MediaPad X2 vs LeTV Max - Huawei MediaPad X2

Hello there!
I'm looking into buying a new phone and those 2 phones in the title called my attention. I'm coming from a Z Ultra so both of them look great to me.
The LeTV Max seems like the better alternative, but let's run down the specs of both of them (mediapad x2 on the left and letv max on the right)
Kirin 930 (4x 2GHz and 4x 1.5GHz) x Snapdragon 810 (4x 2GHz and 4x 1.5GHz)
3GB x 4GB
Screen size:
7" x 6,33"
Screen resolution:
1200x1920 x 1440x2560
Back Camera:
13MP x 21MP
5000 mAh x 3400 mAh
As expected, the LeTV Max wins most of the categories but do they make that much of a difference? Would the +1GB of RAM be a good addition? The screen resolution bump is also pretty interesting, since the MediaPad x2 is going at a 323 ppi and the LeTV Max is at 464. The monster battery on the MediaPad x2 also gets me happy, and knowing that it's not pushing out as many pixels as the LeTV Max (despise the screen size difference) makes it look like it will last longer. Coming from a Z Ultra, the only thing that I really NEED on a camera is flash (the Z Ultra's camera is ok at best) but I don't really require that much quality since I rarely use it.
What do you guys think? For the people that already got a MediaPad x2, are you happy with it? Would you change to a LeTV Max if you had the chance?

Screen size is everything so I would go for the X2.
Plus you have support from XDA for the X2.
I am actually considering upgrading to an 8.0 inch MediaPad M2!

If you only look at the basic specs, the LeTV Max "looks" better. More memory, higher resolution screen, slightly faster CPU, faster GPU, compacter...
But there is also where it ends. The 810 is a know throttle monster that easily hits its thermal limits ( what most manufactures solve by limiting the SOC ). Its also not exactly friendly on the battery. My X2 even after hours of playing Fallout Shelter ( what is a know battery eater ), was just "warm". Not hot, just warm. I doubt that the same can be said about the 810 in the LeTV.
1440x2560? I do not care... On the X2 7" 1080p, you need to have 21/20 eyesight to see the pixels or have the phone right in front of your eyes. What people forget it, that the higher resolution = less space for light to pass = more / higher back light is needed = more power usage. And my eyesight is 20/20.
4GB Ram ... everybody love more ram. But lets be realistic... on my Sony ZU, i always had a health 500+ MB ( 0.5GB ) free in regards to ram ( comparing Android 5 on both systems ). And that was with a device that had two years worth of programs active. On my X2, i have between 1.7GB and 1.8GB free. So assuming the same program load like the ZU, there will be close to 1.5GB ( X2 had 1GB more ram then the ZU ) still free. That means on the LeTV, your looking at 2.5GB memory free with the same load. Nice ...
Camera ... If you come from a ZU, anything is a massive upgrade *lol*...
And now we come to the real reason to own the X2: 5000 mAh x 3400 mAh ...
Its not just 50% more battery power. The ZU also had a 3050mAh battery. Yet, my own battery results are more then impressive. So far the X2 is hitting 2 a 3 times the battery life consistently against then ( 2 year old ) ZU.
Technology has improved... While the X2 has a bigger screen, it seems to be more power efficient. The SOC is designed around those power efficient cores from bottom to top. Its a monster, not just pure on battery but in regards to battery life.
My best proof are some of the basic usage test i did before.
Screen on ( ZU: 45%, X2: 50% ( brighter then ZU to compensate the battery somewhat )), no activity.
ZU: Lost about 11% in 75 minutes.
X2: Lost about 4% in 75 minutes.
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And i forgot that i still had the GPS on for the X2. *oeps*. And the GPS like most receivers/transmitters are more battery eaters.
Real life battery:
On 25/08 at 21.30 i charged up the battery to 100%.
We are 28/08 around 22.30 and my battery is ... 68%.
In that time i spend around 20 minutes calling ( 2 * 10 min ), checking wechat, some quick surfing on 4G, doing some basic battery testing ( one day with 4G+Wifi, one day with 2G+Wifi, one day with 2G. And Wifi on at night ) and a bunch of other thing. For this same amount of time, my ZU will hit 15% on the battery left, with only 4G on during the day and Wifi at night.
Its a battery life monster! And thanks to some testing, i found that the best combination is:
Set 2G when your at work and only need to check wechat or other chat messages. 4G drains twice as much. Enable 4G only when you need to surf. For basic text chatting 2G is the same effect as 4G, you do not notice the difference ...
Wifi/basic phone active drains about 3 a 4% in about 12 hours at night/morning.
2G/basic phone active / some times chatting during the day ( at work ), drains about 3 a 4% ( depends on the intensity that you chat/check/etc ) in +- 9 hours.
So with this combination, found that i can survive 24 hours, using maybe 6 a 8%, 10% in extreme for basic thing that i did before with my ZU, that took out maybe 30 a 40% ( yes, its not accurate because the ZU was using 4G all the time during the day ).
But to get back to the basic comparison:
The LeTV has a maybe more powerful CPU, GPU, more memory and higher resolution smaller screen combined with a smaller batter. Do the math? You know that your battery life at best will be "average". If you can live with that, then the LeTV is for you. But if you are like me, fed up with average battery life, then the X2 is way more up your alley.
Frankly, i do not know of any device that offers this size, battery life and still has phone capability... Beyond the X1 but that is running older A9 Cpu cores. The X2 beats the ZU with 25% in Antutu and frankly, i notice no slowdowns or other problems. And regarding faster GPU's. Sorry, but what do you care about the GPU? Those 3d games kill any device its battery, for what? If you want to really game, there are PC's, Console etc, where you can more enjoy the 3D experience. I found devices like this better with games that are more designed for the platform ( hard to explain ).
O and here is other a counter argument:
PRICE! X2 for 3GB/32GB = 399 Euro. The LeTV Max cheapest i found is 620 euro's... And i was lucky and was able to buy my X2 in a auction at 341 euro
I long time learned that specs alone do not make a good device, its the combination of those specs. I am frankly fed up with phone's that has a zillion "look how fast or how big resolution or " ... but they forget to mention that those things in general eat battery life and force people to spend every two or one! day recharging there phone. And the more you recharge, the more your battery capacity goes down. Fun these days with non-replaceable batteries.
Speaking of non-replaceable batteries. How is the LeTV its battery replacement? Also non-removable like most devices these days. I ask because the ZU its a disaster... you need to heatgun the glass to remove the glue, and then deal with a annoying flat cable. The X2 its just popping off some plastic, a few screws and you can simply unplug the power connector. The X2 battery replacement anybody can do.

