Qmobile Noir A2 and A5 rooting method perfectly working - Android Stick & Console Computers General

Step # 1: First Download this file
Step #2: Connect your mobile to PC and go to device manager and right click on your android composit adb and go to properties and then go to details you will see and id copy it to your notepad files id just like this VID_XXXX and PID_YYYY
Step # 3: Extract downloaded folder and open this file android_winusb.inf and search for USB/VID.
Step # 4: when your find it then replace VID values with your notepad copy VID values and replace PID values with your copy PID values.
After doing these all steps do this step.
Step # 5: In extracted folder find root.bat files and run that bat file do same want that cmd tell you dont press any extra key in between process.
Enjoy with rooting of your mobile
If your mobile is still don't have root access then see more rooting method on this website in details
thinkbeyondwindow dot com

Is this perfectly working?


(GUIDE) Automated Root (well kinda lol)<MAC ONLY>(GUIDE)

(GUIDE) Automated Root (well kinda lol)<MAC ONLY>(GUIDE)
Hi everyone ,
I am VERY new here but would like to publish a project that I am working on right now. Basically what i am going to show you is a *half* done project on a auto rooter. This does not use a exploit of any kind but will do most of the commands for you, using the applescript program.
Now if you will, *applause* (LOL) I will tell you the instructions to get root!!!!!!!! *more applause*
1. Search on Google "android sdk". Then download mac version of the sdk. Put it on your desktop and rename it:
2. Next i will use part of siedkins's awesome guide to show you what you should do next! You can find it here
Now launch Terminal - ⌘ + space then type Terminal or Applications>Utilities>Terminal
Now drag and drop the file called "android" in the "tools" folder into your terminal window and you should see something like:
Then hit enter - this should load Android SDK
Next go to Available Packages on the left and Android Repository > Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 1 -tick the box and hit "Install Selected"
It should download and install the Platform Tools which includes ADB !!!!
Now quit Android SDK after it has downloaded and go back into Finder. Now you should see a new folder "platform-tools" in the "android-sdk-mac_86" folder. Open that and you can now see a file called adb.
Now .... I am going to show you how to make your life a lot easier in Terminal to run ADB without having to navigate to the folder every time you want to launch it.
Go back to your Terminal window and type (or copy & paste):
cd ~
The screen should then look like
For me I have:
Mac-Pro:~ siedkins$
Next, type
touch .bash_profile
to create your new bash / path file
Next, type
open -e .bash_profile
to open it in TextEdit.
Now into Text Edit please copy:
export PATH=${PATH}:
Then go into Finder and navigate your your "android-sdk-mac_86" folder. Then click on the "platform-tools" folder and drag and drop this into TextEdit at the end of the code above that you copied. Mine looks like:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/siedkins/android-sdk-mac_86/platform-tools/
Yours should look like:
export PATH=${PATH}:insert your path to the "platform-tools" folder in your Android SDK here
All you need is that one line. Then Save and exit TextEdit and then very importantly QUIT TERMINAL.
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3. What you should do now is to turn on USB Debugging in your phone (Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging) Now once you have done this download the zip and open "See if adb works" . What you should see is your unique id number in terminal....
5. Next
What is this I don't even

[Q] how do you create a file?

I am really new at this. So how to you do this step?
4. A folder called recovery with a file in it called COMMAND inside it with the following line of text:
What is the step-by-step process for this? I know how to create a folder, but I dont know how to create the file with the code. Can someone help me with this. Thanks I have Windows 7 if that matters.
I don't have windows 7, so my instructions may be outdated for you.
It's basically a notepad file, but you can't have the ".txt" extension.
I downlaoded Notepad++ and used it to create my file. Just open the program, copy and paste the text line you need, then save it as "COMMAND" (remember, no extension. save it in the recovery folder and you're good to go.
novicexda said:
I am really new at this. So how to you do this step?
4. A folder called recovery with a file in it called COMMAND inside it with the following line of text:
What is the step-by-step process for this? I know how to create a folder, but I dont know how to create the file with the code. Can someone help me with this. Thanks I have Windows 7 if that matters.
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On the gTablet, run a Terminal Emulator app, then type:
cd /mnt/sdcard
mkdir recovery
echo '--update_package=SDCARD:/update.zip' > recovery/command


///How to easily edit 9.pngs easily \\\
Lets start ...
Step 1
Decompile the app.
Step 2
Enter into res/drawables
Step 3
open 9.png with paint.net(preffered)not tested others
Get it here (www.getpaint.net)
Step 4
change its color to ur wish (note--dont touch those 4 borders at the ends)
Step 5
Close and save png
Step 6
Now recompile
Step 7
congo it works fine.............
No need of draw9patch...
Must knw how to compile- recompile apps.
Must try more coming soon..........
Dont Spoil This Thread Please!!!!
Today i will guide you on how to decompile with Apk Tool,so I would post here
Needed files :-
Java JDK/JRE 32 bit
Cmd/terminal knowledge
Step 1
First you need to extract that zip folder to anywhere you choose, preferably on root of c/drive E.g: C:/android/apktool extracting the files to 'apktool' folder.
Step 2
Now copy the apk you would like to mod into your Apk Tool folder.
Step 3
Command Prompt:
Open up your Command Prompt by going to:
Start -> run -> type : Cmd
Step 4
Your cmd will probly look like this..
so type in
cd.. (Yes include the '..' and press enter after you type each command.)
this will get you to back directory so now you will see
so type again
you should now see this:
now type in:
cd 'apktoo'l/'directory'
for me it looks like:
cd android/apktool
now you should see:
and you are in the apktool directory
Step 5
Installing Framework
Now that you are in directory we need to install the device's framework to your system for it to compile correctly so type this:
apktool if framework-res.apk
This will install the devices framework to your system. need to do this.
Step 6
Now to decompile the apk you want to edit, type this:
apktool d framework-res.apk framework1
Step 7
Now to recompile your new apk type this:
apktool b framework1 framework-res-new.apk
framework1 is the folder with your edited files
framework-res-new.apk is your new apk file
We cannot use the new apk's... we have to take what we did and add it back to the original apk file to keep proper signature
use something like 7zip or winrar, take the 'resources.arcs' file and any other xml files you edited out of the "-new" apk and copy them into Original apk
Your new modded APK is now ready, Congrats!:highfive:
Good Luck ..
must try
Just For Knowledge....
If... we use 7zip.. extract apk on desktop..
then replace modified.png with orignal.png
then aad to orignal apk
we just hunt png which we want to replace.
just extract that one with same res. & name
then add that on it right place
Is that working???
i.e. I want to replace icon of Gallary3d (JB4.3) (Gal+Cam)
with icon of samsung s4 icon Gallary2 (Gal+Cam)

[TUTORIAL] Centering the Lockscreen After Decreasing DPI

[Noob friendly tutorial]
A typical problem when decreasing the DPI of your device is sometimes the lock screen will offset to the right(usually).
This tutorial might help fix this problem.
1. Rooted device
2. File manager for viewing and managing the root directory (e.g. Root Explorer)
3. Software for decompiling and recompiling .apk files
4. Text editor, I recommend Notepad++
Backup your current ROM so that I will not be held responsible for problems the may occur on your device
1. Open Play Store and download "ZipSigner" by Ken Ellindwood
2. Go to the root directory which is designated as "/".
3. Open "system" folder
4. Open "framework" folder
5. Look for "framework-res.apk"
6. Copy "framework-res.apk"
7. Navigate back to your SD card directory and paste it to where you want it.
8. Connect your device to your PC.
9. Expand your phone's the notification bar, press "Charging" and change it to "USB mass storage" and press "OK". Your PC will access your phone's storage directories (SD Card and Phone Storage)
10. On your PC, go to your SD Card's directory and navigate to where you put framework-res.apk and move it to your PC's desktop (you can put it to anywhere you like, just make sure you have it in your PC's storage directory).
11. On your PC, transfer framework-res.apk in the directory of your decompiling/recompiling tool with respect to what "tool" you are using.
Main Part:
12. Decompile framework-res.apk
13. Go to its "decompiled" directory
14. Navigate to /res/layout
15. Look for "keyguard_screen_tab_unlock.xml"
16. Open it with a text editor
17. Look for this line:
18. Rigt next to this line, look for the lines, "android:gravity" and "android:layout_height".
19. Change their values to "left|top" and "wrap_content" respectively
So "android:gravity" and "android:layout_height" should look like this:
20. Recompile framework-res.apk
21. Sign the new, edited framework-res.apk
22. Place it back to your SD Card
23. Disconnect your device from your PC.
24. Go to your SD Card and navigate to where you have put the modified framework-res.apk
25. Using the ZipSigner app, press "Choose In/Out..." and navigate to where you put the edited framework-res.apk
26. Press "Sign The File" and ZipSigner will begin to produce a signed version of the selected apk.
27. Navigate back to where you have created the edited-and-signed framework-res.apk and it will have a "-signed" in it's name.
28. Remove the "-signed" and MAKE SURE the newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk is named AS IS, "framework-res.apk".
*If there are others' named "framework-res.apk" in the same directory, rename them into something different before renaming the "newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk" so it won't conflict with step 28.
29. After you have successfully renamed the "newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk", copy it.
30. Go to the root directory which is designated as "/".
31. Open "system" folder
32. Open "open "framework" folder
33. And paste-and-overwrite/override the "newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk" to this "framework" directory.
Note: If in some case you were prevented to paste in the "framework" directory, check to see if your root file manager is mounting the root, if not check for an option to mount the root directory
34. If you have successfully overwritten/overridden the original framework-res.apk, your device should begin to Soft-Reboot automatically. If not then, manually force your device to reboot.
And your lock screen should now be at the center.
35. Done
durancharles27 said:
[Noob friendly tutorial]
A typical problem when decreasing the DPI of your device is sometimes the lock screen will offset to the right(usually).
This tutorial might help fix this problem.
1. Rooted device
2. File manager for viewing and managing the root directory (e.g. Root Explorer)
3. Software for decompiling and recompiling .apk files
4. Text editor, I recommend Notepad++
Backup your current ROM so that I will not be held responsible for problems the may occur on your device
1. Open Play Store and download "ZipSigner" by Ken Ellindwood
2. Go to the root directory which is designated as "/".
3. Open "system" folder
4. Open "framework" folder
5. Look for "framework-res.apk"
6. Copy "framework-res.apk"
7. Navigate back to your SD card directory and paste it to where you want it.
8. Connect your device to your PC.
9. Expand your phone's the notification bar, press "Charging" and change it to "USB mass storage" and press "OK". Your PC will access your phone's storage directories (SD Card and Phone Storage)
10. On your PC, go to your SD Card's directory and navigate to where you put framework-res.apk and move it to your PC's desktop (you can put it to anywhere you like, just make sure you have it in your PC's storage directory).
11. On your PC, transfer framework-res.apk in the directory of your decompiling/recompiling tool with respect to what "tool" you are using.
Main Part:
12. Decompile framework-res.apk
13. Go to its "decompiled" directory
14. Navigate to /res/layout
15. Look for "keyguard_screen_tab_unlock.xml"
16. Open it with a text editor
17. Look for this line:
18. Rigt next to this line, look for the lines, "android:gravity" and "android:layout_height".
19. Change their values to "left|top" and "wrap_content" respectively
So "android:gravity" and "android:layout_height" should look like this:
20. Recompile framework-res.apk
21. Sign the new, edited framework-res.apk
22. Place it back to your SD Card
23. Disconnect your device from your PC.
24. Go to your SD Card and navigate to where you have put the modified framework-res.apk
25. Using the ZipSigner app, press "Choose In/Out..." and navigate to where you put the edited framework-res.apk
26. Press "Sign The File" and ZipSigner will begin to produce a signed version of the selected apk.
27. Navigate back to where you have created the edited-and-signed framework-res.apk and it will have a "-signed" in it's name.
28. Remove the "-signed" and MAKE SURE the newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk is named AS IS, "framework-res.apk".
*If there are others' named "framework-res.apk" in the same directory, rename them into something different before renaming the "newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk" so it won't conflict with step 28.
29. After you have successfully renamed the "newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk", copy it.
30. Go to the root directory which is designated as "/".
31. Open "system" folder
32. Open "open "framework" folder
33. And paste-and-overwrite/override the "newly-edited-and-signed framework-res.apk" to this "framework" directory.
Note: If in some case you were prevented to paste in the "framework" directory, check to see if your root file manager is mounting the root, if not check for an option to mount the root directory
34. If you have successfully overwritten/overridden the original framework-res.apk, your device should begin to Soft-Reboot automatically. If not then, manually force your device to reboot.
And your lock screen should now be at the center.
35. Done
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This is Q and A thread tutorial should not be here .... Plz post this thread in right place.....
samith.shetty3 said:
This is Q and A thread tutorial should not be here .... Plz post this thread in right place.....
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Click to collapse
Well, can I move this thread in "General"?
durancharles27 said:
Well, can I move this thread in "General"?
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Click to collapse
samith.shetty3 said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
well I can't I would have to pray that an Admin/Moderator would see this and move it.

[SOLVED] android cannot establish a reliable connection to the server

So you have a problem with your device,maybe you was install a custom rom or you have restored your stock ROM and you can't Connect to playstore,you can't SIGN IN google account
i got the solution
first at all,you should prepare this all
-Root Explorer
-Rooted Device
You can get root explorer on PlayStore
lets go to first step :
1. Open Root Explorer
2. Open system folder then go to etc folder
3. Find a file named "host"
4. Long press on "host" file and click open with,then click Text Editor
there will text file like down here
[COLOR="Red"] localhost
# android.clients.google.com
5.edit the text file,what you need to do it just add # on the port name,so edit it until like down here
[COLOR="red"]# localhost
# android.clients.google.com
diffrent port isn't the problem,don't copy my port,what you need to do its just add # on the both port number
If it helped you can click THANKS button on the left bottom, i really want to help you guys,HOPE IT HELPED ​
just delete the HOSTS file
or make sure its only 1 space)localhost

