GPS accuracy improvements? - Huawei Watch 2

Does anyone else have issues with the GPS accuracy? When looking at the map on activities, it seems pretty close. The total distance it records is way off. Over 25%. At the third lap around the track it's saying I hit a mile... If I look at the map, it shows me on the track for each lap. Don't get it. Any recommendations?

Same issue here. I'm constantly seeing 33%-40% less total distance when running short laps (~400m). Have returned my watch.

I used my watch >10x without any issue.
To all who believe having problems or concerns, please keep in mind the gps accuracy is limited by its technology. Every device calculates, averages and interpolates a bit different. And even after a gps fix it may need some time ...seconds,minutes... to find more satellites until max accuracy has been reached.
In general i would not expect a very precise value at short distances like 400m ...

the problem nice spoken / beautifully spoken
without any solution

It seems to me that, because of a low GPS refresh rate, it goes wrong when you make a turn. Instead of recording a distance of A+B, it records sqrt(A^2+B^2). Makes me feel less good about myself after running
At least, this happens when I let Google Fit record my running session. It might be that GPS refresh rates are determined by hardware, in which case using another application will not improve this. If it is determined by software, other running applications may work better. Anyone any experience?


Possible IGO/GPS LAG in HD2 - help...

Since it's my first time running IGO on this device, and I don't have another device to compare its performance with... I just wanted to make sure that its functioning normally.
#1 - When I start driving (from a complete halt), the application updates the velocity counter and the guidance arrow position after only 3-6 seconds?... (in this time, the velocity is @ 0, obviously, and my guidance arrow is at my previous position).
#2 - Let's say I've reached a junction with a traffic light, again, I start driving from a complete halt, the guidance arrow is stuck at my previous position (my halt position) for about 3-6 seconds, and only after-wards it registers my actual turn and proceed with tracking.
Is this a normal behavior of IGO?... I have tried both & - it seems that they provide identical results. GPS Configurations - COM4 / Baud - 57600
I hope you guys understand... it's quite hard to explain without some visual demonstration.
Thanks in advance!
No thats not normal.
iGo8 on my phone has a max lag of 2 seconds..
Try fidling with the baud rate settings... Mine is set to:
Port: 4
Baud: 4800
Hope that fixes your problem.
wackyD said:
No thats not normal.
iGo8 on my phone has a max lag of 2 seconds..
Try fidling with the baud rate settings... Mine is set to:
Port: 4
Baud: 4800
Hope that fixes your problem.
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Why would a LOWER baud rate make the interface snappier?
I guess that 4800 is a sort of "default" value, rather than forced one, which might cause problems... since Windows Mobile manages the gps configurations automatically, this might solve it. so far, even after changing it to 4800, I don't think it actually changed anything. I wonder because some people claim that their IGO navigates smoothly without lags and provides amazing accuracy - mine doesn't seem to meet those claims at all.
I can confirm that I can get a fixed gps signal indoors, even IGO runs very well - menus/responsiveness wise, but I think that the behavior of the navigation itself has to be improved.
What car are you driving? You should now that the front windows of new cars are coated with some sort of metal and therefore the reception inside the car is limited. Maybe that's the issue, because my father has the same problem when using his PNA in his buisness-car. It seems to lag and sometimes even lose the signal out of nowhere.
It's an old Daihatsu Applause, I doubt it has something to deal with the front window (I'm getting a good reception inside my house, in less than 10 seconds). I'm aware of some EU regulations for cars since 2005/2006, "luckily" I haven't yet owned one of these. ;-)
I wish I could test CoPilot/TomTom, but they don't seem to offer support for my region.
a tip for the gps configuration:
go to the gps menu inside igo8 -> turn off gps -> set gps to automatic
that did the trick for me, every manual setting somehow didn't work or made problems and now everything works fine so far.
you mean com port -> automatic / gps - untick?
what about baud setting?...
thanks for your help!
- you remove the selection on "gps activated"
- then you click on "auto-search" (don't know if it says that exactly, mine is set to german)
it should then search for the correct settings and select "activated" by itself. now you're set.
Well "automatic search" finds the GPS on [email protected] and sets it accordingly.
But it doesn't change getting more than 2fps while navigating.
The navigation-sim shows that rendering perfomance isn't the problem, because that is really smooth.
The GPS position is somehow not interpolated or whatever, with this horrible results, I really cannot understand why it's not bugging people...
Mr. Boba23 - I could kiss you! It's now silky-smooth again
I had it set to "use device settings", because I'd wanted the light-sensors auto-backlight to be active, but guess what, it's still active at "always on".
Great tip!
@Boba23, Thanks a gazillion! I was very dissapointed with IgO, as the simulator makes the device look a fast gaming computer, the actual navigation looked like a commodore 64.
Now, with your tip, both simulation and actual driving looks the same, THANKS.
PS. If you want to go really crazy with frames per second, buy a globaltop Headsup DIsplay GPS, it does 5HZ !! 5 updates in GPS per second. All other GPS give you 1 hz.
so at this point, I can understand that the lag and the "dancing guidance cursor while in a static position" which I'm experiencing probably point on a faulty device, since none of you guys experience these phenomenons.
Donald24 said:
Well "automatic search" finds the GPS on [email protected] and sets it accordingly.
But it doesn't change getting more than 2fps while navigating.
The navigation-sim shows that rendering perfomance isn't the problem, because that is really smooth.
The GPS position is somehow not interpolated or whatever, with this horrible results, I really cannot understand why it's not bugging people...
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any body can send me link where i can download
whether it is free software
[email protected]

