[Q] Stickers like Line??? - Other Tools & General Discussion

Hey Guys.. ill be starting on my 1st iOS app soon.. I need to make stickers for the chatroom of my app... is chatroom allowed on iOS social network apps? I know there are a few like Skout & others... Also Im looking for Stickers? how does one make stickers like LINE.. are they like regular design or there is a certain technology that is behind stickers.. does any1 know some professional developers/designers/company who could make stickers for me.. i need them to look cool & funky!!!
Also very important.. i will be pulling data to my server from 3rd party websites & display it on my app.. is that legal according to the Apple TOS.. some1 said my app wont be approved cuz i wont have authorisation from the respective website owners.. ill only be picking up the schedules of some tv shows.
Sorry for so many questions.. Many thanks in advance..


Start of Framework project (Need Devs)

I am wanting to start a new site that will have all kinds of app frameworks made for people to use and customize as they like.
Here is where it all starts, I have a few sites and clients that have wordpress blogs and they want more than anything to have a simple Android app that just pulls in the rss feed from the site and shows the content. . . . But sad to say I am in no was a dev and cant even make a basic app.
So what I am wanting to do.
I will buy a domain and take care of hosting and work with who ever in on board with this to come up with a design.
After that we/(I hope to learn from this) will start making some basic apps that are easy for people to customize and make work for them.
So all apps will be free for anyone to download and use, we will just ask they let us know so we can add it to the demos page to show what others have been done with our work.
[Q] What will we get out of this?
[A 1] You will be supper supper cool!
[A 2] We will have a paid for part, so if someone is looking for the app we have but knows nothing and want the app to be customized to them we will do the work. We will all site down to go over how the work gets handed out.
[A 3] Helping others and that gets you cool things at X-Mas time!
[A 4] Added work to your portfolio.
As of now I know of 3 apps I would like to makes.
Site page: So it does not pull in any information but kind of acts like a information app that will tell about a company or product
Twitter App: So it will pull in a twitter feed of only one person of band or what ever.
Blog/RSS App: So this will just pull in post from a rss feed and allow people to reed it with out having to go to the site. (I know IBM has one but could not make heads or tails of it)
If this sounds like something you would be willing to do and put time in to send me a PM or email and we can get this started. .
Again I build websites so along with learning how to build app I will take care of all website stuff and working on the SEO of it. But I want a few people on board so we can some up with a
1: name
2: url we all like
3: basic design
4: how things will work
5: see any problems that might come out of this and think ahead
James R
BUMP : Hoping new people see it.
Or is there a project like this out there?
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[Q] Help from app developers

i am looking for help building an app for androids..
i need advise or if someone wants to build the app for us and all credit will go to the developers that help on our web page and radio station, unfortunatly i can't afford to pay anyone but all due credit will go were it is supposed to... including in the app and on the website and radio credits... we will get your name out there!!!
i help run a internet radio station and we are looking into creating an app to stream our radio station...
i hope that i have posted this in the right area...
if you feel you can help us out, please respond to me asap!!!
thank you all for your time...
Media Director
Does it have a streaming website that the app can run off? How nice do you want it?
If you use technology as shoutcast, there already are alot of apps that can play such streams.
You will have to provide more information.
Give as much information as you can in your thread, what you want the app to do, how it should perform, look like etc.
Many moons ago i requested something similar (well i say similar, nothing alike, but an app that did not exist lol) and some kind gent here on xda helped me too
Thank you all for your interest!!!
What i am looking for is very simple... i would like to play the stream from my site... send me a message to get the site... it wont let me post it. with a main background of my site, link to website(opens browser), song title displayed, just as the site does... nothing fancy or complex like splash screens or multiple pages... just a streaming app...
i applogize for not being specific enough but do really apprieate the reply's and interest.. if you feel you can make this you are welcome to stamp your name all over it, to get your name reconized, i will post due credit on the main website as well...
look at the site and let me know what you can do... i can help by testing, i have access to many devices for testing if need be..
[email protected]

Looking for Android Beta Testers - Please Participate!

