Radio hardware? - Galaxy Note II, Galaxy S III Developer Discussion

Has anyone played with the Si4709 chip in a SPH-L900?
I've read plenty of stuff saying that the us variants don't have the hardware, but I thought I'd check for myself.
I built a kernel with support for the chip (using ashton seo of samsung's driver) and loaded up the module.
The driver is only documented in the code comments, so I tried Spirit just to see if it'd pick up on it, but Spirit reboots the phone when started. Sooo... I tried just turning on the chip in FM receive mode, which didn't result in a reboot.
I went over to sysfs and poked through the related twiddles (which there are a bunch of) and didn't come up with anything useful (most things were full of zeroes).
Anyone have any experience with it? Anyone have some sample code that works with the Si4709?
I guess it could be that the phone really doesn't have the hardware, but I'm not sure how to tell at this point.
The Spirit author (who presumably knows all about this stuff) does say in his Spirit thread that this phone lacks hardware, so maybe I should defer to that wisdom, unless someone has an idea as to how we can verify that the hardware is or is not there.
Edit: Here is a kernel with si47xx support if anyone wants to have a go. It's built as a module, so modprobe Si4709_driver to load 'er up.

The phone doesn't have the chip, you're wasting your time here.

Link doesn't let me access the files


What is HTC's problem with Camera APIs?

I'm quite pissed.
Before Windows Mobile 2005, HTC did not make their camera API public, so developers could not make use of the camera.
This all changed with WM2005 and the introduction of DirectShow. For devices released in the first year (since release of WM2005), this meant that one could "simply" use DirectShow to access the cameras.
But then HTC fell back to old habits again:
The HTC TyTN (Hermes) reports only a single video mode via DirectShow: 160x120 at 7.5 fps, which is a joke. Furthermore, trying to access the front camera via DirectShow fails too: It is simply not exposed (enumerated) at all.
The HTC Mteor (Breeze) goes even one step furher: It does report 160x120 and 320x240 (both at 15 fps), but actually both modes deliver pictures at 160x120. For the 320x240 mode, everything seems to work fine: IMediaSample tells that the picture is in that resolution. The memory buffer has the correct size (320x240x12bits), but the image in the buffer is really just 160x120.
Of course I tried several ROM versions (HTC, i-mate, etc.) but no chance.
So, I'm quite pissed. I already tried calling HTC but didn't get very far (which makes sense if these restrictions are on purpose...)
No comments on this?
Nobody every using DirectShow?
I guess I also wouldn't do it if I wasn't force to...
So with simple words if you want to use WM5 camera api in your application you can not do it in any HTC device
So how did the makers of CoolCamera go about? I was kinda under the impression that it used wm5s camera api, or am I wrong?
I think they've rewritten the interface from scratch. Look into the CPU developers' manuals. Not a small endevour!
CPU Developers' manual
Hi Vijay555,
Would you be so kind to post a link to where I can get this manual ?
Thanks in advance!
I don't think anyone wrote anything from scratch nor do I think this has much to do with a CPU manual... the devs at CoolCamera may have *somehow* managed to get their hands on the infamous HTC TyTN camera api... what exactly are you referring to when you mention the CPU manual?
Also, has anyone ever found a location where this api may be available or a means to get it? HTC developer support is non existant.
Eric, what makes you so sure that they didn't write it from scratch? Maybe they did acquire illegally or otherwise HTC's intellectual property, or maybe they just did what other manfacturers do and wrote some code.
Look at the device support - it's not a single device, it's many, across many different CPUs (Intel, Omap, Samsung), across many different camera sensors and support chips. However, implementation of a camera at software level is not impossible: how else do companies sell their sensors and chipsets?
Ask the sensor manufacturer, they'll give you chips specs, schematics, implementation code and draft driver code.
Then, look up the SC32442A developers' manual and you'll see that it encompasses a camera interface, again with necessary schematics and hardware IO information.
Sure it's hard to write a camera interface, but once you've written one, it gets easier to support others.
they need to continue writing then because my camera application frequently fails in that pictures are corrupt, can't be viewed, and the picture review is just black
Sure it's hard to write a camera interface, but once you've written one, it gets easier to support others.
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What kind of effort are we talking about here? Days? Weeks? Do you think this would need to run in kernel space, or we could get away with user space?

