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SOPA blackout made a difference...for now

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It looks like Wednesday's SOPA Blackout Day should be considered a success: Reuters is reporting that the Stop Online Piracy Act has been withdrawn by its chief sponsor, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith. This comes only hours after Senator Harry Reid announced that next Tuesday's scheduled vote on the Protect IP Act (PIPA) was going to be postponed. While the SOPA bill is off the table for now, there's no indication that it's being completely abandoned — Smith told Reuters that he's pulling the measure "until there is wider agreement on a solution," and also said that he has heard the critics loud and clear and is taking their concerns seriously.
Since the proponents of SOPA and PIPA have indicated that they're still very interested in pushing through an anti-piracy bill in some form, the latest moves indicate more of a holding pattern than a final resolution. We will closely monitor the situation as Congress mulls new legislation that's more likely to have a chance at passing a vote.
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Yeah but does it matter?
look like they took Megaupload down with existing laws.

Motorola Mobility's Power: "It Takes One Bullet to Kill"

Hi all, I'm doing my thesis on the patent war in this area. I just came across a line that MMI is allegedly running around with regarding the strength of it's FRAND patents "It takes only one bullet to kill".
After Google was given the approval by the EU and US to acquire Motorola Mobility (the de-merged manufacturing wing of Motorola) MMI took aim at Microsoft in Germany, a location now considered 'dangerous for business' because of patent misuse and the system around it. Microsoft is now moving some offices out of Germany in a move to protect itself from any outcome with MMI (which as we know now has the financial firepower of Google behind it).
Wow. So take charge of a company with 17,000 patents and you can scare the competition out of some countries? I note though that the EU has launched an investigation of abuse of industry essential patents by Motorola, so the upgrading of the firepower is attracting political and regulatory attention in a dangerous way. Just consider the repeated blows Microsoft took regarding Windows over the years by both EU and US regulators.
These patent wars have gone out of control. Patents were originally supposed to stimulate innovation by giving inventors peace of mind that their ideas would not be duplicated by others. Nowadays it seems patents are used to discourage innovation by scaring competition. Patents are given for things way too vague or are used against competitors who aren't duplicating the patented product.
I completely agree ^^ there are used as weapons by the wealthiest companies to attack which I think ruins the system. Let's not get started on patent trolls...

[APP][2.2+][FREE] Amazing Spider-man Comics

Looking for a Review for my new Comics apps, Made by my team...
Amazing Spider-man comic imaginary story developed based on amazing Spider-man movie 2012
Play Store link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.comixstory.spiderman&hl=en
Donation Version : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.comixstory.spidermanpaid&hl=en
Spiderman, or more accurately "Spider-Man," is one of the most celebrated and popular superhero characters, and was first created in the early 1960s by comic book artist Steve Ditko, and writer Stan Lee. His first appearance in a comic was in the 1962 Spider-man, in many ways, represents a departure from the typical hero of the time, and was in part inspired by the upsurge of interest in comics by the teen market.
Every superhero has an origin story, a way in which the ordinary person somehow becomes extraordinary. Spider-man is no different. When we first meet Peter Parker, he’s a socially awkward, shy high schooler who on a science trip gets bitten by a radioactive spider (in the 2000s film version this is changed to a genetically engineered spider). Parker’s blood is affected by this bite, and he is suddenly stronger, very fast, and is able to shoot webs, climb buildings, and leap long distances.
After Peter’s uncle is killed, Peter takes on the role, as many superheroes do, of vigilante, and he’s not always well received by the media in this attempt. When Peter begins working as a photographer, his newspaper employer does everything he can to vilify Spider-man in the press. Later, Spider-man becomes something of the resident hero to the people in New York City.
What many have argued makes Spider-man most appealing is that his alter ego of Peter Parker is really the true person. Since this hero begins as Peter, he remains Peter, unlike characters like Superman/Clark Kent who assume an alter ego that really doesn’t represent their true nature. Peter is an awkward but very intelligent “science nerd,” and he is plagued by problems like trying to get through college on little money, helping his Aunt May after his Uncle Ben dies, and trying to balance the hectic schedule of vigilante versus starving student, and later teacher. Peter is essentially the average guy, with all the troubles of the average teen and then young adult, making him very appealing.
Though the 2000s film versions of Spiderman focus on Peter’s love for his neighbor Mary Jane (MJ), the comic’s origin story differs in this respect. Peter does have a girlfriend in high school, Gwen Stacy, who is depicted in the third modern film as a potential love interest. To remain true to the origin story, Gwen would have appeared in the first film, as girlfriend to Peter, and would have been killed by the Green Goblin. MJ is a pal in the comics, who later becomes romantically involved with Peter, and the two are married much later in the comic series.
A current that runs throughout the comic books and films is the idea of the responsibility of power, or “with great power comes great responsibility.” Peter is not just a superhero that thinks on instinct and violently dispatches his nemeses. Instead he’s a thinker, who tries, in many cases, to create justice in his world. He understands the nature of power, and its corrective force, and endeavors to remain free of the taint of corruption so that he can see things clearly. Many of his nemeses are strong characters who choose to use their power or intelligence in corrupt and villainous ways. Peter is not always successful in resisting abuse of power, but perhaps part of his appeal is his constant struggle to be a better person, not just a more powerful superhero.
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[GAME]Back to the West