Hello everybody and thank you for your interest in Beta testing my Android application. My app is called PulseLA and I am attempting to create a social media application that ranks people, food, movies, cars, etc…. for people to share what they love, hate, and always wanted to do… I have not tested this application on many devices and for some this app is getting (sort of smooth) and for others it’s a total disaster! I was hoping to get maybe a group of interested individuals to join my beta team for PulseLA. You do not need to reside in California or Los Angeles to use this app. But I do have more data centralized in L.A. in opposition to the rest of the United States.
Please contact me via E-mail or through this forum and I will send you an APK for install. I would greatly appreciate all comments, suggestions, and questions for further clarification and analysis.
My E-mail – [email protected]
Facebook Fanpage - http://www.facebook.com/PulseCaster
This app is currently on iPhone if you have two phones or an itouch and would like to see a live alpha version of my app. Please search for “PulseLA”. I have not done SEO modifications so you must spell “PulseLA” exact without spaces or you can do a search for “Pulsecaster”.
Thank you everybody!
Here is a direct link to download PulseLA
Thanks for the initial help. I have gone back to development! I will post back a link in the future.
If anybody is curious about how development is going then feel free to PM me or E-mail me. [email protected]
ehm, can i test this ?
got a tab to try it out on
Hi will try it
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Thanks. Sent Pm's with a link to download PulseLA.
If it will be easier I can send it to your e-mail so you can access the APK directly on your Phone/Tablet.
I'll test this out.
Sent from my Droid Incredible using xda premium
Installing now on my AT&T One X
Getting a white screen, when clicking on other tabs the loading animation plays but nothing happens. Clicking camera tab brings up 'create account' page. Notice a flashing 'camera roll' screen before creating account shows. Very iPhone-ish. Star = Favs? Finally loaded. Most of the other tabs don't. Just a lil advise, try to make the app as Android-ish as possible. A lot people hate, hate, hate direct iPhone ports to Android. At least have some sort of ICS elements in it.
P.S. Didnt sign-up.
This is actually the build for android and was not meant to be iPhone ish =[ However, we do need to go back in and redesign the app for better interface. Are there any apps that you think would be a good idea for me to look at to get a better idea of Android interfaces?
In the future the first tab which is feed will not be clickable as it is based on followers. Because you did not sign up for an account it will obviously be empty =] Upon signing up for an account you will randomly follow 5 people.
Loading the Star the first time is very slow. It will go faster on a wifi connection.
The star is a global ranking based on the top categories. If you were to click the Camera button then you could add things your opinion on just about anything based on the categories. *Note these are not working perfect and search is almost useless at this point. So you should be able to look up under category (things) movies, phones, brand names, food, etc...
So far thank you all for initial testing. What I really need some feedback on is whether or not facebook connect works as I've had a lot of problems at this front. Also if you are able to submit a camera pulse (In the app Camera Tab -> Use Camera) as some devices this crashes the app.

