Cooling Fan noise? - Shield Q&A

I just got my Shield tonight! I must say it's a fun device.
I have a few non responsive apps, but if I launch again (games) they'll run fine.
I tried borderlands 2 for pc stremaing and that went just fine.
My biggest gripe? I played with it for 2 hours, then charged it for 2 hours...
fire it up and play some random games for 10 minutes, I start hearing the fine whine. NOTABLY audible . Almost as if it's borderline going to start dying anytime.
Perhaps such a really small fan makes this noise? (I just got it, how do I know what's normal?)
Can i get some other users experiences? Perhaps my fan is on death row. Manu defects do happen. who knows.
Thanks for followup.

I have heard my fan but only because it was blowing hard, so like wind noise. I have not heard a whine or any mechanical sound from it yet.

The fan in my Shield is pretty quiet, even when playing games I can't really hear it unless I put the exhaust port right up to an ear.
Sounds like you got a faulty device, bummer.
I've seen the Shield teardown today that iFixit posted, looks like Nvidia used one of those cheap and crappy Delta Electronics fans. I bought a pretty nice weed vape a year or so ago that came with a similar-looking internal fan from the same manufacturer, and it started making a loud whining noise and failed within a week. Luckily I was able to get a fan just like it online and replace it, but not without some soldering first! This fan still works a year later. Seems like those Delta fans are a crapshoot.

When I put the fan up to my ear, I would hear a wining sound. Other than that its pretty quiet and you should make sure, if your fan is broken, or slightly damaged, not to play intense games for long periods of time it might damage the internal components.

ChrisFirerabbit said:
When I put the fan up to my ear, I would hear a wining sound. Other than that its pretty quiet and you should make sure, if your fan is broken, or slightly damaged, not to play intense games for long periods of time it might damage the internal components.
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I noticed the sound too but it was from a different cable and was plugged into my pc. when using the nvidia charger and cable it doesnt make a sound.


[Q] No replacement for Advantage?

Has it been officially announced that HTC has cancelled the long-delayed Thoth, which was previously touted as the replacement for the Advantage?
Where would/will that leave us devoted big screen, mobile phone/pocket pc users?
I think the Thoth turned out to be the Leo.
I shouldn't worry - the Advantage was a tablet way ahead of its time. The market is opening up rapidly, and possibly the closest thing is the Dell Streak. Don't expect to find a WM 6.x OS on any of the new gadgets though!
I will probably replace my x7510 with a Dell Streak or a Motorola Droid X.
Whatever is available first in the Netherlands.
Although this set of problems makes me doubt about the Dell streak:
I had to sell mine, massive problems. I had a Dell Streak US AT&T version and I used it for a couple weeks before losing patience with it and selling it.
To list some massive problems.
1-It was almost unusable as a Speakerphone as it crackled at high volume and often was totally garbled, on the other end callers stated I sounded like I was speaking with a paper in front of my mouth.
2-Music also crackled every so slightly on high. As if the speaker was blown or complete garbage quality. This phone was new.. not 9years old.
3-Battery life didn't get past 4-5hours of use. Some online reviews state it gets better after 4-5 full charge cycles but I didn't see that.
4-Also when receiving a call the screen flashes, so you had to catch the Answer button in between flashes. This was very irritating.
5-The phone becomes unresponsive sometimes after you've just placed a call.. So it doesn't register your END CALL keypress.. so numerous times I ended up leaving whitespace voicemails on peoples machines since my Dell Streak wouldn't register end call.... it eventually allows you but what the hell ???
6-The ear slit was so small it's ridiculous, You have to perfectly place it over your ear or you'll not hear anything, it is a fraction the size of an iPhone ear speaker slit and I can't fathom why. The phone has a massive footprint. Also the ear slit edges are sharper than they should be, I could feel a cutting sensation on my ear whilst trying to find the perfect position over my ear.
7-Because you're pressing the phone to your head so unnaturally the Streak registers your cheek as key presses and does cool stuff like mute your call etc.
8-The native Dell keyboard is extremely poorly designed, using a third party keyboard such as Swype or Swiftkey was the only way to make text input manageable on the Streak. I've a very large hand as I'm 6'2. I can't imagine the reach difficulties those with smaller hands would face attempting to reach over the numeric keypad in landscape mode. Yes try reaching over all that way on the keyboard and not pressing the menu/function keys that run across the right of the phone while in landscape.
9-The proprietary docking cable drove me mad, especially since the device needed to charge so frequently. Why Dell couldn't opt for a micro-usb along side with their 30pin I can't understand. So anybody thinking of purchasing this better get extra charging cables for your car, office, bathroom, etc
10-It may be a limitation of Android 1.6 but not being able to copy text from a webpage is frustrating.
11-The phone is finished in a sort of material that isn't exactly anti-slip or easy to hold onto. This wouldn't matter if you could easily handle the phone, but again with larger than average hands I was constantly concerned it would slip out of my hand and fall to its end.
12-The volume keys aren't in the same direction for music and for call volume if I recall correctly, this was another quirk.
13-There's some issue with menu's and screen prompts being too narrow. With a massive 5inch screen I again don't understand why menu items are so slender resulting in frequent mis-presses or repeat presses. The menu across the top is prime example.
14-The speaker is on the back.. so go ahead, set down your 5inch Dell streak to watch a video.. oh wait.. the sound just became muffled and almost inaudible. Yes you better pick it up and hold it just right so not to cover the speaker. Same goes for the speakerphone, you better keep the phone elevated. Again, design flaw, there is tons of underutilized space across the top and bottom of the phone where speakers could have been placed.
There is likely some issues that I can't recall at the moment, but on the plus side.
1- the phone itself in handset mode had good quality voice calls. ONLY in handset, as speaker was beyond rubbish.
2-reception was good. I was on Rogers 3G 850mHz and had no issues at all.
3-Android made the world of difference, allowing you to download third party apps and do things like connect over wifi to a internal network to copy media/music files directly over to the Dell Streaks memory card.
4-5inches of real estate were great. Made browsing very pleasant.
I realize Dell isn't an experienced mobile phone manufacturer. Perhaps a wee bit more work into this product and they'd have brought to market a very decent device. Sadly the issues are likely far too great to simply overlook as quirks.
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wow, that is a damning criticism of the Streak, I was thinking of getting one, but I'll hold onto my money for the moment.
Actually, I am still pleased with using the Advantage as a tablet/PDA for the moment. Let's wait and see what happens with Windows Phone 7 before rushing into anything.
the Athena is an excellent phone, it just too bad that it runs on window.
some times the huge 5" size is quite annoying the pockets, but i love all the feature of the phone.
if we could only get Android working 100%

