We may soon become criminals... seriously! - Samsung Galaxy S (4G Model)

As the law now stands, we are able to root our phones without legal interference. However, this liberty is due to a temporary exemption which the government issued in 2010.
The U.S. Copyright office is currently considering whether to allow "the exemption" to expire. This would mean that it will become a crime to root your phone (or otherwise modify it contrary to what the manufacturer/carrier specifies)!
The U.S. Copyright office is accepting comments until 5:00 p.m. E.S.T. on February 10, 2012. It is vital that each of us act dilligently concerning this issue.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has an excellent discussion about this topic at their "Jailbreaking is NOT a Crime" page. A website to educate and gather support has been set up at the Jailbreaking is NOT a Crime website (which is also sponsored by the EFF).
Our individual and collective actions are important on this issue... just as was the case concerning the issue of SOPA/PIPA. Unfortunately, this issue has not been as well-publicized.
Get the word out. It depends on us, the ones who will be affected.

Agreed. We need everyone to act on this.

Well the day I get arrested for doing what I want in my own home with the electronics I bought with what little money the government didn't take out of my hard earned paycheck is the day I give up on life and become a genuine Jesse James.
Though maybe this should've been in general?
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium

ohh man .....
May be one day, it would be crime to put on a bumper sticker on my car.
Are we living in china or north korea??

These copyright *actions* are getting all messed up. America is becoming like China..

China's not all bad...
Lubcrayon said:
These copyright *actions* are getting all messed up. America is becoming like China..
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Actually, in China, there's no problem with copyright infringement...


Alert: Rooting to become illegal activity.

Don't know what happened... but my alert was put into Q&A even though it's not a question.
Sorry, for the cross-posting... but this issue is very important to all of us who care about rooting/modifying our devices. We may soon lose the legal exemption to do that.
UPDATE: I see that xda-dev has an article in its main portal page...
Bumping this until Feb. 10...
when no one will be able to affect the situation...
TRIED the website but it must be having some issues. Thanks Geek for the heads up. What a freakin joke. Utter and total BS. Imagine if the government tried to tell people that they couldn't modify there car? I'll try to find a better link to the petition.
Before everyone gets hyped:
It's a little bit complicated. First off, the Federal Government (namely a member of Congress) would have to care enough to push for a law to be passed. Another thing that could happen is that there could be an Agency regulation that specifically prohibits rooting. However for that to happen, they have to authority to be able to enforce it.
As long as you are not reverse engineering, you are not breaking any U.S. law. This exemption that is expiring only clarified a defense to a law that does not exist, meaning that we specifically stated that rooting was not a crime, while there was no law stating that modification was a crime. It is a very vague, legal gray area. It's a lot like gun laws- things are not settled until they are tried in court.
So hopefully it gets renewed.
finch8423 said:
Before everyone gets hyped:
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Too late. Getting hyped is a prerequisite for being a member of xda-dev.
finch8423 said:
It's a little bit complicated. First off, the Federal Government (namely a member of Congress) would have to care enough to push for a law to be passed. Another thing that could happen is that there could be an Agency regulation that specifically prohibits rooting. However for that to happen, they have to authority to be able to enforce it.
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I agree that it is complicated. But, according to EFF: Some device manufacturers claim that jailbreaking violates Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which carries stiff penalties.​there is already such a law. Granted, there has not been a court case, yet, testing that law. But it is on the books.
finch8423 said:
As long as you are not reverse engineering, you are not breaking any U.S. law. This exemption that is expiring only clarified a defense to a law that does not exist, meaning that we specifically stated that rooting was not a crime, while there was no law stating that modification was a crime. It is a very vague, legal gray area. It's a lot like gun laws- things are not settled until they are tried in court.
