iPhone 6S to get always on Siri - X Style (Pure) General

Haha thought you guys would appreciate this. Great innovators right...
I'm looking forward to my Moto X always on, used it a lot with my 2013 I used to have.

Watch the iSheep now think this is the best feature EVER. And that Android copied lol.
Apple did create good products but they just aint good enough now and are clearly lacking hence the copying.
Hence I dont like Samsung anymore ... they seem to be going the Apple route.

Thread closed. No need for a thread on Android vs Apple.


iPhone 2 first look

this is the image i found for iPhone 2..
[removed 'cause of lack of comprehension..]
Desiflare999 said:
this is the image i found for iPhone 2..
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that's a really old pic. :-\
nothin said:
f iphone, this is PPC/HTC machines forum.
why you iphone masturbators won't realize, that whole iphone **** is killing PPC's and xdadev, IMO.
gtfo omfg.
one reason to love PPC machines:
thousands of software makers.
thousands of ideas,
what do you have with your iphone ffs, wow factor?
gtfo, i said.
and i have right to say that.
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lol! Its just a phone
cymru said:
lol! Its just a phone
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THIS is iphone, and is THIS XDA-DEV or fockin iphoneg#$forum?
i remember what xdadev was...
how many of you too...
it was NORMAL forum about PPC/SM modding, now this place is actually one big mess.
sweet lord, what is happening here now..
instead adding subforum about EVERY moddable(uh..) WM device now we have iphonemoronism everywhere...
can anyone give me link to ppc modding site ONLY?
I agree screw the Iphone, it's not as great as everyone has been lead to think it is. So yeah it looks flashy when you go through it's menu's woopie slap pointui on a PPC and you've got your flashy. Screw the Iphone and macs in general.
Was about to say that I have no interest in anything that starts with a lower-case 'i'. then I realise I use i-Mate. D'oh
bond7734 said:
I agree screw the Iphone, it's not as great as everyone has been lead to think it is. So yeah it looks flashy when you go through it's menu's woopie slap pointui on a PPC and you've got your flashy. Screw the Iphone and macs in general.
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I quite like it: bit limited connectivity-wise, poor camera and I prefer drag 'n' drop to Itunes BUT to use the Iphone is a breath of fresh air and has at the very least brought about a change in the way everyone - Symbian, Windows Mobile and so-on is to approach the GUIs of their hansets.
Apple didn't invent the touchscreen but they've brought about a revival of it and you've only got to play on an LG Viewty and an Iphone for 30 minutes each from a cold introduction to realise just how much thought and effort has been put into the Iphone's operation, and how much of a dog everything seems in comparison.
I'm not an Apple fanboy, I don't own one, nor do I own or know how to use a Mac. What I do know is that over the next year or so there are to be some exciting advancements in the world of the touchscreen and I thank Apple for getting Microsoft and Symbian off their arses and thinking about how to make their operating systems NICE to use.
Function is nothing without enjoyment
so imagine enjoyment WITHOUT function.
It was posted in the General discussion area so i cant see how its managed to wind you up so much. Its simply a thread in an online forum not like someones slashed your car tyres. Im no apple fanboy, i do own a Mac (only cos windows is so crap) but have a HTC Touch.
Maybe start a petition to ban iPhone talk here if your so against it?
All of this negativity, come on guys, its just a phone. Its not like the second coming.
However, what gets me with all this negativity is that the modding scene for WM that gives a lot of iPhone style functionality - iFonz, ThumbCal, PocketCM, etc.
Whilst I do like (some) of the functionality of WM, I cannot believe that MS has got to v6 of WM and still managed to have a product with arguably one of the worst user interface experiences that I've ever, er, experienced.
The good thing about iPhone and Mac is the easy of "Getting into a computer for the first time". What I mean is if you are totally computer illiterate (or a computer virgin) it is much easier to understand and get a hang of it than Microsofts OSs. However, it is pretty darn hard to "downgrade" to a Mac once you worked on XP or Vista --- where the f**k is the right mouse button anyways...
I love the User Experience factor on the iPhone, but other than that I can't use it for anything other than a really expensive mp3 player with a phone function.
I would say if your grandma fanny wants to learn computer and how to get on the internet a Mac is perfect for her.
Come on now guys... I can understand iPhone hatred, as this is a WM device (emphasis on WM) forum, but hating Macs? There ARE PPC-using Mac people, you know... myself included... me personally, I have my trusty TyTN II and an iPhone... one for work, one for play. Each have their pros and cons. And ultimately... TO EACH HIS OWN!!!
I love the Iphone vs. all other phones arguments. It's so amusing to see both sides get so worked up. It's like watching a American Football fan arguing with a Football fan from anywhere else in the world (soccer). Yes there are similarities but they are two different sports, therefore the majority of arguments are merely logical fallacies.
My friend put it best, "Apple makes products now for people that want to be told what to do". The Iphone is an amazing piece of eye candy. Competition breeds excellence so I say the people at Apple should give it everything they got. HTC should then try to outdo Iphone etc..etc..this will then give us better and better phones.
@burgertime, what does your friend mean, told what to do? You mean because of our zealot-like loyalty (sorry here, don't mean to sound too condescending or anything, but you have to admit alot of mac fans are simply that - zealots (I'm not one, personally, and though I like Macs, I hate those zealot-like fans). btw, it's outDO, not outDUE
raymondu999 said:
@burgertime, what does your friend mean, told what to do? You mean because of our zealot-like loyalty (sorry here, don't mean to sound too condescending or anything, but you have to admit alot of mac fans are simply that - zealots (I'm not one, personally, and though I like Macs, I hate those zealot-like fans). btw, it's outDO, not outDUE
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Are you happy now grammar nazi??? Ha ha just joking. Anyways, I think what he was getting at was the problem many WM users had with the Iphone. The fact that you had to "jail break" it just to put anything outside of what Apple tells you is the best to have on the phone. Same thing with the Ipod. Apple has decided that it has the best products so why change a good thing? Where as Windows has been forced to go along with the flo of programs developed outside of their scope. Apple I think will be forced to be open on a programming level.
Just as an example I would much rather own a Creative Zen then an Iphone. Yes the Iphone looks better, but I want to be able to put a WMV file or a Ogg or anyother codec and not have to run through Itunes to do it. Thus why I say Apple says, "you have to use Itunes because it's the best". A lot of people like the simplicity of this and thus carry around their Iphones like a cross.
Anyways just my two cents. I think the Iphone looks wonderful but I prefer being able to have hundreds of programs that exploit the hell out of my phone.
raymondu999 said:
@burgertime, what does your friend mean, told what to do? You mean because of our zealot-like loyalty (sorry here, don't mean to sound too condescending or anything, but you have to admit alot of mac fans are simply that - zealots (I'm not one, personally, and though I like Macs, I hate those zealot-like fans). btw, it's outDO, not outDUE
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As long as we're correcting, you never closed your first parentheses. I'll get it for you. ) There you go.
Oops... my bad. I can see why you're the sarcasm merchant.
About Jailbreaking, that's gonna end on June 9th, when Apple is (sorry, feeding off my own Mac/iPhone/Apple rumor sources here), but Gizmodo has a source that claims that iPhone 2, and also iPhone 2.0 (that's firmware update/ROM update to WM) that will introduce the iPhone App Store (including free titles). Hence, it'll be more of an open system, not to mention it'll support (in addition to the original Y!Mail) GMail, Exchange, AOL, .mac mail to be pushed.
I think the reason so many people strongly dislike the iPhone (or anything else 'Apple') is their misleading manipulative advertising. They don't just say "we're great" they say "we're great, and everyone else sucks". This is offputting as is the super saturation advertising.
They act like they invented the touchscreen (give me a break).