Benjiro said:
Bunch of useful information!
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That's exactly what I had in mind. When I was buying the Z Ultra I was able to test and research it better since it was from a known brand. But for the X2 I'm having trouble coming across more specific informations. What you said is what I'm looking for.
The LeTV seems like a pain to repair and it's design looks boring. The specs were buying me but it's pretty much what you said, it's the combination of everything ( and the x2 looks pretty as hell). The only down side for me would be not having a water proof phone like the Ultra but it's something I can get over since it's not a priority for me.
I'll still wait for IFA to see if anything else comes up but the X2 is a strong participant in my choice ( and it's one of the few choices I can actually buy where I live). Thanks for the tips!
Flavio said:
Screen size is everything so I would go for the X2.
Plus you have support from XDA for the X2.
I am actually considering upgrading to an 8.0 inch MediaPad M2!
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If I were going for that, I would just go with one of those cheap 6" phablets with 720p screens, haha. The M2 is pretty overkill for me ( really pretty but still). I can still fit my Ultra on my pockets nicely so the X2 should be good, as far as size goes.

Khiuli said:
That's exactly what I had in mind. When I was buying the Z Ultra I was able to test and research it better since it was from a known brand. But for the X2 I'm having trouble coming across more specific informations. What you said is what I'm looking for.
The LeTV seems like a pain to repair and it's design looks boring. The specs were buying me but it's pretty much what you said, it's the combination of everything ( and the x2 looks pretty as hell). The only down side for me would be not having a water proof phone like the Ultra but it's something I can get over since it's not a priority for me.
I'll still wait for IFA to see if anything else comes up but the X2 is a strong participant in my choice ( and it's one of the few choices I can actually buy where I live). Thanks for the tips!
If I were going for that, I would just go with one of those cheap 6" phablets with 720p screens, haha. The M2 is pretty overkill for me ( really pretty but still). I can still fit my Ultra on my pockets nicely so the X2 should be good, as far as size goes.
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I looked at the LeTv when searching for large phablets. It's smaller screen size and puny battery turned me off. All these spec wars mean nothing. 1080p vs 2k in a small screen means nothing. 3gb vs 4gb in an Android phone mean nothing if I don't see a performance boost. The X2 is without a doubt the best all around large phone/tablet out there right now. Huawei is a more well known brand especially now that they are making the next Nexus phone.

ajsmsg78 said:
I looked at the LeTv when searching for large phablets. It's smaller screen size and puny battery turned me off. All these spec wars mean nothing. 1080p vs 2k in a small screen means nothing. 3gb vs 4gb in an Android phone mean nothing if I don't see a performance boost. The X2 is without a doubt the best all around large phone/tablet out there right now. Huawei is a more well known brand especially now that they are making the next Nexus phone.
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Yea, it's what I thought but when you get almost no reviews and comments about a phone, the specs are the only thing I can use for a guide on this. Huawei is a known brand, just not like Sony. The Z ultra had tons of reviews and feedback when it came out, but I could only find 1 review and many unboxings/ hands on. Thanks for the help!

Khiuli said:
That's exactly what I had in mind. When I was buying the Z Ultra I was able to test and research it better since it was from a known brand. But for the X2 I'm having trouble coming across more specific informations. What you said is what I'm looking for.
The LeTV seems like a pain to repair and it's design looks boring. The specs were buying me but it's pretty much what you said, it's the combination of everything ( and the x2 looks pretty as hell). The only down side for me would be not having a water proof phone like the Ultra but it's something I can get over since it's not a priority for me.
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Water proof is one of those oversold features. Do you use your smartphone in the shower? Do you use your smartphone while swimming ( by the way, Sony does not advice trying out the water proof in anything but clean water because chloor or salt = bad )? Its more of a annoy always opening up that usb cover. In all my life i never lost a phone because of water damage. If it rains, you do not use the phone. Simple as that. Or you use it under a umbrella. A bit of rain on the screen of the X2 or any non-water proof phone, will not destroy it. Its all pressed together. I found the water proof more of a excuse so they do not need to install a removable battery. And having it replaced by the manufacture ... awwwwww... Same reason why i sold my ZU: It will cost more to replace the battery by Sony ( and you STILL lose your water proof protection because even Sony can not guarantee that when they re-glue it, it will be water proof! ).
The X2 feel nice in the hand. I was planning on buying a case but i like the heavy metal feel instead of that glass feel that ZU had. It feels more robust. You do not feel like it will break and you need a protector. Disadvantage is that the metal is also slippery. Frankly, i like to get some plastic protector for the back of the X2, that is "grippy". The funny part being is, the X2 feels more premium with the metal, then the ZU.
I now just use the default protection plastic that was on it ( put it back ) and it gives more grip. But its not clean ( full of explanation text *lol* )
For the rest ... if you come from the ZU, its a bit of adjustment. The X2 is only 1cm thicker on the side, but it gives a massive visual difference. The X2 looks BIG, compared to the ZU. Yet, its only 1 cm difference. Its that optical illusion effect from long & slender.
Worst part is probably the default launcher and DPI. Its set to 400 default and that is crazy. 280 is perfect for this device but it gives some problems with the default software from Huawei ( they still try to render some things in 400 dpi ). But nothing beats having Chrome in 280dpi, with tabs and full desktop rendering and still perfectly readable
O yea, and one thing i miss from my ZU, is that the X2 by default does not turn off its Wifi when you leave the house ( the ZU has a option for that ). You can do it ( there are 3th party programs ) that do it, but you need to root it ( takes a while to get the unlock code from Huawei ).
Khiuli said:
If I were going for that, I would just go with one of those cheap 6" phablets with 720p screens, haha. The M2 is pretty overkill for me ( really pretty but still). I can still fit my Ultra on my pockets nicely so the X2 should be good, as far as size goes.
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The M2 is overkill. That is more a tablet. Smaller battery, bigger screen, bigger size, no phone capability. Price almost the same.
Khiuli said:
Yea, it's what I thought but when you get almost no reviews and comments about a phone, the specs are the only thing I can use for a guide on this. Huawei is a known brand, just not like Sony. The Z ultra had tons of reviews and feedback when it came out, but I could only find 1 review and many unboxings/ hands on. Thanks for the help!
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You can simply look up the X1 for basic reviews. The X2 is just a upgraded X1 with a better SOC ( CPU/GPU/Memory/Flash ). The basic design & internally is almost identical. There are also a few Russian etc reviews ( google translate ) that go fairly in dept. The biggest complaint in every review ... size. Just like with the ZU. Its a "acquired" taste.
Anyway, its your money but the LE Max, i removed that from the list months ago, because of the almost identical battery size like the ZU. For phone's of this size, its not acceptable that they have batteries inside of only 3000/3400mAh.

