[Completed] Post Deleted - XDA Assist

Post deleted.
Thank you

Boudzz said:
Hi folks
I am completely new to the world of tweaking your android device. I didn't even know how to root a device until 24 hours ago. I wanted to install a better version of android than the stock version that came with the device and I went about reading how to do so, starting with rooting the device which I had success with. I then tried to install a custom rom called cleanonda50 rom. I spent hours trying to figure it out and somehow managed to completely botch things up. I may have bricked the device and I spent hours trying to fix the problem to no avail. I'm completely defeated and ready to send it to a professional to get it fixed. The device won't turn on and I don't know what to do.
I found a website where an android expert will remote control my computer and fix it for a fee. I was thinking (and Mods please let me know if this is frowned upon), I was looking to see if anyone would be interested in helping and instead of paying this website, I could perhaps pay you compensation for your expert advice and time by remoting into my pc and walking me through the process. Or if one of the Mods would volunteer, I could make a small donation to the forum to support with running costs. If you are interested, please send me a Private Message.
As it stands I have an expensive paperweight, so I apologize if I'm doing anything that is considered discouraging; please let me know and I will amend my post.
Thanks everyone
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That is not what XDA is about, this is a Development site not pay to have work done site. I suggest you try another site, or just read and learn for yourself regarding your device.
There are tons of guides and the question sections for your device, that is the place to learn, but coming here and looking to pay someone again is not what XDA is about.

Judge Joseph Dredd said:
That is not what XDA is about, this is a Development site not pay to have work done site. I suggest you try another site, or just read and learn for yourself regarding your device.
There are tons of guides and the question sections for your device, that is the place to learn, but coming here and looking to pay someone again is not what XDA is about.
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I apologize, I will address your comment


New Android ROM website, for newcomers(idea)

Ok guys, this is just a proposal/idea. I have an idea to make a website, that people can easily find their phone, and then it will display all the ROM's available for their device. As well as show them the ROM's it should also be able to display images that would help people that aren't technically experienced to install and enjoy the ROM's that we do everyday, with ease. The only problem ( and of course people are wondering, why tell us just DO IT) is i have limited X-HTML experience and Javascript experience. I would need the help of all the great developers here to promote their ROM (giving helpful information), and someone(s) to help develop the website. Basically i want to be able to easily find a ROM instead of searching through pages and pages trying to see if and problems persist, and easily state what their ROM is all about. This could really be a break-through website, that can take the awesome geeky-ness of XDA and transfer all the knowledge to help everyone. I really do love XDA, but sometimes it is hard to keep up with all the new terms and lingo. It would also help to de-clutter XDA, leaving developers noob question free. I know i probably sound crazy i know. but if anyone is interested in helping please PM me, it would be greatly appreciated. and it would be the start of something new for ROM's, mainstreaming if you will.
...And if this is posted in the wrong place i do apologize in advanced.
sold1erjjt said:
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Yes, really.
That would be good but of every developer could get their roms on rom manager that would help too but I would be really stoked of there was a website like that I would be on it faithfully and so would alot of other noobs
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Rooting for n00bs!

