[Bug] "Album Artist" issues and other feedback - Encore Music

Let me preface this by saying I like Encore a lot, especially the interface. There are unfortunately some issues which prevent me from using it as my primary music player. Hope you don't mind this feedback, I would like this app to replace Google Play Music.
"Album Artist" tag
Files using the "Album Artist" tag have a couple of issue. I'll be using Daft Punk's "Random Access Memories" in this example, which has 6 out of 13 tracks featuring other artists. These tracks are tagged as followed (encoded in Vorbis, .ogg):
[ARTIST] "Daft Punk feat. ARTIST"
[ALBUM] "Random Access Memories"
Issue #1, Artist Tab: All featured artists get listed, making it cluttered. A possible solution would be a separate "Album Artist" tab, or a toggle within settings to ignore featured artists. (Attachment #1)
Issue #2, Album View: Doesn't display tracks from featured artists, so 6 out of 13 are missing, these DO have the same album tag. (Attachment #2)
Issue #3, Artist View: Clicking on a featured artist doesn't display any tracks, even though they CAN be found under "All Songs". Maybe because the album has already been populated elsewhere? (Attachment #3)
- (All Songs) The scrollbar overlaps the menu icon next to a song, making it impossible to select. You press the scrollbar instead and move list to another position.
- (All Songs) Either takes a long time to populate or doesn't at all.
- (Album View) Albums containing multiple discs are currently displayed using one large list, would be nice to have each disc separated by a header ("Disc #").
- Whilst grabbing the scrollbar display the letter currently on.
- Playback of .ogg with a high sample rate (i.e. 96 kHz) either makes the app crash or causes audio glitches. This works fine in Google Play Music.


Android Music - Issue with albums with multiple artists

Hi all,
Albums with multiple artists are showing in the music player (both HTC and default android) as multiple albums rather than one album.
I have tagged these correctly in iTunes with an album artist of 'Various Artists' and leaving the correct artist as the song artist.
Is this just the way android works or is it a problem with my phone? How do other people deal with this?
I believe it has something to do with the albumartist field and the artist field.
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
This is going to sound stupid/obvious, but are the files in the same folder?
I had edited my tags from the original ones to match the same album (instead of like deluxe, normal, bonus track, or whatever) and they kept showing up different. If you put them in the same folder it fixes that.
If they are, then its probably the album artist field as the other person said
All in the same folder and all have the album artist field correctly filled in. Any other suggestions?
I am using Hyperdroid on the HD2 (Android 2.3.4) and I get the same issue. The difference with me is that it used to be fine and suddenly one day, it decided all the tracks belonged in their own album...
I wonder if it's because I did an in place upgrade from the previous version of Hyperdroid, based on 2.3.3?
Anyway, will wipe my card and put it all back on, see if that cures it.
I have this issue too when I copied a music album folder into the storage card. It shows two of the same album with the 1st track showing in one album and the rest in the other.
Any solutions? Thanks!
doubleTwist player fixes it.
Tag Album artist for all the tracks with "Various artists" (or what you want) and let each artist name in Artist tag only.
This way no more multiple albums.
I had the same problem too, but after editing the ID3 information it worked fine. One tip is to set the songs in the right order like this:
Original setup:
- Song Title
- Song Title
- Song Title
- Song Title
- Song Title
- Song Title
- Song Title
"Correct" setup:
- 1.Song Title
- 2.Song Title
- 3.Song Title
- 4.Song Title
- 5.Song Title
- 6.Song Title
- 7.Song Title
The numbers won't (shouldn't at least) show up in the music player. You also want (as everyone here says) to edit the artist info using a ID3 editor.
- Artist Name: Various Artists
- Album Title: CyberKids' Awesome Mix
- Album Artist: CyberKids' Awesome Mix
- Track Title: *Don't touch this if you're editing all the songs together*
- Track(s): 7
- Track Number(s): 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, (Now it knows there's 7 songs in the album)
- Disc#: 1
- Composer: CyberKids' Awesome Mix
- Year: 2011
- Genre: Salsa
worked for me
Hi everyone!
I write down what I have found. It worked for me.
I'm running Cyanogenmod 7.2 on a Motorla Defy.
The key thing IS the 'Album Artist' filed. BUT you have to force the music player to rescan the song files after changing the tags. An easy way could be is to rename the album's containing folder (even changing one charater is enough). This makes the music player to scan your song files again and rearrange them by the new tags.
Try this!
(It also could be useful to find out where does the player stores the meta tags of the songs and delete that.)
Here is a useful thread i found:
This worked for me!!! Thanks!!
This worked!!! Thanks a lot!!
pfm68000 said:
Tag Album artist for all the tracks with "Various artists" (or what you want) and let each artist name in Artist tag only.
This way no more multiple albums.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

[MOD][2.1] Stock Music Player Mods

This is my first Android development project, I thought Id start with modifying an existing app so I modified the 2.1 stock music player for my Xperia X10, thought I'd share it...comments welcome.
Install like a normal app (it does not replace the existing Music app, but has the same activities, so you will be prompted with "Complete action using" options, choose com.android.music2)
Renamed it to com.android.music2 so can work alongside existing player
Changed the icon to iTunes
Now playing section at bottom displays song rating
Now Playing:
Added rating metadata
Display song rating under album artwork
Add button to toggle "Snippet mode" (plays 30s of each song)
New Menu option - Song Information (shows song metadata in popup dialog)
New Menu option - Wiki (searches for song on Wikipedia)
Store wiki url
Save wiki page to SD card
Save image from Wiki page as Album Artwork
Added play count and date last played metadata
Playlists tab:
Now displays as expandable list (as per Artists tab), Auto Playlists and My Playlists groups
Added "Last 20 added" auto playlist
Added "Unrated" auto playlist
New Menu option - New (creates new playlist)
New Menu option - Export All (exports all playlists to M3U files on SD Card)
Playlist context menu - added Export Playlist to SD Card option (saves as M3U)
Songs tab:
Displays rating for each song
New context menu option - Song Information (shows song metadata in popup dialog)
New context menu option - Wiki (searches for song on Wikipedia)
New menu option - toggle Snippets mode
Menu displays number of songs, total duration, total size of files
Albums tab:
Displays number of songs in album next to artist name
New menu option - Change View (changes to Cover view)
Cover view - displays albums with artwork in a grid
Music Picker (accessed via create message, add sound):
Show rating for each song
Nice work. Hope to see some more from you soon
Sent from my X10i TripNMiUI using XDA Premium App

[CLOSED][APP][4.0+][v2.0] Jams Music Player brings unofficial Google Play Music support!

Play Store link:
Jams Music Player is a beautiful, yet insanely powerful music player. Featuring a stunning Holo Cards theme (regular Holo theme also available), Jams has everything you could ever want or need in a music player!
Support for both phones and tablets.
Supports all the formats supported by Android (mp3, FLAC, AAC, ogg, etc.)
Unofficial GMusic support. All Access isn't available, I'm pretty sure the big record companies won't take it too well if I put it in. If you have your personal music collection uploaded onto Google though, this app can handle it
Limit your music library down to specific folders on your SD card (you can pick as many folders as you want).
Ability to save positions in individual tracks and resume from them later (useful for Audiobooks/Podcasts).
Organize your entire music collection into smaller sub-libraries. (Take a look at the imgur screenshot(s) to get a gist of what I mean).
Individual equalizer settings for each song. Say you set Song A to Pop and Song B to Rock. When you play Song A, Jams will automatically switch the equalizer to Pop. If you play Song B, Jams will switch to Rock. You can also batch apply equalizer settings to multiple songs by artist, album and genre.
The homscreen widget displays your current queue so you can easily browse through it without opening the app.
A-B Repeat mode. You can repeat a specific range of a song from point A to point B.
Displays embedded lyrics. I don't think I'll be adding lyrics from the Internet after what Sony did last summer to another music player.
Sort by album artist! This is for those of you who have large compilation albums.
Full blown file manager with copy, paste, move and delete functions.
Blacklist tracks, artists, and albums. This allows you to exclude individual tracks from your library without actually deleting the files.
Smart playlists (Top 25 Played Tracks, Top Rated, Recently Added, and Recently Played).
ID3 tag editor.
Gapless playback.
Automatically fetches album art from the internet.
Customize the app with 4 different application themes and 9 different player colors.
Enqueue support with reorder, swipe to remove from queue, the basic stuff.
Scrobbling support.
Questions? Comments? Issues? Feel free to email me at [email protected] and I'll get back to you within 24 hours. If you're a Reddit user, you can also post in /r/JamsMusicPlayer.
Note: If you're having issues, please email me first before leaving a negative review on the Play Store. Negative reviews are hard to spot amongst the hundreds of other reviews, so the chances of your issue being resolved are slim to none.

[Feature Request] Add a field "last playback position" to media list options

[Feature Request] Add a field "last playback position" to media list options
"Resume/last played point" in the sense of the HH:MM:SS where you left watching the video (I prefer the term "resume/last played time", but, well, you already name "played time" to a different thing...). You have this info, obviously, because you resume the videos from that point, so it is strange that you don't show it (and should, therefore, be trivial to implement ).
The best way to show this info should be the standard: "resume/last played point"/total length (you already show the total length over the thumbnail. If there is not enough space besides it, I think that a suitable place would be to move all that info to below the video name).
As a bonus point, you could update the thumbnail to reflect the "resume/last played point". Other players (MoliPlayer for IOS) do it and it is very cool.
Right now, if you long press on a video and view the properties, it will show last playback position.
To simplify your feature request, what you are really asking is "on the media list, add a field called "last playback position" to the view menu options".
The second thing you requested is "update the thumbnail to reflect last playback position".

[BUG] Albums with multiple artists are only displaying one song.

So after downloading this and firing it up I ran into this bug almost immediately which sadly makes the app near unusable for me.
You see I listen to a lot of music which does not have one universal album artist. Instead thee are multiple artists per album (basically a compilation album)
The problem arises when I want to open an album. Instead of getting all the tracks in an album and having the artist name underneath each track only 1 song gets displayed for each album which is usually either the first or last track.
It isn't like the songs are split into different albums either (although that would be probably worse so please don't so that if you work on fixing this). They are just completely absent from the album section.
It seems the grouping criteria involves the folder and ARTIST to be the same in order for something to get grouped as an album which isn't ideal for someone like me who listens to mostly compilation albums.
What might be a good solution is implementing a feature I have seen in another music player called rocket player. With rocket player you can actually select how you want albums grouped. For example I have it set so that songs which are in the same folder and are listed as being from the same album are grouped under one album. The artist tag doesn't actually come into play in this way which stops this issue with the sorting from actually happening.
I really do hope this gets fixed soon as for me it is a major drawback which makes the app almost unusable. At the very least implementing an option so the user can set how albums are grouped would be ideal.
I have attached some screenshots showing this issue below. (I have also attached a screenshot of what the album should look like when seen from another music player as well as a screenshot of that album grouping feature I talked about with rocket player)
Attachment Key:
First Image is what I see in Encore
Second and third image is what I was supposed to see (I.E those are all the songs that should be displaying)
Fourth image shows the Album grouping feature from rocket player

