I am assuming that Google won't learn anything about the searches I may do in incognito mode. They are supposed to respect the privacy. I'm aware they have been sued for not adhering to it strictly.
So assuming that they stick with usage of data as per their declared privacy policies and in accordance with laws, what is the problem?

Sridhar Ananthanarayanan said:
You spoke of making 'reasonable compromises' on the MiX thread.
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As to security. As long as you rely on someone else's software, some company's cables and infrastructure, there's no other way.
No reasonable compromise on privacy in the "service x information" business model. It needs to die.
Edit : Have a look at this; ( "Privacy? I don't have anything to hide." )

my view on this is:
i agree, you should protect privacy as much you're able to, but if you need some services and you need "to give up privacy" for acquiring that service you need, then for me it's legit.
i wouldnt go all crazy on privacy as many go (to completely ditch google, windows, and become open source - privacy - government consipiracy evangelist), but i wouldnt rely on them for my whole life.
yes, i use google calendar and notes and all my data is on google, and if google go down or misuse my data, maybe i will lose that data but still i can easily use on another platform one stop working or is not trustworthy (publicly misuses data)
i love to use custom ROMs not to ditch google or become privacy conscious (using f-droid and living under rock without google services) but to ditch stock ROM from manufacturer as i dont like any manufacturer stock ROM, i want just their hardware, and software i want to be my choise.
for normal people storing something on google, microsoft, apple is not at all bad idea, when you store not that important or sensitive data on google. but i would never upload any top secret, sensitive data on any those services, as they WILL allow governemnt to exctract data (like edward snowden said ), so anyone from governemnt can access it or even misuse it, but if you dont store top secret sensitive info on those services you are fine.
if you want to store top secret sensitive data you would make it and encrypt it and store local copies.
and for google search, same applies, you will be fine with normal use, use firefox and duckgo , and also ingonito dont respect any privacy, it just make to browser not to store history, everything else is visible to them, unless you use firefox and duckgo.
and also many say vpn secure you (ones you buy) , but i wouldnt trust not even them (even if you pay), if you want to have encrypted connection you better MAKE your own VPN server (you can buy remote linux server online and make it as VPN), carrier to whom you pay for server dont care what you store on server (because you pay for it) and if governement comes to there he wont be able to provide anything.
but still even with all said, i dont advocate on trusting government as they dont care about freedom or rights, they care just about power, so protect privacy as much you are able to, but dont go all crazy on it, because best way to be secure on internet is not to use it at all, as at the end of the day dont forget that all intel, arm, amd chips (hardware) are hackable and exploitable to survevilance if they want to
EDIT: and also always remmeber, if you are censored for your rights, you have full right to protect your right, but i didnt got censored for searching for something on google. maybe google censored it to control media, but everyone do it, even media is manipulating you with fake news.
like if i am in china and i cant open news that reveal china government because china censorshiped that source "for greated good", i would use linux, tor and vpn so i can bypass censorship to know what's right. as long you dont face censorship for your rights it still okay to use those services, but if someone censorship for your rights, then its time to act and stand up for yourself, and not accept anyone's "censorship for greater good".

You know what's funny, people talking about privacy (intrinsically security also), yet many (and by many I mean the majority) of ROMs released on XDA are released without source code. Devs link to some other sources other than the source to be able to build the project. Here is an example. So while privacy is important, security is highly problematic with this modding model we all follow. Not to mention flashing different unchecked magiks modules.

Ultramanoid said:
As to security. As long as you rely on someone else's software, some company's cables and infrastructure, there's no other way.
No reasonable compromise on privacy in the "service x information" business model. It needs to die.
Edit : Have a look at this; ( "Privacy? I don't have anything to hide." )
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I think the moment you are online, you are presenting yourself to be tracked. No matter what tools you use to safeguard your privacy, a country's intelligence has an upper hand because they have the resources and much more advanced technology that is not commercially available.
They can also set up something like the link you shared as just another means to track you (by misleading you into believing that you are remaining private and anonymous).
I think one can truly stay private only by staying away from technology. Otherwise, you are just opening yourself up for tracking.

atttoush said:
You know what's funny, people talking about privacy (intrinsically security also), yet many (and by many I mean the majority) of ROMs released on XDA are released without source code. Devs link to some other sources other than the source to be able to build the project. Here is an example. So while privacy is important, security is highly problematic with this modding model we all follow. Not to mention flashing different unchecked magiks modules.
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nope, check here
XDAevDB Information
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][10.0.0][raphael] LineageOS 17.1, ROM for the Redmi K20 Pro
Source Code:
this is source code for ROM, they are always released somewhere, github, dont matter, but they are released, you just need to look it up

indestructible master said:
nope, check here
XDAevDB Information
[ROM][UNOFFICIAL][10.0.0][raphael] LineageOS 17.1, ROM for the Redmi K20 Pro
Source Code:
this is source code for ROM, they are always released somewhere, github, dont matter, but they are released, you just need to look it up
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This is not a source code ... Just because it says source code, it doesn't mean it's a source code. That's a zip file containing the OEM firmware from Xiaomi.

indestructible master said:
my view on this is:
i agree, you should protect privacy as much you're able to, but if you need some services and you need "to give up privacy" for acquiring that service you need, then for me it's legit.
i wouldnt go all crazy on privacy as many go (to completely ditch google, windows, and become open source - privacy - government consipiracy evangelist), but i wouldnt rely on them for my whole life.
yes, i use google calendar and notes and all my data is on google, and if google go down or misuse my data, maybe i will lose that data but still i can easily use on another platform one stop working or is not trustworthy (publicly misuses data)
i love to use custom ROMs not to ditch google or become privacy conscious (using f-droid and living under rock without google services) but to ditch stock ROM from manufacturer as i dont like any manufacturer stock ROM, i want just their hardware, and software i want to be my choise.
for normal people storing something on google, microsoft, apple is not at all bad idea, when you store not that important or sensitive data on google. but i would never upload any top secret, sensitive data on any those services, as they WILL allow governemnt to exctract data (like edward snowden said ), so anyone from governemnt can access it or even misuse it, but if you dont store top secret sensitive info on those services you are fine.
if you want to store top secret sensitive data you would make it and encrypt it and store local copies.
and for google search, same applies, you will be fine with normal use, use firefox and duckgo , and also ingonito dont respect any privacy, it just make to browser not to store history, everything else is visible to them, unless you use firefox and duckgo.
and also many say vpn secure you (ones you buy) , but i wouldnt trust not even them (even if you pay), if you want to have encrypted connection you better MAKE your own VPN server (you can buy remote linux server online and make it as VPN), carrier to whom you pay for server dont care what you store on server (because you pay for it) and if governement comes to there he wont be able to provide anything.
but still even with all said, i dont advocate on trusting government as they dont care about freedom or rights, they care just about power, so protect privacy as much you are able to, but dont go all crazy on it, because best way to be secure on internet is not to use it at all, as at the end of the day dont forget that all intel, arm, amd chips (hardware) are hackable and exploitable to survevilance if they want to
EDIT: and also always remmeber, if you are censored for your rights, you have full right to protect your right, but i didnt got censored for searching for something on google. maybe google censored it to control media, but everyone do it, even media is manipulating you with fake news.
like if i am in china and i cant open news that reveal china government because china censorshiped that source "for greated good", i would use linux, tor and vpn so i can bypass censorship to know what's right. as long you dont face censorship for your rights it still okay to use those services, but if someone censorship for your rights, then its time to act and stand up for yourself, and not accept anyone's "censorship for greater good".
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As I said, we are overemphasizing on many of the things and linking them to privacy. Much of the seemingly private things have no bearing in real life, even when made public. Because, no matter where you are, you have to adhere to the local laws and your internet activity isn't important (unless one is into prohibited activities).
It is a very niche segment of people (like those working for intelligence, journalists, etc.) that must pay special attention. For most others, there isn't too much to worry about, as long as the companies providing services adhere to data regulations and act with responsibility.

atttoush said:
You know what's funny, people talking about privacy (intrinsically security also), yet many (and by many I mean the majority) of ROMs released on XDA are released without source code. Devs link to some other sources other than the source to be able to build the project. Here is an example. So while privacy is important, security is highly problematic with this modding model we all follow. Not to mention flashing different unchecked magiks modules.
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Few months back, I made a decision to stop using custom ROMs. This decision is made easier by OEMs promising 3 to 4 years of software/ security updates.
OEM ROMs are largely scrutinized. Custom ROMs are not. You never know what they bake into their codes. There is absolutely no assurance on them respecting your privacy or security.

Sridhar Ananthanarayanan said:
Few months back, I made a decision to stop using custom ROMs. This decision is made easier by OEMs promising 3 to 4 years of software/ security updates.
OEM ROMs are largely scrutinized. Custom ROMs are not. You never know what they bake into their codes. There is absolutely no assurance on them respecting your privacy or security.
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It's not the case with few established ROMs. Lineage OS comes to mind. As they encourage people to build ROMs from source. But device support is problematic. That's why I turn to custom ROMs. It's a great idea, but I thought XDA ROMs guaranteed security with the GPL and Open source philosophy. But it's being violated all over the place.

