[Q] [DEVS] Boot command - Galaxy S Plus I9001 Android Development

Hello, my question is following and is maybe for devs: how I can execute a command on boot?

init.d scripts

Okey, but I haven't init.d folder? Or..?

u have to have init.d support...i will be uploading my rom today

Maybe there exists an easier solution, but I'm proceeding this way:
1) split boot.img into kernel and ram-disk.
2) unpack ram-disk and place your commands in init-files
3) repack ram-disk
4) repack boot.img and install it
Here you can find a boot.img and it's ramdisk for S+

ok ..so this is a script which might answer ur question
paste the code into notepad/gedit and replace the .txt at the end!
quadrant advanced
#This will **** up ur phone! :P just joking!
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /data/data/com.aurorasoftworks.quadrant.ui.advanced
Quadrant standard
#This will **** up ur phone! :P just joking!
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /data/data/com.aurorasoftworks.quadrant.ui.standard


[Guide] Instructions for the Addition of A2SD to a rom

A2sd installation
First and foremost you need to either edit the boot.img you have or grab one from a rom that has it enabled already.
For the purpose of editing the boot.img>
unpack , there will be two new files kernel + ramdisk
then unpack ramdisk to find init.rc, these are the edits needed.
Below this “setprop net.tcp.buffersize.wimax4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208”
add this
start a2sd
on property:cm.filesystem.ready=1
class_start default
below this “install-recovery.sh”
add this
service a2sd /system/bin/logwrapper /system/bin/sh /system/bin/a2sd
then repack.
Download the 2.7 update one, unpack and copy the system folder to the system folder of your rom.
Next is the update script, you need to add this
# a2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/a2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/fixa2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/boota2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/chka2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/setupa2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/starta2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/bash
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/e2fsck
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/busybox.a2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/apps2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:xbin/a2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:xbin/apps2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:etc/init.d/04apps2sd
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:xbin/e2fsck
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/zipalign
set_perm 0 0 0777 SYSTEM:bin/aligna2sd
If I missed anything please let me know and I will update it ASAP
Thanks again
Your welcome, for as many request as I had to post info on this you where the only on to reply, LOL....
Hope this helps everyone...
I just don't think that it's release was very what's the word i'm looking for?
are you using avabox (found here ) to decompile your boot.img
I'm using a Perl script caleld split_bootimg.pl to separate the kernel and the ramdisk from the boot.img. The modifications required to get A2SD working on a rom are in the ramdisk portion of boot.img.
thatguythatdid said:
I just don't think that it's release was very what's the word i'm looking for?
are you using avabox (found here ) to decompile your boot.img
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Well I just learned something and I hope that it helps someone. If your using avabox to split a boot.img into the kernel and ramdisk the first time u use it. Run the activeperl exe. then go to all programs and run the activeperl program and give it a sec to do it's things.
Then cd to the the boot sripts folder using command prompt and type
perl split_bootimg.pl boot.img
that will split your boot img now to figure out how to read it?
never mind I used 7zip to extract it then extract the next folder now i can see it in english
How do I repackage it?
See, I run Ubuntu Linux. The procedures are different for me.
To repackage, I run a program called mkbootimg (it's a linux binary...there may be an equivalent one in Windows). That creates a new boot image.
But, first, you have to gzip your ramdisk again. Once you do that, I run the following command:
mkbootimg --kernel <kernel segment of boot.img> --ramdisk <newly compressed ramdisk> --cmdline "no_console_suspend=1 console=null" -o <name of new boot image> --base 0x19200000
For me:
./mkbootimg --kernel boot.img-kernel --ramdisk newramdisk.gz --cmdline "no_console_suspend=1 console=null" -o newboot.img --base 0x19200000
boot.img-kernel is the kernel segment of the boot.img I separated.
newramdisk.gz is a gzip file containing the new ramdisk I modified
newboot.img is the image file I'm creating that has the old kernel and new ramdisk.
thatguythatdid said:
Well I just learned something and I hope that it helps someone. If your using avabox to split a boot.img into the kernel and ramdisk the first time u use it. Run the activeperl exe. then go to all programs and run the activeperl program and give it a sec to do it's things.
Then cd to the the boot sripts folder using command prompt and type
perl split_bootimg.pl boot.img
that will split your boot img now to figure out how to read it?
never mind I used 7zip to extract it then extract the next folder now i can see it in english
How do I repackage it?
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I tried doing this to a HTC Boot.img and it didn't work, it would just never boot up.
Could there be something im doing wrong? Im using the perl scripts on a ubuntu box.
The four parameters are vital, especially the base address.
If the base address is wrong, it won't boot.
If the ramdisk isn't ran through cpio first, then gzipped, then it won't boot (or at least I don't think it will)
There are also other factors...but the most common is a wrong base address. The one in the example is for the Sprint Hero. Evo is different...so is Eris. Nexus One is the same as the Evo, but still different from our phones. Not sure about the rest since I can't seem to find base addresses for them.
t2noob said:
I tried doing this to a HTC Boot.img and it didn't work, it would just never boot up.
Could there be something im doing wrong? Im using the perl scripts on a ubuntu box.
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I've unpacked and saw: 'The fu** ... is already there.'
ATM I try to build up a2sd for the desire-sense-2.2 ROM.
But ... when I say with the ... uh, what was it?
[A2SD] Darktremor Apps2SD 2.7.5 Preview Fix 3 Test 2 (07-07-2010)
This one.
When I now say: a2sd check
It says following:
[X] Ext partition found, but not mounted.
Your rom may not be setup to run A2SD.
Check with your rom developer if the boot image
is programmed to run A2SD.
Where I stucked? Maybe other suggestions for A2SD?
DarkMio said:
I've unpacked and saw: 'The fu** ... is already there.'
ATM I try to build up a2sd for the desire-sense-2.2 ROM.
But ... when I say with the ... uh, what was it?
[A2SD] Darktremor Apps2SD 2.7.5 Preview Fix 3 Test 2 (07-07-2010)
This one.
When I now say: a2sd check
It says following:
[X] Ext partition found, but not mounted.
Your rom may not be setup to run A2SD.
Check with your rom developer if the boot image
is programmed to run A2SD.
Where I stucked? Maybe other suggestions for A2SD?
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That means that the init.rc in the ramdisk isn't patched or for some reason it isn't executing at boot.
So I dualbooted with ubuntu 10.04 good read.
so I'm having problems with cpio the ramdisk. I used split_bootimg.pl to split the boot.img of darches boot.img and then again on the tmo mytouch 32b froyo boot.img. I used the mkbootimg to combine the kernel and the ramdisk and flashed it to my phone that worked. Then I wanted to change the r.o secure to 0 so I unzipped the ramdisk changed it and then re-cpio using this command
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../newramdisk.cpio.gz
and then I zipped it and ran the mkbootimg and flashed that to my phone. But it didn't work
this is what i also changed in the default prop
any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I'm running ubuntu 10.04 64bit
does mkbootfs recpio it?

