[Completed] Internet of Things (IoT) - General Assistance - XDA Assist

I apologize in advance if I posted this thread in the wrong place... I appreciate all the contributors, forum admins, etc.... for all the hard work and expertise that is the backbone for the XDA community!!!
Here is my question: (for additional background info, etc... please see details below) I'm wanting to learn as much as possible about the IoT. So I have checked out starter kits for the Arduino and Rasberry Pi Platforms but not sure if 1 is better than the other or should I get both? I understand the difference in technology, specs, etc... for these 2 platforms but have no idea which 1 would best help me develop the skills necessary to find work in the IoT field. I do have some basic coding skills, expert on hardware of all types and basic soldering skills working with boards/electronics. I feel like the basic starter kits for either platform will be very boring and uninspiring... should I buy a certain starter kit and add a couple component kits? I don't mind running through the basic projects very quickly to get a quick overview on how it all works but I would prefer a greater challenge and more in depth projects. I cant find any intermediate or higher degree of experience type sets. Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated... or if you know of any forums where I might find XDA quality professionals to mingle with...
***** (the extended, long winded and probably way too much info version)*****
I am looking for a little basic assistance\guidance on the latest hot topic, the Internet of Things (IoT). I rely on XDA for all my mobile needs. The professionals that contribute content, apps, roms, root methods, etc... are the best in the biz, truly amazing people! I have spent 2 days searching the web for info on this topic but all the info I have come across is a little too generic so I thought I would try my luck here on XDA where the real brains and experts behind all things technical congregate.
My Question is very basic but I'm hoping to get some helpful feedback or pointed in the right direction. I have worked in IT field of the Telco industry for 20yrs. Mostly designing and building multi-million dollar data centers. As manager of IT, my staff and I supported 80+ MS Servers (Exchange, IIS, SQL, PDC"s, AD, SMS). I got my MCSE in Windows NT 4.0 (you can stop laughing now... haha). I actually started the IT Dept, for a small CLEC and it all went to **** when I was promoted to Mgr. of IT, then Director of IT. I helped many techs get the latest CCNA, MCSE licenses while I was sent to "executive training seminars/courses". Just wanted to provide my experience and background.
Now I'm 45yrs old, was laid off many years ago and lost my footing in the fast paced IT market. I will never take another mgmt. position because I enjoy being in the trenches. I'm not a fan of Bill Gates, MS software and OS bore me to tears so I figured the next big thing is gonna be IoT apps/solutions. So now to piss you guys off with a very basic question... I want to get a starter kit for the Arduino or Rasberry Pi platforms but not sure which 1 is best suited for IoT integration, apps, etc... or should I get both? I have seen all the starter kits but I'm not the type of person that enjoys making a light blink or any of the other basic projects. I'm pretty confident that I can take on more challenging tutorials/projects. I would have more fun building my own drone/quadchopper or integrating blu tooth devices, security cameras, etc... and eventually hope to find a not so common area to integrate IoT solutions, maybe agriculture in the medical marijuana industry. That would be lots of fun. hahaha
I'm an extremely fast learner (already have some experience soldering boards, etc... but far from an expert) so if there are any pros here with experience on these platforms in regards to IoT, I would greatly appreciate any help, technical or career advice. Again, I know this isn't the focus of XDA but I know where to find the experts... I would probably ask for marital advice on here if it involved any gadgets. lol...
PS. Sorry for the long read I just wanted to provide some background info hoping to avoid the "newbie" label and being referred to a basic beginner kit. There are so many variations in the available kits, an extensive list of projects, upgrades and components. What I hope to find is someone who has already been down this road and can help me avoid buying over priced gimmicky kits. I assume I will want to purchase a larger starter kit then add a few components, sensor, etc,.. type kits. Has anyone purchased any of this stuff off WISH? I wouldn't trust the boards off that site but small electrical components like resisters, etc... might be fine.
Thanks to all those who take the time to respond to my request and if I get nothing, I'm forever grateful for all the support on my SamSung devices.

