[DEV] WIP - Beta 01 Android 7.0 Build - Huawei P9 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other Devel

Hi guys, or specially developers.
I backed my first beta of B361 Nougat 7.0 for testing and bugfixing.
Theres a lot of instances, where cant setup with SuperRs Kitchen. So we need to take the update_binary from a hw/eu or hw...zip to flash strsymlink correctly and not getting error 6 in twrp.
The system in my zip is deodexed and working so far. Only Developer Settings and Security Settings FC. I had that on MM 6.0 too, but at that time, there i found missing symlinks. In this time with 7.0, i cant find anything that is missing for opening this settings.
Edit: Deleting apps get in to softreboot.
Maybe someone know more about that. Or should i pack this as images (img/dat)?
It can also be a cause of missed root.
Removed unneeded Apps
fixed booting by changing update_binary
dm-verity disabled
for root just flash phh superuser.
Link removed, wait until emui5.1 or android O
Please not flash, if you dont know, what you do and not want to get a messed up system, because not all working as excepted.

Uploaded scripts for hw/eu and updater-script for beta. Link is in OP. Maybe someone testing on his own device and have more clue, to get the error removed. I've build for me another test images, but get not further than gmail searching after wifi gets connected, but on this beta it works.
Maybe stupid, if the security issues comming from failed data decryption/encryption.

The next thing: Keystore is propably broken, thats why i cant handle with security. Now its to find why, where the problem starts, is it bad deodexing, or is it needed to pull the files from 6.0 to get it working.

1 month is over, after releasing first beta. Thanks to @ajsmsg78 the security bug is fixed and all works well now, so it doesnt needs to release a 2nd beta anymore and i lead to release a ROM soon, as i build-in all functional apps i use in the past on 6.0.


[PORT] LG QuickRemote for AOSP MM

Hello, i bring to you the QuickRemote app for your AOSP Marshmallow rom, CM13 or any rom based on CM13 (Resurrection Remix, Bliss, AICP), you may ask, "Why would i want QuickRemote on my AOSP rom if MM has native IR support and Peel or Anymote works without all this mambo jambo?
Well, even though what i just said is true, no remote controller app has the learning method enabled, even on a stock rom, only QuickRemote can enable the IR receiver to learn a controller that does not appear on the device/manufacturers list.
So, that's the reason we want QuickRemote to work on our AOSP rom.
So, before anything, i would like to thank @hikarisei23 because in a comment of his post HERE i found the files for QuickRemote to work on MM wich leads to the second person i want to thank wich is @syndre who on said comment, posted the files that worked on MM, also @KronicSkillz who helped a lot to troubleshoot and also confirmed that the method i'm posting here works.
Well, this is it, after personally testing with: Resurrection Remix, AICP and Bliss, all of them MM amd CM13 based, all of them with the stock kernel and Lambda Kernel i'm confident enough to post it here, days of testing and troubleshooting and 3 different roms later.
So first, the mandatory disclaimer, im not responsible for any problem that may result from using my method and the files i'm providing you, either with your phone or your self-esteem, it's your responsibility to read, re-read and only do what you are comfortable with.
What you will need:​
1. - The phone, this only has been tested with Lg G2 and Lg G3, this may or may not work on another LG phone with IR, you can try, but at your own risk.
2. - The Rom, this only have been tested with AOSP roms either CM13 or CM13 based roms, again, you can try in another rom but at your own risk.
3. - Obviously a Custom Recovery (twrp, cwm, philz)
4. - The three zips im leaving at the end of the post, QRemote_AOSP_MM.zip Fix_Part1.zip and Fix_Part2.zip.
5. - Maybe necessary or not, depending on your rom, Universal init.d from Playstore HERE and Selinux Mode Changer from HERE.
6. - Root Access.
Ok, once you checked and have everything needed, we have to make a little prep on your Rom before starting to flash the zips.
Rom Preparation 100% Needed
You need to set Selinux to permissive, here is where you may or may not need Selinux Mode Changer, First go into "About Device" on your phone settings and in the bottom you will find an indicator for Selinux state, if its "Permissive" you are good to go, some Roms and Kernels have this set to Permissive by default, if it's Enforcing, search in your Rom or Kernel settings, some of them have an option to set it to Permissive, if your rom does not have any option to change it, you will need Selinux Mode Changer, you install it and set Selinux to permissive, after reboot you can check in About Device again to see if it succeded, if it does not work, try again and check the original post, most of the answers are there, i cant give support for this app, also, this app needs root rights, and preferably two reboots after setting Selinux to Permissive.
Next you need to have init.d support, again, some roms have it, but at least for the test that me and the other users did, even though you are pretty sure init.d is enabled it's better to just install Universal init.d from the Play Store and enable init.d manually after doing so, reboot the system at least two times and grant Root access.
Now we are ready to start flashing, reboot into recovery and RECOMMENDED, do a Nandroid Backup just in case, but at the moment no boot loops or any other problems had raised from flashing this, but again, just in case. After that, flash the first file: QRemote_AOSP_MM.zip, reboot your system and let it settle for a bit, 1 minute at least.
Now is the part where almost everyone has problems, you have to check in your Sdcard root for a log file named Qremote.log, if the file is there, it means init.d is enabled and in the file it will say if Selinux is Ok, if you don't have the file, check back the first two prep steps and try again.
Now if everything is going ok, is time for the second file, Fix_Part1.zip, reboot and let the system settle again, you may have some force close errors from QuickRemote or QuicksetSDK, its ok, you can try and check if QuickRemote is working, in allmost every case it will not work just yet, but you may have some luck.
Now, is the time to flash the third file, Fix_Part2.zip, again, reboot and let the system settle, now, you should have a working QuickRemote app on you AOSP MM Rom.
This are the steps, if you need more information about what all of this is doing and why you need Selinux and init.d, also why you need to flash 3 files, you can read the troubleshooting section where i explain what i understand about it.
Well, if you are here, it means that this didn't work as planned, so lets make this like a FAQ so you just search your problem and get the answer for it.
P.- I can't see QuickRemote on my app drawer. A: be sure that QuickRemote.apk is not showing as "com.lge...." and has the default green Android icon on your app drawer, sometimes and for reasons unknown to me, this happens for the first day or so, it will automatically change to QuickRemote and it will have the correct icon at least 5 hours after you installed it, it can take more time. A2: Maybe the flashing proccess was not successful, re-flash the file, it will automatically delete previously flashed files and install a new copy of them.
P. - I get force close messages for QuickRemote or QuicksetSDK after completing the proccess. A: try to run QuickRemote after the system settled, most of the times is 1 minute, in some roms and for reasons unknown to me, this messages will appear at boot but after the system settled, you will be able to run QuickRemote without any problem.
P. - QuickRemote opens up but no manufacturers are showing and it also gets really slow. A: this problem shows when either QuicksetSDK is not correctly installed or Selinux is not set to permissive, the solution for the first problem is in my 2 part fix, the version of Selinux included in the first zip, works great with MM but for some reason it will not work out of the box, i dont know if it's missing some files but it may or may not even show under system apps list on your settings menu, what my 2 part fix does is that, deletes the version of QuicksetSDK that the first flash installs and installs a temporary copy of QuicksetSDK wich i believe, writes information needed for QuicksetSDK to work properly, but this newer temporary QuicksetSDK apk, will allmost never work on MM, you can try but allmost every time it will not work, it will constantly force close, so the second fix zip, will delete this temporary QuicksetSDK and the folder it creates in your Sdcard root and install the previous version of QuicksetSDK again, and now, if everything went well, it will work as it's supposed to, i really dont know why exactly, but it works.
