Concept Idea - General Questions and Answers

Hello Everyone,
I you all are doing great, I am looking for a few individuals to talk to. The few people need to have 1 or 2 of the following skills.
Expert Android Developer
Expert iOS Developer
PHP Developer
Java Developer
APIs and Custom Frameworks
If you have skills in any of those I would love to talk to you! I would not consider this a Job posting as of yet. I am right now trying to find some people to see if my concept is possible, but I don't want to share it with just anyone and everyone, need to protect my ideas. When I figure out if this can be done I will probably post again (if the people that reply cant assist with the project). Ultimately we will probably be looking at a team of 10 people to get this project done if it is do able. So please anyone and everyone reply to this post if you are interested in the idea, as long as you have 1 if not 2 of those skills listed above!
Thank You
Darley Web Design


Application Development Ideas

I have a few Ideas for some applications I would like to create. I Was going to post this on the the developer page, however, it said only for developers and hardcore techies. since I am neither i figured The General forum should do. what I am asking is for some guidance and direction id developing these apps. like programming language, platform, framework, etc. i downloaded basic4ppc and was wondering if that was a good place to start? i guess I am looking for collaboration more than anything. just some ideas that i thought people might enjoy, benefit from and expand upon. any and all help is welcome!

[Q] tip for development

Hello. I am starting to learn how to develop apps for smartphones, i have tons of ideas but onlu basic knowlage in C++, java and other languages used for creating them. Could some one help me to decide for which platform i should start? I want to start from easiest developing interface (i liked iOS, wp7), cheapest price in order to publish my app and when you do answer please tell me why (other pluses that i didn't highlighted and minuses). Thank you for your help and if i posted on the wrong section please move my thread. Oh and i am a student so if there are any discounts like for wp7 free access for students then do mind that too
so noone can help me?
Not sure myself
But I think Dreamspark has the tutorials to help you develop and you can go form there, I am interested as well just don't have the time.

[REF][GUIDE] Newbie's Noobguide to Android Partitions and Schematics-Need your help!

So I know XDAers are resourceful and supportive of community efforts. Let's write this guide together! (Especially if you're looking for something to do during the blackout (Google Docs)
I've been looking for a visual flowchart of Android schematics, and couldn't find one anywhere. I just wanted to see what Android schematics look like, but lo and behold, I couldn't find one anywhere on the internet!
So in the spirit of Web 2.0 I created one! (under CC license) It's open for editing, because I probably can't get it all right myself. Also, there are probably some things still missing.
Please help me write this. I know I would've loved to have something like this when I was getting into Android modding back in the day.
Also, suggestions for a new title are welcome. Something that says Super General Android Modding Guide for Noobs or something.
Reserved, just in case.
Hi there,
I just started reading your guide, which looks really brilliant.
And in the spirit of open source and peer review, if I can make any positive contributions to it I WILL!
Now back to reading
Many thanks. This guide help me a lot. Hope it will be written on.
WiW said:
So I know XDAers are resourceful and supportive of community efforts. Let's write this guide together! (Especially if you're looking for something to do during the blackout (Google Docs)
I've been looking for a visual flowchart of Android schematics, and couldn't find one anywhere. I just wanted to see what Android schematics look like, but lo and behold, I couldn't find one anywhere on the internet!
So in the spirit of Web 2.0 I created one! (under CC license) It's open for editing, because I probably can't get it all right myself. Also, there are probably some things still missing.
Please help me write this. I know I would've loved to have something like this when I was getting into Android modding back in the day.
Also, suggestions for a new title are welcome. Something that says Super General Android Modding Guide for Noobs or something.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi, please I need access to the guide

Looking for Developers for project

I'm looking for developers willing and able to help with a project.
I'll start by saying, this is a Atheist oriented project focused on atheist related issues. You don't need to be atheist to help, but at least opened minded to others beliefs, or lack there of.
I'm heading this project for the time being. Its my idea, but its beyond my depth. I don't have the skill set to pull this off on my own. I'll take a step back and allow someone who's capable of heading this, once I find one. I can help in other areas, mostly design.
I have two other developers on board already. Capable of developing Android and WP apps. I have done some Android developing on my own, but I'm a amateur at coding.
We'll be building a website, paired with some mobile apps. Focused on help and information forums, local community forums, Atheist related news articles, Articles on atheism, etc without getting into it to deeply on what we're trying to do. Its open for discussion.
If interested on helping, IM me. We could talk further on what we're trying to achieve, and I can direct you to the facebook group.

I'm New To Java Programming & Droid App Development - Seeking Advice/Thoughts Please!

I'm New To Java Programming & Droid App Development - Seeking Advice/Thoughts Please!
So I was hoping to get the advice on a few things regarding android app development from those of you are app developers. I am just now learning Java, learning Android Studios/IntelliJIDEA and I have no teacher (I use, TeamTreeHouse, and other resources) so I'd like to get the opinions and thoughts of others who have already created an app, do so all the time, or are working on their first app. In general, I am looking to get some answers from those who already know what to do and have done it before. I want to be sure I am doing things the right way. Or at the very least I want to be doing things the best possible way I can. So my questions:
What IDE do you use? (Android Studios/IntelliJ IDEA, Unity, etc)
Did you learn Java before building your First App?
Did you learn XML before Building your first App?
Where did you learn about the languages and technologies required? (,, NewBoston, etc)
Are there any resources you can recommend to me as a beginner who has not yet built his first app?
If there is a question you can think of that I did not ask that might help please let me know.
Thank you for answering these questions!
I really want to make sure that I approach this the right way and that if I am going to commit myself to it I do so in a way that works, is tried, tested, and true. I want to make quality applications and I want to know what I'm doing while doing it. = )
Anyway, answering any of these questions would be truly helpful and I would appreciate it very much. Thank you!

