Some apps don't support BKB50's accent input - Xperia Z4 Tablet Accessories

Sorry for the awkward thread title, but I can't think on how to word it any other way.
I think this thread is intended mostly for the foreign forum members; especially those of us that use accents to write in other languages.
I've enjoyed my my Z4+BKB50 for a long time, unfortunately, every once in a while, I come across an app that doesn't recognize or support the way BKB50 inputs accents or rather, accented characters.
An app that fully supports the accent input (like Tapatalk) will show the highlighted accent (´) and then change it into an accented letter when you type the vowel ´ + a = á.
When the app doesn't support it (Gmail, Evernote) when you type the accent key, the accent is typed ´ like a normal key but when the vowel is typed, the vowel appears after the accent character ´ + a = ´a.
Has anyone encountered this problem? I would like to know if anyone has found a workaround that doesn't require typing accented letters into another app and then paste the accented letters into the app I need.
Sent from my SGP771 using Tapatalk

Hi amigo Hobbes, I have no problem with the position of the accent, but when I try to type an accent, this is repeated in the following words (ééééééé), and I have to erase all the remaining accents, the trouble was solved using Bluemail instead of Gmail using mail apps, and I looking for a browser app in order to replace Chrome.
Unfortunately, the problem is not solved with Nougat 7.0


WM6 5.2.1623 Black bar above keyboard

Situation is:
Phone One: HTC Touch running Danish O/S Windows Mobile 6 Professional CE OS 5.2.1238 (Build 17745.0.2.3)
Phone Two: HTC Cruise running English O/S Windows Mobile 6 Professional CE OS 5.2.1623 (build 18129.0.4.5)
Word completion on #1 appears as a list of words above the keyboard (much nicer - not least because it works!)
Word completion on #2 appears as a black bar above the keyboard.
On #1 word completion works and it stores and suggests my words (except words containing any of the Danish letters, but that's ok).
On #2 I have tried to un-check all options concerning auto completion but I have not managed to get rid of the black bar - it appears no matter the settings. Actually, I'm not even sure this black bar is a word completion tool. I don't know what it is cause it does not seem to serve any useful purpose (apart from taking up space on the screen). It never suggests any words, but only copies whatever I'm writing, sometimes in two versions: one with a small starting letter and one with a capital starting letter. If I tap the x I get a label "Add My Word". If I enter something I don't see that it's added anywhere, cause it never suggests this word if I start typing it again. I have conducted all these little tests with both English and Danish words (without the special characters, though) cause I have no idea in which language the dictionary is.
But... I could live without any word-completion. Thing is, the black bar has another and worse problem that I can't live with: It does not recognize one of the Danish characters "å". The other two "æø" work fine.
When entering a word with the unrecognized letter - like "håb" (Hope) - the Danish character is not appearing in the black bar and the resulting word in the application in which I'm writing is "åHb". The Danish character is always placed at the beginning of the word it is a part of.
That was the background info. Questions are:
Does anyone know to turn off this annoying black bar?
Does anyone recognize the letter-switching-"feature" and know of a solution?
Late breaking news
Ok, so I'm talking to myself ... but who knows - if someone else experience something like or is equally confused about input settings, perhaps this might help them, too.
I have tried to find out more about the "black bar" and come to realize these "late breaking news":
Options/Settings relating to the Keyboard (Keyboard/Word Completion tab) has no effect on anything.
The black bar is related to the Touch Keyboard and appears even if the Touch keyboard is not the selected input method and even if word completion (and all other "typing assistance" functions) is turned off for the Touch Keyboard.
Turning on Word Completion in Options/XT9 Settings for the Touch Keyboard also affects typing with the Keyboard.
Thus, turning on Word Completion for the Touch Keyboard and using the Keyboard as input method, word completion actually works and it is possible to add words - even words containing the two (out of three) Danish characters that work.
So, word completion as such works (allthough it seems that the settings and effects of these settings are kind of mixed up and criss-crossing between the various input methods) but the one Danish character still does not work - it is still placed at the beginning of the word it is in, as described in the first post.
To remove the annoying BLACK BAR...
To Get rid of word prediction window Edit Following Registry:
Change Default Ime File : \windows\xt9ime.dll --> \windows\compime.dll
Layout Text : eT9 IME change to Layout Text : XT9 IME --> COMP IME
speedtest test
oops wrong post.
worked perfectly, i might have lost my mind with that bar, it's so pointless.

[Q] Support for Japanese input from the keyboard

Noobie posting with certain trepidation (just watched the video).
Got the Transformer and would like to use the Keyboard for Japanese input when docked. Settings has support for Japanese as system language but in the Language & Keyboard section there isn't anything for Japanese support.
I have OpenWnn Flick and can type Japanese on the screen, but not from the keyboard (also the OpenWnn Flick pulls out a huge orange plate when flicking).
Does anyone know how I can write Japanese using the keyboard?
Solution (sort of)
After a lot of experimentation, I have come up with a workable solution to my own problem (insert preferred snarky remark here). I post it here in case someone else runs into this problem and is doing a search.
Install OpenWnn/Flick, have the Transformer docked and select OpenWnn/Flick as your "input device". Try typing. You should see the regular alphanumeric letters appearing. Now touch the screen so the cursor locater (a yellowish arrowhead) appears. Type again. If you get underlined alphanumeric letters appearing you are on track. Now enter Shift+Space bar, type again. This time you'll get 日本語入力。So it is doable, not the prettiest of solutions and there are severe limitations for editing during input.
Any news on that front, new applications that work better?
I'm interested by the transformer but lack of smooth Japanese input may be a deal breaker... And I don't really want to buy a Japanese version because I heard the updates are lagging.
It works flawlessly with OpenWnn, I use FlickWnn. You need to have it docked. Then you tap the screen so you get a cursor with a green arrow once you have that you are ready for input. If you begin writing now you get English (for Japanese) and you will recognize that because input is underlined and there are suggestions below the screen. If you now enter Shift+Space bar you should get a Hiragana あ on the status bar. You are now ready to enter Japanese.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