A2: the first thing you will notice when you switch to MM is that allmost every app will ask for permission to your Sdcard or camera or microphone wich in LP was not doing, since 4.3 Google is taking extra steps to ensure that you and your information are better protected one of this steps is Selinux (Security Enhanced Linux) wich, for putting it in simple terms, is like a sandbox for your system, only some trust-signed apps can get out of that sandbox and copy files etc... Into your system, those not-so privileged apps cant output anything outside the sanbox and thats why you need to disable or "set to permissive" Selinux, so QuicksetSDK can make the changes necessary for QuickRemote to do its work, it's true that now your system is in a degree "more vulnerable" but if you are a user of this forum, the odds to install something that will damage your system or jeopardize your information are minimal, you need to be really silly to fall for those "your system has problems" or "your battery is gonna explode if you don't install this app" ads that appear on your phone on the daily basis, so, dont worry, but at the same time, just be carefull and have some common sense, if there is a way for this to work with Selinux set to Enforcing, i will update it in the same second.
P. - QuickRemote force closes whenever i try to open it. A: this is caused by either a bad zip flash, or problems with Selinux or init.d, follow the previous answer and the first installation steps again.
P. - I can see QuickRemote and QuicksetSDK on my apps list, no force closes but still no manufacturers. A: Be sure init.d is enabled, i had problems with Roms that had "native init.d support" and emulated init.d will not work, the only way i got no problems with this was with Universal init.d, install that even though you are "pretty sure" your rom supports init.d, the 10QuickRemote.sh script on your init.d tries to get your country to see if you will use the app in, either Korean or any other supported language, it will also give some permissions to a file and it will check if Selinux is Permissive and finally, it will log this to a file called Qremote.log on the root of your Sd, if you have problems and you cant see the file, the problem is 99% most of the time, init.d.
P.- I don't want to flash three files, isn't there a simpler way? A: Unfortunately no, at this moment and after A LOT of testing etc... This is the only effective way i found.
P. - I'm afraid to set Selinux to permissive and leave the door open for all kind of bad ju ju and stuff to invade my sacred Android system, what can i do? A: Skip this hole thing, at the moment, the only way to make this work on AOSP MM is by doing the previous, just be careful, get some common sense and everything will be just fine.
Well, thats all i can think of right now, if you have suggestions, problems or a better way to make this work, please tell me in the comments or PM me, i'm glad to help as far as i can, i hope this helps, i leave you with the needed files and proof that it works.
QRemote_AOSP_MM.zip - MEGA - DRIVE
nice you started a new thread!
Ive been messing around with this a lot the last few days and I have been seeing the same fix you were talking about by swapping the quickset apks back and forth. Ive put together a zip for flashing that I think would make things as easy as possible for people to get the list to show up.
The script in this one sets the correct permissions for everything on flash. It will instal;l the L version of Quickset, which doesnt show the manufactures list. The M quickset apk also gets flashed but i just put it in /system, so its there and can be moved easily. When you boot the first time after flashing, the the ROM uses the L version. All you should have to do then is use a file manager app to move the QuicksetSDK.apk from /system to /system/app/QuicksertAPK/ replacing the one thats there already. Set perms to 644 if necessary. Now wipe tjhe app data for quickset app, forcing the new one to restart, you dont even have to reboot.
Last thing is you have to delete the Quickset Settings folder made by the lollipop quickset. The Marshmallow version will make a working folder of its own the first time you start Quick Remote.
I like your idea to make fixes in separate flashes, that is probably easier
link to my 01262016.AOSP-6.x.x-M_LGQuickRemote_v4.50.19.zip on MEGA
it's working great!
i just ran a nightly update on mokee6 which is cm13 similar and i had to reflash the fixes to get it working again and strange thing is i noticed lib folder is gone from quickset sdk folder but it's working
another thing i noticed is quickset sdk is not in my apps list so don't use that as a way to test if it's working either see if manufactures show up after waiting a bit or try the learning feature to test app functionality
im using d852 with stock mokee6 kernel btw of anyone's wondering and yes i have all apps selected
The mult-zip installation also worked out here on BrokenOS. Remote is working fine.
Originally I used "init.d scripts support" app to handle the init.d file. Worked just fine, BTW. Reason for that is I wasn't sure what would happen if I used Universal Init.d with Broken as it has a directory full of tweaks.
On later examination I see that each script needs to be enabled before it will run (via Settings. True/false values are then looked up in a cfg file).
So I reckon I can safely use Universal Init.d.
LG G3 D851, BrokenOS MM ROM, Tapatalk 4.9.5
can i delete universal init.d after enabling it?
@syndre well yes, i think that flashing zip it's pretty straight forward, your new method is simpler but i think that just flashing and not having to deal with system folders and permissions is better for the less tech savvy, but a little more hideous because of the various reboots
smolchy said:
it's working great!
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You're welcome
@marcdw yes, the thing with Universal init.d is that it really enables init.d at boot, Resurrection Remix and AICP also have their individual init.d scripts and they run, i don't know why the QuickRemote script does not run, and Universal init.d does not mess with the existing scripts, so it's not harmful for the system and runs the script at boot and thats what we want
@KronicSkillz well, I'm glad it works, i used the QuicksetSDK thingy because it seemed like it was the only consistent thing, sometimes the Quickset Setup folder would not show, or it will show with the first QuicksetSDK but at least at first QuicksetSDK would not show in the apps list, after the first fix it would and it would show again, i will put it in the post, thanks for the feedback
Roi007leaf said:
can i delete universal init.d after enabling it?
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I think you can i but i have not tested that, if you do, tell me what that did to update the post, i keep Universal init.d for other scripts that i have installed so i need it, if you only use it for QuickRemote i dont think you'll have a problem
ok checked.. safe to uninstall...
---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------
btw.. i did all the steps and i can see manufactures but the IR itself doesnt work.. the devices wont react to it..any solution?
Roi007leaf said:
ok checked.. safe to uninstall...
---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------
btw.. i did all the steps and i can see manufactures but the IR itself doesnt work.. the devices wont react to it..any solution?
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What variant/rom you have?
Jc_master said:
What variant/rom you have?
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LG d855 32GB 3GBRAM RR 5.6.2 android 6.0.1
Roi007leaf said:
LG d855 32GB 3GBRAM RR 5.6.2 android 6.0.1
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Try force closing QuicksetSDK and delete its data, re-flash the fix part 2 and see in that helps, also i think that you need Universal init.d again, the Qremote.log updates at every boot and it wont update if Universal init.d is not installed
Thanks for creating a new thread, I've been busy for a while and won't be able to do much androidy stuff for now.
I have seen an interesting changelog in cyanogenmod that creates selinux policies for QuicksetSDK, but they haven't merged it yet. So fingers crossed that it'll be merged ASAP so things will be easier for us
link: http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/127449/
hikarisei23 said:
Thanks for creating a new thread, I've been busy for a while and won't be able to do much androidy stuff for now.
I have seen an interesting changelog in cyanogenmod that creates selinux policies for QuicksetSDK, but they haven't merged it yet. So fingers crossed that it'll be merged ASAP so things will be easier for us
link: http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/127449/
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I hop they do, and thank you for your work also
No quicksetsdk in apps but I saw its library in systrm/app and the permissions are correct.. Any idea ?
Roi007leaf said:
No quicksetsdk in apps but I saw its library in systrm/app and the permissions are correct.. Any idea ?