Benjiro said:
Water proof is one of those oversold features. Do you use your smartphone in the shower? Do you use your smartphone while swimming ( by the way, Sony does not advice trying out the water proof in anything but clean water because chloor or salt = bad )? Its more of a annoy always opening up that usb cover. In all my life i never lost a phone because of water damage. If it rains, you do not use the phone. Simple as that. Or you use it under a umbrella. A bit of rain on the screen of the X2 or any non-water proof phone, will not destroy it. Its all pressed together. I found the water proof more of a excuse so they do not need to install a removable battery. And having it replaced by the manufacture ... awwwwww... Same reason why i sold my ZU: It will cost more to replace the battery by Sony ( and you STILL lose your water proof protection because even Sony can not guarantee that when they re-glue it, it will be water proof! ).
The X2 feel nice in the hand. I was planning on buying a case but i like the heavy metal feel instead of that glass feel that ZU had. It feels more robust. You do not feel like it will break and you need a protector. Disadvantage is that the metal is also slippery. Frankly, i like to get some plastic protector for the back of the X2, that is "grippy". The funny part being is, the X2 feels more premium with the metal, then the ZU.
I now just use the default protection plastic that was on it ( put it back ) and it gives more grip. But its not clean ( full of explanation text *lol* )
For the rest ... if you come from the ZU, its a bit of adjustment. The X2 is only 1cm thicker on the side, but it gives a massive visual difference. The X2 looks BIG, compared to the ZU. Yet, its only 1 cm difference. Its that optical illusion effect from long & slender.
Worst part is probably the default launcher and DPI. Its set to 400 default and that is crazy. 280 is perfect for this device but it gives some problems with the default software from Huawei ( they still try to render some things in 400 dpi ). But nothing beats having Chrome in 280dpi, with tabs and full desktop rendering and still perfectly readable
O yea, and one thing i miss from my ZU, is that the X2 by default does not turn off its Wifi when you leave the house ( the ZU has a option for that ). You can do it ( there are 3th party programs ) that do it, but you need to root it ( takes a while to get the unlock code from Huawei ).
The M2 is overkill. That is more a tablet. Smaller battery, bigger screen, bigger size, no phone capability. Price almost the same.
You can simply look up the X1 for basic reviews. The X2 is just a upgraded X1 with a better SOC ( CPU/GPU/Memory/Flash ). The basic design & internally is almost identical. There are also a few Russian etc reviews ( google translate ) that go fairly in dept. The biggest complaint in every review ... size. Just like with the ZU. Its a "acquired" taste.
Anyway, its your money but the LE Max, i removed that from the list months ago, because of the almost identical battery size like the ZU. For phone's of this size, its not acceptable that they have batteries inside of only 3000/3400mAh.
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The man is absolutely correct. It WAS cool to be able to answer my Z Ultra in the shower when someone called but opening up the rubber to charge it was a PITA. The Z Ultra was my least favorite phone I've ever owned. Nothing was good about it except for the screen size and waterproofing. (It was super thin but had a puny battery which negated the fact that it was so thin) I'm am so glad when it completely crapped out three weeks after I got it that I was able to return it to the seller for a refund and buy the X2.

Thanks for all the in-depth info, folks... I especially appreciated the information about how batteries are replaced. I have never bought a phone without a replaceable battery. I keep my phones for a long time (compared to as long as you probably do). I still have my Note 2 (in pristine condition - actually even with the first iSmooth screen protector I ever installed still in pristine condition). The only problem I ever had with my Note 2 is that just recently I had to buy a new battery because the old one had degraded to about 3/4 power... I have been researching both the X2 and the P8MAX and dying to buy either but, not being the pros that you are, I have been extremely hesitant to take the plunge because I was worried about repairs once the battery started degrading. So where would you bring the X2 for repairs here in the USA? Seriously, I don't have half the knowledge or experience that you have. I have been avidly reading every forum and website I can find regarding the X2 and the P8MAX to learn a little bit here and there. Thanks so much for your time to try to teach people like me!
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5 inch phones, the next big thing

CES brought with it a few good contenders in the 5-inch phone battle. Only a month ago, the Butterfly/Droid DNA from HTC was the only game in town. In the next couple months, the Sony Xperia Z, Oppo Find 5, ZTE Grand S, and Huawei Ascend D2 will be popping their heads up for your consideration. MWC might even bring more 5 inch goodness, but any phones announced then will still be a ways off. The rumored 5 inch Galaxy S4 is still a good half a year away also.
The 5 inch size seems to fit the bill very well between a manageable and pocketable phone and one that is too big to use and impairs walking. It fits my requirements perfectly. I've owned a Galaxy Note that's 5.3" before and the 80+mm width and 140+mm height was cumbersome and bulky for me. However, the Galaxy S III at 4.8" was almost imperceptible in my pocket and very easy to hold. Most of the 5 inch phones currently releasing are about the same size, especially those with onscreen buttons. Some like the Xperia ZL are even smaller.
Here's a rundown on my thoughts of the current crop:
Xperia Z: The sides and power button are stylish. It's thin at under 8mm. The back is too plain and that plainless allows fingerprints to shine very easily and nastily. Front is pretty generic. The screen seems to be a bigger version of the Xperia S/T screen. That is, the viewing angles and color aren't the greatest. The 13MP camera seems to take great low light shots with very little noise, and the HDR video is also stellar. Sound capture could use some tweaking. IT's also water/dust resistant, but that doesn't factor much into my decision.
Xperia ZL: The internals and screen are identical to the Z, however Sony tried to squeeze the dimensions a bit and the height and width is actually smaller than a Galaxy S III. The thickness, however, is less impressive. There is a godawful butt flap on the back, especially noticeable on the white one. The textured black one is too Samsung-ish and cheap looking to me. The lower right front facing camera, similar to the one on the Nokia N9, also drives me nuts because I always notice it. Not on my shortlist.
Oppo Find 5: This is the one I'm enamored with. I've always liked the way the Xperia Arc looked, minus the cheap looking plastics. This one is matte and soft touch instead. It is sleeker and more streamlined than the curvaceous and fluffier, less hardy looking One X and Droid DNA polycarbonate shells. The screen is supposedly the same one as the Droid DNA, which is the best 5" 1080p on the market. The camera is also 13MP and possibly has HDR video and a 120fps mode. This phone already has a release date of 1/29 in China, with many more countries following after. Most important of all, it's been stated that they will sell it unlocked in the US for $500 online. Hassle-free. Close to release and fully unlocked are big pros in my book. The name Oppo is also very endearing.
Huawei Ascend D2: Probably the ugliest and most generic of the lot. The front seems identical to the Galaxy S II from 2011, and the back is just cheap shiny plastic with generic budget phone design. There's also an iffy homemade SoC inside. The screen might be the same as the Droid DNA/Find 5 however. There is also a sizeable 3000mah battery.
ZTE Grand S: The design looks a lot like the HTC One series. At 6.9mm, it is also the thinnest. The screen seems to have varying opinions. Some say it is good. Others say it is washed out with poor colors. The only thing I can gather from the videos is that the default brightness isn't very high and it always looks rather dim. The large raised dais that the camera sits within doesn't look very elegant. It is a fingerprint magnet and contrast sharply with the matte of the rest of the phone.
Droid DNA: This one is actually out and available. I don't know about the Butterfly or international variants, but it is on Verizon in the US and can be easily unlocked for GSM networks. It has the best 5" 1080p screen in the market, and the colors are not overly warm like the One X. It also has the same fluffy pillow look of the One X, but with some fun red stripes on the sides. It is quite light for its size, but on the thicker side for modern smartphones. There is a woefully small battery. The camera is a transplant from the older One X, and is only 8MP compared to the other 13MP shooters. The quality is decent, but it tends to be overly dark and oversharpened. The video capture is also not very good.
at some point phones can get too big. I have fairly big hands, but still I do not want to be stretching out my thumbs every time I need to click the back button.
in my opinion, 5" is the ideal size, any bigger than that, the phone would be hard to handle as a phone atleast for people like me.
i have my fingers crossed for my next BIG phone , already expecting a Nexus-4 soon, and hopefully get a HTC Butterfyl or Xperia-Z soon.
Next "BIG" thing ... hehehe
the irony!
But serious I'm also an owner of rather big hands and I think I could handle a 5" phone, especially if it had a 1080p display.
it is good if phone has 5 inch screen display but phone should be comfortable in hands, now a days most of the mobile companies trying to launch big screen phone because big screen phone are very famous in youngsters.
I would choose the Sony ZL from that list for these reasons:
-Smallest surface for a 5 inch phone (for now)
-On screen buttons, very modable like Nexus devices once rooted
-Sony UI are lighter and more tolerable to me than sense and even touchwiz
-The camera, sound quality and durability should be good to excellent which is a trend with Sony devices from what I see, quite important factors
-It has removable storage which the DNA does not, this is a big deal for a 1080p device. They go hand in hand.
-It have bigger battery capacity than the Z and DNA.
-Base on so spec charts, it is 3G pentaband, a huge plus, you can bring it to any GSM carrier in the world. With LTE too.
If you read the spec charts, the DNA and ZL thickness is .1mm apart, if that is enough of a concern than you deserve the 11gb storage space and overpriced CDMA contract. Though the Z is 2mm thinner, it is 8.4mm longer with big empty space below the screen.
But probably I won't buy it due to the price and my preference of Nexus devices.
Still depends on the size of your palm.
bigger screen is better to use, but the issue is the pocketable size, I m a guy and i dont carry a purse with me.... if u put a 5" in ur front pocket, its hard to bend or kneel down, and u risk sitting on the phone if u put it on ur rear pocket, especially for those who wear tight jeans
i guess its fine if u use a purse or a belt hanger or clothing with big pockets
5.0 Screens
I was concerned my 4.3 inch screen would be too large, not so. Now with the bevels disappearing a 5.0 inch screen is workable for an average sized hand. The long term issue for all this larger screens with all the added functionality is going to be battery life. Sony's White Magic integrated white pixels into the screen to help reduce battery consumption, not sure if it did. They are also introducing a new deep sleep mode that is suppose to reduce battery drain, further. I think the Sony Z and ZL are extremely nice. I have an Xperia Arc S, but we will have to see what Google's X phone is...
It could be a leap in development and one would assume it is a 5.0 screen.
As you see everyone have own opinion. I think 4.5-4.7" is max size. So it's good when we have many option to choose.
I like 4inch phones :/
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Phew! I have a phone so small that the resolution is cut off sometimes when I play a game. 5 inches would be massive thing to handle casually, and I like to be able to handle my phone from hand to hand easily. Not giving it a death grip afraid it'll be too big for my hands!
Nice.........I don't think 5 inches will be that bad.........looking at the note 2 and then going back to my phone is night and day lol
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I will bei getting a Xperia Z or Ascend D2 depending on availability in Germany/Switzerland....5 inch is perfect for my long fingers and Huawei impresses me already with my second phone (G615).
Mmx canvas 2 superphone A110
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HIT thanks if I did Helped you.
LIFE! It's what you make out of it!
Many people also forget 1 very important thing.
For some people 5" might be/seem to big, why is it too big? Most people use both hands when they operate their phones anyways.
And the important thing I was talking about is:
The eyes!
The bigger the screen, the less eye problems you'll have once you become older.
So think about it, don't just think in the now, but also try to think about your own future.:good:
Dsteppa said:
Many people also forget 1 very important thing.
For some people 5" might be/seem to big, why is it too big? Most people use both hands when they operate their phones anyways.
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Most? Perhaps. Certainly not everyone. I use my phone with one hand most of the time.
I really only use it with both hands when playing games or writing a really long SMS. And that's not even certain.
Playing Puzzle or rotation games(Like Mega Jump) is easier with just one hand.
I could not for the life of me want to drop your bag or tossing your smoke just cause you have to answer a call. 2 Hand phones really should be a hassle.
I will wait abit till theres a durable, fast speed 4.5" (maximum) phone.
For years everything has gotten smaller I think making them bigger is really a step backwards.
Dsteppa said:
And the important thing I was talking about is:
The eyes!
The bigger the screen, the less eye problems you'll have once you become older.
So think about it, don't just think in the now, but also try to think about your own future.:good:
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Well I'm only 19. When I'm 80 with eye problems (which probably by then has a magic cure), Phones probably wont even have screens or some crazy stuff.
I like the 5-inch phones, but I am just worried where I am supposed to keep them since they will barely fit in my pocket. I currently own a Galaxy S3 and I have trouble keeping that in my pocket. I'll have to purchase custom pants if I want to get a 5-inch phone
I think 5" is really the acceptable limit. Anything over that would be too uncomfortable to use as a phone.
It'd make more sense to get a tablet if you need anything bigger.
After using the Note 2 for a while, the biggest thing I don't like is the fact that I don't want a smaller screen for my next phone. I have average sized hands and don't find it cumbersome hardly at all. 5 inches would be the smallest id consider. The DNA is certainly a lot easier to manage though. 5 inches would be the minimum for me and 5.5 the max. I will say that I've lost count of how many times I've dropped the Note 2 on my face when laying down
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app

THL 200 Or UMI X2

Hi all,
I'm sort of struggling here but I need help deciding between two phones as per title. Actually I was also interested in that Jiayu G3T but after the horrendous screen failures I've been seeing a struck that one off.
The THL 200. Seems like it's a good phone quality wise, from what I've read here there haven't been any serious issues. Also on Youtube there was a fairly proper review about it which suggested it was good as well. However my gripe with it is the potentially poor battery life with the small battery. In fact they even send you two batteries which suggests one isn't enough. Again, not good.
Next, the UMI X2. Wow, huge screen resolution and 32gb of onboard memory. Otherwise from what I've read, people have had more hardware issues and niggles with it. However, it does have a larger screen resolution so I'm wondering if battery life will be even worse despite the uprated battery of 2500 mAh. Also another stupid thing I know, but the larger screen res is going to be a bit of a performance drain...which might be an issue 2 or so years down the line when apps get more demanding.
Both are on theantelife for about $200....
invertgoat said:
Both are on theantelife for about $200....
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UMI X2 32GB ROM only $200???

iOcean G7 review

*Moved from different thread - this suits better*
Hello everyone,
just made this review about the iOcean G7 a while ago. I cannot post any links or videos yet so I made a small site, for the single purpose it looks a bit better and I can post the photo's and video I made.
I left out all the Antutu benchmark stuff, there is already plenty of that to be found. I hope someone finds it informative
Intro & Specifications.
Overall use & Connectivity.
Intro & Specifications
Welcome to this iOcean G7 review
The G7 is not the first phone of the Chinese iOcean company but definitely one with a new design. If you are not familiar with the iOcean company you can look up their website or go to their Facebook page. The phone that had put iOcean in the spotlights was the X7 Youth. It has (still) good specifications with a surprisingly low price, making it a very tempting choice. After the X7 Youth there were more ‘adult’ versions as the Turbo, Plus and Elite, all with different sets of specifications and prices. One thing remained: the design. All the X7 models are the same except for their internal hardware components. With the G7 the designers at iOcean made daring step. They slightly changed the design but more obvious: they changed the size of the phone. Where all X7 versions were enjoying a neat 5 inch FULL-HD display, the G7 has a gigantic screen size of 6.44 inch, technically making it a phablet (phone/tablet).
This devices comes with the latest of the MediaTek processors: the MT6592, an octacore processor with the Mali 450 GPU to support it with graphical applications.
My personal questions were if I would be enjoying carrying this colossal phone around and if the GPS-problems with the MediaTek MT6592 would finally come to an end.
OS Android 4.2.2
Chipset Octacore Mediatek
CPU 1.7Ghz MT6592
GPU Mali-450 700Mhz
Battery 3500mAh
Two Camera’s:
Rear camera 13 mega-pixel
Features F2.0 aperture
LED flash Yes
Video [email protected]
Front camera 5-mega-pixel
Internal 16GB
SD card Yes: support up to 32GB
Network support
Dual-sim Yes
WCDMA 2100MHz/900MHz
GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz
Dimensions (mm) 175 x 90.5 x 8.9mm
Weight (g) 205 grams
Colors Black and White (and perhaps a red one?)
Let’s start with what is most obvious about the device when you see it: the enormous display. With a 6.44 inch display the G7 is one of the biggest devices I ever worked with. It is quite a bit bigger than the Samsung Galaxy Note 3.
For the technicians amongst you: the devices comes with a Retina LTPS display and is an OGS, which stands for One Glass Solution. So the screen will be thin with good viewing angles. Since a large amount of the surface of the phone is consisting out of glass, I am glad they processed the screen with laminated glass, meaning it consists of two or more layers of glass and bonding interlayers before fused together though autoclave or chemically.
The above shows us that the display is big, thin, highly scratch-resistant and with the Retina LTPS it also means the display is bright and vivid. When the screen is on full brightness it is very useable in light areas and outside. I used it for a couple of days now and even on these sunny days I could easily read the screen.
This is supported with a stunning 1920×1080 resolution, granting the screen 342 pixels-per-inch. I used the iOcean X7 with 440 pixels-per-inch and I could see some difference but you would have to look closely and search for it. 342 PPI is still very impressive for a screen size this big and reading text is a real charm on this device. Giving the device a higher resolution screen would not benefit the price and the performance of the G7 and I personally think this was the right decision.
In the box I also found a screen protector which I applied directly but since the layered protection of the screen itself I think this is a personal choice.
Another bonus is the fact that you can operate the device wearing gloves or with wet hands. I found out these few days that the display is highly sensitive and I do no longer need my touch screen gloves in the winter which is a real big plus.
The camera of the G7 is even being used by iOcean to take photos of the new X8 model, which is coming up halfway in April, for their Facebook page. If the company itself is confident enough about the quality is has to say something, right? The G7 enjoys a 13 mega-pixel rear camera which out-of-the-box shoots at 9.5 mega-pixel. This is probably done to save memory and to quicken up the burst-shoot function. At 9.5 MP all photos will be more than sufficient for most uses: Facebook, Twitter, emailing them to friends/family, etc. Switching to 13 MP decreases the field of view as well a bit of speed in burst-mode but it is still very fast and it is barely noticeable. The front camera is 5 mega-pixel and can be used for conference and video calling or to make the much loved selfie. A trend is to not only increase the mega-pixels of the phone but also the aperture of the lens, meaning more light can travel inside which tends to produce better pictures.
I shot some pictures with the G7 myself and I can tell you they are of very good quality. I used different kind of settings; all photos taken inside were under medium-light conditions and outside it is clearly a sunny day. (They are shown on the website.)
One of the things I like to do with my phone is to watch videos on YouTube, mostly with other people. The low quality of the sound and especially the low maximum volume most of the other Chinese phone suffer from sometimes takes the fun away in doing that but with the G7 that will not be the case. The sound can be set to a very loud level while maintaining good quality with no distortion.
Now, something pleasant happened when I laid the phone on its back while playing music: sound actually got better! Thanks to a very smart design feature the G7 device does not fully touch the surface and thereby covering up the speaker grill. A small tab, looking a bit like a stub of the speaker grill, is attached so room is left between the surface and the device hence the sound waves can move freely. It gives a powerful and full sound which I have not heard with many devices. One small point could be that it makes the phone wiggle a bit when lain down but I highly doubt that would bother anyone.
Overall use & Connectivity
The biggest question for me was whether the G7 would fit in my pocket but even with the flip case it fits. Though it is completely understandable when someone would go for the somewhat smaller X7 or better the X8 in April. This is definitely not a one-handed device and both hands are needed to type. It is very useable for watch movies, series, YouTube and the like as reading and typing text. I am a forced user of the public transport every day and I use that time to read rapports for work, etc. Still not as comfortable as a good physical keyboard, on the 6.44 inch screen it is now also workable to edit and type text.
The overall build quality is very good with no plastic-squeaks, a strongly fit back cover and pretty narrow bezels. The only real point of criticism is that the three android control buttons on the chin of the phone do not lit up so in the dark. This may provide an issue when not completely familiar with the device.
The device supports all normal connectivity frequencies used in the West: for Wi-Fi: 802.11 a/b/g/n for both 2.4G and 5G. For mobile internet: HSPA+ 900Mhz/2100Mhz WCDMA.
The GPS has been a problem with MediaTek devices since a long time and let me happily start by saying that the iOcean G7 gave me a GPS fix in 3 minutes. This was indoors without any connectivity and updated satellite positions. Outside the same set-up gave me a fix in about 40 seconds. Compared to more expensive and well-known mobile phones MediaTek will always lose the battle but for the average Chinese branded mobile phone user this will be a pretty welcome result.
The iOcean G7 is one of the biggest Chinese phones I have ever handled but also one of the better built and designed. The overall quality of the phone is very good, the camera shoots very worthy photos, the sound capabilities are amazing, playing most games is absolutely fun (no stuttering), display quality is very good at least to say, making the G7 a very enjoyable device for everyday use. Considering all this, the price is very reasonable. If you are looking for an affordable mobile phone with a big display, this is probably the one.
A good functioning GPS and a size that still fits my pocket: my questions are answered, how about yours? Please feel free to post comments or send me a message if you have any more questions.
You can also send me an e-mail: [email protected]
Or look up more information on the official iOcean Facebookpage! Please give them some support and click the ‘like’ button. for the photo's
I am enjoying the use of the iocean G7. It maybe gigantic but it is not heavy.
Battery life is really good. For light use, you can get up to 4 days. For heavy use, you can get at least 2 days.
Does iocean use a "skinned" version of Android like sense or miui?
sent from Carina Nebula with my Nexus 5 inter dimensional cruiser...
Ltdrev said:
Does iocean use a "skinned" version of Android like sense or miui?
sent from Carina Nebula with my Nexus 5 inter dimensional cruiser...
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Its Android 4.2.2, I have not played with HTC or Miui but it feel like the standard Android. It came with Google Play Store and all the other apps. Don't think I see any Chinese apps.
It actually came rooted as well.
Ysabelkid said:
I am enjoying the use of the iocean G7. It maybe gigantic but it is not heavy.
Battery life is really good. For light use, you can get up to 4 days. For heavy use, you can get at least 2 days.
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My Iocean G7 battery lasts about 1 day (wifi and bluetooth always on).
I didn't find how to install CWM on it so I could do a wipe batterie's data.
Does someone has a CWM for Iocean G7 ?
Yes a bit
Ltdrev said:
Does iocean use a "skinned" version of Android like sense or miui?
sent from Carina Nebula with my Nexus 5 inter dimensional cruiser...
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I had no idea but I did a comparison for you. iOcean did use some sort of theme (not a entire skin) for their Android version but you can switch back to the standard Android look with 2 clicks (icon called Theme) does that.
I am using Themer now but in the video review on my website ( you can still see the iOcean theme.
Does that answer your question?
Ysabelkid said:
Its Android 4.2.2, I have not played with HTC or Miui but it feel like the standard Android. It came with Google Play Store and all the other apps. Don't think I see any Chinese apps.
It actually came rooted as well.
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Mine came with a small theme (mostly the icons were different) but I could switch back any moment.
Yours came rooted? Where did you buy your iOcean G7?
Danacy said:
Mine came with a small theme (mostly the icons were different) but I could switch back any moment.
Yours came rooted? Where did you buy your iOcean G7?
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In Settings, under Device Administration, I got Superuser which I turn it on.
I bought my G7 from 1949deal - first time buying from them. Order on Thursday and shipped by DHL and arrived on Monday. I bought the brown case which I think is useless. Cannot find the slip-in case on your video.
I don't use Facebook/bluetooth and have turn off the gesture - thats why I think the battery life last so long.
Ysabelkid said:
In Settings, under Device Administration, I got Superuser which I turn it on.
I bought my G7 from 1949deal - first time buying from them. Order on Thursday and shipped by DHL and arrived on Monday. I bought the brown case which I think is useless. Cannot find the slip-in case on your video.
I don't use Facebook/bluetooth and have turn off the gesture - thats why I think the battery life last so long.
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You mean the orange case? Try It's a sideways flip-cover (bad quality btw).
Cannot find the Superuser setting you mentioned but I thought that will only appear when you root te phone, right?
How is the battery life on the phone? Better than other Android phones or just pretty similar?
Danacy said:
You mean the orange case? Try It's a sideways flip-cover (bad quality btw).
Cannot find the Superuser setting you mentioned but I thought that will only appear when you root te phone, right?
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I bought the orange case - its rubbish.
This guy has a slip case - which is like one of those for spectacles.
Not sure if it is 1949deal that rooted the phone before sending out. I learnt of it from the guy in the above video which is why I bought from the same seller as he did. He mentioned about it here -
---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ----------
nismofan25 said:
How is the battery life on the phone? Better than other Android phones or just pretty similar?
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Battery life depends on how you use it. It has a 3500 mAh battery - huge.
I don't use Facebook or bluetooth or push notification for my GMail. I use Whatsapp, Line, SMS and calls and some surfing.
For light use, I can get more than 3 day. For heavy use, I can get at least 2 days.
I already enjoying the use of the iocean G7. I think its gigantic its not heavy . Battery life is so good. For light use, you can get up to 4 days. For heavy use, you can get at least 2 days. you also use it enjoy it .........................................
Michael Hill said:
I already enjoying the use of the iocean G7. I think its gigantic its not heavy . Battery life is so good. For light use, you can get up to 4 days. For heavy use, you can get at least 2 days. you also use it enjoy it .........................................
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Can you tell me if the led flash is powerful like Samsung ones I had a few chinese phones but the flash led is weak.
cyberbit said:
Can you tell me if the led flash is powerful like Samsung ones I had a few chinese phones but the flash led is weak.
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The led flash is strong - red light for Whatsapp and green for Line.
Camera is great - people were impress with it when I took photos in a recent vacation.
good day how to root iocean g7 please help.
The bluetooth is horrible.
There is lag with the headphone bluetooth, sometimes does not pair with bluetooth on the car.
In others features this phone is really good.
I hope that in the next firmware the iocean improve the bluetooth.
G7 flash and recovery
Hey guys,
I am also a proud owner of my G7... I certainly do love it, at the moment I think I have to flash it to a more recent rom since it came with a 4.2.2.
I want to flash to latest but I dont have a custom recovery installed. Will the inbuilt recovery be fine enough?
I am guessing you guys have an idea of what the way to get a recovery and flash it actually... and I use linux with adb and fastboot installed and it can see my device too although I could get a windows computer is necessary.
xdadeem said:
Hey guys,
I am also a proud owner of my G7... I certainly do love it, at the moment I think I have to flash it to a more recent rom since it came with a 4.2.2.
I want to flash to latest but I dont have a custom recovery installed. Will the inbuilt recovery be fine enough?
I am guessing you guys have an idea of what the way to get a recovery and flash it actually... and I use linux with adb and fastboot installed and it can see my device too although I could get a windows computer is necessary.
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MIUI is always a good choice
FunTouch OS was also very good
To install:
Step 1: From the links above: download the ROM you want and put it on a SD-card. Not in a folder but in the root of the SD-card. Put SD-card in phone
Step 2: Shut down your G7. Not restart but really shut down. Then:
– Power button + volume button up, to enter the recovery mode. (First hold volume up and then press power button and keep volume button pressed until you see the recovery menu)
– Wipe Data / Factory Reset -> delete all user data (use volume buttons to select)
– Wipe Cache Partition -> Wipe cache
Step 3: Return to recovery main interface Install zip from sdcard -> choose zip from sdcard -> Select your ROM
Step 4: Brush complete, restart the phone Patience required – first boot takes a while

[Q] need help finding a phone that fits my needs

Hey guys,
let me introduce me to you quickly regarding phones: i hade the htc g1, a huawei u8800, a razr , a lumia 830 and now i am using my nexus 4 since one year. I am into costum roms and rooting and did it since the g1. so you could say that i cant do without. The nexus 4 is a nice phone since its handy and feels good in my hands, i can use it even with one hand even though i have smalls hands. the problem is: the battery life gets worse and the camera isnt the best.
I was looking for phone which has a snapdragon 800 + for the power, a good battery life and a atleast decent camera.
It must be kinda handy. the screen shouldnt be bigger than 5 inches and full hd ( or hd if its not bigger than 4,7 inches) .
i looked at the g3 ( which is ok for its big size because the software allows a quiet handy use)
the lumia 930 ( which doesnt have the biggest battery...)
the htc one m8 which i didnt like
the s5 which is handy and fullfills every other aspect except its not my most desired phone since everybody uses it( hipster, right? )
z3 and the z3 compact ( not quiet handy ( maybe because of the theft protection on the back, same with the g3 and the lumia 930) or almost too small and not comfortable in my hands because of its not rounded edges, also: the problems with the drm keys....)
i also looked at the iphone even though i never liked it. it was ok in the hands and the system is the same as always. the camera was well but i dont expect much from its battery.
what would you guys say or recommend? i am open to chinese brands as long as they use qood hardware(gps must work in europe) and the build quality should be quite good as well.
ty guys!
edit: features like waterproof and qi charging are nice, but not the most important features .
levibuko said:
Hey guys,
let me introduce me to you quickly regarding phones: i hade the htc g1, a huawei u8800, a razr , a lumia 830 and now i am using my nexus 4 since one year. I am into costum roms and rooting and did it since the g1. so you could say that i cant do without. The nexus 4 is a nice phone since its handy and feels good in my hands, i can use it even with one hand even though i have smalls hands. the problem is: the battery life gets worse and the camera isnt the best.
I was looking for phone which has a snapdragon 800 + for the power, a good battery life and a atleast decent camera.
It must be kinda handy. the screen shouldnt be bigger than 5 inches and full hd ( or hd if its not bigger than 4,7 inches) .
i looked at the g3 ( which is ok for its big size because the software allows a quiet handy use)
the lumia 930 ( which doesnt have the biggest battery...)
the htc one m8 which i didnt like
the s5 which is handy and fullfills every other aspect except its not my most desired phone since everybody uses it( hipster, right? )
z3 and the z3 compact ( not quiet handy ( maybe because of the theft protection on the back, same with the g3 and the lumia 930) or almost too small and not comfortable in my hands because of its not rounded edges, also: the problems with the drm keys....)
i also looked at the iphone even though i never liked it. it was ok in the hands and the system is the same as always. the camera was well but i dont expect much from its battery.
what would you guys say or recommend? i am open to chinese brands as long as they use qood hardware(gps must work in europe) and the build quality should be quite good as well.
ty guys!
edit: features like waterproof and qi charging are nice, but not the most important features .
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Worth switching from Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos Version) to Blu Vivo X?

I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos Version) and been thinking of switching to the Blu Vivo X for the 4010+ mah battery, 64gb internal storage, and 4 cameras. Both phone has 4 GB and rams and an Octacore CPU. The Blu Vivo X is currently more than a $100 less than the Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos Version).
What's your thought on the Blu Vivo X and would it be worth switching to it from a Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos Version), even though the Blu Vivo X uses a 720p screen, and Blu has been known for having adwares in their phones in the past?
specs info:
- Samsung Galaxy S7 (Exynos Version)
- Blu Vivo X
My thoughts (which are only MY thoughts, I'm not pretending to have the absolute truth):
- Blu Vivo X has a mediatek CPU which isn't at the same level as Exynos or Snapdragon CPU, still it will do the job.
- Blu is know for adware but is also known for having malwares installed
- 4010mAh battery, I would be very careful with that number. A high quality manufacturer will announce the capacity of their battery and you can almost be sure that it is true. Now, when you go to less known, less top quality manufacturers, when they say 3000mAh, you test the battery and it's in fact like a 2000mAh. So before making a choice, find concrete tests which tells you how much time you have with a full charge. Don't listen to people on Youtube with no test protocol who say "Yeah, I can last 2 days with it" because you can't know their perception of things, you can't know if they have been paid, you can't know what they do with their phone. If I turn off Wifi, LTE, and keep the screen of on my OnePlus One, I can last 1 week! Now if I use it normally, I last 1 day, 2 days at the most, but real screen on time is like 6 hours. So be careful and don't trust fanboys or people who just throw numbers like this.
About battery capacity, I give you an example I have read some years ago when Xioami released their external battery pack (10.000mAh). When tested, it was almost good but more around 9000mAh. They had compared to unknown brands found on Amazon, and some batteries announced like 10.000mAh, had in fact less than 5000mAh in capacity. So be careful, Blu isn't such a great highly recommended trusty manufacturer, so I would tend to think their numbers are enhanced for the commercial speech, but in real like, will a 4000mAh battery last a lot longer than a 3000mAh from Samsung, I doubt it.
So in the end, what do you think you will do with the Vivo X than you can't do with the Galaxy S7? That's the real question. You want more storage space? The Exynos version of the S7 has a SD card slot. More battery, better buy an external battery pack, it will cost you less.
That's my point of view, I would never trade a flagship from a very well known brand some model from a brand known for cheap phones and who put Mediatek processors in their phones. I highly doubt that the Blu Vivo X will have internal memory that has the same speed as a Galaxy S7, I highly doubt the pictures from the Vivo X would beat the S7, I also highly doubt you will have more "Screen on time" with a Vivo X as Samsung has spent time to optimize their system (you can also debloat it to gain battery life by removing all Samsung crapware). That's only my point of view, but I don't think it's a good idea. You should make your own idea by reading LOT (not just 1 or 2) reviews on the Blu Vivo X, watching videos on Youtube and read between lines, don't trust people that aren't even tech journalists ; )
EDIT: Here are some interesting reviews I've found on Amazon of people not only putting 5 stars and saying "great phone!":
Review 1: "This phone does exactly what the description says. It takes Ok pictures, is thin and comfortable in the hand, and is relatively easy to use. However, the processor speed and user interface, are not up to par with a Snapdragon or Galaxy S. I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade my Galaxy S7 to the VIVO X. I was not impressed. The system response was slower than what I'm used to and the UI just feels "cheap" to me. On a brighter note, the front camera was awesome for using Google Duo to talk to my son while I'm on the road. Its not a bad phone, I just feel like my S7 is a better phone."
Review 2: "I'm pretty conflicted with this phone. I want to adore it, however there are some pretty major setbacks that I'm not sure if I can look past. With that being said, I'd still recommend this for the price.
- The screen is big but you don't get a big phone. I've strayed away from 6" because I'm a little person, but I quite like holding this because it's skinny enough that small hands can hold it and also enjoy a "big boy" screen.
- It's smooth. It's definitely faster and more smooth than my last phone (HTC Desire Eye). Installing apps is lightning fast, scrolling through google is a breeze, and having multiple apps in the background doesn't slow it down.
- Sound quality is quite good. It's bass-y, which I like. It picks up the slightest noise though, which could be great or bad depending on the situation I guess. It goes quite loud as well.
- Plenty of storage. You'll be able to fit thousands of photos, songs, and quite a lot of apps onto this phone.
- Fingerprint scanner is awesome. I've never had a phone that did this, so it's kind of fun.
- Messaging notification drop-down is AMAZING. I LOVE this feature. I was pleasantly surprised when someone texted me and I was able to read/reply from the drop-down, all while staying on whatever page.
- You can do split-screen. I think it depends on the app though. In theory, it's great that you can have two pages up at a time.
- Android nougat is so nice. I had Android 5.0 with my last phone. Upgrading to 7 is definitely what I needed, and hoping for an update to Android 8 in the next year, maybe?
- The actual feel of the phone is high-end. It feels like a top-rated phone, but without the pricetag.
- All of Google's apps come already installed. I personally don't use many of Google's features, so luckily it's easy to remove them and add some extra storage to the phone.
- It came with a screen protector already on, an extra screen protector in the box, and a case as well! It also came with the standard charging accessories and some earbuds.
- Fast startup/reboot. The initial startup is a bit slow and worrisome, but it's just the one time as it gets itself ready for you! After that, turning it on is quick.
- The camera. So many problems with it. I'll go into detail at the end of this post. This is the biggest obstacle holding me back from possibly sticking with this. My last phone had a superb camera that was clear, could focus on micro surroundings, adjusted perfectly to light... And this camera fails in all those areas.
- The resolution IS as advertised. No you won't be getting the clearest of words on your screen, but it's passable. It's noticeable if you switch from a better resolution phone like I did though.
- The lack of cases is strange, I must admit. Hopefully some more come out soon.
- No theme, at least not that I could tell. I think all of my past Androids of recent years have had an option for different interface themes. This doesn't seem to have this feature.
- I couldn't access ANY ringtones/notification alerts. I had to download a ringtone app.
- 14GB of my 64GB was already taken up. I can't figure out what's taking up so much space. I've gotten rid of any bloatware (luckily wasn't a lot, so great job, BLU), but 14 is still a lot.
I'd love to give it 5 stars, but there's just one thing that's so jarring to me, and I don't understand it at all... When you use your camera (back and front), the window on your screen is crisp and beautiful (back is, front is lackluster). But when you go to look at the image, it's blurry. It's like it goes from the supposed 13MP+, down to maybe an 8MP (at best) once the picture is actually taken. I'm pretty miffed at this. I mean, really, the camera specs are a lie.
To go along with the camera, it also has a hard time focusing on things close to it. For example, selfies are a joke. You get that perma-airbrushed look even without the beauty filter on. I have freckles, but you can't see them in the photos. Some different camera apps make the clarity and focusing a bit better, but you'd more than likely have to deal with obnoxious ads unless you want to pay for a different camera app.
Overall, I'm not exactly happy with it, but I'm not mad either. I really wish the camera was better. I switched from a 2014 phone which excelled in that area, so it's sort of hard to downgrade after spending a couple hundred bucks. I did upgrade in many areas which is nice though. I sort of want to return the item, but I might keep it. Luckily I'm not a huge selfie taker, so I may not care too much about the problem a week from now."
So all in all, I've also read some reviews from tech websites, the Vivo X seems to be a good phone FOR THE PRICE. So if I were you, I wouldn't expect a 250$ phone to have the same quality of components of a 700$ phone. Mediatek processor, Only Gorilla glass 3, LCD screen not Amoled, Camera with only "ok quality". If you extrapolate, that can give you an hint of the quality of the internal memory, of the quality of the RAM used, the quality of the GPS chip (will it fix your position as fast as a S7? Don't know, but I doubt it).
To me, your question is similar as saying "I have a Ford Mustang, is it worth switching to a "add name of any common cheap car" ?" You see what I mean?
No way!!! Why you would do that? It`s more like a downgrade.. If you really want a change, something stock, more storage, more ram, quickly software updates and maybe a better battery backup, you can change the s7 for a OnePlus 5T, or simply you can wait for OnePlus 6 which is launching in june..
cristiandiaconu6 said:
No way!!! Why you would do that? It`s more like a downgrade.. If you really want a change, something stock, more storage, more ram, quickly software updates and maybe a better battery backup, you can change the s7 for a OnePlus 5T, or simply you can wait for OnePlus 6 which is launching in june..
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Yes it's true, these are the best alternative to my point of view too, but the only thing is that it's not on the same budget level (250$ for the Blu Vivo X and 500$ or more for the OnePlus phones). Though, you summed up all I said very well, S7 to Vivo X is a downgrade.

