[dev][wip] cm11 - Folio 100 Android Development

repo init -u https://github.com/zombah/android.git -b cm-11.0-ac100
and rest from https://github.com/m32/android_$x_toshiba_betelgeuse.git
x=kernel|device|vendor on branch cm11
and viola kitkat is running
no bt or wifi , deep sleep is my nightmare
thats for devs, for consummers nothing special it just works but without wifi is practically useless
anyone want try binaries ?

How does it work? Is it responsive? What about RAM usage?


How do I get Ezekeel's patches of BLN, ...?

I want to get Ezekeel's patches of BLN, live oc to build my first jellybean kernel.
I have currently applied _thalamus' work.
I tried this http://ariejan.net/2009/10/26/how-to-create-and-apply-a-patch-with-git/
On https://github.com/Ezekeel/GLaDOS-nexus-s/tree/bln
But I get
git remote add remoterepo https://github.com/Ezekeel/GLaDOS-nexus-s.git -b bln
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[email protected]:~/patch/bln$ git remote add remoterepo https://github.com/Ezekeel/GLaDOS-nexus-s.git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[email protected]:~/patch/bln$
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Am I doing something wrong?
you have to git merge the branch of Ezekeel's repo that has the feature you want
git remote add remoterepo http://.....
git remote update
git checkout your working branch
git merge remoterepo/BLN (e. g.)
Hmm thanks. I am trying it out now.
I hope it's compatible with Jellybean.
I tried to update the kernel to 3.0.38 but it prompts me every time if I am sure. And sometimes I have errors patching.
Thanks for your "How to compile a kernel" tutorial in the developers section. Using that I was able to 'roll my own' kernel the way I wanted it (stock JB kernel merged to latest linux version + voodoo.)
Although I didn't use it, I experimented with Ezekeel's BLX. I was unable to 'git merge' it into the aforementioned kernel from the BLX branch. (Every file had a conflit, and although git has a steep learning curve I am guessing the reason is it was merged into ICS.) I was able to get it to work using 'git cherry-pick', and I am guessing BLD is the same.
Once I had compiled my kernel I used 'dsixda-Android-Kitchen' as a frontend to unpack boot.img. I replaced zImage and repacked boot.img.
I registered with this forum to ask a question, but through trial and error I found that that it was important to use the ramdisk associated with the target ROM, rather than the stock ramdisk. Many CWM updater-scripts do this 'on the fly'...
(I was surprised to see that several kernel installers also copy a few .ko modules into /system/modules. One was for BLN, but I did not research the reason for the others...)
I have been reading [and reading] and 'crackflashing' for around a year, but this is my first post. I would like to thank everyone who shared up-to and including the following: CM team, koush, ezeekel, thalamus, adamg, kibmcz, legolas93, Steven676, AOKP team and mathkid. (I couldn't think of everyone, but if you have contributed then thank you!.)
--== HurryNwait ==--
Nexus S + CM10 v1.10 + my custom kernel

Requesting Repository Forks

If you wish to request omni forks a repository from AOSP, in order to implement a patch into omni, please post this request here. Eventually this will be carried out via jira (http://jira.omnirom.org)
When posting, please give the path to the repository, and a link to what you want to merge, or a description.
For example if you wish to cherry pick a patch into it, a link to the patch and brief description of the reason for the patch.
We'll then have that repository forked and made available on github and gerrit, permitting you to submit your change.
Before you request, please check on github to ensure it isn't already forked!
For example :
frameworks/base - Needing forked so I can introduce multi window functionality (link here to information)
hardware/broadcom/libbt - Mainly for board-specific configurations (link), but newer CM commits also look promising.
If new device bringups aren't planned yet, ignore the followings:
device/lge/p880 and kernel/lge/p880 - Device bringup (kernel has a non-standard naming at CM repo, it should be android_kernel_lge_x3 (x3 is the board name))
vendor/lge (maybe Omni should create one from scratch)
Adam77Root said:
hardware/broadcom/libbt - Mainly for board-specific configurations (link), but newer CM commits also look promising.
If new device bringups aren't planned yet, ignore the followings:
device/lge/p880 and kernel/lge/p880 - Device bringup (kernel has a non-standard naming at CM repo, it should be android_kernel_lge_x3 (x3 is the board name))
vendor/lge (maybe Omni should create one from scratch)
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We do have a vendor/lge with just mako, although I'm not sure if its current location.
Vendor blob repos are a legal mess, which is why CM kept them at TheMuppets. We'll likely do something similar if we haven't already (I haven't synced since coming home.) Among other reasons to keep them separate is in the case of a DMCA takedown - usually that happens only to a single repo (see the HTC vendor repos earlier this year) but there's always the risk that damage might be more widespread.
Needed for building my msm8960 device (Motorola Photon Q, xt897c).
arrrghhh said:
Needed for building my msm8960 device (Motorola Photon Q, xt897c).
