[Q] Coming from TB, looking at 8X and DNA - Windows Phone 8x by HTC

Gentlemen, time to retire the old Thunderbolt. Looking into the 8X and Droid DNA. I have watched and read a ton of vids and reviews on the 8x and DNA, now its time for the experts to lend thier opinion.
I will not be rooting or whatever we call it on the windows platform. thats a condition of the new phone. I have rooted or unlocked all prior phones, including my old Imagio, but the wife is accurate when she said they never work as good as when you left them alone. So with that, need un-unlocked opinions.
Storage - I use the phone mostly for music, some pictures for facebook and MMS, how bad is 16 (actually 11!?) with 7 skydrive? How many songs (or hours). Dont ask me to compare what I have space wise on my 32G SD card, my music is scattered from one file to the next, and the card is full of apk's and zips.
Overall performance - Really, this is where you guys can offer me true expertise. What do you personally think of the 8X compared to your old phone, especially if you came from a TB or android based OS?
iPhone factor - So I really like to brag about how my phones rock well beyond what my sheeps iPhone---I mean wife's iPhone can do. Can I truly have my tag say 'The iPhone killer!'
Thanks in advance guys! Everyone here at XDA just rocks the mobile world!

Come on guys, anyone got any opinion? Really would hate to reduce my choice to the DNA because I didn't get any feedback. Your opinions really matter, and would like to go into the store with a real good idea on the choice.
Let me know what you all think! Thanks again guys and gals!

Hey there,
Ive been running wp7 and its successors on my hd2 for some time (well over a year), as well as trying android and the dreaded ibone.
What i would say about wp8 and the 8x is this: It is completely different to droid & iOS. Both those os's are completely app dependant therefore data & memory hungry.
WP8 is different, if you are a facebook/twitter/linkedin bod (like me) these are fully integrated in to the os, hit 'people' tab and 'boom' all there in one screen - no app involved (in fact i hardly ever use the official fb/twit apps).
The os is smooth as butter, it was even on wp7 in the early days. WP8 is much better, the next generation, its fast, stable makes you smile in its natural and instinctive 'user-bility'.
What i would also say, is that you cannot fully appreciate a wp device whilst playing with it in a shop for 10 minutes. If you can, borrow one for a week and live with it - get it set up for YOU.........windows phone is for YOU. You will either love it or hate it, but i promise you an experience - Yes im a windows bod, have been since the days of wm5 - be different and own something that can only get better (just look at the low level of development from the ibone 4 to the 5 - point made)
Just my 2 cents of course - it is purely subjective.

Thanks Timmymarsh! I would love to borrow one, but doubt that will happen. Maybe I can get Verizon to go with a 15 day trial period or something.
I have a friend who works at MS, and he gets all the latest and greatest, and just loves his phone. Doubt he can get one for me ;(
Thanks for the information, it really helps to hear honest opinions!

I too have had rooted androids and jailbroken iPhones, but this phone has completely changed my outlook on things. While it has a few things I'd like different, I don't have any desire to change or alter it. Its fast, smooth, and didn't leave me with buyer's remorse immediately afterwards
Sent from my HTC 8x using Board Express

SuFuS01dier said:
I too have had rooted androids and jailbroken iPhones, but this phone has completely changed my outlook on things. While it has a few things I'd like different, I don't have any desire to change or alter it. Its fast, smooth, and didn't leave me with buyer's remorse immediately afterwards
Sent from my HTC 8x using Board Express
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How easy is its initial set up? I mean getting the screen to show the way you want, and setting up say outlook for contacts and emails? and can you tell me how that skydrive works? Does it play the music from there, or just downloads what I need?
Also, the xbox portion of the phone, if you xbox, how does it integrate and does it expand the xbox or more informational?

sooo easy to set up its painful, beats droid out the ground re contacts etc. I have an outlook account, gmail, msn, facebook, twitter & 3 other email accounts. So easy to link all your contacts so they appear in one contact page. Once you done it, its backed up for the next time - new device or hard rest
Mate, be different and get one, all new devices have their quircks, inc google and apple, but having said that, you wont be disappointed.
As for drop box, someone else will have to comment there as i dont know, i just sync the music i immediately want on my device so sant comment

timmymarsh said:
sooo easy to set up its painful, beats droid out the ground re contacts etc. I have an outlook account, gmail, msn, facebook, twitter & 3 other email accounts. So easy to link all your contacts so they appear in one contact page. Once you done it, its backed up for the next time - new device or hard rest
Mate, be different and get one, all new devices have their quircks, inc google and apple, but having said that, you wont be disappointed.
As for drop box, someone else will have to comment there as i dont know, i just sync the music i immediately want on my device so sant comment
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Thanks again Timmy. I just watched a ton of vids where they demonstrated the 8X against android and apple, and I am really liking the idea of the live tiles, the different way the screen provides information, and the speed at which he was able to do stuff. Even counting he is paid to be that fast, its still impresive especially since he shows them how it works.
I am a minimilistic fan, and use SSLauncher with nothing but texts for my 'icons', but surprising, I find the boxes refreshing. I was leaning more towards the DNA, but ever since I started to get responses here, I think I am going to seriously check out the 8X.

not putting you off the 8x, its a great device, but try the nokia 920 in the shop too.

timmymarsh said:
not putting you off the 8x, its a great device, but try the nokia 920 in the shop too.
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Yea, last rumor mill had it showing up around August, that came and went. So now they are saying end of this year (like in 18 days) or next year. If it doesn't come soon, then it wont happen for me.

jerrya said:
How easy is its initial set up? I mean getting the screen to show the way you want, and setting up say outlook for contacts and emails? and can you tell me how that skydrive works? Does it play the music from there, or just downloads what I need?
Also, the xbox portion of the phone, if you xbox, how does it integrate and does it expand the xbox or more informational?
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not sure how SkyDrive works as I haven't used it yet. The Xbox support was a high point for me since it does so much that other phones can't or don't. Setting up your home screen is as easy as any I suppose. Simple but not boring
Sent from my HTC 8x using Board Express

decision made
Hey guys, want to thank all of you for helping, voicing your opinions, etc. I have made my decision.
Watched a 6+ part video on each area of the 8X and then learning about WPDemo.com, decided to go back to Microsoft. Looking forward to getting the new phone. Guess only question now is, what color?
Thanks again everyone! I even found several apps that are both WM and android. So I only loose a few (turn by turn hurts a little though!)
Any idea when thats going to be corrected? I refuse to pay Veri$on any more money then they are already getting!
Thanks again everyone!


Why IPhone will beat them all.