Instead of saying "the iPhone doesn't work with a stylus, Jobs says "stylus's SUCK" in an attempt to properly indoctrinate the fanboys. It's nice to use your finger, but Styluses have their place too.
Apple fanboys sit on their asses in front of the TV and wait for Jobs to tell them what they want instead of getting on the net and finding out what's really available out there.
Jobs just makes me sick. They say he has 'Vision', I say he has 'Tunnel Vision'. He doesn't care what the people want, it's what HE wants. Like the sealed battery, Pocket PCs quit using sealed batterys 5 years or so ago because THAT'S WHAT THE PEOPLE WANTED! Same with Dpads, buttons and keyboards.
I have an iPhone that I got cheap because it won't read a simcard. This is a common problem with the iphone. Have you ever heard of a phone that won't detect a simcard?
Finally, Itunes absolutely sucks (as does quicktime and any other piece of apple software you may have the misfortune of installing on your PC). Unfortunately, the free itunes alternatives available on the net do not work with the iPhone
And finally, you don't own what you buy from apple, THEY do. At least that's the impression I get by their attempts to prevent you from modding or actually doing what you want with what you purchased. (another example of Jobs' meglomaniacal tunnel vision. He somehow knows better than you what you want.)
Good pic, but that is not the new iphone - 1st that pic is quite old now and 2nd that pic is meant to be the 1st iphone in a black case - but don't get me wrong that design is not half bad for the iphone.
However this is a Windows Mobile site - and however good the iphone may be it is not in this section

"But my iPhone..."

I just wanted to say, if your iPhone did it so well, then go back to your iPhone.
So many people that are coming from Apple don't understand the significance of having a phone that is this customizable and open source to boot. One problem with the device and they want to return it to the store.
There will be problems. If you decide to flash a custom ROM to your phone, there will probably be a few more. You surely remember flashing your iPhone with a new ROM for the first time...right?
Oh, that's right, you couldn't.
iPhone users are sure a different breed. So many wants, so little appreciation. (Also, I'm not calling out EVERY iPhone user on the planet, you all know who you are)
The Captivate is a really, really, nice phone. I don't look at the OS on the phone as something Samsung has anything to do with either, which a lot of people seem to do around these forums.
I purchased this phone, because I have wanted a phone that natively runs Android. I have had Android running on my old HTC kaiser(which is 1000% better than Windows Mobile and keeps the phone current), and my HTC Rhodium. The passion and dedication of Android developers and the willingness of Android adopters to help in any way they can is amazing.
Anyways, I will wait for new ROMs to be released for this phone, and I will be happy with the fact that there will be ROMs for this phone, that it has a stunning display, and that most if not all the shortcomings of the phone will be short lived by the persistently dedicated developers out there. The hardware is great, the OS is great, and will get better over time.
Now, AT&T where is my 4g...
Well said. Now the ROM waiting begins...
I agree 100%! I also had a mini rant regarding everyone looking at their antenna and TRYING to lose bars. Just use the damn phone. If you drop a call, that is a problem. Until then, enjoy it!
lol n1. i hope talking it out helped.
lateralus1082 said:
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I'm not mad, I just hate having to click through all these threads that people make asking the same questions over and over again and complaining about the same things.
well put !
This thread is great! This OS will evolve and it will change to what the users want and what doesn't get built in the OS most likely will be filled with an app or customized ROMs. I came from an iPhone 3G. I skipped the 3GS upgrade because I wasn't convinced Apple would make significant strides. With this upgrade, I could have went with iPhone 4. Its a nice looking device but I don't want to be shackled by their restrictions. Over a 2 year period they added what...a front facing camera, multitasking and folders??? GIVE ME A BREAK.
you said that perfectly and you know how some people switched from iphone 4 to this and they complain about no flash well all the other iphones didn't have flash either just to put it out there
I am going to wait and skip this phone. Within a few months they will come out with a 1024 x 760 or whatever the new Gingerbread resolution is.... Then I will sell my iPhone 4 and jump back into the fun world of flashing ROM's. That is the only thing I miss about all of my old windows Mobile device..... OH and I did miss the xda-developers for the few years I was away
I completely agree with you.. all the points you have made.
