Facebook status update straight from google now :) - Wear OS General

Not sure if anyone else has ever thought about this but i have worked up a way to update my facebook status directly from google now on my g watch using tasker and the google search api. So now i just have to say "ok google...facebook post...(anything i say after that gets posted as my status)". Have been thinking about doing this for a while and finally figured it all out last night. What i used to do this was tasker/ google search api/ and autovoice/and a plugin called sendsilentmail. If anyone wants to know the full process i can try to explain it in a post, not sure how many people would be interested in something like that.

I'm definitely interested.

Step 1. Obtain secret facebook email address http://email.about.com/od/Facebook-...Your-Secret-Facebook-Upload-Email-Address.htm
2. Make sure you have Google search api version 1.4 installed. You can get it here https://www.dropbox.com/s/cev1js6f8ddscsm/GoogleSearchAPI.apk?dl=0 Also install sendsilentmail plugin for tasker and autovoice.
3. Import profile (https://www.dropbox.com/s/7dt4u7uq1jpv8r9/Facebook_Post.prf.xml?dl=0) and go into the sendsilentmail plugin in the profile and input your own email for sender address and for "to address" put in secret facebook email address obtained in step 1.
Than save and back out of profile reboot phone. Now just say "ok google...Facebook post ..(say what you want the post to say quickly but clearly) and voila post made to facebook using Google now 
Remember you must be rooted and have xposed framework installed to have this work. If you run into any issues I'll try my best to help.
Will work on seeing if it's possible without root access.


Pause Google 2-step Authentication

Hey guys, so this is a really random question, but here it goes.
A few weeks ago I was flashing some Android ROM and long story short (I can't remember the details, that's the problem), I was on a thread here that guided me to a page in Google's Account Security (it was a legit .Google.com URL, I double checked before clicking it) that allowed me to temporarily disable my Google 2-step Authentication for a few mins. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I have been all over The Googles and cannot find ANY mention of temporarily disabling or pausing the 2-step. But I KNOW I did it! What the heck!! I feel like I'm going crazy (which I cannot completely rule out). Does anyone know what I'm referring to? THANK YOU!!!!
Hey, just in case anyone stops by this thread, I finally found what I was looking for!!
Allow a new application to access your account
As a security precaution, Google may prevent an application from accessing your account if it's the first time we've seen this application sign in to your account, or if it's attempting to sign in from a new location.
If you want to allow an application to access your account:
1. Click the Continue button below
2. Sign in using the application you want to authorize access to your account within the next ten minutes. Google will remember the application after it signs in, and will allow it to access your account in the future as long as it uses the correct password.
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[APP][HOW TO] Chat on Facebook without using Messenger[Various method]

How to send messages on Facebook without installing the messenger app in Android​
Facebook, recently decided to undertake this fairly unpopular practice – while the former decoupled the check-in feature to a whole new app, called Swarm, the latter decided that its users shouldn't be able to chat from the main Facebook app anymore, but make use of the chat head-wielding Messenger instead. The latter has been allegedly gaining market share in favor of its messenger rivals, but isn't forcing it to users the main reason behind this?
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Well, forced things are never highly looked upon and quite a lot of users have expressed their utter displeasure with Facebook for taking the messages away from the main app. If you're one of the distressed Facebook users, rejoice, as a workaround exists that will allow not Messenger, but your main Facebook app to handle your messages. Of course, you can always go to the mobile version of Facebook and access your messages from there, but a lot of users probably prefer to delve into one of the most popular social networks through the dedicated app.
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We'll show you the ropes on how to do this, but you should have in mind that this method only works for some users. Facebook will surely find another way to force Messenger upon them in the foreseeable future, but for the time being, at least some of the users of the social network get to do things their way.
So here it goes with the method 1.)
A quick guide for those who want to use Facebook messages without downloading facebook messenger.
Step 1
Uninstall Facebook messenger (if you have it installed)
Step 2
Make sure you have Unknown sources enabled from device settings
Step 3
Install the attached apk (hello world application) or create a new (empty) android project with the package name com.facebook.orca
As long as the only validation that the facebook app does is checking to find if an app with package name com.facebook.orca is installed on the phone this should work
Thanks to @nemoc 23 For his guide
I'll attach the Messenger.apk in the attachment too.you can download from there too
Method 2.) [For Non-Rooted Device]
Make sure you have Facebook official app already installed in your smartphone (no need to root), and if the Facebook app is not allowing you to chat with your friends, then try to download the Facebook messenger initially from Google play store, here is the tricky part, before completing the download (100%) cancel the downloading of Facebook messenger (make sure it’s not installing) and yeah, you are ready to use the official Facebook app again to chat with your friends, give a try and tell us if it’s working for you or not!
Method 3).[For rooted device]
STEP 1: Download the official Facebook Messenger App from Play Store.
STEP 3: Open Titanium Backup and give it ROOT privileges. Scroll down to Messenger App
STEP 4: Select the Messenger App which will result in a dialog box to open up. Hit the “FREEZE” button which will freeze the application eventually.
STEP 5: Once the app is freezed it will be highlighted in blue tint color.
STEP 6: Now open the Facebook App and go to the Messages section of it.
STEP 7: Choose the person you want to chat with and you are good to go!
Enjoy the freedom until it lasts! Feel free to let us know if there are any other method and we will update this post with those methods too!
Thanks mate for sharing these methods. It is really helpful but anyway I prefer to use messenger since it has more features
Thanks For sharing all the methods man
The messenger.apk really worked well :good:
Works as advertised! Cheers mate.
One month before...
Inviato dal mio GT-I9505
Very good a very needy one too