[GUIDE] How to use BootManager App with all the latest roms

I haven't the time to write what bootmanager app is and all the ways to use it.
The purpose of this guide is to help lot of users (not only sensation users) to know why with latest roms the app isn't working well, and why it's not booting the roms.
In the latest roms like cm10 builds (like the cmx10 of bruce2728) the app isn't able to correctly patch the ramdisk's mount points, so the result is that the phone not boot up (stuck at boot logo) or the phone boot up but with the main rom (the one in the nand).
This error is caused by the new way some developers mount the mmc partitions during the boot process.
I will show u what to change to boot up the rom u prefer.
HOW-TO: (advanced users, if u are a noob, scroll down to the second how-to)
-you have to edit the "init.pyramid.rc" file in the ramdisk
-Inside the file search this code:
on emmc-fs
# mount all mmc partitions
mount_all /fstab.pyramid
-Modify it with this:
on emmc-fs
# mount all mmc partitions
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p22 /system wait ro data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 /data wait noatime nosuid nodev data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p24 /cache wait noatime nosuid nodev data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 /devlog wait noatime nosuid nodev data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
-Now save the file and rebuild the boot.img and replace the original one in the rom .zip file
-------Detailed guide for non advanced users----------
-The changes to do are in the boot.img of the rom
-So you have to download the rom .zip and make your pc able to mod this file
-The simple way is to use The Dsixda's Kitchen, all info and guide to install it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=633246
-Then u need winrar
-Then i suggest u to install Notepad++
-Right click on the rom .zip and extract with winrar in a folder
-Then open cygwin (i assume u have installed the Android Kitchen)
-go to kitchen folder and then type
-So now u have the kitchen's menu launched, keep it...
-Now open explorer and navigate to cygwin\home\%username%\%kitchen_folder%\original_update
-Here make a new folder and call it: "WORKING_bootimg"
-Inside the folder put the boot.img from the extracted rom and create a new folder named "system"
-Now return to Kitchen menu in the command promt
-select option 1
-now you are in the wolking folder menu, press enter
-continue loading your working folder until you return at main menu
-here select 0 (advanced options)
-then select 20 (bootimg tools)
-then select w (extract boot.img from working folder)
-Now the kitchen have created u a folder named "BOOT-EXTRACTED", go inside it with explorer and then in boot.img-ramdisk folder
-here edit the file "init.pyramid.rc" with notepad++
-Inside the file search this code:
on emmc-fs
# mount all mmc partitions
mount_all /fstab.pyramid
-Modify it with this:
on emmc-fs
# mount all mmc partitions
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p22 /system wait ro data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 /data wait noatime nosuid nodev data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p24 /cache wait noatime nosuid nodev data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p27 /devlog wait noatime nosuid nodev data=ordered noauto_da_alloc
-Now save the file and exit and return to kitchen app
-Now you are in the boot images tools (if u haven't touched nothing )
-select b (build boot.img)
-So the program will rebuild your boot.img with the changes, take it and put it in the rom's folder (that u have extracted at point 1)
-Now select all the content of the rom's folder and compress it with winrar, chek zip compression
-After that u will have the new zip file, copy it to phone and install using BootManager
To bootmanager 's developers:
the support to the app is very BAD! And like me a lot of users have paid for this app!
you liked our money? so you must update it for the users!
Thanks you! Nice work! Do you know if any rom with sense4 works with boot manager?
Thank in advance.
tominetti said:
Thanks you! Nice work! Do you know if any rom with sense4 works with boot manager?
Thank in advance.
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Hi, I'm using it with Sense 4.1, so it works.
mcnascimento said:
Hi, I'm using it with Sense 4.1, so it works.
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Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using xda app-developers app
tominetti said:
Thanks you! Nice work! Do you know if any rom with sense4 works with boot manager?
Thank in advance.
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mcnascimento said:
Hi, I'm using it with Sense 4.1, so it works.
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With this guide u can add support to any rom
it doesn't work for me, i did all the steps and still the same problem ? "error building new boot.img"