After looking at the presentation of IPhone 3G v3.0 and already have read the articles about the WM v6.5 and v7.0, a huge disappointment came over me.
You see I am a top shouter in my environment for the HTC phones which are all equipped with the WM OS's.
The greatest impression on me where some articles about guys(who seemed in my eyes a real priority on this, i am dutch so not quickly impressed by anything), who wrote all similar story's about the WM v6.5/7.0. Stating Microsoft is not at all doing anything to compete with the Google and APPLE OS's. There are just very few improvements and absolutely not at all impressive enough as the IPhone OS.
Reading some article they are looking for a lead developer for the new core for WM v7.0 are not honored and contradicting, like saying oke guys i know the current OS is ****ty so we need to start over, can anyone help us?
That is not the sort of message I as WM lover like to hear.
It seems that Apple is just about the only one who is really listening to the users and they are working their ass off getting all requested functionality integrated. APPLE have done more on the OS in 1 year then Microsoft did on all development of the WM versions.
I am working at an IT company where the IPhone is making a serious entry and I am working at support and people asking me for information getting the IPhone working with the company applications. and guess what, it is sooooooo much easier getting it setup then every other WM-device i have seen. And they seem to shrink in number at the company.
Now I am really in love with the HTC-devices, but i am slowly getting confused by the latest IPHONE OS.
I expect that Microsoft will loose this battle due to their arrogance and dragging all major mobile company's down with it. So expect another crisis in a year or 3 because now the smart phones are booming but people will come to their senses and they switch to IPhone after their subscriber to the providers has ended.
So please bring me to my senses and say I am totally wrong!!
yes and no
the problem is migrators. people whove had there nokias and stuff then want a better device. theyll run to iphone dueto the flashy marketing and support
bu winmo is more like an old pair of sneakers. sure theyre ugly aan dirty
but they do the job they were built to do. in my opinion as long as they do there job making it work i can do my job making it look pretty. coz id rather get ther in my old confy sneakers to get there than getting blisters from a new pair
i dont think any die hard winmo fan will move not really because at the end of the day we always go back to those old trainers
ive got a headache now
stop making me use my brain
i went from iphone to iphone 3g to windows mobile
i prefer my diamond to be honest even thou iphone can do alot more in ways the diamond does more in other ways
hands down id rather go with diamond or pro
Thanks for your response.
I hope you are familiar with ice skating?
They where skating years and years on the normal skates and the fastest times stayed longer and longer on the list.
Then someone decided to change the skate(klikskate, the iron comes half lose when lifting the skate) so significantly everybody said out loud that will not work, so they tried it a bit but went back to their old skates(sneakers).
Until someone who always was just under the top 10 decided, oke I reeeeeeealy going to try this and trained for 2 years on it.
So the next major tournament this person broke all long standing records.
Now everybody is using the new ice skates and up until now, records keep broken almost every new major tournament.
Shortly: I half agree with the sneaker story but it will not hold on the long term.
Microsoft just messed up to big, so if Bill wants to see another billion or 2 added on the Forbes list he has to get serious on this.
Windows Mobile 7 is not even beta yet so how can you be making comparisons with that OS? And while apple has added features to bring it on par with modern smartphones I personally am too used to the freedom of using a device of my own choosing with whatever carrier I choose and not being tied to using apple software and hardware products.
Here is what I have to say about the iPhone. The iPhone............
iPhone = Flashy Fashiontoy laden with DRM Crap no one here wants. Period.
jadephyre said:
iPhone = Flashy Fashiontoy laden with DRM Crap no one here wants. Period.
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Quoted for the Mo-Fo'm truth!
How about the g1? It listens to its users the users and devs nake this phone better everydaay. I have had my for just over a week and don't know how I livd without it. I love how it works It can do all the iphone can and more. My main thing is it needs flash player other than that. also anyone seen or have any ideas on the new plam?
I personally wouldn't touch the G1 even if my life depended on it... Someone has to remove all the frickin' Google Crap from the OS (mandatory googlemail acc, anyone ?) before I'd be willing to shell out a few hundred bucks for one of these.
I'm not willing to let Google put a leash up my ass...
To the above guy. Besides making a mail account that's ur only leash. That beats being to to steve and bill in my opion. U can change the browser and well just about every u can get a lot of apps on line. U don't have to use the market that came on the phone everything is open.
the G1 I tested required a Googlemail Account.
Granted, I already have one and only Spam gets redirected there, but I don't want Google to know who i have as Contacts on my Sim and my Appointments no one has to read either.
Google on G1 = No Phone for me
Well whre are getting that they do that? And if they do why dosent everyone else? I figuer all cell phone data is almost public anyways
just wanted to add my 2 pence worth.
I've only had 2 WM devices so far, the XDA Exec and now the Touch Dual.
As much as I've enjoyed playing with these, I'm starting to really like the look of the iPhone. Everyone I speak to that has one say they love it because it does what is says on the lid. It works.
I'm fed up with having to reset my phone when it crashes on an incoming call, or re-syncing it to my BT car Hands free set...............
I've had to work hard and rely on the good devs here (thanks folks)to be able to get to a point where my phone is just about stable.
The iPhone is starting to look like a possability when my contract is up in six months
WM 6.5 will make it better as well as ROM Cookers. I have the Iphone 3G - in the box. Yes its flashy and its more fluid I like the control I have over my Touch HD. I like being able to flash it and try it out. I like the fact that I can change the BATTERY out on it. I like the ability to sync with Outlook, I like the fact that there are many many apps for the WM 6.1 and 6.5(when it becomes available).
And I like my screen resolution and Garmin XT NAV
Oh yeah.. Did I mention that I hate ITUNES and DRM?
jadephyre said:
the G1 I tested required a Googlemail Account.
Granted, I already have one and only Spam gets redirected there, but I don't want Google to know who i have as Contacts on my Sim and my Appointments no one has to read either.
Google on G1 = No Phone for me
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you do realize that you can turn off syncing, which means that you wont send any data to the google acct. so none of your contacts/appointments will leave your phone, and gmail wont sync. if you root your G1 you dont even have to use a google acct.
This is an article from BRIGHTHAND:
Cut, Copy, and Paste
Confirming the earlier rumors, iPhone 3.0 will -- finally -- allow iPhone users to cut-and-paste and copy-and-paste. Naturally, the process for selecting text will take advantage of this device's multi-touch screen. This feature will be available in Apple's own software and third-party apps.
And it extends to more than just text. Users will be able to copy images and paste them into an email.
MMS, A2DP, Etc.
iPhone 3.0 will also mark the arrival of other features long available in the iPhone's competitors, including MMS messaging, Stereo Bluetooth, device search, and voice memos.
In addition, landscape support is being added to more of the bundled applications.
Apple is also going to release a new SDK (software developer kit) for handling streaming audio and video, including HDTV streaming.
Still No Multitasking
Apple had some good news and bad news for users. The bad news is that it's still not allowing multitasking because running third-party applications in the background is more than the device can handle. Scott Forstall, Apple SVP iPhone Software, who handled much of today's presentation, said that an IM application running in the background reduced the iPhone's standby battery time by 80%.
I don't think the iPhone is able to beat anybody yet, as you can see, the above upgrade or fix to the coming iPhone 3 are qualities that should have been there since it's first release. They are still playing catch-up to Windows Mobile.
The only thing I like about the iPhone is the speed. Other than that, nothing else. With more powerful processor coming out, this will definitely be a brighter future for WM.
mavrik64 said:
I'm fed up with having to reset my phone when it crashes on an incoming call, or re-syncing it to my BT car Hands free set...............
I've had to work hard and rely on the good devs here (thanks folks)to be able to get to a point where my phone is just about stable.
The iPhone is starting to look like a possability when my contract is up in six months
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Sorry to see you are having trouble, but for me, my setup is very stable. No crashes nor freezes, so I am happy with Windows Mobile. BT works flawlessly too. I believe stability is related to what applications you have installed. I have about 350 applications and games installed, you just need to try them one by one and see which one causes the problem. This is the proceedure I do each time I upgrade my device. By the way, I have an HTC Advantage X7510. I just use my HTC Universal as the test subject nowadays.
I'd like to thank those brave enough to say that the iPhone does in fact pose a huge problem to WM, and those brave enough to say that they're willing to move away. Another thing I'd like to say is that being tied to a carrier/network that you don't like is not actually an argument against the iPhone, rather the circumstances surrounding it. Let's keep this thread based around an SIM-unlocked iPhone for a change. Also, let's just look at the OS, and not the extras HTC/Samsung/SE has overlayed on top.
Now, let's face it, WM is losing appeal- fast. WM is dynamic and flexible- almost like an open-source OS, but the UI is outdated and still bears an uncanny resemblance to it's oldest predecessor almost 10 whole years ago. Also, it can get laggy, and crashes even on stock ROMs, so there's another bunch of disadvantages.
Not much left. Let's hope WM7 saves MS.
I agree 100% with cktlcmd.
Thanks for putting it exactly how I would,
so I don't have to think.
This is what I'm feeling so far.......... (my two cents)
I love my wimo (6700, 8525, tilt and now touch Pro) and at first I use to tell people that only way that iPhone is making a killing is because how they advertised the phone.
People with iPhones use to be like your phone looks and feels like a brick. I will tell them how the wimo can do all types of things, so they started coming back to me and showing how once they jail break the phone they can do about all most the same thing. I would laugh and say well you still can't get mms, teathering, or cut/paste......3.0 is coming out for the iPhone, now I feel like hiding from the ones I laughed at.
If Microsoft is reading......please help us out, because the reason I love the phones is because they can do wonders but now I'm starting to feel like an old school guy with and old phone not willing to give up.............We (I hope I can speak for all the wimo people) spend at alot of time and money on these phone and just want a little something back, beside a new phone......think about the inside the phone and help us out so we can stay and be the top dogs again.