Sridhar Ananthanarayanan said:
Few months back, I made a decision to stop using custom ROMs. This decision is made easier by OEMs promising 3 to 4 years of software/ security updates.
OEM ROMs are largely scrutinized. Custom ROMs are not. You never know what they bake into their codes. There is absolutely no assurance on them respecting your privacy or security.
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Which OEMs are these ? Please mention one and point to where and how their code can be reviewed. Almost none provide support for a device after 2 or 3 years. Almost none are scrutinized because their additions to Android are proprietary and closed source, they barely release kernel changes and those only because they are legally obliged, sometimes even after the device which uses that kernel is not even on sale anymore.
Partial exception for SONY, that provides repositories for AOSP support for many of their devices, and sometimes have released blobs ( not code ) for their drivers and cameras. This is the rare exception, not the rule.
Almost no OEMs provide timely security updates incorporating Google's monthly patches for critical vulnerabilities. Some pile them up in batches, leaving devices vulnerable for months and even years. Stagefright, bluetooth, Qualcomm ... They don't give a crap.
Get the facts straight.
Lineage, in contrast, is developed in plain sight by hundreds of developers revising the code every single day, include Google's vulnerability patches religiously every month and have provided fixes time and again for things Google and OEMs don't bother to fix. They also support devices securely years after OEMs have completely abandoned them.
A free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform. This is a mirror of - LineageOS
Edit : Remember that this is a developers' forum, by developers for developers. Checking and editing code daily is what we do.
Edit 2 : Can't comment as to other 'custom ROMs', from which it may very well be better to stay away.

Ultramanoid said:
Which OEMs are these ? Please mention one and point to where and how their code can be reviewed. Almost none provide support for a device after 2 or 3 years. Almost none are scrutinized because their additions to Android are proprietary and closed source, they barely release kernel changes and those only because they are legally obliged, sometimes even after the device which uses that kernel is not even on sale anymore.
Partial exception for SONY, that provides repositories for AOSP support for many of their devices, and sometimes have released blobs ( not code ) for their drivers and cameras. This is the rare exception, not the rule.
Almost no OEMs provide timely security updates incorporating Google's monthly patches for critical vulnerabilities. Some pile them up in batches, leaving devices vulnerable for months and even years. Stagefright, bluetooth, Qualcomm ... They don't give a crap.
Get the facts straight.
Lineage, in contrast, is developed in plain sight by hundreds of developers revising the code every single day, include Google's vulnerability patches religiously every month and have provided fixes time and again for things Google and OEMs don't bother to fix. They also support devices securely years after OEMs have completely abandoned them.
A free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform. This is a mirror of - LineageOS
Edit : Remember that this is a developers' forum, by developers for developers. Checking and editing code daily is what we do.
Edit 2 : Can't comment as to other 'custom ROMs', from which it may very well be better to stay away.
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I didn't say that OEMs make their source codes available. I said they are scrutinized. Scrutinized by security researchers around the world, who may or may not be funded by competition. There is lot of benefits by doing so because OEMs can use this as an opportunity to push sales of their own devices. Example is the clipboard scandal of OnePlus, as well as others.
Compare that to custom ROMs. There are so many custom ROMs available for popular devices. Official builds, unofficial builds, nightlies, etc. etc. The ROMs are available for free. Who cares to audit/ scrutinize these? No one cares because there is nothing to gain. This is also because a very minute % of Android users actually install custom ROMs. So no one cares.
Just like root, the need for custom ROMs is decreasing by the day. OEMs are now promising upto 3 years of Android upgrades and 4 years of security updates, atleast for their flagship devices. And now the Google-Qualcomm partnership that is making these upgrades easier and faster. Unlike in the past, OEMs are much faster in releasing security updates today.
Lineage official builds, in my experience, isn't feature rich like some other custom ROMs or unofficial forks of Lineage. People may opt for Lineage official builds primarily for two reasons:
1. Debloat their OEM software like those from Xiaomi, Huawei, even Samsung.
2. OEM has stopped providing official support (this is now changing because 3 to 4 years of official support is synonymous to life of the device because a large % of people usually buy a new device every 3 or 4 years).
Some of the developers of custom ROMs are arrogant arses. That's another reason to tell them to eff-off.

Sridhar Ananthanarayanan said:
I said they are scrutinized. Scrutinized by security researchers around the world, who may or may not be funded by competition.
OEMs are now promising upto 3 years of Android upgrades and 4 years of security updates, atleast for their flagship devices.
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1. Which security experts ? We have some in XDA whose daily job is precisely that, have you spoken to them ? I don't know of a single audit of any OEM's version of Android. Please mention or link at least one if you think they exist.
2. Which OEMs ? I don't know of a single OEM providing support of any kind for any of their devices ( maybe OnePlus barely reaches 3 for some of theirs, again, a very rare exception ) beyond 3 years, much less 4.
Provide real data points or stop speculating on vague promises and supposed security experts somewhere. When I say LineageOS is available, you can see it is. You can also build SONY's AOSP from their code. ( Edit : )
One thing is to express an opinion, another to give facts.

Ultramanoid said:
1. Which security experts ? We have some in XDA whose daily job is precisely that, have you spoken to them ? I don't know of a single audit of any OEM's version of Android. Please mention or link at least one if you think they exist.
2. Which OEMs ? I don't know of a single OEM providing support of any kind for any of their devices ( maybe OnePlus barely reaches 3 for some of theirs, again, a very rare exception ) beyond 3 years, much less 4.
Provide real data points or stop speculating on vague promises and supposed security experts somewhere. When I say LineageOS is available, you can see it is. You can also build SONY's AOSP from their code. ( Edit : )
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Fact 1: OnePlus is collecting your private data without permission
Fact 2: Engineer Mode
Fact 3: Clipboard Scandal
Fact 4: Shot on OnePlus
Fact 5: MiUI stealthily sending user data back to China
Fact 6: Xiaomi Recording Millions Of People’s ‘Private’ Web And Phone Use
Thats just some of them. If you search, you will find more.
In most of these cases, it is some security researcher somewhere in the world who found a questionable activity that goes against acceptable privacy and security standards. In other cases, it was some random user who found a vulnerability or some unacceptable practice.
The point? Number of users of stock ROMs are way way higher than those that use custom ROMs, and as a result someone somewhere might find something either accidentally, or as part of security research work (paid by competition or otherwise).
OEMs will be careful when they make their ROMs. They are not only under scrutiny, but also need to ensure they stick with doing the right things because they have a business to run. The same isn't true for custom ROMs that some nobody will make and act like trash when questioned. Thats also because the product is free (or may not be depending on what is baked into the codes) and so the developer may think he isn't answerable.
Ultramanoid said:
One thing is to express an opinion, another to give facts.
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Now you may point out the opinions. All the above are actually facts, that support my previous comment.

Sridhar Ananthanarayanan said:
Fact 1: OnePlus is collecting your private data without permission
Fact 2: Engineer Mode
Fact 3: Clipboard Scandal
Fact 4: Shot on OnePlus
Fact 5: MiUI stealthily sending user data back to China
Fact 6: Xiaomi Recording Millions Of People’s ‘Private’ Web And Phone Use
Thats just some of them. If you search, you will find more.
In most of these cases, it is some security researcher somewhere in the world who found a questionable activity that goes against acceptable privacy and security standards. In other cases, it was some random user who found a vulnerability or some unacceptable practice.
The point? Number of users of stock ROMs are way way higher than those that use custom ROMs, and as a result someone somewhere might find something either accidentally, or as part of security research work (paid by competition or otherwise).
OEMs will be careful when they make their ROMs. They are not only under scrutiny, but also need to ensure they stick with doing the right things because they have a business to run. The same isn't true for custom ROMs that some nobody will make and act like trash when questioned. Thats also because the product is free (or may not be depending on what is baked into the codes) and so the developer may think he isn't answerable.
Now you may point out the opinions. All the above are actually facts, that support my previous comment.
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What all that proves is that OEMs are pure solid garbage, thank you for agreeing. Rest the case already. ^_^
Sorry to hear you still prefer to stand by out of date systems, unsecured protocols, and shady immoral companies. It is useless to discuss when you keep insisting on sustaining your biased opinion against hard evidence -- that YOU yourself provided.
Cheers !

Ultramanoid said:
What all that proves is that OEMs are pure solid garbage, thank you for agreeing. Rest the case already. ^_^
Sorry to hear you still prefer to stand by out of date systems, unsecured protocols, and shady immoral companies. It is useless to discuss when you keep insisting on sustaining your biased opinion against hard evidence -- that YOU yourself provided.
Cheers !
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You are simply exaggerating it.
Like the saying goes, better to trust the known devil than the unknown angel.