If you wanna say "but my iPhone..." stick to your iPhone and let Steve jobs exploit you the way he wants..
Come on... its hard to think that so many ppl are caught under his spell..
I mean come on.. WAT can you do with an iphone??? .. except make and receive (... oh wait a moment...) .. calls???. there is nothing customizable in an iPhone. i got bored within 15 minutes using an iPhone.
I guess i lost all my respect for Apple products bcoz of Steve Jobs attitude(hold the phone different... other phones also face this issue... come on). i feel sorry for his engineers though.
I feel proud to have bought the fastest android device presently and i can live with some imperfections (in fact i love working my way around if i cant figure out things.) Dont you guys think that it makes you learn more stuff.
Google rocks!.. Android is the best eva!! i think with time things will only get better with Android..
This thread is entirely unnecessary and as bad as iPhone owners complaining about the Captivate. I for one have seen almost no threads where someone was saying their iPhone was better and the Captivate couldn't do something. Don't piss off the Captivate community, because a LARGE number of people in the Captivate community seem to be coming from iPhones because this is the first decent Android phone that AT&T has offered. So far I've heard almost nothing but mature conversations between iPhone and Captivate owners until this one. Just a few people coming from iPhones or thinking about coming from an iPhone and wanting to know what the Android OS is capable of and if it will do everything they want so they can decide if they want to swap.
AJerman said:
This thread is entirely unnecessary and as bad as iPhone owners complaining about the Captivate. I for one have seen almost no threads where someone was saying their iPhone was better and the Captivate couldn't do something. Don't piss off the Captivate community, because a LARGE number of people in the Captivate community seem to be coming from iPhones because this is the first decent Android phone that AT&T has offered. So far I've heard almost nothing but mature conversations between iPhone and Captivate owners until this one. Just a few people coming from iPhones or thinking about coming from an iPhone and wanting to know what the Android OS is capable of and if it will do everything they want so they can decide if they want to swap.
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what you say makes sense. But my opinion was tied to the comments i hear from my friends who use iPhones.. so nothing against ppl participating in this community.
definitely have to agree with dewt on this, why? I'm the most anti-iPhone person I know, but I came from WinMo (see sig) and you know what, I love this phone. Sure there are a ton of features missing right now, but that's RIGHT NOW. I know it's gonna get bigger and better, so why complain about things? You know what you should be doing instead of whinning about features that aren't on the phone.... going through posts, searching the internet, asking around and finding out HOW to get them on the phone like I have been! I loved being able to view my Excel docs, so I found a way to have them sync'd online directly from my desktop PC with Offisync, then view them with the Google Docs app.... wow, so difficult....
Bottom line, if you're gonna complain, first think about the fact that you may be complaining for no reason if there is an app, setting, or work-around available. Next, take the iPhone out of your @$$, sit down for once, and relax!!!
Just to clarify, this post does not only extend to people on this forum. All of the iPhone users that I know personally would not even entertain the idea of switching to another phone. Laugh at it really. Even when presented with facts.
I'm just sayin'.
I'll tell you what though. Being a user of both, the Android fanboys are MUCH worse than the iPhone fanboys now. In the past couple of months the Android fanboys have gotten incredibly obnoxious, and it's posts like this, in our own message board, where you still have to try and tell iPhone users how stupid they are that do it. Why don't you just grow up and let people choose what they like and be done. There's no reason that any iPhone user needs to entertain the idea of switching. If they are happy, then good for them, leave them alone. Trust me, I like the customizability of Android quite a bit, that's why I have an Android phone now that AT&T has one worth buying. A lot of people don't give a damn if you can root your phone and make it install apps that the iPhone doesn't have. These topics aren't necessary and only make it worse.
