Potential_help? - Customer Service and Support

Hello all,
I am currently into the effort of developing my project applications.
It is security/verification oriented.
In detail:
I want two users of the application, to exchange an encryption/verification key, and then to exchange a file, for example a word doc., in encrypted form.
Is it feasible ?
Any guidance where I could start from ?


professional support in rom cooking wanted

Hi there!
I've a special request: my company has developed a special tracking & communication software for the HTC p3300 (in fact we assigned someone to do so).
Now we should be able to set up hundreds of devices for our clients.
This could be done by semi-automatic installing of the software.cab.
But: the goal is to have a own rom-version to flash the devices in one simple step, with the advantage of the additional option of an "all-resetting hard reset out in the wild" in the case of some inexplainable errors...
Who is interested in accepting this order?
Get in contact (see my email below)
Thanks a lot
Bernhard Dominguez
Portal Manager
[email protected]
Heads up, you may have legal issues to issue roms as such for your company to distribute.
Why not just start a portal site for your company. Assign them accounts where they can log in and have it automatically install the cab.
Legal issues?
In which legal issues do you think?
We're buying the devices directly from the manufacturer (unfortunately too less for getting a rom-mod there).
So I think we are free to do with our devices, what we like. They are not binded/locked to any provider.
And the theme "warranty" and familiar is handled in our policies...
The enduser of our device will just use it, but will not be able to perform some Updates by his own. So we have to build up our system "dau-secure"..

Developing an app with information from external websites

Dear xda community,
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself ...
My name is Tibor, (almost) 22 years old and I study media computer science in third Semester, so I'm not a novice programmer, which is also due to the fact that I am programming often and lovingly.
Now to my problem. I downloaded the Android SDK with all the trimmings because I have already been working with Android for a year. Since I am studying at the Technical University of Dresden and this system uses an enrollment which calls itself "jExam" and there's no app for it until today to go get one's test results, or to register or unregister for exercises, etc., I decided to tackle this probably unlikely serious matter.
The website looks like that you need to login first and foremost, and then comes in an overview.
I would like to implement this overview, and the respective content into the app. But since I am an absolute beginner in the App Development scene (someone with basic knowledge of Java!), I rely on help from the community.
Now I would like to know how it is possible first of all to transfer the data of my "login form" to the server and then later retrieve everything?
I would appreciate active participation on your part
Best regards, Tibor
(sorry for my bad english, I actually am from Germany)

[Q] Developer Required Mobile Rounds Application for MS Access Migration

Hi Folks, I am looking for a developer to help with some automation in my business, I have an MS Acces database which currently contains my customer details and rounds etc. I am looking to create an app which shows the operators in the streets a list of jobs for that day etc, and a job status Open/Closed, I would then like it to update the account & possibly create emails to the customers.
Though I have some database design I have not developed any App's, I would welcome a response from anyone who currently does this work.
UK based business
Is anyone interested in developing this App ? - Regards Nige

App for University Project

Hi everyone!
I apologise in advance if this is not the right section, but it seemed to me the best and you'll se why in a second.
I'm writing here because I need the help of other developers and / or knowledgeable people.
I'm at the last year of university and in order to graduate I have to complete a stage in a real world company.
This morning I went to talk to one of them to discuss their project.
Basically the situation is this:
They have their company wiki that keeps track of the multiple products they sell and stuff. The wiki uses a 2 way ssl, so the client has to have a ssl certificate created by the company in order to access the website. That is to prevent unauthorized access to the website, which is for the company workers only.
The project consist in creating a web app to allow access to the wiki via mobile.
So this app should access their website, validate the server ssl, send it's cerificate to the server and then navigate aroud the website.
Now the thing that scares me it's the 2 way ssl. I've never dealt with something like this so I have absolutely no idea about how hard it could be.
They all use iOS, but they said they could be switching to Android very soon so they'd like the app to be multiplatfrom.
I know there are some frameworks like Phone Gap that allow me to write the code only one and then deploy it on the os of my choice, but I don't know if there would be problem with the ssl stuff.
Maybe iOS handles authentication in a different way than Android.
But even if I could write multiplatform code, I have no idea how hard is to handle 2 way ssl.
Can someone help me understanding this better?
What would I have to do in order to get this done?
I have only two months, I'm an average student but I have no experience on mobile.

[APP] Deposit and withdrawal for study exam

Hi all, first of all I would like to introduce myself as I am new to this site.
I am studying Mobile Software Development and as part of my Study I do have an project to complete that I am not sure how I should start with.
In project itself shouldn't be a big deal ( I hope), but I am not sure where I should start coding etc.
That app can be as simple as possible as I am not worrying about UI, but functionality.
To the point. I need to write an mobile app that will allow me deposit money from my bank account into the app and withdraw them back successfully.
I have made some project planning and the below are my concerns:
1. Application need to allow user to create Username and password to their account (username cannot be duplicated, e-mail address cannot be duplicated)
2. Which deposit method will be the best (paypal like or debit card based - including card details, owner name, security code and expiry date)
3. What kind of security should I use ( keep in mind that as project purpose this will not be released to the market, but in theory as Windows app this should get some security solutions from Windows Store, is this correct?)
4. Does any database need to be created?
4.1 If so, I believe this will require server solution installed.
I am asking this questions as fully working application even if will handle only myself as user will need to be supported by documentation explaining what, where, why and what for.
I hope that you will be able to give me some advices and this can become quite interesting thread.
I would like to thank you in advance for any help given.