[Q] Office Suite - Foreign Characters

Hi everyone. I've had some issues trying to use my Transformer as a true laptop replacement for work and I wonder if anyone could help.
I found that the included Polaris Office is absolutely terrible for my needs. It appears to lack any type of support for foreign characters (à ã â á, etc). I can't type them and any text that has them comes up garbled.
So I tried to find a more apt replacement and came up with Kingsoft Office, which had some nice reviews. I installed the Multilang version available in the app store, but I still have some issues.
Kingsoft displays accented characters just fine. But when I try to type one, I get the accent, then the letter (e.g. "´a" instead of "á"). The weirdest thing is that I can type "á" just fine in the search/replace box, just not in the document. I've adapted to writing the text normally and then changing all "´a" to "á" and so forth, but it takes some time and I'm afraid I'll miss some somewhere. I've also tried switching from the ASUS keyboard to Android Keyboard and Swiftkey, but those don't even recognize the layout for my (Portuguese) keyboard dock (shift-2 gives me "@" instead of the double quotation mark, @ should be ctrl-2).
So, short question: is there any way to type accented characters directly in a document in Kingsoft Office using the Transformer's keyboard dock? Does this work in any other office suite?
Long answer: Hey, the ALTGR shortcuts stopped working...
Short answer: No.
Also, they give you shift-2 "@" because that's the international QWERTY layout.
ShadowLea said:
Long answer: Hey, the ALTGR shortcuts stopped working...
Short answer: No.
Also, they give you shift-2 "@" because that's the international QWERTY layout.
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Click to collapse
Thanks, I realize that the Android and Swiftkey keyboards are defaulting to an international layout. What I can't for the life of me understand is why I can't type accented characters with the ASUS keyboard, since it works fine in the search/replace box but not in the document
To elaborate: normally, i'll press the accent and nothing happens, then I press the actual letter and get the accented letter, so "´"+"a" gives me a single "á". This works in the search/replace dialog box. But in the document, when I press the accent I immediately get a ghost accent, then when I press the letter I get a plain boring one: "´a".
daemonios said:
Thanks, I realize that the Android and Swiftkey keyboards are defaulting to an international layout. What I can't for the life of me understand is why I can't type accented characters with the ASUS keyboard, since it works fine in the search/replace box but not in the document
To elaborate: normally, i'll press the accent and nothing happens, then I press the actual letter and get the accented letter, so "´"+"a" gives me a single "á". This works in the search/replace dialog box. But in the document, when I press the accent I immediately get a ghost accent, then when I press the letter I get a plain boring one: "´a".
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Click to collapse
I had the same problem when trying to type in French using Polaris. I went to settings and ticked the box to use the system language. In the languages for the asus keyboard and system keyboard I chose English Canada and French Canada. To type in French I change the system language to French and the keyboard changes automatically. When you type the accent, the cursor changes to a blue box and when you type the letter, it appears as a properly accented letter with the accent directly over the letter. To get the à, you won't use the + key though, look at the choices on the keyboard. I think it's the " key but I'd have to check. The ? is the shift+6, etc. I didn't experiment with other keyboard languages though since these are the ones I'm familiar with.

[REQ]: Modify secondary symbols stock samsung keyboard

Hello All ,
I have dwelled into the world of swipe typing and i love it! Works great for english and other proper languages,
Issue arises when i use a made up language called Arabizi , Which is arabic words represented in english characters and numbers,
Using swype i have made a huge dictionary with the words commonly used , a word like "3aref, ma7lool etc." is possible to save in a dictionary and is recognizable when swiped.
I have tried all swipe based keyboards and only swype is able to recognize such structure.
Issue with swype is that it does not have a dedicated number row, and as you can imagine i use these numbers extensively.
So i turn to samsung's own keyboard with swype baked in ,but upper number rows are not recognizable when swiped ,So i was thinking, since i am able to get secondary symbols using Wanam xposed module, Is there a way to modify these symbols to be like swype (where secondary symbols on top characters are numbers)? if you know where i can find such a file to modify that would be amazing.
Thanks, And i am open to suggestions if you have any alternative keyboards in mind!

weird Japanese characters

After upgrading to lollipop, I noticed this Japanese characters replacing some letters especially on chrome. Also on some programs I see Japanese symbols just like the one I'll attach here. Anyone knows how to get rid of these?
On xperiablog i have too.
Any other website is displayed correctly.
Same thing on my z3c
haha, flow & slow may be the meaning... I would say it's xperiablog specific. (It doesn't appear if desktop site is selected in settings) and should be any arrows or whatever.
Pretty sure rhis is coincidental. Theyre using a downloadable web font for navigation icons, and the font just isn't loading. Some sites use a normal character like a letter or number as a placeholder; they're using a random unicode character which happens to coincide with a Chinese character

