Bootloader unlock Hack - RAZR HD Original Android Development

Dan Rosenberg deserves all the credit for this.
I have recently used this method on my XT926/HD Maxx to successfully unlock the boot loader. I was running 4.1.2 with root, and now I'm using 4.2.2 XenonHD.
This hack requires root access and a working version of SuperUser, aka 'SU'.
Motorola Bootloader Unlocking
I recently unlocked the bootloader for the consumer editions of Motorola Android devices using Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. This includes the Razr HD, Razr Maxx HD, Razr M, and Atrix HD models. The details of this research have been published on Azimuth Security’s blog.
Terms of Use
I have created a tool that may be used to unlock your bootloader. It requires that your device has been rooted and that the “su” binary has been properly installed. By using this tool, you agree to the following conditions:
1. You understand that using this tool will permanently, irreversibly void your device’s warranty.
2. You understand that it may not be possible to “relock” your device’s bootloader after unlocking using this tool. A side effect of this is that if you lose your device and you are not using disk encryption, a malicious party who acquires your phone may be able to extract all personal data from the device regardless of any lock screen.
3. You agree that I am in no way responsible for any damage to your device as a result of using this tool.
The tool may be downloaded here. It may be used as follows:
1. Extract the entire contents of the zip file.
2. If you are using Windows, ensure you have installed the latest Motorola USB drivers available for your phone.
3. Ensure your device has been rooted and you have a working installation of “su”.
4. Ensure USB Debugging mode is enabled on your device.
5. If you are using Windows, navigate to the extracted directory and execute “run.bat”. If you are using Linux or OS X, navigate to the extracted directory in a terminal and execute “./”.
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This process is quite painless and takes only a few minutes.
Neither I nor Dan guarantee this will work and that you will not brick your device. Proceed at your own risk.
Read all the instructions before you proceed and make sure you understand the process before you follow through.
He does have a PayPal donate button on the webpage and I urge anyone who uses this to donate to him. This opens up the doors to so many people that were otherwise left out of the mod community.

This thread is a simple re-post of existing thread. We don't need that.


FAQ Android Hacking

Hi there,
I just came up to Android with an Orange branded HTC Desire. Until now, I was using a HTC Diamond 2 with WM and tried some cooked ROM. But it was really easy with WM. Now, I need to understand more or less how my Android phone works to be able to play with it the same way I played with my Diamond 2.
As I'm a bit lost with some Android terms and concepts and I would like to purpose a kind of glossary for newbies like me. The goal is to explain common concepts with a functional and a technical point of view. I try to give example based on Nexus One and Desire based on personal experiments.
I'll start with what I've understood last few days and believe to be right. I'll ask you to correct my mistakes and to complete this FAQ. I'll keep this post updated.
For the moment following lines may contain big mistakes. I will try to flag validated information.
A ROM contains the OS on your phone. It can be installed like Windows or Linux on your desktop PC. A ROM contains the kernel and a pack of applications already installed for you. You can find a lot of cooked ROM (ROMs made by great people who would like to share with you optimizations they've done on their phone) on Internet. Normally, Android phones only accept ROM which are signed by the reseller. So you can only put Orange ROM on Orange branded phone.
Moreover, installing a new ROM is a way to update your phone. However, Android phone include an internal updating system (it's just a program like Windows update) so you can receive updates without installing a new ROM. It's called OTA (On The Air) update. OTA update is the way for basic customers to receive update for their phone.
Functionally :
Install a ROM is as easy as execute an exe on you Windows PC. It very easy and fast. You can also install a ROM by using the Recovery Menu.
A GoldCard is a modified SDCard which allows you to put the original unbranded ROM on a career branded phone (installing the original HTC Desire ROM on an Orange HTC Desire). Normally, if you try to execute a HTC ROM updater with a Orange phone, you'll be stuck after 4 or 5 clicks on next. With a Goldcard in your phone, you can archive the process.
You can't install a ROM built for an other device just using a GoldCard (installing a Nexus One ROM on a Desire is not possible).
GoldCard is only needed if you have a carrier-branded Desire, even for rooting process. Unbranded phones never need it.
Be sure to keep your GoldCard because it will be needed for each ROM modifications. You can use a GoldCard as a normal SDCard without problem. However, if you create new partitions for app2sd, your GoldCard will ruined.
Functionally :
Create a GoldCard is easy. It will take you 30 minutes. Not all SDCards work to create a GoldCard. Mine (SanDisk 4Go) included in my Orange package worked perfectly.
Instructions can be found here or here.
Technically :
If I'm right, while you are installing a ROM from the executable on your desktop PC, the phone checks if the ROM you're trying to install match a hard coded key on the phone. With a GoldCard, you make the phone believe signature is good.
The serial number of your SDCard. You'll need to retrieve it with ADB Shell to create your GoldCard.
Functionally :
In ADB Shell (see ADB section), following command line give you your CID :
cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc1/mmc1:*/cid
It's like the BIOS on your desktop PC. You can access the fastboot with a keyboard combo while starting your phone. It give you access to some function like Recovery Mode or SIM Unlock. With fastboot, you can also install a new ROM using a zip placed on your SDCard.
Use can easily unlock Fastboot on the Nexus One using a ADB shell command.
Fastboot give you access to the recovery mode. In this mode, you can gain write permission in the /system partition which is not possible in Disk Drive mode, event with USB Debugging enabled. With this access, you can easily remove applications which are included in the ROM (like FriendStream in HTC ROMs).
Functionally :
To reach Fastboot on Desire : Hold down back button while pressing power.
Technically :
When you connect the phone to your PC in Fastboot, you will establish a special connection with the device. It uses "Android Bootloaded Interface" driver.
Fastboot unlock
An operation to unlock Fastboot. It's the first step to root your phone. It's easily done for the Nexus One via ADB (see here). It much more difficult with the Desire (possible thanks to Paul).
An other boot menu.