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CM bootable recovery and some commits over system core
Black_Prince said:
CM bootable recovery and some commits over system core
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No for CWM - We're working on forking TWRP in, but some fixes still need to be made to allow it to work on devices with unified recovery/boot image. (Probably one of the biggest holdups for the exynos 4210 family - Sonys with unified boot/recovery can at least use Dees_Troy's FOTAKernel trick).
Getting CWM to build in a tree requires hacks all over the tree in multiple repositories. TWRP is much more self-contained, but needs some tweaks to the build system in order to get it to build properly on a userdebug (as opposed to eng) build.
Entropy512 said:
No for CWM - We're working on forking TWRP in, but some fixes still need to be made to allow it to work on devices with unified recovery/boot image. (Probably one of the biggest holdups for the exynos 4210 family - Sonys with unified boot/recovery can at least use Dees_Troy's FOTAKernel trick).
Getting CWM to build in a tree requires hacks all over the tree in multiple repositories. TWRP is much more self-contained, but needs some tweaks to the build system in order to get it to build properly on a userdebug (as opposed to eng) build.
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Hmm but until the twrp is ported should i test build for some galaxy devices like SG S2 note 1 with cwm ?
It will make me to push changes to git in device tree ... and will be easy to add support
Black_Prince said:
Hmm but until the twrp is ported should i test build for some galaxy devices like SG S2 note 1 with cwm ?
It will make me to push changes to git in device tree ... and will be easy to add support
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I'll pull up a remote to use for bootable/recovery until we fork (unless plodey already forked it) from TWRP, won't be able to provide it until tonight.
However, right now, it will only build a working recovery if you do an eng build instead of userdebug. If Dees_Troy's talk at BABBQ is ever posted, that's what I was talking about when I trolled him at the end.
Something like:
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch custom_n7000-eng
or something like that.
def WriteRawImage(self, mount_point, fn):
"""Write the given package file into the partition for the given
mount point."""
fstab = self.info["fstab"]
if fstab:
p = fstab[mount_point]
partition_type = common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type]
args = {'device': p.device, 'fn': fn}
if partition_type == "MTD":
'write_raw_image(package_extract_file("%(fn)s"), "%(device)s");'
% args)
elif partition_type == "EMMC":
'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "%(device)s");' % args)
def WriteRawImage(self, mount_point, fn):
"""Write the given package file into the partition for the given
mount point."""
fstab = self.info["fstab"]
if fstab:
p = fstab[mount_point]
partition_type = common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type]
args = {'device': p.device, 'fn': fn}
if partition_type == "MTD":
'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "/tmp/boot.img");'
'write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "%(device)s");' % args
% args)
elif partition_type == "EMMC":
'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "%(device)s");' % args)
elif partition_type == "BML":
('assert(package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "/tmp/%(device)s.img"),\n'
' write_raw_image("/tmp/%(device)s.img", "%(device)s"),\n'
' delete("/tmp/%(device)s.img"));') % args)
raise ValueError("don't know how to write \"%s\" partitions" % (p.fs_type,))
Flash error in write raw image ...
Also can u cherry pick these commits https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_system_core/commits/cm-10.2/mkbootimg/unpackbootimg.c
My internal SD card isnt got recognsied , there must be some commits missing in vold ...
I dont even know it got formatted or what in flashing ...
Also u may have look over https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andr...mmit/f22626cdbecfe27c96f205710173458eab14e1a1
and https://github.com/CyanogenMod/andr...mmit/aee5f78ddec238cec016849acaf1d3007b8b1507
Must haz patch:
//edit: xplod sorted it out already.
HALO and a feat which enables us to see version of the installed and gonna install app
I need this to make it work with my Samsung galaxy s4
I'm not sure if this is the correct thread, but the following two would be great for i9305 support
smdk4412-qcom-common -> needed for i9305 and t0lte (EDIT: I see this one has now been added)
Hey @pulser_g2,
wondering if i could have the following repositories added in for jf devices,
all features are fully functional with these repositories : branch: cm-10.2 for all
I just talked to @maxwen and he told me i should post here the needed stuff:
I managed to fix the radio issues today on m7, but i need additionally these commits:
and please DO NOT merge this: https://github.com/TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_htc/commit/2b86687a460030199fa42d49207957ce285c1a53
as its not needed and breaks build (I allready have everything in m7-common so no need for vendor)
Thanks in advance
we dont need to update anything, please forget my post above, i managed to get it working without all these commits and the right vendor
hardware/qcom/gps - Needing forked so I can build the needed GPS module into my Omnirom build.
The link to this repository is: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_gps/tree/cm-10.2
I hope it gets included, this saves me a ton of time pulling stuff from other repositories.
Greetings PsychoGame
Galaxy S I9000 (galaxysmtd)
@pulser_g2 Device repos are already forked. Kernel is missing: https://github.com/OmniGalaxyS/android_kernel_samsung_aries
It has android-4.3 and android-4.4 branches up.
Device rocking with Omni!
See you!
PsychoGame said:
hardware/qcom/gps - Needing forked so I can build the needed GPS module into my Omnirom build.
The link to this repository is: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_gps/tree/cm-10.2
I hope it gets included, this saves me a ton of time pulling stuff from other repositories.