Asus & CEO Jonny Shih's "Hard Way"

I have been considering posting this for some time, and a couple of posts I saw in the past few days convinced me it's time. After seeing Asus CEO Jonny Shih showing off a "Pre-Production" Transformer Prime to Walt Mossberg last fall, I was one of the customers... scratch that... "suckers" who sold my Asus Transformer - the original, and waited patiently for the Prime. After the horrendous "roll out" wherein Best Buy oversold their pre-orders, Amazon dropped pre-orders and canceled hundreds more, I finally got my Prime. You know the rest, so I won't go into what a huge disappointment and letdown that became, but the worst part? Asus showing off the "fixed" product 3 weeks later, in the form of the Infinity. Then lying and claiming it was NOT the replacement for the Prime, but another BETTER Flagship. I challenge ANYONE to show me where I can still order or by a Prime in the US. (and don't bother showing me URL's with old stock for sale.)
Fast forward almost 1 year from when I sold my TF101, 8 months from the arrival of my sub-Prime and now I actually HAVE an Infinity (some of us are just gluttons for punishment, it seems) Anyway, I FINALLY found out what is at the root of the issues with this polarizing piece of hardware. How is it that something can have such an aura and presence and "quality" in terms of materials, and yet have defects, (light bleed, screen creak & separation etc. ) performance issues (I/O)
If you got to Asus Web Site and visit the section dedicated to the Transformer Pad Infinity. there are a couple of stylistic videos along the lines of "The making of the Transformer Infinity" showing some of the concepts, and engineering that contributed to the design. First, here is the "shpeel"
"While the specs of the tablet are hardly a surprise, it is the level of craftsmanship which impresses. An aluminum forging process, normally found in the aviation industry has been used to compress the metal of the tablet. A molding of the plastic parts with the metal at nano level has lead to the lack of any screws on the slate’s body. And of course, Corning Gorilla Glass 2 is protecting that precious screen at the device’s front."
In the second of two videos on this page:
Titled: "The Next Transformation", one of the engineers says Asus CEO Jonny came up with the concept of "The Hard Way" - THIS is the root of the evil that inflicts ASUS tablets. The concept is to "come up with something that is worth doing, but challenging to accomplish, instead of choosing the easy path to success"
As noble as that sounds, it's plain stupid. WHY would atech company want to do things, build things, design things "The hard way" The build quality of the Infinity is the number one example of how this concept just DOES NOT WORK. The design is too difficult to build consistently. Sure they look awesome, feel solid, and are thin as insert your favorite anorexic chick here, but witness the defect rate. Oh wait... we don't KNOW what the defect rate is. Guess what? I believe It's pretty high. Samsung, with all their plasticiky products, that often look and feel cheap at least has a very good record of build consistency and few defective units.
Witness, I exchanged my Infinity 8 times. Yes, I know that's a ridiculous number, and I know you are thinking: this guy is all OCD, and picking on every tiny little quirk or issue. Maybe. I will grant that I am somewhat OCD, a bit of a perfectionist, but I still consider myself a reasonable person, and not over the top insanely picky. Here's why I returned 7 tablets, so you can decide for yourself:
First, every single one had a defect of some type, some minor, some cosmetic, but NOT ONE was defect free. At first I thought it was bad luck, but by exchange number 4 I KNEW there was some underlying issue; based on serial #'s it was NOTa particular "run" - In fact, I am now100% convinced that these are so difficult to build, that Asus is basically INCAPABLE of building even ONE without some issue. Over the 8 Tablets, I saw (sometime in combinations, but usually one issue per tablet. Ultimately, I ended up keeping one that had an "acceptable level" of issues. You know, like the Dead Pixel" policies companies use? This was "defect issues that are acceptable.
* Screen Back-light Bleed 6 of 8 tablets had noticeable and significant Light-bleed.
* Scratches, dents etc. Only 2 affected, one VERY minor (I almost kept it, until I saw the screen was also coming out of the frame mid-way across the top in landscape orientation) It had a tiny dent, and a tiny "shiny spot" where the anodized gray coating was missing- about the size of a pin head. The other one had a noticeable scratch from the plastic strip on a diagonal, about 1.5 inches long, and had chips out of the plastic strip where it joins to the metal back. Asus claims to us some type of Nano-molding technology to bind plastic and metal. I guess it failed on that one.
* Glass seperating or "Coming out" of the frame. This took the form of the glass being extremely warped, so much so, that I was concerned it would ultimately crack or shatter, as Gorilla Glass 2 is suppossedly thinner than the original, and just as strong, but under a constant stress, and temperature changes? I suspect that is how the "mystery screen breakage" occurs, when people have them docked, then open the tablet to see a broken screen. (Prime had a bunch of these stories, i have only seen a couple on the Infinity, but I suspect it could be worse, as there is no bonded strip around the outside, just a metal back with bent edges to hold the screen, and Lots of reports of screen separation.
TWICE along the way, I though I was all set. The first time, it was the screen warped and coming out of the fram I described above. Even though it worked perfectly, I was seriously afraid it would get worse, or shatter. If it got worse, i would have to shudder RMA the tablet. I went through that once. Never again, is all i can say on the subject. The other one was also really good... cosmetically very nice (by the way, the brushed circular pattern they apply to these is VERY inconsistent. I have seen huge variation on this, with some looking really nice, and some having inconsistent (there's that WORD AGAIN!) finishes, with deeper brush marks in "stripes" across the back, and others being smooth and super shiny.
The LOGO Cut - Done with a Laser? That's the only way I could conceive that they could precisely cut the back in a pattern to fit the Asus logo and have it inset into the aluminum. 2 of my exchanges had a ridiculously mis-cut back, and the logo was coming up, and the cut out was so sharp it would cut your hand easily - my daughter ended up bleeding onto the tablet, so that one went back. They other I was keeping, but failed some other way- I forget how now after all these tablets.
Number 7 was a keeper... I thought. It koooked PERFECT. Beautiful, They pretiest Infinity I ever had. But the Wifi was all over the place, and slow. I was seing 10 Mbit, maybe 12 Mbit speeds. then dropping to 3-5 Mbit. (Others I had would do 20+ Mbit every time, no matter when or how often you tested them. Some hit 30+ Anyway, all of a sudden I remembered the infamous "Pogo Pins" from the Prime, and I sueezed the tablet along the top edge. Not only did it IMEDIATELY shoot straight up to 30 Mbit, but the top left where I squeezed made a super loud creaking, and the screen deviated by a whole lot. You could SEE it moving in relation to the frame, with a loud creak and a clicking sound... great... there goes another one! (#7 - the last one I returned. And Best Buy had to pass it around so they could ALL give it a nice squeeze. Thanks Mr. Whipple!