Functionally :
To reach HBoot on Desire : Hold down volume down button while pressing power.
ADB means Android Debug Bridge. You can read this. When you connect your phone to your PC, you can choose different modes :
Charge only : No interaction with your PC
Internet tethering (only if you have a HTC standard ROM, Orange & Co disable this option) : Your PC will see your phone like a modem.
HTC Sync (if you have a HTC standard ROM) : Use to synchronize you data with HTC Sync software
Disk drive : Your PC will see your phone as a USB key allowing you to access to your SDCard
If you're in Disk Drive mode (or even if you're in Charge only mode), you can activate USB debugging (setting > applications > development on your phone). In this mode, your PC will use a ADB driver to establish a special connection. With ADB drivers, you have access to ADB Shell.
With ADB Shell, you can list every file on device and deploy your own application.
Functionally :
Activate USB debugging on your phone to play with ADB Shell.
ADB Shell is accessible from Windows or Linux.
For people who don't use to play with command line, on windows, you must either open a cmd.exe and move in the "tools" folder (with cd command) of your unzipped ADB package or add this repository to your path (instructions here[URL].
Then you can check that everything is alright with following command :
adb devices
You should see :
List of devices attached
HTxxxxxxxx device
Then you can type "adb shell" to enter the shell. All Unix basics commands are available and you can do whatever your want... almost nothing since you're not root.
Rooting a device is a process to become root on its OS. It allows you to install very nice apps like app2sd (to install application on SDCard), SetCPU app (to overclock or downclock your device) or OpenVPN. This kind of apps can not run if your device is not rooted.
With a rooted device, you can install apps which are not yet validated for your phone on the market by modifying the ID of your device (like the user-agent of your browser). It's easier than downloading the apk file from somebody who extracted the application on a device accepted by the market for this application.
Finally, with a rooted device, you can install ROM from an other device (installing a Nexus One ROM on a Desire).
Functionally :
On Desire, become root is now possible thanks to Paul from Modaco. On Nexus One, it much more easy.
Process is easy if you follow guides step by step. Warning, it will remove all data and configuration on your phone. However, your SD card won't be modified.
If you follow the guide to root the Desire, one of the first steps is to put a big zip file on your SDCard (often In fact, this zip file contains the ROM you'll have on your phone at the end of the process. Guides generally provide an almost generic ROM. The only modification made to this ROM is the addition of the Superuser Permissions app (the Ninja icon) which will help you to grant root access to applications asking for permission. Installing this ROM is the easier solution. However, you can use every ROM you want (you will find some very interesting ROM on this forum). Just put the file on your SDCard at the beginning of the process and point to the good zip file in the last step. Warning, if you want to install a ROM with app2sd in it, you must know that this application requires a special partition on your SDCard, so you must format your SDCard before the first boot of your new ROM. To do this, just after installing the ROM zip file (the last step of the rooting process), you have to stay in the Recovery Menu and use the good option to create partitions on your SDCard. Of course, your SDCard will be formated.
Technically :
I have no idea what are tricks to become root. You have to find a hole in the phone software. It's not easy.
The process itself requires several steps :
The first step is to unlock the bootloader. This step is easy on Nexus One. On Desire, this step is archived by installing a kind of ROM from Fastboot on your phone.
Unlocking bootloader will give you access to the Recovery Menu and will make your phone accept non-HTC-signed updates (for Desire).
Then, you have to connect your device in HBoot mode to your PC in order to write some files on the phone. These files are used to launch the Recovery Menu. From this menu, you can wipe all data and some caches (I don't know differences between all caches)
Finally you can install a new ROM on your device using a zip file on your SDCard.
Recovery Mode
The Recovery Mode is a special mode accessible from HBoot. You'll need to access this mode to push files needed for the Recovery Menu. It's an important step in the rooting process.
Functionally :
When your phone is in Recovery Mode, you'll see a little red triangle on your screen.
Technically :
Recovery Mode is a special provided by Android to do special operations. In fact, I don't know what's the real usage of this mode.
Recovery Menu
The Recovery Menu is a small tool accessible from Recovery Mode. It purposes some options such as wipe your data, format your SDCard and the most important option : deploy ROM or files from a zip file previously dropped at the root of your SDCard.
Functionally :
The Recovery Menu is a green menu you have to use in the root process.
Technically :
On the Desire, Recovery Menu is the only way to write files on /system. Put a zip file on the root of your SDCard and the Recovery Menu will unzip the package and deploy files on your phone for you. You will have to use this menu to install OpenVPN because this application requires to put some file in /system partition. In the last step of the rooting process, Recovery Menu will deploy your ROM (which is nothing more than just a bunch of files) on your phone.
SIM Unlock
SIM Unlock in a process different from all others. If I'm right, you'll have to use Fastboot, put some files on your SDCard and press SIMUnlock. Required files can be provided by your operator. This process works with all ROMs and don't required a root access.
Nandroid Backup
The Nandroid backup process creates binary images (.img) of the boot, data and system partitions (and ext also, if you choose nand+ext). Needless to say you need root in order to be able to perform this kind of backup.
Later, you can use those image files to restore those partitions, in a very similar way you restore a hard-disk partition from a ghost created image. Practically the restore process erases all their content and replaces it with the data saved in the img files, thus reverting the phone's software to the state it was when you performed backup.
Nandroid backup doesn't include the radio image; you can only change (or revert) the radio by flashing it again.
If you want to go back to stock software, you need to use a RUU, which overwrites all the modifications you made into the phone's software (and of course removes the root access as well).
This is the file format for applications. Each application is packaged in an APK file. When you install an application from the market, you're just downlading an APK file which is then automatically installed on your phone.
You can also find APK files on Internet, put them on your SDCard (or directly download them from your phone) and install them.
Technically :
By default, applications are odexed. This allows Android to preload some parts of an application to optimize its launch time. Unfortunately it makes application resources be dispatched outside the APK. Deodexing is a process of gathering all resources inside the application.