Secret Code

Here is what I found from the source code, anymore?
*#06# Display IMEI
*#*#8351#*#* Voice Dialer Logging Enabled
*#*#8350#*#* Voice Dialer Logging Disabled
*#*#4636#*#* Phone Setting
*#*#7262626#*#* FieldTest
Already know that 5 Secret Code but could not find any thing which can out it into Diagnostic Mode which was there in Windows Mobile.
Please Upload the Source code also so every body also start searching for something very usefull.
hetaldp said:
Already know that 5 Secret Code but could not find any thing which can out it into Diagnostic Mode which was there in Windows Mobile.
Please Upload the Source code also so every body also start searching for something very usefull.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The source code is online and available VIA git
And if you are trying to use the field test use anycut to make a shortcut on the desktop and it has a menu item to output diagnostics.
Of course if you have DDMS or Eclipse you can output diagnostics as well.. I believe they have a linux boot image on open handset alliance
those aren't that secret, and aren't anything special.
Any app can register a "secret code" and they are specified in the manifest.xml file.
most of the time those numbers are things like "INFO" and are a lot easier to remember if you think of them that way instead of the digits.
We talking abiut the Diagnostic Mode of Phone Radio so we can plug the Phone into USB and get QxDM (Qualcomm Extendible Diagnostic Mode) Software and look into Radio NVItem from 0 to 4000. DDMS is useless for that kinda Stuff. Radio Software is build using Some Different Core other then Linux, i have seen commnet of CMonex He said it the same as General other Radio, Remeber Radio and Android is connected with RIL (Radio Interface Layer) using Internally Exposed Serials Ports.
did somebody say exposed serial port?
Over my head a bit, but sounds cool, internally exposed serial ports sound useful, id assume you,d get i/o from both sides radio/droid. Back on the WIZ you could find a radio that works with the rom ver. and carrier to get best clarity, call handling, stability and battery life. This is cool reminds me of the early days of palm os rom hacking/cooking (we didn't call it that back then)
I'm glad I got it and I'm glad its an htc, so the homies at xda-dev will have this bad boy totally tricked out and custom...I love this plave, in a non homo way
Will we all be adding db9 ports on pur g1s
no, i do not believe we will ever see a db9 on the G1. First of all, that connector went out of style in the late 90's and second, its rather huge (want do drill a hole in your screen to make room for it??). I would however like to see usb host, but someone commented that it is probably not enabled in the kernel and if it is, there are no drivers for it (hint hint driver g writers). cmonex (is a girl by the way) has been looking into methods to get root on RC30 and many other things so we hope to see some fun new hacks from that.
nice shrring,this is a good source where someone can learn something about their mobile secret functions,meantime i would like to share something which i found last week this is a site where it has network unlock code for all mobiles find further

ADB interface for microcontrollers

After all the messing around with the serial port kernels (disadvantage: needs rooting, only works on some fones) and more recently the serial out using the headphone jacks (disadvantage: output only, and kinda slow at 24000bps max) I set out to do an ADB interface for a microcontroller, so as to allow for sensor and motor control from the phone from there. So far so good. If you want to see my results so far (and get the yummy software and schematics -- I sell kits, but it's all free-as-in-speech) check the instructions out. (only source for now) (also available on market, search "serial out" and it'll show up)
Heh, guess nobody cares. Anyway, the relevant apps are now on market, if anyone wants the source just message me.
Last bump...
It's on hackaday also a number of cool android hacks, usually hardware related.

[Q] SurfaceFlinger and possibility to take screenshot without root

I stumbled upon this article, and started to wonder if anyone has done anything about it yet? Has it been confirmed, or was it a false positive?
I hope this is a real feature, and excuses about security can't be that good as Comrade Steve -Iron Fist- Jobs and his iPhones have had the feature since the first version?
Hi frapaa!
Have you found any information regarding this issue? I'm also interested in taking screenshot on an unrooted device, but it seems that there is almost no information available at the moment.
Recently, I've digged into the Android' sources and may say the following:
Seems that 2.3.3 really has some progress on screenshooting. There is an SurfaceFlinger service (only lolevel though) which is actually a composite engine. There are methods like ::captureScreen() which do the stuff.
Hovewer, I could not found any userspace API for this stuff. SurfaceFlinger registers itself in the internal ServiceManager, which does not interfaced to the public, AFAIK.
Someone on the internets said that this stuff should be interfaced through the Java's Surface class and it's friends.
So, have you something to add?

Android Bluetooth Driver

I was google'ing for anything about this bluetooth driver for android I have and came across this link :
The OP has a pic of the exact app I have but they didn't have the apk file. Well I have it and wanted to post it somewhere someone might be able to fix it. Every time I try to run it says it has to activate over the internet but fails and closes.
Maybe someone can fix or bypass it.
I have the same problem .... and I can not connect the bluetooth mini keyboard .... my hd2 android [email protected] GRATEFUL help ...
that's an early version of the Teksoft "BlueInput" app.. it no longer works I reckon, the version has been bumped up in the meantime, and it now sells for 10€..
Hugely overpriced if you ask me, especially considering that the licence is only valid for 1 device (i.e one keyboard, if you have two like me you have to pay twice that), and the phone ID that is the base for the licence number generation changes as soon as you tweak one setting or two on your ROM.. And you only get 3 free resets of the registration number.
don't buy that crap, i've been hugely disappointed by the dev's attitude towards software licensing.
I ended up installing a CM7 on my SGS2, BT keyboards work pretty much "out of the box" on it without any 3rd party driver. but that's an interim measure, i'm currently trying to compile a whole new (and complete) BT stack for the SGS2, based on Bluez-4.96 (supposed to fully support the HID profile used for keyboards).
I was wondering the same thing.