AJerman said:
I'll tell you what though. Being a user of both, the Android fanboys are MUCH worse than the iPhone fanboys now. In the past couple of months the Android fanboys have gotten incredibly obnoxious, and it's posts like this, in our own message board, where you still have to try and tell iPhone users how stupid they are that do it. Why don't you just grow up and let people choose what they like and be done. There's no reason that any iPhone user needs to entertain the idea of switching. If they are happy, then good for them, leave them alone. Trust me, I like the customizability of Android quite a bit, that's why I have an Android phone now that AT&T has one worth buying. A lot of people don't give a damn if you can root your phone and make it install apps that the iPhone doesn't have. These topics aren't necessary and only make it worse.
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You are missing the point ... i think both me and dewt are referring to iPhone users (friends) who try to argue tht iPhones are better than Android phones.
You havto agree tht Android is a competitor for iPhone and now when Android market is growing bigger, the iPhone users (3G , 3GS and 4) are always trying to condescend on the android users which should not be the case!
carporsche said:
You are missing the point ... i think both me and dewt are referring to iPhone users (friends) who try to argue tht iPhones are better than Android phones.
You havto agree tht Android is a competitor for iPhone and now when Android market is growing bigger, the iPhone users (3G , 3GS and 4) are always trying to condescend on the android users which should not be the case!
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I think you are actually missing the point. He was saying that while there have been conversations pointing out improvements that can be made based on iPhone user experience (GPS anyone?), no one here is arguing the iPhone is superior. Posts like dewts just make you look as rabid, ignorant, and uncompromising as the iPhone users you hate.
LiqudDeth said:
I think you are actually missing the point. He was saying that while there have been conversations pointing out improvements that can be made based on iPhone user experience (GPS anyone?), no one here is arguing the iPhone is superior. Posts like dewts just make you look as rabid, ignorant, and uncompromising as the iPhone users you hate.
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Ok! maybe things are going off topic.. Lets stick to getting the best of our android devices!!
lets forget bout iPhones!!
Am surely Captivate(d) by my new Android device
AJerman said:
This thread is entirely unnecessary and as bad as iPhone owners complaining about the Captivate.
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I have seen a few users complain very harshly and unfairly compare this phone and the captivate. They like the iPhone so much they can't even see the good side of android.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

is this video true :(

im a girl that wanted a android phone so bad especially nexus s but this guy review have changed my mind : what u guys think about this ? is there alot of farts apps on market?
here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CZGX5dzcR4
please share if its true what he said cause i need a phone real bad.
being a girl means nothing. this video looks blah, 7 minutes; wont even bother watching this video.
https://market.android.com/ look for yourself. anybody can put a youtube video of their opinions.
if YOU like the nexus s, just get it.. you don't need any of our approvals to get the phone.
i personally like it and so do many of the users here with the exception of the j0hnz troll and some other guys.
if you end up NOT liking the phone, just return it.... its not that complicated.
Just go with your gut feeling. Don't second guess yourself. If you've shown this much interest into the nexus s, then give it a try. Like zephik said, you could always return it. Everyone has their own opinion. Let us know yours.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
The guy in the video is ingrained/invested in iOS. He's used to it. If you've got $$$ invested in iOS apps like I bet he does, I'd probably stick with it too...just like I'm much more likely to stick with Android.
Nexus s is way better than iphone period.
My friends are really jealous about my Nexus s and call it "super iphone" lol.
no additional charge for tethering is a huge plus as well.
Get Nexus S. or wait for galaxy s 2
ya thanks guys ill do that. i have played with nexus s and love the speed and i already have the 3 cases for nexus s but not the phone yet as soon its released april 28th to rogers ill get it
uh this guy is complaining about updates with the nexus s and the iOS app store has SOOOO may crap apps it is crazy. Just go test them both out.
zephiK said:
being a girl means nothing. this video looks blah, 7 minutes; wont even bother watching this video.
https://market.android.com/ look for yourself. anybody can put a youtube video of their opinions.
if YOU like the nexus s, just get it.. you don't need any of our approvals to get the phone.
i personally like it and so do many of the users here with the exception of the j0hnz troll and some other guys.
if you end up NOT liking the phone, just return it.... its not that complicated.
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thank you for pointing that out. its funny how she assumes because she is a girl, it will make her special or something. and she keeps pointing it out in every post she makes. kinda sad. lets just hope that people arent posting replies for the sole reason that she is a girl . because thats worse
Ok? I never said im special. Reason I say im a girl so that people can say is nexus s easy or hard to use for girls I have used iphone and don't like it.
ll_l_x_l_ll said:
thank you for pointing that out. its funny how she assumes because she is a girl, it will make her special or something. and she keeps pointing it out in every post she makes. kinda sad. lets just hope that people arent posting replies for the sole reason that she is a girl . because thats worse
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sofia-captivate said:
Ok? I never said im special. Reason I say im a girl so that people can say is nexus s easy or hard to use for girls I have used iphone and don't like it.
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We know that you never said that you're special. Humans can imply things without saying them. We at XDA don't condone any prejudice towards any cultures, ethnicities or genders.
I don't see why being a girl would affect a person's ability to use a device. If anything, it should relate towards your personality (a person who isn't tech savvy vs. a person who is)
I just recently got the Nexus S here in Vancouver as well(when it released on April 7th. with the other carriers, and it has only been an awesome experience thus far. I watched the video you posted up until the guy said how he used androids in the past and stuff about how software is not updated. This guy is blowing crap out of his ass, cause he ain't got a clue. Nexus S is pure android and gets updates straight from google, and doesn't go through any manufacturers or carriers. If this guy doesn't even know that then you can pretty much take the rest of his video as a joke cause he clearly hasn't done his research.
As for the girl comment, I agree with Zephik, it really depends on whether or not you're tech savy. And even if you're not that tech savy I'd say Android is user friendly enough out of the box that you'll be fine.
sofia-captivate said:
Ok? I never said im special. Reason I say im a girl so that people can say is nexus s easy or hard to use for girls I have used iphone and don't like it.
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ummmmmmm....don't mean to be rude but nexus s is not a sports where there will be difference between boy and girl. you just discriminated yourself for being a girl by asking if it's easy for girls. is there such thing that is easy for guys but not for girls?
p.s. i'm a dude btw =)
This guy is an idiot. Go to best buy: Try a Nexus S; Try an iPhone 4. If you don't like the Nexus S, buy an iPhone 4. If you don't like the iPhone 4, buy a Nexus S. These decisions are not that hard, regardless if you're a girl or not.
IMO, the Nexus S is a great device, although I am starting to grow weary of it, and have been more curiously looking into the G2x and the Galaxy S II. So, now I would say, if you have ruled out the iPhone 4 as a contender, then decide between the Nexus S, G2x, and the Galaxy S II, and at this point, if it were my decision, I would go with a G2x. If you can wait a few months, go with the Galaxy S II, or wait; I'm sure there will be something new unveiled soon enough. Google apps are amazing, market apps are starting to improve, and once again, this guy is an idiot.
I'll sell you my Nexus S if you want. For a super price. Hahah
sofia-captivate, iPhone is limited gadget. Apple placed users in a certain scope. Android not limited, everything is in your hands.
Android - this's a freedom everywhere & everytime.
iPhone - many problems for your freedom)
ztm.000 said:
This guy is an idiot. Go to best buy: Try a Nexus S; Try an iPhone 4. If you don't like the Nexus S, buy an iPhone 4. If you don't like the iPhone 4, buy a Nexus S. These decisions are not that hard, regardless if you're a girl or not.
IMO, the Nexus S is a great device, although I am starting to grow weary of it, and have been more curiously looking into the G2x and the Galaxy S II. So, now I would say, if you have ruled out the iPhone 4 as a contender, then decide between the Nexus S, G2x, and the Galaxy S II, and at this point, if it were my decision, I would go with a G2x. If you can wait a few months, go with the Galaxy S II, or wait; I'm sure there will be something new unveiled soon enough. Google apps are amazing, market apps are starting to improve, and once again, this guy is an idiot.
I'll sell you my Nexus S if you want. For a super price. Hahah
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She's in canada, we might not see them phones you mentioned for another year
I'm surprised the NXS made it up here as fast as it did.
EDIT: wow, i just watched that video, that guy is retarded, I flagged it as inappropriate and the reason was because it promoted terrorism... LOL
We might see sgs2 in Canada by summer.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
htc fan89 said:
We might see sgs2 in Canada by summer.
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I doubt it...rumour is Q3 in Europe, and Canada is always a few months behind the US at best. I would say expect it for the holiday season or if you're lucky for back to school. I won't be buying it though...I gots me a shiny new Nexus.
htc fan89 said:
We might see sgs2 in Canada by summer.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
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Yeah I read that, I just don't hold my breath when it comes to RoBelUs, they are all awful at keeping up
sofia-captivate said:
here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CZGX5dzcR4
please share if its true what he said cause i need a phone real bad.
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The only accurate thing he said was that the Samsung Vibrant didn't get updates, which is a fault of Samsung and/or the carrier modified firmware. The Nexus S is a pure Google device and does not rely on manufacturers or carriers to play with the firmware - all updates to Android are released and made available to all Nexus users.
This guy is a bit weird too...he's almost whispering, moves his eyes/head and hands about as though he's had a few drinks, and goes on too much about how great iOS is over Android. A comparison is fair, his video is heavily biased toward Apple.
Also the Nexus S is a lot better than the Vibrant with better hardware and clean software, so comparing it to a Nexus S is like comparing a Chevy to a BMW. I'm very happy with the Nexus S.
when she mention being a girl, may be she's not a tech savy or she thinks she has small hand for the actual phone, either way the NS is a great phone, used the galaxy S i9000 before, even after rooting it, it slows down very often, all the manufacture crap inside is a bad thing, NS is pure google, NS is fast, theres no competition.

best commercial ever! samsung talking **** on apple

sorry had to post this video since its samsung talking crap on apple.. enjoy
I expected it to be a parody on Mac vs PC or something like that, but that's great, actually.
Finally Samsung made a good commercial!
cute, sent it to two of my apple fanboy buddies, I now await a flaaaaaaaaaaaaaming response.
good and relaxing
I just posted the same few mins back.
Full version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4VHzNEWIqA
Little bit pathetic isn't it? Apple fans leaves android ones alone why the hell can't android do that with iOS?
what a "creative" spot lol
Sent it to my friend that believes Steve Jobs made the touch screen. I'm awaiting his flame comments. lol
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timmie201 said:
Little bit pathetic isn't it? Apple fans leaves android ones alone why the hell can't android do that with iOS?
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You seriously don't know what your talking about. IOS fanboys adore Apple like a religion, they talk more to Siri than they do to their mother, and they live in iCloud World. Jokes aside. Most apple fanboys are really ignorant, i don't even bother going into a IOS vs. Android discussion because all they say is : ANDROID IS SLOW AND BUGGY AND IOS IS EASY TO USE AND FAST.
Nice salvo from Samsung. Hopefully Apple will respond and we'll have a nice spoof commercial battle on our hands.
how does one talk **** onto something?
do you poop out of your mouth onto whatever it is you are defaming?
interesting the full version is only 25 sec longer
the nicest thing is it does it without even mentioning or showing the fruity company
rd_nest said:
I just posted the same few mins back.
Full version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4VHzNEWIqA
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rd_nest said:
I just posted the same few mins back.