HTC HD2 vs/or HTC Desire?

Hi all,
I am new to the forum and am in the process of updating my Next G phone. I am limited by time as my current phone [Blackberry Bold 9000] is fast becoming unusable and I will have to make a choice quickly, maybe tomorrow. The HD2 impressed me, especially with the Roms being developed and available. Making Windows more user friendly and taking the phone to its best. Talking with my phone provider - Telstra, they informed me that the HTC Desire is just now on the market and I am reading glowing reports on the latest Android system and the Desire... So I have been researching all I can on these 2 phones. I have only a little Windows mobile experience from some years ago with an Imate, however have no experience with the Android system.
I don't plan on returning to Blackberry and have narrowed my choice to ether the HD2 or the Desire... This phone will be on a renewed 24 month business contract, so is a phone I will "be with" for sometime! I do understand many of the criticisms of Windows mobile and the very positive reaction to the latest Android system. Also that the all new Windows 7 will be available later in the year. The Desire reads very well in its specs and the few reviews that are available have it as the one to beat for 2010? The HD2 has had much more reviews and comment available, having been on the market longer. Many people satisfied with the phone in standard form [and some not so] and many very happy with it in its modified form with custom Rom.... My decision doesn't seem easier.
Some areas I am thinking on are - Will the HD2 become dated quickly, with fewer windows 6.5 apps and less dev work once the totally new Windows 7 becomes available and the new handsets reach the market? Does this make the current Desire with its latest Android system a better long term option as it is not faced with the release of a whole new operating system just around the corner within its brand and apps and updates will continue to grow? Part of me is saying go with my original choice of the HD2 and its big screen, with a custom Rom. AND, part of me is saying go with the new Android Desire.... ohhh and yes I have read reference to Dev work being done on Windows 7 for the HD2 [That's a potential plus]
Unfortunately I am not in a situation of being able to handle and get to know these phones pre purchase. However would be interested to hear the thoughts of others ie: what would have you chose one over the other?
Welcome to forums,
I would prefer Leo
Have a look here
I've had both What do you want it for? If you need WM for office use get the HD2 otherwise get the desire! Android is much better in a social aspect I would say. The only thing I like about the HD2 was the Sense overlay and it is the same if not better on the desire
Oh and there is a gameboy advanced emulator on the desire which works great... just in case that would be a deciding factor for you
pympster said:
I've had both What do you want it for? If you need WM for office use get the HD2 otherwise get the desire! Android is much better in a social aspect I would say. The only thing I like about the HD2 was the Sense overlay and it is the same if not better on the desire
Oh and there is a gameboy advanced emulator on the desire which works great... just in case that would be a deciding factor for you
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Morphgear and Fpsece work well on the HD2.
I must say I prefer the look of the HD2 and the bigger screen, but android is just that much better than WM and thus think you should get the desire.
I am a farmer/rancher and also have a small business importing workwear/casual wear from the USA. I will use the phone for accessing manufacturer websites. Storing photos of my products. Recording expenses, checking weather updates. Email and Instant messaging... I do travel from time to time and recently sat next to a guy on a flight who was wathcing James Bond movies on his Ipod touch. That was neat I did contact HTC Australia a month ago, to see if the HD2 would be released with Android here Down Under, but was told not planned at present and my contact and interest would be passed on. Of course thats what is always said. I have to think long term use out of this phone ie: to 24 months - The Desire seems a great choice, however would the HD2 with an aftermarket custom Rom be equally as good? Which is the best rom around right now? Will Windows 6.5 App availability continue to rise once Windows 7 hits the streets or will it taper off? Android Apps I am sure will continue to grow...
I have a Leo, so far i love it in every way possible. I had an android device before and i think they are a lot easier to use. Yet i still wouldn't trade my Leo for the world
Yes, my personal preference is Android. WM has always proved to be too slow and buggy for me. But hey, it's all about YOUR preference. You can't really go on what we say. 10/10 of us might say get one phone, and you might get it and hate it. Too bad you can't try before you buy on cell phones. :/
I totally agree and am not looking to be told what direction to take. More intertested in hearing why others would choose one phone over the other...
Yep woud great to handle both phones and see them working. I live rural, tho did get into Telstra shop to take a look, but had nothing for me to see working.
cam0063 said:
I totally agree and am not looking to be told what direction to take. More intertested in hearing why others would choose one phone over the other...
Yep woud great to handle both phones and see them working. I live rural, tho did get into Telstra shop to take a look, but had nothing for me to see working.
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I never buy a phone I didn't get to at least play with first. All the videos and reviews in the world couldn't change that.
I like that policy too. However when u live rural, somethings are not possible and research is your best tool...
I would go with the Desire. The HD2 is running Windows Mobile 6.5, which is still pretty much the same underlying Windows CE kernel that's been in use since Windows Mobile 5. Because been confirmed that the HD2 will not recieve an offical Windows Mobile 7 upgrade, meaning your new shiny phone will be obsolete by the end of the year, you likely be stuck with this obsolete operating system forever if you buy this device. The only option would be an unofficial port of Windows Phone 7 to the HD2, but I'm not sure how that is coming along lately.
Conversely, Android is constantly undergoing development, and seeing as the Desire is a top of the line Android device, updates to the latest versions of Android are pretty much guaranteed for that device. The Desire will probably have support for longer than the HD2, considering it won't be obsolete only a few months after you bought it.
I don't think that you could go wrong when choosing a new device, as they're both top of the line smartphones with grade A hardware and XDA behind them, but IMO the Desire is the superior of the two.
cam0063 said:
I like that policy too. However when u live rural, somethings are not possible and research is your best tool...
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Lol, you're talking to a guy who would drive at least an hour no question, just to play with a phone to make sure I liked it. You can't be THAT rural. Can you? o.o
Thanks Dave, I do appreciate all you have said. I did read that Microsoft was not going to allow Windows 7 to be installed on the HD2 and that there were devs out there working on Windows 7 as an unofficial OS for the HD2. The desire is a great option and makes sense, especially for the obvious reasons you mention... I have managed to gain a couple of extra days to make a decision, as I will not be in a mobile service area and not in desperate need of the phone till Monday. Thanks again...
Hi R3s,
I take it you havent been to Australia? At present I am a 6 hour round trip from the nearest Telstra shop. [Telstra is the contracted provider of these phones right now.] Also a week ago, on a visit to the nearest Telstra shop to my home - a 2 hour return trip, I was informed there will be no shop demos available of these phones, only the non functioning store dummies! Which is the norm... I will travel 6 hours for a beer, but not 6 hours to look at a phone!, especially a store dummy So I will keep researching.

Android vs Windows Mobile..which is better/differences, pros and cons?

In your opinion (keep it short please) what is the difference between win mobile and android and pros and cons please?
Android pros:
Open source
Huge market proliferation (ensuring compatability and development)
Huge app market
Stable faster linux kernel
Winmobile pro:
More compatable with windows
Wifi router (until froyo)
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I have 2 Windows phones and 2 Android phones and I can't think of a single thing the Windows phones do better than the Android phones.
Well, when I got my phone at T mobile today (I was tired of att and verizon, long story..) I asked for an android phone and I get home and see it's a windows phone...?
Mind you, I'm not surprised considering they didn't even know what GSM is when I asked if t mobile was gsm.
I LIKE the fact that it acts as a hot spot so what is FROYO?
I also thing I'l like droid better so here's the question, do they make the HD2 for android and is it available for t mobile?
Also, the navigation on the windows hd2 I have seems totally retarded...
Yes, the droid (I had the 8183) was much better.
Does it mean I liked the 8183? Nope and whoever the idiot is that wrote the software that only lets you use a FRACTION of the big a$$ screen to display info, phone numbers, names and such should be shot, SLOWLY!
You guys have NO idea how many countless hours I've spent in frustration, trying to find a way to SEE things on the screen with my $hitty eyesight and all because some moron is too stupid to figure out that MAYBE they should start with making the BASICS work on the phone.
You know, kinda like the iPhone. It was great, EXCEPT at being a friggin' PHONE! Let's see, iPHONE, what part of phone didn't you understand?
Sadly enough, ALL these idiots make more money at what they do than I do
guiri_too said:
In your opinion (keep it short please) what is the difference between win mobile and android and pros and cons please?
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xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking > Android Apps and Games
rpimps said:
I have 2 Windows phones and 2 Android phones and I can't think of a single thing the Windows phones do better than the Android phones.
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Well, I loved MyPhone on Windows Mobile. And I just have my Android for 3 days, but I haven't found something as good and for free yet.
Next to that, I can't think of anything I missed yet. Even eBuddy managed to easily fulfill my needs of MSN/WLM. Even with offline messaging.
There are two things i don't like about android:
First, there isn't only one good videoplayer(ffmpeg is a must have!) EDIT: Rockplayer is a nice start, but the fps is ~100% lower than the ones i get with coreplayer
And i havent found something like Audiobooster.
Try both and take the OS which you prefer
Android Cons:
Windows Mobile Cons (based on my experience with 6.1 Buisness):
Too hard to install games and apps
Not enough games and apps
Not user friendly
Too slow response
Android pros:
huge application
Google serious to maintain the android development
Android Cons:
No Wifi proxy support
hard to copy paste beetwen app
Winmobile cons:
too late microsoft your windows mobile is dying. your development team is slow
Old win 6.5 kernel..
windows phone 7 is too late to release...your market app is not working...
all developer moving to another platform
No multitasking support for windows 7...thats shame
Search for rockbase player for videos. Funambol or mybackup pro for closest to myphone off the top of my head.
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there's a lot of things to look at but the best way to choose is this.
if you are running an app and it has issues or require a bit of memory, window will lock up and then you have to reset the phone.
with android you'll get a force close notification which you just ok it and keep using it with out having to reset.
Android FTW
User friendly
great multitasking
many apps and great games
works better on slow phones
user driven market
horrible performance, only WM phone with good performance is the hd2
bad multitasking, but happily arkswitch makes it easier
almost no 3d games, marketplace is not worth a ****
OK, As a windows Fanboy turned android here is the main thing Windows does better than android: Multimedia!!
Android is still new to the game and in my opinion hasn't really got a good video and music player. There are some ones that can pass but compared to Windows and iphone they are not that great. On the flip side I plan on developing my own music player which counts for the openness of android. WinMo is arguably just as open BUT with them going a different direction with WM7 I had to jump ship. As for Androids advantages......everything else is just as good if not better than windows (except how they manage the SD card)
Well, the few minutes I've spent with the windows platform already makes me hate it. Whoever did the software for the HD2 is totally retarded. I couldn't even get myself out of whatever app happened to come on last night and I was about ready to throw this big piece of $hit out the window.
I now know what Froyo is and if I'm not mistaken, it'll have a wifi proxy which I guess it to be is that it acts like a hot spot which should put a damper on some of the greedy phone companies (IF it is released on their phones) like ATT who charges you another 30 bucks extra for connecting to your laptop.
That to me is bull**** and greed and IS costing them customers.
Verizon is better with that but I hate their support AND I think their coverage in my area is worse. The support is TOTALLY useless and I left them once because of it and I will AGAIN leave them I think and yes, mainly because of it.
I'll try the t mobile service out for a week or so and if the coverage is good, I'll return this locked piece of $hit and get me one of the unlocked phones from NEgri Electronics. If anyone hasn't heard of them yet (which kinda would surprise me) here they are...
I mean, seriously, in order NOT to pay the full price at t mobile, I have to sign up for two years AND the phone is locked which means I can't use proggies like this one which I NEED! http://www.androlib.com/android.application.org-pbxes-fontsize-BiEA.aspx
For a buck fitty (not fifty, fitty, like fitty cents) I can get this proggy which could fix my problem but I can't do it on a locked phone. Well, they can ki$$ my ass then with all the restrictions. I'll get this one for example http://negrielectronics.com/touch-smartphone-unlocked-tmobile-2747.html , get me a monthly account instead and I can put anything I want on it. Now how the hell can I go wrong with that, AND, they're easier to sell should you want to get rid of them.
Put some of this stuff on it and some silicone case on it and you can sell it years later looking brand new which is what I did with my iPhone.
I'm going to wait for a week or so and decide if I like tmobile and if I do, I'll tell verizon where they can stick their phone.
