JB 4.1.2 XXELLC - Custom clockcolor in phonesettings, guidence wanted. - Galaxy Note II, Galaxy S III Developer Discussion

Hi all!
Working on my rom (JB XXELLC), and got and idea I just want to have some guidence with. Kinda a new to android (about 1 month), but picked up quite a lot allready, and done some simple smali / xml modding.
So, the idea is, to simply add an option in SecSettings with clockcolor, like the inkeffect setting (easy part).
The line in SystemUI xml files is also under control (like the color is basic xml code, like #blablabla)
Now, the thing I need a little guidence with is. When I have my colorvalue in secsettings, how do I get that value into the clock-color-value in the xml file?
The way I think is that choosen color is stoered in some adress (not known yet), say 0x111111 for now. And in the XML file (or some smali?), insted of a #fffffff color the color will be picked up from 0x1111111 ..
Am I thinking right? I'm not requesting a complete mod, or anything like that, just wanted to hear with you more skilled guys if I'm thinking right. Chose the correct method will cut down my dev time, a lot.. Of course It will be tricky, but that's a bit of the charm.
And sorry for bad english.. working on it :silly:

I realized that you said in your post that you wanted to cut DOWN your dev time, but I'm not going to contribute to that motive at all. Instead, I'm going to give you advice on how to massively increase your "dev time" at the same time as you massively increase your knowledge on how things work. After all, this section isn't about "quick" fixes.
(Knowing the answer is nice. Knowing how to find the answer is much, much better.)
Why not grab cyanogenmod or aokp source, and find examples of what you are trying to do (pull a color from something set in settings) in the actual java source, then compile that firmware, and finally push it back through apktool (or whatever your using to disassemble the apk) and find the corresponding smali?


Theming made easy?

I have recently started looking into theming and I was wondering if there was a repo somewhere with icons etc. that generally match. atm the moment I'm kinda of pulling from these theme and the other, there a better way to do this? Eventually I'll probably start making some of my own by in the meantime while I'm still dabbling I was hoping I could find these. Right now I've got about 5k images from the various frameworks of themes that I enjoy...Tell me there's an easier way.
jvegastn said:
I have recently started looking into theming and I was wondering if there was a repo somewhere with icons etc. that generally match. atm the moment I'm kinda of pulling from these theme and the other, there a better way to do this? Eventually I'll probably start making some of my own by in the meantime while I'm still dabbling I was hoping I could find these. Right now I've got about 5k images from the various frameworks of themes that I enjoy...Tell me there's an easier way.
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There are a few people who have posted guides such as the following:
This is a pretty comprehensive guide from people like Manup and Stericson.
Or check here:
I think most of it is the same, but may fill in some extra gaps, and is a forum, so you may find some additional questions answered.
I just started theming as well. I originally was just replacing images as well. But the guys doing the big work actuall create their own images (sometimes image creation, as well as coloring). In addition they usually theme the apps (not just the images) but also go in and edit the xml files to create color coded themes throughout the framework and apps. It's quite a bit of work...
Anyways...check out the links and good luck!

[Q] Tools needed for theming/making own ROM?

I like Android. I liked some of the custom ROMs even more. Especially in combination with a theme. However, there are always certain things that bother me. That's why I want to make my own ROM. Since I do not have any skill in any program language, I'm not going to build a ROM from scratch. That wouldn't be a good idea anyway . And I don't need to. I'm just going to use a custom ROM as a base. So mainly what I want to do is theme.
This is what I want to achieve:
- I want to theme every single aspect of the OS, or at least as much as possible. I want it to be a whole.
- As I said, I'm not going to build a ROM from scratch. That would be impossible. But my guess is that there are things that are possible to change. For example, I should be able to change the order in which the buttons in the settings menu are shown, right? And the buttons itselves? The text on the buttons? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagined it as a big text editor file in which you can just change some text. For example, there would be a big code for each button with lots of numbers and symbols, but between those codes there would be plain english text which I could edit (for example, the Application button at the menu: I could change it to say "Apps" instead of "Applications"), and I could also change the order in which those codes are shown. Anyway, that's the sort of stuff that seems editable to me, and it's also the sort of stuff I want to edit. What doesn't seem editable (or not so 'easy' at least) to me, is the fact that you can't pulldown the notification bar in the lockscreen in CM7. This is just an example, but you get it. I want to change as much as possible about a certain ROM, but only the things that I can easily change, like the order of certain buttons or the text on certain buttons.
I just used those things above as an example. I do want to change the order of the buttons and the text on buttons, but it's not going to be the only thing I want to change. So keep in mind that it is just an example.
These are the tools that I found that may be useful:
- UOT Kitchen
- HTC Android ROM Kitchen (works on NS)
- How-to-theme guide on XDA
- A Metamorph guide on XDA
I don't know if I need UOT kitchen when I'm going to use that big How-to-theme guide. Probably not. HTC Android ROM kitchen looks nice, but I don't know if it can change the order of the buttons and the text on buttons and that sort of stuff.
Things I need help with:
- Is there or is there not a big text editor file in which I could just edit some codes, or isn't it as easy as that? I'm not going to change a whole code. Like I said, I only want to change what's easy to change, like the order of buttons or text on buttons.
- What ROM should I use as a base? CM7 is probably the best, because of course I want a lot of features in my ROM.
- Can I use UOT Kitchen in combination with that guide, or is kitchen completely useless when I use that guide?
- My most important question: What, do you think, is everything I can change with my knowledge? I don't have any programming skill, but I do have time. And besides, I don't even want to edit a lot of stuff in a ROM. Just stuff from the outside. So mainly theming. Not too much feature-like.
Long thread. If anyone can help me get started, that would be great!
Please? Can anyone help?
Found this above thread also very useful.
To clarify what I want some more:
Besides changing the order of the settings menu and the text on the buttons, I would also like to add some more settings. I would really like to have the voodoo sound settings integrated in the settings menu.
Again, those are just examples, but those are the kind of things I would like to change. So nothing major!

[Guide]Change the Ticker Clock Color!

Alright, I am going to try and make this guide as easy to follow as possible for the 1000x people who requested it, lol...
Before starting there is a few things you are going to need/should have:
apk manager...
text editor...
General Idea with How to Work a Computer/Follow Directions
Since we are going to be editing xml's, you have to use apk manager... Hopefully you have some basic knowledge with this "program", since it takes a little getting used to.. If not though, i will try and make this as painless as possible
First, open up apk manager and decompile (9) the framework-res.apk of your choosing.. You can unzip my gingerbread theme and use that framework-res, or any other one that you can find
Now, go to the projects folder, and navigate to "framework-res.apk\res\layout".. This is where, as the name implies, all the layouts for the ticker are placed... They are in xml format, so you can easily use notepad or such...
The XML that we are looking for in order to change the color is "standbymode.xml". Open it up in your text editor... Don't be intimidated, i know it looks confusing lol.. We are only messing with a little part...
Navigate down to the 13th line, aka "<TextView android:textSize="@dimen/time.text.size"... This is where the phone gets its information about the size, font, and color for the Time!
Scroll through that line until you come across android:textColor="blah"... As you can guess the Hex Value within the quotes is the color the clock is! Right now it is ffeaff00, but we can very easily change that
All you have to do now is by googling "Hex value for purple" or whatever color you want, find the hex value that you want to use The code should be exactly six letters/numbers, no more and no less... Now, copy that hex value, and replace the old code from "ff" on! Do not erase those first two letters, because that is telling the phone what transparency value to use, and we would like to keep it fully visible
Easy Enough, right? The hard part is now done!
All we have to do now is recompile the apk, which can be tricky if you don't know what your doing..
P.S if you know how to do this, you are done! I would still scan over these steps though, just to make sure you are doing it right
To compile in apk manager, just type 11! if you get a compile error, then you did something wrong That shouldn't happen though, this is a relatively easy mod....
Wait a while until you get a "Is this a system apk?" message... type "y".... then type y again for the next message... Now do what it says!
Don't forget to delete the "resources.arsc" file, and the "standbymode.xml" file!
Now you are done!! Just replace that framework using whatever method you use, Whether that be with adb when the phone is in recovery, or by replacing the new modified apk with the original within a zip file already made by me
If you make your own, don't be stingy.. Upload it to XDA or whatever, and share it with the community I will put it up on the front page, and give you the credit Make sure though you share with me what kind of framework-res.apk it is, and where you got as in, if you got it from my gingerbread package, or from my stock 2.2 Accurate theme, or Reboot Options, or any other option
fantastic guide! thank you for this!
but im just wondering one thing, why dont you have a donate button for all the hard work you have been giving to the continuum community? hmmm
Trail, is there any code we can get to that's worth modding that's in Java? If so, I can start doing some development.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App
I added my own outlined orange softkeys, and and orange ticker color.
and a few things to the lockscreen text for the lulz
Also I failed to mention that it's based on your accurate gingerbread theme.
Thank you Jakeschweinz for sharing with the community I shall put this in the main mod Thread, and make it easy for everyone to find it And i'll be sure to let you have all the credit
Thanks again!
just a quick link to help you guys out with color
and here's my baby blue clock color
6FCAF5 <---- if anybody wants to know the color code for it,
And thanks again Trailblazer for this Guide.
You tricky bugger you figured it out without me lol..
Nice job!
So I'm kinda new to doing this, and I saw the upload that someone has on there for mediafire, and I was wondering, do you just download that, or do you put it in the .apk manager and change it?
This guide is very soon going to be outdated
Sent from my SCH-I400 using xda premium

Theming First CM7 Rom, Need Help Setting Defaults.

Ok so I have decided to make my first attempt at making a Themed CM7 Rom. For my first attempt I just decided to kind of port my phones original Stock Froyo Rom onto CM7. I figured I would do this first just to teach myself how to do things and not so much worry about things like style or images as most can just be swapped over as I have decompiled all the APK’s from both Roms. I have gotten pretty good as far as doing simple things like swapping or editing images and rebuilding the APK’s but there are a few things specific to CM7 that I have not been able to figure out. At first I thought that if I just kept looking I would find answers before running through all the APK’s. Now I’m just about done with all the APK’s and everything is working and looking good but I have yet to figure out the following before putting a stamp on the project.
1, Was actually how to enable a bootsound but have just figured it out.
2, the build I used for the theme came with the Nexus Live Wallpaper as the default. I have replaced the default wallpaper in the Framework-res but can’t figure out how to set it as the actual default and not the nexus. I have read on a few forums that I should find it in a strings.xml and replace “live wallpaper” with @Null but not only can I not find the entry it just does not sound correct, but I really have no idea.
3, How to change the default lockscreen style? Looking to set the sliding tab style as the default.
4, How to disable the glowing over scroll effect as a default?
I know these are probably Rooky questions but I am by all means a complete Rooky. Otherwise I am proud I got this far, the thing looks just like the crapy old glichy Froyo Rom. Anytime I would have an idea in the past I would loose interest in the idea in trying to figure out how to apply the idea. This kind of has worked out as I’m just about done and the next time an idea hits me I can be all over it. Anyhow any advice on the above three would rock. I did not think they would be as difficult as they are but I have been unable to find anything that has worked so far.

[Q] How to dim soft keys Loli 5.1

Title say all , i have a Nexus 5 lolipop 5.1 and i want to full dim 0 my visor . Softkeys inclued.
Need help please.
If you want to dim the navigation bar (why would you need to?) you'll probably have to decompile SystemUI, modify the drawables then recompile, or use Xposed.
It's not necessary to decompile. As .apk is actually a .zip, you can simply change .png-s inside drawable folders.
But if you use 5.1 it will be much harder to change original SystemUI with yours, because of security changes in system partition.
zagorteney said:
It's not necessary to decompile. As .apk is actually a .zip, you can simply change .png-s inside drawable folders.
But if you use 5.1 it will be much harder to change original SystemUI with yours, because of security changes in system partition.
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This one is tricky though since you have to make sure, not to damage the signature. Some PNG use a "special" format and need to be decompiled first --> modified --> recompiled --> injected again in the Framework.
Gorgtech said:
This one is tricky though since you have to make sure, not to damage the signature. Some PNG use a "special" format and need to be decompiled first --> modified --> recompiled --> injected again in the Framework.
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I wrote this many times: you DON'T need to decompile apps which came from factory image. And even .9.png-s can be simplycomment on this are changed. For example: We wish to change background of power widget. 1. Pull the Settings.apk from /data/priv-app. Copy to PC. Rename it to .zip (you don't need any extra tool for this) or use TotalCommander - you even don't need to rename .apk to .zip with it. We must look for appropriate image (appwidget_bg_holo.9.png in /res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4) inside. Make some regullary png in Photoshop in size and resolution of original one - you can free your imaginations about colors as you like. Now copy the name of original image and with paste rename your own. Put your renamed image into .zip (overwrite original one) and thats all philosophy.
This is possible just with apps from factory image and you will not brake any signature. This works for me since Xperia X10 until Nexus 5 with 5.0.2. On 5.1 biggest problem is (at least for me) that I don't know how to integrate updates of system apps into rom. But if you are on 5.0.2 or above, you can simply try. Just remember to backup first.
Regards, Zagor
P.S. Any further informations are welcome, but at least people try this first. And it's a little annoying to write this down over and over again.
Extracting and inserting pictures is not the problem but like I mentioned before, the "9" PNG. If you simply copy them, edit them and reinsert them again, it might turn out to be a mess and these pictures are not displayed the right way. I gave up theming stuff a long time ago since it´s not really worth the trouble anymore. At least if you use a legal Gfx tool ( since I have my doubts that most people own a real licensed version of Photoshop anyway ) like eg. GIMP, you might expect some trouble if you don´t decompile "9" PNGs first. At least I can tell that I had to go through the trouble while I still had my old Galaxy S3 in order to make them usable, the way I wanted them to be
I know the procedure, don´t worry
Gorgtech said:
Extracting and inserting pictures is not the problem but like I mentioned before, the "9" PNG. If you simply copy them, edit them and reinsert them again, it might turn out to be a mess and these pictures are not displayed the right way. I gave up theming stuff a long time ago since it´s not really worth the trouble anymore. At least if you use a legal Gfx tool ( since I have my doubts that most people own a real licensed version of Photoshop anyway ) like eg. GIMP, you might expect some trouble if you don´t decompile "9" PNGs first. At least I can tell that I had to go through the trouble while I still had my old Galaxy S3 in order to make them usable, the way I wanted them to be
I know the procedure, don´t worry
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As I said: you must not copy and edit existing .9.png. You have to create a new one and just name it with the procedure as I wrote above. So you have to copy the name of .9.png and paste that in the name of your own image. Am I clear enough now?
Forgive me to say, but you don't know this. Sorry.
Best regards, Zagor
I guess you don´t read what I write ? If you want to color a existing image ( "9" ), it will be displayed faulty if you don´t proceed like I did. End of the story. You can replace it with another image you can rename but it won´t be displayed the right way in some circumstances. I´m out.
zagorteney said:
As I said: you must not copy and edit existing .9.png. You have to create a new one and just name it with the procedure as I wrote above. So you have to copy the name of .9.png and paste that in the name of your own image. Am I clear enough now?
Forgive me to say, but you don't know this. Sorry.
Best regards, Zagor
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Gorgtech said:
I guess you don´t read what I write ? If you want to color a existing image ( "9" ), it will be displayed faulty if you don´t proceed like I did. End of the story. You can replace it with another image you can rename but it won´t be displayed the right way in some circumstances. I´m out.
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Out of what? Space?
I don't guess, I conclude: You don't read or understood what I wrote.
Back to topic: OP: If you want to change navbars buttons (those are ordinary .png-s) you can simply pull them off, modify them and put back into .apk as I already described. You don't need to decompile, compile, undercompile or hipercompile anything.
Regards from Jupiter (yes, I'm also out), Zagor
And the last and for all!
This has been done without superduperpuper compiling. Just pure windows and photoshop.
@Elluel, @Gorgtech and all of the other sceptics: Look at the navbars of attached screenshot and next time, please check the informations before you disagree with them.
Regards, Zagor
IMO @zagorteney is right as long as you do not unzip/extract the apk. If you check the .9.png with a zip viewer then you can see the black border of 1px. Modifying the icon/log/picture without touching the black borders should not create bugs.
Regarding the navbar buttons it's easier as explained above.
I've changed almost all of Xperia S UI on that way, to looks more AOSP. But at the end I figured it out, that it's simplier if I get Nexus.
Just to notice you. The problem is because in photoshop you can't create .9.png-s. But if you create your own png and rename it with the mentioned method, there will be no problem with those images either. For example, you can try to change power widget background on this way.
zagorteney said:
I've changed almost all of Xperia S UI on that way, to looks more AOSP. But at the end I figured it out, that it's simplier if I get Nexus.
Just to notice you. The problem is because in photoshop you can't create .9.png-s. But if you create your own png and rename it with the mentioned method, there will be no problem with those images either. For example, you can try to change power widget background on this way.
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Actually you can create .9.png files with Photoshop. I did it a lot of times.
Anyways all my modded apks have been decompiled/modified/recompiled because you cannot use this method for .xml files, can you? Moreover, theming files with a phone is a mess compared to a comfortable destop version of PS lol
Yes, its true if we are talking about some serious theming. But OP just want to get little different nav buttons. So, I just want to say, that you don't need to change any .xml for that purpose, you don't need to decompile and recompile and you don't need to worry that you'll break signatures. As simple as that.
That's all folks.
zagorteney said:
Yes, its true if we are talking about some serious theming. But OP just want to get little different nav buttons. So, I just want to say, that you don't need to change any .xml for that purpose, you don't need to decompile and recompile and you don't need to worry that you'll break signatures. As simple as that.
That's all folks.
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Yes, I know. Everything is clear on my side
Primokorn said:
Yes, I know. Everything is clear on my side
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At least one who deserves all of those thanx.
zagorteney said:
At least one who deserves all of those thanx.
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Do not be rude. Nobody can know everything and it is one of the goals of XDA to learn every day. All recognized members deserve their status.
A app that do that easy and without so much work is nice , my know how on this stuffs are limited :crying: , im kitkat i use a app that does that without so many work , now i use another but just dim the visor the softkeys still are very white full light... :crying:
Primokorn said:
Do not be rude. Nobody can know everything and it is one of the goals of XDA to learn every day. All recognized members deserve their status.
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The problem is that n00bs are mislead by recognized members who think that they know everything. At least they could check before post.
And no, I'm not rude. Rude are exactly those contributors.

