[Q] Quadrant Scores for the 7 Plus? - Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus

Hi guys,
I have a Galaxy Tab 7 Plus 6210 (WiFi only) and I'm getting Quadrant Scores mostly close to 3250. Meanwhile a lot of the reviews I've read online report 3600 to 3800.
Should I be worried?

Maybe off topic but I think people should stop using quadrant. It's really old.
The CPU part it does not work well with multicore and for the GPU part almost all tests reach FPS limitation set by ROM. So the score of it cannot really differentiate performance now.

It's also WAY too sensitive to I/O tweaks - disabling per-file write syncs gives you 600+ points on Quadrant which is insane.
Similarly, there were hacks (like the Stagefright hacks) that would cause Quadrant scores to skyrocket (I think people were figuring out how to hit 3000+ on Captivates) but would make real-world usage of the device utter crap.

I know of Quadrant's shortcomings - but my theory is that for two devices that haven't had any significant modifications to them, the score should be similar (no matter how flawed Quadrant itself may be to tweaking)

not too shabby for stock, hangs at I/O 2of 4.

That app is useless imho... rebooting my Tab bumped it 600 points

try AnTuTu benchmark. I got a score of 6030 with v6 Supercharger and KAK tweak.


Just showin off a bit : )

So after reading nearly 5 hours and spending my time in the wee hours of morning, I finally did all the "stable" mods for the phone... If you haven't been reading, make sure you guys check out the stuff in the development forum.
After all modifications, I was able to get 2701 points in quadrant benchmark. What mods did I do?
-i9000 eclair flash (JM5)
-Alternative mimocans lag fix
(one click installer http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=749495)
-One click root (googled it for i9000)
-Overclock kernel 1.0Ghz to 1.2Ghz
This stuff really does help out your phone folks. Bench it now with quadrant, then take a peak at the other stuff and make magic happen. If anyone needs any additional help setting up their captivate, I'm more than happy to help.
I agree those fixes help speed a lot. But the quadrant score is meaningless. the speed hack creates an io loopback. The loopback just tells quadrant what it wants to hear.
Does your BT work on the european ROM. For me all people hear is a gargeled mess on there end?
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Can you post the results of these tests:
CPU Benchmark
I keep hearing about this quadrant, does it actually improve real world performance? Or is just for the sake of scores?
jhego said:
I keep hearing about this quadrant, does it actually improve real world performance? Or is just for the sake of scores?
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Quadrant is just benchmarking software that takes the cpu, gpu and memory read/write speeds into account. It runs a series of tests and spits a score number out at the end, so you can compare your device to others (like comparing boner sizes, but less gay).
It doesn't actually do anything to speed up the device though.
modest_mandroid said:
Quadrant is just benchmarking software that takes the cpu, gpu and memory read/write speeds into account. It runs a series of tests and spits a score number out at the end, so you can compare your device to others (like comparing boner sizes, but less gay).
It doesn't actually do anything to speed up the device though.
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This is correct and to be honest there is way to much weight in the I/O tests. That is the only reason that the stock Droid X bests the Gal X. It has more weight than cpu and gpu so you can't put to much into those scores. They really don't mean anything more than bragging rights. What I am interested in is real world usage.
Real world use with the hack provides amazing speed gains opening and switching apps. Io heavy apps are very much improved while open too. It's finally as fast as the iphone.
Whats your battery life like after the overclock?
The score ended up getting lower and lower every time i used quadrant. 2701 is the highest I was able to get so far, but that's with a fresh install of the rom and all the stuff before I started loading on apps. Everytime I ran the benchmark, I of course killed the apps beforehand.
The battery life is the same- to be honest. This is me comparing a rooted stock ROM to the somewhat fresh install of the eclair i9000. The phone is very snappy. I came from an iPhone 4 and one of the biggest eye sores to me was the less-fluidness of changing programs, response to buttons (homescreen-back button) and pinch to zoom. After all these changes, it's a whole different story. Browsing is very appealing, especially since pinch to zoom isn't jagged or slow. The smoothness of this functionality is on par to an iPhone. And there is no waiting when I press the home button or back button.
True, maybe these numbers aren't considerably accurate (as far as the lag fix and EXT2) but at least it shows raw computing capability in it's current state... meaning, the usage of a virtual EXT2. Never the less, the phone is still all around faster, even if it isn't exactly the proper way of going about it.
The only problem I've seen so far is that it likes to randomly shut off. Won't respond to anything unless if I soft reset it. I haven't really found what causes it, since the consistency of it happening goes about in a non set pattern.
I didn't see any real world increase .. so I reverted back in about 4 hours.... I'd rather have the memory than a number that don't transfer to real world speeds...

[Q] Quadrant Score???

How is it that I see alot of people benchmarking 2400+ on the benchmark? I have done the benchmark on the TnT Lite 2.4.0 and Vegan beta4 and both performed around 600-800. This is just from regular flash. Is it overclocking or killing all apps other than the benchmark test before proceeding with test? Does the livewalpaper matter?
I get consistent 2300+, and what you are getting is the behavior of wakeup bug in which when tablet wakeup from the long sleep like overnight, it gets stuck on 500+ quadrant score with subpar performance.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
TnT results should be around:
1800 for 2.2
2400 for 2.4 though 3.1
I had 570 average scores using TnT 3.1 (out of sleep mode or also perhaps a combo of apps- not sure what consistently caused it) and rolled back to 3.0. Could not figure out why, but rolling back to 3.0 made things 2400 again and got me out of lag city.
Just did mine on TnT Lite 3.1.1 and got a score of CRAP.. never mind.. it just Force Closed on me before I could remember what it was. LOL
Standby... time to re-do it.
Ok result is: 2542
rushless said:
TnT results should be around:
1800 for 2.2
2400 for 2.4 though 3.1
I had 570 average scores using TnT 3.1 (out of sleep mode or also perhaps a combo of apps- not sure what consistently caused it) and rolled back to 3.0. Could not figure out why, but rolling back to 3.0 made things 2400 again and got me out of lag city.
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I can confirm for stock TNT 3053, about 1800+ consistently.
I just killed all apps except for 4 essential apps. Got a lower score of 591. The tablet seems responsive to me. Even played some dungeon heros and I did not experience any lag.
I will have to benchmark the other two tablets and see how they do.
Edit: Redid the benchmark after a reboot and got 2356! which is a significant increase-value wise. My eyes and perception of time deceive me though as I do not notice a difference in usability from when I got the 500-600 scores recently to the 2356 after reboot. I will look into the calendar and autostart problems, see if those are what are keeping my scores down.
Reboot, kill any running apps and you should get some high scores (2000+).
jimcpl said:
I can confirm for stock TNT 3053, about 1800+ consistently.
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Did 2 more tests, after pressing power button to wake Gtab, and got 1800+ for each test. Didn't do anything special like killing tasks. Again, this is with 3053 stock.
1800+ avgs seem to be the norm for stock on this device.
I don't know if the 2000+ scores are due to real performance gains or because of the partitioning and swap used in prepping the installation of those ROMs. Since Quadrant is synthetic it doesn't handle certain 'optimizations' added by code well and may misreport the scores. In reality 2000+ may really be 1800 or less, and 600 may also be running higher than reported.
Quadrant Advanced is better in that it gives you details. Much of the score we get on the G Tablet is from the powerful CPU and the abundant memory. TnT lite and VegaN may show 'boosts' to things like the I/O which is normally what is misrepresented as it's not weighted in the app. This is why many Galaxy S phones got 'fake' 2000+ scores due to the Lag Fix and in real testing they were performing at nominally higher than their 900 avging stock, but nowhere close to 2200 which is what most would avg. Testing a Vibrant with lag fix reporting 23xx in fact wasn't even working as fast/quick as a desire HD at 19xx.
I still haven't been able to get my device to slow down after sleep, so I guess that's something I'll have to do when I wake up later. Maybe a longer sleep time will aid me in achieving this. I have also tried everything to get the battery to drain faster, just in case there is some correlation...but I'm hovering at 84% and it's bedtime (according to my wife ).
If anyone else out there has Quadrant Advanced and is on stock and getting the slowdown - if you'd run it and give me some numbers I'd really appreciate it.
Numbers for stock 3899 + Google Apps are as follows:
Avg: 1917 in 3 runs. The avg isn't a calculation, it just means that's the score I got on the 3rd run. Under optimal conditions, the CPU should have maxed out by the 3rd run - but some people keep doing it and use the score that tapers off as max. It should get between 1830 and 1930 with stock.
CPU: 4916
Mem: 2730
IO: 1159
2D: 200
3D: 582
I expect the CPU number to be less than 1/2 during a 'slowdown'.
I expect the rest to be roughly the same.
If you're running a ROM like VegaN or TnT...I'm expecting everything to be the same except I/O which will be higher and maybe 2D/3D because of the newer Tegra drivers.
Update! Finally the pad slowed down just now. It's showing 35% on the battery meter. Not that there's any correlation but I've linked it - just because that's the only time I see the slowdown.
Total: 441
CPU: 918
Memory: 547
IO: 293
2D: 47
3D: 398
The slowing of the CPU has taken a toll on everything else. I thought the rest would look alright but that was stupid on my part. When you run a notebook in low power mode (ex: clock it at less than max), it affects performance across the board - so there was no reason that this should be different. Just wasn't thinking :/
Anyway, there we have it. Now to find a way to fix it permanently.
I'm going to set my wifi to turn off when my screen goes off to see if that helps as someone else noted somewhere.
Putting it in airoplane made overnight did not fix the issue. It woke up with bad sleep bug.
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So...my G2x lags bad when I upload video to youtube