Inspired by old 8 bit computer games "West Bank" on ZX Spectrum and "Bank Panic" on Commodore 64, the game Back to the West is a special tribute to hot hacker summers in mid 80’s.
Take the role of an Old West Sheriff who must protect a bank and its customers from robbers. Sheriff must watch three bank doors. The doors will open to reveal a customer (who will drop a bag of money, making a deposit), a robber (who will attempt to shoot the player) or a … well, You can find out the rest…
Meet the Gang:
* Mary Louise Williams *
Her father was a hardworking railroad man who delivered bread for a living to support his wife and Mary Lou.
Don't kill her 'coz she is a good girl.
She is single.
* John Peters "Johnny" Ringo *
Ringo was born in Greensfork, Indiana, of distant Dutch ancestry.
Ringo was jailed in Burnet,Texas by Sheriff A. J. Strickland. He was broken out of jail by his friends shortly thereafter, but they parted company to evade the law.
Ringo is surly, bad-tempered man.
* William Magear Tweed*
The greedy and corrupt mayor of Dodge City, Kansas, mayor Tweed rigs elections and makes taxes so high that some people compare it to stealing.
He also serves as Dodge City's Bank President.
* Nathaniel "Texas Jack" Reed *
Reed gave up working as a cowboy and became an outlaw.
He and his gang robbed trains, stagecoaches, banks and, on one occasion, captured a large shipment of bullion in California.
The American Express Company offered a reward of $250 for his arrest and conviction.
* "Dynamite Dan" Clifton *
A cattle rustler and train robber in Oklahoma Indian Territory. Tale says that he lost three fingers while playing with dynamite as a child.
Clifton accumulated a sizable bounty on his head—thirty-five hundred dollars, so make sure you shoot him TWICE!
* John Horton Slaughter *
After serving in the army of the Confederacy during the American Civil War, Slaughter was a member of the Texas Rangers before becoming a cattle business man.
Slaughter, with penetrating black eyes, was often stuttered, but he wore a pearl-handled .44
* James B. “Killer” Miller *
Miller is known to wear a black frock coat, making him hard to see in the darkness.
His coat also concealed a steel plate he wore on his chest to protect him from opposing gunfire.
Beware! Despite his piousness, he is actually one of the deadliest guns!

Perseus virus. Asylum for the infected.

A huge asteroid which was approaching very fast from the sun and Perseus side was noticed already too close to Earth.
It did not belong to the solar system, otherwise its orbit would have been changed a long time ago. But now it was impossible to avoid a collision.
The Calculations showed that the blow would be in the north-eastern part of the
Pacific ocean and giant tsunami would destroy everything that have been created by people onall the continents.
A thermonuclear blast would not have caused anydamage toa giant stone block. It was decided to try to use its tremendous speed and to split an asteroid by a mechanical shock.
They had time for only one attempt. And it turned out to be very successful.
The asteroid split into two big splinters that dispersed in a slow way and only struck the upper layers of the planet's atmosphere and then they continued their journey in the space.
But it happened too close to the Earth. Many small splinters struck coveringnot only the ocean, but also the continents and that lead to the big destructions. But the survivors did not know that the main blow to the humanity was made not by the asteroid but by the people themselves. One of the fragments destroyed the secret underground laboratory in which they tried to create the immortal soldiers. Frankenstein virus broke away.After a while the dying people began to turn into unkillable zombie killers. The authorities did not report the laboratory and announced that the virus was brought in by an asteroid. It got the name of Perseus virus.
While the humans were alive, the virus had no form and disguised itself properly - it could not be detected in the organism.Theimmunity did not react to the virus because it did not notice it. No drugs could affect the sleeping virus either. It activated only when a person died and then a zombie appeared, the on purpose ofwhich was to kill people. The speed of the expansion was huge and the epidemic quickly covered almost all the areas of the Earth.
Only in places with a dry and hot climate, the probability of the infection was low. Only one way not to become a zombie after a death was discovered. The human should die of the powerful electrical discharge. This did not have the impact to a zombie. There was nobody who wanted to die quickly at that moment not to become a zombie, but there were many people who thought thatthe best way was to kill as many people as possible so that no more zombies appear.
There was useless to fight with the unkillable zombies - as a result there was more dying people and more living zombies.Zombies did not have super power and super speed, but it was difficult to run away from them. The only way to be saved for those who saw a zombie was to hide behind the solid walls. To avoid the encounters with zombies, people used the microdron swarms, that who informed the owner about the presence of people and zombies in radius up to 200 meters.But they could not distinguish the hunters of people. Life has become extremely dangerous. People run away from the cities in panic. Those who had such an opportunity built the bases in the desert and hired the guards, armed with electro-shock weapons, which were called Shockermen. The solid fences protected the bases from zombies, theconnection with the world was possible only via the helicopters. But there were also the raids on the basesby the people hunters and on their bases there were retaliatory attacks. And very soon no one knew who was a friend and where there were the enemies -everybody has become enemies.
Shockermen used the uncommon weapons because it was forbidden to use firearms or knives -the killed enemy could turn into zombies and destroy everybody, strangersor not.The shot of this special weapon at the first three ricochets accumulated an electric charge andstruck a human with a powerful discharge.Only state bases remained not hostile -there it was possible to buy food, fuel, weapons, hire people. But they were also attacked by human hunters, and in these cases these bases needed to be rescued by sending a troop of Shockermen to the to the captured base.
The owners of the bases hired the scientist to gain an advantage over the opponents, to improve the existing weapons and to develop a new one and to have workers for its production. It was probably the last war in the history of humanity.
- Build and strengthen your base, seize others;
- Hire and pump shockermen for battles;
- Hire scientists and explore trophies and new technologies;
- Hire technicians and produce the best weapons;
- Seven types of missions;
- Mission against the computer;
- Mission against other players;
- 256 technologies;
- Economy;
- 17 ranks for seizing bases of other players;
Battles with unusual weapons. A shooting weapon shoots a high-tech ball that, with the first three ricochets, accumulates an electrical charge and, if it hits a non-solid object, hits them. An uncharged ball is reflected from all objects, charged only from solid ones, not more than six times. Accuracy of shooting depends on the type of weapon and the ability to aim the player.
Version 1.1