Functionally :
Some applications apply a theme on other applications. You need a deodexed version of the targeted application to use this. However, deodexing applications is not a process you should take care of. You'll find some custom ROMs in which all applications have been deodexed for you.
That's all for now. I really want to complete technical information on above lines. It will be great if somebody could explain why you can not install a Nexus One ROM on a HTC Desire using only a GoldCard. Moreover I would like to know how works Fastboot with SDCard. It seems that SDCard plays a really important role (used to update ROM, SIM unlock and GoldCard).
PS : English is not my native language, please be indulgent.
Many thanks to The Professor and silvake for some precisions.
Great topic idea, thank you!
Great idea!
Just found out that you need to be in recovery mode in order to have write permissions to the /system partitition (Disk Drive with USB debugging enabled won't work).
More details in the link below, if you want to include them:
(credits go to emdzej)
Thank your for your support. I just updated the post with your details.
I would like to add some links but I don't have enough rights to add the url tag in my posts.
CID register - serial number of your sd card
Perhaps time to move the info to the wiki ?
Greetings from a vastloper
This should deffinatley get a sticky + be added to the wiki. Great info, so many new terms to learn now that i'm experimenting with android on my blackstone and seriously considering a Desire
Thank you for your replies. I just made some improvements.
It will be ready for the Wiki as soon as someone will confirm informations and help me to complete blanks.
I would really like to have more technical informations. Feel free to share what you know !
For moderators, is it possible to allow me to add URL ?
Matco said:
Thank you for your replies. I just made some improvements.
It will be ready for the Wiki as soon as someone will confirm informations and help me to complete blanks.
I would really like to have more technical informations. Feel free to share what you know !
For moderators, is it possible to allow me to add URL ?
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matco my desire was not branded by any network.. does this mean to root I should just go ahead with the root process ignoring the goldcard step?? thanks
Yes, you're right (check [Guide] Rooting in this forum, page 4 post 39). GoldCard is only needed for branded phone.
Anyway, the website which generated the .img has been disabled. So you can't create easily a GoldCard right now...
Negative, it's back online:
guys stuck on the red exclamation mark.. using vista, i ran recovery bat but the recovery mode is not going green. what other files hould be in the same folder as recovery bat?
Everything that was in the original along with adb-nilezon. Not sure if they're still there, but if they are, here's where you should be able to find them.
I just updated the FAQ as I successfully rooted my Desire. Rooting process helps me to understand what are Fastboot and HBoot for.
It would be nice if someone can tell me if you can put any zip you want on your SD Card for the last step of the rooting process or if you have to use special ROM included in the file package (
Thanks by advance.
You can put any full ROM on as the last step, it doesn't have to be That one will be exactly stock + root, though - so for people who like the phone as is but want root, that's the ROM they want.
You can download anybody else's ROM and throw it on for the final step if that's your cup of tea, though. May want to mention that if they're picking a ROM with A2SD in it, that they need to perform the SD setup before booting, or they may run into trouble with that.
Thank your for your reply.
I will add a warning for people who want to install a ROM with app2SD in it (if I'm right they can use the little "green" menu just before installing the zip file to create partitions on SD Card).
As you seem to have a good understanding of the rooting process, could you explain me what is the goal of the first step (installing a fresh ROM from RUU Installer with phone in Fastboot Mode)? And what are pushed files for ? Is it for green menu?
You need to partition the SD card (using the partition options in the recovery (green) menu) after your ROM and A2SD are installed - if you partition beforehand, you'll lose the zip files you need to flash.
The first step unlocks the bootloader so it'll allow low-level access and recovery mode and so the phone will accept non-HTC-signed updates, I believe. The pushfiles in the second step are forcing the recovery menu (the green menu you mention) onto the device - but since we can't have write access to /system while the device is outside of recovery mode, we have to push the files every time.
very helpful for winmo converts thanks
it took me some time to figure that out
I've done some updates thanks to The Professor.
Great thread, thank you

Samsung Galaxy Star Duos GT-S5282 Rooting Guide

NOTE: Click on the images to enlarge them!!!:good:
DISCLAIMER: Rooting your phone will void your warranty, and can be dangerous. You may end up with a “bricked” device if anything goes wrong. I take no responsibility if something happens to your device. If you are ever in doubt STOP! This is not something to take lightly!
While rooting is reversible, it’s not something you should ever plan to do. Use some common sense here. If you don’t understand the consequences of what you are doing, DO NOT ROOT YOUR PHONE! You have been warned.
View attachment 2312405
So you have bought the GT-S5282 and after getting bored of playing with it have decided to give the ultimate treatment to your new toy, ROOT IT!!!
Well you have come at the right place. Today I will share with you friends a ridiculously easy way to root your Samsung Galaxy Star Duos. Your droid should be running stock firmware and you need Windows OS running on your computer.
Just follow the steps mentioned below carefully:-
1. Download the version of Cydia Impactor for Windows OS from this link
2. Install your device drivers by installing Samsung Kies on your PC and then connecting your phone to your PC via data cable. The device drivers will be installed automatically after few minutes.
Alternatively you may install ADB drivers from the given link and after turning on USB debugging in the Developer Options of your droid and connecting it to your PC via data cable, clicking on the Install option the drivers will be installed automatically.
3. Enable USB debugging from Developer Options in your droid (if you have not enabled it previously) and connect your droid to your PC via data cable.
4. Extract the file downloaded in first step and run Impactor.
View attachment 2312448
5. The programme should be displaying the command # drop SuperSU su to /system/xbin/su as shown above. Click start and run this command in the Impactor and wait for a few seconds for the process to get completed. When the programme again displays the above command, WOW you have successfully rooted your phone!!!:highfive:
6. Last but not the least you need to install these free apps from the Play Store before you enjoy root privileges on your droid....
i. SuperSU - This is required to access Superuser privileges on your droid.
ii. BusyBox - This is required to install the BusyBox binaries on the rooted device which is needed to run some root apps.