Time to change things up

One of the problems I have with today's texting apps is that they are all essentially the same. Sure emoticons and group conversations are fun, but there is limited flexibility with what you can and can not do. For example, why can't we customize text layouts, embed youtube videos into our conversations, etc.
I came up with a solution by creating a basic, elementary texting app without any of the perks. What I want to do is get as much feed back as possible to build out the texting app that people want to use. Once users see that we take their ideas and implement them into the app, they will be more excited to share it with their friends.
So if anyone is interested in creating their own app, download Skoop Messenger in google play and let me know what you think. Check out the Skoop Messenger Facebook page for details.
Not sure I understand what you are proposing
that isn't already handled by email and/or IM?
looks a lot like the other sms/text apps out there already. not sure whats different.
There's a very good reason that they're all essentially the same and that's because of the age old saying -
If it's not broke, don't fix it!
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With generic things like texting, the majority of people don't like change. Texting on phones is nice and simple and if too many features are added, texting will become much harder work than it needs to be.
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I would like to see a talk to text app that actually works good, with the option to talk letters instead of words, another option would be like Xbox 360 where you can leave a voice message or video message, all in the same app, Maybe a way to customize and use a graphic signature instead of a text signature. Changing font of texts or colors, stuff like that I can see being used. Maybe having some music in the background when you are reading or have a text message open. A translater built in to the app, so if someone sends you a message in Chinese, you can press a button and the text then converts in english. Just throwing some ideas out there.
I don't buy into that " if it a broke dont fix it" Where would we be today if we did not constantly look to improve things? Probably in a cave beating each other over the heads with clubs and worshipping fire. This thread was started becuase someone asked for ideas on improving text messaging and all the responses have been anti-productive. Use your imagination people.
Dad D O said:
I don't buy into that " if it a broke dont fix it" Where would we be today if we did not constantly look to improve things? Probably in a cave beating each other over the heads with clubs and worshipping fire. This thread was started becuase someone asked for ideas on improving text messaging and all the responses have been anti-productive. Use your imagination people.
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Mine wasn't anti-productive. It was truthful.
Off-topic - Even if we were still cave people, would that really be a problem? Of course not, because we'd be used to that. Yeah, mankind strides to improve things, but at lot of the time, the situation with this thread included, it's not needed.
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Relax guys.
I have to agree with both. If it's not broken in any way, why fix it - it might cause problems there weren't there in the first place. The main reason something is popiular is because it works. But then again, there's always room for improvement/innovation, right? I mean, that's how we got our devices now.
On topic: i can't find the app.
Sorry for butting in. It's just my opinion.
KidCarter93 said:
Mine wasn't anti-productive. It was truthful.
Off-topic - Even if we were still cave people, would that really be a problem? Of course not, because we'd be used to that. Yeah, mankind strides to improve things, but at lot of the time, the situation with this thread included, it's not needed.
Sent from Sony Xperia S using XDA Premium
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It is not in our nature to be satisfied with something just because it works, lol. Did not meen to take this thread in a different direction just wanted see some creativity. :angel:

for android app developpers

hey , i'm a big fan of artificial intellegence and virtual assisstants and i want to discuss with android apps developpers about some ideas i have about an app that can change the future of android or may be of phones and that can bring millions of dollars ...
mhd 12 said:
hey , i'm a big fan of artificial intellegence and virtual assisstants and i want to discuss with android apps developpers about some ideas i have about an app that can change the future of android or may be of phones and that can bring millions of dollars ...
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Please tell your idea here! Otherwise read forum rules #11 and #12 again.
well i'm not trying to sell anything and i hope someone can help making my idea come to live ...
i'm interested in artificial intelligence and how in every part of our life smart machines existed , why we don't create a chat bot like cortana or siri or google assistant , but the difference is to add a graphic avatar to it that can interact with the user where the user can change his look and the face to create a custom one , and also you can use that avatar to play games like 3rd person view fighting or shouter games or race or something like pokemon go where it depend on ur geographic place it's a little bit close to the game father.io , we used to watch anims and movies and my idea is likely similar to megamen , a virtual assistant doing all things , u can chat with it using voice or keyboard , and why we don't add some facial interaction program to it where the assistant can see u thru ur phone camera , analyse ur face your voice and ur way of talking and know ur mood , ur physical statue and it can propose some ideas to u like " i see that u don't feel great , do u want to get some rest ? " if u agree it send an information thru WiFi or Bluetooth to ur smart house system to prepare ur dinner , prepare ur bad room take a choice of music depending on ur mood or a movie .. and u can carry it in ur pocket and it's there for u anytime , anywhere u can tell him things talk to it like u're talking to someone alive , by giving him the possibility to learn and to combine voice , picture and chat to make a complete information he learn from , and we can even make him learn psychology and sociology so it can interact in the best way with the user ... that's my idea. all what it take to make a really smart robot that can learn meanings of things is to combine visual and vocal information , it's not easy but i wanted to find some developers to talk to about my idea