[GUIDE]Adding Support for Different ROMs for Dual Boot

Hey guys this guide will tell you how to add support for Dual bootinga as primary ROM.
First you need 3 EXT4 partitions on SD-card, using minitool partition wizard
1) around 400 MB - SD-SYSTEM (ext4)
2) around 1 GB (or can be less) - SD-DATA(ext4 format),
3)around 75MB (can be less) SD-CACHE(ext4 format) (refer to the screenshot):
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is very important : You should remove any memory increasing script that you were using. Because /data partition is now on SDcard, using memory increasing script will cause conflict and makes ROM unbootable.
Now making kernel level Changes :
Step 1- open the defconfig of your kernel source and make this change in it
Enable LBDAF (for multiple partitions to work)
Now compile the kernel.
Step 2- Ramdisk level changes:
All modifications are performed on init.rc file.
Step 1- Search for this line :
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system ro remount
Replace it with this :
[COLOR="Navy"]# Mount SD-SYSTEM
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system ro remount[/COLOR]
Step 2 - find this line :
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid nodev
Now replace it with :
[COLOR="navy"]# Mount SD-DATA
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /data nosuid nodev noatime nodiratime barrier=0 data=ordered commit=15 noauto_da_alloc nouser_xattr errors=continue[/COLOR]
Step 3- Find this line :
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /cache nosuid nodev
Replace it with :
[COLOR="navy"]# Mount SD-CACHE
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
wait /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /cache nosuid nodev noatime nodiratime barrier=0 data=ordered commit=15 noauto_da_alloc nouser_xattr errors=continue[/COLOR]
That's it now pack the ramdisk with the kernel you made earlier
All of this is much similar like pll2 Oc by cute_prince.
Now the Updater-script changes
This was the real pain in finding out, It took me nearly a month to figure out how to extract system on the partition, and learn the mount function.. If you are using it PLEASE give me some credits
Step 1- one the updater-script of the ROM find these lines :
format("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "0", "/system");
mount("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "/system");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");
Replace them with these:
[COLOR="navy"]run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "-t", "auto", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p2", "/system");
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "rm", "-rf", "/system/*");
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");[/COLOR]
That's it you've Successfully added support for the rom as primary ROM !!
Head Over here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2409236
for flashing instructions ,dual boot app by galaxy freak and switching mechanisms
IF YOU WANT TO PLL2 OC BOTH PRIMARY AND SECONDARY ROMs GO TO THE GUIDE BY @Arslankirmani HERE : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=45063954&postcount=84
Now if you are using it for adding support for ROM , please PM either me,adityalahiri13 or galaxyfreak the download link so that we can add on the dual boot thread.. IF you are a ROM developer ,i kindly request you to let us also keep the download link for the primary enable ROM.
The Yin-Yang Way!
You MUST know how to unpack/repack kernels, and their ramdisks.
If you unpack your kernel, you would find the folder named sbin where you'd unpacked the ramdisk. Place these two files busybox.7z and bootsdcard.txt in the folder. Rename them to "busybox" and "bootsdcard.sh" respectively.
Additionally, you will need to create a folder named "tmp" where you've unpacked the ramdisk.
Now, open up init.rc and find the lines:
on fs
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /cache nosuid nodev
After these lines, you are most likely to find these lines (or similar lines):
# once everything is setup, no need to modify /
mount rootfs rootfs / ro remount
Add the following lines to the above:
chmod 0777 /sbin/busybox
chmod 0777 /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
exec /sbin/busybox sh /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
En total, it should look like this:
on fs
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /cache nosuid nodev
on post-fs
chmod 0777 /sbin/busybox
chmod 0777 /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
exec /sbin/busybox sh /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
# once everything is setup, no need to modify /
mount rootfs rootfs / ro remount
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Now, you can repack the ramdisk, and repack the kernel. In most cases, you should be able to flash the kernel with the busybox included. If you are not able to flash the repacked boot.img, please post the boot.img along with thread from which obtained/sources.
P.S. For the curious, this is what bootsdcard.sh looks like:
#!/sbin/busybox sh
MOUNT="/sbin/busybox mount"
UMOUNT="/sbin/busybox umount"
MKDIR="/sbin/busybox mkdir"
RMDIR="/sbin/busybox rmdir"
TOUCH="/sbin/busybox touch"
$MKDIR /tmp/sdcard
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
$MOUNT /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/sdcard
if [ -f /tmp/sdcard/.bootsdcard ];
$TOUCH /tmp/.bootsdcard
$UMOUNT /tmp/sdcard
$RMDIR /tmp/sdcard
if [ -f /tmp/.bootsdcard ];
$UMOUNT /data;
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
$MOUNT -t ext3 -o nosuid,nodev /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data
$UMOUNT /system
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
$MOUNT -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /system
$MOUNT -t ext3 -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /system
$UMOUNT /cache
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
$MOUNT -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /cache
Now, to switch to the other ROM, please create a file named ".bootsdcard", and to switch to primary ROM, delete the ".bootsdcard" from your sdcard.
I know this post looks wierd, and outta place. the busybox.7z and bootsdcard.sh file can be obtained from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2413642
until I edit this post...
P.s. @omerjerk made an app for this purpose... he'd release it shortly.
What if?
U said on facebook that the sd-data is only for primary rom and the data for the secondary rom is on the NAND Partition ....