This is NOT, and I repeat NOT a guide for rooting. It is a warning. Helpful advice if you will. It is here to deter you from making your life as well as those here who help others a nightmare. We are here to help those who want to help themselves. As mentioned in another thread, this forum is here to HELP people. This advice is here to help as helping also includes prevention. The advice below is for the sole purpose of preventing those who don't know what they're doing from bricking their devices prematurely.
If you don't like my advice or my opinion; that is your given right. Remember the forum rules and keep it impersonal, clean and respectful.
I am here to help people and if that includes encouraging members to learn first before they do harm to their device then so be it. If I can prevent even one person from ruining their phone before they learn how to use it then I accomplished something.
Note: Whosdaman; please feel free to move this to whatever section you feel this better fits in. I took a shot putting it here.
Disclaimer/Advice/Humble Opinion:
My advice (without trying to hurt anyone's feelings too much) is DON'T ROOT. I would suggest you familiarize yourself with everything (Linux, ADB, XDA, Google) before diving in head first.
Despite popular belief, having root does NOT in fact make you cooler.
Way too many new users are trying to root because they think it's cool or heard it's cool. Well; it's not cool to be a n00b and attempt root. You need to learn your device first.
If you don't know how to perform a Nandroid backup, or restore a previous ROM backup, flash updates, install custom ROM's, boot into Safe mode, Mount R/W, run shell commands or Terminal Emulator etc, then you should NOT root. You should browse the forums here, read, read and re-read everything until you know it well. Google search related topics. Exhaust all available avenues, then ask questions. After you've executed all of these options you might consider rooting and starting to tinker with your device.
If you don't even know what some of the things are that were mentioned, then you should absolutely NOT root your phone. You will likely brick or screw up your phone and then be right back here asking for help in a new thread most definitely created by you out of haste or costing [insert phone manufacturer/carrier here] money by sending your phone back and asking for a replacement simply because you had no idea what you were doing. JMHO
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Rooting voids your warranty.
Again, this is not here to offend anyone's sensitivity or hurt your feelings. Many have argued that bricking and recovery is the way they learn. That's fine [for them]. I highly doubt those same people started running before walking, or walking before crawling. But the majority of people need to learn first. Preventing someone from ruining their device is MY best advice.
I didn't know android had a safe mode.
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bubonik said:
I didn't know android had a safe mode.
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1.) Power Off>remove battery>WAIT for at least two minutes.
2.) Power On Phone while Holding MENU key until you get to the lock screen>At the bottom left corner of the display in transparent text will be the words "Safe Mode"
When in safe mode, Android does not load any third-party apps, and you can uninstall the application that gave you trouble from Settings > Applications > Manage applications.
To exit Safe Mode:
1.) Power off phone again>remove battery>wait two minutes
2.) Do a normal power on ...
So after reading this I still couldn't figure out how to get this root stuff you were talking about. I don't know what this "search" or "google" is. But if this makes me cool then I'm all about it- maybe I could get a girlfriend finally.
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The advice, while a successful deterrent, is not very useful. If people are here on this website, chances are they are here to learn something new about how to improve or customize their phones. We were all noobs at one point in time an I know that I benfited greatly from all the guides and reference threads here. Why not post some links to some helpful threads and say "Read these BEFORE you try anything," not "Don't try it at all and if you want to do it, find your own way to." Just a thought.
t-mo123 said:
If people are here on this website, chances are they are here to learn something new about how to improve or customize their phones.
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And that is exactly my advice. LEARN FIRST. Browse through the threads and see how many are beginners who jumped too soon and are now asking for help. It's ridiculous. If you don't like my advice move on and troll another thread. Many here agree with what I've suggested. Take it or leave it.
In my experience, the ones who have a problem with this are the ones who are guilty of it. People who want to be 'cool' and root without learning then clutter the forums begging for help.
Honestly I think you're making a sweeping generalization assuming that anyone who roots their phone without reading everything there is to read first is just trying to be "cool".
Granted, there are a lot of folks out there that could stand to take a lesson or two in common sense, but I don't think it does anyone any good to tell all the "n00bs" to essentially eff off until they've done more research than I think most people on this forum who've successfully rooted would normally do.
There are numerous disclaimers that tell people to stay away from rooting unless they either know what they're doing or are willing to take a risk, and there are numerous people who learn by doing rather than reading.
In fact I would venture a guess that, were people to subscribe to your suggestion, this forum and indeed the entire Android dev ecosphere would suffer greatly, because many devs learn by tweaking and fixing... usually something that they themselves broke!
I don't ask that you change your opinion. Simply that you ask yourself what you really hope to accomplish with this post. It would seem to me that the people you hope to deter would just be insulted and ignore it.
As a previous poster had mentioned, it would be more convincing if you provided resource links to help educate those you are trying to reach.
Also, before you sling that "troll" moniker my way as you did a previous poster, you might do well to remember that just as you have the right to post your opinion, others have the right to disagree.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
well sir, maybe some of us noobs got tired of not being able to use any apps over wifi on our blackberry without data a blackberry plan and bought an android phone so we can have more freedom.
maybe some of us noobs are diving into rooting so we can use setpcu and squeeze more than the stock 2 hour heavy use we get from a stock MT4G