Ripple effect (I would NOT return a tablet for this, but when it is present, but it looks noticeably less quality than ones that do not display this issue. It looks like several dozen tiny ripples running the length of the tablet, and in bright light it is obvious if you have this. Not all do, and some have no ripples at all.
Volume and power buttons are total crap. Some click and have a detent, others just "mush"
I mean, is this the price we must pay for all that sexy aluminum? This kind of "Delorean Motors build quality"? Hey! They DO sort of look like the Delorean, now that I think about it!
So this is my list. Do you have any of these:
1 Dents, divots or chips out of the metal.
2. Chips out of the plactic strip.
3. Spots where the anodized color is missing.
4. Glass that is rising above the frame, is notably warped (hold it level under some light, and look across the top. If it looks like a brezzy day on the lake, I would not feel too good about it.)
5. Poor application of the "Circular" pattern.
6. Poor laser cut of recessed Logo area. (including sharp metal edges)
7. Poor or failing Power buttons and Volume buttons.
8. Scratches of all types (on a factory sealed box)
9. Creeks, squeaks, Clucking, Clunking, Popping sounds when you squeeze the glass at the border.
That's mostly it for the Physical stuff on the tablet... It IS a beautiful tablet. I just think it's too difficult to build consistently well.
One final gripe: The Power Supply, same design since TF101, and really poor.
Poor grounding of power supply - feel that nice "tickle" when you run your fingers along the metal while on the charger? The Prime would only do this when the plug as oriented one way, switch it around and it stopped. The infinity does it on both polarities. How can they sell it like that? By the way, some are worse than others, I know, I have sampled enough. This is unacceptable.
If they could make these consistently well, there is a very short wishlist I would like to see filled:
* Better memory bus design. I am not sure this is entirely Asus fault, or if some falls on Nvidia, with the single channel memory controller, or whatever it is about Asus Tablet memory architecture ALL Asus tablets have some degree of IO issues - I know the Nexus 7 has I/O issues, though not as bad, but there ARE other Tegra 3 designs that are not plagued with this issue.
* Separate Bluetooth / Wifi chips. or at LEAST a 5 Ghz WiFi...Come ON! The iPAD 1 had 5 Ghz, as does EVERY Samsung Tablet.
* Better Buttons
* Micro USB Port on Tablet
* Real Stereo Speakers, preferably pointing at the user, on Keyboard would be the logical place (if that proves difficult, PERFECT: Jonny Shih's people will be ecstatic!)
Finally: STOP saying: "Dock attached: Use Keyboard to type WORDS" What the heck else are you going to use it for, sending morse code?
Poor I/O - Design of memory bus
Combined (cheap) WiFi/Bluetooth chipset - Thus the poor wifi when Bluetooth streaming.
No 5 Ghz Wifi (
Poor fit of the Primes Dock - Oh yeah, Asus has a blurb saying the TF201 dock is incompatible with TF700, but not the opposite. meanwhile, those videos I mentioned on Asus site? One of the goes on about how they spent a lot of time balancing the tablet to "make it work better in the TF201 Dock" Then they go and repackage Prime docks and charge a premium for them.
There... now I got all that off my chest. Can't WAIT for Jelly Bean!
......waaaaaaaaay to long of a post....
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T
A good post. Agree 100% with all of the problems.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using XDA Premium HD app
It's okay. I returned my tablet 9 times to Best Buy. The last two times I had my gf do it cause I was tired of getting my ID registered to their 3rd party company (The Retail Equation) who handles returns to find fraud. I finally got a good one. On my fourth exchange, I started opening the box right in their store to make sure nothing was wrong. I think it was about 9 exchanges in a total of 3 days.
the first I had was perfect, then I bricked it...
I got another one and it is also perfect, I can't understand you guys.
I had no light bleeding, no cracking sounds, no scratches on the metal, no seperated screen.
Nothing what you write about, not even a bit.
I got my two tablets from Amazon Germany, maybe WW Build quality is just better than US?
Good post!
Very informative and interesting.
I guess I was lucky, having gotten my mitts on one about two weeks before official retail <gnagna>. I can find no fault externally or with the screen, although I do have the same I/O issues everybody else is having, obviously (that's a clear design error).
Good post, had a good laugh -- I hope that JB will flip the coin for us and makes the 700 perform more like it should have out of the box -- though it remains uncertain at best if we will ever have the performance we paid so dearly for...
SmartAs$Phone said:
One final gripe: The Power Supply, same design since TF101, and really poor.
Poor grounding of power supply - feel that nice "tickle" when you run your fingers along the metal while on the charger? The Prime would only do this when the plug as oriented one way, switch it around and it stopped. The infinity does it on both polarities. How can they sell it like that? By the way, some are worse than others, I know, I have sampled enough. This is unacceptable.
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This is truly unacceptable! And you should also add to your list the power supply noise, it is very annoying sometimes.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app
I must be lucky, all i have is a little light bleed. My buttons are good and pretty solid feeling, I have a ipad 2 to compare to and after the update this thing flys.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app
I also must be one of the lucky ones.
This thing is perfect in every way.
I loved your post. It is always good to speak your mind.
Agree 100% Exchanged my TF101 7 times, Prime twice and gave up, Tf700 twice (still not happy) and now I'm waiting for the Nexus 10. Done with Asus. And yes, I know Nexuses are built by Asus, but Google holds their feet to fire when it comes to QA.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using XDA Premium HD app
So all you guys who have perfect device Asus just put in two antennas for perfect WiFi Bluetooth connection and faster nand chip so no more sloppy io performance? Interesting..
I got ww model and I can't believe why Asus decided to save maybe 10$ there.
Apart from my 3 hot Pixels seems that no problems.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using XDA Premium HD app
I'm pretty lucky too compared to some of you. I bought mine off of Amazon and its been absolutely perfect! I also got the dock + splashtop = lots of funny looks when docking and undocking while using window in class
I've only had mine a week now, but agree with others, mine is great! I had my Transformer Prime for 7 months. I never did an RMA or anything. Other than a poorly functioning GPS and a slightly weak WIFI signal, the TPrime was great. I'm expecting the same with the Infinity, and as I said, so far, just great!
