Clear Protection - Google Pixel XL Accessories

I am looking for a minimal, clear protection option for my phone, as I really like the look of it and don't want to cover it up.
I know that there are a few option for clear skins/protection. However, I would like to stay away from a case if any of the other options work well.
I am looking for some honest opinions from anyone that has used any of the following for protecting the back of their phone:
•SlickWraps (Naked only)
•Any others people have tried.
I am only looking for constructive feedback to help make a decision about any options. Please refrain from bashing a company or any other members.
Thank you all, in advance, for your help!


Thinking about a Fuze

I originally posted this in another section, rookie mistake. Any opinions, good and bad, are appreciated.
I am about to get a new phone and it's down to these two. I'm pretty familiar with the iPhone. It's nice, but doesn't do many of the things I would like, plus I can't stand the thought of a locked down device. What I do like is the great internet experience and the speed of the UI. I have been looking at the Fuze for a while and have some questions. I will use it for some business (anyone know how to get Lotus Notes on this thing?), but mostly as a phone, some texting, some multimedia, personal email, and some internet surfing. Pretty mixed bag. This will be my first smartphone, so there will be some learning curve. I'm not a big fan of the iPhone, but it's more of distrust of how Apple handles things and the total loackdown they have on the device. We have several Apple products in our house, the wife loves them. Me, not so much. Nice stuff, I just prefer more choices in how I use my hardware.
What GPS options are you using?
Any way to remove the AT&T junk?
If I get a cooked ROM (I barely know what that is right now), does it void the warranty? And can I download the original ROM to reflash back to original?
Any way to lock the touchscreen and front buttons to avoid accidentally answering the phone?
Did someone reallyfigure out how to turn off the PTT button?
What do you not like about the Fuze?
Thanks in advance!
Do some reading, all the information you seek is already available. Closed Thread.

Cool Accessories

What cool accessories for general use are there for this phone? Its a great phone but what cool things are there for it?
I also need to buy a case, what cool cases are there that allow sliding the keyboard at the same time. The topic may seem pointless but I am in need of accessories :3

Slick Wrap test

I'm not really impressed with some of the design choices, but the material is quality, the glue works well (allows you to peel and reposition numerous times, but still holds tight) The carbon fiber pattern doesn't look too fake (it has some texture and reflects the light at different angles)
I have since removed all of the side pieces and put it back in a case.
The front and back pieces are nice and I like them. I wish the piece for the back covered the whole piece of plastic, but as you can see it comes up short. and the ring for the camera is dumb... wish it would've been a clear screen protector instead.
screwyluie said:
I'm not really impressed with some of the design choices, but the material is quality, the glue works well (allows you to peel and reposition numerous times, but still holds tight) The carbon fiber pattern doesn't look too fake (it has some texture and reflects the light at different angles)
I have since removed all of the side pieces and put it back in a case.
The front and back pieces are nice and I like them. I wish the piece for the back covered the whole piece of plastic, but as you can see it comes up short. and the ring for the camera is dumb... wish it would've been a clear screen protector instead.
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Hello Screwyluie-
In response to your post, we are disappointed to hear that you did not enjoy your wrap. We distributed the Beta testers with the intention of gaining constructive and polite criticism, however, your critique of our product fell a bit short of the intended goal. Rather than destructive comments such as your opinion that the camera ring is "dumb", we were looking for more useful commentary that focused on what could be done to improve the wrap. We ask that you go ahead and remove the post from XDA and Reddit. At this time, your feedback is not needed for our Beta Tester Program. We prefer feedback that is delivered in a professional manner and with good etiquette.
slickwraps said:
Hello Screwyluie-
In response to your post, we are disappointed to hear that you did not enjoy your wrap. We distributed the Beta testers with the intention of gaining constructive and polite criticism, however, your critique of our product fell a bit short of the intended goal. Rather than destructive comments such as your opinion that the camera ring is "dumb", we were looking for more useful commentary that focused on what could be done to improve the wrap. We ask that you go ahead and remove the post from XDA and Reddit. At this time, your feedback is not needed for our Beta Tester Program. We prefer feedback that is delivered in a professional manner and with good etiquette.
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apparently you didn't read the whole thing, but thanks to jumping the conclusion that I assumed you would, which is 'this guy doesn't like our product, so his opinions don't count, he should remove the post"
I gave constructive feedback if you'll notice I said the camera ring should've been a clear screen protector instead.
Here's some more:
the thin side pieces are useless and a poor design choice. They don't do anything, they look bad, and come off very easily.
the 'broken' design of the headphone jack hole is bad.
the bottom piece overlaps the battery case and makes removing the back cover difficult
Even with a hair dryer the top and bottom pieces peel off because of the angled edges they have to apply to
the back piece, battery cover, doesn't cover the whole piece of plastic and as such looks bad and poorly designed.
I wasn't going to rag on your product since it is a beta test, I gave an overall neutral post, some good, some bad, and pictures so people could make up their own minds rather than me doing to for them. I also emailed you a much more thorough test result, and you never replied so after a week I posted my result to the internet in a manner that I saw fit.
this is constructive feedback whether you choose to see it or not. I'm sorry you don't like my post, but with no response from your company to the email I sent, I feel I have the right to post whatever I want, however I want it.
edit: I will also note that no instructions were sent with the skin, not how to apply, not who to contact with questions, no guidelines for testing/feedback. it is my estimation that you were giving out free skins in hopes of free positive press, and the intention of taking down the negative feedback. Either that or I'm forced to believe you have no idea how beta testing works, and you botched this whole thing.
screwyluie said:
apparently you didn't read the whole thing, but thanks to jumping the conclusion that I assumed you would, which is 'this guy doesn't like our product, so his opinions don't count, he should remove the post"
I gave constructive feedback if you'll notice I said the camera ring should've been a clear screen protector instead.
Here's some more:
the thin side pieces are useless and a poor design choice. They don't do anything, they look bad, and come off very easily.
the 'broken' design of the headphone jack hole is bad.
the bottom piece overlaps the battery case and makes removing the back cover difficult
Even with a hair dryer the top and bottom pieces peel off because of the angled edges they have to apply to
the back piece, battery cover, doesn't cover the whole piece of plastic and as such looks bad and poorly designed.
I wasn't going to rag on your product since it is a beta test, I gave an overall neutral post, some good, some bad, and pictures so people could make up their own minds rather than me doing to for them. I also emailed you a much more thorough test result, and you never replied so after a week I posted my result to the internet in a manner that I saw fit.
this is constructive feedback whether you choose to see it or not. I'm sorry you don't like my post, but with no response from your company to the email I sent, I feel I have the right to post whatever I want, however I want it.
edit: I will also note that no instructions were sent with the skin, not how to apply, not who to contact with questions, no guidelines for testing/feedback. it is my estimation that you were giving out free skins in hopes of free positive press, and the intention of taking down the negative feedback. Either that or I'm forced to believe you have no idea how beta testing works, and you botched this whole thing.
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The post was read in its entirety. We absolutely do not operate as you described, rejecting opinions that aren't positive. This could certainly be evidenced by the dozens of negative reviews our company has received over its lifetime on purchased products, wherein the customer posted their experience in a professional manner, eliciting a swift response on our part to correct the issues. However, when a free beta tester product is mailed out, we expect the trusted few to behave in a manner of respect towards our company's desire to improve on the product, rather than publicly blasting the work-in-progress with disrespectful comments using derogatory terms like the aforementioned use of the word "dumb". Use of destructive language generally deems all additional feedback from the user to be invalid, in our eyes. If anything, it paints the reviewer as aggressive and, likely biased.
Your "more" section that you added, was actually of more help to our program than your original post, because rather than underhandedly insulting the product, it points out specific issues which can be addressed or at least explored.
As for the e-mail, we sent out many beta test units. That means that we have recorded the data we received relating to flaws in the design, but that we have not necessarily replied to every single e-mail, even though we certainly took each and every one in to account. Beta testing is something that a company designs to fit its needs, so it is not actually possible for us to have "botched this whole thing" just because we had different expectations for our testers than you saw fit from your own personal expertise on the subject. Luckily, it is up to us to establish the criteria we wish to see met.
If we wanted to give out free wraps for free positive press, I assure you it wouldn't have been difficult for us to do without disguising it as a beta test. Putting such excessive effort in to such a ruse would be ridiculous, since it would be much easier for us to just ask for people to sign up for free wraps. The instructions for application are readily available in the form of videos on our YouTube channel, and our customer support live-chat and [email protected] are always available to help with installation issues. In the future, please feel free to direct questions to them at any time and I am sure they will happily assist you. Despite your less than desirable method of delivery, we thank you for your participation and feedback.
Perhaps in the future you should require a bachelor degree in english if you want someone to use a specific set of words. It is my opinion that the ring for the camera is DUMB (ie: unintelligent, foolish, or half-baked) That is exactly how I feel about it. I'm sorry you're not happy with my assessment of the part, but you wanted feedback and that is what I'm giving you.
If you're going to negate everything someone says because they spoke one word you disagree with, well my friend, that is ignorance to a degree only the internet could harbor.
I will counter, again. I said dumb (which seems to be your one and only focus) and I meant it, but I also told you how to fix it.
and again this whole thing stems from your inability to acknowledge my email. This post wasn't made for you. This post and the one on reddit were made for the people. I gave you a reply. Just in case you missed it here you go:
I received my test wrap. There were no instructions so hopefully this email is a good one to reply to.
I took some pictures:
opinions... the thin side strips are silly, pointless, and look bad.
The top and bottom edge pieces aren't much better, plus with the curve of the phone edge they don't stick very well. The bottom one overlaps the back cover making it difficult to take off. Also on the bottom one the hole for the headphone jack is 'broken' in design which just looks bad/shabby/low quality
The front two pieces look good although they do have a tendency to collect lint/fuzz/etc at the very edge of the sticker.
The large back piece is very nice. it adds grips and looks good. My only complaint here is it doesn't go to the edges of the back cover. It would look better if it wrapped the entire back cover. However if you remove those silly side strips it's not as noticeable.
The piece that goes over the buttons is fine. I don't care for the circle piece for the camera lense, seems out of place and pointless. What I can't figure out is why you didn't do the inverse. Why isn't there a piece to cover the plastic around the buttons and camera lense, instead of pieces to go over them. Also the camera lense on these phones scratches very easily, I would like to see a screen protector, clear, to cover it just like the main screen.
I will continue to use it for a few days before concluding my findings.
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That was meant for you. That had all my feedback and suggestions. This post was not for you. This post was to let people know about the product as I see it, 'dumb' and all. I intentionally kept it neutral with positive and negative remarks, and allowed the pictures to speak for themselves. Overall I'm not the least bit impressed with your product and I could've come on here and bashed it out right for the poor product I believe it to be. But I didn't and in return you seek demean me so that my opinion counts for less when others read it.
I'm disappointed with your company and it's response. Oh, and I saw your first post before you changed it... To prove I'm not being a jerk about this I'll not comment or repeat it. I emailed you your polite constructive criticism. I posted here my opinion in a deliberately neutral way to give you the benefit of the doubt. Let the people decide.
Have a nice day.
It's not right for a company to criticize you for your opinion which they solicited from you in the first place.
I have had similar problems with slick wraps in the past. In fact I refuse to use or review any of their poorly made products.
I was fortunate enough to find a company called stickerboy that makes some of the best skins I've ever seen. Their cut outs are very precise and cover almost 100% of the device.
slickwraps said:
The post was read in its entirety. We absolutely do not operate as you described, rejecting opinions that aren't positive. This could certainly be evidenced by the dozens of negative reviews our company has received over its lifetime on purchased products, wherein the customer posted their experience in a professional manner, eliciting a swift response on our part to correct the issues. However, when a free beta tester product is mailed out, we expect the trusted few to behave in a manner of respect towards our company's desire to improve on the product, rather than publicly blasting the work-in-progress with disrespectful comments using derogatory terms like the aforementioned use of the word "dumb". Use of destructive language generally deems all additional feedback from the user to be invalid, in our eyes. If anything, it paints the reviewer as aggressive and, likely biased.
Your "more" section that you added, was actually of more help to our program than your original post, because rather than underhandedly insulting the product, it points out specific issues which can be addressed or at least explored.
As for the e-mail, we sent out many beta test units. That means that we have recorded the data we received relating to flaws in the design, but that we have not necessarily replied to every single e-mail, even though we certainly took each and every one in to account. Beta testing is something that a company designs to fit its needs, so it is not actually possible for us to have "botched this whole thing" just because we had different expectations for our testers than you saw fit from your own personal expertise on the subject. Luckily, it is up to us to establish the criteria we wish to see met.
If we wanted to give out free wraps for free positive press, I assure you it wouldn't have been difficult for us to do without disguising it as a beta test. Putting such excessive effort in to such a ruse would be ridiculous, since it would be much easier for us to just ask for people to sign up for free wraps. The instructions for application are readily available in the form of videos on our YouTube channel, and our customer support live-chat and [email protected] are always available to help with installation issues. In the future, please feel free to direct questions to them at any time and I am sure they will happily assist you. Despite your less than desirable method of delivery, we thank you for your participation and feedback.
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Katie, you should know that your personal opinion on the wording chosen by a beta tester, has cost you future customers. Sad that you handled this situation the way you did. Your reasoning in the replies were just to make yourself and the company look/feel better about themselves instead of addressing the individual critiques. I'll stick with dbrand any day over your company
After reading SlickWraps responses I would never use one of their products.
There is always Dbrand and they've always been upbeat while maintaining professionalism. They have LG G3 skins and their skins aren't even in beta. They've done wonders for phones and other devices and are recommended by tech bloggers a lot.
You certainly have not helped your case. Hopefully many people will see what you're about.
slickwraps said:
Thank You!
Trolls be Trolling
---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 AM ----------
Professionalism? LOL
Do some research.. Oh, and see the OP unedited posts floating around regarding his "review". Nice.
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You do realize the more you continue this thread, the more people will see you behaving like a child throwing a tantrum in the name of your ummm company?
My thanks to the OP!
slickwraps said:
Same to you.
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Storm T said:
You do realize the more you continue this thread, the more people will see you behaving like a child throwing a tantrum in the name of your ummm company?
My thanks to the OP!
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OH, SNAP! Lmao......
Storm T said:
You certainly have not helped your case. Hopefully many people will see what you're about.
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I certainly never expected this. I had never used a skin on a phone before and thought this beta testing would be a good opportunity to try one and give a generally unbiased opinion. Now I'm just glad people have a chance to see the company for what it is.
screwyluie said:
I certainly never expected this. I had never used a skin on a phone before and thought this beta testing would be a good opportunity to try one and give a generally unbiased opinion. Now I'm just glad people have a chance to see the company for what it is.
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For anyone who wants the real truth about this guy ^ contact me directly. He's honestly nothing but a troll who was set on never truly testing the product. Would love to show you DM from him which show his true nature.
Sad world we live in.
slickwraps said:
For anyone who wants the real truth about this guy ^ contact me directly. He's honestly nothing but a troll who was set on never truly testing the product. Would love to show you DM from him which show his true nature.
Sad world we live in.
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Post it in here, please, I've nothing to hide.
I find this not very professional. Kind of embarrassing to say the least.
I to had similar issues with the product
Having come from a vinyl wrap and sign shop i tried the slickwrap glow in the dark. The material is not true wrap material in a sense as it didnt have air channels . this might be true for just the glow in the dark. the camera ring and side pieces to be honest are pointless in the fact that the have very little surface area . which equals hardly any adhesive makes it to the phone . i had a coupon code i used to purchase it . and to be honest i didnt feel it was the money as most of the pieces you dont use . just my 2 cents

Good smartphone for elderly parent with deteriorating vision?

I'm trying to decide on a better phone for my father. He is technically savy but starting to have some vision issues.
He is currently using an LG G3 which I've long ago rooted and stripped out most every useless app and program to simplify the app drawer and minimize issues he may have trying to find something. It is on TMobile and the new device will need to be compatible with TMO also. The G3 works fine but would like a bigger screen and the earpiece speaker is crackling again. Have replaced it twice and don't feel like doing it again.
For the most part he only uses email, phone, maps, calculator and web browser. Doesn't need the latest device or the fanciest features. Just a reliable, affordable and sturdy device since he tends to break them also.
Would like to find something with a large, bright screen. 6" or more.
Something that is sturdy, reliable and big battery.
Easy to root so I can strip out useless apps.
Loud earpiece.
Cheap or easy to fix when he breaks it.
Anyone have a parent in a similar position and what did you find worked best for them?
cahiatt said:
I'm trying to decide on a better phone for my father. He is technically savy but starting to have some vision issues.
He is currently using an LG G3 which I've long ago rooted and stripped out most every useless app and program to simplify the app drawer and minimize issues he may have trying to find something. It is on TMobile and the new device will need to be compatible with TMO also. The G3 works fine but would like a bigger screen and the earpiece speaker is crackling again. Have replaced it twice and don't feel like doing it again.
For the most part he only uses email, phone, maps, calculator and web browser. Doesn't need the latest device or the fanciest features. Just a reliable, affordable and sturdy device since he tends to break them also.
Would like to find something with a large, bright screen. 6" or more.
Something that is sturdy, reliable and big battery.
Easy to root so I can strip out useless apps.
Loud earpiece.
Cheap or easy to fix when he breaks it.
Anyone have a parent in a similar position and what did you find worked best for them?
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I would try doing some Google searches for:
"Smartphones for seniors"
"Smartphones for the visually impaired"
Find the most recent links to lists and reviews of devices then find one that meets all of your requirements, have them participate in reading the lists and choosing the device.
Also could ask in
What's your next smartphone / What should I buy by poseidon5213
**DEVICE SUGGESTION THREAD** -- Not sure what device to buy? Ask here! by KidCarter93
Sent from my PH-1 using XDA Labs
I'm sorry that the responses weren't really helpful at all to the OP.
I'm also looking for a phone replacement for my 95 year old mother.
Any better info or recommendations ???
tt c6 said:
I'm sorry that the responses weren't really helpful at all to the OP.
I'm also looking for a phone replacement for my 95 year old mother.
Any better info or recommendations ???
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When it comes to recommending devices, it comes down to what purposes the user will use it for and what other things may evolve into doing with their device. It is virtually impossible for a 3rd party to project/expect what the user needs or what they would be comfortable with.
It's kinda like choosing a spouse, it isn't the kind of thing that someone else's opinion can help you with. What works for us might not work for you/them, its all about the individual.
Factors like: screen size, operating system, the interface and how easy it is to see, understand and use, amount if RAM and storage that is best for their needs, if they take photos and videos frequently then they'll need plenty of storage and expendable storage that is easy for them to use and remove/replace.
Factors like these are why suggestions can't really be made, especially suggestions from users here because users here are more familiar with devices that wouldn't be considered usable by non tech savvy seniors, virtually all of us here have no experience with devices that aren't the more mainstream devices used by millions. This website is completely centered around the modification and use if android software, our interests and knowledge are not in what is the latest greatest device or what features this device has compared to that device and what this or that device is best for. You need to go to some tech review websites for ideas and suggestions, that is what they focus on, coming to a website where the focus is software coding to ask for suggestions doesn't really serve your purposes very well when there are much better sources of infirnation that what anyone here could provide you with.
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk
I disagree.
Most 95 year olds want the same thing, if not all of them.
The simplest phone to operate that will allow them to make phone calls.
I got my grandmother the only basic phone that is currently offered by T-mobile corporate: the Alcatel Go Flip.
She does NOT like it.
The "ring" around the "Go" button that is the only way to move up and down the selections is not physically large, or easy to see, let alone use.
In order to get to the contacts, you must press "Go" once, wait for the contacts to become "highlighted", then press "Go" again.
There should be ONE TOUCH entry into the contacts, and the up and down buttons should be clearly marked and easy to operate.
VERY disappointed in T-mobile for only offering one basic phone, and in Alcatel for making what should be a simple phone to operate, more difficult then it should be.
Can ANYONE offer a solution for a 95 year old that I can activate on T-mobile?
Positives for the Alcatel Go Flip:
- It utilizes all the current T-mobile bands
- It runs basically a scaled down Android OS.
You can log on to your gmail account from the Go Flip, and all of your Google contacts will be automatically imported into the Go Flip.
tt c6 said:
I disagree.
Most 95 year olds want the same thing, if not all of them.
The simplest phone to operate that will allow them to make phone calls.
I got my grandmother the only basic phone that is currently offered by T-mobile corporate: the Alcatel Go Flip.
She does NOT like it.
The "ring" around the "Go" button that is the only way to move up and down the selections is not physically large, or easy to see, let alone use.
In order to get to the contacts, you must press "Go" once, wait for the contacts to become "highlighted", then press "Go" again.
There should be ONE TOUCH entry into the contacts, and the up and down buttons should be clearly marked and easy to operate.
VERY disappointed in T-mobile for only offering one basic phone, and in Alcatel for making what should be a simple phone to operate, more difficult then it should be.
Can ANYONE offer a solution for a 95 year old that I can activate on T-mobile?
Positives for the Alcatel Go Flip:
- It utilizes all the current T-mobile bands
- It runs basically a scaled down Android OS.
You can log on to your gmail account from the Go Flip, and all of your Google contacts will be automatically imported into the Go Flip.
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That's what I mean, I doubt you'll find anyone here familiar with devices that aren't specifically touchscreen only, and with that comes all of the factors I listed, how the OS is designed, screen size, visibility of the items on the screen, too many variables to give reasonable suggestions.
All I can say is find reviews for devices and see which of them have reviews from users mentioning how good the device is for seniors.
There is a thread here specifically for device suggestions and it is where all questions about suggestions are intended to be posted.
It will ultimately come down to them having the device in their hands before they buy it, that is the only way to see if it fits their needs/wants. Find reviews, make a list of 5-10 devices that you think are viable then go physically check demo models of each of them out to see what they think.
Sent from my LGL84VL using Tapatalk

What Are The Most Important Considerations When Selecting Your Next Phone???

Hi guys :silly:,
I always wondered what everyone thought was important when you are deciding on what phone to get next.
For me I know that battery and CPU are the most important then followed by the display. This got me thinking what do other people find more important in terms of specs when selecting their next mobile phone. So I created a small Google form survey and was wondering if you all would be interested in taking part?
Please help me out, its completely anonymous and will take around 2mins or less. I am really interested in what the general spread is like in terms of what specs people find the most important.
Link to Survey:
Please feel free to comment as well in this post or if you are also interested in what the results turned out to be like.
Yudi_x said:
Hi guys :silly:,
I always wondered what everyone thought was important when you are deciding on what phone to get next.
For me I know that battery and CPU are the most important then followed by the display. This got me thinking what do other people find more important in terms of specs when selecting their next mobile phone. So I created a small Google form survey and was wondering if you all would be interested in taking part?
Please help me out, its completely anonymous and will take around 2mins or less. I am really interested in what the general spread is like in terms of what specs people find the most important.
Link to Survey:
Please feel free to comment as well in this post or if you are also interested in what the results turned out to be like.
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1-Battery autonomy
3-Screen (1080p max 5" min) AMOLED Or IPS
4-Camera (all thinks)
5-Guarantee to avoid surprises
6-ROM and support SD card
7-Jack 3.5mm
8-Stereo Speakers and quality

