All the Reviews - For this great phone - BlackBerry DTEK50 Guides, News, & Discussion

I must admit I was surprised that there is so little about this phone on XDA. I had expected just to add my thoughts to an existing thread. Anyway, my review below does cover off many items.
Any questions, just ask below, and hopefully I will know the answer.


Read before you post.

Please read through the forum before you post. Your question has probably already been answered.
We now have to wade through countless threads regarding SMS phonebook lookup, where can i get radio 4.16, etc.
I appreciate those who already take a little care.
martinlong1978 said:
Please read through the forum before you post. Your question has probably already been answered.
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This is the key here. If there was an easier way to do this.
My suggestion is start up a FAQ page|post.
With common and upto date news.
Especially the following I believe:
- Latest updates, and where to find or get them (eg ROM)
- SMS problem + patch.
- Un-locking technique (or is this against the rules?)
- hardware problems screen, serial, etc..
You can't stop people posting silly questions, without having the answers easily available.
I spend a lot of time on the madonion site for 3dmark. Yes overclockers and computer destroyers! Newcomers, beginners need to be led. You cannot tell them NO. Never tell somebody no, tell them other things...
Just my 2 pennies worth of comment:
I normally would try a Search for some keywords to get all the posts recently on the topic I am interested in. The search engine is very efficient and it shows you all the posts with that keyword. It can be a little tedious some times to read thru the threads for a topic which has been heavily debated. But the search mechanism is a good point to start for someone interested to get an answer quick as one doesn't have to wait for somebody to answer you especially when the info is already available elsewhere. An FAQ would be a fabulous addition though it would be lots of extra work for the site developer.
This forum is the best support for the xda available in the whole world and we should thank all those who made it possible. As the person with probably the most silly questions it is a great site to get help and I would like to give those guys sweating behind the screen a big thank you !!!
Will do
Sounds fair enough. Thanks for the awesome site!
Was it really necessary to revive a thread that is almost eight years old? Most forums have FAQs and other stickies to help new users find what they need.
Wasn´t really necessary that you also replied on an old thread?

It's a start, but...

Admins, thank you for EVENTUALLY listening to us.
However, can we take this a tad further? Somebody's obviously spent quite some time moving threads across and the result is....
a mess, same as every other XDA-Devs forum.
Is there any scope at all for even more sub forums under the existing x7510 one? Obvious ones that jump to mind is a sub forum just for bricked devices, another just for ROMs and perhaps one for performance related matters.
Having different sub forums makes everybody's lives easier and it means you guys have the opportunity to deliver highly targeted advertising (which should bring in more money for you). Everybody wins!
Alternatively we can just go with the present formula, which basically consists of 20 or so stickies at the top, followed by a mish-mash that makes it very difficult to find things even when using the search function.
I would LOVE to see how you lot structure folders on your own systems! If it is anything like XDA-Devs then I gues you often experience that "now-where-did-I-save-it" feeling!
I say patience...and thanks for the child-forum! Maybe we could make a sticky on how to use some prefix or header labels at the beginning of the thread title, e.g. Bricked: after Kaiser rom update my x7510 went black - HELP! or ROM-DL: official HTC X7510 at last! for ROM download links...
@ NanoRuler
I have read your comments here and elsewhere and now in this thread.
I feel I have to say there are a few things you have said that I find more than a little offensive - just a some of your comments in relation to Admin / Mods / Organisation:
"piss-poor organisation"
"admins here are stubbornly refusing to create a dedicated sub forum"
"admins, especially seeing as they cannot even be bothered to respond to any request"
"My, what an excellent example of good organisation....NOT"
Mixing the above style of comment into your posts, along with your tone in your first post in this thread, is not likely to endear you to Mods, Admins and long standing members here. You see there may be quite a lot of truth in what you say, but it is spoiled by those barbed and untrue comments.