A interesting GPS Test with surprising results...

TL;DR version:
1)Start Google Navigation, pick destination, start driving. Result: Sporatic or no lock and definitely no turn by turn working.
2)Start Google Navigation, pick destination, start GPSTest, start driving. Result: Almost constant lock and turn by turn works astonishingly well.
What gives?
Alright, please read this whole post, try it out, then comment on whether there is something to this or maybe I'm just crazy (a very definitely possibility). I was playing around with the GPS today and tried the Vibrant GPS hardware fix (pulling up the contact so that the GPS antenna is making better contact with the metal back). There wasn't much of a difference, so I decided to take the back off and run the GPS without the metal backing. I found that interestingly enough I was getting a better SNR with the back off than with the back on it was 8/8 at about 25-30 with the back on (using GPSTest) while with the back off it was 8/8 with 30-35.
Now comes the really interesting bit. On my drive home today I decided to see how well I could hold a moving lock. I turned on Google Navigation, pointed to my house, and started driving. Needless to say I was not able to hold a lock for very long. However, if I left the navigation app running and started GPSTest, all of a sudden I was getting the turn by turn voice pretty accurately. I then exited GPSTest and probably 10 seconds later lost my lock again. Open GPSTest, BOOM lock back on and turn by turn working again. Am I just hitting a really lucky coincidence or is GPSTest doing something we're not aware of? Please post here if you can either a) replicate what I'm seeing or b)think I'm blowing smoke cuz you aren't seeing a lick of difference.
smoking blow/10
anyways I'll try it out
comdei said:
smoking blow/10
anyways I'll try it out
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BTW... this is GPS Test by Chartcross Limited, NOT the one by Mike Lockwood. You're welcome to try both however.
Previous GPS threads have repeatedly documented the positive effect of moving your nav app to the background. Theories on it center around backlight, temperature, or CPU/GPU. My own myTracks tests seem to point towards CPU/GPU. Or, at least, they seemed to rule out temperature or backlight as a factor.
So did you have GPS Test in the foreground during this test? This will pretty consistently give you improved performance over having Navigation up. If you turn the screen OFF altogether, it almost works as well as a real GPS! Check out the difference by recording a few drives in MyTracks -- it's night and day, on my phone at least.
My personal, uninformed theory (guess) is that the CPU/GPU and screen during Navigation are starving the GPS subsystem of power, causing either reception issues or causing the clock to desync and lose the position of the satellites it's tracking.
Ah well, such is life.
Perception 10.2 | SpeedMod K13D | I9000XXJQ1
I noticed this as well with my old setup (phone bought in August 2010 running Cognition & JK4 radio firmware). I got one of the refurbs from the random power off fiasco and GPS seemed to be just as unreliable. I've recently flashed the JL2 radio firmware, and GPS locks on within seconds and stays locked around town - as it should. I think a lot of people's issue would be completely resolved if they played around with radio firmwares...
Ikonomi said:
So did you have GPS Test in the foreground during this test? This will pretty consistently give you improved performance over having Navigation up. If you turn the screen OFF altogether, it almost works as well as a real GPS! Check out the difference by recording a few drives in MyTracks -- it's night and day, on my phone at least.
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Yeah, GPS Test was in the foreground, navigation in the background. I get the feeling however its more to do with the application than the hardware. I say this because having other apps in the foreground doesn't quite have the same effect for me. Is that the case for everyone else as well?
knyghtryda said:
TL;DR version:
1)Start Google Navigation, pick destination, start driving. Result: Sporatic or no lock and definitely no turn by turn working.
2)Start Google Navigation, pick destination, start GPSTest, start driving. Result: Almost constant lock and turn by turn works astonishingly well.
What gives?
Alright, please read this whole post, try it out, then comment on whether there is something to this or maybe I'm just crazy (a very definitely possibility). I was playing around with the GPS today and tried the Vibrant GPS hardware fix (pulling up the contact so that the GPS antenna is making better contact with the metal back). There wasn't much of a difference, so I decided to take the back off and run the GPS without the metal backing. I found that interestingly enough I was getting a better SNR with the back off than with the back on it was 8/8 at about 25-30 with the back on (using GPSTest) while with the back off it was 8/8 with 30-35.