NOTE: Installing the above two apps are a MUST to access ROOT features on the phone!!!
7. TADA! You are now free to enjoy your ROOTED Samsung Galaxy Star Duos and unleash the hidden power user within you...!!!
NOTE: This method only works on preupdated old firmwares. If you get "signature bugs unavailable" error, it means you are running the latest/updated version of the stock firmware which comes with the bugs patched. For you guys who get this error, you need to flash the old stock ROM released before August for your device. You can download the stock firmwares from here
You need to flash the stock firmware on your droid via Odin. For help regarding how to flash stock ROM via Odin, check out this thread
If I have helped you to root your GT-S5282, please press the THANKS button...:good:

[GUIDE] Proscan PLT9650G (RockChip RK3126) Tablet, Root, TWRP, etc

*** Use at your own risk these instructions worked for me on MY tablets that is no guarantee they will work for you ***
This is for the ProScan PLT9650G(K-1G-8G) tablet. It has the RockChip RK3126 chipset. The one I am working with was purchased in Canada at the Atlantic Superstore. I will just briefly outline what I needed and had to do to root and install a TWRP recovery on the tablet. See the attachment for the recovery image. I will explain how to get the programs and general steps to make a full backup of the tablet before ever rooting the device. It is a little difficult, and not necessary, but like any backup can be helpful to have around.
The ProScan tablet has:
- Android Lollipop 5.1.1;
- Quad-core Processor, 1.2Mhz;
- 1 GB of DDR3 Memory;
- 8GB Flash Storage;
- 800x480 Screen Resolution.
Backup Overview:
1) Install USB drivers;
2) Put tablet in bootloader mode;
3) Read the different partitions.
Tools Needed:
1) Rockchip Driver Assistant v4.3;
2) Android Tool v2.3.
Detailed Instructions:
This tablet is a newer version and requires at least version 4.3 of the Rockchip Driver Assistant. The older versions (4.1) won't recognize the USB product id (310D) in bootloader mode.
Download the drivers unrar and run DriverInstall.exe. Select uninstall to clean any old drivers and then select install to install the newer ones. I've done this under Windows 7/8.1/10. Since I've done it so often and so many times with different driver version, I can't remember if the bootloader drivers require you install them with the driver signing turned off or not. The problem becomes that the bootloader drivers (under Windows 8+) will fail the driver signing authentication and won't install. The ADB and MTP drivers are signed and will install correctly, but when you boot the tablet in bootloader mode the device will be unrecognized by Windows. If you end up with this problem follow these instructions and then install the drivers.
After testing on a new machine under Windows 10 the drivers install fine. There is no need to boot with driver signing verification turned off.
To put the tablet in bootloader mode follow thes instructions:
1) Unplug tablet (both power and usb);
2) Turnoff tablet;
3) Press and hold the esc and power buttons at the same time;
4) Hold until the stock recovery menu comes up;
5) Press the esc button to go down to the menu item saying bootloader;
6) Press the power button to execute that menu item.
The screen will go blank. Plug the tablet into the computer and it will be recognized as a device type "Class for rockusb devices" in the Windows Device Manager.
Download the Android Tool from the link provided. The link gives a detailed description of how to backup all the partitions. I have included my parameters.txt file that I created. From the standpoint of undoing the root operation described below I believe only the recovery and system partition needs to be saved. But saving all the partitions never hurts. After you have followed the information in the link and saved the partitions you can move on to rooting the device.
One serious warning I have NOT been able to write anything to the device using the Android Tool. It always give me an error and won't even try. The backups we create can be used from within the tablet to restore it later if needed.
Custom Recovery Overview:
1) Root device;
2) Download the image file on the tablet;
3) Flash the recovery partition with the image file.
Tools Needed:
1) KingRoot;
2) Terminal Application;
Root Device:
The device rooted using KingRoot. Startup the tablet and go through the setup process. Download the apk from the link provided. The version used in testing was 4.6.2. You will need to allow "Unknown sources". The app will eventually give a button just try to root. This will eventually work and the tablet will be rooted.
Extract the img file from within the zip file below onto the internal drive. Make sure you put it in the Download directory. If you are doing this from the tablet it should go there if you move it over using the computer make sure you put it in that directory or change the command below to the proper directory.
Install a terminal emulator. Anyone will do, the one I chose is linked above. Open the emulator and type:
at the prompt. KingRoot should prompt you asking if you want to grant root privilege to the command prompt. Then type the command:
dd if=/sdcard/Download/TWRP_800x480_Unified.img of=/dev/block/rknand_recovery bs=4096
. That's it if you type:
reboot recovery
the tablet will reboot and TWRP should start up.
If you saved the original system partition you can install it using TWRP and effectively unroot the device but keep the TWRP recovery. With the recovery image you can install it over the TWRP and return the tablet to its stock state. I'm giving these tablets to my kids and I wanted a way to return them to the state I bought them plus after I've personalized them for each of my kids I can make a backup in case they do something that messes them up.
This will also work for the PLT1065G but you need to use different recovery/parameters. The kernel is different (looks like a different touchscreen).
Thanks for this. Got one for $50 at Loblaws today. Will attempt rooting.
Got it for my 6 yr old
Edit: Fixed boot issue
protectivedad said:
*** Use at your own risk these instructions worked for me on MY tablets that is no guarantee they will work for you ***
This is for the ProScan PLT9650G(K-1G-8G) tablet. It has the RockChip RK3126 chipset. The one I am working with was purchased in Canada at the Atlantic Superstore. I will just briefly outline what I needed and had to do to root and install a TWRP recovery on the tablet. See the attachment for the recovery image. I will explain how to get the programs and general steps to make a full backup of the tablet before ever rooting the device. It is a little difficult, and not necessary, but like any backup can be helpful to have around.