We do monitor how things are going and how things can change, but you have to realise that only a couple of years ago the membership was only a couple of hundred, now it's grown to 195000 active menbers (We MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT!) and a membership well over 1 Million. Add to this that the whole show is kept on the road by a handful of voluntary Mods and 1 Admin who does not have 100% of her time dedicated to the site.
The idea that she has "piss-poor organisation" and has "stubbornly refused to set up a forum", aside from being untrue, is also insulting. As you might imagine with only one Admin, you have to wait to see what overall demand is before leaping in to create new Forum. It does create added Moderation work when new Fora are added and there is nothing more disappointing for members to find a forum that never gets answers because nobody goes there. The demand is guaged over a period of time and when the level seems sufficiently high the Forum is created.
With the level of paid staff = slightly less than 1, you cannot achieve military style organisation and everything working like a Swiss watch. (... and do you know I don't think I'd like it if it did.)
Yes we have a few rough edges (that's what makes us so lovable) and believe me I agree we can improve things over time, only don't expect perfection from such a small team. We rely on members to contribute and make helpful suggestions and to do it politely 'cos we do the best we can with the resources we have - and that includes limited time.
EDIT: It was me who moved a lot of posts from the Athena Forum to here. You know, while I was doing it I was thinking, this will be awkward without sub-fora for ROM-Development etc. (You see I was thinking along the same lines as YOU). It somewhat cheesed me off though,when I came here, to be told it was a "mess". I disagree, "Mess" is too strong a word, but I do agree we may need a Development Forum at some point.
OK, let's take this from the top, shall we?
"piss-poor organisation"
Please go to this forum,, then tell me how to find a recent ROM in amongst everything else. I accept your arguments about the growth of XDA-Dev's (hey, despite my objections I remain a fan!) and the lack of admins and moderators. But let's be fair here, have you guys actually ASKED any more members to help out?
I KNOW what's involved being a Mod in a busy forum, I was one at, but you can still spread the load a tad more, and delegate tasks more (such as delegate the ability to create sub forums to Mods).
If anything, this struggle to contain the load supports MY argument that XDA-Dev's is NOT very well organised at all. Yes, hindsight is always 20/20 so it is easy for me to now say having seperate sub forums just for ROMs will make things better organised for everybody, and yes, I probably wouldn't have set it up that way had I been asked when XDA-Dev;s was started. But just because there was an oversight in the beginning does it now mean it must be perpetuated?
"admins here are stubbornly refusing to create a dedicated sub forum" and
"admins, especially seeing as they cannot even be bothered to respond to any request"
Hmmm....let me see..... Many requests over a period of more than three months and nobody even bothered to reply to us? Yes, that IS stubbornly refusing. As was stated here "Mod Edit: Darn I was enjoying watching them suffer!!" was probably intended as a joke, but may well have been a freudian slip!
If you guys weren't being stubborn about it, why didn't you just come back to us and state your reasons for delaying. Why blank us for more than three months?
I think you'll find you guys pretty much scored an own-goal there.
"My, what an excellent example of good organisation....NOT"
Again, you've almost admitted that XDA-Dev's is NOT the best organised forum in the world. That comment was made in response to rorydaredkign's suggestion that using a few stickies would solve all our woes. It was NEVER aimed at this site, its admin or mods, but was only ever aimed at Rory's silly suggestion!
Nobody expects perfection, least of all me. Just don't blank us and don't ignore us. I find THAT insulting, because when you ignore somebody you're also saying through your behaviour that they aren't worthy of your attention. ('ll certainly bear this comment of mine in mind should you choose not to reply )
Nobody expects military organisation, either. Over-organising can be far worse than not organising at all.
Again, at the time that I stated so, admins/mods WERE refusing to create a seperate x7510 sub forum, so I have to disagree with your claim that what I had said was untrue. I'm a lot of things, but I'm NOT a liar, nor have I ever been. (Sadly "endearing" isn't a term typically used to describe me, either!)
Now, having said all of that, I'll also say that I WAS pissed off, especially by the lack of response/action, so I accept that I may have been too quick to accuse.
