Folio keyboard - Pixel C Accessories

Just got delivery of my folio keyboard last night for the Pixel. Since ordering it, I began to seriously doubt by decision to pick this over the metal keyboard, but I must say I'm happy with my decision now. The leather feels great and is easy to grip, I love how the tablet itself magnetically docks to the folio, and I also love how you can simply flip the keyboard back and the Pixel disconnects, saving both battery and frustration from erroneous keystrokes since the keyboard is facing outward when flipped around. The tablet only connects via Bluetooth when the edge of the tablet is actually touching (and magnetically bound to) the keyboard in desktop mode. As soon as you break that magnetic connection, Bluetooth shuts down. It's a elegant solution to what might otherwise be a deal breaking problem. I especially love that it protects the back of the tablet, while also allowing me to very easily separate the Pixel from the case entirely with a simple tug.
I'm personally loving the Android N experience so far. Yes, a few apps don't play well with the OS at the moment, such as HBO GO, but I can live with that.
Is it the ultimate productivity tool? Not even close, but as far as a tablet experience goes, I'm loving it.


[Q] Sleeve + Dock Simulateneously

Good news! I was finally able to snatch a 32GB TF yesterday from NewEgg! YAY!
My dock is already here. Now I'm considering the Asus Sleeve for when I have it not docked. However, I can only see myself actually using it if I don't have to keep taking it off every time I want to dock the tablet. Is there anyway to have it stay on while docked? Maybe we can cut the flap that folds? What do you think? Any other option?
There's a member on here who did just that, cut out the bottom to make it fit on his dock while sleeved.
IMO, it looks horrible, the cut looked sloppy and it bulges out when docked. You would have to cut away a significant amount of the sleeve if you want it to let it dock with no interference.
akarol said:
Good news! I was finally able to snatch a 32GB TF yesterday from NewEgg! YAY!
My dock is already here. Now I'm considering the Asus Sleeve for when I have it not docked. However, I can only see myself actually using it if I don't have to keep taking it off every time I want to dock the tablet. Is there anyway to have it stay on while docked? Maybe we can cut the flap that folds? What do you think? Any other option?
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I'd wait for a third party to make a custom sleeve.
Making the changes yourself means there's a good chance that you'll end up wasting $40.
i've done it w/o cutting, but a good push is needed to make it connect. plus the flap that tucks in covers some keys. i'm not really willing to cut it either.
Tjwoo said:
There's a member on here who did just that, cut out the bottom to make it fit on his dock while sleeved.
IMO, it looks horrible, the cut looked sloppy and it bulges out when docked. You would have to cut away a significant amount of the sleeve if you want it to let it dock with no interference.
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That was me and for the OPs use here is the thread:
Yes it is ugly. If I was entering it in a beauty showcase it would get disqualified. The "ugly cut" is not visible when using the thing so I dont care too much. You could make it look better.
That said, if you want to wait 2-3 months, I am willing to bet someone makes a sleeve that can be used with the dock and not look fugly. I think it is is easily possibly after messing around with mine.
If you wan functionality now with a little bit of ugliness, you can modify the current sleeve. However, the current sleeve is well over priced IMO.
Even with the mod I've steered away from getting the sleeve. It looks completely flimsy and loose. Definitely far from the one that Apple had for the iPad 1. Not worth the $40 investment period.
Hopefully, some third-party company will make something usable.