maybe some of us want to learn more about the system but we ask so many questions because we dont know where to get VISIONary plus since its no longer in the market place.
i dunno about other noobs but a thread with links to what to read to learn more is way more beneficial to me than this one telling me to stay out the circle of android trust.
perhaps you are the one who thinks being rooted is "cool"?(no disrespect meant)
some of us do really want to learn and we appreciate every help and every answer we get to our questions from you veterans.
so please have a little patience and/or noob tolerance. someday we'll learn and stop asking the same question that had been answered a doze times already
A simple Google search turned up 302,000 for Visionary. Maybe if you stopped and thought before you posted you might have better results.
Again, this thread wasn't meant to hurt anyone's sensitive feelings [as it seems it has]. It was meant to deter new members/rookies from diving into something before they learned it. Obviously with the new breed of youngsters these days that just isn't the case. Common sense seems to have taken a back door to rushed gratification. Intelligent strategy is how many of us learned, not jumping in and screwing things up.
By jumping in and messing things up, you not only make things harder on yourselves but waste our time helping with things that have been answered a thousand times and a simple search would have taught you that.
As with anything in life, you need to 'learn' before you do something. Cognitive retention is key to mastering anything.
Your logic of diving in without thought or regard for yourself or others that will end up helping you is almost insulting. You will find that many of the longtime users/devs/veterans here enjoy helping people who take precautions and want to help themselves. But almost none of them/us really care to help those who jump blindly.
JMHO. Take it however you like. And you don't need to take it from me; just try and get help in here when you do something dumb and see how much help you get from senior members.
CBConsultation said:
A simple Google search turned up 302,000 for Visionary. Maybe if you stopped and thought before you posted you might have better results.
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I don't know what you did there, but I just did a simple google search for Visionary and got "About 9,880,000 results (0.11 seconds)"
Maybe your google fu is weak or something..
On another note back on topic, I couldn't disagree more with your OP.. As a newb I think diving right in is the best thing to do to learn.. I Can read a wiki for hours about a phone, but that doesn't give you the same experience of 10 minutes hands on does..
My biggest suggestion to a newb to this **** is dont start with a high end device.. Buy a HTC Wizard or Excalibur off craigslist & play with & tweak them 1st.. Then maybe a g1 or something.. That way if you do **** up & brick your device your not toast..
IMHO there is no better way to learn something then to do it.. But also when you have problems, don't think your unique & that nobody has ever posted your question before, Search for it 1st & then only post asking for help if you cant find it..
bastage said:
.. But also when you have problems, don't think your unique & that nobody has ever posted your question before, Search for it 1st & then only post asking for help if you cant find it..
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And search further then the first page.
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I think I'll leave it in here, maybe even sticky it later
CB, while I can understand your frustration I believe your attitude could be seen as elitist.
I think that perhaps what we should be doing is trying to come up with a root cause solution that might work instead of telling people not to try something like rooting. As another poster implied, it's not that people shouldn't be rooting, but that they shouldn't be asking questions for which there are already answers.
This seems like the problem you're trying to address, not the problem of someone rooting their phone or not.
So let's put aside the discussion of how one learns and who has the right to root and focus on the issue of "inappropriate" posts.
Does that sound like a reasonable alternative?
Hopefully whatever comes out of this discussion could be used to improve the forum experience for everyone.
I should mention that I'm not really sure this thread should be in the dev section of the forum... Seems more like general discussion since the OP is more of an ideological opinion piece at this point.
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OP, does your soapbox come with a salad? Someone likes to hear himself talk...sheesh.
Swyped on my rooted MyTouch4G
viper3ez said:
well sir, maybe some of us noobs got tired of not being able to use any apps over wifi on our blackberry without data a blackberry plan and bought an android phone so we can have more freedom.
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As much as I HATE blackberries, I have to correct you. You do NOT need a data feature to use web over wifi on a Blackberry. How the hell would that make sense, seriously? But yes keep in mind, I am still not a BB fan lol, hate those pieces of crap.
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so im not cool?
teamsilence said:
so im not cool?
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You're still cool in my book.
teamsilence said:
so im not cool?
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Your the bee's knees! Lol
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teamsilence said:
so im not cool?
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Your so cool your like an iced glacier.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
CBConsultation said:
A simple Google search turned up 302,000 for Visionary.
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Good lord, does anyone here actually have the time to go through 302.000 pages? Maybe I am the only one who has kids and a wife, but I know I don't have time to take a freaking computer programing course to teach myself how to use freaking cmnd lines. The crap I have seen on different forums that walk people through different rooting procedures on different phones acts as though everyone know WTF they are doing and/or has the time to spend hours a day learning. Guess what? Not everyone does. I spend hours a day teaching people the basics of how to use their phones and I have to give directions my grandmother could follow, is it to much to ask for detailed instruction that someone who has a very basic understanding of how to use these phones could follow? I don't think so. If you "seniors" could realize that you aren't cooler because you know what you are doing, and did the responsible thing and shared your knowledge without *****ing, moaning, and complaining about n00bs, you could help more n00bs become 'seniors' themselves and have more people out there able to help others.