The ProScan tablet has:
- Android Lollipop 5.1.1;
- Quad-core Processor, 1.2Mhz;
- 1 GB of DDR3 Memory;
- 8GB Flash Storage;
- 800x480 Screen Resolution.
Backup Overview:
1) Install USB drivers;
2) Put tablet in bootloader mode;
3) Read the different partitions.
Tools Needed:
1) Rockchip Driver Assistant v4.3;
2) Android Tool v2.3.
Detailed Instructions:
This tablet is a newer version and requires at least version 4.3 of the Rockchip Driver Assistant. The older versions (4.1) won't recognize the USB product id (310D) in bootloader mode.
Download the drivers unrar and run DriverInstall.exe. Select uninstall to clean any old drivers and then select install to install the newer ones. I've done this under Windows 7/8.1/10. Since I've done it so often and so many times with different driver version, I can't remember if the bootloader drivers require you install them with the driver signing turned off or not. The problem becomes that the bootloader drivers (under Windows 8+) will fail the driver signing authentication and won't install. The ADB and MTP drivers are signed and will install correctly, but when you boot the tablet in bootloader mode the device will be unrecognized by Windows. If you end up with this problem follow these instructions and then install the drivers.
After testing on a new machine under Windows 10 the drivers install fine. There is no need to boot with driver signing verification turned off.
To put the tablet in bootloader mode follow thes instructions:
1) Unplug tablet (both power and usb);
2) Turnoff tablet;
3) Press and hold the esc and power buttons at the same time;
4) Hold until the stock recovery menu comes up;
5) Press the esc button to go down to the menu item saying bootloader;
6) Press the power button to execute that menu item.
The screen will go blank. Plug the tablet into the computer and it will be recognized as a device type "Class for rockusb devices" in the Windows Device Manager.
Download the Android Tool from the link provided. The link gives a detailed description of how to backup all the partitions. I have included my parameters.txt file that I created. From the standpoint of undoing the root operation described below I believe only the recovery and system partition needs to be saved. But saving all the partitions never hurts. After you have followed the information in the link and saved the partitions you can move on to rooting the device.
One serious warning I have NOT been able to write anything to the device using the Android Tool. It always give me an error and won't even try. The backups we create can be used from within the tablet to restore it later if needed.
Custom Recovery Overview:
1) Root device;
2) Download the image file on the tablet;
3) Flash the recovery partition with the image file.
Tools Needed:
1) KingRoot;
2) Terminal Application;
Root Device:
The device rooted using KingRoot. Startup the tablet and go through the setup process. Download the apk from the link provided. The version used in testing was 4.6.2. You will need to allow "Unknown sources". The app will eventually give a button just try to root. This will eventually work and the tablet will be rooted.
Extract the img file from within the zip file below onto the internal drive. Make sure you put it in the Download directory. If you are doing this from the tablet it should go there if you move it over using the computer make sure you put it in that directory or change the command below to the proper directory.
Install a terminal emulator. Anyone will do, the one I chose is linked above. Open the emulator and type:
at the prompt. KingRoot should prompt you asking if you want to grant root privilege to the command prompt. Then type the command:
dd if=/sdcard/Download/TWRP_800x480_Unified.img of=/dev/block/rknand_recovery bs=4096
. That's it if you type:
reboot recovery
the tablet will reboot and TWRP should start up.
If you saved the original system partition you can install it using TWRP and effectively unroot the device but keep the TWRP recovery. With the recovery image you can install it over the TWRP and return the tablet to its stock state. I'm giving these tablets to my kids and I wanted a way to return them to the state I bought them plus after I've personalized them for each of my kids I can make a backup in case they do something that messes them up.
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It seems the boot issue is still there. Do you ever get this? It will get stuck at the PROSCAN logo display.
Friko said:
It seems the boot issue is still there. Do you ever get this? It will get stuck at the PROSCAN logo display.
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I have had it stuck. It was when I was testing things. I can't remember what I did. I do know one time I left it for a day and I noticed the ProScan logo had a flashing cursor in it.
protectivedad said:
I have had it stuck. It was when I was testing things. I can't remember what I did. I do know one time I left it for a day and I noticed the ProScan logo had a flashing cursor in it.
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I've been fiddling with it and it seems to be completely random. So I guess it's something we'll have to live with.
I bought it for my 6 year old who's dying to play Pokemon Go. The app runs okay on it. It's just the 'GPS' (or lack of a proper GPS chip) that's a bit slow/inaccurate
Hello I to bought this tablet in Canada I successfully rooted it but is there a reason why no other cameras can be downloaded or Music players or Instagram.
Is thee any chance to unbrick this tablet?
I have one stuck in the boot logo, hard reset wont solve, is there any flash file?
Hellooooo !!
anybody here ?
---------- Post added at 12:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------
is there any tool capable of flashing this tablet?
I have tried all known by me and all report a sudden error as sson as you try to write anything.
like OP said.
I have one stuck at boot logo, I have 2 firmwares ready to flash.
yurais said:
is there any tool capable of flashing this tablet?
I have tried all known by me and all report a sudden error as sson as you try to write anything.
like OP said.
I have one stuck at boot logo, I have 2 firmwares ready to flash.
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There is a way to create an SDCARD and it will run from the SDCARD. I've forgotten how . I'm looking at one of my kids cracked ones right now. The touchscreen is cracked so I'm looking at build Ubuntu for it. I'll post when I figure out the SDCARD again.
Reset tablet to factory
I was able to use the factory irmware to reset the tablet from a computer. It will over write any custom recovery, etc. I have been unable to recreate a custom image any changes make the image fail. I found the software I used to create a bootable SDCARD but I can't get it to work keeps failing on creating the MBR. The software was the Rockchip SD Firmware Tool and there is an option to create SD Boot. So far I can only find v1.43 anyone have v1.45?
Let me know here as soon as you just remember anything related to this.
I got another tab like this, screen cracked and I could read off its firmware, so I now have a working firmware waiting to be written...