So , can't we make changes in the boot.img of Secondary Rom so that it uses the SD-DATA Partition for its data ......?
So our apps can be used in both the roms......
ayushrox atleast can you make CM10.1 as primary rom for who dont know how to compile , etc... and please make primary rom support Pll2 OC.
good work!!!!!
thelegend10 said:
U said on facebook that the sd-data is only for primary rom and the data for the secondary rom is on the NAND Partition ....
So , can't we make changes in the boot.img of Secondary Rom so that it uses the SD-DATA Partition for its data ......?
So our apps can be used in both the roms......
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I can do this.. but it may cause errors since we can dual boot even GB with 4.3 so the app's a pi level may cause conflict .. but anyways I'll try it
Boyka123 said:
ayushrox atleast can you make CM10.1 as primary rom for who dont know how to compile , etc... and please make primary rom support Pll2 OC.
good work!!!!!
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OK I'll add cm 10.1 as primary ROM.with pll2OC ... And BTW devs : u can add pll2OC easily by using the edited acpuclock or editing the ramdisk of pll2 OC Kernels just as I indicated
That f*cking awesome!!!!!!!!!!! If we use pll2 oc, does we need extra partition or just partition order on dual boot thread?
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Boyka123 said:
That f*cking awesome!!!!!!!!!!! If we use pll2 oc, does we need extra partition or just partition order on dual boot thread?
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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if you enable pll2 .. then only primary rom can be used as pll2 Oc .. so yes only the partition order i mentioned on dual boot thread !!!!
ayushrox said:
if you enable pll2 .. then only primary rom can be used as pll2 Oc .. so yes only the partition order i mentioned on dual boot thread !!!!
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nice guide :good::good:
is that CONFIG_LBDAF=y enabled in sense 4.1 kernel cause it uses multiple partitions?
if not can u provide kernel with it enabled
edit : solved
Just signed in, and thought I'd check up on how far you've gotten up to on this project... I think it should be easy enough to adapt the script I made for the HD2 to automate this quicker. I'll put up a file and instructions in a day or two; all being well, if anyone wants to test...
In terms of having the same data file/folder between different ROMs - this isn't something that we managed on the HD2 as there seemed to be permissions issues caused as well as the issue of differnt api levels, it's still worth a try though.
any chance for a noob guide?????
balajithegreat said:
any chance for a noob guide?????
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Not a guide but yes.. i'll be posting edited updater-scripts and premade kernels.. for adding support
and guys LBDAF is enabled in all pll2 OC kernels(pandora,aries,etc.) you can take their boot.img ,unpack them,edit the init.rc file as i said and repack it.. and rest the updater-script thing should be easy !!
and @HypoTurtle i thought of giving our script a try..but didn't have time for it.. you can PM me the script , i'll test it
can u build a kernel that can work with the boot manager app
with it we can boot up to 5 or more roms
is it possible???....
One question. What about gapps for primary rom? If we flash gapps just like that wouldnt they go to /system..! we need then in sd-system!
UPDATE: I compiled a kernel doing the ramdisk changes, enabling lbdaf and also edited updater-script. Formatted the partitions as SD-SYSTEM(EXT4) (455mb)---- SD-DATA(EXT4) (900mb)---- SD-CACHE(eXT4) (85mb)
Rom flashes. But it kinda finishes very early. I checked the sd-system partition using mini partition tool just after flashing and it doesnt seem to have changed..I double checked updater-script. It just stays at HTC logo.
7alvi said:
One question. What about gapps for primary rom? If we flash gapps just like that wouldnt they go to /system..! we need then in sd-system!
UPDATE: I compiled a kernel doing the ramdisk changes, enabling lbdaf and also edited updater-script. Formatted the partitions as SD-SYSTEM(EXT4) (455mb)---- SD-DATA(EXT4) (900mb)---- SD-CACHE(eXT4) (85mb)
Rom flashes. But it kinda finishes very early. I checked the sd-system partition using mini partition tool just after flashing and it doesnt seem to have changed..I double checked updater-script. It just stays at HTC logo.
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On which ROM did you try ? Did you make the kernel changes correctly ?
ayushrox said:
On which ROM did you try ? Did you make the kernel changes correctly ?
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Im trying on my aokp 4.2 build. Yep I did make the changes correctly.. But i think its something with updater-script as it flashes and finishes too soon and i checked sd-system just after flashing rom and the 'used' field is unchanged!
7alvi said:
Im trying on my aokp 4.2 build. Yep I did make the changes correctly.. But i think its something with updater-script as it flashes and finishes too soon and i checked sd-system just after flashing rom and the 'used' field is unchanged!
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Please upload your updater-script.. i'll try to find problems..
ayushrox said:
Please upload your updater-script.. i'll try to find problems..
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7alvi said:
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thanks for the script... but i have already made it ... so i'll put in on pastebin shortly..
ayushrox said:
thanks for the script... but i have already made it ... so i'll put in on pastebin shortly..
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Thank you. Can you tell me if I didn't do it correctly?
7alvi said:
Thank you. Can you tell me if I didn't do it correctly?
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I found that your updater-script was fine.. the problem must be with the kernel.. here's my kernel : http://d-h.st/q91
Download it just take out the boot.img(its named "boot3.img" --rename it to1)boot.img use in rom 2) cm.img (put it in sd-card)
Now, also take the modules part.. then i think it should work fine.. if problem still persistes.. i'll also attach the updater-script !!
And guys the kernel i have uploaded will work for all android 4.2.2 roms .. just use the modules and boot.img
*wifi may not work
and the kernel source is same as mine pandora kernel's