Now comes the really interesting bit. On my drive home today I decided to see how well I could hold a moving lock. I turned on Google Navigation, pointed to my house, and started driving. Needless to say I was not able to hold a lock for very long. However, if I left the navigation app running and started GPSTest, all of a sudden I was getting the turn by turn voice pretty accurately. I then exited GPSTest and probably 10 seconds later lost my lock again. Open GPSTest, BOOM lock back on and turn by turn working again. Am I just hitting a really lucky coincidence or is GPSTest doing something we're not aware of? Please post here if you can either a) replicate what I'm seeing or b)think I'm blowing smoke cuz you aren't seeing a lick of difference.
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this worked really well for me. am on andromeda 3. but was getting on locks without staying on continuously. with the approach. gps was spot on.!! a BIG Thanks
I've noticed this for some time when running the GPS Application Test in lbstestmode. Run the GPS test first and then move it to the background and launch your normal GPS program and you'll usually be better off. Needless to say, I'm doing another warranty exchange in hopes of getting one with better GPS hardware soon.
Try this:
Get a mobile hotspot (or someone who has wifi tethering enabled on their phone). Put your phone into flight mode, then turn WIFI on and connect to that mobile hotspot. Fire up navigation, and go for a drive. You'll be amazed at how accurate your GPS is.
That leads me to believe that there is an interference issue in the GSM/GPS antennas. Part of the reason why putting navigation in the background helps improve the GPS performance is because it stops refreshing the map, which means it's not trying to use the GSM radio. But if you fire up Pandora, even with Navigation in the background, the GPS will start going nuts again.
I'm pretty sure AT&T is aware of this, and I even think they have a... well, not a fix, but a way to mitigate the problem.
A friend of mine did a warranty exchange on his Captivate last Monday for a problem with his USB port. The Captivate he got in exchange has been getting much better performance with it's GPS. And since his worked just fine all week, I exchanged mine yesterday. Now, quite often after flashing a new ROM, the GPS will work fine for a day or three. So I'm not going to be convinced mine is working as well just yet. But there are some notable differences from what I've seen before... When I'm tracking my position on Google Maps, my actual position now stays within what the GPS reports as it's error, even when I'm driving around. Previously, my phone might report a 10m error, but my actual position might be 200m or more from where it thought I was. In addition to that, I'm seeing that my phone is locking into more satellites, and holding that lock even as the SNRs drop due to obstructions. And finally, my GPS works just as good while it's in the car dock, whereas before it would only intermittently get enough signal to fix a position. Overall, while my GPS still isn't as good as other phones I've had in the past, it is now actually good enough to use and trust.
I think that AT&T isn't advertising this because it's not something that they can push out over the air or through a Kies update. I'm guessing that either they modified the antennas slightly, or that they installed a new firmware to the GPS chip (at a lower level than the driver)... or maybe both.
Either way, my friend's GPS has been working great all week long, and mine appears to be doing so as well. I'll not say that it's permanently fixed yet, but I'm cautiously optimistic. We'll see how it's doing after another few days go by.
UPDATE 3/28:
Two more days of testing have passed. So far, the GPS is holding up nicely. The only issues are with the car dock. When the phone is in the car dock, the GPS will occasionally drift 5~10 meters off of my position. This doesn't really surprise me, as the electronics in the car dock are right up against the GPS antenna, and simply putting the phone in the dock will drop the reported SNRs by more than 25% - usually a lot more.
Still, even with the car dock, the GPS is perfectly usable. And without the car dock, the GPS is now exactly what it should have been from the get-go.
I've also found that if I run either gps status or gps test to get the fix, then start whatever app I need to use, the performance is much better. Recently I just use lbs test to get the fix, then proceed with whatever app i need to use. Seems to work better, as lbs test continues to work in the background
i have seen this in the past but trying to prove that it is not random has been a problem as i cant repeat the results.
also i dont thing i have ever observed the phenomenon while using control plane mode.
maybe another coincidence, i cant tell but i have been using the control plane version of da_g's fix for a couple months now in combination with the jl3 modem and have gps that many smart phones would envy. i find jl3 to have the most stable positioning and tracking, less blue circles ect. i also find agps settings to hinder tracking. i only set agps mode to standalone. not sure how supl works or if controlplane supl setting is actually doing anything because i was under the impression that supl was part of agps but it is a combination that started working for me and i am sticking to it.