Enviado desde mi SM-N920T mediante Tapatalk
Thanks so much for this guide. I picked one of these up for $6 when HHGREGG was closing.
Proscan PLT7650G
Good day is there a guide and firmware for a Proscan PLT7650G
protectivedad said:
I was able to use the factory irmware[/URL] to reset the tablet from a computer. It will over write any custom recovery, etc. I have been unable to recreate a custom image any changes make the image fail. I found the software I used to create a bootable SDCARD but I can't get it to work keeps failing on creating the MBR. The software was the Rockchip SD Firmware Tool and there is an option to create SD Boot. So far I can only find v1.43 anyone have v1.45?
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How did you flash the image? what software did you use,
it's not possible to change the rom or custom image of the tablet to another operating system like ubuntu or linux. It has allow OEM bootloader unlocked in the settings in developer section greyed out and it doesn't allow oem bootloader unlocking 'enabled'. You cannot enable it.
What you are doing is just resetting the factory image. or rom. you can just push the reset button with pin after charging the tablet for 3 hours.
These tablets are not 'cheap' to make and google, cell phone companies subsidize these 'cheap' tablets. so you have to use and pay them when you subscribe to their cell phone 'service' or google advertisements when you use their 'service'.
Lots of vaporware being pushed saying they can unlock something for $40 or downloading tools etc. wasted of time as it's impossible to unlock oem BOOTLOADER if the manufacture has locked it, you cannot install another operating system in the tablet, or smart phone. so don't waste your time.
Only some phones allow oem unlocking bootloader and those are the higher end phones costing $400-$600 for a tablet that are not 'subsidized' by google or you cell phone company as with 'cheap' phone or tablet.
the firmware is not available for download at the manufacture website that should raise alarms about the firmware. I've factory reset the device and now it's having reboot issues, either the firmware is defective or corrupt bootloader etc. The manufacture proscan seems to be selling the devices yet no technical support or even a direct download from the manufacture, downloading firmware from thirdparty servers is security risk. it seems like today lots bogus websites and no technical support from manufacturers in tech devices they sell. and people have to sites like XDA for 'free' technical support. Even Microsoft which makes billions in profits fail to provide proper technical support for some reason. and have to rely on 'free' technical support for bugs and issues with their software and hardware and lots vaporware apps etc.. bogus apps. that don't work.
Rooting gives the user the ability to install and change OEM software. from what i gather so don't waste your time, to root a device, allows the user to delete operating system files. if the manufacture doesn't allow changing the oem software there is nothing you can do. about so don't waste time trying root it or try to install ubuntu or linux on the tablet or smartphone if it's oem LOCKED. bootloader. you cannot unlock it. it's much harder to unlock oem software.
the method to 'restore' factory image or known as 'flashing the rom'
there is no reason to flash the rom etc.
1. just hold the power button and esc button at the same time
2. release the power button wait 2 seconds
and then release the esc button
you should now be in boot up mode.
this unit doesn't allow you to be in bootloader mode. so you CANNOT install another firmware or install linux etc. other than the proscan firmware.
3. press esc to select restore the factory settings
4. press the power button to select
this the easiest way to restore stuck in browser or need to flash the rom
again if the rom is 'corrupt' which is not likely
if that is the case
the option to "apply update from external storage" doesn't seem to work as you cannot mount to flash the rom and reinstall the .img file from the .zip file
"apply update from external storage"
where you saved your .zip doesn't work
the apply updated from ADB works you need a usb computer hooked up to you computer and terminal command to ADB to your table to rinstall the .imge file
update ,this no longer seems to work in installing the .zip file method to install the firmware.
lot of software and hardware that have no technical support or documentation and the stuff just doesn't seem to work and high security risk with no updates from manufacture as it cost them money to resolve issues. selling disposable technology tablets. that is not meant to last. basically toys. for kids.

[GUIDE] [K06NTC_A] Just5 Freedom X1 - Flashing Nougat (7.0) & Rooting

Just5 Freedom X1 - Flashing Nougat (7.0) & Rooting
Continue at your own risk, I am not responsible for any damages done to your device.
Some notes before we start off; I've done this on a device with unlocked bootloader, and fall into category of accidentaly formatting everything. Purpose of this thread is to help people who can't find any resources from Google due to lack of any developers or support on it.
First, obtain the firmware for Nougat from NeedROM (requires registration). Unrar the archive using your favourite archival utility such as 7-zip or WinRAR.
Obtain SP Flash Tool, as you'll be needing it to flash your firmware. Choose the "Download" section, and power off your phone entirely. Choose the scatter file from where you extracted your firmware, in this case MT6753_Android_scatter.txt. MAKE SURE YOU SELECT DOWNLOAD ONLY SO YOU WON'T LOSE EVERYTHING INCLUDING NVRAM. Use the "MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin" Download-Agent, and click "Download", and connect your phone via usb to your PC. The tool should start flashing. If you've failed this step, you can retry it with different DA's, or reach out to me.
Once you've flashed, it should take a little while longer to boot than usual, that's okay, as you've just installed a whole new system. If you managed to screw up your NVRAM by formatting everything and have "Invalid IMEI", get MAUI Meta (v9) and attempt to boot into META mode. Select "IMEI Download" from dropdown menu, and from here on it should be super obvious what to do.
OH NO! Modem exception with META tool and can't detect SIM! (unknown baseband)
Remain calm, reflash the firmware with Format All + Download, this will reflash your baseband. Once it's finished, boot into META mode and rewrite IMEI, and you're ready to relaunch your phone. You can do it before or after first boot, doesn't matter.
That's great, but I miss my root!