IMAP syncing problem with gmail from cyanogenMod 12 mail client

I installed CyanogenMod 12 on my 1st generation Moto G. The IMAP settings for gmail are pretty clear from the web: http://oit.ncsu.edu/email/google-email-mobile-phones-android-os http://support.google.com/mail/answer/114408
However, I don't want auto sync, so I set it to Never. I want to sync manually. I haven't been able to find online how to initiate a manual sync. I do know that whenever I go to a box other than Inbox (e.g., Sent box), I see the one email I ever sent from the smartphone, and the spinning wheel that ever seems to stop. If I go into Trash, I see the one message I ever deleted from the phone, and the perpetually spinning wheel. I thought that they were the local Sent and Trash, so I tried to look in [Gmail], but an Internal Error (which I reported via the appropriately marked button) and the spinning wheel.
Is there a way to manually initiate a sync? What can I do to troubleshoot the Internal Error? I haven't been able to find anything like this on Google, but I'm not sure if I'm searching the right terms. It would help if someone could explain whether the email client is an Android app or a CM special app.
Have you ever found a solution to this?
Ibuprophen said:
Have you ever found a solution to this?
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No. I just use the webmail interface.

[APP][4.4+][ROOT] Contacts Sync - sync your address book contacts

WARNING: This app requires a rooted device. It's recommended to backup your contacts before using it. I personally recommend backup to Google account, as it offers to undo changes easily, and I think it backup even photos quite well.
Seeing that the only app that allows to sync your contacts photos is SyncMe, yet it can't sync with WhatsApp (and there is a good reason for this), I've decided to create this app.
What this app does
Its purpose is to sync your contacts photos on the address book with those on WhatsApp.
APK mirror:
Requirements and permissions explanation
WhatsApp app being installed and working well. Tested on version 2.16.306 (build 451445).
A rooted device/emulator. It is needed for getting the HQ contacts images, for auto-granting the other permissions, and for the automation of the entire process.
Internet connection - allows WhatsApp to download the photos. Don't have any app to download stuff in the background. Otherwise it might fail to get the images in one way or another.
Contacts permissions - the app needs to modify your contacts...
Phone and usage-access permissions, so that the app could monitor WhatsApp Internet activity.
Draw on top permission- for allowing to halt the process, and for staying on portrait mode during the process.
Isn't there a non-rooted version?
It is highly possible that I can make one. I started by using accessibility service to handle the automation, and I made it work for a single contact that has a photo.
It will take a long time till I can finish it, but it was a step in the right direction.
However, sadly, Google has recently warned all apps that use accessibility service for purposes that are not for disabled users (many articles about it, including here, here and here) , so for now this work is on hold, till I find out what is really going on.
They might remove the app or even my own Google account, according to these articles. I do not want to take this risk, after so much time working on it.
That being said, I might put here on XDA the app some day. Will take some time though. I may have made progress, but I didn't handle everything that needs to be handled.
In any case, this app is only for rooted devices. If I have non-rooted solution, I might need to make a new app for it.
EDIT: later Google added a form and a policy team to handle accessibility, but it's so messy that it might mean the whole work on such a thing would go away. You can read about my experience of this here. Very frustrating, but I still wish to try it out some day.
A good Internet connection
Android 5.0 and above
Have all contacts saved into Google.
How it works
It currently only has 3 simple steps:
- grant permissions (needed only once).
- fetch photos by first checking which are new and then go over each of them.
- sync the photos.
All phases are easy to go by (just press a single button) , and are all automatic and based on things any power user can do anyway, given enough time and patience.
The last step can even be done in the background if you wish.
Do note that as it highly depends on how WhatsApp works, it is possible that one day a new version of WhatsApp will change too much, that it won't work.
If you've found any bug, please let me know.
Why no fully automatic background sync?
This is a bit problematic because :
it works in the foreground, and not the background
if you have a lock screen, the app will need to bypass it, which might be an issue.