I wish to apologise for that to the admin, the mods and most members here.
Finally Mike, I NEVER intended the word MESS to describe the seperate x7510 section. Moving everything here in record time must have been an enormous pain and such a move can never immediately result in any degree of order.
Right, I can't change my signature message in that post, so this post is made purely to show the updated signature.
-Edit:- And yet, the signature has changed!
Okay, I accept there are some vailid points you make. I can assure you there is and has been no deliberate action to stop (or slow down) a forum being created. I think you do have a point about not hearing anything on whether a forum would be created for 3 months. I don't know if I'm proud to say it but that was probably due to a bit of "muddling through", rather than any deliberate action to ignore the forum request. (Almost a case of wait for the clamour for a forum to get very loud and then create it / if not then the request withers on the vine. NOT the most respectful way to deal with the membership I agree but with no guaranteed or co-ordinated hours being put in by Mods and admin (responsibilities for other things)then a more planned approach tends to remain as a good idea but does not get delivered in practice.
Whether Mods should have powers to create forums is an interesting one. Also not one for me to answer. The Admin reports to a Management group and I guess it would be their and her decision. I can see such a suggestion meeting some resistance if only because Mods come and go fairly frequently and to have power over the structure of the boards might be thought a step too far.
... and now I must go to work... late already
EDIT: I think it's likely you have a lot to offer this Forum, you are obviously interested and have ideas about it. All I would say is, start with the assumption that the Mods and Admin are not against you but with you. We may be slow to change things, for all the reasons I give, but there is no deliberate action to ignore members and you can always send a PM to Mods or Admin if you think something is being missed by us.
Now is time to BUILD the x7510 section!.
Thanks mike for moving the X7510 3Ds here, I am ready to listen suggestions and to better organize the section.
May be Mickyprima or Irus or some other chef would like to be the FIRST in releasing a new ROM?
A sticky "Rom development" thread is needed?
I agree, "it is a start", next step is up to you ( I have an X7500)
sergiopi said:
Now is time to BUILD the x7510 section!.
Thanks mike for moving the X7510 3Ds here, I am ready to listen suggestions and to better organize the section.
May be Mickyprima or Irus or some other chef would like to be the FIRST in releasing a new ROM?
A sticky "Rom development" thread is needed?
I agree, "it is a start", next step is up to you ( I have an X7500)
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Yeah, I moved the more obvious 7510 threads, but not being overly knowledgable about the device, it's entirely possible there are several other threads that need moved.
Also there were a couple that I stickied, because they appeared of on-going importance, but I could be wrong about them. So yes, as sergiopi says, feedback is needed.
EDIT: side note - many of the moved threads I gave a two day expiring redirect - so they will still appear in the Athena section for a couple of days - just in case that confuses anybody!!
NanoRuler said:
Obvious ones that jump to mind is a sub forum just for bricked devices, another just for ROMs and perhaps one for performance related matters.
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there is no such subforums for x7500 either...except for the one for ROMs of course, and I think that could be a good idea, or maybe rename this section as x7510 and x7510 ROMs.
slow...but sure... need to remember that the 7510 is still a very *new* device and not many members/peeps have it. I have searched the net high and wide for info on the 7510 and to be honest the only place where I get any real info is at these it may be lacking in many things right now but it is the BEST you can find online...and I know over time things will improve as more people buy this device. I have mine for a few weeks now but I still prefer my universal only cause the 'cooks' have not started working their magic as yet and out of the box I think the 7510 is kinda lame/lacking...
I am reminded by something my dear grand-mom would tell me back in the day...'It's not what you say, but how you say it'.
Count me in if more hands are needed to get things moving faster...and thanks to all the peeps in this forum for making this place a blast to visit.
youmeus said:
I am reminded by something my dear grand-mom would tell me back in the day...'It's not what you say, but how you say it'.
