Library to analyse picture (colors, size)? - Frameworks

To get started with Basic4Android, I'd like to help a friend who works as a nurse and develop an application that can take a picture of a wound and return infos about its colors and size, so as to monitor how the wound evolves and what type of bandage to use.
I read about OpenCV, and I was wondering...
if OpenCV is the right library for this (apparently, it does real-time image processing, while I just need it to analyze pictures taken by the smartphone)
if not, are there other libraries available for Basic4Android that I should check instead?
Thank you.
I have been using the library available at with good results. It is intuitive and easy to use. You can check it out and see if it is possible to use it for your specific problem.

OpenCV is great. It is very powerful.

I think it is better to use ImageMagic.
It is a simple in use console library, but it is really poverfull.

I have been using b4a only for a couple years and a half, but i think opencv is a good choice


Guitar Pro tabs on Pocket PC?

Hi all you great minds out there.
I've been hunting around for a little while trying to find out if this is possible.
I've got this program on my PC called Guitar Pro, a cracking little program which plays midi and guitar tabs together on screen so that you can follow on the guitar, theres a huge online archive of songs that have been converted to guitar pro *.gp3/.gp4/.gp5 format.
Its been great but I find it most annoying that I have to sit in front of my PC to work with this program, so I was really hoping for a program that would recognise the Guitar Pro tab format and run them back a full/half speed ect. I not even that fussed about the midi background.
Now, according to the Guitar Pro website, they MAY release a pocket PC version, this has been the stance for about 2 years, so I can imagine that its a non starter.
Looking around the net I found a program called DGuitar which is supposed to be able to run on any platform with Java, I managed to get a .Jar file to play with but it doesn't install on my pocket PC (would have been a bit too easy eh)
I dont suppose anyone has any input to this conundrum?, perhaps Im being a bit of a lemon with the DGuitar JAR install? or maybe theres another bit of software out there?
Id love to hear everyones input into this, cheers in advance y'all
P.S. I attach the open source DGuitar files to this mail perhaps someone might be able to take a better look at the distribution files
I'd love to be able to use Guitar Pro on my PPC. I'm unable to download this DGuitar file at the moment so I can't verify whether I can get it to work, but I will definitely be watching this thread.
please do, Im tempted to put a flash app together, since my Java skills are lacking. The Flash Lite platform is pretty good.
u should try this..
i think dguitar technically will work on your device together with java emulator software..
Unfortunatelly it's not so easy to convert Java SE (Swing) application to a J2MEE one. There are a lot of problems and as here we would need to convert both GUI and MIDI (sound) I think it's better to find an application predestined for PPC.
Maybe you could use Milktracker. Not exactly guitar but piano!
Or maybe :
MilkyPlay 0.9.7
MilkyPlay is a free module player for PocketPC supporting various formats.
- support for 669, AMS, AMF, CBA, DIGI, DSM, FAR, GDM, IMF, MOD,
- linear interpolation for better sample quality
- volume ramping for click removal
- audio visualisation
- nice GUI
- Song info viewer (instruments/samples/songmessage)
- playlists
- shuffle playback
- configurable button layout
- support for zip compressed modules)
Not tried links recently.
Or maybe this link:
Or this other commercial one:
Sorry if I am barking up the wrong tree!
After recently coming across the open-source DGuitar project, I became interested in seeing if it was possible to port it to run on a win mobile JVM. As mjanek20 said earlier, the two major obstacles in doing this would be getting the Swing GUI components and the MIDI playback to work on these limited devices. The GUI components are actually not that big of an issue. On most WM devices, third-party JVM's (such as Creme) are available that support AWT and/or Swing components. The *really* difficult part is going to be the MIDI support. I've done a lot of research on this in the last few days, and I can't find any support (Java or otherwise) for low-level MIDI progamming. At best, there is support for playing back an entire MIDI file, but this is not appropriate for a Guitar-Pro viewer/player, where individual MIDI events need to be sent to the MIDI device in real-time. As I see it, there are three possibilties:
1) Substitute the MIDI events with simple tone events. This will give us basic sound, but we will be missing all the nifty effects like sliding, bending, hammer-on/off, fret noise, palm muting, etc.
2) Use a MIDI file exported from a GP file, and try to play this back in sync while displaying the tab in the GUI. Not sure how viable this is, just an idea at this point. I would hope it would solve some of the problems noted in solution 1, but syncronization and looping sections might be a problem here.
3) Program my own MIDI-to-PCM engine. I think some people have already done somethng like this (for instance, I am guessing the guys that came up with the Vibe MIDI sequencer midlet rolled their own), but unfortunately I havent found any open source, and frankly I'm too dumb and lazy to build something like this from I'll probably start with solution 1 and then maybe see about implememnting solution 2.
I'll post my progress with the DGuitar port when I make a significant breakthru....if anybody else has any good ideas about a MIDI solution, let me know.
what is your progress with this? have you stop?
So what is the actual progress?
I don`t really need the Midi playback, it would be perfect to just view the Tabs of a GP3, GP4 or GP5 File!!
Any other app around?
Sideburnt said:
Looking around the net I found a program called DGuitar which is supposed to be able to run on any platform with Java, I managed to get a .Jar file to play with but it doesn't install on my pocket PC (would have been a bit too easy eh)
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DQuitar was written in Java indeed. But not in JavaME (ME stands for mobile edition) which is supported by most mobile phone. This is a huge different, and unfortunately DQuitar will not work on mobile devices.
Maybe it could be worth trying using JavaFX from Sun/Oracle while it's still available for our PPCs.
Jbed can run almost nothing where JavaFX behave correctly (except for on-the fly screen rotation). For instance, display is completely messed up using Jbed with Angry Birds, while the game is completely functional using JavaFX.

Favorite calculator?

I guess I'm getting older than I realized. When I was in school there were scientific calculators and adding machines... both allowed to do long calculations with reasonable ease but it in different ways. Now there is a third class... pathetically cheap calculators, which unfortunately seems to be the class of calculator that comes on these devices. Maybe I was just somehow never aware of these because.. well they are bad?
All I want is a calculator that when given
replies with the number 4, not 3. If you don't understand why then never mind. I don't need trig. I don't need calculus or hex or lots of memories... I just want it to know that it should divide and multiply before adding and subtracting. This is programatically not even as hard as it first seems... not that it even seems hard, and it allows to do long arithmetic calculations without needing to stop to write stuff down or start over or deal with memories just becuase you ran into a fraction somewhere.
So there seem to be several "scientific" calculators programs out there, does anyone have a favorite?
I don't want alot of screen space wasted with advanced features (although i don't mind them if screen real estate is somehow cleverly managed)... I just want to be able to do basic arithmetic in a reasonable way.
Use 1-calc Bro, It Works Just Like That 2+4/2=4
I found MyCalculator. It is free. It is simple. It does math correctly. It has an unusually easy way of doing memory/recall which is good, because on the downside you must use the memories to operate on the last answer. The keys aren't huge, but still thumbable. There is still room for me to find a more perfect solution, but this one will work quite well for me.
also check out' calculators under Windows Mobile and HP's calculators on Windows Mobile
I use HiCalc. It is not free and it's not cheap, but it is really great calculator if you need something that you can call scientific. In new version you can change between different calculator pages with left/right gestures. You can even see how would your equation look like if it was written on the paper.
If you need something more advanced (like 2D/3D graphing, advanced equations...) you can try SpaceTime.

What the Raphael expands on, replaces or begins to replace?

I thought I'd start what I hope become a regular event at Posting how valuable our devices are to us. Specifically, what our this case the Raphael....replaces or begins to replace with native or expanded functionality.
I'll start off with a not so exhaustive list of the obvious and give others a chance to share. What I propose is that we post the function and specify what software or setup allows for this function. You don't necissarily have to go into detail, for example, if you've setup your device to be a "router" on your home network because that would take a little time...but you can post something like "LAN Router = configuring device without additional software" or something like that. If you list VoIP Device you can say "Replaced my VoIP Device using Skype" or something similar.
I'm curious how much functionality we can squeeze out of these devices. This post will also serve to give others ideas, provide a place to share your ideas, and give new people an idea of how powerful these devices are.
Here we go...
- Replaced my GPS device and I use TomTom.
- Begins to replace my digital camera and cam corder. Even though it doesn't take very high resolution images and there is still room for growth it does a decent job and i no longer have to carry around those two devices. I use the native components and software of the device. If anyone has better software to accomplish this let us know.
- Replaces my voice recorder. I'm still trying to narrow down which software I like best for this so your suggestions are very welcome.
- Replaced my FM Radio but only when away from my car
- Replaced my portable XM Radio as I stream XM using PocketXM. This is an old software and i think there are newer and better ones out by now but i havne't taken the time to go look so your suggestions are welcome to enhance this experience.
- Replaces the newspaper. I subscribe to newsfeeds using Egress. I've tried a dozen or more Windows Mobile feed readers and imho this is by far the best and has all the features i want.
- Allows me to stay in touch via IM using BeeJive IM.
- Allows me to stay in touch via IRC using zsIRC. zsIRC is missing a few things and is not perfect but is the better freeware product taht comes close.
- Expands on e-mail by allowing me to stay in contact with Pocket Outlook.
- Replaces my wireless/wifi scanner using WiFiFoFum. There are other software products i've tried but this one does exactly what i need and also works in conjunction with GPS so I can later map my scans using Google Earth or other mapping software. I even use it in conjunction with other software to perform wireless audits for my work.
- Provides me with mobile Bluetooth scanning capabilities using Bluezard and btCrawler. Please provide your suggestions if you have other software that does a good job in this area.
- Begins to replace my MP3 player. My MP3 player has a lot more space but the Raphael does a good job as a temporary replacement for this device.
- Allows me to watch my TV/Cable at the house from anywhere using Slingbox's SlingPlayer and the Slingbox Pro.
- Replaces the Weather Channel using WeatherPanel on SecondToday.
- Begins to replace my gaming devices because you can play some nice Windows Mobile based games, not to mention you can also install several different emulators to play other device games on your Windows Mobile device.
- Enhanced the way I input business cards into my contacts by allowing me to take a picture of the business card using WorldCard Mobile.
- Enhances the way I store critical information by using eWallet.
- Replaces the dictionary as there are tons of superior dictionary software products on the market now. I use several so won't list them here unless asked. If you have a favorite please let us know.
- Replaces the encyclopedia using Brittanica Concise Encyclopiedia or Pocket Wiki. I know there are others out there and I welcome your suggestions on this as I'm looking for the most complete solution possible.
- Replaces the phone directory using Live Search, Google, or numerous other products.
- Provides for a portable packet sniffer beyond the laptop using Handy Sniffer.
- Begins to replace the eBook Reader for many but not those that can't read off the tiny screen. I'm still looking for a better and universal solution that will read all formats and allow for better viewing on the smaller screen.
My list could go on but i'm going to stop there and give others a chance to respond with their list and also help me with mine if they have better suggestions.
Let's see how much functionality we can squeeze from this little device.

Possible convert my iPhone-app to Android?

Ive just finished an iPhone-application, and Im looking into the possibility to convert it to an android-application.
Let me tell you the basic structure of the app:
- It has a simple drill-down-menu, with three levels of lists. Pressing a list-item will bring you deeper down into the hierarchy, and pressing a back-button will take you up a step.
- At the bottom of the hierarchy is a webview that loads a unique webpage depending on the hierarchical path the user has taken. These web-pages (html and javascript) are all localized on the device so it never goes online.
- The webpages has two main resources: images, and sound (mp3). The sound should be playable from within the webpage. All these resources are also loaded from the device.
- When exiting the app, it should save its location and when relaunched it should reopen that location.
As you can see, its a pretty simple application. Im wondering if anybody could detail a little what I need for this to come alive on Android. Perhaps the application-layout Im after is so generic, even, that there is a template for this?
My background as a programmer is mostly C++ and C#, so Im more at home with the Java-syntax than the awful Objective-C that iPhone uses.
So far Ive installed the development-environment, and have tried out the basic "Hello Android"-sample. Thats about it for the moment.
porting your iphone add to android
hi there,
i'm a android programmer and did many games already. you can see my games at:
not sure you still need help to port your iphone app to android. may be you can send me the source code. i can do it for you. very easy for me.
Tony Chan
[email protected]
Android uses java syntax and java libraries
so if you like java, then you would probably like android
layouts are done in XML
chingy1788 said:
Android uses java syntax and java libraries
so if you like java, then you would probably like android
layouts are done in XML
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hehe well said
I don't think anybody can tell you what you need to do. Just start by reading through all of this: and you should be able to handle this.
Note: your application appears to be trivial.
One thing that I suggest is that you forget about locally-stored web pages and just rewrite those pages in Android/Java. The reason I suggest this is that unlike apple, you can't make any assumptions about what browser the user has installed (if any), or what rendering engine their browser happens to have, or javascript engine, etc. There are AT LEAST three different rendering engines in use on Android, including khtml, gecko, and presto. There are at LEAST two different JAVASCRIPT engines, including SquirrelFish and V8, and soon you will be able to add SpiderMonkey to this list (when Firefox launches). And no, you can't force your application to call on a particular browser since this would violate the modularity designed into the platform.
DANNEMAN101 said:
Ive just finished an iPhone-application, and Im looking into the possibility to convert it to an android-application.
Let me tell you the basic structure of the app:
- It has a simple drill-down-menu, with three levels of lists. Pressing a list-item will bring you deeper down into the hierarchy, and pressing a back-button will take you up a step.
- At the bottom of the hierarchy is a webview that loads a unique webpage depending on the hierarchical path the user has taken. These web-pages (html and javascript) are all localized on the device so it never goes online.
- The webpages has two main resources: images, and sound (mp3). The sound should be playable from within the webpage. All these resources are also loaded from the device.
- When exiting the app, it should save its location and when relaunched it should reopen that location.
As you can see, its a pretty simple application. Im wondering if anybody could detail a little what I need for this to come alive on Android. Perhaps the application-layout Im after is so generic, even, that there is a template for this?
My background as a programmer is mostly C++ and C#, so Im more at home with the Java-syntax than the awful Objective-C that iPhone uses.
So far Ive installed the development-environment, and have tried out the basic "Hello Android"-sample. Thats about it for the moment.
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look at the NDK
Freedomcaller said:
look at the NDK
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Why don't you create a converter from iPhone to Android? There are few Italian app.. only this is better than Android for Italian user.. but I love Android!
I have an app that has been created for android, and I need help creating it for the iphone. I'll share the source code if someone will create the app for me please.
DANNEMAN101 said:
Ive just finished an iPhone-application, and Im looking into the possibility to convert it to an android-application.
Let me tell you the basic structure of the app:
- It has a simple drill-down-menu, with three levels of lists. Pressing a list-item will bring you deeper down into the hierarchy, and pressing a back-button will take you up a step.
- At the bottom of the hierarchy is a webview that loads a unique webpage depending on the hierarchical path the user has taken. These web-pages (html and javascript) are all localized on the device so it never goes online.
- The webpages has two main resources: images, and sound (mp3). The sound should be playable from within the webpage. All these resources are also loaded from the device.
- When exiting the app, it should save its location and when relaunched it should reopen that location.
As you can see, its a pretty simple application. Im wondering if anybody could detail a little what I need for this to come alive on Android. Perhaps the application-layout Im after is so generic, even, that there is a template for this?
My background as a programmer is mostly C++ and C#, so Im more at home with the Java-syntax than the awful Objective-C that iPhone uses.
So far Ive installed the development-environment, and have tried out the basic "Hello Android"-sample. Thats about it for the moment.
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Is it possible to post this in the Q&A and not development section?
sparksco said:
Is it possible to post this in the Q&A and not development section?
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This is from the first half of 2009, I highly doubt that they care where it should be posted (now).
Converting iPhone app to Android will be greate.
I would like to have All My Recipes iphone app in my Galaxy Tab
It was be great if somebody can port the secret of mana game from iphone to android ! =)

[Q] any way to view Sketchup (google) files on Android dev?

I already STFA and did not find what I was looking for. I was wondering if there is an application that will allow viewing of existing Google Sketchup files, editing/creating files - no - not so much, think that would be best done on a full blown desktop, One earlier post was asking about running a fully functional Sketchup, and I tend to agree that it would be too much of a tax on the processor and memory to be feasible for a mobile device. I also found the SketchBook program from AutoDesk which is designed for mobile devices but from what it says it is more like Paint in Microsoft Os's not a CAD type program.
Anybody know if there is anything like that available out there to be able to view Google Sketchup files? Thanks in advance for any information on the subject.
Sorry to wake up an old topic (very old) but I too am looking for such an app.....being a kitchen builder in my spare time I was asked a few times if I had any models on hand to show. And since I do all my sketches in Sketchup, well you guessed it....I can't show them on my tab....
Would be kinda cool to show potential customers how their kitchen might look like if I could just drop existing cabinets in place etc...
If you've already found something would you mind sharing with me? Very much appreciated...