Sorry, but I just don't understand returning a product 7 or 9 times. I look at technology this way: there's bound to be a few glitches here and there. I've grown to accept that and live with them. Now, obviously I admit there are certain hardware failures and other issues which shouldn't be accepted in an expensive device. I'm not saying I've never returned anything. I have. It took me two phones to get to a properly functioning Galaxy Nexus phone. Stuff happens, but 9 returns?! I just don't get that.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
SOTK said:
Sorry, but I just don't understand returning a product 7 or 9 times. I look at technology this way: there's bound to be a few glitches here and there. I've grown to accept that and live with them. Now, obviously I admit there are certain hardware failures and other issues which shouldn't be accepted in an expensive device. I'm not saying I've never returned anything. I have. It took me two phones to get to a properly functioning Galaxy Nexus phone. Stuff happens, but 9 returns?! I just don't get that.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I bought a keychain camera for about $40 on ebay (look up 808 cam). I researched the tech, i made sure to find a buyer that reportedly sold what he said (a #16 instead of a re-labled #3) and when i got the product i was generally happy with it. It had a few glitches but i got what i paid for.
When i spend $650 for a tablet and dock, especially when there are other similar quality devices for $100 cheaper, i am expecting to get what i pay for. I paid for perfection. I COULD have gone on ebay and bought a bargian basement tablet for, say, $75, and maybe it would do what it claimed!
The reason we are upset is this:
We were sold a quality product
top of the line specs
from a trusted manufacturer with a history of meticulous perfection
Instead what we recieved was a product with many build issues
imperfect construction
sloppy workmanship
poor design
bad internals
and finally, extremely poor customer service.
Asus had been, in my books, one of the top companies. I would never think twice before buying a laptop or computer from them. Now.... I dont know. I had a prime, i should have learned from that. Now i have an infinity. Not perfect but considering (through a series of fortunate events) it cost me about $250 i can live with that.
Usually, if you have something that was mid-tier and doesnt work perfect you could say "should have bought the top end device", or justify those problems with saying you saved because its not the highest end model.
Well this is the highest end model. The galaxy note 10 comes close but unless you want the pen the infinity is the winner by specs. How can we justify poor quality when we pay top dollar? We cant.
What i dont get is how, after 9 returns, did this person not say "maybe i'd be better off with a tab2.0 or a galaxy note". I am at that point, i really, really love the specs for the infinity on paper, and i love the form factor, i love how light it is, how solid it feels (when its not falling apart), how thin it is, i think its awesome. I dont like how they charge $650 for something that should cost half that with the amount of problems it has.
Let me put it this one other way...
If you went to a car dealership and bought a car off the lot, brand new, never been driven before, and one of the tires was flat. Or one of the break rotors was misaligned, or one of the cylindars was misfiring, or the transmission didnt work, or the breaks were spotty, or the headlights didnt work properly.... if you had ANY problems you would say "hey, this isnt right, its brand new give me one thats perfect." Thats what we want from Asus. We want a tablet that is perfect. Yes, android itself has some quirks, and i can deal with software issues, but hardware issues? Not for my money. No sir!
Sorry for the long post but i, like OP and many others, are ready to throw in the towel with this infernal thing. And dont even get me started on the keyboard dock....
My Infinity was also almost perfect right away i opened the box. Except for the little, little light bleed, everything was OK - HW wise.
SW is another story, but not a part of this discussion I think.
Thank, because this is not really a cheap piece of HW, i handled it very gently.
After almost 3 months of using it, I decided to actually use it for what it is meant. It goes with me wherever I go.
I've been on vacations for 10 days, it goes with me to work and back, currently it is with me on a business trip.
Well well well. A lot of people were reporting detachments, screeches an so on. I never had them. Until now.
Left part of the tablet has started to screech few days ago, also i can feel a detachment.
I am right handed, which means i hold tablet with my left hand, on the left side. As the tablet is pretty heavy you have to hold it pretty hard.
Whenever i pick it up it screetches and i can see the screen "waves" on the left side of the screen.
I am afraid it will get worse. It feels like some day everything will just come apart and i get ending with two piecev of tablet.
Hope not.
This is my experience, and i hate to say, but i am slowly starting to regret this investment.
pileot said:
Asus had been, in my books, one of the top companies. I would never think twice before buying a laptop or computer from them. Now.... I dont know. I had a prime, i should have learned from that. Now i have an infinity. Not perfect but considering (through a series of fortunate events) it cost me about $250 i can live with that.
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I feel the same. Previously I have bought two ASUS laptop I have been satisfied with. But after owning a Infinity for less than 3 moths my LCD suddenly cracked without a scratch on Gorilla Glass and poor ASUS costumer service, I will say no more ASUS.
kabauterman said:
the first I had was perfect, then I bricked it...
I got another one and it is also perfect, I can't understand you guys.
I had no light bleeding, no cracking sounds, no scratches on the metal, no seperated screen.
Nothing what you write about, not even a bit.
I got my two tablets from Amazon Germany, maybe WW Build quality is just better than US?
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Mine is a WW and also zero defects. I had 2 units opened at the store here in Bangkok so I could choose the between the champagne and amethyst and both were fine with no issues.
Do we actually know that the I/O issues are hardware related? The reason I ask is I have a HTC One X with Tegra 3 and no matter how hard I try everything keeps flying smoothly. I can start a ten app update while switching between as many apps as I want without it even breaking a sweat. My vote is for ASUS software being sh*t.
maedox said:
Do we actually know that the I/O issues are hardware related? The reason I ask is I have a HTC One X with Tegra 3 and no matter how hard I try everything keeps flying smoothly. I can start a ten app update while switching between as many apps as I want without it even breaking a sweat. My vote is for ASUS software being sh*t.
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Yeah but HTC didn't choose a cheap NAND drive as Asus did. This is not completely tegra related. Just cheap internals which Asus using.
Same goes with the wifi speed dropping when using bluetooth. Those bastards have the same antenna for both wifi and bluetooth and not even supporting 5ghz signal. So lame. I think the price difference for Asus would be something like 10$ but they decided to go cheap on this.
I was seriously considering to opening this up and installing faster NAND and another antenna but unfortunately that would result 100% surely into non working tablet.

Some quick questions to all Surface Owners

Hello guys, I've just bought a shiny new Surface RT and I have a couple of questions to ask you:
- Is there any way of finding out when the tablet was built? On the sticker it says LOT NO 0513, I really don't want it to be one of the first ones to be built, and I'm not sure whether 0513 is 05/13/2013 or 2012
- Is the very very mild screen flicker a common thing? I read around a bit and it seems everyone has this "problem" (it goes away at full brightness though)
- The speakers are decent, but they sound "muffled", kind of semi-distorted. They are not as crisp as I thought. Again, is this a common thing? Are the speakers just that way?
Thank you very much in advance.
BTW, I may sound all OCD, but those "problems" don't really bother me, as long as it's a common thing. I just want to exchange within 8 days so I get another one immediately if I find out one of these problems is an actual defect.
The serial numbers are presumably "serial" but I don't know how to map them to dates. Your 0513 is more likely to be this year than last year, since I'm not even sure if they were in production yet at that time last year and the first runs should already have been purchased long ago. It could also just be the 513th production lot, though.
I haven't noticed screen flicker on mine, but I haven't looked for it. It's set on automatic brightness and I don't generally have any problem with it.
The speakers used to produce very nice, but very soft, sound. Microsoft has been tweaking their behavior with firmware updates. They're a lot louder than they used to be, but it's true that the sound quality has suffered somewhat. Is it still a problem if you turn the volume down? Also bear in mind that the speakers point slightly backward; if using the tablet with a wall behind it, or listening from behind, the sound might get clearer.
I've noticed a brightness issue, even when the automatic brightness is off. If I turn the brightness all the way down I can see it.
Congrats! Have fun with it (though I might have said to wait for the new one). The first thing I would recommend to any new owner is disabling Windows Defender, it helps the performance along big-time. Also, the new 8.1 update will make things way smoother, so if you get a little frustrated, just wait for a little (or go for the Beta, which is admittedly a little glitchy ) But yeah, no flicker here, could just be a problem that needs a replacement unfortunately. Oh, and to make everything work better, make sure you have the SkyDrive app on your phone, and SkyDrive on your other computers. I recommend buying a 32 GB SD card (unless you use a ton of memory, then Yu probably know what you want) and using it for all of your libraries, as your internal will fill up pretty fast. Good luck! :good:

Prospects for smart watches

Do you think there is a market intelligence you watch in the future?Can you prospects for smart watches?
Fall Dection : Safety - Answer & Question - Sort of Urgent
abmin said:
Do you think there is a market intelligence you watch in the future?Can you prospects for smart watches?
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Hi, as a noob I apologise if I have posted this in the incorrect place, however, this is both a request for help and a reply to your question.
I have a medical issue causing me to leave the military. Without telling the whole story, in the space of 2 years after coming back from sea, I was wiped out twice on my first and second ZX-6 Ninja (idiot did right hand turn in front of me, second rammed me on my new one at a red light) then I was rammed from behind in my car by an idiot who decided to double the speed limit). Then I was rammed from behind at another red light by an idiot who hit the idiot behind me. Then I was ripped out of the passenger side of my wife's car after coming off the freeway, by another moron who then whacked me in the face twice with a piece of firewood, sending me unconscious. Total 13 surgeries, 2 broken hands, 1 broken arm, 2 broken shoulders, a broken neck, broken knee, broken nose and to top it off I have severe nerve pain in my dominant right hand, and due to meds I have collapsed multiple times and have dislocated my fingers diving off my balcony in my sleep. So to try and get some sort of safety device installed in my house that could detect if I fall DVA suggested a unit that relied on mercury switches, a transceiver, transponder and a physical connection to my home phone total $2000 and a waste of time as the thing goes off every five minutes when you lay down which I do due to constant headaches and migraines, so pretty useless. As a Military Communications Electronics Technician I could have built the thing myself using an arduino and some sensors. So having an iPhone 5 with every sensor under the sun I went searching the Apple App Store. Pointless nothing worked even with my jail broken phone that would run in the background and just activate when needed. So having had multiple android phones and I still have an Asus TF101 (rooted) so I did a search on Google Play and there are half a dozen apps that do exactly what I want (almost). So I grabbed a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, best I could find battery, sensor. Processor and Memory wise. It works a treat, except for 1. When its charging 2. In my backpack whilst I'm on the train (so no one nicks it from me) 3. When I'm driving 4. When I just don't feel like having a massive phone in my pocket and I want to put it down. Keeping in mind I have it in an Otterbox Defender ATM and I am considering getting a ZeroLemon case with 10000mAh battery. So I believe a secondary device wirelessly connected to my perfectly good phone (save for those examples above) which I can use to Stop Alarm Conditions (I am trialling an App called Fade and it is the best so far) when I have the phone away from me (in pocket, in car, backpack etc) now this App 1 Sends an SMS to my wife 2 sends an email to my Carer 3 Dials my wife, opens the circuit, she can hear what's going on if I am moaning or groaning or I'm making a cup of tea. My wife being a cop gets a pretty good response, the last time it was three cops and three ambos kicking me out into consciousness. Now with the selection of watches that are available now, I'm tossing up between the Sony SW2 and the Samsung Gear ( if someone can programme the thing to open a video feed from my wrist it would be awesome). Problem without having them I cannot try them out and figure out which is best.
Now I know there are pendants you can get (I doubt I'm going to have a heart attack and be awake to trigger it) . To me it just makes good sense to have a watch and a phone combination that can give me the security to know that if I collapse whilst looking after my daughter (she's not even 2) then my Carer or my wife can get to my home or have emergency services get here and secure my daughter. Then look after me if I'm still ticking. So that is my answer and question.
If this isn't a bad joke, Wow man ... My jaw is on the floor. What an unlucky streak you had. Well this might be the right time to acquire a new device in the form of a smart wrist device. This week at CES companies are announcing their new devices. LG already announced a wrist band type of a device which also doubles as a watch. The neat thing is with the special headphones it cones with it can monitor your hearth beats as well. checkt it out. Also there will be more smartwatches announced this week. You can just pick one to your liking.
Samsung galaxy gear is nice with all the bells and the whistles but the problem is the battery life. SW2 has less but better battery life. But I believe there will be better devices hopefully very soon.
Sent from my HTC One SV using Tapatalk
DontCopIt said:
Hi, as a noob I apologise if I have posted this in the incorrect place, however, this is both a request for help and a reply to your question.
I have a medical issue causing me to leave the military. Without telling the whole story, in the space of 2 years after coming back from sea, I was wiped out twice on my first and second ZX-6 Ninja (idiot did right hand turn in front of me, second rammed me on my new one at a red light) then I was rammed from behind in my car by an idiot who decided to double the speed limit). Then I was rammed from behind at another red light by an idiot who hit the idiot behind me. Then I was ripped out of the passenger side of my wife's car after coming off the freeway, by another moron who then whacked me in the face twice with a piece of firewood, sending me unconscious. Total 13 surgeries, 2 broken hands, 1 broken arm, 2 broken shoulders, a broken neck, broken knee, broken nose and to top it off I have severe nerve pain in my dominant right hand, and due to meds I have collapsed multiple times and have dislocated my fingers diving off my balcony in my sleep. So to try and get some sort of safety device installed in my house that could detect if I fall DVA suggested a unit that relied on mercury switches, a transceiver, transponder and a physical connection to my home phone total $2000 and a waste of time as the thing goes off every five minutes when you lay down which I do due to constant headaches and migraines, so pretty useless. As a Military Communications Electronics Technician I could have built the thing myself using an arduino and some sensors. So having an iPhone 5 with every sensor under the sun I went searching the Apple App Store. Pointless nothing worked even with my jail broken phone that would run in the background and just activate when needed. So having had multiple android phones and I still have an Asus TF101 (rooted) so I did a search on Google Play and there are half a dozen apps that do exactly what I want (almost). So I grabbed a Samsung Galaxy Note 3, best I could find battery, sensor. Processor and Memory wise. It works a treat, except for 1. When its charging 2. In my backpack whilst I'm on the train (so no one nicks it from me) 3. When I'm driving 4. When I just don't feel like having a massive phone in my pocket and I want to put it down. Keeping in mind I have it in an Otterbox Defender ATM and I am considering getting a ZeroLemon case with 10000mAh battery. So I believe a secondary device wirelessly connected to my perfectly good phone (save for those examples above) which I can use to Stop Alarm Conditions (I am trialling an App called Fade and it is the best so far) when I have the phone away from me (in pocket, in car, backpack etc) now this App 1 Sends an SMS to my wife 2 sends an email to my Carer 3 Dials my wife, opens the circuit, she can hear what's going on if I am moaning or groaning or I'm making a cup of tea. My wife being a cop gets a pretty good response, the last time it was three cops and three ambos kicking me out into consciousness. Now with the selection of watches that are available now, I'm tossing up between the Sony SW2 and the Samsung Gear ( if someone can programme the thing to open a video feed from my wrist it would be awesome). Problem without having them I cannot try them out and figure out which is best.
Now I know there are pendants you can get (I doubt I'm going to have a heart attack and be awake to trigger it) . To me it just makes good sense to have a watch and a phone combination that can give me the security to know that if I collapse whilst looking after my daughter (she's not even 2) then my Carer or my wife can get to my home or have emergency services get here and secure my daughter. Then look after me if I'm still ticking. So that is my answer and question.
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Wow, i thought it was a joke first but i dont know what to say, hope you get better....
Sent from my HTC One SV using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]
Cheers mate appreciate it. Your jaw is on the floor. I think mine is about the only thing I haven't broken. Having said that, I reckon I could write a book based on the last 5 almost 6 years. Trust me, I do not leave the house nowadays without good reason. I have also considered making a video on you tube so I don't have to continue to repeat the entire fiasco to every surgeon and specialist i hive to go to, not to mention lawyers.
Anyways, the Galaxy Gear, would suit my needs I think, that is if I can get "Fade" onto the watch itself. After doing a thorough analysis of everything out there at the moment, the Gear is the only watch I could find with its own accelerometer and gyroscope. Having said that, if that doesn't work it may be a pain to have to learn to code an app for the Gear to do it, firstly not sure if there is an SDK for it, secondly I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to replicate the algorithm that the designer of "Fade" has used.
Oh I also discovered , that the Gear actually does have a vibrate mode. Not one video I have seen or webpage I have been to has save one Youtube video I saw last night. Cannot point you to it because this form is telling me I have had to post 10 posts before it will let me quote URLs.
---------- Post added at 01:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 PM ----------
Pyromancer said:
Wow, i thought it was a joke first but i dont know what to say, hope you get better....
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Thank you. Found out yesterday I am probably having another neck surgery. Find out if I will have another surgery on my shoulder, in a couple of weeks.
And you are right, it does sound like a joke. In the first accident my wife who was pillion landed flat on her face with my Ninja on top of her. I was trying to figure out why I couldn't get the bike off of her to check her vitals. Turned out my right hand was practical sitting where my elbow was. I didn't notice til someone pointed it out. My wife ended up with a strained ankle. I ended up broken everywhere.