Would you believe I had to make THREE attempts to get them to port my att number over and meanwhile, I'm paying ATT for the account. I even called and talked to VERIZON people to make sure it got done right and in BOTH cases, they screwed it up. I finally got it done the right IN The store, a WEEK after!
After all this crap AND a busted phone that was only two weeks old, I tried to get a free charging cable from one of the store manager, NOT a charger or the ac adapter thingie, just the stinkin' cable and he wouldn't even give me that. Now that is tacky and petty. Oh, the reason I wanted another cable was so I could keep one in the car cause that piece of $hit pre wouldn't hold a charge over 5-6 hours and let's not talk about TALKING time. This was a LITTLE talking and lots of stand by.
What a damn joke.
I like the pre platform and concept in general and I have several PDA's that are PALM but the PRE phone, they kinda dropped the ball on a little.
No on screen keyboard (now how hard is that to figure out), the actual keyboard should have been horizontal for size and the damn thing is a gas guzzler, AND, I don't see an option to keep the damn notifications from coming up and crowding your screen when you turn it on. Also, it's slow as $hit from when you click that you want the keypad till it finally opens up.
NO Predictive dialing and you can't get the beautiful HUGE clock to stay on top that I know of. Again, how hard is that to figure out? Does this take so long to program into the software? I mean, they almost went belly up. You'd think they had the TIME and STAFF to do things right. Sheesh!
Anyway, enough bitc*in'
guiri_too said:
Again, how hard is that to figure out? Does this take so long to program into the software? I mean, they almost went belly up. You'd think they had the TIME and STAFF to do things right. Sheesh!
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That's not how business works. Any phone advertised on TV (like the Pre) is designed for general consumers (people who don't care about the things you're talking about). It would be a terrible business decision to spend more time and money incorporating things that 99% of their target market don't care about or don't even know they're missing. If you're posting on XDA you're probably a lot more tech savvy than the average consumer, thus phones marketed towards the average consumer won't have 100% of the features you request. I always like to buy phones that are rarer and not advertised, mainly because I like having stuff that other people don't have, but also because they usually end up being a cut above the rest of the phones on the market.
Thread moved to General.
If I were you guiri_too, and can afford it, I'd order the Nexus One unlocked and as soon as it arrives, root the thing, put Froyo on it (if I could find it) and take that winblows phone back to T-Mobile. I can't believe they gave you that after asking for an Android phone. That has to be one of the dumbest salesmen ever! Or if you want to stay with T-Mobile and happen to like Sense (Espresso Sense), pick up the the MyTouch Slide. It has a keyboard, MS Exchange support and is pretty snappy to boot (speaking of boot, it only takes about a minute from hitting the power button to making a call). If you need a more business-like phone, I would suggest the Sprint Evo 4G. It's the same size as the HD2, 4.3", but it's Android. The UI looks like the HD2 as well (Sense), but it's a lot quicker and more stable. A friend of mine picked this up after having the Sprint Hero, which he got after the TouchPro (winmo) and couldn't be happier.
As far as the original question, I can only give you an anecdote; when I got my G1, my wife had a Wing which she hated. After a few months of watching me play with my phone all the time, and her Wing being replaced twice, she bought hers and was instantly hooked. We have been android fans ever since. So the advantages of Android for me are awesome stability, openness and apps, of which you don't have to use the market for (unless you get an ATT android).
Let me try to address the replies in one window.
First as for being tech savvy, yeah, I guess I am and I've been around long enough to be picky, HOWEVER, my BASIC needs are a phone I can HEAR and SEE. How come Nextel have speakers that you can hear clear across the next state and this thing I got, the HD2 I can barely hear with the fans in the car running despite them telling me it was really loud...?
Sure, I want a lot of stuff but if you read through all my info, you'll see that some of the things i don't really care about like social networking, streaming video, mp3 player and much more. LARGE FONT! How the hell hard is that to figure out? I mean, for those here who program and considering it's even in very simple programs. IS IT THAT hard to have an option of making the font bigger?
To Heybob. Bob, the problem is that I can't try and see these phones live so to speak. ALL the phones at tmobile are dummies or at least the ones I'm interested in.
Second, to be quite honest and when I think about it, I am not sure if she did mention this one was windows but I DID tell her I prefered android. In any case, NOT knowing what GSM is or if tmobile was GSM is not something I can let slide, ESPECIALLY considering she was the manager...
Now, so far, my tmobile coverage has seemed good. Yes, the phone as in the UI is still totally retarded so the windows OS has got to go. More than likely when I return this, if I still like tmobile then, I'll get a phone from Negri that's unlocked and if I'm not mistaken, he HAS Froyo phones in stock. Hold, gonna call and check..yep, he's got Nexus One with Froyo ready to ship.
Tell'em George with the long wish list sent ya if you buy one. Not that I think I'll get any referrals but hey, it never hurts when it comes time to bug them about finding me the right phone.
Anyway, back to the phones. I do NOT like this windows UI so that one is out. I like that I have found a site with something like 80,000+ apps all in one place and although I'm not stingy, when you're TRYING apps and don't know if you'll like them or not, it helps if they're cheap or free. I got something on hte Pre I didn't like but hell ,I wasn't about to ask for a $1.50 refund.
Many of the windows apps were $15 or around there. I'm not paying it if I can't get a refund if I don't like the software and I AM picky with software too.
By the way, is there someone here that has a rooted android phone that wouldn't mind putting this font proggy on there (hell, I'll be happy to pay for it at only 2 bucks or something) and show me the different font size options? http://www.androlib.com/android.application.org-pbxes-fontsize-BiEA.aspx
I WAS going to do that but as you know, I didn't get a droid phone
I showed this dude on the androlib forum this proggy. He gets it, his wife likes it (he got it for her) and now he's too busy to show me some screen captures. Thanks a lot
I've owned 4 different winmo phones and I can say that android leaves those respond FOOLS in the dust.
Android is more compatible with exchange server than windows mobile solution or blackberry.
Work gets done faster and I smile a lot more now.
Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Well, I just took a few pictures of the HD2 to show people what I'm facing to illustrate it a little better.
Coming right up...

Should I Keep Waiting?

To get a HTC Arrive? I've been using well first Windows Mobile Phone's for about 3 or so years now, first was with an HTC Mogul, then a Samsung SCH-i770/Robin and now finally a HTC Touch Pro2 .
I'm happy with the TP2, got my mem maxed out to a 32Gb microSD card, love Sense and the ability to run Android 2.2.3 on my phone as well as WinMo 6.5, but I just hate damn Windows Mobile and how it'll crash sometimes and what not from whatever causing you to do a hard reset...
Only things holding me back from a HTC Arrive is THOSE DAMN UGLY TILES(I'd love to change that whole homescreen and get rid of the tiles, if only HTC Hubs were more updated and in sync with all the tiles, like how Sense was... WTF Those out Sense or toss it over to Android "The Competitor"?) and the locked in 16Gb storage/microSD (Any hardware mod to remove the 16Gb and add your own?)...
Thats really all thats keeping me from it so far, even though I am tempted.
So my 4 main concerns are:
1- Different UI Rather than default Tiles, or a way to implement HTC Hubs to the Homescreen, instead of Tiles
2- XDAndroid Possibility
3- Default Storage Card Hack/Mod to exchange it with my 32Gb
4- Possibility of using it on Boost (preferred) or flashing to metroPCS
I wasn't sure if I was going to like the tiles at first, but I must say the whole "glance and go" attitude that Microsoft is pushing with this is really one of the features I like most about the phone. If you pin a live tile to the home page, it shows all of the information you really need to know in a single panel. I almost never launch an app unless there is something relevant to go do.
I have 8 e-mail accounts set up on my home screen (various work and personal accounts) and I only have to go into e-mail when I get a new one. I have the Weather Channel app, but I never launch it because the live tile shows the current temperature and an icon representing the forecast (cloudy, sunny, etc.). Text message counts, missed call counts, next appointment, etc. All of them are available at a quick glance without ever launching an app.....
n1nj4Lo said:
To get a HTC Arrive? I've been using well first Windows Mobile Phone's for about 3 or so years now, first was with an HTC Mogul, then a Samsung SCH-i770/Robin and now finally a HTC Touch Pro2 .
I'm happy with the TP2, got my mem maxed out to a 32Gb microSD card, love Sense and the ability to run Android 2.2.3 on my phone as well as WinMo 6.5, but I just hate damn Windows Mobile and how it'll crash sometimes and what not from whatever causing you to do a hard reset...
Only things holding me back from a HTC Arrive is THOSE DAMN UGLY TILES(I'd love to change that whole homescreen and get rid of the tiles, if only HTC Hubs were more updated and in sync with all the tiles, like how Sense was... WTF Those out Sense or toss it over to Android "The Competitor"?) and the locked in 16Gb storage/microSD (Any hardware mod to remove the 16Gb and add your own?)...
Thats really all thats keeping me from it so far, even though I am tempted.
So my 4 main concerns are:
1- Different UI Rather than default Tiles, or a way to implement HTC Hubs to the Homescreen, instead of Tiles
2- XDAndroid Possibility
3- Default Storage Card Hack/Mod to exchange it with my 32Gb
4- Possibility of using it on Boost (preferred) or flashing to metroPCS
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1- I dont think we'll see any changes to the UI til maybe after nokia if at all
2- Android won't be possible til haret is updated which will probably take years
3- It is possible there's a thread about it.
4- I have sprint so I'm no help here
Well funny thing is now suddenly my phone will pickup phone calls right away if I answer with my bluetooth headset and leave the slider alone... WTF?
Also I won a 4500mAh Mugen Power battery for 50 bucks, so I'm gunna continue using it for awhile to come possibly... Next up on my purchase list is bluetooth stereo headset (Left and Right ears) then I'll be done, luckly microcenter by me has them for 35 to 50 bucks.
I might continue waiting until the stuff I want has happened, by then maybe there'll be a Arrive 2 or some junk. haha!
as I said on PPCG there really is no point whatsoever to run android on the arrive,the mango beta is far superior to it. so refusing to get it u are missing out on a top notch user experience.
eric12341 said:
as I said on PPCG there really is no point whatsoever to run android on the arrive,the mango beta is far superior to it. so refusing to get it u are missing out on a top notch user experience.
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And by getting I'd be forced to have to use metroPCS, which I will-not do EVER again. I talked to a Boost flasher and he said not going to happen, it's too new right now to be done... So no thanks to reliving the past right now and dropping my 35 dollar unlimited everything bill in trade for a 60 dollar bill at metroPCS. Or being able to dualboot, I'll just keep waiting. Sure ya say android is better but I'll still say WP7 > iPhone at it as well... Only difference is the squares scroll up and down, instead of left or right. Thanks though, but I guess there's no point to it right now WP7 is still just a wee infant right now and has yet to grow up to what I expect it to be.
n1nj4Lo said:
And by getting I'd be forced to have to use metroPCS, which I will-not do EVER again. I talked to a Boost flasher and he said not going to happen, it's too new right now to be done... So no thanks to reliving the past right now and dropping my 35 dollar unlimited everything bill in trade for a 60 dollar bill at metroPCS. Or being able to dualboot, I'll just keep waiting. Sure ya say android is better but I'll still say WP7 > iPhone at it as well... Only difference is the squares scroll up and down, instead of left or right. Thanks though, but I guess there's no point to it right now WP7 is still just a wee infant right now and has yet to grow up to what I expect it to be.
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sprint phones didn't need to be flashed for boost. and yea I guess u just dont get it.
eric12341 said:
sprint phones didn't need to be flashed for boost. and yea I guess u just dont get it.
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BUT The settings do, they need to be changed to myboostmobile url
n1nj4Lo said:
BUT The settings do, they need to be changed to myboostmobile url
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those are done remotely and that's still doesn't mean u should bash wp7
eric12341 said:
those are done remotely and that's still doesn't mean u should bash wp7
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50's repeating themselves again? It's not cool to be square! LoL J/K'ing! But the only reason I knock WP7 is cause they took a step backwards IMO, now they truly are another iPhone... All they need to next is released all kinds of MP3 player portable speakers and accessories then maybe for once they might beat apple.
But I'm sorry, I hate iPhone and now suddenly what has Mircosoft done? Well we already know and haha! Best Buy, Radio Shack and so on hasn't carried and stopped selling WP7's around here. Microsoft needs to take the hint and antie up, big time! No not with a fruity name either. I mean UI wise. Make a lot more less like iPhone and they might get back to being how popular WinMo phones were and fast as they're selling.
n1nj4Lo said:
And by getting I'd be forced to have to use metroPCS, which I will-not do EVER again. I talked to a Boost flasher and he said not going to happen, it's too new right now to be done... So no thanks to reliving the past right now and dropping my 35 dollar unlimited everything bill in trade for a 60 dollar bill at metroPCS.
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I don't get it. If you're paying 35 dollar's now on Sprint why would you switch to metroPCS or boost?
ScottSUmmers said:
I don't get it. If you're paying 35 dollar's now on Sprint why would you switch to metroPCS or boost?
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Boost, Virgin and Nextel are all Owned by Sprint... LoL! Duh. haha! Why pay 65 for unlimited everything when I can pay 35 for the same package, phone calls, data and text. I'm saving 30 bucks and getting the same coverage and no hidden fees at all. That's why. Also no I'm paying that much on Boost. Not Sprint. How'd you get that backwords?
n1nj4Lo said:
50's repeating themselves again? It's not cool to be square! LoL J/K'ing! But the only reason I knock WP7 is cause they took a step backwards IMO, now they truly are another iPhone... All they need to next is released all kinds of MP3 player portable speakers and accessories then maybe for once they might beat apple.
But I'm sorry, I hate iPhone and now suddenly what has Mircosoft done? Well we already know and haha! Best Buy, Radio Shack and so on hasn't carried and stopped selling WP7's around here. Microsoft needs to take the hint and antie up, big time! No not with a fruity name either. I mean UI wise. Make a lot more less like iPhone and they might get back to being how popular WinMo phones were and fast as they're selling.
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oh wow. and is this why wp7 is predicted to overtake both iOS and Android by 2013 and 2015 respectively? and where is evidence that best buy and radio shack have stopped selling wp7? that was only because of the ignorant android or iPhone fanboy salespeople steering people away from it. wp7 as of the mango update has alot of functionality without the need to launch an app which makes both android and iOS seem like app launchers so get your facts straight desgraciado!
WP7 is not iPhone, but it is a step away from the Mobile PC design of Windows Mobile. I was a true WM user since my X50v in 04, then a 6700 Phone, 6800 (Mogul), TP, then the Touch Pro 2. Love them but the hardware is what killed WM off since the HD2 was one of the only and last device that finally gave WM6.5 the speed it needed. Either way WM was great for tweaking, but it had the problem of having to be tweeked to get everything working and was never quite 100%. Something either didnt quite work correctly, worked but slowly, crashed, it was always something. I had an EVO 4G for a month and while Android feels faster and more fluid, it also had the feeling that it needed outside apps to do stuff that the main OS should have had itself as well as still having that not quite polished feel. It is definitly the new WM in terms of customizability, but it has the problem WM had with stuff working better on one device/os version and not with another.
Now WP7, while it does have a growing period still and untill the WM market dries up and the market share stops falling because of it, it looks dim, but once I switched to my Arrive, I could not possibly go back to the TP2. The speed, smoothness, effortlessness of using all parts of the device, and the fact that even though it doesn't do quite everything that WM6.5 did (tethering is the main thing I miss for now), everything it does do, it does fantastically. It works, doesnt crash, doesnt hang, doesnt slow down, it just flies. And like others have said, the Mango Beta adds a ton of useability tweeks to make it not only easier than it already is to use, but a ton of new features all intigrated into the main OS instead of relying on outside Apps to do said task. It is fantastic and as a phone to "Live With" each day, it blows any other phone/os out of the water. Once Mango and a whole new line of devices drops this fall I think the WP7 market will finally gain some traction. It is a long haul process for sure, but the market predictions for 2015 and such are not as far fledged as some Android/iOS fanbois may think.
You want proof give me a day or two, and I'll either try to record a interview with best buy, radio shack and wal-mart even since they're still selling them... If they wont let me do it then I'll do it discreetly with the camera on with out them knowing about it! LoL
[email protected] Wendy's on lunch break then off to ITT-Tech when I get off at 6, no time to do it today-
n1nj4Lo said:
Boost, Virgin and Nextel are all Owned by Sprint... LoL! Duh. haha! Why pay 65 for unlimited everything when I can pay 35 for the same package, phone calls, data and text. I'm saving 30 bucks and getting the same coverage and no hidden fees at all. That's why. Also no I'm paying that much on Boost. Not Sprint. How'd you get that backwords?
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Oh ok, gotcha. I thought you were on a Sprint SERO plan or something.
n1nj4Lo said:
You want proof give me a day or two, and I'll either try to record a interview with best buy, radio shack and wal-mart even since they're still selling them... If they wont let me do it then I'll do it discreetly with the camera on with out them knowing about it! LoL
[email protected] Wendy's on lunch break then off to ITT-Tech when I get off at 6, no time to do it today-
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salespeople aren't a reputable source as many are biased towards and/or uneducated about wp7 this has been WELL DOCUMENTED on alot of sites so you would only be proving me point on that front. the HTC arrive has at least a 4.5 rating across all the sites its sold on and the Samsung focus was rated higher than the iPhone 4 in a survey.
so provide your ridiculous evidence then I'll provide mine.
IM0001 said:
WP7 is not iPhone, but it is a step away from the Mobile PC design of Windows Mobile. I was a true WM user since my X50v in 04, then a 6700 Phone, 6800 (Mogul), TP, then the Touch Pro 2. Love them but the hardware is what killed WM off since the HD2 was one of the only and last device that finally gave WM6.5 the speed it needed. Either way WM was great for tweaking, but it had the problem of having to be tweeked to get everything working and was never quite 100%. Something either didnt quite work correctly, worked but slowly, crashed, it was always something. I had an EVO 4G for a month and while Android feels faster and more fluid, it also had the feeling that it needed outside apps to do stuff that the main OS should have had itself as well as still having that not quite polished feel. It is definitly the new WM in terms of customizability, but it has the problem WM had with stuff working better on one device/os version and not with another.
Now WP7, while it does have a growing period still and untill the WM market dries up and the market share stops falling because of it, it looks dim, but once I switched to my Arrive, I could not possibly go back to the TP2. The speed, smoothness, effortlessness of using all parts of the device, and the fact that even though it doesn't do quite everything that WM6.5 did (tethering is the main thing I miss for now), everything it does do, it does fantastically. It works, doesnt crash, doesnt hang, doesnt slow down, it just flies. And like others have said, the Mango Beta adds a ton of useability tweeks to make it not only easier than it already is to use, but a ton of new features all intigrated into the main OS instead of relying on outside Apps to do said task. It is fantastic and as a phone to "Live With" each day, it blows any other phone/os out of the water. Once Mango and a whole new line of devices drops this fall I think the WP7 market will finally gain some traction. It is a long haul process for sure, but the market predictions for 2015 and such are not as far fledged as some Android/iOS fanbois may think.
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Best Opinion I've heard in quite awhile. Definitely sums it up for me as well

Can my questions be answered???

Hi everyone, i have a couple of questions, now im in no way a troll or anything but i was thinking to switchin to wp, im with android at the moment i have a galaxy note.
Basically i just wanted to know what does wp 7.8 or even the upcoming wp8 devices have thats different to say an android or ios phone? I have no experience whatsoever with wp and would just like to know why you as users love your devices, ive seen the videos of the nokia 920 on youtube and it looks absolutely amazing, the reason i would like to switch is probably the fluidity of the os but other than that is there much else a reason to swap, even if someone could post a link as to reasons why wp is a good os that would be great, once again im not a troll i just have no clue about the operating system at all, i was curious about broadening my horizons abit many thanks if anyone can enlighten me
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Obvious troll is obvious.
And three question marks is rude.
I just said i werent trolling are u stupid???
Its people like u who make xda such a nasty place to be in, i had a genuine question cos i was seriously thinkin bout switchin from android to wp, so i say to u to stop being so paranoid bout trolling when someone asks a genuine question oh and stop spamming my post with useless comments, if u thought i was a troll then why bother using ur energy and time to post in the thread, ur the troll causing needless arguements
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Your question would be better asked in the WP8 forum. No need to beat this horse.
You watched the videos , you should have a pretty good understanding of the OS. What you see is exactly all there is to it, nothing more.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dazza_84 said:
Hi everyone, i have a couple of questions, now im in no way a troll or anything but i was thinking to switchin to wp, im with android at the moment i have a galaxy note.
Basically i just wanted to know what does wp 7.8 or even the upcoming wp8 devices have thats different to say an android or ios phone? I have no experience whatsoever with wp and would just like to know why you as users love your devices, ive seen the videos of the nokia 920 on youtube and it looks absolutely amazing, the reason i would like to switch is probably the fluidity of the os but other than that is there much else a reason to swap, even if someone could post a link as to reasons why wp is a good os that would be great, once again im not a troll i just have no clue about the operating system at all, i was curious about broadening my horizons abit many thanks if anyone can enlighten me
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
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The reason why i love my Windows Phone is the design, the minimalistic design which is "modern" since 1950 till today that style is modern like black and white clothes. the second thing is that i dont need so much apps for every possible thing. i dont need to know how my wp7 works to manage it to work for months.
3rd what i love is the durability, i switch my wp7 only off if i have a new rom (that happens maybe once a year ). In wp7 you dont need to feel that your device uses you, you have the full control over the functions what your device can do for you. you dont need to bother if the device is gonna shut off at any time, no bother about slowdowns or maybe even forcing to restart like i saw multiple times on my brothers stock HTC evo 3D.
and the 4th are the live tiles, you spend way less time customizing and arranging your live tiles then on android the look and feel.
5th. my battery last now in my device over one day and 10 hours, and my battery is 1 year and 3 months old. and only 1500mAh! the lumia 920 has 2000mAh, just imagine what can be done with it. and how long it lasts.
6st. wireless sync with my pc, all my videos and pictures get synced automatic if my device is charging anywhere in my house.
7th. the people hub, there i have all the news from twitter, facebook, windows live, and linked in in one "app" that doesnt have a loading, if you have internet it download instantly the news if you switch to the "news" tab in the people hub.
8th. i love the overall simplicity of wp7, no bunch of setting for each app, instead microsoft has found the middle way, settings for all apps together. and i think it is a good way despite users say "i need a seperate volume ringtone and seperate volum for sms" you use your device or you dont use it you have volume turned on or off. thats what i need, nothing in between.
9th. i love the bunch of new developers with new app and functions like the official FC Bayern football app, if i'm not at home it send me an instant notification about goals, and the result is on the live tile, it is visible even without opening the app, thats only one example of apps that i like (instant news and info without opening app) - so to say "on the go"
10th. a wp7 has not every of my friends. i dont like mainstream to much.
11th. reason why i love windows phone 7 or 8 or 7.8 is that making apps for them is really easy (i heard from various developers that developing for iOS is a pain in the ass), with a few books and tutorials and some practice everybody can make an app, as an student you get an free dev center account where you can publish your apps and even earn money on them.
12th. reason is i'am 24h online, so i get emails instantly, news about my buddys... my brohter turn its wifi off on its Android HTC EVO 3D because he says it drains its battery... i dont like that. if it is a smartphone let it be a smartphone 24h not only 2h daily.
and WP7 is truly a smartphone, it makes my life easier, much.
dazza_84 said:
I have no experience whatsoever with wp and would just like to know why you as users love your devices
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1. The main strength is its UI. Even after almost two years of ownership, I still get amazed watching smooth animations on my phone. It simply never ages, never slows down. Even typing on its keyboard feels quite amazing.
2. Second biggest strength is its exclusive apps. For example, Nokia Drive served me many times and quite beautifully. Nokia Group Shots is extremely handy and blows my friends away. Photosynth is just mindblowing (now available on iOS as well)! MS Office is quite useful. My phone quite easily connects to all kinds of WiFi networks with proxy settings, no hassles at all! Xbox avatar (see my xda avatar) is just so cute and achievements add a new dimension to games.
In a small summary, it's some small things which can't be mentioned on specs sheet which makes WP7 truly amazing. It is so wonderful that I can't even care if my phone is not getting WP8 upgrade. I'm actually far more looking for a slew of new Nokia apps like Xpress browser which has saved me 84% data so far
daAppu said:
1. The main strength is its UI. Even after almost two years of ownership, I still get amazed watching smooth animations on my phone. It simply never ages, never slows down. Even typing on its keyboard feels quite amazing.
2. Second biggest strength is its exclusive apps. For example, Nokia Drive served me many times and quite beautifully. Nokia Group Shots is extremely handy and blows my friends away. Photosynth is just mindblowing (now available on iOS as well)! MS Office is quite useful. My phone quite easily connects to all kinds of WiFi networks with proxy settings, no hassles at all! Xbox avatar (see my xda avatar) is just so cute and achievements add a new dimension to games.
In a small summary, it's some small things which can't be mentioned on specs sheet which makes WP7 truly amazing. It is so wonderful that I can't even care if my phone is not getting WP8 upgrade. I'm actually far more looking for a slew of new Nokia apps like Xpress browser which has saved me 84% data so far
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So refreshing to see such a positive note for WP7.x! :good:

