Does Gear Sport/Tizen 3.0 fix SMS notification defect? - Samsung Gear Sport speaker on Gear Sport, so issue does not apply.


No incoming call notification

Hi anyone here experiencing no notifications when someone is calling you? As far as I remember when I first bought Gear S2 you can answer or decline a call from the watch. But now, only missed call notifications are coming. Other notifications are ok.
I checked the Gear app and the "Incoming calls" option in the Notification tab is gone.
Is there any fix for this?
I am using Galaxy Note 5 with Ported Note 7.
Screenshot of apps
I had the same issue. Tried to trouble shooting over chat with Samsung and at the Samsung booth at Best Buy. Ended up having to submit for warranty repair...

No notifications about missed calls after installing Android wear on your phone

Hello. I'm sorry for my English right away. The problem is that after downloading Android Wear on the Galaxy S8 and pairing with the watch, notifications about missed calls are no longer displayed. They are not on the watch or the phone. I've turned on in-app notifications. Can anyone have such a problem?

Some apps does not emits any sound or vibration notifaction on my Gear S3

Hi. I am having problems with Gear S3. Some apps like YouTube don't make my Gear S3 vibrate or sound even when the options are set to do this. But some apps like Outlook, I get the notification and the vibration. The only thing that works properly is that when I receive any notification(with or without sound or vibration) the watch screen turns on and I see the notification content .Anyone experiencing this?
Ok. I fixed it right now. To solve this issue go to your phone settings->apps and notifications->(choose the app with problems)->notifications-> You will see a list with different notifications->Tap on one and put in what to do to emit a sound and vibrate. You can do this with the others notifications in that list. Sorry if I am wrong. My language is not english. I hope I helped someone. Thanks.

Alarms notification from OnePlus 6 not displaying on Gear Sport

Just as the title says, I get notifications on my Gear Sport for everything else I have set to display, calendar alerts, facebook notifications, etc, but for some reason I can't get alarm notifications to show up on the watch. Am I missing something or does that not work?
Am facing the same issue , did you resolve ? I have oneplus 5T

Question SMS Notifications

My Galaxy Watch 4 doesn't vibrate or "ding" when I receive an SMS or MMS message. I have it turned on in the wearable app and all other notifications work as expected. I have reached out to Samsung and they took my Watch for repair but ended up sending me a new one. Still the same issue. The orange dot comes on, but no actual alert.