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Well, you may wish to read, specifically, about Section 1201 of the DMCA. It is false comfort to think that a law does not exist... it does exist. The wikipedia article on the DMCA has a good discussion. If you are more of a legal geek, then the government provides congressional report 105-796 and a summary on the internet. For information on how institutions of learning can be affected, EDUCAUSE addresses the issue on its site.
finch8423 said:
So hopefully it gets renewed.
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The whole point of creating this thread. To help ensure that it is renewed.
A bull****, nothing more. It is my property and I do with it what I want. They can only affect my warrenty. They can only do something if its a carrier branded and you don't buy for full price . Then device is still a carrier property
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
This country is already broke (not only financially, but also morally -- but that's an entirely different discussion), how will they go about actually enforcing this law? I know that phone companies can gather a lot of information about your phone remotely, but can they tell whether your phone is rooted or not?
I'm not trying to be pompous, so I apologize if I came off like that. I completely agree with you.
They can claim all they want. It's important for everyone to know that if it comes to that, there is no specific law addressing this, only claims under the DMCA.
In my legal opinion, root privileges can hardly be misconstrued as copyright infringement. It's mainly Macintosh that is pushing this though- they claim that jailbreaking is illegal because of the close-source nature of their products (It's also ironic to note that many of the working conditions of their factories would be considered illegal in every country that they sell their products in).
Well macintosh and... recently, ASUS, right? and one other... last summer, but I can't recall who right now.
Let's just say... for sake of argument that carriers sign agreements with manufacturerers (when, in fact, they're different companies)... that require them to deny service to "rooted" devices based on the law... or maybe not the law... but their collective interpretation of the law...
Ndaa, sopa, pipa... Now this???
Dammit my m4 is getting put to use soon isn't it??
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
^ add ACTA to that list.
Sent from my SGS 4G.
You do realize that google gave us source, and samsung gave us source, and they both stated that "THIS CAN BE USED FOR "ENRICHMENT" OF YOUR PHONE" google android is 100% free. Even if it expired, it wouldn't effect us. Whoever the fool that initially stated that rooting will go away is false.
As ACTA is *****. My country accepted it, **** them
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
gefilus said:
As ACTA is *****. My country accepted it, **** them
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
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Damn... is your town as beautiful in person as it looks in pictures? I had to look it up to see where the hell you lived
Watch profile and will see where I live
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
airfluip1 said:
You do realize that google gave us source, and samsung gave us source, and they both stated that "THIS CAN BE USED FOR "ENRICHMENT" OF YOUR PHONE" google android is 100% free. Even if it expired, it wouldn't effect us. Whoever the fool that initially stated that rooting will go away is false.
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Are you suggesting that EFF doesn't know what the hell they are talking about?
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
Maybe. Just ask Google.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
We might not be talking apples to apples...
I know apple has fought their phones being jail broken. But isn't it the carriers who really have the problem with it? They want to make you buy their network specific phone from them?
They can only put this law if there is one only on devices which are carrier branded. On unlocked or unbramded devices they can't do the ****. It is in my proparty and take you hand of from it, I can do with my device what I want
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium
lumin30 said:
Damn... is your town as beautiful in person as it looks in pictures? I had to look it up to see where the hell you lived
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Mostly and almost the same like in pictures. And ye waterfall is or mark
Sent from my HTC Desire S using xda premium