TeeShark said:
I apologize in advance if I posted this thread in the wrong place... I appreciate all the contributors, forum admins, etc.... for all the hard work and expertise that is the backbone for the XDA community!!!
Here is my question: (for additional background info, etc... please see details below) I'm wanting to learn as much as possible about the IoT. So I have checked out starter kits for the Arduino and Rasberry Pi Platforms but not sure if 1 is better than the other or should I get both? I understand the difference in technology, specs, etc... for these 2 platforms but have no idea which 1 would best help me develop the skills necessary to find work in the IoT field. I do have some basic coding skills, expert on hardware of all types and basic soldering skills working with boards/electronics. I feel like the basic starter kits for either platform will be very boring and uninspiring... should I buy a certain starter kit and add a couple component kits? I don't mind running through the basic projects very quickly to get a quick overview on how it all works but I would prefer a greater challenge and more in depth projects. I cant find any intermediate or higher degree of experience type sets. Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated... or if you know of any forums where I might find XDA quality professionals to mingle with...
***** (the extended, long winded and probably way too much info version)*****
I am looking for a little basic assistance\guidance on the latest hot topic, the Internet of Things (IoT). I rely on XDA for all my mobile needs. The professionals that contribute content, apps, roms, root methods, etc... are the best in the biz, truly amazing people! I have spent 2 days searching the web for info on this topic but all the info I have come across is a little too generic so I thought I would try my luck here on XDA where the real brains and experts behind all things technical congregate.
My Question is very basic but I'm hoping to get some helpful feedback or pointed in the right direction. I have worked in IT field of the Telco industry for 20yrs. Mostly designing and building multi-million dollar data centers. As manager of IT, my staff and I supported 80+ MS Servers (Exchange, IIS, SQL, PDC"s, AD, SMS). I got my MCSE in Windows NT 4.0 (you can stop laughing now... haha). I actually started the IT Dept, for a small CLEC and it all went to **** when I was promoted to Mgr. of IT, then Director of IT. I helped many techs get the latest CCNA, MCSE licenses while I was sent to "executive training seminars/courses". Just wanted to provide my experience and background.
Now I'm 45yrs old, was laid off many years ago and lost my footing in the fast paced IT market. I will never take another mgmt. position because I enjoy being in the trenches. I'm not a fan of Bill Gates, MS software and OS bore me to tears so I figured the next big thing is gonna be IoT apps/solutions. So now to piss you guys off with a very basic question... I want to get a starter kit for the Arduino or Rasberry Pi platforms but not sure which 1 is best suited for IoT integration, apps, etc... or should I get both? I have seen all the starter kits but I'm not the type of person that enjoys making a light blink or any of the other basic projects. I'm pretty confident that I can take on more challenging tutorials/projects. I would have more fun building my own drone/quadchopper or integrating blu tooth devices, security cameras, etc... and eventually hope to find a not so common area to integrate IoT solutions, maybe agriculture in the medical marijuana industry. That would be lots of fun. hahaha
I'm an extremely fast learner (already have some experience soldering boards, etc... but far from an expert) so if there are any pros here with experience on these platforms in regards to IoT, I would greatly appreciate any help, technical or career advice. Again, I know this isn't the focus of XDA but I know where to find the experts... I would probably ask for marital advice on here if it involved any gadgets. lol...
PS. Sorry for the long read I just wanted to provide some background info hoping to avoid the "newbie" label and being referred to a basic beginner kit. There are so many variations in the available kits, an extensive list of projects, upgrades and components. What I hope to find is someone who has already been down this road and can help me avoid buying over priced gimmicky kits. I assume I will want to purchase a larger starter kit then add a few components, sensor, etc,.. type kits. Has anyone purchased any of this stuff off WISH? I wouldn't trust the boards off that site but small electrical components like resisters, etc... might be fine.
Thanks to all those who take the time to respond to my request and if I get nothing, I'm forever grateful for all the support on my SamSung devices.
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Greetings and welcome to assist. This is not really our field of expertise unfortunately. I know very little about Arduino but have used the raspberry Pi. We have a dedicated forum for the Pi here
I think the experts ther will be able to assist you bettert than us
Good Luck


Cell Phone Programming Classes

hey guys,
i've been looking online this morning for classes where i can learn how to do cell phone programming and modification. i haven't had much luck though. most of the results either bring me back to XDA or a similar website, or they take me to a site that is just trying to sell me something that is cell phone or computer related. so i guess my question is: what exactly is this field or line of work called? i've been looking under computer programming, cell phone programming, cell phone modification, smart phone programming, and smart phone modification, all with "classes" at the end, of course. can someone help me out with this? i know it probably sounds like a dumb question, but i'm just having no luck bring back any "course related" results in my search. like i said, it just produces results for websites like this one, o retail websites. i'd love to get into this field of work. i have been customizing my phone (HTC Tilt/Kaiser/Tytn, etc) which i have an extra one of to test on thanks to my lovely wife, and i have been enjoying it very much. trying new ROMs, making some feeble attempts at cooking ROMs, and checking out all the software that is available for my phone. i have been enjoying it so much that i would like to take some courses on the subject and start a carreer in this field! my wife can't seem to drag me away from the computer, and when she does, i've got my phone. we figure that if i like it this much, i should take some courses and get paid to do this kind of stuff 8 hours a day. then it wouldn't take up quite so much time at home. anyway, i'm rambling now, so if anyone could give me some more ideas on what exactly to search for or what this line of work is called, it would aid me in trying to find a place locally that offers some classes on the subject. thank you in advance for any help that you folks can provide me with. by the way, i'm in the DFW (TX, US) area, if any local folks happen to be reading and could point me in the right direction. for the moment, i'm interested in campus classes or online classes, doesn't make much difference at the moment. i would like to see what each has to offer for the time being, and money will be an issue, as things are pretty tight right now financially. Thanks again!
I think you will need to learn by searching and looking. These videos will help you http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/bb495180.aspx
Classes for small electronics / cellphone programming
Hi my name is Mark and I am a technical manager at SuperRey's Exotics and my team and myself inlcuded have studied at Stevens Tech in Hoboken, N.J. not sure how serious and how far away you are but Stevens has an extensive technology program, really indepth in fact many large corporations like Sharp, Apple, HTC, Exxon, Motorola and many others hire techs directly from Stevens Tech. However at Stevens it is really indepth stuff and they work on, not only new invetions but many patents actually come from the technology that Stevens does. I hope this helped you a little. And at SuperRey's we apply that knowledge for new inventions, cell phone repair and reprogramming and all kind of crazy stuff that we do, if your into it you will have alot of fun with that kind of technology. Good luck.

[Q] What do I need to know if I was going to work for a company like Google?

My dream is to open up my own company and design my own mobile os and to make smart phones. Working for Google like designing things would be cool too. I am heading off to college this fall and I need some help picking a major. What major would I need to go into to do things like this. Please help me. Also i have a term paper and I have to write how to achieve my dream job, so if you can answer quick that would help thanks in advance! btw I signed up for electrical engineering - is that good?
Firstly, ud need to know the name of the company
Google is the company, android is their mobile os flagship.
I don't think electrical engineering will help much as a major, but having an understanding of that stuff will help. But definitely look into computer science, software engineering, and pretty much anything computer related, especially things like systems engineering, and for phone development, you will DEFINITELY want to look into anything involving embedded systems.
You will need experience programming software and firmware, so programming courses are a must, so take as many of those as you can.
The most important thing you can do, though, is find books and resources for yourself and teach yourself as much as possible outside of school. A lot of courses revolve around a specific subset of material and may not discuss the topics that interest you. That, of course, will depend on your school's curriculum requirements and the professor teaching the class.
Whatever you do, though, make sure it is enjoyable to you and that you aren't just settling for something easy or convenient.
From a tech vet at Google:

Mobile App development - Way out of my league?

Hi folks!
Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum to post a general question about mobile app development..
So my story is that I'm mostly a graphics guy who got asked by a good friend to design a logo for his company. From there I got talked into designing his website and then into building his site. I can throw sites together but I'm no a web programmer and I advised him to hire some real web developers but aside from the fact that I would cost him less, he has trust issues and only wants to work closely with a friend ( me) and trusts my judgement and sense of design. So now I'm trying to mastermind his web presence from the front end to the back end, learning as I go. It's actually TONS of fun!
Then he came around one day asking to make him a mobile app. After the laughter subsided I explained to him the work and money that goes into that which really shocked him. However I told him I would look into what I could do for him, but that I was pretty sure this was out of my league.
I found some great services that will let you build basic mobile apps but now I've become VERY interested in the challenge of developing mobile apps from scratch and have decided to learn some programming languages to enable me to develop web/mobile apps. It seems that mobile platforms are poised to become the norm within the next decade and I would love to be part of its beginnings.
I have three questions:
1.Am I WAY out of my league here?
I ask this because a) I have NO programming experience. b) I ONLY want to use online sources and books, and c) Ideally I would like to be able to build my first app within a couple of months to a year at most.
2.What languages should I learn?
I'm feeling ambitious and want to be very thorough. I figured I should try learning c++ and Java (to an intermediate level). From there I could come around objective-C
3. the Jquery Mobile, HTML5 alternative?
I've noticed a small community of developers heralding HTML5 as the app-building tool of the future, together with JQUERY mobile...That sounds VERY appealing to me as someone who is more used to looking at web development code, and if something is 'the wave of the future' I definitely don't want to waste time learning languages that might become obsolete in a few years... But can you really build a powerful app with just these two tools?
If you've read through my entire post, I am grateful for your patience, and I hope to find some valuable insights on these forums.
I have read your entire post, and while I wish I could help, I'm afraid I'm in your exact situation and wonder about these things myself.
At least you got a small bump!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
lenglain said:
Hi folks!
Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum to post a general question about mobile app development..
So my story is that I'm mostly a graphics guy who got asked by a good friend to design a logo for his company. From there I got talked into designing his website and then into building his site. I can throw sites together but I'm no a web programmer and I advised him to hire some real web developers but aside from the fact that I would cost him less, he has trust issues and only wants to work closely with a friend ( me) and trusts my judgement and sense of design. So now I'm trying to mastermind his web presence from the front end to the back end, learning as I go. It's actually TONS of fun!
Then he came around one day asking to make him a mobile app. After the laughter subsided I explained to him the work and money that goes into that which really shocked him. However I told him I would look into what I could do for him, but that I was pretty sure this was out of my league.
I found some great services that will let you build basic mobile apps but now I've become VERY interested in the challenge of developing mobile apps from scratch and have decided to learn some programming languages to enable me to develop web/mobile apps. It seems that mobile platforms are poised to become the norm within the next decade and I would love to be part of its beginnings.
I have three questions:
1.Am I WAY out of my league here?
I ask this because a) I have NO programming experience. b) I ONLY want to use online sources and books, and c) Ideally I would like to be able to build my first app within a couple of months to a year at most.
2.What languages should I learn?
I'm feeling ambitious and want to be very thorough. I figured I should try learning c++ and Java (to an intermediate level). From there I could come around objective-C
3. the Jquery Mobile, HTML5 alternative?
I've noticed a small community of developers heralding HTML5 as the app-building tool of the future, together with JQUERY mobile...That sounds VERY appealing to me as someone who is more used to looking at web development code, and if something is 'the wave of the future' I definitely don't want to waste time learning languages that might become obsolete in a few years... But can you really build a powerful app with just these two tools?
If you've read through my entire post, I am grateful for your patience, and I hope to find some valuable insights on these forums.
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If you want an easy place to start I can recommend trying badic4android for the same reasons nasa use it, that it lets you create proper standalone android apps just as coding with java does but much quicker and easier. The site for it is basic4ppc.com if you want to check it out.
Failing that the traditional method is using the eclipse ide and android sdk to program in java.
( http://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAownKXmAQ/bigfatuniverse )
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
mistermentality said:
If you want an easy place to start I can recommend trying badic4android for the same reasons nasa use it, that it lets you create proper standalone android apps just as coding with java does but much quicker and easier. The site for it is basic4ppc.com if you want to check it out.
Failing that the traditional method is using the eclipse ide and android sdk to program in java.
( http://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAownKXmAQ/bigfatuniverse )
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
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Wow thanks Dave I hadn't found this one, it seems like there are tons of resources to facilitate mobile app creation. I will probably look into these to create an app for the non-profit I work for. However, I still think I should learn some programming to become a bonafide app-developer somewhere down the line.
Do you think the objectives I've set myself (in regards to programming languages/rough time frame) are realistic?
lenglain said:
Wow thanks Dave I hadn't found this one, it seems like there are tons of resources to facilitate mobile app creation. I will probably look into these to create an app for the non-profit I work for. However, I still think I should learn some programming to become a bonafide app-developer somewhere down the line.
Do you think the objectives I've set myself (in regards to programming languages/rough time frame) are realistic?
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I think you can do it in two months with any language if you take time to study it, I tried learning java but have memory problems and so couldn't get to grips with it so I use basic4android because its very similar to languages I used as a student and was able to have a gps mapping app up and running in under an hour which surprised me.
Html5 apps can be used offline and are cross platform so would be the way to go for a wider user base as you can reach pc and smartphone users as well as those who use games consoles. You could find out more at http://diveintohtml5.info/offline.html
( http://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAownKXmAQ/bigfatuniverse )
Sent from my LG P920 using Tapatalk
Well I'm just a high school students but from the words of my teacher, as long as you have a mind that can write working algorithms and understand algorithms, languages are second hand, they're just tools.
Personally I find it true as I only know C yet if I look at a java code I can understand what the code does. But that might be because Java has some similarities to C, but I still appreciate the concept.
$1 gets you a reply
Programming is like any other skilled activity
I'm a life-long programmer. 33 years so far.
The quick answer is 'Probably.' You can probably write decent apps in the time frame you're looking at. I'd say you'll want to dedicate no fewer than 5 hours a day at it for that year. The simple truth is that unless you're that rare Mozart, you aren't going to write commercial quality code until you have lots of experience trying to write commercial quality code.
Hobby code... you can probably get hobby quality stuff going in a few weeks. Yes, it'll freeze and restart and throw bizarre errors, but still, that's a very cool thing.
The question then becomes one of defining the level of quality you're after and the time you're willing to devote to learning your craft.

How does one become an XDA Developer?

Or basically a developer in general.
I know XDA probably gets a helluva lot of these threads regularly, but bare with me.
No I am not a script kiddy. Rather, I'm looking for somewhat of a career advice.
So please don't simply say: Learn C and Java.
That is already an imperative for me.
Here's the deal.
I'm in my final year of my schooling life, Year 12, and next year I will probably begin University (or what the U.S call College).
Important decisions need to be made, like what courses I want to do, what subjects I should take.
Now my ultimate goal in life (not really but you get what I mean) is to be able to do anything to my device.
Like when I was following the PSP dev community, it was incredible. Custom firmwares, homebrew, plugins, exploits etc.
It was awesome. And I want to be able to help and give back to the community.
And I also want to be independent.
Like if theres a bug or something I don't have to rely on the developer to fix it.
For example, my current rom has a random reboot problem.
I want to be able to find and fix the problem myself and add new features and stuff.
That's my ultimate aim.
To be able to legitimately own my devices to such a degree.
Currently my skill resides in web-based javascript, which isn't even legitimate javascript (not in my eyes at least).
I've done some programming courses at school and one year I did Pascal which helped me to get a basic idea of programming functions, like loops and basic practice etc.
But it still doesn't really help me with the two big languages C (#/++) and Java that I have yet to start learning.
Anyways, there's a point to this I promise.
There are 3 courses that I'm interested in Software Engineering, Advanced Computing and Computer Science.
I've looked at the course descriptions and they still all sound the same to me. Although Advanced Computing seems to be more Mathematical based.
But yea, I'm not sure which one will help me achieve my said aim.
Do you guys have any basic career advice? Better yet, any career advice that could relate to my situation?
Are any of you in University/College right now? What courses are you studying?
Perhaps you've already graduated and you're currently an employed developer or something. What courses did you take to get there?
I'm sure XDA isn't one of the best places to ask this kinda thing; heck I bet the first comment will be someone saying how this is in the wrong section or something.
But yea. I just want to help and contribute back to the community.
Legitimate advice is more than welcome.
Trolls and attention ____s please exit to the left.
Wrong section

[Q] Question About Outsourcing Development For Android App

Hi Guys (please let me know if this post is in the wrong section, and I will move it),
I am sales/marketing professional that's been in the digital/mobile app space for a while. While I am fairly technically savvy for someone in my field (self taught HTML/CSS, websites, e-commerce sites, etc..), I lack skills in languages (java, C, etc) to build my own app. I also fear that given my own work schedule and time constraints, studying and learning on my own will not yield the level of expertise required to build an app to the specifications and quality that I have in mind.
As I had said, I know the app space quite well from a marketing, user acquisition, and monetization standpoint. I am assessing the costs associated with outsourcing the development of an android app for either either:
1) A utility/productivity app - well designed, built, possibly widget
2) Adventure app - bug free, 50 levels or so to start, skinnable levels
My question for you guys revolves around the feasibility of outsourcing development at a reasonable rate, expected quality, costs, time to develop, etc. I used to own a fairly successful e-commerce company on the side, and we used to outsource development but I got so sick of the lack of quality, high costs associated, and missed deadlines...that I spent 6 weeks full tilt learning to code and ended up redesigning and developing the entire site which worked out quite well in the end...but I don't believe that my innate skill sets will allow for me to learn the necessarily languages well enough for android.
So, questions for outsourcing dev:
1) What are my options - of course there's elance, freelancers of the world...and I know many game/dev studios personally...but I know they charge major premiums and typically work with clients with a much larger budget than mine?
2) For those options, what is a reasonable hourly rate, or fixed cost associated for development (I know how long it takes to do XYZ for web dev, but not with android...so I don't know how to gauge whether or not I'm being gamed/ripped off)?
3) Quality - what can I expect for the $$ investment?[/INDENT]
As well, any suggestions or referrals would be helpful as well...but I'm more looking for some guiding principles here.
Thanks for your help and time guys, I really appreciate it - also, again, if this post is in the wrong location...please let me know!
geo_mojito said:
Hi Guys (please let me know if this post is in the wrong section, and I will move it),
I am sales/marketing professional that's been in the digital/mobile app space for a while. While I am fairly technically savvy for someone in my field (self taught HTML/CSS, websites, e-commerce sites, etc..), I lack skills in languages (java, C, etc) to build my own app. I also fear that given my own work schedule and time constraints, studying and learning on my own will not yield the level of expertise required to build an app to the specifications and quality that I have in mind.
As I had said, I know the app space quite well from a marketing, user acquisition, and monetization standpoint. I am assessing the costs associated with outsourcing the development of an android app for either either:
1) A utility/productivity app - well designed, built, possibly widget
2) Adventure app - bug free, 50 levels or so to start, skinnable levels
My question for you guys revolves around the feasibility of outsourcing development at a reasonable rate, expected quality, costs, time to develop, etc. I used to own a fairly successful e-commerce company on the side, and we used to outsource development but I got so sick of the lack of quality, high costs associated, and missed deadlines...that I spent 6 weeks full tilt learning to code and ended up redesigning and developing the entire site which worked out quite well in the end...but I don't believe that my innate skill sets will allow for me to learn the necessarily languages well enough for android.
So, questions for outsourcing dev:
1) What are my options - of course there's elance, freelancers of the world...and I know many game/dev studios personally...but I know they charge major premiums and typically work with clients with a much larger budget than mine?
2) For those options, what is a reasonable hourly rate, or fixed cost associated for development (I know how long it takes to do XYZ for web dev, but not with android...so I don't know how to gauge whether or not I'm being gamed/ripped off)?
3) Quality - what can I expect for the $$ investment?[/INDENT]
As well, any suggestions or referrals would be helpful as well...but I'm more looking for some guiding principles here.
Thanks for your help and time guys, I really appreciate it - also, again, if this post is in the wrong location...please let me know!
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