[PROJECT][DIY]Dual Boot ~ the Yin-Yang way!

So, I read somewhere that what you've thought, might already have been thought by someone else. Dual-Booting the pico, as most people now know it, isn't something new to this device. When I had made this thread here, most of you might have noticed the init.rc tweak in the post 2. The day before I had written the post, I was experimenting with the possibilities of dual booting my phone, and was successfully able to. How? By changing the mount points, simple.
Now, the problem arises... How many boot.img's do you have to derp? And, how many times would you have to keep flashing your boot partition??? So, I figured out something, which I will be discussing in this thread, which allows you to boot any and any ROM if they both use the same kernel. Therefore, you don't have to flash separate boot.img's everytime you need to change between your primary ROM and secondary ROM.
There is a small change in terminologies:
Primary ROM: The ROM in the internal partition of your device. The name itself is pretty explanatory.
Secondary ROM: The ROM on your SD-Card, secondary, as in second or something like that.
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So, how will this help me?
No need to repeatedly flash your boot partition (though it ain't gonna cause any damage).
Easier switching of ROMs.
Doesn't need SU (super user) permissions.
So, all talk no show?
You seem to be the typical TDLR; case :laugh:
Again, sorry to interrupt you, but there are a few things you'd need to know. First and foremost, this:
* Your warranty is/was void the time you chose to unlock your bootloader.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about how this works!
* YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point
* the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
Note: If this is to work with Sense 4.0/4.1; or with the new PLL2 OC'ing method, appropriate changes will have to be made, which I would be discussing in later posts. As of now, this method works with all AOSP and derived ROMs, excluding Sense, and those with PLL2 OC'ing.
How it works:
So, this is what most people want to know! Here's how. :angel:
When the device boots, the init.rc is run, if I remember correctly. Here lies the trick. What I planned to do was creating a place_holder in the SD-Card, use it as a, well, place_holder, and execute <insert-awesome-script-name.sh at bootup, which is bootsdcard.sh in this case.
When is bootsdcard.sh run?
After the internal /system, /data, and /cache partitions are mounted.
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What bootsdcard.sh does?
It basically is an if/else command. If exist /sdcard/place_holder, which is /sdcard/.bootsdcard, in this case, BTW, it unmounts the /system, /data, and /cache partitions, and mounts the partitions on the sdcard in the /system, /data, and /cache folder.
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So, how to do that?
Here's where I was confused. Checking for file existence, in init.rc? Then, I remembered that some init.d scripts run the same way. Searched the init.rc for /etc/init.d, in vain. Finally, found this thread, and opened up the ROM's zip. There was indeed a file named [Isysinit[/I] in /system/bin/sysinit, and it contained commands to run the files in /system/etc/init.d. What's more important is that the exec commands could be executed using exec /something After hours of searching, I found this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1598803&highlight=dual+boot. Cool! The Samsung Galaxy Y has had dual boot before pico, thanks to irfanbagus. Still, it had a lot of bloat, and couldn't be used directly for our device. So, I saw how it worked, and, it was efficient. So, I decided to port it to our device.
Patience ~ Learn it, if you don't have it!
Two ROMs that boot with the same kernel
Linux or Notepad++
file-roller or WinRAR
partitioned sdcard, in the order: fat32>sd-data>sd-system>sd-cache
1. Preparing the ROMs
Get any two ROMs' zip files, which run with the same kernel. Decide which ROM you want as secondary, i.e. in the SD-Card. Now, open up the zip of the ROM which you want in the SD-Card and extract the updater-script from its META-INF/com/google/android/ folder and make the following changes:
Delete these lines:
format("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "0", "/system");
mount("yaffs2", "MTD", "system", "/system");
Insert these lines:
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "-t", "auto", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3", "/system");
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "rm", "-rf", "/system/*");
If you feel you aren't doing it correct, please post the updater script of the ROM here. I will edit it.
Drag and drop the changed updater script into the same /META-INF/com/google/android folder. Hopefully, it should be updated within the zip.
Copy these two files to your SD-Card using *any* means possible.
2. Flashing the ROMs
Open recovery, and flash the zip for primary ROM.
Reboot recovery.
Go to Mounts and storage (CWM) or under a similar option, and unmount /data, /cache and /system.
Now, flash the zip you've created for secondary ROM.
If you reboot, you should go into the Primary ROM.
3. Installing modified kernel
You can do this using fastboot too!
Download appropriate pre-derped kernels, or provide the boot.img for derping.
Then, it is pretty simple.
fastboot flash boot <derped-boot>.img
or via Terminal Emulator
flash_image boot /sdcard/<derped-boot>.img
4. Switching ROMs
Primary ROM to Secondary ROM:
As I said, the place holder. It plays an important role. So, if you want to switch to another ROM, just create an empty file in your sdcard named ".bootsdcard" without quotes. You could also do this via terminal emulator using:
touch /sdcard/.bootsdcard
Secondary ROM to Primary ROM:
Remove the .bootsdcard from your SD-Card, and you will boot the primary ROM. This can also be done using terminal emulator using:
rm /sdcard/.bootsdcard
P.S. An application for this is being developed by @omerjerk, to make this easier.
Anything else?
Nothing for now Dual booting my phone with CM9 and MiniCM9.
XDA:DevDB Information
Dual Boot ~ the Yin-Yang way!, a Tool/Utility for the HTC Pico (Explorer)
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2013-11-16
Last Updated 2013-11-16
Editing the kernel
You MUST know how to unpack/repack kernels, and their ramdisks.
If you unpack your kernel, you would find the folder named sbin where you'd unpacked the ramdisk. Place these two files View attachment busybox.7z and View attachment bootsdcard.txt in the folder. Rename them to "busybox" and "bootsdcard.sh" respectively.
Additionally, you will need to create a folder named "tmp" where you've unpacked the ramdisk.
Now, open up init.rc and find the lines:
on fs
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /cache nosuid nodev
After these lines, you are most likely to find these lines (or similar lines):
# once everything is setup, no need to modify /
mount rootfs rootfs / ro remount
Add the following lines to the above:
chmod 0777 /sbin/busybox
chmod 0777 /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
exec /sbin/busybox sh /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
En total, it should look like this:
on fs
# mount mtd partitions
# Mount /system rw first to give the filesystem a chance to save a checkpoint
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /system ro remount
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /data nosuid nodev
mount yaffs2 [email protected] /cache nosuid nodev
on post-fs
chmod 0777 /sbin/busybox
chmod 0777 /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
exec /sbin/busybox sh /sbin/bootsdcard.sh
# once everything is setup, no need to modify /
mount rootfs rootfs / ro remount
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Now, you can repack the ramdisk, and repack the kernel. In most cases, you should be able to flash the kernel with the busybox included. If you are not able to flash the repacked boot.img, please post the boot.img along with thread from which obtained/sources.
P.S. For the curious, this is what bootsdcard.sh looks like:
#!/sbin/busybox sh
MOUNT="/sbin/busybox mount"
UMOUNT="/sbin/busybox umount"
MKDIR="/sbin/busybox mkdir"
RMDIR="/sbin/busybox rmdir"
TOUCH="/sbin/busybox touch"
$MKDIR /tmp/sdcard
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
$MOUNT /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/sdcard
if [ -f /tmp/sdcard/.bootsdcard ];
$TOUCH /tmp/.bootsdcard
$UMOUNT /tmp/sdcard
$RMDIR /tmp/sdcard
if [ -f /tmp/.bootsdcard ];
$UMOUNT /data;
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
$MOUNT -t ext3 -o nosuid,nodev /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data
$UMOUNT /system
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
$MOUNT -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /system
$MOUNT -t ext3 -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /system
$UMOUNT /cache
$CHMOD 0770 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
$MOUNT -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 /cache
CM9 Build 9's boot.img: http://www.mediafire.com/download/bn2krcdgdehpkij/boot.img
Adding support for G-Apps
You'd also need G-Apps for your secondary ROM. Here's how-to:
Open up any G-Apps zip, and extract updater-script from META-INF/com/google/android folder.
Find the following line:
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/system");
Replace it with:
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "-t", "auto", "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3", "/system");
That's it! You can flash your modified g-apps for secondary ROM.
In case the boot.img doesn't flash after re-packing, it is very likely that there isn't enough space in the boot partition. I will add the procedure, for that case too.
finished post, reviews welcome
another one , good work bro :good:
is it possible to dual boot Thinkingbridge and stock ??
how about memory scripts ? will it work on both primary and secondary roms !!!
legendlee said:
another one , good work bro :good:
is it possible to dual boot Thinkingbridge and stock ??
how about memory scripts ? will it work on both primary and secondary roms !!!
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Not possible by the Yin-Yang. One prerequisite is that both the ROMs should use the same kernel.
You could try the other method by ayushrox, which involves using separate boot.img's with different mountpoints.
Memory increasing scripts? That's easy, but you'd need four ext3 partitions, and a modified int2ext. Procedure:
format sdcard in following layout:
Open the memory script int2ext, or int2ext+, and change the following:
Use the search and replace function, it would be helpful.
Thread Closed
There is already a guide thread located HERE for dual booting multiple ROM's. No need for more guides.​


Thought id post today on how to set your SELinux to permissive on boot within your boot.img along with some other mods aswell
Make sure you have at least basic knowledge decompiling boot.img & basic understanding of the files contained within, I will not be held responsible if you mess this up, following my instructions to the tee you will have no problems though,
* MTK extractor or similar program to decompile the boot.img
* Notepad ++
* A copy of your devices boot.img or BOOTIMG.file
* SP flash tool to flash boot.img to device
"alternatively you can add to a flashable zip if you have a custom recovery available for your device using android script generator here on xda-developers"
1. If your boot file is named BOOTIMG.file rename it to boot.img
2. Copy the boot.img to the program folder youll be using to decompile for this guide ill be using MTK extractor as it has a simple gui interface for all the newbs
Open mtk extractor application select the BOOT option from the left, in the bottom left you will see an off switch toggle it to ON
Click start at the top under unpack boot, in the mtk extractor folder will be your boot.img files
( PART 1 )
Not all mtk devices are the same some can be set to permissive without the need for all the files using only some and some require all the files it depends on the kernel the device uses the extra files wont make a difference if anything will enforce the state even more
In this tutorial you will be using all the files to set the SELinux contexts to permissive to ensure it is enforced.
PART 1 - STEP 1.
open the INITRD folder then open your default.prop using notepad++
Set the following :
ro.secure=1 >
(This renders the boot.img insecure)
ro.selinux=0 >
(NOTE) UBIFS MTK does not have this option
ro.security.perf_harden=1 > ro.security.perf_harden=0
(If you also want insecure adb)
ro.adb.secure=1 >
(only newer mtk devices use this ro. Code )
ro.storage_manager.enabled=1 >
Additionally if your device also has a low ram size you should add this to the default prop also to reduce the amount of ram usage while enabling high-end gfx also
# begin ram properties
# for low ram device to return true
# force high-end graphics in low ram mode
# ram inhaler
# end ram properties
Now save and exit the default.prop
PART 1 - STEP 2.
Open your init.rc & init.charging.rc file with notepad++ scroll to the very bottom of the init.rc ( if you have init.target.rc add to this also)
Place this code exactly as shown
# SELinux
on property:/system/bin/setenforce $permissive u:r:kernel:s0
on property:selinux.echo $permissive > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce u:r:kernel:s0
on property:selinux.reload_policy=0
restart ueventd
restart installd
on property:selinux.setsebool debugfs 0
setenforce 0
setprop selinux.reload_policy 0
seclabel u:r:kernel:s0
Now save & exit the init.rc
PART 1 - STEP 3.
Open your fstab/s
To remove DM-Verity if present in your fstab look for the /system line & change to the following
/system ro wait,verify >
/system ro wait
Now look for /data then remove the force encryption of meta-data on data it will look something like this for exapmle
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data ext4 nosuid,nodev,wait,forceencrypt=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ext4 /metadata >
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data ext4 nosuid,nodev,wait
To remove encrypted footers from devices which use this instead of DM-Verity, change as follows using the example below,
/[email protected] /data ext4 noatime,nosuid wait,check,encryptable=footer >
/[email protected] /data ext4 noatime,nosuid, wait (check is optional & can be removed also if wanted)
( if you have init.target.rc already no need for this step)
open a new blank page in notepad++
On the first line add
On init
Space out 1 line so your now on line 3
Copy the #SELinux code we placed from init.rc to the new blank page, now save as init.target.rc
Do the above again but this time name it as init.kernel.rc
Now copy theese files to your INITRD folder
PART 2 - STEP 2.
open your init.rc & init.charging.rc once again
Add the following to the import section at the very top of the page,
import /init.kernel.rc
Save & exit now, your probably wondering why youve added so many files with the same code, on some devices it is necessary as i have found especially on NAND + UBIFS or JFFS2 devices.
PART 2 - STEP 3.
exit the INITRD Folder now open up the bootinfo.txt file
Change from the following
cmdline: >
cmdline: bootopt= androidboot.selinux=permissive
cmdline: bootopt=64S3,32N2,32N2 >
cmdline: bootopt=64S3,32N2,32N2 androidboot.selinux=permissive
cmdline: bootopt=64S3,32N2,64S3 >
cmdline: bootopt=64S3,32N2,64S3 androidboot.selinux=permissive
Now save & exit the bootinfo.txt
open the cpiolist
Add the following at the bottom or add wherever dosent matter as long as its there
file init.kernel.rc initrd/init.kernel.rc 0750
file init.target.rc initrd/init.target.rc 0750
(Add this option only if you origninally didnt have the init.target.rc file)
Save & exit the cpiolist.
Recompile & flash if you did everything right youve now got an insecure boot.img without dm-verity encryption or data footer enceyption, with insecure adb & SElinux set as permissive,