Anonymous hacked www.ussc.gov!

Everyone needs to go check this out it is HUGE http://www.ussc.gov/
Citizens of the world,
Anonymous has observed for some time now the trajectory of justice in the United States with growing concern. We have marked the departure of this system from the noble ideals in which it was born and enshrined. We have seen the erosion of due process, the dilution of constitutional rights, the usurpation of the rightful authority of courts by the "discretion" of prosecutors. We have seen how the law is wielded less and less to uphold justice, and more and more to exercise control, authority and power in the interests of oppression or personal gain.
We have been watching, and waiting.
Two weeks ago today, a line was crossed. Two weeks ago today, Aaron Swartz was killed. Killed because he faced an impossible choice. Killed because he was forced into playing a game he could not win -- a twisted and distorted perversion of justice -- a game where the only winning move was not to play.
Anonymous immediately convened an emergency council to discuss our response to this tragedy. After much heavy-hearted discussion, the decision was upheld to engage the United States Department of Justice and its associated executive branches in a game of a similar nature, a game in which the only winning move is not to play.
Last year the Federal Bureau of Investigation revelled in porcine glee at its successful infiltration of certain elements of Anonymous. This infiltration was achieved through the use of the *same tactics which lead to Aaron Swartz' death. It would not have been possible were it not for the power of federal prosecutors to thoroughly destroy the lives of any hacktivists they apprehend through the very real threat of highly disproportionate sentencing.
As a result of the FBI's infiltration and entrapment tactics, several more of our brethren now face similar disproportionate persecution, the balance of their lives hanging on the severely skewed scales of a broken justice system.
We have felt within our hearts a burning rage in reaction to these events, but we have not allowed ourselves to be drawn into a foolish and premature response. We have bidden our time, operating in the shadows, adapting our tactics and honing our abilities. We have allowed the FBI and its masters in government -- both the puppet and the shadow government that controls it -- to believe they had struck a crippling blow to our infrastructure, that they had demoralized us, paralyzed us with paranoia and fear. We have held our tongue and waited.
With Aaron's death we can wait no longer. The time has come to show the United States Department of Justice and its affiliates the true meaning of infiltration. The time has come to give this system a taste of its own medicine. The time has come for them to feel the helplessness and fear that comes with being forced into a game where the odds are stacked against them.
This website was chosen due to the symbolic nature of its purpose -- the federal sentencing guidelines which enable prosecutors to cheat citizens of their constitutionally-guaranteed right to a fair trial, by a jury of their peers -- the federal sentencing guidelines which are in clear violation of the 8th amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishments. This website was also chosen due to the nature of its visitors. It is far from the only government asset we control, and we have exercised such control for quite some time...
There has been a lot of fuss recently in the technological media regarding such operations as Red October, the widespread use of vulnerable browsers and the availability of zero-day exploits for these browsers and their plugins. None of this comes of course as any surprise to us, but it is perhaps good that those within the information security industry are making the extent of these threats more widely understood.
Still there is nothing quite as educational as a well-conducted demonstration...
Through this websites and various others that will remain unnamed, we have been conducting our own infiltration. We did not restrict ourselves like the FBI to one high-profile compromise. We are far more ambitious, and far more capable. Over the last two weeks we have wound down this operation, removed all traces of leakware from the compromised systems, and taken down the injection apparatus used to detect and exploit vulnerable machines.
We have enough fissile material for multiple warheads. Today we are launching the first of these. Operation Last Resort has begun...
Warhead - U S - D O J - L E A - 2013 . A E E 256 is primed and armed. It has been quietly distributed to numerous mirrors over the last few days and is available for download from this website now. We encourage all Anonymous to syndicate this file as widely as possible.
The contents are various and we won't ruin the speculation by revealing them. Suffice it to say, everyone has secrets, and some things are not meant to be public. At a regular interval commencing today, we will choose one media outlet and supply them with heavily redacted partial contents of the file. Any media outlets wishing to be eligible for this program must include within their reporting a means of secure communications.
We have not taken this action lightly, nor without consideration of the possible consequences. Should we be forced to reveal the trigger-key to this warhead, we understand that there will be collateral damage. We appreciate that many who work within the justice system believe in those principles that it has lost, corrupted, or abandoned, that they do not bear the full responsibility for the damages caused by their occupation.
It is our hope that this warhead need never be detonated.
However, in order for there to be a peaceful resolution to this crisis, certain things need to happen. There must be reform of outdated and poorly-envisioned legislation, written to be so broadly applied as to make a felony crime out of violation of terms of service, creating in effect vast swathes of crimes, and allowing for selective punishment. There must be reform of mandatory minimum sentencing. There must be a return to proportionality of punishment with respect to actual harm caused, and consideration of motive and mens rea. The inalienable right to a presumption of innocence and the recourse to trial and possibility of exoneration must be returned to its sacred status, and not gambled away by pre-trial bargaining in the face of overwhelming sentences, unaffordable justice and disfavourable odds. Laws must be upheld unselectively, and not used as a weapon of government to make examples of those it deems threatening to its power.
For good reason the statue of lady justice is blindfolded. No more should her innocence be besmirked, her scales tipped, nor her swordhand guided. Furthermore there must be a solemn commitment to freedom of the internet, this last great common space of humanity, and to the common ownership of information to further the common good.
We make this statement do not expect to be negotiated with; we do not desire to be negotiated with. We understand that due to the actions we take we exclude ourselves from the system within which solutions are found. There are others who serve that purpose, people far more respectable than us, people whose voices emerge from the light, and not the shadows. These voices are already making clear the reforms that have been necessary for some time, and are outright required now.
It is these people that the justice system, the government, and law enforcement must engage with. Their voices are already ringing strong with a chorus of determined resolution. We demand only that this chorus is not ignored. We demand the government does not make the mistake of hoping that time will dampen its ringing, that they can ride out this wave of determination, that business as usual can continue after a sufficient period of lip-service and back-patting.
Not this time. This time there will be change, or there will be chaos...
$ cat Scalia* Kennedy* Thomas* Ginsburg* Breyer* Roberts* Alito* Sotomayor* Kagan* > Warhead-US-DOJ-LEA-2013.aes256 && rm -rf /
Oh, we also took the liberty of making the entire rest of the site editable. Feel free to upload snapshots of your improvements with the hashtag #USSC. Failing that, we find that highlighting large sections and pressing the backspace key has a great therapeutic effect...
Som, for non-americans who have no clue how things work over there... what is ussc and what does it do? And no, I didnt read the wall of text lol
Well that escalated quickly...
Lol tango still f*cking down
Yes! Power to them.
If anyone doesn't know who Aaron Swartz is... he co founded reddit.com and invented RSS.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Goatshocker said:
Som, for non-americans who have no clue how things work over there... what is ussc and what does it do? And no, I didnt read the wall of text lol
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United States Sentencing Commission
The real life super heroes !
**** these corrupt governments.
We are all slaves to the machine .
Power corrupts.
Sent from my Back from Banned Camp Edition One S.
Habarug said:
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One S | ICS Blue XDA Premium | MIUI Sense | Bricked Beastmode
Shouldn't this be in off topic?
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda app-developers app
Spastic909 said:
Shouldn't this be in off topic?
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda app-developers app
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You gonna have me arrested? Will you be able to sleep tonight? I sure hope so.
Spastic909 said:
Shouldn't this be in off topic?
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda app-developers app
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Lol always someone to ruin the fun who thinks he knows better...
Good. **** the government. Hope Anonymous hacks more sites!
This is not that big of an issue at all. It didn't even hit the front page of reddit yet...
However, unlocking phones in Canada has...
Somebody played Asteroids? It was effin hilarious! Btw, new hack! http://gizmodo.com/5979480/a-new-an...up-government-sites-with-a-nyan-cat-spaceship
Closed Source Project said:
Lol always someone to ruin the fun who thinks he knows better...
Good. **** the government. Hope Anonymous hacks more sites!
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Are you too kidding. Yeah and the new world order is about to enslave you. Pardon me for stating the obvious.
According to your statement you seem to think you know everything so my bad almighty internet genius gods.
Ps I usually sleep pretty well every night knowing people like you to exist
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda app-developers app
addsfsds said:
Somebody played Asteroids? It was effin hilarious! Btw, new hack! http://gizmodo.com/5979480/a-new-an...up-government-sites-with-a-nyan-cat-spaceship
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Oh nice, thats how hacks should be.
Spastic909 said:
Are you too kidding. Yeah and the new world order is about to enslave you. Pardon me for stating the obvious.
According to your statement you seem to think you know everything so my bad almighty internet genius gods.
Ps I usually sleep pretty well every night knowing people like you to exist
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda app-developers app
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I prefer to no longer communicate with you. In fact, I am simply posting this to state that you horribly misused 'too'. So yea, I guess you don't know it all (who knew!). I am also glad you sleep at night; I was quite worried, thanks for sharing. You must also sleep good at night hiding from how corrupt the government can be. PS: all Anonymous is doing is pointing the corruption out, which is why I sit back and enjoy.
[/endRant][/endOffTopic(even though it is quite on topic)].
Yawn. Wake me up when they do something productive like, you know, filtering source code of big businesses and the like. Hacking an official website frontpage is what amounts to graffiti on a public building. Nothing to be so boisterous about.