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Did you flash both fix zips? The need for those 2 fix zips is because the QuicksetSDK that comes in the Qremote_AOSP_MM.zip works with Marshmallow but by itself it will not create some required files in the system and it will most likely not show in the apps list, the QuicksetSDK that comes in fix part1 most of the times wont work on Marshmallow but it will create some necessary files on the system it will show in the apps list but it force closes, and the QuicksetSDK in the fix part 2 is the same as in Qremote_AOSP_MM.zip but this time it has everything needed to work properly and it now should show in apps list allmost every time, so you need to follow the steps again closely and i recommend that before you flash the fix part 2, you go into your apps list and force close QuicksetSDK and delete its data, also report if you get Qremote.log on the root of your Sd and what this shows if its there
Jc_master said:
@KronicSkillz well, I'm glad it works, i used the QuicksetSDK thingy because it seemed like it was the only consistent thing, sometimes the Quickset Setup folder would not show, or it will show with the first QuicksetSDK but at least at first QuicksetSDK would not show in the apps list, after the first fix it would and it would show again, i will put it in the post, thanks for the feedback
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ya i was using quickset sdk check (apps list) to see if it was working too until i realized it's working without showing up this time

[PORT] LG QuickRemote for AOSP MM G2 G3 All Variants

Hello, i bring to you the QuickRemote app for your AOSP Marshmallow rom, CM13 or any rom based on CM13 (Resurrection Remix, Bliss, AICP), you may ask, "Why would i want QuickRemote on my AOSP rom if MM has native IR support and Peel or Anymote works without all this mambo jambo?
Well, even though what i just said is true, no remote controller app has the learning method enabled, even on a stock rom, only QuickRemote can enable the IR receiver to learn a controller that does not appear on the device/manufacturers list.
So, that's the reason we want QuickRemote to work on our AOSP rom.
So, before anything, i would like to thank @hikarisei23 because in a comment of his post HERE i found the files for QuickRemote to work on MM wich leads to the second person i want to thank wich is @syndre who on said comment, posted the files that worked on MM, also @KronicSkillz who helped a lot to troubleshoot and also confirmed that the method i'm posting here works.
Well, this is it, after personally testing with: Resurrection Remix, AICP and Bliss, all of them MM amd CM13 based, all of them with the stock kernel and Lambda Kernel i'm confident enough to post it here, days of testing and troubleshooting and 3 different roms later.
So first, the mandatory disclaimer, im not responsible for any problem that may result from using my method and the files i'm providing you, either with your phone or your self-esteem, it's your responsibility to read, re-read and only do what you are comfortable with.
What you will need:​
1. - The phone, this only has been tested with Lg G2 and Lg G3, this may or may not work on another LG phone with IR, you can try, but at your own risk.
2. - The Rom, this only have been tested with AOSP roms either CM13 or CM13 based roms, again, you can try in another rom but at your own risk.
3. - Obviously a Custom Recovery (twrp, cwm, philz)
4. - The three zips im leaving at the end of the post, QRemote_AOSP_MM.zip Fix_Part1.zip and Fix_Part2.zip.
5. - Maybe necessary or not, depending on your rom, Universal init.d from Playstore HERE and Selinux Mode Changer from HERE.
6. - Root Access.
Ok, once you checked and have everything needed, we have to make a little prep on your Rom before starting to flash the zips.
Rom Preparation 100% Needed
You need to set Selinux to permissive, here is where you may or may not need Selinux Mode Changer, First go into "About Device" on your phone settings and in the bottom you will find an indicator for Selinux state, if its "Permissive" you are good to go, some Roms and Kernels have this set to Permissive by default, if it's Enforcing, search in your Rom or Kernel settings, some of them have an option to set it to Permissive, if your rom does not have any option to change it, you will need Selinux Mode Changer, you install it and set Selinux to permissive, after reboot you can check in About Device again to see if it succeded, if it does not work, try again and check the original post, most of the answers are there, i cant give support for this app, also, this app needs root rights, and preferably two reboots after setting Selinux to Permissive.
Next you need to have init.d support, again, some roms have it, but at least for the test that me and the other users did, even though you are pretty sure init.d is enabled it's better to just install Universal init.d from the Play Store and enable init.d manually after doing so, reboot the system at least two times and grant Root access.
Now we are ready to start flashing, reboot into recovery and RECOMMENDED, do a Nandroid Backup just in case, but at the moment no boot loops or any other problems had raised from flashing this, but again, just in case. After that, flash the first file: QRemote_AOSP_MM.zip, reboot your system and let it settle for a bit, 1 minute at least.
Now is the part where almost everyone has problems, you have to check in your Sdcard root for a log file named Qremote.log, if the file is there, it means init.d is enabled and in the file it will say if Selinux is Ok, if you don't have the file, check back the first two prep steps and try again.
Now if everything is going ok, is time for the second file, Fix_Part1.zip, reboot and let the system settle again, you may have some force close errors from QuickRemote or QuicksetSDK, its ok, you can try and check if QuickRemote is working, in allmost every case it will not work just yet, but you may have some luck.
Now, is the time to flash the third file, Fix_Part2.zip, again, reboot and let the system settle, now, you should have a working QuickRemote app on you AOSP MM Rom.
This are the steps, if you need more information about what all of this is doing and why you need Selinux and init.d, also why you need to flash 3 files, you can read the troubleshooting section where i explain what i understand about it.
Well, if you are here, it means that this didn't work as planned, so lets make this like a FAQ so you just search your problem and get the answer for it.
P.- I can't see QuickRemote on my app drawer. A: be sure that QuickRemote.apk is not showing as "com.lge...." and has the default green Android icon on your app drawer, sometimes and for reasons unknown to me, this happens for the first day or so, it will automatically change to QuickRemote and it will have the correct icon at least 5 hours after you installed it, it can take more time. A2: Maybe the flashing proccess was not successful, re-flash the file, it will automatically delete previously flashed files and install a new copy of them.
P. - I get force close messages for QuickRemote or QuicksetSDK after completing the proccess. A: try to run QuickRemote after the system settled, most of the times is 1 minute, in some roms and for reasons unknown to me, this messages will appear at boot but after the system settled, you will be able to run QuickRemote without any problem.
P. - QuickRemote opens up but no manufacturers are showing and it also gets really slow. A: this problem shows when either QuicksetSDK is not correctly installed or Selinux is not set to permissive, the solution for the first problem is in my 2 part fix, the version of Selinux included in the first zip, works great with MM but for some reason it will not work out of the box, i dont know if it's missing some files but it may or may not even show under system apps list on your settings menu, what my 2 part fix does is that, deletes the version of QuicksetSDK that the first flash installs and installs a temporary copy of QuicksetSDK wich i believe, writes information needed for QuicksetSDK to work properly, but this newer temporary QuicksetSDK apk, will allmost never work on MM, you can try but allmost every time it will not work, it will constantly force close, so the second fix zip, will delete this temporary QuicksetSDK and the folder it creates in your Sdcard root and install the previous version of QuicksetSDK again, and now, if everything went well, it will work as it's supposed to, i really dont know why exactly, but it works.
A2: the first thing you will notice when you switch to MM is that allmost every app will ask for permission to your Sdcard or camera or microphone wich in LP was not doing, since 4.3 Google is taking extra steps to ensure that you and your information are better protected one of this steps is Selinux (Security Enhanced Linux) wich, for putting it in simple terms, is like a sandbox for your system, only some trust-signed apps can get out of that sandbox and copy files etc... Into your system, those not-so privileged apps cant output anything outside the sanbox and thats why you need to disable or "set to permissive" Selinux, so QuicksetSDK can make the changes necessary for QuickRemote to do its work, it's true that now your system is in a degree "more vulnerable" but if you are a user of this forum, the odds to install something that will damage your system or jeopardize your information are minimal, you need to be really silly to fall for those "your system has problems" or "your battery is gonna explode if you don't install this app" ads that appear on your phone on the daily basis, so, dont worry, but at the same time, just be carefull and have some common sense, if there is a way for this to work with Selinux set to Enforcing, i will update it in the same second.