Greetings PsychoGame
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I also need android_hardware_qcom_gps (probably best from https://github.com/markcs/android_hardware_qcom_gps/tree/cm-11.0)

[SCRIPT] Cherry-pick script for automatically patching Android platforms

Those of you maintaining unofficial ROMs that need some device specific patches to the android platform that are not (yet) merged into the official sources often face the same problem: When syncing with upstream you either have to cherry-pick your patches again manually, or for those changes that are not committed there may be merge errors.
Additionally, when there are many patches in various repos it can get hard to keep track of them.
I faced the same situation while working on my phone, which needs changes not merges into any official sources except for NamelessROM. And those of you who know me, know that I like scripts doing the work for me.
So I decided to write a tiny script to do all that for me.
Sure, I could have written a script like
cd frameworks/base
git cherry-pick <blah>
git cherry-pick <blah2>
cd ../../system/core
git cherry-pick <blah3>
But I just don't like hardcoding, and maintaining the script would also be way, way harder.
So I came up with this solution:
Storing the fetch URLs as well as the commit IDs in arrays. Then I can call one after another fully automatic via for-loops.
One issue remained, though: if a cherry-pick fails the next commits would also fail. Which is why the repo gets automatically reset if a cherry-pick doesn't apply properly.
An example script can be found HERE or in the attachments.
Now, the most important part for you: How do you make the script compatible with your ROMs sources?
There are just a few values you have to take care of:
##### Definable values
paths="frameworks/native frameworks/base frameworks/opt/telephony"
commit_id[frameworks_native]='8465cdba74a038bb29598cfb4f48754b83124f48 208b1fcc0df405dc15582798c4e5406ba16201a9 49beaf826eb1c4eae3fe3202ef682a5973213c2d c83b9661c0fca41a5f43473def58379c7d7ae7d7 0c880a230ef4331cc071d45b6b06a8b0572c5a8f'
repo_url[frameworks_native]='[email protected]:laufersteppenwolf/android_frameworks_native.git'
repo_url[frameworks_base]='[email protected]:laufersteppenwolf/android_frameworks_base-1.git'
repo_url[frameworks_opt_telephony]='[email protected]:laufersteppenwolf/android_frameworks_opt_telephony.git'
remote_name specifies the name that should be used for fetching (doesn't really matter, it just helps keeping track of what this remote is)
paths specifies the paths to the repos the script is gonna cycle through.
commit_id[name] specifies the commit IDs of the repo "name". While "name" is the path to the repo, but with underscores instead of slashes. Example: if your path is "system/core", the name you have to specify would be "system_core".
repo_url[name] specifies the URL of the repo to fetch. The naming is the same as in commit_id with underscores.
That's it. You can specify as many repos as you need, the script will cycle one after the other.
For an example on how to update the script with more repos, you may want to take a look at THIS commit
Now, how to use the script?
It's as simple as it could be:
Set up the build environment (. build/envsetup.sh)
Execute the script from whereever you want (. cherry-pick.sh)
If you're running the script for the first time or the fetched repo needs an update, you have to add the --fetch argument to (re-)fetch the repo again. (. cherry-pick.sh --fetch)
If you happen to have questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know!
@laufersteppenwolf Nice bro!
Interesting idea.
Will test it soon.
Does it also work for revert commits ?
(They usually take me to nano and I have to ctrl+x to apply them)
Thank you
m0d said:
Interesting idea.
Will test it soon.
Does it also work for revert commits ?
(They usually take me to nano and I have to ctrl+x to apply them)
Thank you
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Yeah, sure, with a few modifications the script should also be able to revert commits
EDIT: Feel free to test with THIS script after you specified your commits you want to revert. But please note that I did not yet test it.
laufersteppenwolf said:
Yeah, sure, with a few modifications the script should also be able to revert commits
EDIT: Feel free to test with THIS script after you specified your commits you want to revert. But please note that I did not yet test it.
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I am trying to set up the script,
How must one go setting up repo url for:
git fetch https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/qcom/bt refs/changes/28/104728/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD​
I tried checking for the following,
repo_url[hardware_qcom_bt]='[email protected]latform_hardware_qcom_bt.git'
repo_url[hardware_qcom_bt]='[email protected]latform_hardware_qcom_bt.git'
repo_url[platform_hardware_qcom_bt]='[email protected]latform_hardware_qcom_bt.git'​They all gave me:
* Entering hardware/qcom/bt
* All commits applied successfully!
There seems to be an error as it always says - * All commits applied successfully!
But, when I check for the commit changes they are not present.
Is it possible to have a revert in the cherry-pick script? As in before a particular cherry-pick I need to revert a commit,
so I need to check if the commit is a cherry pick or a revert,
Where as now it is sort of hard-coded:
for commit in ${commit_id[${commit_path}]}; do
sleep 1
cherry-pick "$commit"
for commit in ${commit_id[${commit_path}]}; do
sleep 1
revert "$commit"
done​An if else needs to be added somehow,
will try to test once I get the script to start working
Hi there!
I know this thread hasn't had activity for years but it is the only possible resource I find for minimally automating security patching our rom sources... I am new to building and have a couple of viable nougat builds almost ready for Xiaomi Mi Mix, and a third one with more problems. One of the last things I am working on is security patching my working directories and as I have no background in programming or linux or any technical stuff in general, I get quite lost about git cherry-picking, git fetching, patching, merging, etc.
From what I see here this script could make the whole thing easier but I do not know if it works. Anybody out there willing to give me a hand here?
Thanks in advance

[ROM][GT-I9305][Marshmallow][6.0][Cyanogenmod 13.0][UNOFFICIAL]

Disclaimer (partially borrowed from MIT license) - WARNING:
THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. If you loose your data, brick your device, any other damage or anything else happens (e.g. your cat eats your dog), it is YOUR PROBLEM and YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Your device warranty is most probably void after installing this.
Although my original intention was just to help with porting CM 13 to i9305, I ended up with my build
To avoid any confusion a because I still have a felling that some people don`t understand this, I have to explain one more detail. I didn`t create this, I only built it. It is a big difference, similar to buying versus building a house. Buying a house is not a simple thing (at least in my country) and you`d probably need to do some changes and repairs before you can start living in it. But building a house is something completely different and much more difficult. The work I`ve done on this CM build is more like buying a house. The see the list of people who "built the house" go into Settings on your phone, section About phone and then Contributors. It is a really long list. Thanks to all of them
Also, please, keep in mind, that I am only sharing results of my hobby.
It is build mostly directly from CyanogenMod 13.0 sources. I only added support for i9305 and cm12 chroot for RIL support. See the original thread for some details. Anyway my work on this is really small, I fixed some problems a put all of this together.
You can download here:
There is also another builds from @evilracer123. (EDIT 31.3. 2016)
If you want you can also download unofficial build of TWRP with f2fs support TWRP-UNOFFICAIL-3.0.1.img
EDIT (17.1. 2016) - new build with bluetooth fixed
EDIT (19.1. 2016) - new build with bluetooth for non owner fixed, the code for this build downloaded yesterday
EDIT (22.1. 2016) - new build
EDIT (25.1. 2016) - new build - there is some bug in FileManager - see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=64980000&postcount=150
EDIT (27.1. 2016) - new buld - FileManager bug fixed, Answer call with hardware HOME button commit included
EDIT (29.1. 2016) - new build
EDIT (1.2. 2016) - new build - attempt to fix bluetooth audio problem
EDIT (8.2. 2016) - new build - clock overflow fix (details)
EDIT (17.2. 2016) - new build - I added the SlimISP_PH.bin file, fixed the crashing gallery for non-owner (I added the INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission, I hope that it is a correct fix) and added rules for selinux denies @BMP007 reported for logcat.
EDIT (25.2. 2016) - new build with multiple RIL implementations, diff attached
EDIT (19.3. 2016) - new build, f2fs support (some hints here). I attached 2016-03-18_16-49-21-cm-13.0-20160318-UNOFFICIAL-i9305.tar.gz, which contains diff file, roomservice.xml and list of used commits.
EDIT (31.3. 2016) - new build
EDIT (18.4. 2016) - new build
EDIT (25.4. 2016) - new build
EDIT (20.5. 2016) - new build
EDIT (23.6. 2016) - new build
EDIT (7.9. 2016) - new build
EDIT (10.4. 2016) - new build, compiled with ArchiDriod optimizations (thanks to @JustArchi), fixed mDNIe settings
This ROM supports F2FS - you can find some hints, how to use it here. (EDIT 31.3. 2016)
If you want world writable sdcard, set property persist.world_writable_sdcard to true (search the thread to see how) , but be aware that this is not standard behavior.
Multiple RIL implementation
In this ROM, there are more then one RIL implementations. None of them is perfect, but you can choose, which one of them works better for you. The first RIL implementation is the usual CM 12.1 based one (this is the default one), the second one is based on proprietary files extracted from stock 4.4.4 ROM downloaded from sammobile.com (I9305XXUFOB2_I9305PHNFOB2_I9305XXUFOA1_HOME.tar.md5), the third is based on proprietary files from TheMuppets, with one small change (see here for details). To switch between them open shell (over adb, or using the build in app, or whatever you like) and execute command ril. You will see something like this:
Select RIL implementation:
* 1 - CM 12.1 based
2 - Stock 4.4.4 based
3 - TheMuppets based
x - quit
Type 1,2,3 or x and hit enter. The requires root, so be sure it is enabled. After switching, reboot the phone. If you don`t want bother with this, don`t. The default one is, based on my experience, the best
If you want gapps, use http://opengapps.org/. As mentioned several times elsewhere flash it RIGHT AFTER the ROM. I tried the nano version and it works fine.
As far as I know all hardware and RIL is working without problems (even barometer is correctly detected).
Know BUGs:
- sometimes after boot RIL is not started correctly (http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/development-i9305/rom-t3252492/post64740417#post64740417) - data connection (and maybe something else) is not working. In that case turn on and of flight mode (or go somewhere without signal). I trying to fix this, but it is difficult.
- the led flash light used as a torch goes off together with the display (http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/development-i9305/rom-t3252492/post64699946#post64699946)(fixed http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/132783/)
- I suppose there is still msm_hsic_host wakelock bug (https://jira.cyanogenmod.org/browse/CYAN-2266). Supposedly unplugging the charger with display on should prevent this. EDIT (13.2. 2016) Some people are reporting that is fixed. I didn`t anyting specific to fix it, so I am not sure. One possibility is that this was also caused by the clock bug.
- if you have non FAT partition on you sdcard, you get a message that sdcard is corrupted. I`ll try to fix this one, it should not be difficult and it is annoying for me.
- gallery app is crashing for non owner (EDIT 19.1. 2016) (EDIT 17.2. 2016)
- there a problem with bluetooth audio - it occasionally stops for few seconds may be fixed in the today`s build (EDIT 1.2. 2016)
- on the first boot (after /data wipe) the SIM may not be found. Reboot should fix this. (EDIT 31.3. 2016)
Selinux is enforcing. If you used some of my previous builds from the original thread and there is something broken, what worked before, this may be the reason. In that case output of dmesg | grep 'avc.*denied' from the moment the problem happens, is a big help to solve it.
Code related to this can be found here:
and some smaller changes in attached diffs (part of attached tar.gz archives as code.diff since 2016-3-18)
Build instructions:
This is definitely not the only way how to build CM13 for i9305, but it is the procedure, which I, more or less, use.
First of all read (and understand) the original guide. My build process is modified version of it. The modification is necessary, because there is no official CM13 for i9305, so the breakfast command won`t work. It is replaced by creating .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml file. Another change is that proprietary file are part of my github repo, so you don`t have to connect the phone.
Followe the guide mentioned above till the repo command setup. The next step is to initialize the CyanogenMod source repository - use the cm-13.0 branch:
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo init -u https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-13.0
Now before you do repo sync, you have to create the roomservice.xml file (note the actual command is old, download the latest .tar.gz archive attached to this post and extract roomservice.xml from it):
$ mkdir .repo/local_manifests
$ wget "http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3657032&d=1456237857" -O .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml
Now is time for downloading the code (it takes some time):
$ repo sync
After this is done you will probably need to sync the code from my github with upstream. It may up to date, but i can`t guarantee it. First add the upstream repo:
$ cd ~/android/system/system/core/
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_system_core.git
And now sync the code:
$ cd ~/android/system/system/core/
$ git checkout cm-13.0
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/cm-13.0 -m 'sync with upstream'
The checkout is necessary to have cm-13.0 branch active. Following two commands download the code from upstream and merge it. They can be replaced with one pull command. Now apply patches. I usually attach them either to this post, or the post, where I announce something new (like a fix). The reason why I share some changes this way, is that I don`t wan`t to fork whole big repository because of a small change. In the latest (cm-13.0-20160217-UNOFFICIAL-i9305.diff) diff there is only one change bigger than one line - delete 5 lines (2 of them are comments). This is usually easy to change manually, if patch fails. You can use this https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/repo-discuss/43juvD1qGIQ to apply the patch (store the script into ~/bin/repo_patch and make executable).
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ repo_patch cm-13.0-20160217-UNOFFICIAL-i9305.diff
Now proceed to the Extract proprietary blobs step. The commands are the same, but you don`t have to connect the phone to the computer:
$ cd ~/android/system/device/samsung/i9305
$ ./extract-files.sh
Since you skipped the breakfast step, you should now return to the ~/android/system/ directory and setup the environment:
$ cd ~/android/system/
$ source build/envsetup.sh
Now setup the ccache, if you want. See Turn on caching to speed up build in the original guide.
Start the build:
$ brunch i9305
If you find some problem let me know, I can try to fix it. But I can`t promise anything, this is only hobby for me and my original intention was just to help with porting CM 13 to i9305.
The bug whit the flashlight is on every CM12.1 rom.
2 min using the flashlight and the phone automaticly booting (bootloop).
Is there a chance the problem whit the sdcard to be permision problem?
Thanks i was start thinking that no one want we to have a marshmallow rom for our devices. Live long and prospect.
Sectorian said:
The bug whit the flashlight is on every CM12.1 rom.
2 min using the flashlight and the phone automaticly booting (bootloop).
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This is new for me. I`ve probably newer used it for such a long time. I`ll put on my list
Sectorian said:
Is there a chance the problem whit the sdcard to be permision problem?
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I don`t think so. I suppose that this is because there is ext2 partition (with Debian chroot) and Android has never designed to use sdcard with something like this. Until this version it was simply ignored. It is not a big problem, just annoying message.
Nvm sry for asking
russia101 said:
Are there some more changes then the build you already posted on the other thread ?
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You quote entire OP and you can't read it ?
Please ...
russia101 said:
Are there some more changes then the build you already posted on the other thread ?
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Edit your post please. No need to quote entire OP
@p.a.n gongrats for your first and the new thread with your rom and many thanks for uploading your sources.
But I am wondering, why you haven't pushed the changes in build and smdk-common, which are present in your posted diff file? Are they not needed (anymore?). And still not clear is, where to put mount_chroot.sh? In system/bin or cm12chroot/system/bin?
ok ... I tried it with usual cyanogenmod smdk-common cm-13.0 branch and original cyanogenmod build and without mount-croot.sh and: sim card and ril is working. But I still cannot hear something or anybody during a call . What vendor/samsung repo are you using? themuppets or crazyweazel and which branch? Maybe there is the problem located?
rodman01 said:
ok ... I tried it with usual cyanogenmod smdk-common cm-13.0 branch and original cyanogenmod build and without mount-croot.sh and: sim card and ril is working. But I still cannot hear something or anybody during a call . What vendor/samsung repo are you using? themuppets or crazyweazel and which branch? Maybe there is the problem located?
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All the my changes from smdk-common are either in upstream (e.g. the incomminmg call fix) or I moved them to i9305. Script mount-croot.sh is not necessary anymore, the mounts are handled by init (init.target.rc). The only changes from the diffs which are not in those two repositories were in kernel and they are not necessary. The proprietary files which I am using are in the repo (https://github.com/p-an/i9305-cm13-device/tree/cm-13.0/proprietary, https://github.com/p-an/i9305-cm13-device/blob/cm-13.0/cm12chroot/cm12chroot.tgz), I don`t remember where I have it from Just execute extract-files.sh in device/samsung/i9305.
I really have no idea what could be wrong in your case You problems with audio or is it the still the problem with incoming calls (the phone doesn`t ring when someone calls)?
p.a.n. great work brother, installed this ROM with this Gapps (https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24269982086993883) with my outdata Philz Touch 6.48 and works pretty damm good! GPS and wifi OK, incoming and outcoming calls smooth. Congratz!!!
Im expirience a slow charging whit your Rom whit agni kernel. Before that i was on Acip10 whit the same version of agni kernel and the charging work corectly. Hope im helpes.
Oher bugs: trebuchet crashing, skype is not working.
@p.a.n thanks for your all you've done,the rom works great for me,ril data 3g and lte works fine,many thanks ......
@rodman01 just and idea, you`ve probably tried it - do you have data connection, when you try the call? The bug which requires airplane mode on/off effects more than only data connection - if it happens also Llama doesn`t correctly detect area based on cell id. So it could be the reason for your problems.
Sectorian said:
Im expirience a slow charging whit your Rom whit agni kernel. Before that i was on Acip10 whit the same version of agni kernel and the charging work corectly. Hope im helpes.
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What about cpu load, wakelocks? Did you check it?
Sectorian said:
Oher bugs: trebuchet crashing, skype is not working.
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Could you provide some details - how to replicate it, logcat, etc. ? Trebuchet seems to be stable to me, but I using mostly another launcher. I don`t use skype, so I am afraid I can`t help with that one
Many thanks for the the tip, I will look at it and make some tests. Sim and ril is working, incoming and outgoing calls too...but no call audio, so I cannot hear the caller and he doesn't hear me neither.
rodman01 said:
Many thanks for the the tip, I will look at it and make some tests. Sim and ril is working, incoming and outgoing calls too...but no call audio, so I cannot hear the caller and he doesn't hear me neither.
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Can you talk on a headset via the 3.5mm jack? If you can then it's related to RIL or the microphone and earpiece don't work in call.
Thanks for the awesome rom! Do I need to flash anything to get root?
floopyb said:
Thanks for the awesome rom! Do I need to flash anything to get root?
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No, just enable the developer options, it is there
Sectorian said:
Im expirience a slow charging whit your Rom whit agni kernel. Before that i was on Acip10 whit the same version of agni kernel and the charging work corectly.
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In AGNi control set 'Ignore unstable charging power', 'ignore safety margin', 'AC charge rate 1500mA'.
You won't damage anything, not phone nor charger.
There is a free app called Galaxy Charging Current which shows you the charging rate.
If you're too scared, just do the ignore unstable power and that will cure your issue. The other two things just make it charge even quicker.

Building kernel from Xiaomi's source for cereus (probably, cactus too)

Since Xiaomi released source code for kernel, I tried to build it.
Current status of this - it compiles, boots, but unusable.
Broken bluetooth
Broken wifi
Soft-reboots after some time
Propably, more bugs that remained undiscovered because of reboots.
Tested with miui 9 on cereus 3/32.
You can test builded kernel using this:
Use Carliv image Kitchen to repack your rom's boot.img, then flash it via fastboot (UNLOCKED BOOTLOADER REQUIRED). To restore working state after testing, flash stock boot image again.
Our kernel uses android regular boot.img format, not MTK.
If you want to build this, any manual for building kernel will fit. I used google's android arm eabi 4.9 toolchain, our arch is arm, defconfig is cereus_defconfig.
For now, I don't have enough time to take a closer look at this (work, university exams), so, any help (last_kmsg, dmesg, pull requests) will be appreciated.
