Color saturation & accuracy - Nokia 6 Real Life Review

If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the Nokia 6's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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XDA_RealLifeReview said:
If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the Nokia 6's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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Colors are realistic but personally I like warmer displays.Weird that I prefer Nokia 5 display(720p) over nokia 6.
If you like very accurate (muted,tamed) color reproduction,you will love this display.
One gripe that there is no settings for display.Can not balance colors or warmth.Using one app called screen balance to lessen the blue coldness.
4.5 outta 5.Deducted .5 for not having any native control over display.

no sRGB option, noticable blue-shift... 4/5 - they removed the option to allow the user to change the color balance in the settings app


Color saturation & accuracy

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Oversaturated even after manually adjusting the colors in the advanced options. Thus, the colors aren't very color accurate.

Color saturation & accuracy

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Color saturation & accuracy

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Pretty accurate colors. Can't complain.
Good colors and saturation.
have a look
have a look
Same saturation with Honor 8 Pro.
One of the displays with best color I've seen in a while, even newer flagship smartphones don't surprise me as much
Really great color reproduction on the Honor 9. You can also tweak the color in the EMUI Display settings menu.

Color saturation & accuracy

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If you feel color is a little saturated , you can choose the other color options from settings

Color saturation & accuracy

If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the OnePlus 8T's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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XDA_RealLifeReview said:
If you're colorblind, please disregard this thread. Rate this thread to express how you deem the color saturation and accuracy of the OnePlus 8T's display. A higher rating indicates that you think that color accuracy is very high and saturation is excellent.
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Well in the settings section the display options are very much customizeable and then we can use whatever kind of tones we prefer cooler or warmer tones
Personally i love how this phone looks in hand due to it's display