P. - QuickRemote force closes whenever i try to open it. A: this is caused by either a bad zip flash, or problems with Selinux or init.d, follow the previous answer and the first installation steps again.
P. - I can see QuickRemote and QuicksetSDK on my apps list, no force closes but still no manufacturers. A: Be sure init.d is enabled, i had problems with Roms that had "native init.d support" and emulated init.d will not work, the only way i got no problems with this was with Universal init.d, install that even though you are "pretty sure" your rom supports init.d, the 10QuickRemote.sh script on your init.d tries to get your country to see if you will use the app in, either Korean or any other supported language, it will also give some permissions to a file and it will check if Selinux is Permissive and finally, it will log this to a file called Qremote.log on the root of your Sd, if you have problems and you cant see the file, the problem is 99% most of the time, init.d.
P.- I don't want to flash three files, isn't there a simpler way? A: Unfortunately no, at this moment and after A LOT of testing etc... This is the only effective way i found.
P. - I'm afraid to set Selinux to permissive and leave the door open for all kind of bad ju ju and stuff to invade my sacred Android system, what can i do? A: Skip this hole thing, at the moment, the only way to make this work on AOSP MM is by doing the previous, just be careful, get some common sense and everything will be just fine.
Well, thats all i can think of right now, if you have suggestions, problems or a better way to make this work, please tell me in the comments or PM me, i'm glad to help as far as i can, i hope this helps, i leave you with the needed files and proof that it works.
QRemote_AOSP_MM.zip - MEGA - DRIVE
Great job
Works great on Ressurection Remix 5.6.2. Well done.
Only issues I have are the force close when trying to edit the remote name, and icon and name of the app not showing correctly (which can be fixed with any custon launcher).
Petrit Ziu said:
Works great on Ressurection Remix 5.6.2. Well done.
Only issues I have are the force close when trying to edit the remote name, and icon and name of the app not showing correctly (which can be fixed with any custon launcher).
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I have not seen those force closes, i have to check, and as i said, the icon and name will eventually get right, for me was 5 hours, but it can be a hole day, and all by itself will set the icon and name correctly, if you have more problems, send me a logcat for this app, maybe we can find why it force closes
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[INDEX][LG G2] ROMs, Kernels, Guides and more
@Petrit Ziu after seeing the logcat i think the problem is StrictMode Policy, wich is a policy in android to keep unintentional writes to the system away from the main thread, so the animations, ui etc... Can keep a steady flow and your system runs smooth, because this app was never intended for AOSP and the app comes from Lollipop, i think that the right signatures are missing and Android sees the action of changing the name to a controller "invalid" so it closes the QuickRemote App, lets wait for newer versions of QuickRemote after Lg releases MM to more IR enabled devices to see what app works best, this is the best we can do with the resources we have
@Art Vanderlay Thanks
@Jc_master I think it's already perfect, just pointed an issue i found, but it's totally not a problem for me. Thanks
Sent from my LG-VS980 using XDA Free mobile app
@Petrit Ziu thanks, and dont worry, i'm no developer but i'm learning so much from this, it's good for me to see this problems and know why they happen, it's good to have feedback and even better this errors, if you didn't tell me, i would not know, my system does the same and i had no idea, i will update the post with this information
not work for me
I flashed it a lot of time and patched it and it will be not even work for me :/
I always get FC
D802 CM13 Nightlies
Potter92 said:
I flashed it a lot of time and patched it and it will be not even work for me :/
I always get FC
D802 CM13 Nightlies
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Well, the only thing i can reccomend is that you use the latest TWRP for your device, you have to follow the steps exactly as i explained and use exactly the apps and files i explain, if that does not work i can just reccomend using another rom, Resurrection Remix for example, your logcat seems to show a problem with the apk itself, you cam try and decompress the files and manually copy and assign permissions to the files but i can't show you how, i lack time to do it
Works great, thank you!
Only issue I've had is the app crashes every time I try to rename a remote.
It works on the D801 (T-Mobile) Bliss rom 6.0.1
just confirming it.
Although I do get some force quit when editing the remotes name etc...
LG D802 CM13 nightlies - works!
Jc_master said:
@Petrit Ziu after seeing the logcat i think the problem is StrictMode Policy, wich is a policy in android to keep unintentional writes to the system away from the main thread, so the animations, ui etc... Can keep a steady flow and your system runs smooth, because this app was never intended for AOSP and the app comes from Lollipop, i think that the right signatures are missing and Android sees the action of changing the name to a controller "invalid" so it closes the QuickRemote App, lets wait for newer versions of QuickRemote after Lg releases MM to more IR enabled devices to see what app works best, this is the best we can do with the resources we have
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Is there a fix?
MM is out for G3
U can change name using SQLite Editor like this:
Database: /data/data/com.lge.qremote/databases/qremotesettings.db
Table: tblDevices
Petrit Ziu said:
Works great on Ressurection Remix 5.6.2. Well done.
Only issues I have are the force close when trying to edit the remote name, and icon and name of the app not showing correctly (which can be fixed with any custon launcher).
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I can confirm this force close on rename issue as well
Eselter said:
U can change name using SQLite Editor like this:
Database: /data/data/com.lge.qremote/databases/qremotesettings.db
Table: tblDevices
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That did it! Not necessarily a solution to the problem but a sufficient workaround for now
On CM13 working great but on exodus I can't manage it to work.
Any one have try it on exodus rom?
Eselter said:
On CM13 working great but on exodus I can't manage it to work.
Any one have try it on exodus rom?
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Same here. Works on every rom I've tried but exodus. Something funky is happening with the quickset SDK as its present in priv-app or app (forget which one) but doesn't show up in installed apps. I have selinux set to permissive and init.d enabled.
Hello, how to uninstall this qremote? Because I have tried peel smart remote, and it's works great. And the remote (peel) so detail from LG qremote.

[ROM][6.0][STOCK]{UPDATED} Lenovo Tab 3 8"/TB3-850F

DISCLAIMER: Your warranty will be voided by installing this ROM, unlocking your bootloader, or flashing a custom recovery. You hereby assume sole responsibility for any positive or negative consequences incurred by flashing this ROM. As always, flashing your Android device or otherwise altering its file system & partitions involves an inherent risk. I am not responsible for any devices which are bricked or otherwise rendered inoperable as a result of flashing this ROM. However, in such scenarios,
I will provide all support feasibly possible. Follow the simple instructions carefully and you should experience no adverse affects.
Lenovo's open source code for this ROM encompasses both the 850F & 850M variants of this tablet. Therefore, this ROM should be completely compatible with the TB3-850M as well.
This Stock Android 6.0 ROM is virtually unmodified. However, it should be noted that dm-verity (device mapping) and force encryption have been disabled via patched boot image. This is the most current stock OS for the Lenovo Tab 3 8"; therefore, no OTAs will need to be installed subsequent to flashing this ROM. In order to ensure that force encryption gets disabled, it is imperative that the /userdata (Data) partition is formatted in TWRP prior to Installation. Please carefully follow the below instructions.
For those members who want a pure stock experience, but also want root access of the stock OS, I'm currently compiling a deodexed & zipaligned version of this ROM, fully rooted with Magisk 14.0 & BusyBox binaries pre-installed.