GPS and Ingress

Has anyone else had any issues with GPS and/or Ingress?
Here's the problem. While playing Ingress and being tethered to my phone, the GPS usually cannot get a lock on ANY satelites. I mean absolutely 0. Occasionally I'll end up moving but we're talking hundreds of meter jumps, usually taking anywhere from 20 seconds to sometimes up to 5 minutes for 1 to occur (in the 5 minutes one, I was nearly 2 miles away from where it last jumped.....).
Now, you'd think there was something wrong with my GPS, right?
Well, how come I can go and open my Google Maps application, and within 15 seconds have a lock on 5 to 8 satelites and have correct placement as well?
I've tried this a number of times, where Ingress essentially has me no where near where I should be. I exit out of Ingress and go to Google Maps and nearly immediately it shows my current location exactly without issues.
I've tried nearly everything I can think of to get this fixed. Overclocking/underclocking and such make no real difference here (hoping that maybe there wasn't enough processor speed or the graphics were too intense), has little to no effect as one would hope. Even using a few GPS tools (such as GPSFix, GPS Status and Toolbox, etc...) provide little insight into the problem, as they just confirm my fears, that inside Ingress I get 0 satelites, inside any other GPS application I'll get a lock on 5 to 8 satelites in no time.
Does anyone know of a way that I can truely monitor the GPS while using another application? I'd like some kind of log or something to help figure this out.
darkhawkff said:
Has anyone else had any issues with GPS and/or Ingress?
Here's the problem. While playing Ingress and being tethered to my phone, the GPS usually cannot get a lock on ANY satelites. I mean absolutely 0. Occasionally I'll end up moving but we're talking hundreds of meter jumps, usually taking anywhere from 20 seconds to sometimes up to 5 minutes for 1 to occur (in the 5 minutes one, I was nearly 2 miles away from where it last jumped.....).
Now, you'd think there was something wrong with my GPS, right?
Well, how come I can go and open my Google Maps application, and within 15 seconds have a lock on 5 to 8 satelites and have correct placement as well?
I've tried this a number of times, where Ingress essentially has me no where near where I should be. I exit out of Ingress and go to Google Maps and nearly immediately it shows my current location exactly without issues.
I've tried nearly everything I can think of to get this fixed. Overclocking/underclocking and such make no real difference here (hoping that maybe there wasn't enough processor speed or the graphics were too intense), has little to no effect as one would hope. Even using a few GPS tools (such as GPSFix, GPS Status and Toolbox, etc...) provide little insight into the problem, as they just confirm my fears, that inside Ingress I get 0 satelites, inside any other GPS application I'll get a lock on 5 to 8 satelites in no time.
Does anyone know of a way that I can truely monitor the GPS while using another application? I'd like some kind of log or something to help figure this out.
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Hello friend. It has been almost a year since you have posted, but I've gone through the same hardships, on different device though.
See my post here, if you still need some solution and see if it helps.

[Q] Battery behaviour when recording position via GPS

Hi guys, maybe you could help me out. I was thinking whether I could use this phone when riding a bike (on normal terrain, 90% roads) to track my position (via MyTracks, Strava etc.). Does anyone know how the battery behaves (I would like to see the map on the phone all the time) in such a regime? Or, could you make a test for me? No WiFi, data or anything, just GPS and position recording.
Thanks a lot!
Just gonna give my two cents here.
I think you can theoretically and I'm saying just that because you can test GPS from the service tests. But from exp it is significantly slower to get GPS coordinates than with data or WiFi. Now regarding battery if you have the location service on or at high accuracy it will drain the battery more than with the service off or limited to a number of apps.
Thanks for the tips. However, I would like to hear real life experiences before I decide whether to buy it or not because I am unable to test it.
I have always gps on. When I charged battery to 100%. Lock phone and go sleep after 9 hours still 100%. Only gps taking very very very less battery. You shouldn'd see different between turn on and turn off gps.
Sent from my D6603 using XDA Free mobile app
Thanks a lot, but could you repeat the test during the day? Turn google maps e.g. on (even better mytracks + recording) and just go around normally. I had an idea to keep the screen on all the time so that I can see the map whenever I want - if by any chance you could do that as well, well... buy you a beer if the road ever takes you close by .

Poor GPS accuracy/fitness app tracking

Fitness tracking apps the past few weeks (Endomondo, Strava) have really poor GPS tracking - the track jumps around and is very jagged. The fitness apps are not running in low power mode of any sort. This occurred before and after the Android P update, and a full system wipe after upgrade to Android P did not fix it.
When looking at GPS Status & Toolbox, GPS lock only takes ~2 seconds but accuracy never goes lower than 9m. It is seeing ~25 satellites and fixing on 20. Resetting cached GPS data does not improve it.
Side by side with an S9+, the S9+ consistently gets 3-4m accuracy. Any idea what other steps I can take to improve accuracy? It hasn't always been this way, and I haven't changed anything like the case that might impact reception.