You may already be aware, that easy root methods such as KingRoot or Framaroot aren't working on these NeedROM firmwares, fortunately you can still root (and without breaking SafetyNet!). You need to obtain Magisk from XDA (get the apk version). Insert your boot.img to your phone's SD card, and select it using the app. Pull the patched image from your phone's SD and boot into fastboot. From here, I suggest you test if it won't brick your device first. To do that, type in fastboot boot patched_boot.img and you should now have temporary root until you restart. You can verify root by either getting a third-party application from the Play Store, or checking the Magisk application. If you got root, you may reboot into fastboot, and type following to make it permanent; fastboot flash patched_boot.img. Congratulations! At this point you've just rooted your device using Magisk, and it doesn't even trigger SafetyNet!
Should you have additional questions, feel free to ask me.
Thank you for reading, hope it helped you either save or update your phone (or root ).
Here's proof of it working; (yes I'll spare your bandwidth, by not making it load a huge image)

How To Guide The Complete Noob Guide to Rooting Moto G Stylus (2022) XT-2211 Mediatek Variant

This is NOT for the 2021 Moto 5G Stylus. This guide is exclusively for the Moto 5G Stylus 2022.
This tutorial is for people like me than just got the Moto 5G Stylus XT2211 (Factory Unlocked Mediatek Variant) running on stock Android 11. I got this phone literally Sunday brand new in the box from Best Buy (Yes, I took a Chance and copped it from them hoping it could be bootloader unlocked). This is a hand holding guide for the Noobs that really are intimidated by rooting their device, so even though there are other guides up, this one is for people like me that need every step explained.
Follow the following at your own risk! I am not responsible for any mishaps with your devices.
I've been rooting Motorola phones now for five years, so I'm pretty handy as a script kiddie (I know bad word) in doing it. I also was pretty active with my last phone over at the Moto One 5G Ace Forums, so here's to hoping my progress with these phones continues.
Thanks to Android 11 being System As Root with all these new super partitions running amuck (like Android 10), you cannot get Write access in the actual system files. So even when you achieve root, you can't do much without getting a script and accessing those partions. @lebigmac and @munjeni have been constantly working on that. Drop by their respective threads on R/W access and beta test his script so he can get more knowledge about how Moto phones work so we can have easy R/W access like Xiaomi and Huawei phones.
First, go and prepare by READING EVERYTHING. Very important. This is the Mediatek variant and NOT the Qualcomm variant. Flashing does make a difference between the two. Last thing you want to do is brick the device because you flashed the wrong firmware to the wrong processor, or you flashed other software for the other similar Moto One 5G Stylus (2021) and it bricked. This is the MILAN version.
Second, unlock the bootloader. All T-Mobile and their subsidiary variants can be unlocked by Motorola as well as International and Motorola factory variants; go to their bootloader official unlock site and follow their instructions, it's easy peasy. If you do it in firefox it may not go to the third step page and hang on the page where you put the long code in (follow instructions on page to get the unlock code you'll see what I'm talking about). It is HIGHLY ADVISABLE to do this in Firefox or Chrome (I used Firefox). And yes, you may have to request the code 3x to get it to send to your email depending on their server traffic. When you get it, follow Motorola's instructions for unlocking the bootloader in fastboot. It will show you that the bootloader is unlocked.
Make sure the code you're copying and pasting is correct. If it is incorrect it will not approve you for bootloading unlocking and not tell you the code was missing a letter/number. They are getting sneaky.
If your OEM Unlock tab is greyed out in the Developer Options, just know that Motorola/Lenovo now have some weird timer on that to activate. I had to wait 3 days for mine to activate. Some report it takes longer. Others reported it was 3-4 days. I factory restored, reflashed the firmware, etc. day one just to make sure anything funky that could be put in there was clean and brand spanking new. Not saying you have to do this but there have been varying reports on Moto phones since 2020 about how long this takes. If you're not sure if yours can be bootloader unlocked, get the code from Moto. If it can it will email it to you and from ther ejust wait.
1. The Command Prompt will tell you it is locked and you will see "flashing unlocked" on the phone in fastboot once it is done.
2. The only way to restore the phone if something goes wrong is by flashing it via fastboot. The way to get to fastboot is turn the phone off and press Volume Down and Power. The Motorola tool will NOT work. That's normal.
3. You will see a cute message that you've unlocked the bootloader and that the phone software integrity is compromised when you boot the phone up every single time after the bootloader unlock. It will also say press the power button to pause. This is normal. Give it a minute, you havent broke it.
4. OEM Unlocking should already be activated and greyed out in the Developer Options once the bootloader is unlocked; you can't access it anymore and it will tell you if the bootloader is unlocked.
You will need an SD card for root. You will also need other apks to successfully help you pull off root ready to install. Pull ALL the necessary files you will need.
1. Get Minimal ADB and Fastboot OR Tiny ADB and Fastboot (it's easier).
2. Download the Motorola Drivers from their site if yo don't already have them (if you run into problems you will have to uninstall and reinstall them through their utility which is found on PC here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Motorola Shared\Mobile Drivers
3. Cpu-Z.apk (Very important, its hard to know your hardware without this).
4. Magisk v22.0.apk (They no longer have a separate Magisk Manager)
5. Root Explorer.apk (This software helps navigation better but you can use any Explorer of your choice).
6. Root Checker.apk
7. Stock Firmware XT2211-2_MILAN_RETUS_11_RRDE31.Q3-73-12_subsidy-DEFAULT_regulatory-DEFAULT_cid50_R2_CFC.xml (This is important if you mess up the boot image trying to root). You can get the firmware of your choice at Motorola Official Firmware For Milan.
8. Patience (and a good movie keeping you going).
As of now this device as no TWRP, so you have to do this the old fashioned way to root. And just so you know, I used Windows 10 for all of this.
1. Make sure the phone is fully charged.
2. Make sure your sim card is REMOVED from the phone. Everytime you wipe the phone or do anything messing with the boot image the phone resets itself to factory settings, and tries to push an update. Just take the silver key thing and pop it out. You will have to push it back in and out in a second, but start with it out.
3. Make sure your wifi is OFF.
4. Make sure your SD is in and mountable and all files you need are on the card.
5. Make sure you Save boot.img to your SD Card from your firmware files. This is very important for root.
6. Make sure your developer options are activated.
7. Make sure your USB debugging is enabled AND you've given permissions for your computer to have administrative access with it enabled (more on this below).
8. Make sure to check CPU-Z for your hardware specs so you download the right files for the phone and avoid potential problems.
9. Make sure you manually set USB to Transfer files (no other option will work and by default its set to Charge this Device).
10. Make sure you have the STOCK CABLE that comes with the phone. Like most Motorolas this model is funky about using other cables.
11. Make sure you back up all your calls, texts, pics, etc. Flashing the firmware is the ultimate factory reset and you will lose all your files on the phone. SMS Restore is a good software to backup Calls and Text logs and it supports keeping MMS.
12. Make sure you have the internet. It is necessary for some steps.
1. Make sure all the firmware files are extracted into your Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder (or whatever ADB folder you're using for this).
2. Open FlashFile.xml in Notepad. This is located among the firmware files you put in the Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder.
3. Cut, copy, and paste everything from the FlashFile that is shown and then paste it in an online Flash file Converter if you are flashing a fresh version of the stock firmware. I used Online Flash File Converter here. I recommend this just in case you're on a newer firmware - if not jump to Step 13.
4. Convert the text by pressing the bar below where you pasted the text. It may be in Spanish or Portuguese but is should say something like Cerar Commandos.
5. Copy the text by hitting the two pieces of paper icon in the corner after it's converted. Or just cut copy and paste manually.
6. Turn the phone completely OFF.
7. Plug your phone via USB cable into the computer.
8. Press Volume Down and Power to boot into fastboot mode. Do not use "adb reboot bootloader" as that command may or may not work and hang at "waiting for device" (it was iffy for me and it knocked off USB permissions BADLY).
9. Open up Minimal ADB and Fastboot (Make sure you don't have it set to open this as an administrator, it messes with permissions) Make sure your firmware files are in the Minimal ADB directory or it won't work.
10. Paste the contents of the flashfile converter into Minimal ADB and Fastboot. This should start the process of the flashing.
11. When the entire flash is complete, boot the phone and disconnect phone from the computer. Ignore the bootloader unlock error.
12. Wait. Sometimes this takes up to 3-5 minutes on a new flash. You should see the boot animation of Motorola.
13. Push your Sim Card back into the phone.
14. Start setting up your device on the screen. Sim Card must be in or it will give you a message your phone is Network Locked.
15. Once you make it to the Wifi Setup screen take the Sim back OUT the phone. Do not connect to Wifi.
16. Once you are done with setup, go to Settings>About phone.
17. Go all the way down to Build Number and press it until you unlock Developer Options.
18. Go to Settings>System>Advanced>Developer Options. Advanced is a pull down tab that will reveal Developer Options.
19. Disable Automatic System Updates. I know this is hard for some people, but a forced OTA update may cause problems and prohibit root.
20. Enable USB Debugging. Disable Verify bytecode of debuggable apps. Disable Verify apps over USB if it is highlighted. Exit.
21. Put your SD/Sim card back into the phone.
22. Go to the Files folder and install Magisk first, then Root Explorer and Root Checker.
23. Open Magisk. You will see Magisk and App. Hit Install by Magisk (a fingerprint looking icon is to its left).
24. Allow Magisk to access photos, media, and files if it asks.
25. Select option "Select and Patch A File."
26. It will take you to a screen where you can select your explorer to navigate to your SD card where you saved the boot.img. Go there and select it.
27. Magisk will save it as magisk_patched.img. Once you get it patched, find where it saved, make sure it's on your SD card and then turn off the phone.
28. Plug your phone via USB cable into the computer.
29. Press Volume Down and Power to boot into fastboot mode.
30. Open up a fresh Minimal ADB and Fastboot (Make sure you don't have it set to open this as an administrator, it messes with permissions) Make sure you transfer the magisk_patched.img that Magisk patched off your SD card into this folder.
31. Rename your original boot.img to "boot.img original" or whatever distinct name you want to give it in your Minimal ADB and Fastboot folder.
32. Rename your magisk_patched.img to boot.img.
33. In Minimal ADB and Fastboot type "fastboot flash boot boot.img" and hit enter.
34. If all goes well it should flash to the partition before it says done and in how many seconds.
35. When it is done, reboot phone by selecting START (keep pressing volume rockers until you see it, then press the power button).
36. Wait for the bootloader cannot be trusted screen to pass (may take a minute) and wait for the Hello Moto opening.
37. Open Root Checker and confirm root. You can uninstall it after confirmation if you like.
38. Open Root Explorer. A prompt asking you to grant permission should pop up.
Congrats. You should be rooted now.
1. Do NOT flash someone else's patched boot image. It WILL NOT WORK. Do the work, find your firmware, and patch the boot image yourself. You're asking for bootloop hell if you do as your boot.img that Magisk patches needs to match that particular firmware you used.
2. While it hasn't happened to me, You may have followed everything perfect and it still bootlooped. Save yourself the frustration and just flash it over. See the next section on the proper way to flash so you don't lose your baseband, IMEI, or any other important stuff.
3. While you won't lose anything just flashing boot.img, you will lose everything having to flash ALL the firmware over. Keep backups of all your important stuff.
****Notes on Flashing The Stock Firmware if you have to****
In the event you bootloop and have to start from scratch, follow my guide on restoring the firmware on the phone. And don't worry - it won't relock the bootloader. You can find my guide here: The Complete Noob Guide to Flashing via Fastboot Factory Unlocked Moto 5G Stylus XT2211 [Mediatek Variant]
Hope this helps my fellow TMobile and subdiary acolytes and others. I'll be working on securing R/W access soon.
I will try and answer questions if I can or point you in the right direction.
Moderator Announcement ​This guide is only for the The Moto 5G Stylus (2022), and will be moved once the Administrators create a separate forum for this device.
-Regards: Badger50