Android Version: 6.0 Marshmallow
Build No: TB3-850F_S100031_171010_ROW
Kernel Version: 3.18.19
SDK Version: 23
Software Version: TB3-850F_160412
Build ID: MRA58K
Android Security Patch Level: 9/05/2017
Runtime Version: ART 2.1.0
Hardware Version: LenovoPad TB3-850F
Board Platform: MediaTek MT6735M
CPU: 64-Bit, Quad-Core Cortex A-53 - 1.0GHz
GPU: Mali T720 - 450MHz
OS Build Date: 10/10/2017
Source Code: http://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/tablets/a-series/tab3-8/downloads/ds112711
1. Unlocked bootloader;
2. TWRP recovery;
This is a pure stock, unmodified, TWRP flashable Android 6.0 Marshmallow ROM for the Lenovo Tab 3 8". This ROM was compiled from the most recent stock /boot and /system images. However, as noted previously, the boot image has been unpacked, patched, and repacked in order to disable dm-verity and force encryption. Because raw firmware images were used in compiling this ROM, the file size is in excess of 1GB (approximately 1.35GB).
1. Download the ROM from the link provided and save it to your external micro SD card. Do not save to internal storage, as your /data partition will need to be formatted prior to installation;
2. Boot your tablet into TWRP recovery;
3. Wipe /system, /data, /cache & /Dalvik-ART cache. Also, select "Wipe", then "Format Data." This step is crucial to ensure disabling of force encryption. Please note that once installed, you may go to SETTINGS>>SECURITY and opt to encrypt the userdata on the tablet;
4. Select INSTALL, navigate to the location in which you saved the ROM zip file, and initiate installation. Flashing will complete in approximately 3 - 4 minutes;
5. Reboot system.
You should now have unmodified stock Android 6.0 installed on your Tab 3, as well as disabled dm-verity and disabled force encryption.
Stock Android 6.0 ROM --
TB3-850F_S100031_171010_ROW: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iMf0Ns_XWGpYlNmXCvUsW_1DfaRMeIuO/view?usp=drivesdk
Stock Recovery Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D6A7b080luzsSf0xLJSCqPBNeQLSWo94/view?usp=drivesdk
Unpatched Stock Boot Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1azgIrPbfJHBzZF9R4IUMxIGNga6vjipD/view?usp=drivesdk
Lenovo File Manager (APK): https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/general/app-lenovo-file-manager-lenovo-tab-3-8-t3706161
Lenovo Tab 3 8" User Guide --
TB3-850F & TB3-850M (English)(PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/18gCTfuZecJnlB0ddBIN02YPaDpuvmzov/view?usp=drivesdk
Older Build(s):
TB3-850F_S100030_161209_ROW: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1Sfod4HWfk2aTNtVmJHZGpWZEE/view?usp=drivesdk
BUGS: Please report any and all bugs, no matter how seemingly trivial or insignificant. For those members with the knowledge, please submit a proper bug report. If you are not sure how, simply provide as many facts & details as possible. If you are having problems with apps, please specify as to whether the app is from Google Play. Also, please DO NOT submit bug reports unless you are utilizing this ROM in its present form -- unmodified, pure stock. Custom kernels, mods & tweaks (e.g. Xposed framework) & any deviations from pure stock will make it futile to analyze bug reports. Instead, provide with detail the precise nature of the problem. If reporting a bug, please specify if you are rooted (systemless or system-mode) and/or have BusyBox binaries installed. Submit screenshots of bugs if possible.
Brilliant! Will download now and report back later. Thank you.
My custom ROM for this tablet should be coming out of the Android Kitchen later this evening. I've dubbed it Ethereal OS v1.1 [Android 6.0.1]. Extremely lightweight yet moderately feature packed.
MotoJunkie01 said:
My custom ROM for this tablet should be coming out of the Android Kitchen later this evening. I've dubbed it Ethereal OS v1.1 [Android 6.0.1]. Extremely lightweight yet moderately feature packed.
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After flashing the stock zip TWRP says unknown error. It booted up fine to where you login to your gmail and "bluetooth sharing has stopped working" pops up. Bluetooth can not be turned on within settings. I can not double swipe down to get to the notifications and the "Home" and "Recents" buttons do not seem to work although they both vibrate when pressed.
I will flash stock with SPFT and try your stock rom again.
stonedpsycho said:
After flashing the stock zip TWRP says unknown error. It booted up fine to where you login to your gmail and "bluetooth sharing has stopped working" pops up. Bluetooth can not be turned on within settings. I can not double swipe down to get to the notifications and the "Home" and "Recents" buttons do not seem to work although they both vibrate when pressed.
I will flash stock with SPFT and try your stock rom again.
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I got the same error with Bluetooth Share force closing two times at the setup screen. Probably a corruption issue during archiving the ROM. I'll do an md5 and archive the ROM again.
Seemed to work, however the loading images and screen is still lenovo. Also they lenovo apps are still there.
rongallant said:
Seemed to work, however the loading images and screen is still lenovo. Also they lenovo apps are still there.
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This is not a custom ROM. This is pure stock. The Lenovo boot logo, boot animation & apps are supposed to be there. Like the title implies this an "Unmodified" stock ROM.
MotoJunkie01 said:
This is not a custom ROM. This is pure stock. The Lenovo boot logo, boot animation & apps are supposed to be there. Like the title implies this an "Unmodified" stock ROM.
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My bad, understood.
On another note, I am finding it very buggy. The home and overview buttons do not work. They show you clicked it along with the haptic feedback, but nothing happens. The back button works and is the only way I know to get back to the home screen.
Also the tool panel you pull from the top stops working after a little while until I reboot. Then works for a little while.
The Play store downloads barely work. They show pending and nothing happens. I force quite, cleared the cache, disabled, reverted to the stock app and it works for a little bit. Then the other Play Store app comes back. Anyways, I am not complaining. I appreciate the work you put into this. It's awesome we get to do it at all. Just giving my feedback. P.S. It's a new TB3-850F.
rongallant said:
My bad, understood.
On another note, I am finding it very buggy. The home and overview buttons do not work. They show you clicked it along with the haptic feedback, but nothing happens. The back button works and is the only way I know to get back to the home screen.
Also the tool panel you pull from the top stops working after a little while until I reboot. Then works for a little while.
The Play store downloads barely work. They show pending and nothing happens. I force quite, cleared the cache, disabled, reverted to the stock app and it works for a little bit. Then the other Play Store app comes back. Anyways, I am not complaining. I appreciate the work you put into this. It's awesome we get to do it at all. Just giving my feedback. P.S. It's a new TB3-850F.
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Yes. Very buggy indeed. I have determined that the bugs are due to corruption during the unpacking of the system image. I'm repacking the ROM now to alleviate the bugs. Thanks for your input...
I've managed to fix the major bugs reported upon initial install of the ROM -- Recents & Home Buttons, Quick Pulldown Menu, Google Framework bugs, New App Shortcut bugs, etc. Simply corruption during packing (archiving) the ROM zip. I will try my best to get a new build posted sometime today.
MotoJunkie01 said:
I've managed to fix the major bugs reported upon initial install of the ROM -- Recents & Home Buttons, Quick Pulldown Menu, Google Framework bugs, New App Shortcut bugs, etc. Simply corruption during packing (archiving) the ROM zip. I will try my best to get a new build posted sometime today.
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Dear MotoJunkie
İs it possible to upload stock Fm Radio Aplication(offline radio) of Tab3 8? İn my Turkish model, theres no Fm radio aplication. I need it to use tablet in my car.
MotoJunkie01 said:
I've managed to fix the major bugs reported upon initial install of the ROM -- Recents & Home Buttons, Quick Pulldown Menu, Google Framework bugs, New App Shortcut bugs, etc. Simply corruption during packing (archiving) the ROM zip. I will try my best to get a new build posted sometime today.
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Did you get around to uploading it? I am unable to use the OTA update file. Says its missing 'android-info.txt'
Also, anyone care to point me to a way to get back to stock/unrooted?? Nooooo, I didn't backup my ROM first. That would have made way to much sense.
