[FREE] GAMES [FREE] Android Games - Android Apps and Games

Hello Friends
We have developed Casino and Card games for Android phones and tablet. As I am unable to post game's link, I would request you to please search K Square Creations in google, the first link (Play Store Link) is ours. Please have a look on our games also download and enjoy all our games. Thank you So much for your support.



I have always wanted to create a game for the trending Operating system - Android and now finally I have made one. It's a Quiz game to test your IQ level regarding our Human WAR history. It's just simple as every other Quiz game. It asks a question and you gotta answer it. For now I have added only 20 questions to the game but will add up-to 100 as I progress further.
So, all I want you guys to do is. Download this game from Amazon App Store and let me know your Review about it and some Suggestions are welcomed too
DOWNLOAD from - Amazon App Store
NOTE :- You need Amazon App Store to be installed on your device to download this game and Game screenshots are attached below.
Thanks in Advance. Have a nice day
Up again !!

[GAME] Android Trivia Flags game

I have uploaded a new cool trivia game for kids (although it is quite hard for adults as well).
Feel free to download and rate it. Any comments will be highly appreciated !
Since i cannot post the URL now (XDA policy).. please search for the package "com.trivia.flags"
Best Regards.
Ori Sharon.

[GAME][FREE] Blasty Penguin and Penguin The Christmas Santa!

Guys I got my games approved into Google Play recently! Please give it a try.
I am not allowed to post links here yet (need 10 useful posts and I am newbie ), thus, as per Android user knowledge,
just go to your Google Play and search the following titles
1. Penguin The Christmas Santa
2. Blasty Penguin
I hope you enjoy the games!
Have a blessed Christmas guys!

[FREE] GAMES [FREE] Android Games

Hello Friends
We have developed Casino and Card games for Android phones and tablet. As I am unable to post game's link, I would request you to please search K Square Creations in Google, the first link (Play Store Link) is ours. Please have a look on our games also download and enjoy all our games. Thank you So much for your support.
Good luck with your games!

[GAME][2.3+][APK] Puzzle15 PLUS - Free Puzzle Game

Hello, dear community!
This is my first project - Puzzle15 PLUS. Its classic 15 puzzle game with some interesting features.
Game don't contains annoying banners on screen and completely free.
It is just experimental simple game. I love 15Puzzle games and i tried to make ideal game
You can download apk file from attachment or find game in Google Play Puzzle15 PLUS (can't attach links :crying (id=com.moxisgames.puzzle15)