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AGREED -- whatever the usefulness of NanoRuler's comments, the negative attitude that is so evident (even in follow-up msg. -- I didn't perceive any real change or even a genuine apology) turned me off and I found myself skimming over much of what he said.
brucewilsonpa said:
AGREED -- whatever the usefulness of NanoRuler's comments, the negative attitude that is so evident (even in follow-up msg. -- I didn't perceive any real change or even a genuine apology) turned me off and I found myself skimming over much of what he said.
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And you did WHAT exactly to campaign for a seperate section? Yeah, I thought so, buddy!
Currently I think you will find YOUR attitude is not exactly positive, particularly so seeing as you are raking up ground that has already been covered.
And you perceived no real change, nor a genuine apology?
I made my my apologies, after having defended myself first. In fact, I do believe I could clearly show that I was wrongly accused in some parts. Yet despite this I felt the need to apologise - I was not forced, sweet-talked or otherwise coerced into an apology. If that's nor real or genuine enough for you, well, though luck matey!
How bloody dare you judge me or anybody else? Who exactly do you think you are?
In your case you've just "skimmed" to the end, in your case too, I will be polite and allow you to pick the 1st word, but the second word most certainly is "off".
It is time to start talking about x7510 again here instead of members mood, attitude, friendliness...
Wow! I merely shared my perception and end up being attacked and castigated. No offense intended but surely I'm allowed to share with you how you appear to come across -- why are you so quick to assume I (or others) are "judging" you? I think the tone of your msg. vindicates my "perception" -- you can villify me and attack me but this is the last word I offer. Let's get back to discussing the important stuff.'s what you said:
"even in follow-up msg. -- I didn't perceive any real change or even a genuine apology) turned me off and I found myself skimming over much of what he said"
THAT is judgemental. In case you don't believe me, look up the meaning of the word.
Don't back off with statements like "I merely shared my perception and end up being attacked and castigated", "No offense intended but surely I'm allowed to share with you how you appear to come across" and "I think the tone of your msg. vindicates my 'perception'".
If you merely wanted to share your opinion regarding how I came across, why didn't you think to do so in a PM, as opposed to a public critique? Why raise it at all well after the fact, when everybody's moved on? And finally, the tone of my message was exactly correct in response to somebody criticising me out of the blue.
At least have the courage of conviction to stand by your earlier statement, instead of trying to wash it away with dribble.
More importantly, have you signed up to put YOUR x7510 potentially at risk to test Cmonex's new unlocker? See, I don't simply spew hot air - I also walk the walk, which is why I've signed up.
Now unless you have something useful to contibute, do us a favour and don't post for a while?

Looking For Developers

I've got a server pad off until the end of Feb 2010 and came up with an idea the other day that I wanted to run by the people who spend a lot of time building ROMs and apps for all of us. Let me preface this by saying I'm not trying to take anything away from XDA (I spend a lot of time here), but my idea can really put some money in the pockets of these guys that work so hard for us.
As I said, I have a server I'm not using (along with an installation of VBulletin). My idea is to give the developers a "home", where each has their own forum. Within their own forum they would have their own ads (from Google or whatever they choose), so that they had a real income from their work and not just hope that people donate money occasionally. Within their own section their would be a subforum where only they could post (explanation of releases, instructions, FAQ, etc), so that it wouldnt become a mess. A user feedback section, and a troubleshooting section........with all the user interaction still here at XDA.
I've also set up a download section for ROMs, Themes, Widgets, and Apps, where only developers could upload, but everyone could that everything is in one easy to access spot.
Again, I'm not trying to take anything away from XDA....what I am trying to do is organize something that benefits all of us, by giving the devs a chance to make a little cash, while giving them a place to post their latest releases. I'm not doing this for my own gain (Other than trying to keep my sanity reading through 400 pages of bickering and redundant silly questions)
If any of you Devs are interested (and I've already talked to a few of you), hit me up by PM or email and I'll get you hooked up.
love this idea, this will probably relive the xda servers of some stress, ROM threads have an average of 1000+ replies also might give the mods a little less to worry about, thats right mods i see you trying to keep this forum organized and appreciate your efforts
triple bump
can average joes like me sign up or maybe i can be a moderator if you allow
Yeah, as I said my goal with this was two-fold. First I'm doing this as an idea to help these developers make some scratch (I'll give developers special access and have them open a Google Adsense account). That way these guys can get paid for their efforts.