(I am a total noob)
Is this normal?
I did the quadrant test during video (size 89mb) uploading to youtube and only scored 651
I thought with dual core processor this phone should be able to handle that multi task flawlessly.
Any thoughts?
Yep a few...
First, Quadrant...eh...I have been accused of being mean, so let me just say not the most reliable benchmarking tool.
Second, you ran Quadrant while performing a heavy I/O task (transmitting a 89Mb file). Quadrant relies heavily on I/O in the computation of its score. I/O is already a bottleneck on this device (I/O and 2D are the lowest benchmark areas for this phone). And you were shoving 89Mb through the phones I/O while measuring the I/O speed in another APP. You can see where this could cause a problem even if the upload had no effect on the processor...of course, the upload DID have an effect on the processor...no work gets done for free.
Third, it's normal.
So, to summarize, don't benchmark anything while it is doing other work. Oh, and don't use Quadrant...it's scores have very little resemblance to real world performance (I scored >3300 with my HD2). Smartbench is a much better choice in my opinion. Hope I helped...
Also, dont make the mistake of thinking that just because the phone is dual core means its impossible to slow it down.
instead of making a new post i thought it'd be better to use a youtube one
so my g2x won't let me upload keeps saying failed to retrieve account info . . i logged in and out a couple times to fix but can't seem to get it.. any ideas ?

t-mobile Samsung Galaxy s2 @1.8ghz quadrant scores low??

so i finished rooting and flashing in the 1.8 kernel, ive run several benchmarks and feel like my score are low since i was getting close to the same score on my routed g2 at 1.8ghz, i thought this phone was going to be much more powerful, im getting a peak of 2850 in quadrant, the fps jump around alot and alot of the time it only score like 1200 in quadrant, should i up my core voltage a bit because i feel like it may be a little unstable? ive used Advanced task killer before each test??? im supposed to test it against my co workers bionic tommorow (unrooted) and i dont want it to score 1200 when we quadrant them..
Have you tried flashing a new kernel? You could try this one: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1331056.
did some voltage and frequency tweaks got it to 3984 im gonna run it a few more times

Cheating on benchmarks

Why do people really care so much about benchmarks. i just seen something about Samsung devices cheating the most. specs and benchmarks don't mean anything. Also doesn't the CPU Governor control the CPU clock speed. So When you're running an intensive app it ramps up the speed And then lowers the speed when its not needed to save battery? Also if your running a custom kernel ans set it to max performance it would tell you if the stock kernels cheat. i am just sick of seeing all this stuff about cheating on benchmarks
Is not because of the benchmark, is because they cheat.
Sent from my Galaxy Note II using Tapatalk 4
clapper66 said:
Why do people really care so much about benchmarks. i just seen something about Samsung devices cheating the most. specs and benchmarks don't mean anything. Also doesn't the CPU Governor control the CPU clock speed. So When you're running an intensive app it ramps up the speed And then lowers the speed when its not needed to save battery? Also if your running a custom kernel ans set it to max performance it would tell you if the stock kernels cheat. i am just sick of seeing all this stuff about cheating on benchmarks
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Yes brother.
Benchmark is really just gives you an approx range whwre your phone stand and its stability and other things.
But some developers use GPU for rendering and for smooth so in that case the Benchmark is low
As it is calculated on the basis if CPU Performance.
Some of the custom kernel have auto configuration of the CPU oc.
That helps the phone to get perfectly stable whichout adjusting.
And battery life of android.
Actually it's not Cheating juat a small eroor or manipulation.
But some are really Good and Check perfect if your GPU Rendering is OFF
I am confused how they cheat. Do they benchmark it with a benchmark app then published inflated results or do they bump up their cpu when benchmark app is detected to increase their score similar to overclocking in rooted phone.
workeuro fled
there's a quadrant cheat i found on playstore upping my quadrant score by 1000 points