Full version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4VHzNEWIqA
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ur version is better... lmao
Apple gets its consumer base from name and price dropping. It's shiny, expensive, and there's only a few, so it must be amazing. In my opinion, I respect the freedom one has with an android phone. iPhones are made for those that love being a part of an elitist group of snobbish people. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with Samsung's commercial. If I were to lose sales in an entire country, I'd be going for blood, lol.
I lol'ed so much I think it's a best samsung ad so far.
lol @ 0:49 in the vid
If Microsoft or apple made an ad like this, you'd all be raging. Oh, wait, they let their products and names sell for them. They're not petty. I love the double standard here at XDA, brb, gonna go shoot a video of my gs2 locking up, lagging, and feeling generally cheap as opposed to my lumia 800 and perhaps even my iPhone 4s. Samsung makes outstanding hardware, too bad android isn't capable of taking full advantage of it.
z33dev33l said:
If Microsoft or apple made an ad like this, you'd all be raging. Oh, wait, they let their products and names sell for them. They're not petty. I love the double standard here at XDA, brb, gonna go shoot a video of my gs2 locking up, lagging, and feeling generally cheap as opposed to my lumia 800 and perhaps even my iPhone 4s. Samsung makes outstanding hardware, too bad android isn't capable of taking full advantage of it.
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You must have the worst luck with Android than anyone I've ever heard of. I never experience any of the issues you do. But maybe I have the best luck with Android than anyone else. There is lag in the phone pad, but nothing to hate Android over. Look at Apple's co-founder, Steve Wozniak. If he finds Android to be excellent, then there must be something worth accepting.
z33dev33l said:
If Microsoft or apple made an ad like this, you'd all be raging. Oh, wait, they let their products and names sell for them. They're not petty. I love the double standard here at XDA, brb, gonna go shoot a video of my gs2 locking up, lagging, and feeling generally cheap as opposed to my lumia 800 and perhaps even my iPhone 4s. Samsung makes outstanding hardware, too bad android isn't capable of taking full advantage of it.
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It is a commercial..it is meant to be funny. You must be the most uptight, boring person in the world.
im not impressed with apple products either, but they're smoother than android. Android would have been considered smooth in 2007, sadly today smooth is a new standard that android can't keep up with.
z33dev33l said:
im not impressed with apple products either, but they're smoother than android. Android would have been considered smooth in 2007, sadly today smooth is a new standard that android can't keep up with.
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Hey dumbass, the topic is a commercial, why do you have to turn every post into a f***king OS war? It is really getting kind of old.

Well, this may be my last android phone.

I admit, I haven't had the big android flagship phones.. But I've used them plenty, done my research, etc, and while I am impressed and excited for the future updates to come, I must say the iPhone 5s has intrigued me. Build quality is good, I like the OS, even though not open source, it's so smooth and apps work fine with its processor and other insides. Androids ROMs and hacks interest me greatly. Which is why I'll be buying a new nexus 7 soon. But I do want an iPhone. Guess after I have one I'll see which OS I truly like. Guess the reason for me making this thread is I want to be persuaded to stay.. If there's good enough reason to. Don't get me wrong, I love android, but I really like iphones as well. I'm very conflicted at the moment.
Sent from my HTC One VX using xda app-developers app
Nobody is going to persuade you. What you buy should be completely your choice. If you want to try the iPhone, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't get one. iPhones are by no means bad phones.
No need to persuade, do what u want. Waiting for Nexus 5 myself. IPhone doesn't intrigue me, what do you find intriguing about it?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk now Free
To be honest, I don't get the point of this thread.. :| . If it is your last android phone, then it is ! Big deal. Why create a thread about this ?
Nobody cares, i guess. No one really give's a ---- about your problem. But dude, come to think of it, why don't you just ask yourself what made you love android vs iphone vice versa, then write it down in a list then compare and decide. Done! Problem solved!
No need for threads like this.
iPhone threads usually don't fair very well here:laugh::silly:
Thread closed for protect the innocent:angel:

