New discovery on lag - Onetouch Idol 3 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am continuing trying to improve performance on this phone related to sluggishness and lag. First I went into developer options and disabled all animations. This helped a little. THEN, I remembered that AVG free edition has been running in the background since I got the phone. It comes preinstalled. I deleted AVG from the phone and there is an immediate increase in performance. Give it a try if you want an improvement!

So the AVG edition included is a free edition and not the pro edition that costs ~$15 ( I think ) ? This is the only pre-installed app that I still haven't uninstalled; mainly because I thought it was a paid version .
I force-closed the AVG app. Does not look like it is starting back again. I will have to watch out to see if the performance feels better. It is hard to tell right away, since the lag for me has been pretty random to start with.

You can uninstall AVG and get in the playstore for free if you decide you want it back. I definitely notice a difference in performance without it.

I removed AVG on day one. It's not needed, yet. Some of the other tools it has can be found in the play store if I need them but an AV app is not yet needed.

So I removed AVG - The phone feels slightly more responsive - but I still see a lag in app loading and recent apps. But it is nothing I cannot live with. If AVG is not a paid version, then I was going to remove it anyway , so no regrets there. I think till the time we get an update to 5.1, an occasional reboot should work just fine for me.

First thing I did was to remove all the apps that came pre installed that allowed me to do so.


My app keep opening in GB V21A

i can see in the application manager that random apps are opening in background for no reason. any solution? or i go for cooked rom... i hate lg software
It is normal in all phone with android.
I noticed that some apps had opened in the background such as Maps and 3D game converter that I never actually launched myself.
I figured it was just because after flashing it did a big update of apps in the market (something that p1sses me off is auto update for apps, especially Flash player).
I went to app manager and closed them all but haven't look since so I don't know if any of them have re-opened.
I cant see random apps opening on their own, something must be launching them...
i flashed the rom last night but no difference today. in the morning i was running 8 apps and the ram was 50mB free.
This is Android's normal behavior: If it has free (unused, wasted) RAM it will open a few apps for you, so you feel like they are opening instantly when you try to open them yourself. If any app requires an extra bit of RAM, the system itself will kill those processes automatically without any user intervention so you don't even realize that they were open... unless you install a task manager and start to mess with it by making it start them over and over again every time you kill them.
TL;DR: It's for your own good, let it be unless you really feel unresponsiveness.
Thanks. also my device become bit laggy and when i kill all is ok. But... i can live with that.

C800 Nightly, memory management

I've got a C800 and am running the latest nightly. I'm new to modding the phones. I hated the Gingerbread OS and so upgraded to resolve crashes on the phone.
Crashes are minimal, but now I get speed problems.
Sometimes I notice free ram is down to 30Mb. Stuff I never use hogs all the Ram - google talk, youtube, gallery, contacts, etc...
if i kill the apps, it gets me 170mb free and everything is fast. eventually it slows to a crawl again.
Are there any guides or recommendations for managers or settings I should set, to at least make the phone "better"?
T-Mobile's implementation of the OS was old, but fast enough to play games and not kill apps all the time. Now I feel I can't play anything without killing all apps first.
I've played around with android task manager (i use that to kill apps), a new launcher, and startup manager to try and stop things from loading. Not with much success.
all help is greatly appreciated.

[APP] Greenify

Recently I was contacted by njstein about an app called Greenify. He wanted to know what my personal opinion was and if it worked as it claims. I had honestly never heard of it, so I did a little bit of reading on it.
My first thought was was just another app killer claiming to save battery when in-fact it did more harm than good. But as I read, I found that it "claims" to not "kill" apps, rather put them in a hibernating state. I immediately thought of Titanium Back-Up Pro's app freezing feature. It basically allows you to "freeze" an app, preventing it from running in the background. Unfortunately, with TBUP freezing an app, is like uninstalling it. Then, when you need or want to run the app, you have to un-freeze it. With Greenify however, it basically puts the app in a deep sleep state, then when you need/want to use it, you just select it as normal, and it resumes running until you close it. I thought, seeing is believing on this one. It may, or may not, do as it says. So, I took it for a spin today.
Below are some screenshots of when I first installed it, to nearly 13 hours later (check the times in the status bar, not the actually battery time). I used my phone as normal, and began testing. This is my baseline with Greenify installed. I am now uninstalling it, so I can get a baseline without Greenify. Around the same time, I will take another screenshot and about 13 hours later, I will take another. I know, I'm doing this a bit backwards, but that's ok... The ending result will show whether or not this app does what it claims to do.
My variables are:
Device: Skyrocket
ROM: ParanoidAndroid 2.99+ (jellybean)
Kernel: Lightning Zap! (of course)
Usage: Medium (play solitaire and golf solitaire a few times throughout the day, a few phone calls, lots of texting, and some surfing of XDA and the internet)
Apps Frozen:
I stayed away from freezing system apps. Just user apps. I would strongly suggest you take caution when freezing system apps.
Fruit Ninja
Google Play Services (I know this is system apps, but I wanted to test it out
Rom Manager
ROM Toolbox
Titanium Backup Pro
USAA (banking app)
Initial Results:
I have an average battery drain of about 4.5% an hour
Voice Calls and screen are the biggest battery drainers (as usual)
My games that I play and messaging are not even showing as using any battery.
Awesome! Thanks for testing so rigorously!
Sent from a Dirty Unicorn set aBlaze by Lightning
Initial Conclusion
So, I ran a test without the Greenify app installed. Before uninstalling, I un-hibernated all teh apps I had selected for hibernation, cleared data, uninstalled the app, then manually removed any left over data on sdcard and in /app/data/data. I tried to keep my usage at about the same, but since that proved to be a little difficult, I let it run for a little while longer before coming to my initial conclusion. Here's what I think:
As you can see in the attached images, Greenify seems to acts just like all the other app killers and app managers. I causes more harm than good.
Greenify also claims:
Never should your phone or tablet become slower and battery hungrier after lots of apps installed. With Greenify, your device can run almost as smoothly and lastingly as it did the first day you had it!Featured as Lifehacker's Top 1 Utility in 2013 Best Android Apps (, Android Authority's Top 3 Best Root Apps (
Greenify help you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation when you are not using them, to stop them from lagging your device and leeching the battery, in an unique way! They can do nothing without explicit launch by you or other apps, while still preserving full functionality when running in foreground, similar to iOS apps!
However, as for my phone running "smoothly" as it did the first day I got it, I didn't see ANY difference. Maybe it's the Lightning Zap! kernel that I installed on it minutes after opening the box.
Now my variables only changed in the fact that I only had voice calls totaling for 1 hour as opposed to the 1.25 hours I had with the previous test, and the fact that I let the test run a 15 hours as oppose to 13.
I started with a 97% charge, and after 15 hours, was at a 43% charge. Which mean I used about 54% of my charge during the 15 hours. That's an average of 3.6% battery drain an hour. That's .9% when compared to with Greenify. Not a huge difference, but a difference none-the-less
So, my initial overall synopsis:
Just another app killer. I am not saying this is a bad app. The developers have a really great concept, but it seems to cause more harm than good. I would also like to say, do not judge this app with my results. I only tested it for a day, and I think to get a more thorough and accurate test, you should try the app out for a few days, maybe even a week to let it settle in. I for one, because I think the concept of Greenify is a good one, will be continuing further testing for a more complete and accurate comparison.

Issue with apps not running in background - looking for advice

Hi All,
So it appears that after installing 4.4.2 I cannot seem to get Google Play Music or Pandora to run without leaving the app open and in the foreground. I'm not sure if there is a function that has to be enabled to do this in KK, or if it is some mod I did long ago to force kill apps that are in background.
I understand this is a bit of a goose chase, but I was hoping people would be able to suggest things to check to see whether we can fix this problem of mine together or not.
- Could it be something in an Xposed Module? XBlast, GravityBox, etc. have a setting for killing background processes?
- Could it be something in the KitKat system itself that has to be enabled / disabled?
- Could it be the new settings within the apps themselves?
- Could it be a third party app (that I may have installed and am unaware of) killing background processes?
- Other ideas?
Apps run when phone screen is off, and when phone is locked, but if I go into a different app the music stops cold.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts!
Ah yes, this is the curse of Android 4.3+. I read in the Greenify settings that in 4.3 or greater, Android killed off an exploit that allowed apps to increase their priority to stay in memory. In turn, running apps can be killed off when memory is low. Horrible. I've had it across all ROMs and stock as well. I've done as much research as humanly possible to subvert this.
I'm by no means an expert on Android. I have really limited knowledge of how it runs. But I think that information in accurate, because my own personal solutions seem to support it.
Generally what I have done is keep as few running processes as possible. This means no live wallpaper, Greenifying as much as I can, and clearing out any recents frequently. If this fails, I have to restart and things get back on track again.
Go into your developer settings and look at the process stats. If it says memory is critical, you'll need to start trimming down your background processes. I don't quite exactly know how to interpret all the data that is present there, but "critical" seems clear cut at least.
If anyone has more information on this, please add to the convo!
Thanks bud. On the plus side at least I know it's nothing I've done to a setting here or there (other than going ahead and installing KK on the phone, lol).
Why Google/Motorola would make simple things like this worse as updates come out is beyond me... le sigh.
A "simple phone upgrade" to something unlockable with 2+ GB RAM is my best option I guess, lol.
Agreed. Luckily 2 GB is the baseline nowadays, but I feel like I don't want to take the chance and just go for 3 next time.
While we're still on the subject though, which xposed modules do you use? I wonder if they do contribute to RAM usage.
jldr said:
Agreed. Luckily 2 GB is the baseline nowadays, but I feel like I don't want to take the chance and just go for 3 next time.
While we're still on the subject though, which xposed modules do you use? I wonder if they do contribute to RAM usage.
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Xposed list is pretty lengthy, I'm sure something here is using RAM. And I totally agree with you - baseline 3GB (or more) in my next phone, with a quad or even octo-core processor.
Ah, the days of 1GB and dual-core being top of the line, lol.
Here's the Xposed list:
- AcDisplay
- All Notifications Expanded
- App Settings
- Chrome New Tab
- Disable Location Consent
- GPS Notification
- Google Play Music Listen Later (Just installed recently, haven't set up yet to test it out)
- Google Search API
- Gravity Box
- Handle External Storage
- Hide Apps Xposed (did not work on 4.1.2 since I wasn't running GEL, haven't tested after KK install)
- MinMinGuard
- MinMinLock (Just installed, haven't set up yet, might delete)
- Multi Users
- Notification Mod
- OK Google For 3rd Party Launchers (Just installed, haven't really played with yet)
- Pandora Patcher
- Stop Switch Delay
- Swiftkey Goodness On More Fields
- Swipeback
- Ultimate Dynamic Navbar
- UnToaster Xposed (version 1.1.7 - I couldn't get TiBu to work correctly with the newer versions through 1.2.5)
- Unbeloved Hosts
- XBlast Tools
- Xposed Preference Injector
- Xposed Torch (couldn't get to function correctly after KK installation)
- YouTube Ad Away
- YouTube Allow Fullscreen HDMI
I've noticed that Gravity Box and XBlast do a lot of the same things, I'm thinking I can whittle one down as long as I can find all of my settings within the other.
Using NotiSysInfo to monitor I noticed my RAM usage typically bounces between 85-125 MB free, depending on what is going on in the phone. This is double from what it used to be on 4.1.2 (typically I'd be running with about 40-50 MB RAM free). Knowing this, I'm not so sure the phone is killing the music apps based on RAM usage alone, unless the threshold for free RAM needed has been raised...
...if that is the case, any idea of a good app to lower the threshold for free RAM before the phone starts killing things? I was looking at Auto Memory Manager, but it didn't seem to do the trick keeping music alive in the background.
Sounds like a good idea for another Xposed Module, lol. Do you happen to know the thread for posting up ideas or requests?
LifeAsADroid said:
Sounds like a good idea for another Xposed Module, lol. Do you happen to know the thread for posting up ideas or requests?
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I think AMM worked for me for a while, but wasn't perfect. Nothing really ever did the trick like a restart... which makes me think that there is a memory leak somewhere, but I could never track it with any app I used. Maybe it is something to do with xposed? I never tested my phone long enough without it.
I haven't had it in a while, and I've done two things since it kept happening consistently the last time: 1) switch from SwiftKey to Google Keyboard. 2) Deactivate Muzei, best wallpaper app ever (RIP). Both apps seemed to consume variably large amounts of RAM.
Another thing I should note is that when frantically googling memory leaks, someone wrote on XDA that Android can only handle so many services running at once, so that when the number is exceeded, it automatically kills one. Possibly, this is the issue with the music.
coolloser said:
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Thanks a lot, found the thread right after I posted, lol.
jldr said:
I think AMM worked for me for a while, but wasn't perfect. Nothing really ever did the trick like a restart... which makes me think that there is a memory leak somewhere, but I could never track it with any app I used. Maybe it is something to do with xposed? I never tested my phone long enough without it.
I haven't had it in a while, and I've done two things since it kept happening consistently the last time: 1) switch from SwiftKey to Google Keyboard. 2) Deactivate Muzei, best wallpaper app ever (RIP). Both apps seemed to consume variably large amounts of RAM.
Another thing I should note is that when frantically googling memory leaks, someone wrote on XDA that Android can only handle so many services running at once, so that when the number is exceeded, it automatically kills one. Possibly, this is the issue with the music.
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I found a solution in the "ask Xposed questions" thread listed above. Use the module App Settings and for the apps to stay running in background checkmark "resident". Works perfectly for me now.
I agree AMM is junk. KeepRunning doesn't work that well either. Xposed all the way!
I wonder if this is the same issue I'm having with Hangouts and SMS notifications. It seems that if I have enough going on in the background, Hangouts will stop giving me notifications for SMS. When I go into the app, the new message(s) is there and waiting for me to read it. This to me is a huge problem. I didn't have this issue on CM11. For me, it seems it most always happens if I'm using the Facebook app and viewing a link from Facebook on Chrome. I've now made a habit of checking Hangouts periodically to see if I have any new messages.
cmajpwc said:
I wonder if this is the same issue I'm having with Hangouts and SMS notifications. It seems that if I have enough going on in the background, Hangouts will stop giving me notifications for SMS. When I go into the app, the new message(s) is there and waiting for me to read it. This to me is a huge problem. I didn't have this issue on CM11. For me, it seems it most always happens if I'm using the Facebook app and viewing a link from Facebook on Chrome. I've now made a habit of checking Hangouts periodically to see if I have any new messages.
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I would try clearing your data for Hangouts. Sometimes notifications won't come in if they are associated with an older android device ID.
I have had nothing but problems with hangouts and the messaging app. I deleted both and am using a third party messing app now. No problems.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda app-developers app

[Q] Google play services and google services framework

Guys, I'm losing my mind over their wake and battery use. I'm on Slim 8.0 and franco r63 and already done the following:
Yeah, so I've turned OFF 'wake' in privacy manager, I've cancelled 'wake' permission in Android Tuner, I've disabled ads / location activity, and turned off sync and STILL I get ~40% drain from stinking GOOGLE SERVICES!!
Last night was last straw of me, so I wiped / reflashed SLIM 8.0 and franco kernel r63, set max CPU to ~1450, max GPU to ~380, downvolt ~25ma and waiting to see result.
WHY are google services such a PITA when it comes to WAKE and BATTERY USE when I've obviously disabled their ability to both WAKE and COMMUNICATE?
It's driven me absolutely BATTY. My wife's S4 has the same issue and I'm about to be DONE with all Google crap on her phone also.
I've google the issues and they are THOUSANDS of reports of similar problems.
If ANYBODY has a better idea I'd really appreciate it. Different ROM, different kernel, ANYTHING.
UPDATE: 4 hours 37 minutes > 90% left... with a lot of 9gagging in that time
Battery help thread linked in my signature.
Had the issue earlier today. Settings > Storage > Clear Cache > Reboot seems to have worked.
Make sure to not disable GPS, doing so for some reason will have that process constantly scan for location and keeping your device awake.
Sent via Telnet
Never heard of the 'GPS on' trick, but I checked location and no apps have requested location.
I tried to load a 'mini Gapps' package for SLIM but it's same story, device NEVER sleeps. No sync, no location, disabled 'wake' for the services, everything... glad I backed up the system with NO Gapps because I'll likely be restoring...
Really, really, really pathetic that SO many people have this program. What the hell is wrong with google??
Im convinced google play services is nsa spyware. Anyone care to prove me wrong? I would feel bette if you could. I have uninstalled it several times and it WILL NOT GO AWAY. And it uses more permissions than any other app I have. It will not stop running. It behaves like a virus in my opinion. Am I just a conspiracy nut?
Sent from my LG-VS450PP using XDA Free mobile app
whodisname said:
Im convinced google play services is nsa spyware. Anyone care to prove me wrong? I would feel bette if you could. I have uninstalled it several times and it WILL NOT GO AWAY. And it uses more permissions than any other app I have. It will not stop running. It behaves like a virus in my opinion. Am I just a conspiracy nut?
Sent from my LG-VS450PP using XDA Free mobile app
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1. Google uses it for things like Analytics
2. Most apps depend on it as a framework to do things, hence the permissions
3. It updates in the background automatically
4. This is Android. Android means Google.
5. If you don't like that, switch to using the Amazon app store, or buy a crappy iOS device.
Well, I just removed it (it was a pita due to no recovery on phone so i gotta be delicate!) and maps still works. Thats the one app I cant live without. I havent checked everything yet but nothing I have used thus far seems affected. Used TB to remove market links.I use an alternate app store already. My phone runs MUCH faster. I will never own a crappy Iphone device!!!
Everything checked. All works.
Sent from my LG-VS450PP using XDA Free mobile app
You don't need GPS ON, just freeze google play store and services and enjoy LONG battery life. Only thing that works for me 100% of the time....