[REQ] 2.10.605.1 Untouched but Rooted

I'd like to request a completely untouched version of this ROM with the exception of root. (No debloating, no deodexing, no zipaligning, etc...)
I'm surprised this didn't come out first and I think many would appreciate it as well.
[ROM]RUU_Mecha_GINGERBREAD_S_VERIZON_WWE_2.10.605.1_Rad io_0.01.78.0802w_3_NV_8K_1.41
[ROM] ZIP format: RUU_Mecha_GINGERBREAD_S_VERIZON_WWE_2.10.605.1_Rad io_0.01.78.08...
2.10.605.1 Debloat|Deodex|Rooted|Busybox|Zipalign
[ROM] [FLASHABLE] 2.10.605.1 Debloat/BLoat Options
you don't need anyone to make one...
Instead, see -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1226156
and read/use the information and links it contains...
KidJoe said:
you don't need anyone to make one...
Instead, see -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1226156
and read/use the information and links it contains...
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I was aware of that but it would be nice if someone can uploaded a completed version of this to save quite a bit of time.
open1your1eyes0 said:
I was aware of that but it would be nice if someone can uploaded a completed version of this to save quite a bit of time.
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Its a couple extra steps, and doesn't really take much longer than flashing a rooted rom file. Plus flashing the patched HBoot is safer, and for how "easy" this is.. I wouldn't expect any dev to take the time and make just a "rooted" version of the rom to flash.
Odd. I don't see anything in the forum rules that say people should ask for help. I don't blame the guy for asking. Why not? What's next--create your own ROM, why should others do it? Figure out your own root method instead of asking someone if they have?
For all the people who give the guy grief about asking, maybe someone else will say, "yeah, that's a good idea" and help the guy (and others) out.
I think it's more that this person is asking in multiple places for a few hours. Coulda had it done by now. Just rubs some people the wrong way.
Wow guys, well I think I can officially say XDA is no longer the same site I thought it was....
FYI, I had already done the posted method no problem. The only reason I made this thread was in an effort to request if a developer (of which I am not) could create a simple ROM that would help other newbies out and make it an easy one-flash task so they don't have to worry. But no, I guess it's a sin to be a newbie now huh? How dare anyone request something so simple from a developer (especially when a well known dev already spent more work creating another version of the same ROM). So this should be even harder for them to do right? And honestly, why anyone sees this thread as a forceful obligation for someone to fulfill the request is beyond me.
Very productive and helpful posts everyone. Great job at showing how supportive XDA has become...
You do realize pulling the rom.zip from an RUU takes about 2 minutes to accomplish, including the time it takes to google the "how-to". But you would rather bother a dev to do it for you, adding the trouble of having to wait the 20+ minutes to upload the 350MB file to waste precious personal server space for a single person's downloading convenience. A 2 minute job turned 30 minutes of someone else's time cus you didn't feel like it. The difference between a good noob and a bad noob: good noob asks how to get roms from RUUs, bad noob tells someone else to do it for them without hesitation.
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open1your1eyes0 said:
Wow guys, well I think I can officially say XDA is no longer the same site I thought it was....
FYI, I had already done the posted method no problem. The only reason I made this thread was in an effort to request if a developer (of which I am not) could create a simple ROM that would help other newbies out and make it an easy one-flash task so they don't have to worry. But no, I guess it's a sin to be a newbie now huh? How dare anyone request something so simple from a developer (especially when a well known dev already spent more work creating another version of the same ROM). So this should be even harder for them to do right? And honestly, why anyone sees this thread as a forceful obligation for someone to fulfill the request is beyond me.
Very productive and helpful posts everyone. Great job at showing how supportive XDA has become...
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Oh please, you are defending yourself ex post facto because you were attacked for being shown that if it matters that much to help the new commers you could make what you wanted pretty quickly by following a how-to. If you really want to help them, you could have probably finished the how-to and posted it in the time you took to complain.
It's great to do things for anyone new and I am all for it (which is why in the few months I have been an official member, I have 60+ "thanks," most of which came from answering questions or giving out useful information.
No one is attacking you for wanting to help noobs, but people will call you out when you claim to want to help and are shown, but ignore it anyways. It comes back to the quote:
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
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If all someone said was to google it or do this yourself without telling you how it could be done with links or something then that would be messed up, but they did not. They gave you links in both this thread and the other (the other thread giving you EXACTLY what you requested in a link).
IMHO if you really want to help those you say you want to help, you could create a post in the developer's forum linking to the post that someone gave you in the other topic from rootzwiki. That way they can be pointed in the right direction.