Petition To Repeal Unlock Law

As most of you are aware it has recently become illegal to unlock carrier branded phones purchased after January 26th of this year. This is a petition to the White House to repeal or amend that decision. There are three days left to garner another 1500 signatures. Please take the time to create an account and sign this petition.
I've already signed it for myself,and for my wife. Now, if only my 3 friends on Facebook and g+ would follow the link I posted back when I signed, we'd only need 1497 more signatures. Lol
S!ent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
bps119 said:
I've already signed it for myself,and for my wife. Now, if only my 3 friends on Facebook and g+ would follow the link I posted back when I signed, we'd only need 1497 more signatures. Lol
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It's all good. Just hit 105,500. So at least the government will take a look at it. 115,000 wouldn't hurt though.
"The White House is going to have to provide answers on whether it thinks cell phone unlocking should be illegal. Unlocking cell phones unties them from specific carriers, allowing users to switch to a different cellular provider. This was legal until recently, when the Library of Congress decided not to renew the Digital Millennium Copyright Act exemption for unlocking.
Outraged cell phone users filed a White House Petition demanding the reversal of this policy. The petition was filed just days after the White House said petitions would only get an answer if they received 100,000 signatures within a month, rather than the previous threshold of 25,000.
The cell phone unlock petition passed 100,000 today, two days before the deadline. You can still sign it if you wish."
I sure I am not alone in feeling as though this is absolutely unacceptable, and hope the unlock law gets changed. It is understandable for the courts to try to help prevent or at least try to stop piracy and other unlawful acts, and to try to protect the carriers from exploitation, but for the very act of performing an unlock to now be a punishable crime is just terrible. I commend all of you who are part of the petition, or just against ethis new ruling and trying to get it changed. Good luck to you all in this endeavor.
Sent from my bootloader unlocked, s-off, CWM installed, and Rooted HTCEVOV4G using xda premium
While I agree that it should be changed, I think the law is more aimed at less than reputable carriers (Cricket comes to mind in Phoenix, at least) that will unlock and flash any phone to their network, regardless of its status (stolen, etc).
For that reason alone I would support the law, but only if it included a provision for allowing the legal owner to unlock the phone at his/her discretion.
Beamed out of the Void
Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
For anyone who hasn't seen yet:
liquidzoo said:
For anyone who hasn't seen yet:
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Sweet, so only a couple of years of bureaucratic crap to jump through and we got it!
There's no way in hell they're taking away those rights. I love modifying and adding meaningless crap to my phone, changing its values and maxing/undering whatever I want. It's an addiction really. It's no different than buying a car at a dealership. Are there laws and rules to what you can and can't add to your car? Sure, but none that really matter. If I was to add a body kit to the new lancer I'm buying this year and the government says "Uhhhh yeah, you can't do that because (insert meaningless reason here) and (more crap here)" then I'm going to tell'em to suck it :angel:
Spartan111 said:
There's no way in hell they're taking away those rights. I love modifying and adding meaningless crap to my phone, changing its values and maxing/undering whatever I want. It's an addiction really. It's no different than buying a car at a dealership. Are there laws and rules to what you can and can't add to your car? Sure, but none that really matter. If I was to add a body kit to the new lancer I'm buying this year and the government says "Uhhhh yeah, you can't do that because (insert meaningless reason here) and (more crap here)" then I'm going to tell'em to suck it :angel:
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This has nothing to do with rooting glad to see you're uninformed.
It's about carrier unlocking which from a business perspective i can understand but i don't agree with it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

California's smartphone kill switch bill has been signed into law

Why do we have to push regulations for stupid people?:
The bill, SB 962, was created by California state Senator Mark Leno along with San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón, who's been a staunch advocate of anti-theft measures for phones. Ahead of the bill, Gascón urged cellphone makers — including Apple and Samsung — to make stolen smartphones more of a headache for thieves, going so far as to hire security experts to try and bypass the built-in security measures to illustrate that smartphone makers weren't doing enough. An earlier version of the legislation also included tablets, and any other handheld "advanced mobile communications device," language that was stripped out in favor of targeting only smartphones.
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Will .gov.control be circumvented with rooted devices and ROMs?
LinuxAssailant said:
Why do we have to push regulations for stupid people?:
Will .gov.control be circumvented with rooted devices and ROMs?
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I just came here to post this but I see you already have beat me to it. So, anyone wanna speculate as to how this can be defeated? Obviously we don't know yet whether this will be a hardware or a software issue. Hopefully software. I think we need to start petitioning and going door to door to stop this thing before it becomes law. **** California. Always trying to ram their nanny state bull**** down everyone's throats.
I just created a petition about this:
Please sign and share!
countercharge said:
I just came here to post this but I see you already have beat me to it. So, anyone wanna speculate as to how this can be defeated? Obviously we don't know yet whether this will be a hardware or a software issue. Hopefully software. I think we need to start petitioning and going door to door to stop this thing before it becomes law. **** California. Always trying to ram their nanny state bull**** down everyone's throats.
I just created a petition about this:
Please sign and share!
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It has already passed and become law... it was signed into law Monday, and starts being required next year.
Petitions don't help, as Jerry (Pinko-Commie) Brown cares not for us, only what they tell him needs to happen.