I've been out of commission, unfortunately, due to impending health issues once again. I know that hospital food sucks, that the pretty nurses don't typically put out easy, and that the hospital WiFi restrictions can easily be bypassed with a proxy server address. Lol. And that's all I've learned in the past ten days. Anyway, hope to be back in my daily routine in the next day or so and finishing some stuff up for this device.
Hi, is this thread alive? I'm interested in solution because i have about 60 tablets and need a solution to clone form one source tablet (config, apps, wlan, users, etc.) to other 59. I have tried adb backup --twrp and it went ok, but when i tried restore it gave errors with system partition and now i can only recover tablet with factory ROM from this thread (but it is buggy and cannot put it int to production like this). Is it possible to create system rom from other working tablet? Iwill be very pleased If You can write step by step, how to create zipped rom from working device so i can then upload it to share with others.
spiker_80 said:
Hi, is this thread alive? I'm interested in solution because i have about 60 tablets and need a solution to clone form one source tablet (config, apps, wlan, users, etc.) to other 59. I have tried adb backup --twrp and it went ok, but when i tried restore it gave errors with system partition and now i can only recover tablet with factory ROM from this thread (but it is buggy and cannot put it int to production like this). Is it possible to create system rom from other working tablet? Iwill be very pleased If You can write step by step, how to create zipped rom from working device so i can then upload it to share with others.
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The thread is alive and I'm currently ironing out the errors on the posted ROM. The errors are due to a couple of permissions which are omitted on my updater-script file. I'll be posting an updated and hopefully error free release this week. Thanks for your interest and sorry for the delay in development. I've had a number of health issues of late and I'm now recovering.
Problem after wiping /system
I´m new right here. I bought a new TB3-850F and wanted to flash the Original Stock Rom. After opening the Bootloader and booting into twrp like this way https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/general/guide-lenovo-tab3-8-tb3-850f-t3559786 I wiped the /data /System /dalvic and /Cache. After that I rebooted the system.
But it only shows after starting the Lenovo-Logo. No more booting. Because of this I can´t start the fastboot modus with Minimal ADB and Fastboot.
Is there some idea how I can boot into fastboot?
Many thanks for your help,
sailor1977 said:
I´m new right here. I bought a new TB3-850F and wanted to flash the Original Stock Rom. After opening the Bootloader and booting into twrp like this way https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/general/guide-lenovo-tab3-8-tb3-850f-t3559786 I wiped the /data /System /dalvic and /Cache. After that I rebooted the system.
But it only shows after starting the Lenovo-Logo. No more booting. Because of this I can´t start the fastboot modus with Minimal ADB and Fastboot.
Is there some idea how I can boot into fastboot?
Many thanks for your help,
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I´ve got a solution: After powering down, press power, wait 1 sec then hold both vol up & down also (all 3 Buttons) until vibrates. After starting in recovery Modus hold power button und press once the vol up.
With help of: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/help/lenovo-tab3-8-2016-custom-recovery-t3483454 post #66
Ok. I've debugged the Stock 6.0 ROM in the OP. Fixed the Bluetooth force close issue at startup and the bugs involving the hardware buttons and the pull down menu. I'm traveling for work at the moment. Soon as I'm back home Monday I'll post the fixed build in the OP.
MotoJunkie01 said:
Ok. I've debugged the Stock 6.0 ROM in the OP. Fixed the Bluetooth force close issue at startup and the bugs involving the hardware buttons and the pull down menu. I'm traveling for work at the moment. Soon as I'm back home Monday I'll post the fixed build in the OP.
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Cheers buddy. Good stuff ??
@Hemphiz, I hope all is well my friend. Something I wanted to get your input on. It seems that a few members have been experiencing boot loops and other problems after following the TWRP & Root thread I revised. I'm sort of at a brick wall in terms of figuring out what's going on. I'm thinking that maybe there are regional variants that are incompatible with the TWRP we use. Or, it could be one of those situations where instructions are not being closely followed. What are your thoughts? Thanks.

SRGX2 Rom for the Life One X2 Mini

SRGX2 for Life One X2 Mini​This Rom Is a Stripped down modified version of the Life One X2 Mini stock Rom.
NOTE: After installation give Launcer 3 notification permission and update Google Play Services (click on the notification).
(Please remember I do this in my free time and with my own money. If you like it please hit the thanks button)
Malware removed
Build.prop Tweaks
Oreo Launcher
Camera app replaced by OpenCamera
File manager replaced by MiXplorer
To do list:
Build wifi drivers into the Kernel
Strip down rc scripts
What Works:
Video Playback
Not Working Yet:
(You tell me)
Current Build: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673956719939824825
Builds: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=239712
Patches: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=254440
TWRP: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzMHnGbQH3bhTERvcGxlSkZFa2M/view?usp=sharing
Kernel: https://github.com/vampirefo/android_kernel_blu_kernel_x2 (Special thanks to @vampirefo for the kernel source)
Screenshots: comming soon
Version: Testing
Build: 01072018211020
Initial release
Version: rc1
Build: 01142018205847
switched to stock theme
Version: 1.1.0
Build: 02182018215948
rebuild off of the 01/04/2018 update
Version: 1.1.1
Build: 02242018165134
fixed mobile data bug
Version: 1.1.2
Build: 03032018224915
changed DPI to 441
added stock calendar app
added stock calculator app
add stock clock app
Does quick charge work?
Been running for a couple of days now without issue.
cyrusharding said:
Does quick charge work?
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Yes it works, I've beeen using 2 QC3 chargers with no problems at all.
Awesome, works great so far. Here are a few things I noticed :
1- Keyboard didn't show up easily during setup, but eventually it became smooth
2- Following apps did not install (Package Helper error) : Fitbit & Spotify. Spotify was a known issue in stock rom but Fitbit was working fine in stock.
3- Netflix is not available. Previously I had LineageOS 13 and I was able to install Netflix. I know they banned uncertified devices, but I was still able to get it with that rom.
4- Fingerprint is not working 100%. I am able to unlock the device with it but apps are not able to use it properly. For example try Starbucks or any banking app. They will ask if you want to use fingerprint, you say yes and you put your finger, some apps crash, others will say fingerprint recognized, but then they don't actually store/use that fingerprint? Something must have gone wrong... LineageOS 13 also had this issue, but stock rom did not.
I would like to know if it's possible to not have the customizations you did for colors. Blue (pun not intended) hurts my eyes and transparency doesn't look great with some apps open. Also, if you go to device encryption, because you changed colors, some foreground and background colors are now identical and I wasn't able to read the options... I think that screen was the one for if I wanted to ask for password when the device boots.
Also do you have a git for the source tree? I'm learning to build Android and am hoping to see how you are doing things?
Thanks again and keep it up!
enduo said:
Awesome, works great so far. Here are a few things I noticed :
1- Keyboard didn't show up easily during setup, but eventually it became smooth
2- Following apps did not install (Package Helper error) : Fitbit & Spotify. Spotify was a known issue in stock rom but Fitbit was working fine in stock.
3- Netflix is not available. Previously I had LineageOS 13 and I was able to install Netflix. I know they banned uncertified devices, but I was still able to get it with that rom.
4- Fingerprint is not working 100%. I am able to unlock the device with it but apps are not able to use it properly. For example try Starbucks or any banking app. They will ask if you want to use fingerprint, you say yes and you put your finger, some apps crash, others will say fingerprint recognized, but then they don't actually store/use that fingerprint? Something must have gone wrong... LineageOS 13 also had this issue, but stock rom did not.
I would like to know if it's possible to not have the customizations you did for colors. Blue (pun not intended) hurts my eyes and transparency doesn't look great with some apps open. Also, if you go to device encryption, because you changed colors, some foreground and background colors are now identical and I wasn't able to read the options... I think that screen was the one for if I wanted to ask for password when the device boots.
Also do you have a git for the source tree? I'm learning to build Android and am hoping to see how you are doing things?
Thanks again and keep it up!
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try "dogfood spotify" i had same issue and got that to work on the lineageos 13 blox2mini ROM.
cyrusharding said:
try "dogfood spotify" i had same issue and got that to work on the lineageos 13 blox2mini ROM.
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Interesting, didn't know that exists. I currently just download off of http://download.spotify.com/android/SpotifyAndroid.apk
enduo said:
Awesome, works great so far. Here are a few things I noticed :
1- Keyboard didn't show up easily during setup, but eventually it became smooth
2- Following apps did not install (Package Helper error) : Fitbit & Spotify. Spotify was a known issue in stock rom but Fitbit was working fine in stock.
3- Netflix is not available. Previously I had LineageOS 13 and I was able to install Netflix. I know they banned uncertified devices, but I was still able to get it with that rom.
4- Fingerprint is not working 100%. I am able to unlock the device with it but apps are not able to use it properly. For example try Starbucks or any banking app. They will ask if you want to use fingerprint, you say yes and you put your finger, some apps crash, others will say fingerprint recognized, but then they don't actually store/use that fingerprint? Something must have gone wrong... LineageOS 13 also had this issue, but stock rom did not.
I would like to know if it's possible to not have the customizations you did for colors. Blue (pun not intended) hurts my eyes and transparency doesn't look great with some apps open. Also, if you go to device encryption, because you changed colors, some foreground and background colors are now identical and I wasn't able to read the options... I think that screen was the one for if I wanted to ask for password when the device boots.
Also do you have a git for the source tree? I'm learning to build Android and am hoping to see how you are doing things?
Thanks again and keep it up!
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I'm doing my mods on the precompiled factory rom. If you go to the Lineage OS thread, Vampirefo has a link to the device and vendor tree he created for his rom. I am considering having two versions of my rom for the Mini. A light theme (stock) and dark theme the one that is out now. Right now the rom is only in testing stage. I enjoy seeing your interest in learning how to do what I am doing, the more developers the better.
Thanks for you feedback, here are some helpful links. I am a Linux user and my links may be geared toward Linux, some things can be done in Windows, but some require Linux.
Lineage OS for the Mini: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/lineageos-13-life-one-x2-mini-t3692814 (has links to his device and vendor tree)
How to compile an Android kernel: https://forum.xda-developers.com/le-2/how-to/guide-compiling-64-bit-android-kernel-t3512749 (I'm still trying to locate the Mini kernel source)
Tool to unpack and repack a rom: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ap...dows-linux-superr-s-kitchen-v3-0-0-0-t3601702
tool for unpacking apks: https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/
I hope these help you and enjoy
srgrusso said:
I'm doing my mods on the precompiled factory rom. If you go to the Lineage OS thread, Vampirefo has a link to the device and vendor tree he created for his rom. I am considering having two versions of my rom for the Mini. A light theme (stock) and dark theme the one that is out now. Right now the rom is only in testing stage. I enjoy seeing your interest in learning how to do what I am doing, the more developers the better.
Thanks for you feedback, here are some helpful links. I am a Linux user and my links may be geared toward Linux, some things can be done in Windows, but some require Linux.
Lineage OS for the Mini: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/development/lineageos-13-life-one-x2-mini-t3692814 (has links to his device and vendor tree)
How to compile an Android kernel: https://forum.xda-developers.com/le-2/how-to/guide-compiling-64-bit-android-kernel-t3512749 (I'm still trying to locate the Mini kernel source)
Tool to unpack and repack a rom: https://forum.xda-developers.com/ap...dows-linux-superr-s-kitchen-v3-0-0-0-t3601702
tool for unpacking apks: https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/
I hope these help you and enjoy
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This is awesome thanks so much!! I use Windows on a daily basis but I do have a pretty good knowledge about Linux and have set up a build environment in for Android. These links should help me understand what I am missing. I am also happy to continue testing and give you feedback on this ROM as it is currently my daily driver.
New Rom out. It has the stock theme, other than that it is the same.. I haven't decided if I'm going to build two Roms or have the theme be a patch. Maintaining all the different variants of the Rom are getting to be very time and space consuming.
Strange question, but on the original stock rom, I started having issues with the Package Access Helper not working, while installing updates for Paypal, and just straight up trying to install Spotify, even the APK. I did a full factory reset, still did not work. I also installed the custom rom over at BLOX2.com, and the Package Access Helper still would stop working, even after clearing data/cache. I'm just curious if you know if your rom will fix that issue?
Requia77 said:
Strange question, but on the original stock rom, I started having issues with the Package Access Helper not working, while installing updates for Paypal, and just straight up trying to install Spotify, even the APK. I did a full factory reset, still did not work. I also installed the custom rom over at BLOX2.com, and the Package Access Helper still would stop working, even after clearing data/cache. I'm just curious if you know if your rom will fix that issue?
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Is this without root? I don't know if my rom will fix that, I never used the Paypal app. Your welcome to try and let me know. Also there is LineageOS 13 for the mini which has been built from source.
New rom rebuilt from the 01/04/2018 update.
v 1.1.0
There is a problem with the latest version of SRGX2. Mobile data doesn't work. I work on it this weekend and keep everyone updated.
Here is the fixed rom.
Good news I was able to get Android File Host to make the Life One X2 an official device. I have made a request for the Mini too. For now all the files will be under the Life One X2 device.
Updated rom: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=673956719939824825
It includes the stock Calendar, Clock and Calculator apps. I changed the DPI to 441. Let me know if anyone has any problems with the Playstore. I know that there has been some requests for the stock Camera and file Manager apps. It's hard to please everybody so I added a patch section which may please some.


I'm not a fan of Android 12's Material You, i.e. dull color schemes, ginormous headers and copious amounts of whitespace. Screens got bigger over time, but information density is getting lower and lower. It's crazy. Anyway, I'll spare you the rant.
As the LineageOS project stopped publishing builds for LineageOS 18.1, but they continue to patch their 18.1-branch with Android's monthly security updates, I decided to start building it myself following the instructions here.
You can download the builds here:
LineageOS 18.1 for Pixel 4a (sunfish) - Browse Files at SourceForge.net
Unofficial builds for those who wish to stay on 18.1 a bit longer.
I usually publish an update every month.
Additional tweaks​
Default maximum lockscreen password length of 64 characters (instead of 16) [more info]
Firmware​It's probably best to run the latest Android 11 firmware, since this is Android 11. You can download the last official Android 11 factory image from Google and flash it from fastboot mode (your data will be erased).
Clean install​
Download the latest lineage-18.1-xxxxxxxx-UNOFFICIAL-sunfish-boot.img and lineage-18.1-xxxxxxxx-UNOFFICIAL-sunfish.zip from aforementioned link
Boot to bootloader a.k.a. fastboot
Flash the boot image with this command (replace filename with actual filename):
fastboot flash boot lineage-18.1-xxxxxxxx-UNOFFICIAL-sunfish-boot.img
Boot to recovery
Factory reset > Format data/factory reset > confirm (your data will be erased)
Apply update > Apply from ADB
Sideload the ROM with this command (replace filename with actual filename):
adb sideload lineage-18.1-xxxxxxxx-UNOFFICIAL-sunfish.zip
(If it asks "Signature verification failed. Install anyway?" answer Yes)
Optionally flash Gapps or anything else:
Advanced > Reboot to recovery
Run adb sideload with your zip
Reboot system now
Updating​Updates are delivered through the built-in updater (Settings > System > Updater).
If you use Magisk, deny the Updater's request to reboot at the end of the update process, open Magisk, tap Install and then "Install to Inactive Slot (After OTA)". Tap reboot after the process completes.
Migrating from last official LineageOS 18.1 build​So it turns out builds are signed with a secret cryptographic key and when you install an update it has to have the same cryptographic signature or bad things will happen. This means you can't directly update from the last official build (signed by the LineageOS team) to my build (signed by me).
The solution: build and install (as an update a.k.a. dirty flash) a so called "migration build", which "resets the keys on all packages at every boot." I guess after booting into this build once, you can just update to the regular build using the updater (the LineageOS wiki is very concise on this topic and doesn't explain much).
You can download the migration build and boot image from the aforementioned link, they are marked MIGRATION instead of UNOFFICIAL. Don't run this build any longer than necessary, it's a security risk by its very nature.
When I tried this migration, my system wouldn't boot (stuck on boot logo). ADB worked and I could see in dmesg or logcat that, among other errors, SystemUI failed to start. Was it because I didn't reflash Gapps? But I never reflashed Gapps when using LineageOS' builtin updater...
Later I did some testing. I did a clean install of the latest official build, then my migration build, then my normal build, all was fine. Then I did a clean install of the latest official build WITH Gapps, then flashed the migration build WITHOUT Gapps, and the system booted up just fine. Huh? Then I flashed my normal build DIRECTLY over the latest official build, without migration build in between, and all was STILL FINE! So uhm... what's happening, how does this signing work and when does it become a problem? I have no clue.
If you decide to try the migration route, make sure to backup any data you don't want to lose and let us know how it went!
Acknowledgements​Thanks to the original maintainers PeterCxy, cdesai and mikeioannina for bringing LineageOS 18.1 to the Pixel 4a!
Source code​
A free and open-source operating system for various devices, based on the Android mobile platform. This is a mirror of https://review.lineageos.org/ - LineageOS
Gcam​You can just install it from the Play Store. There are a few bugs:
In photo mode, slide up to record video doesn't work
Motion Photos doesn't work
It doesn't scan QR codes without Google Lens
App versions without Material You​If, like me, you try to avoid Material You like the plague, here's a list of the last versions of Google apps that I use(d) that don't have Material You. Note that LineageOS includes its own versions of some of them and all of them are optional anyway. You can find them on e.g. APKMirror.
Calculator 7.8
Calendar 2021.35.3
Camera 8.2.400
Clock 6.4.1
Contacts 3.49.2
Gboard 10.8.05
Maps 10.80.1
Phone 68.0.3
Photos 5.58.0
Is it wise to run older software? You decide. In an ideal world security updates and bug fixes would be separate from UI and "we decided you don't need this functionality so we removed it" updates. I've long ago stopped regularly updating my apps (i.e. turned off automatic updates) because I like to be able to trust my device will look & work the same tomorrow as it did today.
P.S. After you've installed the regular 20220815 build, the updater will keep showing an August 16 update which is actually the build you're already running. This is because I had to move the timestamp one day forward in order to enable updating from the MIGRATION build, which was also build on 20220815 and wouldn't see the regular 20220815 build as an update otherwise. This will be remedied with the next update I publish.
The September update is now live.
Does banking app works?
My bank's app has always worked fine on LineageOS. Your bank's hasn't?
icantlogin said:
My bank's app has always worked fine on LineageOS. Your bank's hasn't?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had never tried this rom want to try if bank apps works out of box
icantlogin said:
The September update is now live.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Been using this for several days now without a hiccup , fast ,,smooth, and google proofed, Thanks!!
Thanks for keeping LOS 18.1 alive with these security updates. I recently upgraded to 19.1 to try it out for a few months but I just couldn't get used to or appreciate the new UI. With every app update they also make it more like A12 and it just wasn't working for me.
Just installed your September update and all is well so far.
The October update is live!
A little background: I'm building this ROM on a Google Cloud Compute Engine instance, which is a virtual computer (also called virtual machine or VM) running in a Google data center. To keep the VM around is very costly, as it uses 300 GB of SSD storage which doesn't come cheap. So I create a new VM every month and dismantle it afterwards. This means I have to set up the build environment from scratch every time, which consists of a lot of steps. So from the beginning, I've put most of those steps in a Bash shell script (the VM runs Ubuntu 20.04) to speed things up drastically.
Last week I added some code that generates the updater.json file (that's read by your phone when it checks for updates) which I had been creating by hand before. I also added code to automatically upload the build to SourceForge. So yesterday all I had to do was create the VM, upload the script and run it. Six hours later, your phone was able to download the update without any further intervention on my part.
What can I say, the geek in me is very happy
Hi, I thank you for your work. Would you know if I can install microg without magisk, maybe via nanodroid or similar while maintaining OTA updates?
I have no experience with that. I assume you would have to apply the signature spoofing patch and install microG before booting from the updated system partition. So after installing the OTA update boot into recovery and do this?
Hello ! How to you push the google apps on this one ?
I'd like to get a pico gapp installed to get some game running
It's in the instructions in the first post, after flashing the ROM:
Optionally flash Gapps or anything else:
Advanced > Reboot to recovery
Run adb sideload with your zip
I'm using NikGapps Core myself.
This only works if you do it before first boot by the way, as far as I know you can't put Gapps on an installation you're already using.
Hi! Do you know if this will retain microg if I dirty-flash it on top of a lineage.microg.org build (the last official release) using your MIGRATION build? If you're not sure I'll back up my stuff and give it a shot and report back Thanks a lot for your your work!
Well... I don't think that would work, since this ROM doesn't include microg and the needed signature spoofing, so my guess would be you'll just loose that—if the migration works at all. Let me know what your findings are though!
icantlogin said:
Well... I don't think that would work, since this ROM doesn't include microg and the needed signature spoofing, so my guess would be you'll just loose that—if the migration works at all. Let me know what your findings are though!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here is what I found, in case it helps someone: flashing the migrate ROM and then the latest proper ROM works perfectly, however I did lose microg, system f-droid, etc, and anything which is in the lineage.microg.org build but not in this one.
Now since you are building monthly ROMs, would you consider applying the signature spoofing patch to your builds? This would make it easy for those who want to run microg instead of google play framework/gapps. As far as I understand it you just need to apply this patch with `cd android_frameworks_base; patch -p1 -i /path/to/android_frameworks_base-R.patch`. Thanks again for your efforts
I'm open to consider this, but as I somewhat but not fully grasp the security implications of enabling signature spoofing, and not everyone might want to have this enabled by default, it would have to be a toggle in Developer Options and disabled by default, or I would produce a separate build with the patch applied.
If you could find a patch for me that implements the toggle in Developer Options, that would be great. As I researched it a bit I read that some ROMs have this.
Interesting that the migration worked, by the way!
Some more thoughts on this: it seems with signature spoofing enabled on the ROM, an app still has to ask for the permission to spoof its signature, so for advanced users like us who know what we're doing, I guess that's good enough. I'll have to read up on this a bit more though. I know the LineageOS devs are against implementing it but most everyone else says it's actually not that big of a security risk.
I just reply to show you my gratitude for maintain LoS 18. I updated to 19 two weeks ago and I was literally suffering with the system theme. IDK what they were thinking but it was terrible. Also for me, on 4a, was having lag: An example is when I shuffle songs on Musicolet, they take a good while to update the information (song name, basically) while with 18 it updates as soon as I press next.
BTW, can you recommend me a good KERNEL? Thanks!