it emulates touch operations, so if you are not aware of what's going on, it might have some risks in using it in the background
That being said, you can enable the scheduler feature that will schedule a check if it seems there are new updates that you can sync.
This operation is so efficient that it doesn't require Internet connection and you can safely set it to run every day without worrying about the battery. Just remember to let the app have root access and contacts permission.
Would it work with modded WhatsApp ?
Maybe, as long as the package name of it is the same as the official one (meaning "com.whatsapp"). Last time I checked the GBWhatsapp app (available here, called "GBWAPlus"), it worked fine with it.
Might not work in the future or on other mods.
Why not support more chatting apps? Telegram? Messenger? Viber? Skype? ...
I've spent an entire week finding what can be done with each of the top chatting apps, and failed to find a way to work with them.
Even Telegram, which is supposed to be open sourced, was found too complex to work with, and even if I did manage to work with it, its terms are that my app should be a chatting app too, with all of the basic features of a chatting app.
This will all take so much more time that I can afford for a spare time app, and it's out of the scope for the app to be a chatting app, just to sync photos.
The app says I don't have contacts. How come?
You probably didn't let it to sync with your address book yet. Let it have the permission it needs (mainly Contacts permission), and then run it, then run my app.
If all fail, uninstall and re-install both apps, and grant the needed permission to both, and then run my app.
The app used to work before I've switched to a new ROM, and now it doesn't. How come?
Some ROMs mess with how Android handles contacts on the address book. I have no idea why and I have no idea in which way, so sadly I have nothing to do about it other than recommend using better ROMs...
The app fails to sync contacts or crashes even before. How come?
There are some issues related to address book that are out of this app's scope and responsibility.
Here are some possible workarounds:
1. Try to clear data of WhatsApp, of Contacts Storage , of Contacts, restart device, open your Contacts app, let it sync with the address book for some time. Then Try my app again.
2. One user wrote this:
may be suggest him the way it works for me,export contacts from phone to vcf file,delete contacts from hone,through web, import vcf file to google,through phone sync contacts to google,through phone sync contacts to whatsapp, sync photos with your app
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3. Another solution someone wrote is that clearing the data of "com.android.providers.contacts" package name and restart of the OS fixed it.
4. Some users say the app doesn't sync their contacts. I'm still investigating this issue, but for now, you can try to convert all your contacts to be on Google account. Some users said it helped, and some said that moving to another rom helped. Sorry if the app doesn't work for you even after those actions. Hope to find the reason for this.
One user said this helped: backup contacts to vcf file. delete all contacts. Import vcf file in web browser into Google account. Let it sync on device. Use the app.
I have "parallel apps" feature (AKA "cloning" of apps) on my phone , allowing multiple instances of apps. Why can't this app work well when it's turned on?
This feature that some devices have is not native Android feature and can cause real issues and break things. Sadly I couldn't find a way to overcome it (wrote about this here)https://stackoverflow.com/q/49930676/878126. It even doesn't work well in general, not allowing you to put widgets of the second one. Same goes for sharing. Please disable it before syncing using my app. Instead of this cloning feature, you could just use both WhatsApp and WhasAppBusiness.
Tested devices and Android versions
Nexus 5X with Android 6.0.1 , Android 7.0 and Android 7.1.1.
HTC One M8 with stock Android 5.0.2
Nexus 6P Android 7.1.1 DP1
asus zenfone 2 lazer (ze550kl) 6.0.1 stock
Moto G3 with 7.0
Nexus 5 with CM13 (Android 6.0.1).
and more...
App translation
Beta testing
Links for the beta testing group:
- https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.lb.contacts_sync
Privacy policy ?
Written on this post.
XDA:DevDB Information
Contacts Sync, App for the Apps & Games
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2016-11-27
Last Updated 2017-01-04
Privacy policy for "Contacts Sync" app
I do not store anything of your device on any server. I don't even have or need a server for this app to function.
Everything this app does, it does locally on your own device.
All that is used is by/for ads of third party companies:
Can run more than 1 app clone for same aplication?
FabioAreia said:
Can run more than 1 app clone for same aplication?
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I don't understand the question.
The app just syncs your contacts photos, with those that are on WhatsApp.
Wrong thread. Sorry
Enviado do meu Vodafone Smart ultra 6 através de Tapatalk
FabioAreia said:
Wrong thread. Sorry
Enviado do meu Vodafone Smart ultra 6 através de Tapatalk
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Can you delete the posts then?
If so, how do I do it too? I don't know ...
Updated version. What's new:
1. Fixed super user permissions granting issues.
2. Tweaked fetch images phase by using a safer (yet sadly slower) method. Hopefully will not miss any image now.
3. While fetching images, prevents screen from being automatically turned off, so that it won't fail later.
EDIT: I think I know why the app won't sync with some contacts. This happens in the case of a lot of contacts. I will have to fix this.
Updated version.
What's new:
1. Fixed issue of missing images.
2. Massive speed improvement of syncing phase. On some devices you won't even believe it did anything.
3. From now on, only new images will sync. This is another improvement in terms of efficiency.
No 4.4 compatibility?
Enviado desde mi SM-N910F mediante Tapatalk
david6910 said:
No 4.4 compatibility?
Enviado desde mi SM-N910F mediante Tapatalk
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What do you mean? It doesn't work on your 4.4 device?
Does this sync pictures to google account, so I only have to do the sync once and then the pictures are stored to Google contacts in web?
stunned said:
Does this sync pictures to google account, so I only have to do the sync once and then the pictures are stored to Google contacts in web?
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Short answer is yes, but ...
It syncs with all your contacts, whether they are in Google or on the device.
If they are Google contacts, the photos will also be saved on Google's servers.
However, Google tends to save only low quality images, so I think that if, for example, you do a factory reset and get the contacts back, the photos you will have from Google will have low quality.
This is what I saw last time I checked it, using SyncMe app (which I also still use to sync my contacts) , but maybe it changed, because it was a long time ago.
Worked great for me, finally nice work. Any donate button around here? Can't wait to see future improvement for maybe updating just one contact.
Saved my time, great tool ty.
biglo said:
Worked great for me, finally nice work. Any donate button around here? Can't wait to see future improvement for maybe updating just one contact.
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I'm not sure if I should publish this app on the Play store, so donating is not possible at the moment.
Share the app instead.
Or, try my other app, here.
BTW, there is no update mechanism, so I'd like to know how to add "follow project" for users here, so that they will get a notification on the forum whenever there is a new update.
Anyone knows how to do it?
Okdemir said:
Saved my time, great tool ty.
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Thank you. Can you please share which device and Android version you've tried it on?
AndroidDeveloperLB said:
Thank you. Can you please share which device and Android version you've tried it on?
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Ofc, i have rooted marshmallow stock rom of asus zenfone 2 lazer (ze550kl)
Okdemir said:
Ofc, i have rooted marshmallow stock rom of asus zenfone 2 lazer (ze550kl)
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Nice. Thanks.
AndroidDeveloperLB said:
I'm not sure if I should publish this app on the Play store, so donating is not possible at the moment.
Share the app instead.
Or, try my other app, here.
BTW, there is no update mechanism, so I'd like to know how to add "follow project" for users here, so that they will get a notification on the forum whenever there is a new update.
Anyone knows how to do it?
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Ok I don't have any knowledge on that updating feature, i thought you would have setup a PayPal account for donations.
biglo said:
Ok I don't have any knowledge on that updating feature, i thought you would have setup a PayPal account for donations.
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That's ok. You can share the app and also try my other app (there you can donate if you wish).

Website that tell us if apps need GMS for push notifications

Hello, I come here after some check on the internet, I saw a website where you could enter the name of an application to know if the app need GMS to work and/or give push notification
Since I use grapheneOS for a little time I would like to know if there is apps that I can use (like snapchat, facebook messenger or else), I can't remember the name of this website but it was done with bootstrap, else does someone know an alternative where I can verify for that?
Thank you very much