Wait seriously? Does that mean that i can buil LOS rom now? I have my UbuntuVM with whole LOS source code downloaded but i got stuck at no kernel found for cereus. So it might work now(Im extremely new to linux) I'll try to build the rom asap
TanRayCz said:
Wait seriously? Does that mean that i can buil LOS rom now? I have my UbuntuVM with whole LOS source code downloaded but i got stuck at no kernel found for cereus. So it might work now(Im extremely new to linux) I'll try to build the rom asap
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This kernel for now won't really help with building los. I haven't find any device tree for our SoC (or close). MTK always requre a ton of patches to android sources. But i have reference MTK 9.0 android sources for this SoC - ALPS (can't share, it's probably illegal, but you can find them on 4pda.ru, if you want). It builds on almost unmodified reference device tree, but i haven't tested it on device. First, we need to make this kernel usable.
[email protected] said:
This kernel for now won't really help with building los. I haven't find any device tree for our SoC (or close). MTK always requre a ton of patches to android sources. But i have reference MTK 9.0 android sources for this SoC - ALPS (can't share, it's probably illegal, but you can find them on 4pda.ru, if you want). It builds on almost unmodified reference device tree, but i haven't tested it on device. First, we need to make this kernel usable.
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This may not really help, but can you try that kernel again after upgrading to MIUI 10.2.4 ?
EDIT : See https://www.kimovil.com/en/list-smartphones-by-processor/mediatek-helio-p22-mt6762 for a list of devices with MT6762. Probably we can check out their trees?
EDIT 2 : It seems like our Redmi 6 is the only device with available kernel source in that list.
EDIT 3 : Try this?
minhducsun2002 said:
EDIT : See https://www.kimovil.com/en/list-smar...lio-p22-mt6762 for a list of devices with MT6762. Probably we can check out their trees?
EDIT 2 : It seems like our Redmi 6 is the only device with available kernel source in that list.
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Maybe them exists, but I haven't found them.
minhducsun2002 said:
This may not really help, but can you try that kernel again after upgrading to MIUI 10.2.4 ?
EDIT 3 : Try this?
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I finally finished my university exams, so now I have some free time to play with it.
The kernel you link is just forked xiaomi sources merged to linux 4.9 kernel. It shouldn't be buildable at all, since there is the same problem in sources I "fixed" with this.
Probably, this too.
[email protected] said:
I finally finished my university exams, so now I have some free time to play with it.
The kernel you link is just forked xiaomi sources merged to linux 4.9 kernel. It shouldn't be buildable at all, since there is the same problem in sources I "fixed" with this.
Probably, this too.
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[email protected] said:
Maybe them exists, but I haven't found them.
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You're right, they're identical.
By the way, I couldn't find any implementation available for our Helio P22; the chipset itself is fairly new, thus not many devices have the source code available.
minhducsun2002 said:
This may not really help, but can you try that kernel again after upgrading to MIUI 10.2.4 ?
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Ok, i've tested it on latest GS. It seems to work a way better. At least, it doesnt reboot after few seconds of usage. It makes things a lot easier.
Tested a few more things:
-sound - works
-camera (both photo and video) - works
- mobile data - works
- phone calls - work
- dual sim -works
- all sensors work
The only thing i was unable to test is gps. It didn't worked for me, but i was inside 9-floor building near the window to inner corner of building... So idk.
And usb otg - since i don't have adapder.
After this I can tell, that there are only 2 major bugs - wifi and bluetooth.
Maybe gps, fm radio and exfat too. This is modules loading problem, I think (though, there shouldn't be any modules, drivers are marked as built-in in config, but .ko files for them exist in /vendor/lib/modules)
[email protected] said:
Ok, i've tested it on latest GS. It seems to work a way better. At least, it doesnt reboot after few seconds of usage. It makes things a lot easier.
Tested a few more things:
-sound - works
-camera (both photo and video) - works
- mobile data - works
- phone calls - work
- dual sim -works
- all sensors work
The only thing i was unable to test is gps. It didn't worked for me, but i was inside 9-floor building near the window to inner corner of building... So idk.
And usb otg - since i don't have adapder.
After this I can tell, that there are only 2 major bugs - wifi and bluetooth.
Maybe gps, fm radio and exfat too. This is modules loading problem, I think (though, there shouldn't be any modules, drivers are marked as built-in in config, but .ko files for them exist in /vendor/lib/modules)
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Yeah, Treble definitely makes things easier.
Nevertheless I'm trying to integrate those kernel modules into the compiled zImage - there's no modprobe in Android, sadly.
Adding modules support and disabling modules versions check in config didn't help.
I can't find any source files in kernel sources, from which these modules can be built. Maybe, they are built from separate platform code (they are placed in vendor, so...) Need to download ALPS (brrr, around 50 gb of tar.bz2 archives) to check it.
I've looked into reference mediatek 4.9 kernel sources and found this:
# Do build-in for Makefile checking
PATH_TO_WMT_DRV = vendor/mediatek/kernel_modules/connectivity/common
PATH_TO_WLAN_CHR_DRV = vendor/mediatek/kernel_modules/connectivity/wlan/adaptor
PATH_TO_WLAN_DRV = vendor/mediatek/kernel_modules/connectivity/wlan/core/gen4m
ABS_PATH_TO_WMT_DRV = $(srctree)/../$(PATH_TO_WMT_DRV)
# check wlan driver folder
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(ABS_PATH_TO_WMT_DRV)))
$(error $(ABS_PATH_TO_WMT_DRV) is not existed)
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(ABS_PATH_TO_WLAN_CHR_DRV)))
$(error $(ABS_PATH_TO_WLAN_CHR_DRV) is not existed)
ifeq (,$(wildcard $(ABS_PATH_TO_WLAN_DRV)))
$(error $(ABS_PATH_TO_WLAN_DRV) is not existed)
$(warning symbolic link to $(PATH_TO_WMT_DRV))
$(warning symbolic link to $(PATH_TO_WLAN_CHR_DRV))
$(warning symbolic link to $(PATH_TO_WLAN_DRV))
$(shell unlink $(srctree)/$(src)/wmt_drv)
$(shell unlink $(srctree)/$(src)/wmt_chrdev_wifi)
$(shell unlink $(srctree)/$(src)/wlan_drv_gen4m)
$(shell ln -s $(ABS_PATH_TO_WMT_DRV) $(srctree)/$(src)/wmt_drv)
$(shell ln -s $(ABS_PATH_TO_WLAN_CHR_DRV) $(srctree)/$(src)/wmt_chrdev_wifi)
$(shell ln -s $(ABS_PATH_TO_WLAN_DRV) $(srctree)/$(src)/wlan_drv_gen4m)
# for gen4m options
export WLAN_CHIP_ID=6765
# Do build-in for xxx.c checking
subdir-ccflags-y += -D MTK_WCN_REMOVE_KERNEL_MODULE
subdir-ccflags-y += -D MTK_WCN_BUILT_IN_DRIVER
obj-y += wmt_drv/
obj-y += wmt_chrdev_wifi/
obj-y += wlan_drv_gen4m/
No such code in xiaomi's source. And this prooves my words: these modules CAN BE BUILT IN and SOURCES FOR THEM ARE IN ALPS. I have to download this ton of ****...
I tried to backpors drivers from 9.0 - no success. It compiles,but doesn't boot. I tried to hack modules loading - no success too.
[email protected] said:
Adding modules support and disabling modules versions check in config didn't help.
I can't find any source files in kernel sources, from which these modules can be built. Maybe, they are built from separate platform code (they are placed in vendor, so...) Need to download ALPS (brrr, around 50 gb of tar.bz2 archives) to check it.
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Most of the time those binaries are not open-source (you probably know vendor blobs for Google devices are too, but that is a different story). Nevertheless I don't really get why kernel modules are placed in
- after all, mobile devices don't have hot-plugging hardware that requires dynamic LKM loading, why do they separate them out?
I'll attempt to crawl the web for those sources while waiting for Mi Unlock to allow my device being unlocked (the waiting period sucks).
[email protected] said:
I've looked into reference mediatek 4.9 kernel sources and found this:
No such code in xiaomi's source. And this prooves my words: these modules CAN BE BUILT IN and SOURCES FOR THEM ARE IN ALPS. I have to download this ton of ****...
I tried to backpors drivers from 9.0 - no success. It compiles,but doesn't boot. I tried to hack modules loading - no success too.
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1. Backports? How?
2. In which file did you got those lines?
3. Indeed those modules' source are removed from our tree - if you have the link, I don't really mind having another 50GB occupied on my PC to get those source code.
minhducsun2002 said:
1. Backports? How?
2. Indeed those modules' source are removed from our tree - if you have the link, I don't really mind having another 50GB occupied on my PC to get those source code.
Because attached below is the existence of the modules. /shrug
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I already said that i have leaked mtk alps 9.0 sources These modules have sources, they are not prebuilt. I managed to built in them, but kernel doesn't boot at all after that. And i can't take any logs because the system dies before adb init.
Ok, after one little, but very cruel hack modules are fixed. Enjoy testing the kernel.
[email protected] said:
Ok, after one little, but very cruel hack modules are fixed. Enjoy testing the kernel.
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does it work well?
Lonewolf_1210 said:
does it work well?
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Users from 4pda reported it fully working.
Soon will be build with usb network adapters support enabled (requested by romanxdream from 4pda).
P.S. I'm not adding everything requested to kernel. But this was only config modification.
I don't check xda often, so there can be a huge delay in my responses.
[email protected] said:
Users from 4pda reported it fully working.
Soon will be build with usb network adapters support enabled (requested by romanxdream from 4pda).
P.S. I'm not adding everything requested to kernel. But this was only config modification.
I don't check xda often, so there can be a huge delay in my responses.
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Great job then, hope for a custom rom coming soon
Ok, download link to all versions. I'll edit the first post later.
Should we make a telegram group for this?