WitGlobal inexpensive cases

Ok, I've been looking into cheap cases for my g-tablet, and I found the following witglobal ones mentioned on the forums in a positive light:
And here's one that's just a case, no KB, and now uses straps to secure it instead of the tabs (which often block ports, etc):
I've got a few questions here I'm hoping you folks can help me with-
1) I like the idea of a USB keyboard to replace my netbook when travelling, but I feel like I don't want/need that all the time. My excuse for owning this in addition to a netbook is that I can use this in multiple orientations (portrait, landscape, etc) and is great to use casually handheld. I feel like a KB case would get in the way in those situations (not to mention make it roughly the same size as my netbook). Do people use the KB cases all the time or only when they want a keyboard? Does it make sense to buy both cases (a keyboard one and a non-KB one) for both scenarios?
2) I noticed that the non-keyboard version has been updated to have straps instead of tabs (holds better and doesn't block ports). Do they also make the keyboarded version with straps now? Or is that only available in tabs? I looked around and found the old tabbed $16 case, so I'm wondering if there is a new strap KB one that I'm missing?
3)Also, what is the best way to go about purchasing these? I've found them on ebay and I see their website (linked above), but I assume both will be shipping from Hong Kong and take a long time. Any US sellers with the same goods? Or a better place to purchase them from, etc?
Thanks! stocks several cases for the gtab (and it's run by a member here). I use the CLIP and love it. Only down side is that you can't access the full usb port while in the case.
Slim Bluetooth Keyboard + CLIP is the way to go. Built in stand with the case, and your not lugging the keyboard when you don't need it.
I've heard good things about the Clip but its pretty pricey. I bought a witglobal with clips instead of straps, see here:
the clips hold it really secure. I worry about your second link because straps can stretch. These don't block any ports. It took about two weeks exactly to get mine. A friend at work bought the same case, and it also took about two weeks. Build quality is better than I would expect for a 15$ (shipped) case. I really like the kickstand, and there are little magnets in the straps to hold them down.
I decided not to get a case with integrated keyboard, because I figured more often than not, I wouldn't be using it. I bought a bluetooth keyboard (microsoft 6000) and I just bring that if I need a keyboard for some reason.
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I bought a P4 case from ElectronicCrap that doesn't block the USB port. The P4 does not have a built-in keyboard.
I also bought a neoprene-like case meant for a netbook. The case is loose enough to carry the gtab in the P4 case plus a small USB/BT keyboard.
That's the way I roll
Yes, I'm aware of the electroniccrap cases from Steve. They seem nice, and I'd love to support a member here, but there's good reason that I iterated "inexpensive" in my thread title.
Especially if I'm on the fence about purchasing a keyboard one as well, I'm looking for the best-bang-for-my-buck right now. I simply can't justify spending the money on Steve's when there are decent (albeit lower quality material) cases for half the price available.
If I weren't trying to be cheap with this, I'd likely spring for one of those Kindle DX cases I've seen around that appear to fit nicely and are genuinely nice leather material. But sadly that's not in the budget.
As far as the straps vs tabs- I was under the impression that the straps held the device in better, since the tabbed version is actually missing a tab on the right side. Didn't folks say if you hold it the wrong way, the tabbed version would slip right out? I am under the impression that this is exactly why they switched to the strap version. I could be wrong about that.
Indeed, the Kindle DX and plenty of other tablet and Ereader cases use similar strap designs as well. But it is reassuring to hear that the tabs are working for you- makes me feel better about the KB one.
I really want the Clip, but I am not ready to shell out $50 for it. Sigh.
I wouldn't mind seeing the case with straps, but any of those elastic type straps I've ever seen start to loosen. These clips are metal (aluminum?) They hold it crazy tight, I can't imagine what kind of force it would take to come out of there. When I first got it I put the tablet in and held it over the couch and just shook it like crazy and it didn't budge. I mentioned I had a co-worker get the same case. His tablet was also held in very tight.
Not trying to talk you one way or another, but I looked at the Kindle cases too and if you read any updated reviews of them it seemed like they were always getting stretched out to the point of people putting velcro on the tab just to hold it in there. I wasn't a fan of the P4 style cases, because personally I think that sleeve all around adds too much bulk to the whole thing. The witglobal one is like the exact size of the tablet, perfect imo.
The clip looks awesome but no way I was paying $50 for a case either. I also didn't want to lug a keyboard around all the time. If I was going to do that I would just take my laptop everywhere. I would say, see if you can find any of the later reviews, or later threads on those kindle cases. It seemed like a lot of people were having the straps stretch out. The other thing looking at the picture of the witglobal strap case, it almost looks like the one strap would go right over the power button and the other might cover the power/headphone ports.
Hope that helps
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FeatherKing said:
I wouldn't mind seeing the case with straps, but any of those elastic type straps I've ever seen start to loosen. These clips are metal (aluminum?) They hold it crazy tight, I can't imagine what kind of force it would take to come out of there. When I first got it I put the tablet in and held it over the couch and just shook it like crazy and it didn't budge. I mentioned I had a co-worker get the same case. His tablet was also held in very tight.
I also didn't want to lug a keyboard around all the time. If I was going to do that I would just take my laptop everywhere. I would say, see if you can find any of the later reviews, or later threads on those kindle cases. It seemed like a lot of people were having the straps stretch out. The other thing looking at the picture of the witglobal strap case, it almost looks like the one strap would go right over the power button and the other might cover the power/headphone ports.
Hope that helps
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Ugh, now I can't decide which one I want! The straps I thought make more sense, and the whole point was that they were supposed to be *better* than the clips at holding it in!
I'm so confused- does anyone have any experience with the strapped design that they can chime in with? I know these things take weeks to arrive from China, so I don't want to order one, find out it stinks, and then have to start over waiting for another one!