The other goal was to start from scratch with a clean and managed place. There is a lot going on here, a lot of ideas, a lot of dialogue. What I want to do is give each developer a section, one forum where only they can post (info on the releases, FAQ, etc....without any comments from followers), then have a forum where followers can offers ideas and discuss the releases, then a third forum for troubleshooting (I'd like to find some way of marking issues as solved, then closing them, so people with similar issues arent digging through 400 pages looking for answers).
I have a downloads page, which I'd really like to use.....maybe we can just have all the pertinent downloads there linked to wherever they are saved, or I can host them.
So, in closing, I am not trying to replace XDA (I'm working on adding a link to it to the navbar), I'm trying to augment it. I have the server and software paid of til Feb 2010, so I'm hoping this will turn out to be a good solution and we can keep it going. As always, if you guys have ideas or questions, let me know.
pcexpert2 said:
can average joes like me sign up or maybe i can be a moderator if you allow
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Absolutely....I'm just an average Joe. I am a computer hardware guy (used to own HardwareLogic, but sold it to deal with health issues). My wife bought me a G1 a couple of months back and I've not put it down since. I've been around here for quite awhile and recommend XDA to a lot of people (My last phone was a TMO Dash, which died a sad death when I fell and cracked the screen), I just dont post unless I have something to add to the conversation.
I really want to get people involved, I want to have a nice place, but a place with limited BS, and where things are kept on topic.
I'm onboard for any site that will keep the stupid posts/reposts/BUT HOW DO I DO IT? at bay. Not to criticize xda, but it has grown beyond the moderators abilities and it's just a mess.
I'm going to need help, but my thought was to generate a FAQ post for every thread, and then take the time to consolidate frequent issues we see into stickies, and lock people can find the answers without digging through the BS.
I think we can do that by marking solved issues as "Solved" and locking the threads (then making them a sticky or creating a separate forum for them). By staying on top of that, things should work well.
YO hit me back. Just to chat. Your biggest fan, this is Stan.
To throw up very basic idea for recomendation of being in the design [if happens]:
In the comments on the rom section, make it so the comments can be seperated in category [like maybe side by side or something], like the biggest issue with forums is seperation with them is too seperate. People want to ask their problem with the rom where more viewers are. Its nature. Feedback and Troubleshooting. Thats what I would suggest. Then its simple organization method that keeps the roms clean for the developers to get a good idea whats wrong and how to perfect. Random problem posts in 1 page probably has 7 problems, 3 with response to helping, and 2 for feedback. How to see whats going on. Keep it clean so people can see exactly what they are getting and how to do it, thats key. Make no assumptions about people, think no one knows anything, and make it based on that.
Just a suggestion for [anything] in the future.
we need to consolidate, so far (the link above is for themes) i have seen 10 or more websites to try and put all of the downloads. its a wonderful idea. but if it is to be implemented, we will actually need EVERYONE's attention, and get one site with everything.
it sounds like a good idea, it'll be nice if it can be implemented for a quick place to find useful links. I have so many bookmarks because everything is so scattered on different sites and forums it'll be good to have it all together
I will be working on this all night and tomorrow. Those of you that are developers, sign up and let me know who you are by pm or email. Once I hear from you I will set up your section and give you all the acess.....then we can work on the ads for your section and let you focus on your work.
I will need a couple people to help me watch over things, so some of you senior members hit me up as well if interested.
As to breaking down the is what I did.....only the developers can post in the rin the ROM release forum, but there is an attached forum where peopele can share ideas and make comments, and an attached troubleshooting forum...well go from there.
As to the downloads page I have it sectioned, so everything should be easy to locate...kind of a one stop shop.
Once we get people posting content, maybe we can come together and edit it down to a series of tutorials, FAQ. Guides, or thing I would like to see is a list of all the terminal commands...kind of a well as a glossary of terms users need to know to get started, both of those would cut down a lot on redundant questions.
I am watching a few movies with a friend, but later I plan on adding a front page, answering emails, and tinkering with the setup.....keep up with the ideas, and if you want to help out, let me know
I think it sounds like a Great Idea!!! Get signing up Devs!! Make some more money other than your Donations!!!
Thats my whole point, my idea wasnt a forum to compete with XDA and other forums....but a place for the Devs to post/store their work without all the off topic and petty stuff that ends up being posted. There of course is discussion threads, but not mixed in with the ROM Release threads (Which only the Devs can post to).....there are separate discussion threads for bug reporting and ideas/comments.
Its all set up and ready to go, we just need the Devs to jump on. As soon as they get me some adsense code I will integrate it and they can start making some money from their own ads. Devs, help me help you..........
I also dont want to limit this to the ROM writers, if you have a tutorial, hack, app, widget, etc you want to post please let me know.
I am trying to get a glossary of terms built, as well as as many tutorials as possible, which should cut way down on repeat questions.
If there is a Photoshop Expert out thwere, hit me up, I need a nice logo put together for the site.
Looking good!
The site is looking good so far! I'm sure the devs are on their way!
How Many...
How many Developers are planning to give this a go?
I would also think that letting the rom devs have the ability to moderate their own respective threads if they so choose might be a good idea.
Separate out:
Q/A - general
Q/A - bug specific
Thank you
something to that effect.
I would design the website logo for free and moderate.
That's if you let me.
Rom Devs
ggolemg said:
I would also think that letting the rom devs have the ability to moderate their own respective threads if they so choose might be a good idea.
Separate out:
Q/A - general
Q/A - bug specific
Thank you
something to that effect.
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The Rom Devs are given the Ability to Moderate their posts as they wish, and thanks for the Q/A tips. Have you checked the site out yet?

New to the Forum. I Have A Couple of Questions

I am brand new to smart phones, Android and this particular forum. I have two questions. Fist question is why are all of the sub-forums listed in a seemingly random manner on the front page? I like a good read as much as the next guy, but holy cow! Isn't there some reasonably simple means to at least shuffle them into alphabetical order or group them by manufacturer or something?
Second question: My phone is a LG L34C (Fuel) and my carrier is TracFone. I have seen this same phone identified as a LG Optimus Zone 2 and yet I find neither of these smart phones referenced anywhere on this forum. Is there another smart phone manufactured by LG which is supported on this forum, or should I simply seek assistance elsewhere?
LordDarkStar said:
I am brand new to smart phones, Android and this particular forum. I have two questions. Fist question is why are all of the sub-forums listed in a seemingly random manner on the front page? I like a good read as much as the next guy, but holy cow! Isn't there some reasonably simple means to at least shuffle them into alphabetical order or group them by manufacturer or something?
Second question: My phone is a LG L34C (Fuel) and my carrier is TracFone. I have seen this same phone identified as a LG Optimus Zone 2 and yet I find neither of these smart phones referenced anywhere on this forum. Is there another smart phone manufactured by LG which is supported on this forum, or should I simply seek assistance elsewhere?
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Hi, and welcome to XDA! :victory:
Please have a look at this:
Hopefully, that will help you find what you're looking for.
After a quick search, I found this:
And this:
Also this:
The information is available, you just have to search.
Well, thank you for at least replying. I DID read the directions on how to use this precious search engine, so please do NOT insult my intelligence! I honestly found every one of the posts on all 10 pages of results returned about as useful as teats on a boar hog. The one thread that was of ANY interest was a fellow who last year requested that a sub-forum specific to the LG L34C be developed. Obviously no one here felt it was worth their time to even reply to this chap in any meaningful way.
Given the overall lackadaisical appearance of this forum and the fact that few, if any, of the seniors on this site want to do anything about it, one wonders how this forum continues to exist at all.
Evolution_Tech said:
Hi, and welcome to XDA! :victory:
Please have a look at this:
Hopefully, that will help you find what you're looking for.
After a quick search, I found this:
And this:
Also this:
The information is available, you just have to search.
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LordDarkStar said:
Given the overall lackadaisical appearance of this forum and the fact that few, if any, of the seniors on this site want to do anything about it, one wonders how this forum continues to exist at all.
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This is the best forum iv'e ever saw, don't get frustrated when i started (less than a year ago) it was also very confusing and i felt lost, with the time everything changed, now XDA is my second home!
I love this community will never give it up!!
And you gotta learn something, when someone tells you to use the search button, just carry on! Don't make any issues..
Enjoy it!
LordDarkStar said:
Well, thank you for at least replying. I DID read the directions on how to use this precious search engine, so please do NOT insult my intelligence! I honestly found every one of the posts on all 10 pages of results returned about as useful as teats on a boar hog. The one thread that was of ANY interest was a fellow who last year requested that a sub-forum specific to the LG L34C be developed. Obviously no one here felt it was worth their time to even reply to this chap in any meaningful way.
Given the overall lackadaisical appearance of this forum and the fact that few, if any, of the seniors on this site want to do anything about it, one wonders how this forum continues to exist at all.
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A member helps you with not one, but a few links, and you repay them with insults? Good luck finding anyone to help you with an attitude like that.
And this forum will keep going strong long after you've left the site. I suggest if you don't like it, you log off and find another one. :good:
Thread closed. And more treatment like this towards helpful members ....and we will log you out, so you don't need to.
Forum Moderator

Question Idoing Upgrade Problems

Hey lads hope you're doing okay. So recently i purchased a Idoing for my 86, i decided to upgrade my headunit but now the problem is that im facing higher resolution(currently at 1280) and my touch resolution is (1080p) and because of that the screen is now huge and cant even calibrate so basically i've looked everywhere else but couldn't find a solution( basically a rookie with basic knowledge). So please if you guys can help me out, that'd be appreciated. Thanks
Is it an FYT device. Post screen shots of Android system info including MCU version
shanygage said:
Hey lads hope you're doing okay. So recently i purchased a Idoing for my 86, i decided to upgrade my headunit but now the problem is that im facing higher resolution(currently at 1280) and my touch resolution is (1080p) and because of that the screen is now huge and cant even calibrate so basically i've looked everywhere else but couldn't find a solution( basically a rookie with basic knowledge). So please if you guys can help me out, that'd be appreciated. Thanks
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are you saying the android head unit resolution is too high so the rendered UI and text are too small?
If that's the case, in developer setting, you can change the DPI by set minimum height to 480.
Hey thanks for the response. The Idoing send me bunch of files and updated it. And now it fits my headunit perfectly like old. If someone faces the same problem. Let me know I'll share the files with you.
Hi @shanygage ! How did you get in contact with Idoing? via email, aliexpress chat? Cheers!
shanygage said:
Hey thanks for the response. The Idoing send me bunch of files and updated it. And now it fits my headunit perfectly like old. If someone faces the same problem. Let me know I'll share the files with you.
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Please share with community
Please share the iDoing firmware file
Another joined for free support and left without a trace.
marchnz said:
Another joined for free support and left without a trace.
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Take solice in the fact it gave you something to complain about. And besides if you want the files, what did the manufacturer say when you contacted them?
ludditefornow said:
Take solice in the fact it gave you something to complain about. And besides if you want the files, what did the manufacturer say when you contacted them?
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I detect some annoyance between the two of you, but marchnz is right. One post from the OP, then the OP obviously got some nice answer back from the reseller (as marchnz always advises and which the OP already had done without mentioning it in his post), and then nothing at all since that time.
And then another user asks for the firmware as the OP so nicely offered, and then nothing.
So I fully agree with the "Another joined for free support and left without a trace."
Also your : "what did the manufacturer say..." is not fair. He didn't ask for himself. He asked the sharing for the community where other users could use and benefit from it as well. That is where this community is for.
surfer63 said:
I detect some annoyance between the two of you, but marchnz is right. One post from the OP, then the OP obviously got some nice answer back from the reseller (as marchnz always advises and which the OP already had done without mentioning it in his post), and then nothing at all since that time.
So I fully agree with the "Another joined for free support and left without a trace."
Also your : "what did the manufacturer say..." is not fair. He didn't ask for himself. He asked the sharing for the community where other users could use and benefit from it as well. That is where this community is for.
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If it was marchnz's forum, fair enough. The mods have already warned marchnz about their attitude. Tell me, Surfer what benefit to the forum was it to have marchnz comment on a post from June 12. Really, what possible benefit is there to that? marchnz is as useful as that poster from June 12 as far as I can see.
"What did the manufacturer say" is just putting a mirror up to marchnz's terrible and typical responses to posters.
The marcvhnz tells people to not silo (poster's words not mine) recently yet refuses to respond when people have searched for and still can't find answers yet he knows the answer.
There will always be people who drop in and then leave. That is life. Just like there will always be people who take advantage of situations in life. It can't be stopped.
But the rich thing is that marchnz complains about useless posts. Look at their history, there are plenty of terrible responses.
To make another post when someone leaves without giving the respect, or complaining about someone not typing in English is in fact doing one of the exact things that marchnz compains about.
If my responses bring a mod to sort it out, all the better. Because I'm sure marchnz scares off more potential long term members who come here to learn from wonderfully people like yourself Surfer, than he keeps away 'one hit wonders'.
ludditefornow said:
If it was marchnz's forum, fair enough. The mods have already warned marchnz about their attitude. Tell me, Surfer what benefit to the forum was it to have marchnz comment on a post from June 12. Really, what possible benefit is there to that? marchnz is as useful as that poster from June 12 as far as I can see.
"What did the manufacturer say" is just putting a mirror up to marchnz's terrible and typical responses to posters.
The marcvhnz tells people to not silo (poster's words not mine) recently yet refuses to respond when people have searched for and still can't find answers yet he knows the answer.
There will always be people who drop in and then leave. That is life. Just like there will always be people who take advantage of situations in life. It can't be stopped.
But the rich thing is that marchnz complains about useless posts. Look at their history, there are plenty of terrible responses.
To make another post when someone leaves without giving the respect, or complaining about someone not typing in English is in fact doing one of the exact things that marchnz compains about.
If my responses bring a mod to sort it out, all the better. Because I'm sure marchnz scares off more potential long term members who come here to learn from wonderfully people like yourself Surfer, than he keeps away 'one hit wonders'.
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It's about getting people to think first, including contacting the owner of the support - the seller. The seller often walks away from that responsibility and they shouldn't. Asking that question helps others if they reply to get a picture of who are the bad sellers and who might be reasonable. That's contributing to the forums. Why that might "scare off" is beyond me - they obviously didn't come here to contribute and expect others will solve their problem at the cost of contributing members.
It's pretty obvious to me at least, those that join simply for free support and leave - they're typically the ones that ask the same questions as "new member".
I'm not a moderator, nor do I wish to become one. But we can shape the forums, and help those that show at least a basic level of interest in contributing.
If asking basic questions "scares off" those that had no interest in at least a small amount of self help, or asking thoughtful questions, does it not then benifit the forums from keeping the noise down and potentially enable those that do contribute to stay and focus on development and not noise.
I.e. your comment is logically fallacious- a false dilemma.
I know I contribute and have written many articles, including those that enabled members like hal and Mal to create upgrades from Android 7 to 8, when previously it was not possible.
I also offer a free recovery service for MTCx devices, world wide.
How have you been contributing? What would you suggest?
If those that do not agree or take issue with posts - the report button is available for that.
I share the new iDoing firmware, include new MCU firmware
KT私板LVDS - Google Drive