To make sure its permissive go into settings and about device then scroll to bottom you should now see it,
If you found this useful you know where the thanks button is.
Matty1993 said:
Open your fstab/s
To remove DM-Verity if present in your fstab look for the /system line & change to the following
/system ro wait,verify >
/system ro wait
Now look for /data then remove the force encryption of meta-data on data it will look something like this for exapmle
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data ext4 nosuid,nodev,wait,forceencrypt=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 ext4 /metadata >
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data ext4 nosuid,nodev,wait
To remove encrypted footers from devices which use this instead of DM-Verity, change as follows using the example below,
/[email protected] /data ext4 noatime,nosuid wait,check,encryptable=footer >
/[email protected] /data ext4 noatime,nosuid, wait (check is optional & can be removed also if wanted)
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Hi Matty1993,
These are also in dtb of the kernel which I think may cause some issues if not removed. Magisk normally removes it from /system but on newer Android versions 8.0 > 8.1 /vendor is also wait,verify by default.
To edit these yourself you need a good hex editor and replace the ",verify" with zero bytes do not just delete it or type zero's or it will not boot.
I have not seen any forceencrypt in the dtb of the boot.img's I have seen as yet.
bigrammy said:
Hi Matty1993,
These are also in dtb of the kernel which I think may cause some issues if not removed. Magisk normally removes it from /system but on newer Android versions 8.0 > 8.1 /vendor is also wait,verify by default.
To edit these yourself you need a good hex editor and replace the ",verify" with zero bytes do not just delete it or type zero's or it will not boot.
I have not seen any forceencrypt in the dtb of the boot.img's I have seen as yet.
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Wow i didnt even see this till now i need an assistant or something to organise and mark all my threads because im useless at it haha anyhow maybe could be a vendor related thing then as mine has all the info in dtb of kernel aswell as i was able to remove just "verify" from system and metadata completely and got it to boot.
I also found an easier way to get kernel permissive also as my first older method dosent seem to work with newer mtk models but my newer method works across most mtk platform from mt6572 up to mt6737m
What i did is decompiled my twrp i built for the same phone and copied the busybox applet from /sbin in the initrd then decompiled my boot.img added it to sbin gave it necessary permission of 04555 in the cpiolist whilst i had cpio list open i added below "file init initrd/init 0750"
"file init2 initrd/init2 0750" then went back to the initrd and changed the name of the "init" file to "init2" opened notepad++ to a new page and added the following
#!/sbin/busybox sh
/sbin/busybox mkdir /tmp
/sbin/busybox mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp
/sbin/busybox mount -t proc proc /proc
/sbin/busybox sed -e 's/printk\.disable_uart\=1/printk\disable_uart\=1 androidboot\.selinux\=permissive/' /proc/cmdline > /tmp/cmdline
/sbin/busybox mount --bind -o -ro /tmp/cmdline /proc/cmdline
/sbin/busybox settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 0
/sbin/busybox chmod 755 /init2
/sbin/busybox mv /init2 /init
/bin/su settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 0
exec /init
All i did then was save it under the name .init to the bootimg directory then remove the "." from the file name so that it became init.file instead of .INIT format file
After that opened up the bootinfo.txt and added under cmd=bootopt=androidboot.selinux=permissive
Recompiled bootimg and had no dramas so thought id chuck it up here in case anyone else couldnt get there kernel to setenforce 0 through /bin/setenforce or any other way youve tried on these newer mtk models, do remember though results may vary this may or may not work for everyones device, no this will no permanently brick your device doing this if it dosent work you will simply still have an enforcing kernel. Have fun all
tell me how to do selinux = permisive on my firmware and all permissions? Google search does not help. Doogee bl9000 Android 8.1 kernel 4.4.95+ Please help.
waryag said:
tell me how to do selinux = permisive on my firmware and all permissions? Google search does not help. Doogee bl9000 Android 8.1 kernel 4.4.95+ Please help.
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Hey bud sorry for late reply,
What board make type is it running 6580, 6735/6737 or 6763/6737 depending on which it should be pretty straight forward to get you unlocked and what not as your BL will be by default locked down either way on 6580 or 67xx
I dont recommend you pushing permissive selinux on 8.1 however as this will compromise your security integrity what were you looking to do anyhow regarding permissive selinux,
Rooting or custom recovery ??