MiniSuit case is a dud...

So I ordered the MiniSuit case for the infinity... in concept its pretty good, but...
1. The thickness of the leather near the bottom edge hinders the ability to dock the keyboard. Sure it can be done but you basically have to wrap the case around the tablet when docked. Trying to dock with the case on caused slight damage to the metal coating on the infinity around the dock holes on either side of the charging port and caused a slight cut on the back of the tablet.
2. If you do manage to get the thing docked with the case on, the thickness of the boarder that holds the tablet in the case really puts alot of strain on the docks hinge. I don't see any visible damage, but I don't feel confident leaving the tablet like this for long periods of time.
3. Say you do manage to get the entire tablet together and in the full case. The entire thing is loose and does not like to stay aligned right, you will find yourself constantly pushing and nudging the case back into position. Not really fun considering the stress already being put on the henge.
Regardless, I just cant recommend this case unless your just looking for a cheap tablet only case.
Link to product page.
Honestly this case would be halfway decent if the leather on the bottom half of the case was thinner. But it is not... Ill try contacting the company and seeing what they can do.
darn, i should have this case today. Oh well, it wasn't expensive. I guess i will see what other alternatives there are. Thanks for the review.
just received mines. i see your point. It does add a lot of thickness to the tablet. and using it without the dock sleeves feels cheap. Guess i will keep hunting.
Mine showed up yesterday and I set to using it right away. I noticed the same issues. Mine even went so far as to start to tear on the tablet side near the hinge. Mine is going back in the box and headed back to Poetic (another version of the same).
BTW the material is bonded leather, so sticky and gross. I used a leather cleaner and conditioner (the same one I use on my Coach briefcase) and it did no good with removing the cheesy sticky plastic feel. The cover for the tablet only is awkward as the spine portion is large enough tor the docked keyboard, without the keyboard it sloppy and not really useful.
Great idea, poorly executed.
mattlikesbikes said:
Mine showed up yesterday and I set to using it right away. I noticed the same issues. Mine even went so far as to start to tear on the tablet side near the hinge. Mine is going back in the box and headed back to Poetic (another version of the same).
BTW the material is bonded leather, so sticky and gross. I used a leather cleaner and conditioner (the same one I use on my Coach briefcase) and it did no good with removing the cheesy sticky plastic feel. The cover for the tablet only is awkward as the spine portion is large enough tor the docked keyboard, without the keyboard it sloppy and not really useful.
Great idea, poorly executed.
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hopefully another company will execute it properly. For now, im thinking about the Transleeve. I dont want the extra bulkiness.
I bought this case and really like it. I don't have the keyboard, yet, but I intend to use this as a stand alone tablet most of the time. Removing it from the case and docking doesn't seem it would be a big issue for as often as I intend to do that.
For those looking for a stand alone tablet case, I really like this one.

Noreve Tradition B Case Review

Hi folks got this today for the mrs, just posting my thoughts on it
It's quite a bit more than I've spent on a case before but looking at the other alternatives at the time, decided it was the best of limited options...
I wanted a case I wouldn't have to remove completely every time the phone needed charging and with as much protection as possible (for when thrown in a bag with keys, brushes, coins and anything else imaginable...)
Standard shipment from France to the UK was quick and traceable (2 days dhl) I'd ordered a custom color though so total time was 2nd April to today.
The Case
Packaging & Presentation
It comes in a nice box and drawstring bag, before even seeing the item you feel 'this is a quality product' good marketing by them for sure.
Initial Impressions
Looks a bit jagged on some edges with a definite 'man-made' feel to it, overall it seems like a really good quality case but I do have some concerns detailed below.
In Use
Phone in the case it feels solid and secure, when shut it doesn't feel like it's going to open, discovered a certain push/slide technique to shut with minimum effort.
The 'fold away part' that allows you to fold it away for placing in dock is very secure (a little bit too secure for my liking but maybe with time it will become the moment i'm noticing sort of 'pressure marks?' on the screen when opening it, there's definitely a technique required to avoid putting too much stress on the phone when undoing this bit.
In The Dock
That is how it should be unfortunately the clasps on the power button side and bottom IMO aren't quite secure enough and missing an extra one (which would cover the headphone port...) so unless you place emphasis on holding the phone *and the case* when putting it in the dock it'll easily end up like this
I had hoped I wouldn't have to make any alterations but I feel it will definitely need some refix/double sided tape as per the simplism? version.
If the phone didn't drop out of the case in the docking procedure sometimes it would've been perfect but being a realist I do understand the complications of creating a case for this dock...
Overall I'm slightly disappointed that it didn't do exactly what I hoped it would, out of the box, but it's certainly well made and feels good in normal use.
Looks like a great product. I'm planning to order the Ivoire colour. Just a few question, how does the leather feels and does it add much thickness to the phone ?
leminhnguyen0703 said:
Looks like a great product. I'm planning to order the Ivoire colour. Just a few question, how does the leather feels and does it add much thickness to the phone ?
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The leather feels really soft and it does add quite a bit of thickness, it feels slightly padded and gives a little when you touch it, in comparison to a leather case i had for my s2 which was hard with no padding. If i get the same phone when my contract is due for renewal in a few months id be looking for a case of the same sort of quality but to be used with a wireless charger. Im not that impressed with the procedure of docking it in this case but it may become less of a chore as it wears a bit.
I'm not looking to get a dock any time soon so docking isn't a problem to me. Thanks, I'll be ordering one next week

Great Keyboard Found!

Ok so we've all searched for a replacement for the HTC keyboard folio with little success (especially with its battery issues). End your search.
After extensive research and trial and error, I have found a nearly equivalent substitution!
The model is the Belkin Form Fit Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 Keyboard case.
I picked one up on eBay for $15 but YMMV with respect to price.
Fitment - With just a bare Nexus, the case is too big and does not hold the tablet. But...with a simple acrylic case around the tablet, everything functions as normal! The tablet snaps in place and stays secure in the case and fits PERFECTLY. The only issue is that (obviously) you can't use the camera or buttons while in the case. So what. I'll probably dremel a hole for the buttons though. Only other issue is that you need to use the included elastic strap to keep the case closed - otherwise it wants to sit slightly open. No big deal.
Performance - Keys are firm, spring back as expected, and are extremely well placed for a tablet keyboard, with several function keys at the top. I can't vouch for battery life because it isn't dead yet, but I'll report back when it dies.
Build quality - excellent. Belkin makes great products and this is no exception. The outside is some type of smooth, grippy stitched vinyl and plastic, and looks subtle but well-designed.
It charges in 2 hours with a micro USB charger, so you only need one cable. Bluetooth is reliable and quick.
Overall, this thing rocks!!! Go get you one!
glad you like it. I'm using a Brydge 9.7" keyboard. It turns the N9 into a really versatile device and has a backlit keyboard. It is a little big for the N9, but only about 7mm each side.