Moto Mod Projector - Initial Thoughts

I just got my projector a couple of days ago. It was kinda a splurge purchase cause I didn't *need* it and $250 ain't cheep, but I has some extra Amazon balance that I didn't have designated for anything so I decided to splurge.
First, it's smaller than I expected it. I really expect it to be thicker than the JBL speaker mod, but it isn't. It's smaller... only a touch thicker than the Incipio Battery Pack.
I was a little disappointed by the brightness level... or lack there of... you're not going to be able to use this in a brightly lit room under most situations. Especially if you're looking at video that's somewhat dark itself. However, in a slightly darkened environment it should work just find for bright graphics/video, or in a relatively dark room it doesn't just find for any type of viewing.
Last night I watched an episode of Luke Cage shining on my bedroom ceiling. I had the lights completely out in the room and the picture looked great. The ceiling was probably about 6 feet above my head and I'd estimate the picture was around 40 inches across (so in the range of 50 inches diagonal?). Obviously the pictures is only 480p, so don't expect 4K or even 1080p quality, but honestly it was sharper than I expected and I really couldn't complain at all. Quality looked fine to me.
Audio on the other hand... Now, please take this with a grain of salt because my hearing isn't the greatest. Last time I had my ears checked (which was probably about a 10 years ago) I was just on the bottom edge of the "normal" range, so I'm sure my hearing is even worse now. Anyway, the audio from the phone speaker was questionable at best. I did okay because I was alone in the room with the door closed so there wasn't any outside noise coming in. Plus the speaker was more-or-less pointed at my ear and was only about 2 feet away from me. But any more distance or any level of background noise probably would have made impossible for me to hear clearly. So if you are like me and don't have great hearing, don't expect to be able to play with in a large or slightly noisy room without external speakers or headphones.
Ideally I'd have liked to see an external speaker added to the mod, but I understand there's only so much that can be done. (In case you're wondering the "vent" holes on the mod are for a fan that runs to keep the mod from getting too hot.)
After an hour of watching I'd drained the battery in the projector but didn't see a significant, if any, drop in battery level of the phone.
A few other quick points:
1. The fan is very, very quiet. I didn't hear it running at all when I was watching my episode.
2. The Hinged stand looks to be very nicely built. The hinge has a lot of friction and holds in place where ever you stop it. The mod also has a magnet where the (metal) hinge touches the mod when closed. This helps to keep the stand closed when not in use.
3. There is a USB-C power connector on the projector itself to charge the mod, and it's accessible from the outside (unlike the JBL which is on the "inside" of the mod). This is a nice feature as I'll likely be using headphones when using the mod to watch video. Unfortunately, the placement isn't idea. It's on the opposite side from the lens, which means if you have the stand open more than even a few degrees it prevents a cable from plugging into the mod. Better placement would have been one of the short sides or even on the same side as the lens. Also, it doesn't appear that the mod will charge the phone if you have power plugged in to the mod when connected to the phone. Still testing this, so I might revise this later.
4. I was worried that focusing would be a problem in that when I adjust focus, would I be moving the whole phone and would it then move where it was pointed? I'm please to say the focus wheel turns really smoothly and easily. Very easy to adjust without moving the phone around.
5. Keystone adjustments work GREAT. I moved my phone a bunch and it always did a good job of adjusting the keystone automatically. The only problems it ran into where when I was on the a corner... half on one wall half on another wall or ceiling. That kinda freaked it out, but that's not really a fair test anyway.
If you had any specific questions, feel free to ask away.
do you find yourself using it regularly?
CadillacMike said:
do you find yourself using it regularly?
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Not as much as I thought I might. I have used it a number of times to watch some TV shows and a movie or two, but like I mentioned, it needs to be pretty dark for things to really show up nicely. There has been a couple of times when I thought about using it and couldn't because it was just too bright out.
If you the type of person who like to cast stuff to share with others alot or does lots of presentations this could be useful, but I'm not sure it's worth the price for just the occasional limited use.
I personally have used it for locations where there were no alternatives. I used it for projecting howto's for coping molding on a wall at a rental we were renovating, then projecting a movie during a pizza break in the living room of the same empty rental. I also projected netflix in a condo which had a small tv in an odd location. The projection to the ceiling above a bed is satisfying (twitter NFL stream). I have used it waiting to pick up daughter from band practice. I projected to the sun roof cover of my car (Tan interiors) with great results. Its not something that is life changing, but it is something you could find useful and want to use as much as you can.
The projector screen of the instal-share projector mod turn off randomly whenever mod battery below 20% while z play still has sufficient battery. Does anyone here face the same problem? Is it a bug or hardware problem? I tried to reset the mod by pressing and holding the battery check button for several seconds already but didn't help.
What a funny thread. I'm surprised at the mix of experiences. For me, the projector has been life changing. It gets used daily. I've made it so my bedroom and living room in two houses are capable of being blacked out​ and supporting a 120" projection surface. My TV hardly gets used anymore. I'm now researching some alternative projectors as I would like to be able to play games as well. Basically, this unit spoiled me. I now can't imagine life without screen sizes well in excess of realistic tv offerings.
kelvinhoho said:
The projector screen of the instal-share projector mod turn off randomly whenever mod battery below 20% while z play still has sufficient battery. Does anyone here face the same problem? Is it a bug or hardware problem? I tried to reset the mod by pressing and holding the battery check button for several seconds already but didn't help.
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It's a bug. Now if the phone has less than 20 % then the mod will power off regardless of the power level of the mod
killboredom said:
What a funny thread. I'm surprised at the mix of experiences. For me, the projector has been life changing. It gets used daily. I've made it so my bedroom and living room in two houses are capable of being blacked out​ and supporting a 120" projection surface. My TV hardly gets used anymore. I'm now researching some alternative projectors as I would like to be able to play games as well. Basically, this unit spoiled me. I now can't imagine life without screen sizes well in excess of realistic tv offerings.
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I think if I had a subscription to a streaming service like Netflix I'd use it more... but it's a pain to move files to my phone if I want to watch 'em right now.
On the other hand, I did discover that in my living room (the family TV is in the den, so the living room isn't used much), I can lay on the couch and project really big on the wall at a very comfortable viewing angle, so that's a plus.