Modding is about to become illegal

So about ten days ago, the text of the TPP got finalised, and it's really bad for us and the rest of the Internet. Here's an excerpt taken from FFTF:
- Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
- Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
- Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
- End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
- Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
- Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
A link to do something about it: https://www.fightthetpp.org/
I didn't read anything about any of this..... And I can see carriers having some say if you got your device on a contract.... And even trying to enforce people not modify it....
But.... There's no way anyone has or will have control over what we do to a device we've paid for and own outright.
Sorry... But I smell conspiracy theory. When I own something, 100%....its mine. I can do what I please with it.
Nothing to fear here.
Edit: What I'm saying is that none of this will ever become reality. :good:
I found this article, which explains a bit on what the TPP will do.
While I could see this come to be. Good luck on them enforcing it. Other then locking the devices completely down they could never enforce it completely
Sure, they won't be able to control what you do to your device once you buy it. It's yours. You bought it. You can modify it to be the world's most expensive paperweight if you'd like.
But what they can do is limit whether your device can connect to their services and what it can and cannot do with those services. Want to hack your device 6 ways to Sunday? Go right ahead. But want it to be able to work on so and so's network? That's another story.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
ssenemosewa said:
Sure, they won't be able to control what you do to your device once you buy it. It's yours. You bought it. You can modify it to be the world's most expensive paperweight if you'd like.
But what they can do is limit whether your device can connect to their services and what it can and cannot do with those services. Want to hack your device 6 ways to Sunday? Go right ahead. But want it to be able to work on so and so's network? That's another story.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
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And that is what XDA is all about.... We'll find a way.
Darth said:
And that is what XDA is all about.... We'll find a way.
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Amen to that, Brother!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
DecentM said:
So about ten days ago, the text of the TPP got finalised, and it's really bad for us and the rest of the Internet. Here's an excerpt taken from FFTF:
- Compel ISPs to take down websites without any sort of court order, just like SOPA. (Appendix Section I)
- Extend the US’s copyright regime to require copyrights stand for life plus 70 years, preventing anyone from using works that belong in the public domain. (Article QQ.G.6)
- Criminalize whistleblowing by extending trade secrets laws without any mandatory exemptions for whistleblowers or investigative journalists. (QQ.H.8)
- End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
- Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
- Export the US’s broken copyright policies to the rest of the world without expanding any of the free speech protections, like fair use. (Article QQ.G.17)
The worst part is that this is just one of the TPP’s 30 chapters.
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this sounds like the premises for a super villain movie.. if this is a thing, why isn't it all over the news?
soraxd said:
if this is a thing, why isn't it all over the news?
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Because American media outlets and the people trying to push this bill don't want you to know about it. Look at every screwed up bill that's passed in the last few years and what was going on around that timeframe. Obama's administration passed a law saying a citizen could be held indefinitely and without cause at any sign of a respiratory illness, did you see that on the news? No. The media spotlight was focused on doctors in Africa catching Ebola. The Brady Bill was re-enacted, was that covered? Nope, instead they focused on Gay Marriage.
They aren't stupid, they know that if they give Americans a hot-button topic to argue over (gay marriage, immigration, etc...) they can sneak things through congress without so much as a whimper from the public. Add to that the fact that they use these "outbreaks" and media sensations to scare people and we literally ask them to remove our rights.
The news, like science, is bought and paid for by these outlets, industries and governments. They are all in bed with each other and it's all for monetary gain. Example: The FDA gets millions of dollars in "fees" with the submission of every new medicine/vaccine that is submitted. There is no fee associated with the submission of these items. Curiously though, they get pushed through. Big Pharm has a chicken pox vaccine, it lasts 10 years (approximately) and is in the list of required shots (which has more than quadrupled in length in the last decade). Chicken pox is now being touted as some horrible, deadly disease. It's a childhood disease that by itself doesn't cause any real harm, and grants you life-long immunity if you catch it, so why is a vaccine needed, especially if it only lasts for 10 years? Answer - $$$
Take measles for example. An "outbreak" of 60 cases, not a single one fatal, and your right to religious exemption from vaccination is taken away. This is so unconstitutional it's not even funny. Your basic human rights and the rights that were the founding premise of this country are being taken away from you daily, yet people question if this would ever come to fruition because it's not on the news...
People only get to see and know what they want them to see and know. So someone with money and a bone to pick decides that modding your phone is not good for their agenda, guess what? It'll be illegal and you probably won't know until it's too late and you're being penalized for it.
So true
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