READ ME: Clearing Misconceptions About CyanogenMod C&D

Lately a lot of threads have been popping up on this subforum and others with regard to the CyanogenMod C&D. A lot of these long threads seem to just be giant echo chambers filled with uninformed or ignorant end-users who don't understand the true nature of the situation. I am creating this thread to help clear up the misconceptions surrounding CyanogenMod, the AOSP, and Google's position in this matter.
Here are some common misconceptions and their clarifications:
"We should petition to keep Android open source!"
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Google acquired Android, Inc. in 2005 and began investing time and manpower to develop the Android operating system into a fully fledged mobile operating system. The entire project was open sourced in October 2008 to coincide with the first public availability of the Dream hardware. Since then, the Android Open Source Project (which consists of all the source code required to build a working Android environment) has been completely open source. Period.
On top of the completely open source operating system, Google also bundled several useful applications into many stock builds of Android. These builds are commonly referred to as "Google Experience" builds, and the apps include things like the Market, GMail, Youtube, etc. These are NOT a part of the Android Open Source Project, they NEVER WERE a part, and it is unlikely that they ever will be. Many end users seem to have the misconception that these apps are and/or should be a part of the AOSP. They are not. Period.
"Google is trying to keep me from installing other ROMs [sic]!"
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The C&D letter to Cyanogen was not meant to suppress users from using non-official builds ("ROMs"). The purpose of the cease and desist letter was to stop Cyanogen from continuing to redistribute without permission the proprietary Google-specific apps described above. This is completely within Google's right to do so.
Now to be fair, the work done on xda has often skirted the matter of unauthorized redistribution. In fact, without unauthorized redistribution, it would be difficult (but not impossible) to "cook ROMs". However, unauthorized redistribution has generally been viewed as an unspoken, ungranted privilege. If the company holding the rights to the related software issues a cease and desist letter, the community must respect that choice. To fail to do so would only serve to delegitimize what we do here and risk the survival of the os hacking community as a whole. Users with an overinflated sense of entitlement, you are not welcome here!
"I bought the phone, I should have a right to use the proprietary Google software however I like."
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Generally, being legally licensed to run a software package does still impose limitations on your usage of it (e.g. you cannot make unauthorized copies or disassemble it). However, in this case, the violation is not in the end-user act of installing CyanogenMod, it is with Cyanogen distributing it. And by no means is this singling out Cyanogen; any "ROM cooker" that includes copyrighted proprietary software in the updater (which at this point is the majority of them) is potentially risking a legal letter.
"Google should not have waited until Cyanogen had worked so much to shut him down!"
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As in #2, I have to emphasize that unauthorized redistribution is something of an unspoken tacit permission. "ROM cookers" therefore need to exercise good judgement. Back when builds were simply slightly modified versions of stock files, it was easy for Google to turn a blind eye. The latest CyanogenMod installer included a leaked pre-release version of the Android Market software. Now, I hope it's plainly obvious for even the most oblivious reader, but if you leak a company's unreleased proprietary software before their official release, chances are you will piss them off. Leaks like this have several potentially negative consequences for companies: 1) decreased perceived quality because the program had not been fully debugged, 2) ruining planned launch timelines, 3) causing server backend issues due to unrecognized clients logging in.
Bottom line is this: if you are a "ROM cooker" and you absolutely have to include proprietary copyrighted software in your build, DO NOT INCLUDE ANY UNRELEASED SOFTWARE. You will very likely get C&D'd.
"Google should appreciate Cyanogen's hard work!"
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From the time you boot up your phone to when you run that first app, probably somewhere like only 1% of the code is written by the "ROM cook". The process of "cooking a ROM" is not, for the most part, programming.
If you want to give credit where credit is due, for the most part you would be thanking Linus Torvalds and the contributors of the Linux kernel, the Android Open Source Project team, and the folks who really did the groundbreaking work establishing root access on the Dream.
good post!
Agreed, very good post..
Maybe someone can clear something up for me (its been bugging me a little)
If i compile from source i need to add files that are pulled from my phone.
Does this mean that ALL roms are technically illegal, even if they dont include the google closed source programs.
Or are we ok to include these files as they are needed for the phone to work, so considered closed source but part of asop?
I have not seen this addressed and i am curious what the state of play is with these files.
Agreed ........ !
Thank you for taking the time to clear things up. Hopefully this will help folks gain some perspective and move toward productive directions.
If i compile from source i need to add files that are pulled from my phone.
Does this mean that ALL roms are technically illegal, even if they dont include the google closed source programs.
Or are we ok to include these files as they are needed for the phone to work, so considered closed source but part of aosp?
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Good question. It certainly means the ROM is not purely open-source, at the least.
My sense is that those files are the property of HTC and we don't have a license to redistribute them.
Now I don't really expect HTC to serve anyone with a C&D anytime soon, for various reasons, but until a ROM cook gets a written license to redistribute those files from HTC, or until a fully open-source rewrite of those files is done, it's a gray area at the very least.
vixsandlee said:
Does this mean that ALL roms are technically illegal, even if they dont include the google closed source programs.
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Speaking very technically: yes, because you do not have the express right to redistribute the binary drivers for things like the wifi module or the radio. In reality, these pieces of code are so tightly tied to the hardware that it is unlikely you will get a c&d for redistributing them. However, in the hardcore open source community, even these drivers will be left out, requiring the user to fetch them for him/herself. That would be the 100% license-compliant way.
I'm pleased to say though, there are already many people working on semi and full license compliance methods and "ROMs". Just take a look at the first two pages of this subforum.
vixsandlee said:
If i compile from source i need to add files that are pulled from my phone.
Does this mean that ALL roms are technically illegal, even if they dont include the google closed source programs.
Or are we ok to include these files as they are needed for the phone to work, so considered closed source but part of asop?
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Read the post again. It's illegal to even copy the Google APKs files out of an original installation and import it into a custom ROM. The major issue was that all ROM creators were importing the Google Apps which are "closed-source" into their own legal open-source code.
I guess now, it'll be down to the individual to decide whether they want the Google Apps in their phone. That's why scripts have been created to give the user a choice on whether to do the illegal act of placing the Google Apps onto their phone.
Google are unlikely going to chase you the individual down rather than the ROM creator (like in Cyanogen's case with the C&D letter).
Hope this helps.
ok. so then all this is not because of the google propriatary crap, but because he released the market early, so google just USED this BS reason to stop that? in other words, had he not released it early, nothing would have happened?
if thats the case, i dont blame cyanogen, but i blame ALL those GREEDY users that MUST have EVERYTHING before everyone else because they feel they need to be the best. you greedy punks almost ruined it for everyone. from what i see cyanogen usually tries his best to do what the people want, had the people not wanted the market so early(its not even that great, just new colors "ooohhh wooow ive never seen colors before i must have that! and now!".. ridiculous.) then this wouldnt happen.
now from i see the latest and "greatest" usually comes in the experimental releases. i think, cyanogen should shut down the experimental releases, or only release them to certain people.. or make it a lot LESS public..that way he can keep testing the stuff till its good and then release it as stable when he sees fit. i mean come on, 4.0.4 is already awesome!! i love it! been using since forever. why couldnt everyone else just be happy with 4.0.4?
and like the post said, dont be stupid and release some leaked program. cause it doesnt just shut you down its gonna shut everyone down. unfortunately i see that soon some noob working on hero roms is gonna release something, and then HTC will be here next.
oh and add this in there:
My guess is that Google has known for some time what was going on, but probably thought 'best not to upset the apple cart' while Android was in its infancy, with only one or two devices from a single manufacturer available on a single carrier. Now that we are on the verge of Android devices being shipped from at least five hardware vendors with over half a dozen carriers, Google probably felt that they needed to get a handle on this. I sense they feared things getting out of control with modders doing willy-nilly ports of innovations from one vendor/carrier to another—e.g., Motoblur on HTC devices and HTC Sense on Motorola devices. I think Google's legal team had a strong part in what took place, and forced action.
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and i just saw a rom that got some of the motoblur stuff mixed with hero and for the g1. how long do you think till motorola and HTC are here complaining about software on the g1 that isnt supposed to be?
Why don't Google offer these closed-source apps like they do for Google Maps? They could only benefit from more users having the 'Google Experience', even though their phones don't have them pre-installed.
TunsterX2 said:
I guess now, it'll be down to the individual to decide whether they want the Google Apps in their phone. That's why scripts have been created to give the user a choice on whether to do the illegal act of placing the Google Apps onto their phone.
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If a user downloads a "ROM" without Google apps on it, downloads an official from, and then copies the Google apps from the official update into the cooked "ROM", that completely mitigates the problem of unauthorized distribution and only leaves the much less sticky issue of unauthorized usage. Unauthorized usage is typically a lot less offensive to the interested companies and definitely a lot less enforceable. There are likely some EULAs somewhere governing the usage of the Google apps (GMail, Market, etc) and except for Market I would be surprised if they explicitly required the app to run on authorized distributions only. But again like I said, it would be difficult to detect, let alone enforce.
peshkata said:
Why don't Google offer these closed-source apps like they do for Google Maps? They could only benefit from more users having the 'Google Experience', even though their phones don't have them pre-installed.
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That's a very good question, and one I sure would like the Android team at Google to answer. The only app I see being a problem would be Market, since it requires a secured app-private to function properly (which would not be guaranteed on a non-GE phone).
Your post nicely presents the legal aspects and rights of Google but IMHO misses the larger point. The open source community was believing in the ideals of open source and looking the other way at the control Google has over this platform. The pieces that Google controls are not easily (if ever practically) replaceable.
Google actions show that they are not that much different than Apple in trying to control the platform and the user experience. Don't be surprised to see Google behave more and more like Apple as the platform gets stronger and Google's need of an open community weakens.
The only bright spot is one that Google may have missed - that is their existing fight with Apple and AT&T regarding GoogleVoice. Their actions against Cyanogen gives Apple and AT&T ammunition in their arguments with the FCC, which is the last thing Google wants.
This is the only lever this community has over Google. Bring up the FCC and Google Voice case, and Google may back off.
For those who pray for Cyanogen to be hired by Google -- that is the last thing you want. We do not need Google having more control over him, but less.
For those who think that creating bypasses with clean roms and user-initiated backups will solve these problem -- these are short-term technical workarounds which Google could close too.
so with it being technically illegal its pointless (IMHO) being open source.
Its fine with taking from the community, but google seem unwilling to give anything back.
Roll on when full open source roms appear, It would be like a linux distro coming with everything but keyboard and mouse drivers.
This is all legally correct. But it misses the point of the uproar.
We did not expect Android to devolve into a squabble over closed source bits when the whole premise is open source. Goog has disappointed, plain and simple. Your sticky is an apologist's point of view since it doesn't address that fundamental issue.
edit: btw, if Goog was upset about the new Market app specifically, they could have blocked its access to the market using a client-check.
rbrahmson said:
This is the only lever this community has over Google. Bring up the FCC and Google Voice case, and Google may back off.QUOTE]
well think about it. where would google make more money, in allowing the deals it made with htc and motorola and stuff to fall apart because they allow none licensed people do distribute there apps, but keeping the community with them, and winning with google voice... OR in screw the community, keeping the deals on good grounds, and losing the google voice fight? seeing how apple is STILL WAY ahead of android in terms of users, its tough. because its basically, either google kills its own OS for phones, or starts letting go of the iphone ideas by starting with screwing the google voice. honestly, from what i can see, google is gonna come out losing either way lol
then again it is GOOGLE. they never loses anything =/ though with that BING thing growing.. the giant may go down some day. its getting attacked on all sides
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vixsandlee said:
so with it being technically illegal its pointless (IMHO) being open source.
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That depends on what your objective is. Open source has many benefits, and many of those are retained even if your distribution contains some closed-source elements. Another important aspect to remember is that while x86 PCs have had three decades to mature, smartphones have not had that same luxury. Given enough time, even hw drivers will become open sourced. So "pointless" is a bit hyperbolic.
Its fine with taking from the community, but google seem unwilling to give anything back.
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The spirit of open source is the spirit of giving. In that vein, Google has invested considerable time building parts of the AOSP from scratch. To say that they are "unwilling to give anything back" is just a plain falsehood.
Roll on when full open source roms appear, It would be like a linux distro coming with everything but keyboard and mouse drivers.
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Good luck finding an open source 3G radio driver.
If anyone has read any of the dialog between Steve (cyanogen) and some other Google employees about this issue (most notably JBQ), you would realize that the Google employees are trying to work with Steve.
There is dialog about making the AOSP able to be built and fully functional and distributable without infringing on anyone's rights. This includes investigating other avenues for users to acquire and legally install the Google applications.
The current belief is that Google's legal team sent the C&D letter to Steve, and that it was not done so at the request of the Android developers. They most likely would have liked to work with him quietly and amicably.
Also, please remember that the Market application is not a part of AOSP. The Market application is Google's proprietary code; it is not part of the Android base. Not all Android devices have Google's Market—that is why there are other markets and means of installing software.
I have no doubt that this "controversy" will ultimately be for the best. I believe that Steve, JBQ and the rest of Google/Android will find a middle ground that will work best for everyone. (JBQ has an excellent history of working with other developers and finding good solutions for all—I remember back when he was working at Be and how helpful he was to all of those writing applications for BeOS.)
ytj87 said:
We did not expect Android to devolve into a squabble over closed source bits when the whole premise is open source.
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So what you're saying is you expected everything included in a Google Experience phone to be open source? I think the problem here is you (and the people you lump into "we") don't understand that Android isn't just built for users, it's also built for handset manufacturers. Quote from the OHA website:
Why did you pick the Apache v2 open source license?
Apache is a commercial-friendly open source license. The Apache license allows manufacturers and mobile operators to innovate using the platform without the requirement to contribute those innovations back to the open source community. Because these innovations and differentiated features can be kept proprietary, manufacturers and mobile operators are protected from the "viral infection" problem often associated with other licenses.
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In light of that, I don't feel its necessary to dignify the rest of your post with a response.
peshkata said:
Why don't Google offer these closed-source apps like they do for Google Maps? They could only benefit from more users having the 'Google Experience', even though their phones don't have them pre-installed.
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Because they charge companies like T-Mobile to offer the phone "With Google". If Google put them on the market, then, according to google, any android device would be able to get these applications. So why would T-Mobile pay to have them included. This how Google makes money off of android, this is why they bought it in the first place. They didn't develop android for the open source community, they are a publicly traded company, all their share holders want to know is "How is this going to make use money?". But it is great that the platform is open.
But that brings up Google's "response" where they state any android device can get applications via the Android Market. How can ANY android device get these applications from the market, if only "With Google" devices ship with the market...

Security does matter!

I wrote this On Xperia Neo General forum but it belongs to here much more.
Original thread at:
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I have not seen much talk about security in XDA.
First, here's just one informative link talking about using and developing apps and security risks involved.
Any bug in software could potentially be used as a security loophole to gain access to private information, spy on you, get your credit card info(should you do such things on phone).
What is kind of unsettling is that everyone seems fine with modding, tweaking, developing and using those ROMs made in XDA without worrying if there could be that kind of bug in your made or used ROM.
You don't need a malicious app only to have risks. Most people use Windows so they should know that it is OP systems bugs and vulnerabilities that allow for unwanted access to your files, data, etc.
Android itself is having very non-foolproof security system. All apps on unrooted phone are in sandbox. That's no security measure at all. It doesn't limit app from stealing your private info at all, it only cant delete the whole ROM. That's just idiotic security system, for it is the only thing beside encrypting shut off phone on 3.0 and 4.0. So that means Android on it's own has no security measures while it's working. Even Windows has... some... but not too much... so you could pay for antivirus and antispyware software ofc.
It has always been the goal of big corporations to make money from insecurity, be they software developers, arms dealers and you name it. They all benefit from insecurities existing. Same is with Google and it's Android. But the good news is that we the users can modify Android. We could all say "Au revoir security bugs and loopholes!" if we would care about developing ROMs designed to make Android more secure... alas that's not happening yet!
Overview of Linux/Android security issues.
It's a short condensed description just to get you interested in the topic. There's lots of material on net, you only need to search, read, watch videos.
Linux becomes more vulnerable with more applications with different permissions installed. Same is true for Android.
Say your Phone Exporer has root access, that means it has root access to whole Android. To remove unnecessary risks, this app's root access should be limited to only most necessary functions it needs to operate.
Currently for Android there is no such solution. For Linux there is Apparmor.
Total root access is obvious vulnerability, but it is at least known one. Let's look at possibility of apps having hidden permissions and what that could mean to you.
Blade Buddy from Market.
On market it does not list permission to "Unique Device ID"(IMEI for GSM and MEID; ESN for CDMA) for free nor for paid version.
That means the author of BB has left the code from free version in paid one. This permission is used by ads to track you. It's not necessary code for ads, but it helps the dev know who clicked on the add and generated him some money. To see your money generating zombie empire stretch across the whole globe.... quite a thrill, isn't it?
So it's a latent code, with no benefit to user and an exploit only calling to be abused.
Unique Device ID allows you to be tracked on net and also where you are physically. GPS is just one way to find you, police for example have scanners to locate your devices physical location by the IMEI code. You can count on the "bad guys" having this technology as well, for it's quite a tool for burglars and other criminals.
The risks of your home being marked as the next dungeon to be looted by some raiders, I mean criminals(or perhaps WoW players sleepwalking and sleepraiding?) or getting your ID and bank details stolen by trojan/hacker is random. Yet the threat would not exist without apps having so flagrant hidden permissions.
Next app with ludicrous permissions
Brightest Flashlight
It does list many permissions, among them "Hardware controls - take pictures and videos ". No, it does not need a permission to take photos through cameras to operate the flashlight. But it's fun nonetheless for the dev to see his trusty peasants, or maybe he just likes to observe people like some watch fish in aquarium or hamsters in cage( "Look at that dork!", "You're one ugly","ummm a couple kissing in dark with ma flashlight, what are they searching?", "what's that you eat, mr Korean, brains?" "hey show me that document again.")
You don't even need to run the app yourself. It can be triggered by hacker on background and take a snapshot of you.
On top of this little needless permission it has following hidden permissions:
1. Unique IMSI, read about here
3. Unique Devide ID
4. Cell Tower Name.
That's a lot of needless permissions for flashlight, these are there just to track you the app user and have nothing to do with your comfortable use of the app.
These are just 2 apps with totally needless permissions for their intended functioning. If you don't want your Windows and Linux have such security holes then why do you want your Android have them?! You don't want, that's the point and these apps would not be so popular if people would really know and care about their phone being secure.
It can be stated for sure that above exemplified permissions not listed on market are more useful for pranksters, criminals or someone plainly looking-down-on-all-the-dumb-sheep and not at all for any legitimate, user or customer friendly purposes.
There are very few tools to check for security and privacy problems in apps. That gives a sense that majority of devs do not want Android to be secure and private, because Android is another revenue generating platform through Google ads business of course. Were people more educated about the matter then Google ads business would shrink down as well. A private and secure Android can't be tracked or annoyed with ads. No ads, no profit. No security therefore means profit. Unfortunately this lack of security can be exploited by anyone with criminal or malignant intentions so very easily.
In my honest opinion. If someone keeps files like ccinfo they have to worry about being jacked then they deserve it. Should it happen. U shouldn't keep things on your phoney don't want the rest if the world to have
Sent from my Cyanocrack using Xparent Blue Tapatalk
You don't need to keep credit card info on phone, your using the credit card via Market or logging in to bank on phones browser is enough to intercept your credit card info. Your browser may show you xxxxxxxxxxxx+"last four digits only" but that doesn't mean the data to and from your device doesn't contain exact credit card number. It's encrypted, but that is merely a minor inconvenience for a hacker.
That is why being rooted is not advised to everyone. Mainly if they don't know what they are doing. Also customs roms are not for everyone. People flash them cause they think its cool and don't understand what they are doing. That is their problem. People should pay attention to the permissions that am app asks for. Common sense is the best protection. Main reason I don't do anything that deals with a bank on my phone.
Raoa said:
I have not seen much talk about security in XDA.
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There's talk. It's just not on important yet, because the android device is not being marketed like an OS is with a personal computer.
However, the more we do on our phones, the more we'll realize it needs protection like firewalls. We catch a few like CIQ or the Wimax exploit, but it's going to get worse as we advance in our integration. We do need to start now before exploits get worse and stay ahead of the curve.
Until that time, 4G exploits and root kit programs will run freely on our devices that houses a lot of our personal information.
Plus, for some stupid reason, there are a lot of people who think Linux is immuned to viruses and security holes due to it's code transparency. Android is being mainstreamed. It will soon be a continuous target like other existing popular software programs and operating systems.
And that's why iOS is far superior even without widgets or live wallpapers.
Something to think about.thanks for posting.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
alex2792 said:
And that's why iOS is far superior even without widgets or live wallpapers.
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IOS and Mac are just as vulnerable, maybe even more so because of there popularity and the misconception that IOS is secure and does not need AntiVirus protection. Just last week i removed a nasty virus on a brand new Macbook Pro so that is not the way to think. You need to act as if there are security issues and just be really careful at what link you click and what email you open.
mattfox27 said:
IOS and Mac are just as vulnerable, maybe even more so because of there popularity and the misconception that IOS is secure and does not need AntiVirus protection. Just last week i removed a nasty virus on a brand new Macbook Pro so that is not the way to think. You need to act as if there are security issues and just be really careful at what link you click and what email you open.
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I'll give you OS X,but I've never heard of an iPhone virus while there are loads of malware on Android market.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
I am not an expert on iOS nor do I have any wish to even know or use it, because Apple buys from suppliers that emply child labor and sweatshops.
When Linux started spreading around people also thought it has no viruses.
Same story repeats with every software.
For each different OS it takes merely time before people start to notice that their OS has viruses/trojans/spyware too. That doesn't mean their OS is not targeted. You should expect all sorts of thieves to use any and all opportunities.
Secondly OS does not matter so much as the matter that your device is connected to wifi, data, bluetooth, et or not. IP addresses, MAC, IMEI, etc they all stay the same on every platform. No matter which OS, they all connect to wireless networks, cell network, data, bluetooth, etc which all have set standards.
So someone wanting to track, spy, get your private info simply has to intercept the data your device sends to any network. If you don't use strong encryption to send info via network then it is easy to "wiretap" you.
Why is there so much spam, viruses, spyware in internet today? It's because the software managing internet is not made to be so secure. If it were secure then it would also be more private and safer for people to chat over net.
So not only OS's need to be more secure, but the very internet itself needs to be reformed.
This relates to SOPA and PIPA. Had those two bills been passed the next step would have been logically to make changes to all networks so you'd be more easily trackable, hackable, "wiretappable". It's simply logical, cause SOPA, PIPA were so defunctly worded as if asking/preparing for a third bill to regulate the networks.
So we must make sure that internet will be reformed for the private users and not for greedy corporations. We would not need to buy anti-spyware, anti-virus software if the internet were truly engineered for the welfare of humanity.
You could use any OS, bugged or not and not be afraid of loosing your property or privacy if the internet would stop such acts before they could harm you, the individual who is supposed to truly and freely benefit from the services; either for free or for honest price, but now you are robbed and think it is good to pay the thieves.
Raoa said:
Android itself is having very non-foolproof security system. All apps on unrooted phone are in sandbox. That's no security measure at all. It doesn't limit app from stealing your private info at all, it only cant delete the whole ROM.
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Please elaborate. The sandbox does prevent one app from reading the data of another, such as the CC info from the Market.
Also, are you sure Market sends the entire CC number? There's no reason for it to send it, the transaction is performed on Google's servers.
alex2792 said:
I'll give you OS X,but I've never heard of an iPhone virus while there are loads of malware on Android market.
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Are you talking about viruses or malware? Please don't conflate the two.
Malware is easy to take care of - check the apps you're downloading for what permissions they want. It's as simple as that.
alex2792 said:
I'll give you OS X,but I've never heard of an iPhone virus while there are loads of malware on Android market.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Just before xmas an iphone developer admitted to deliberately uploading malware in his ios app to show malware can easily affect iphone.
That was for normal iphones. For jailbroken ones there are more malware apps.
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
Raoa, your absolutely right.
I've had the exact same thought recently
Its like the overall view of the Android landscape is ridden from real security apps, for the simple purpose of have the platform as open as possible. And while this is good for developers and users of this and other serious forums, its also open for the "dark" communities as well.
I often ask myself, if the ROM devs onboard have these thoughts themselves, as in, what is my source of this modded apk, is is straight from the Market or from another dubious, (do I dare say chinese forum, just an example)
And how clean is my code really?
And is all mods just legit just cuz they are from here?
I love that we have so many ppl having a desire to mess around with the OS, but I miss, as you say, the talk about having a go on security as well.
I dont know, but I do think that awareness, as you initial post direct us to, should be raised, as a natural step for any serious dev and users in general on XDA, to be more aware, of the code.
Im on my first year as an Android user, and ofcourse did have to gain root on my splendid Sensation. Why?, cuz I needed the security tools requiring root.
Ask again, why? Cuz I came from Winblows 7, and know what a jungle software is, and that is is indeed exploitable, like hell, you might say.
And Im gladd I did gain s-off and root, cuz its really really needed fo youre just a little concerned about your privacy in, mails, sms, location, usage pattern, netbanking, dropobox deposits of your ****, some might even be work related and therefore hold more than just your own privacy.
And then there is what you mentioned, our devices unique ID's, the intent "app install referrer" to "plug" you into admob/google analyzer and so on.
I love one guy here, Treve, who made the HTC tool for scanning for ****, Logging Test Tool, and in version 10, he made it aware of admob/mobclix/analytics, and my god it find a lot...
So Treve, please, if you read this, just go on, as every version you make is getting finer and finer.
We could learn from this guy, and others here that got more code-insight.
What we CAN do as a community at the very least, is to share our knowledge and tips for securing our phones.
HOST filtering, code scanning of apks and so on. using AV's and firewalls and so on.
Right from the start I noticed that Android is not a clean OS, nor is its app market, and I noticed this cuz I have another splendid little Linux system at hand, Smoothwall Express with url filtering and proxy enabled
and My god is Android and its aps LEAKING!
Have a look in your urlfilters on a standalone firewall the step after your wireless android phone, and watch how much **** is going on.
Well, I can tell you for a start that I have added atleast 100 new domains to my custom urlfilter, besides the casual downloadable HOST filters around the net, like the ones found in AdblockPlus and so on. But after android, heh, you need more than just advertising filtering, that much I can say.
Just as an example, like those you mentioned, I have one too, that I was made aware of by Avast on my phone tonight, that ChompSMS was being flagged as malware/trojan.
I thought, **** man, why this crap, Im quite fund of Chomp, really.
So I thought, no, imma let more that Avast on my phone have a go.
So I File Expert dump the full apk, and uploaded it for a scan on virustotal, just for the sake of it. And whatta'ya know, ClamAV, GData, Kaspersky, NOD32, and Sophos flagged it as that same Plankton.G variant as my on-phone Avast.
Great, I thought (sarkasm intended)
I thought a bit further and picked up APK Multi-Tool, had a decompile and a content-scan for just "http" in is readable code.
12 different domains is mentioned so far, and I didnt even poke in all of its xml's, just the smali's
I know android is by a far stretch advertising born, and ofcuz the app devs have a right to earn their money, no doubt about that, and I gladly pay for the good ****, like most ppl here believeably do, but.. 12 different .com's mentioned in its code is a no go for me.
I have earlier used Privacy Blocker, and Privacy Inspector from XEUDOXUS in the market, to make permission scanning, beside using LBE/HOST/Avast, and I like those two aps, the Inspector one is free but only can scan.
The paid Blocker can "repair" as a feature, but its not maintained enuff, so it often fails to make installable apks, so not really worth it for me anymore, but as a free too, it can tell you more about those permissions you mentioned.
But enuff said from me for now, lets just collect and share our tips and tricks, ALSO for security, not just developing ROM and mod's and hacks, as thou they are fine, if not to say, so cool and great, but, we need to be secure too.
Please do not polute the discussion with IOS vs Android and what not, cuz thats not the purpose of it, even thou it definitly concerns (g)A(r)pple products too.
Sincerely, Omnius
alex2792 said:
I'll give you OS X,but I've never heard of an iPhone virus while there are loads of malware on Android market.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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Iphones can get viruses they come through SMS's and other sources not as bad as android apple keeps there market much more under control, but everything is vulnerable i work in a security team for a big corp and believe me nothing is safe.
Check these articles out i just found them on google.
I remember a while ago maybe a year or so there was a huge security hole in IOS5 and Mac waited a long time to tell the public and release a patch. The one major problem with Apple is when there are security threats they really try to keep it hush...Iphone's OS is tight but not totally secure. Its not viruses either its moslty just malware that charges you tons of money in texting i saw once an iphone that turned into a bot and at midnight it would dial a 900 number and just sit there all night at like $20 bucks a minunte then disconnect when it felt the phone move.
I'm going to fanboy MIUI for a second.
When you install an app you are presented with a screen (separate from the market) that allows you to toggle all the permissions an app ask for between Allowed/Ask/Disabled.
More roms should adopt this.
NB: I haven't checked CM9 so it might be a CM9 feature that MIUI has polished or it might be native to MIUI.
weedy2887 said:
I'm going to fanboy MIUI for a second.
When you install an app you are presented with a screen (separate from the market) that allows you to toggle all the permissions an app ask for between Allowed/Ask/Disabled.
More roms should adopt this.
NB: I haven't checked CM9 so it might be a CM9 feature that MIUI has polished or it might be native to MIUI.
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I wouldn't be so fast to praise MIUI.
weedy2887 said:
I'm going to fanboy MIUI for a second.
When you install an app you are presented with a screen (separate from the market) that allows you to toggle all the permissions an app ask for between Allowed/Ask/Disabled.
More roms should adopt this.
NB: I haven't checked CM9 so it might be a CM9 feature that MIUI has polished or it might be native to MIUI.
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The problem is the "Average Joe" doesn't even look at those or doesn't know what they mean. I see so many viruses/malware/open security holes just because of user error its insane. Almost 90% of security breaches or problems originate from the end users not paying attention or just not knowing or caring. Also another thing i see so much when new clients call me with there servers melting down and all there banking info being stolen is they haven't installed any updates on there servers since they were set up 2-5 years ago. I worked for a large industrial supply company and all there servers running MS Server 2008 no updates had been installed and they were using AVG free on there main SQL server...INSANE LOL
Then theirs the users, "my computer was fine until my friend on facebook wanted my SS# and mothers maiden name and insisted i open his email attachment, now its acting weird what do you think is wrong?"
what is the 4g exploit that you are talking about? And is it only with wimax or is lte part of it as well?
Oneiricl said:
Malware is easy to take care of - check the apps you're downloading for what permissions they want. It's as simple as that.
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It's absolutely amazing that people are willing to put up with something so ridiculous.
Sent from my SGH-I897

Privacy with Play Services

Hello all! I'm sure most of you are familiar with Google Play Services, the base of Google's Android framework and the brains behind all the Google things you do on your phone. Less of you, however, might also know that Play Services is notorious for being a beast of an application that no one truly knows the function of.
Below here is a rough explanation of Play Services from what I know about it. You can skip this if you already know and move on to the bread and butter of this post.
Play Services is proprietary software, meaning that its source code is not available to the public. All of Google's apps are proprietary like this as well. While developers like Chainfire have legitimate reasons to close off their app source code so others don't steal it, and so does Google, it is extra worrying from a company that makes a profit off of collecting userdata. Many people, including me, do not trust Google with our data, so we try to avoid their products as much as possible.
I thought that it would be nice to create a megathread of sorts with various users' suggestions on how to subvert the constant surveillance of Play Services, while also attempting to maintain the useful functionality of it. Below are some of the primary methods that I have thought of, and that I and some others have tried:
LineageOS/CyanogenMod Privacy Guard - If you are using LineageOS or any derivative thereof, you can go to Privacy Guard and deny certain permissions from Play Services. I and another user have denied permissions from Play Services without side effects, but your mileage may vary. @javelinanddart said on Reddit that Privacy Guard does indeed block permissions from Play Services and other system apps, so rest assured that Privacy Guard actually does something rather than being a placebo.
XPrivacyLua - This is an Xposed module that feeds false data to apps rather than blocking it entirely. I haven't tried this method myself, but the XDA post I linked above reports that XPrivacyLua works, even in tandem with Privacy Guard.
microG - microG is an open-source alternative to Play Services. It emulates many key functions of Play Services - push notifications, location services, etc - without the data collection running alongside such functionality. To clarify, this is a full replacement for Play Services, so you would flash a microG package instead of a GApps package. There are lots of bugs, though, even admitted by the developer. If you want to learn more, I suggest you visit the XDA thread for it, or view the implementation progress for various pieces of functionality.
There is nothing else that I know of, so if anybody knows of another viable method or can provide their own experiences with the above ones, your contributions would be appreciated by me and the rest of the privacy community.
Thanks for thread.
My only reason to use custom ROM is because they are GApps-free. In nearly every other aspect stock ROMs are better. Phones without good custom ROM I simply setup without Google account and install f-droid and yalp stores.
Another idea:
Imagine: Google is not as evil as we think: there are many privacy related settings in your Google account. You can login with a web browser and try through all these settings - and hope.
Device is a Samsung i9305 with RR-N-v5.8.5-final, Magisk v16.0, XPosed, XPrivacyLua, microG (via NanoDroid). No genuine Google services; Google Play Store is the one and only Google application installed.
I hope it suits into this thread (thanks very much for creating it!), and I'd like to share my settings. Please refer to the screenshots; I think it's self-explaining where they where taken from.
Actually no restrictions to microG, only to Play Store.
Remarks: µG has no restrictions in the firewall (AFWall+ Donation Beta); Play Store only granted internet access via WiFi and VPN. Just for completeness; running a RaspberryPi in the home network with Pi-Hole installed and acting as the DNS-server in the network. Unless using the home network i.e. using a foreign WiFi network or mobile data, ALWAYS establishing my own secure VPN to my RaspberryPi (with PiVPN installed) via OpenVPN and again the Pi acting as the DNS-server. If interested in further details please refer to this thread.
Thanks for this.
I was considering asking for a forum section here devoted to privacy, but it doesn't seem like a popular subject here. (After all, most of the people who have already picked the most snoopery OS in the world could be assumed to be not particularly worried about privacy. ? )
I come from a different motivation: the hope that by using a somewhat hackable OS, one can theoretically modify it in ways to achieve one's objectives, including privacy. But the last few years have made it rather clear that the Big G is working determinedly to foil such efforts.
Lately that seems to take the form of pushing more and more essential services into the Gplay frameworks, and deprecating perfectly working things like GCM in favor of intertwining it with Firebase, which may saddle us with that analytics data vacuum in order to get another essential service, push notifications.
Re: revoking permissions from Gplay frameworks, I feel like Google's determination to get their hands on data by hook or by crook (eg their ignoring of user preferences to disable various radios and enabling them in the background anyway, to track location and such) means they will quite possibly circumvent these preferences at some point as well.
As I mentioned in another thread I've experienced various problems in the past when I tried to aggressively restrict perms on the Gplay services using CM/LOS Privacy Guard, but perhaps some of that came from choosing interactive restriction prompts rather than blanket revoking. I do know that so many essential services are tied-into the Gplay frameworks these days that blocking tons of perms will inevitably cause breakage of some things depending how you use your device.
Jrhotrod said:
There is nothing else that I know of, so if anybody knows of another viable method or can provide their own experiences with the above ones, your contributions would be appreciated by me and the rest of the privacy community.
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Due to your request above, please allow me to draw your attention to two threads by me. In these threads I tried about one and a half year ago to initially capture but also to update how I believe to have enhanced the battery duration, privacy and security of my GT-i9305 and how I went for a GApps-free device with microG.
Over the time until today, some of the described implementations, applications and measures became absolete or were replaced by others (e.g. using NanoDroid - or Nanomod as it was called in the beginning, since it has come out). Some changes occured due to the step from Marshmellow to Nougat or the non-availabilty of the official Xposed framework for Nougat in the very beginning. However, over all the time I've tried to maintain both threads updated and amended but currently not to much occuring on that frontline, probably because I've received a privacy status on our devices that obviously satisfies me in my personal opinion.
Oswald Boelcke said:
Due to your request above, please allow me to draw your attention to two threads by me. In these threads I tried about one and a half year ago to initially capture but also to update how I believe to have enhanced the battery duration, privacy and security of my GT-i9305 and how I went for a GApps-free device with microG.
Over the time until today, some of the described implementations, applications and measures became absolete or were replaced by others (e.g. using NanoDroid - or Nanomod as it was called in the beginning, since it has come out). Some changes occured due to the step from Marshmellow to Nougat or the non-availabilty of the official Xposed framework for Nougat in the very beginning. However, over all the time I've tried to maintain both threads updated and amended but currently not to much occuring on that frontline, probably because I've received a privacy status on our devices that obviously satisfies me in my personal opinion.
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Wow, this is really great! Very high-quality thread.
Will add to OP later today
I apologise for the double post (original in my thread here) but I guess it also suits in this thread.
Found the below quoted post by @jawz101 in the XPrivacyLua thread here. Pretty interesting, and therefore I like to share:
Looking around on Data Transparency Lab website - they fund grants for research in privacy stuff.
...I found an app called AntMonitor, an academic research project that does a MITM SSL cert + local VPN to look at sensitive traffic - even that which is encrypted.
Anyways, it shows some apps trying to send my gps coordinates even though it doesn't have Android permission. Like, my coordinates are actually attempting to be sent encrypted to a destination. XPrivacyLUA doesn't trigger so I can only assume they grab my coordinates in a way that circumvents the traditional Android permission model.
To test, just try the app and open a few apps. I think it's apps with the Facebook graph API that is maybe doing it.
If you like ANTMonitor another app that does an SSL cert+ VPN is Lumen Privacy Monitor- a project by Berkely, but it doesn't seem to detect raw coordinates like ANTMonitor does.
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However, I suggest to also follow the discussion/conversation between jawz101 and M66B, which has developed after this post.
Oswald Boelcke said:
Found the below quoted post by @jawz101 in the XPrivacyLua thread here. Pretty interesting, and therefore I like to share:
However, I suggest to also follow the discussion/conversation between jawz101 and M66B, which has developed after this post.
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This is certainly an important discovery, thanks for the news.
Now for the sidenote that's 10x longer than the main comment. ?
One of the key issues I have with the various "privacy tools" is trying to figure out whether or not I trust all these entities that produce these diagnostic things to not be a solution worse than the problem when it comes to possessing and safeguarding my sensitive personal data.
It's getting to the point where I'm no longer enamored of giving *anyone* access to such stuff if I can help it, no matter *who* they are.
Even if they're not lying about their intentions and their commitment to security/privacy, there are still matters like carelessness/incompetence and targeted attacks to worry about.
@Exabyter: You're statement and expressed concerns are abolutely correct. Nothing to add except that I wouldn't limit it to "privacy tools" but especially include all applications that require root (and get it granted by the user) or all Magisk and Xposed modules. The latter should definitely concern.
My personal decision:
I'm not willing to trust anybody from the very beginning but I'm willing to trust single persons, groups or agencies. I've developed my own, private criteria, to which I stick but I've also admit the final decision isn't always based on rationality but also a lot on my feeling (in my stomage).
I don't held any confidential data on my device but privacy related ones, and I don't use my device for any kind of banking, shopping or payments.
I consider to use tools, modules and applications if their functionality rests within my defined specifications for the use of my device. Then I go for "the shopping tour" while I try to look into the details of the tools under closer examination, which includes where is it from, who's the developer etc.
I'll continue with the measures already described in one of my threads.
Oswald - I think we have largely similar stances on such things. In my case I will sometimes sway towards the pragmatic over the pedantic when the pedantic involves so many inconveniences that the tech becomes more of a burden than a help to me.
For example, I really don't like the idea of 3rd-parties keeping data pertaining to my daily geographic movements, but I also use several tools and services that by their nature rely on location data which could in some cases end up in the hands of parties I'd rather didn't have access to it. So I have to regularly weigh the apparent cost/benefit of such services and there are certainly some of them which have a high enough value to me that I willingly lower my default "protection level" in order to keep the other benefits of such tools/services.
Certainly microG is an important tool in that toolchest as it has a major disruptive impact on some of the most common ways Google and other parties snoop on users. But some of its imperfections also threaten to keep me from my ultimate goal of carrying a single phone which performs all the tasks I need to accomplish with it without undermining my privacy in a major way. (And ultimately, my freedom and agency as a citizen in a nominally and allegedly "free and democratic society", which is the actual "big picture" problem with privacy incursions in general IMHO)
I have spent several years now, with varying degrees of effort and success, trying to come up with a hardware/software solution to this problem, and I've never reached a point where I'm fully satisfied with the results. The fact that I am still carrying several mobile devices with me everyday is proof enough that I haven't achieved my objective in this regard and it gets tiring. As does all the time spent on venues such as XDA, researching, discussing and keeping-up with all the relevant issues, not to mention the large amount of time spent tinkering with HW/SW in order to keep all the special measures working. (And after we finally get things working more or less the way we want, we are faced with the particularly customized hardware wearing out, becoming unsupported, 3rd-party ROM and other compatible and necessary software being abandoned/deprecated, and so on and so forth.)
Truth to tell I'm a bit bitter about the amount of time/energy I have to spend to achieve something which should have been part of the mobile platforms in the first place. The current de-facto mobile platform duopoly certainly doesn't help matters.
---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 PM ----------
Now that I've gotten that philosophical rant out of the way ? ...
So as far as technical specifics:
microG of course is a big help as it either neuters or removes many troublesome anti-privacy vectors. For example, at the present time it does not support Firebase Analytics at all, which means (as far as I can tell) any app that expects to get telemetry on users via Firebase Analytics will not get anything if the app user's device is Gapps-free and using microG instead. (It remains to be seen if adding Firebase Cloud Messaging capability to microG will negate this presumed benefit. Cynics like myself are inclined to think one of Google's key objectives in deprecating Google Cloud Messaging and rolling push notification frameworks into Firebase instead was specifically to undermine the ability of users to avoid/circumvent Firebase Analytics)
XprivacyLUA looks interesting and is on my list to test. I found its predecessor Xprivacy to be an extremely tedious and labor-intensive option so I never seriously pursued it after my initial testing.
There are various tools I find handy to help get a sense of how dangerous certain apps may be to privacy. Here are a few:
AppBrain Ad Detector
Addons Detector
Checkey (also on f-droid)
Applications Info (also on f-droid)
Permission Friendly Apps

Are Android security patches necessary if you're using your phone cautiously?

I know it sounds like a base question since we're talking about security but I wonder in what instances are security patches really helping.
For example, suppose I only use the device with my data plan and my wifi at home (no public networks). Also suppose that I don't download 3rd party apps except those created by established companies like Microsoft (SwiftKey or Outlook). And suppose I don't visit many websites on my device (and especially no pr0n). In this instance, are security patches really necessary? Unlike most people, I don't do everything on my phone (no browsing the net, banking). I only use it for navigation, WhatsApp, and for calls.
I'm asking this question because I'm thinking about getting an Android phone. I'm currently an iPhone user and I want to break out of the Apple ecosystem. The problem is that some companies like HTC and LG seem to be slow to provide security patches or simply ignore them.
I'm interested in buying the LG V35 but the internet is full of comments about LG's horrendous support. I am mainly interested in keeping my emails and personal information safe. The only thing I value in the iPhone is the long-term support Apple provides but I'm willing to switch to Android if this isn't a concern if I use my phone exactly as I described above.
Mity85 said:
I know it sounds like a base question since we're talking about security but I wonder in what instances are security patches really helping.
I'm interested in buying the LG V35 but the internet is full of comments about LG's horrendous support. I am mainly interested in keeping my emails and personal information safe. The only thing I value in the iPhone is the long-term support Apple provides but I'm willing to switch to Android if this isn't a concern if I use my phone exactly as I described above.
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First of all, welcome to Android ?
To answer your questions, security patches are indeed necessary, because if one day you lose your phone, potential flaws that would be patched with security update would be grand opened to hacker that want your personal data (like photos, videos, emails, contacts,...).
Even though it's very rare, that's more secure to have an updated phone.
Now, if you want long term services (updates from Google with the latest features and security patches) you should definitely go for a Google Pixel. Plus those are powerful and have the best camera on the phone market right now (machine learning helps a lot).
If your price range is around 400 $, then go for the Pixel 3a, if you're around 800 $ then go for a Pixel 3.
If you can wait a bit, wait until the Pixel 4 release, I don't know if it'll be a good phone (probably) but what I know is the more recent your phone is, the longer it'll be updated.
But if you are below that, check out the Android One series, that's not Pixel devices, but they get as well the long term support.
Hope it helps
I'd like to expand on this question a bit.
I have a friend who is experiencing "severe security concerns" at the moment. I'm actually kind of worried about this particular friend. This friend seems to primarily have concerns over "being tracked", so I'm trying to find the best approach to at least putting these concerns in the proper frame so that knowledge and education of the device and what it does, and how to control it would be more attainable to said friend.
I know that the security updates are important, but how do you advise someone who isn't rich, and is looking for a new phone, but is willing to dabble with rooting, even to the extent of removing / not installing Gapps? This friend seems willing to learn, so I'd like to think that taking the big picture of "best security practices" into account is an option (ie. don't open suspicious email attachments, learn how to identify phishing scams, only install apps you trust, etc...).
In my experience, apart from kernel and driver level flaws that leave gaping wide-open back doors, security mostly comes down to "being wise with how the device is used". Is that a fair statement?
Yes, security is a combination and balance of user knowledge & usage, oem hardware security, software security, country laws, etc.
Thanks @galaxys
Is there anything about rooting that makes a typical Android device less secure?
Or more to the point, does the ability to omit Gapps provide any natural security enhancement?
I'm asking from the point of view of a "moderately experienced" individual who knows how to spot suspicious attachments/files and phishing scams, and knows how to do some bare-minimum vetting of where apps are installed from. For the sake of argument, let's say this user has no Gapps, and gets their apps from FDroid or ApkPure, or ApkMirror.

Why isn't there custom opensource bootloaders like custom recoveries for android phones ?

This may be stupid, but I couldn't find any resources regarding this. We have custom recoveries for android devices but why isn't there custom bootloaders like there is for PCs ? Like in the PC space we have the likes of reFind and gnu grub.
There are some instances of alternate bootloader projects. Just that they are not popular,
[Bootloader] LK for Xperia T
LK for Xperia T LT30p Only - Unlocked Bootloader Required WARNING 1: This modification makes changes to the devices partition table. I (lilstevie) am not responsible for any damage to your device or data loss that may occur. WARNING 2: ICS...
EFIDroid is a easy to use, powerful 2ndstage-bootloader based on EDKII(UEFI). It can be installed one-click with the EFIDroidManager app. You can add/remove/edit multiboot ROM's. There's no special support needed by ROM's or RecoveryTools(no...
The developer of EFIdroid stopped developing in 2019.
efidroid on Android 9 and 10 devices ? · Issue #152 · efidroid/projectmanagement
Hi, I just want to know if efidroid supports devices with 6 GB RAM and 64/128 GB Storage devices running Android 9 and Android 10 ? thanks.
Not to mention you would need OEM's to cooperate....
Thanks @karandpr for that github comment a lot of info there. Thanks @galaxys too. So a quick summary would be that the reason is that for the bootloader to work smoothly there has to be support from the kernel too, which the OEMs should do and probably would not. But I didn't think about the support in the kernel was an issue. That does seem to be a lot of work and I see the reason now.
al_l_en said:
Thanks @karandpr for that github comment a lot of info there. Thanks @galaxys too. So a quick summary would be that the reason is that for the bootloader to work smoothly there has to be support from the kernel too, which the OEMs should do and probably would not. But I didn't think about the support in the kernel was an issue. That does seem to be a lot of work and I see the reason now.
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I don't think Google intends to open up android anymore. They want restrictions like iOS but pretend to be open source for the "goodwill". What's the use of AOSP if you cant effectively install it on a device or your important apps don't work?
I believe PinePhones are the ones that can have truly open-source compatible hardware. The specs are underwhelming but the community is really good.
You can get spares easily and the battery is removable.
Only thing is they are mostly out of stock.
karandpr said:
I don't think Google intends to open up android anymore. They want restrictions like iOS but pretend to be open source for the "goodwill". What's the use of AOSP if you cant effectively install it on a device or your important apps don't work?
I believe PinePhones are the ones that can have truly open-source compatible hardware. The specs are underwhelming but the community is really good.
You can get spares easily and the battery is removable.
Only thing is they are mostly out of stock.
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Yeah those are great but the problem is that they are not usable for "normies" which will prevent mass adoption and hence cannot have a sustainable business model.
But I think google is not the only one to blame, like couldn't the OEMs actually provide bootloaders that can boot signed os images. Or is there any technical or security difficuties in doing that.
al_l_en said:
Yeah those are great but the problem is that they are not usable for "normies" which will prevent mass adoption and hence cannot have a sustainable business model.
But I think google is not the only one to blame, like couldn't the OEMs actually provide bootloaders that can boot signed os images. Or is there any technical or security difficuties in doing that.
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Normies are afraid to change the default browser, so bootloader is really out of their leagues.
Phone tinkering is a hobby, not a necessity. Phone tinkering itself is not a sustainable model.
Google is to blame primarily. Because they have a stringent list of requirements for devices to pass CTS. You can read the bootloader requirement and judge yourself.
Android 11 Compatibility Definition | Android Open Source Project
Without passing CTS, devices cannot use Google apps, they cannot get push notifications and they cannot pass SafetyNet checks used by most banking apps.
At the end of the day do I want to spend 100s of hours to bring a feature to an android phone which will probably be used by 10 users and deprecated by the time I finish doing it?
or do I want to buy a phone which will allow me to tinker freely in a community and ecosystem which allows modification?
For our tinkering pleasures, Pinephone is the way to go for now. They have support from Manjaro, Debian and KDE. Which is a big thing IMO.
Or else there you can roll your thing in RaspberryPi?
While going through related details I found an article about google probably switching to hardware based safetynet checks which could be ending google play compatibility on custom roms.
It really seems like google is using security as an excuse to make sure that there are no competitors in their business space.
Maybe this is because I have been only doing web development and only started learning app dev, but the reasons google use for CTS like for enforcing DRM, is also handled on websites while allowing openness and being neutral (or maybe the web is not as secure as something like this, so forgive me if I am wrong). Android could really take pages off the web ecosystem for being a neutral platform.
I really appreciate the patience for hearing out and also the references(and the rabbit holes that it was followed by) really taught me a lot about general android architecture.
al_l_en said:
While going through related details I found an article about google probably switching to hardware based safetynet checks which could be ending google play compatibility on custom roms.
It really seems like google is using security as an excuse to make sure that there are no competitors in their business space.
Maybe this is because I have been only doing web development and only started learning app dev, but the reasons google use for CTS like for enforcing DRM, is also handled on websites while allowing openness and being neutral (or maybe the web is not as secure as something like this, so forgive me if I am wrong). Android could really take pages off the web ecosystem for being a neutral platform.
I really appreciate the patience for hearing out and also the references(and the rabbit holes that it was followed by) really taught me a lot about general android architecture.
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Theoretically, Google can end GPlay compatibility on Custom ROMs anytime they wish. It's just that lot of App Developers don't use SafetyNet the way it is intended and Google doesn't roll out its strict check. They do it once in a while.
They don't have any competitors in their business space. It's a very well-thought monopoly.
CTS restricts Google Play API access to vendor operating systems. So vendors like Samsung, OnePlus and others have to play by their rules. IIRC, the cost of Play API is around 15$ per device but it is subsidized for large quantities.
End users don't really care about Play API. But App Developers do.
Without Play services, there is no easy way to integrate push notifications, ads, maps, analytics, metrics, and so on. Rolling your own thing will take years to develop and won't work as seamlessly as the play service counterparts.
I don't think Google will ever cede their monetary interests for open collaboration.
karandpr said:
I don't think Google will ever cede their monetary interests for open collaboration.
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Yeah that's for sure. The only way this monopoly can break is when an opensource alternative to google play services and other apis exist and while doing that it must be compatible with the existing google apis. And that is probably not going to happen in a long time. Although microg does solve this to some extent, but still it is a second citizen.
Some of the functionality is already there, like most of the google apps like docs and drive could replaced by nextcloud and then maps could be replaced by osmand. If some company, preferably an OEM, comes and integrates all of these into a package maybe there's hope. I think /e/ os tries to do this to some extent.
You might find this resource useful. As they have gone over a comprehensive set of bootloader software and tried to outline their primary features in detail. Hopefully, you’ll be able to determine the best one for your use case.