[Completed] (Noob) Note 4 bricked USC (R4) Bricked/stuck ??

I believe a relative attempted to install via oden, A Verizon based module on this phone using odin. I am so unlearned about the android os that I do not know the terminology even to use here. Not complaints but just info, I am now victim to two arsons and thus homeless and rebuilding and so little time this is first chance I have had to post about this in some time.
I am not very adept at finding articles here so would appreciate any help any can provide.
I wish to and will learn all there is to know about Android some time in future and will master most of it except programing.
For now any help with any post or articles or what have you would be appreciated as well as any live help should someone so care to provide
You are welcome to PM or email me as well. [email protected].
If I am allowed to post this, I would consider paid help as well. If not allowed to post any part of this or if in wrong area, please help me correct my actions.
Thank you all in advance.
Gh / Charlie
Gladhatter said:
I believe a relative attempted to install via oden, A Verizon based module on this phone using odin. I am so unlearned about the android os that I do not know the terminology even to use here. Not complaints but just info, I am now victim to two arsons and thus homeless and rebuilding and so little time this is first chance I have had to post about this in some time.
I am not very adept at finding articles here so would appreciate any help any can provide.
I wish to and will learn all there is to know about Android some time in future and will master most of it except programing.
For now any help with any post or articles or what have you would be appreciated as well as any live help should someone so care to provide
You are welcome to PM or email me as well. [email protected].
If I am allowed to post this, I would consider paid help as well. If not allowed to post any part of this or if in wrong area, please help me correct my actions.
Thank you all in advance.
Gh / Charlie
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Here is a thread on returning your device to stock with Odin, http://forum.xda-developers.com/not...mware-firmware-kernel-modem-recovery-t2942937
And as far as wanting to learn about Android and the things found on XDA, my only advice is to read read read. There is a lot of info out there, just search on terms or procedures you are curious about and read through the search results.
For your device, you can start with this thread to learn more about it... http://forum.xda-developers.com/note-4-verizon/general/guide-to-note-4-wip-t2939288
You can ask questions there as well!
Good luck!
Ty, Darth. Sorry for my noobness. I cannot seem to locate in the reccomended thereds, any thing about USCelluar phones or any link to any Rom, Kernal or what ever it is called. I do now know odin was improperly used and possibly a verizon upload was made to the phone and then on panic odin was ran and all possible options tried like flash tlock partition and any other options except pit.
I have not a clue where to start to fix it. I have been reading but if I seen any possible solutions, I missed them. Can someone please point me to some factory iriginal files for the USC NOTE 4 and some knowledge of how to use them? If some other files would work, where verizon or what have you, glad to try that to. The phone in question has never been on line or assigned any phone number since new. Not sure that matters. I do not mind messing it up further or experimenting to learn or help devs if any needed.
I suggest then asking about your device here, http://forum.xda-developers.com/note-4/help/noob-friendly-question-t2866810
But I will tell you... Reading and research is a part of this hobby. Without doing a lot of that, people end up with big problems usually.
Here is the main note 4 section, I recommend reading through some of the sticky threads in the general and Q&A sections. Those are the threads at the top with a thumb tack symbol beside them. :good:
After you've read up and know a little more, then I'd worry about roms and whatnot. And any further questions can be asked in the first thread I linked in this post.
Good luck again!
I am confident in only big solutions. I thank you for your kindness and patience. I am only sorry that I do not know a rom from a kernal or a brick for now. I regret, I am not smart enough as well to follow the links so well or derive from then when I can. I do have unbreakable tenacity however and never lose a war due to it. The outcome for me is obvious but the time frame not so nice to me as I will not have time to read much for some months and now seek a quuick fix for a quick fix of feeling human again, for now. Any advise for a direct link to some adb and fast boot drivers? Seems this may be the sutipn and not odin for now. Seems I need to get what ever the file is called into the phone or files to recover to as mine goes to recovery every time but then losds the bum files it has stired. Would be nice to know how to idenify the files but all in good time.
You will need to ask in the threads provided. Xda Assist is here to help navigate the site, not for support.
If you have no time to read, and want things done quick, then I suggest to you that your heading down a risky path... And your device could suffer.
Also, XDA is a place to learn and share... Without doing your part here, meaning reading, you will have trouble getting people to help.
Thanks, and thread closed.

Rooting my SM-G30V

Hello all!
New to the site and new to android (relatively speaking). For the last 7 years, I have been trapped with Apple and decided to pick up a 2nd line so I can get a rooted android phone. Should have done my research before hand and I will definitely know for next time but after hours of trying to root my S7, found out.... I need to unlock bootloader. Great! Start searching around and I am reading conflicting posts and forums. Some say you can others say you can't. I have seen a post here from about 5 months ago saying it is now possible, however, they provided no information on how to do it. Please excuse my noobness but this is my first attempt at rooting. This phone is a junk phone mainly used for me to screw around with as my real personal phone is still my apple. Can anyone provide help? Is it possible? If so, what steps or anyone have any guides I can go follow? Links and or information would be greatly appreciated!! Been trying all week with no luck.
Is it possible... kind of but its shouldn't be your daily, should you do it based on your noobness... no.
peachpuff said:
Is it possible... kind of but its shouldn't be your daily, should you do it based on your noobness... no.
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Never said this was my daily please read again as this is a junk phone for me to destroy and screw around with. I am a developer so just because I am a noob doesn't mean I am technologically illiterate either This just is something I never looked into before since I have had an apple phone for my personal usage for the last 7 years and it was something I have never been interested in doing until recently. I actually bought this phone with the intention of rooting, however I didn't do my homework as I thought pretty much any android would be able to be rooted.
Thank you for your time to reply though but I did find the thread as it was in a different forum section and I will give that a try.
You my friend have can to the right place. Xda will be your main go to from this point on when it comes to your Android device related Intel needs.
Check this area of the site. It's directed to owners of the Verizon S7 Variant (G930V)
You will find the info you need there to do what your looking for. Be sure that when u are flashing and messing with files that you get firwares/files that are for your particular model and also check build numbers and stuff like that. Do your research before making any attempts at something your unsure of. Ask questions. Community Members will be glad to help.
Have fun and be careful
James.Markham0757 said:
You my friend have can to the right place. Xda will be your main go to from this point on when it comes to your Android device related Intel needs.
Check this area of the site. It's directed to owners of the Verizon S7 Variant (G930V)
You will find the info you need there to do what your looking for. Be sure that when u are flashing and messing with files that you get firwares/files that are for your particular model and also check build numbers and stuff like that. Do your research before making any attempts at something your unsure of. Ask questions. Community Members will be glad to help.
Have fun and be careful
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Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. Cheers man.
ggiaquin16 said:
Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. Cheers man.
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Anytime brotha. I'll see ya over there. I have a (G930V) also but I'm running the (G930U) software as I don't use Verizon as my Cellular Provider.

