Binding Directory breaks Gallery & Mod Vold.fstab loses symlinks - Galaxy Ace II General

I have been playing about with Directory Bind, Link2SD, Vold.fstab and init.d scripts for the last week and have observed a few issues. I have noticed every time I swap partitions using a modified Vold.fstab file, Link2SD loses link every now and then. It could happen up to 3 times a day which gets extremely frustrating as I lose all home page settings and widgets and have to redo it all each time. I have noticed that what seems to happen is it automatically unmount the second partition intermittently. When I revert back to the original Vold.fstab, Link2SD works fine.
Next issue is directory bind. I bind /mnt/sdcard/external_sd to /mnt/sdcard and the gallery image viewer does not show images. So I uninstalled directory bind and load a init.d script with sleep 50 and mount -o bind /mnt/sdcard/external_sd /mnt/sdcard and have the same problem. Remove the script and the gallery viewer is fine again.
Now before someone says why not bind just the Android/Data folder, it is simple, I would rather not have the measly 1gb internal storage and have the internal sd/external SD rubbish and just have one big Sdcard mount/storage to make things easier and simpler for me, not to mention the fact that little things like that bothers me.
Now I refuse to believe that I am the only one experiencing this issue and would like to hear if others are having similar issues or what they did to resolve it. I would prefer to use the script method rather than Vold.fstab or DirectoryBind method because at least that seems to resolve the loss of symlink issue with link2SD. Any help or suggestions welcome.

Problem still remains and I now have the additonal problem of losing the bind automatically. Same happened when I was using ditectory bind app. There seems no way without problems to increase useable storage on this phone.


[Q] fake a sdcard device with a loopback device

Yesterday I decided to fix the internal front speakers of my "HTC Desire Z" (aka. G2). While I was able to fix them, I broke the connector for the microSD slot (, the left one). After trying to fix it for several hours, I gave up. It isn't in the scope of my hardwareskills :-(
Well, since I have like 600mb left on /data and my device is rooted, I tried to find a software solution i.e. "emulate" a SDcard device (because many applications require one to work properly, e.g. the camera app). I found here a description how to create a vfat image and mount it as loopback.
While this is exactly what I want, I don't get it to work:
I don't know how to modifiy /proc/cmdline, or
how the entry in /etc/vold.fstab should look like.
dev_mount sdcard /mnt/sdcard auto /data/sdcard.img didn't work for me. according to logcat, I have this version: I/Vold ( 2368): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up
btw, just mounting the loopback device to /mnt/sdcard didn't work too. For example, the camera app still claims there isn't a SD card inserted.
I also posted this question to stackoverflow:
PS: unfortunately, I'm not allowed to post URLs :-(

[Q] EXT vs FAT

Is it possible to use EXT on the main partition instead of fat? It may improve stability and CM7 already supports EXT
it is theoretically possible to make tho whole sd card to ext, but if you use windows it wouldnt be clever to do that bacause windows can only read data from Fat or NTFS as far as i know
I know about the incompatibility issues, but I prefer a better phone and airdroid-like software may solve the problem of transfering files from and to the phone. Today I tried this but the phone froze on the lockscreen after boot. Is there anything to set?
I succesfully mounted a folder from my EXT partition and is really faster than the FAT partition, but the media process keeps force closing because of the permissions.
Is there anyway to solve this? The problem is visible with the camera, sometimes it works sometimes not, but when it does is really snappy and when you change the permissions of the photos the problem is solved; as far as I've been testing I haven't seen any other issue

[Q] [ParanoidAndroid] Mount ext. SD on PC

Couldn't get the ext. sd card to mount on pc. Weird thing is the ext. sd is available on yumaporn. Searched google and found out that you can use multi mount app @store but I would still prefer a native solution to a widget based mount (which can get unresponsive like, most of the times) on the Paranoid.
Any solutions?
I look forward to hearing an answer, on this, as well. Some forums for other ROMs have talked about tweaking build.prop and other files and getting it to work, but so far, none of those tweaks have worked for me yet.
My inability to get it working could easily be operator error, however.

Internal storage is vfat? (CM 10.1)

So I was wondering for a while why I couldn't do symbolic links and how in the world the fs was case insensitive. I looked in the mount list for something else and noticed that the "sdcard" was being mounted as vfat, not EXT4. I thought that even stock was supposed to have switched over amd that this was part of the whole point of the swtich to the MTP USB connection rather than UMS? Is there any particular reason it is on vfat? Is there any way I can switch without reinstalling from scratch? Even if it's not any faster, there are times when I want symbolic links, journalized writes, and etc that EXT4 does. Or am I just completely missing something?

Mount DCIM from OTG?

On my original pixel phone I was able to bind DCIM to my sdcard OTG adapter which was really useful when recording video as 4K content will fill up storage quick. I would set this up from running the following command after connecting the adapter.
mount -o bind /mnt/media_rw/*adapter name*/DCIM /data/media/0/DCIM
This no longer seems to work with the Pixel 2. Now if I run the above command I can see the mount working in /data/media but the /storage/emulated directory still shows the old DCIM setup and recording with the Google Camera app still writes to the phone's internal storage.
I have also tried the command pointing to
as well remounting /data, /data/media, /storage, /storage/emulated (which throws the error "mount: '/data/media'->'/storage/emulated': Invalid argument").
None of these things have worked. I figure something has changed with the way the Pixel 2 handles the filesystem.
Is there anything I'm missing or has anyone had any luck trying this?
Hoping there is still a way to achieve this since Google seems to vehemently hate sdcards now and as nice as the unlimited Photos backup is, it's useless if I run out of space before I can do a backup (which has happened to me quite a few times at concerts). I would like to not have to use another camera app to use the sdcard as none of them seem to keep the stabilization of the Google camera app, but I am aware that it is an option.
Have you tried (in English, not Linuxese) mounting the OTG adapter's picture directory to /data/media/0/DCIM? If /data/media/0/DCIM is mounted, maybe you can't change it, but maybe you can mount a directory on it - like Camera or Stick? Then point the camera at that directory? (I'm guessing a bit here, because my 2 doesn't arrive for another 2 days, and I'll be busy TWRPing it, rooting it and backing it up before I play with Terminal [which probably won't even be installed until the day after - I have "a few" apps to install, and a Bluetooth car audio to get the phone working on first].)

