Hardware Support for Win8????? - WebOS Software and Hacking General

Anyone have an Idea if the hardware on this tablet wold be enough to support Win8? Might be nice to hang onto til then.
Rumors public beta soon, Maybe..... Heck I donate $ for WinPhone7 Mango on this and more for Win8.

the hardware is capable of it but whether it can be ported is an entirely different question as its not a windows based device so its not gonna be as easy as porting android to it. Who knows maybe im wrong but I dont think we'll have a proper answer till closer to the time.

I was interested in this too. Either windows 7/8 or windows phone 7.5. But i'd be happy if they can port even android.


Google Android on Kaiser?

I have not returned kaiser in the hope of being able to install Google's Android OS on kaiser. Hardware is great, but software/drivers suck.
It should be fairly easy because its open source and the first phone that HTC is bringing out is supposed to have the same processor.
Your thoughts?
I'm hoping that becomes a reality. Open source development would open up the floodgates! Imagine TouchFLO with an OpenGL 3D environment.... can't wait to see what happens here.
jerich007 said:
I'm hoping that becomes a reality. Open source development would open up the floodgates! Imagine TouchFLO with an OpenGL 3D environment.... can't wait to see what happens here.
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You don't know much about OpenGL and linux do you
Next you'll be wanting to run Beryl on a pocket pc
Subliminal Aura said:
You don't know much about OpenGL and linux do you
Next you'll be wanting to run Beryl on a pocket pc
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hahahahah, nice...or better yet, how about we get the kaiser to run the iPhone OS? after that maybe Santa Claus will show up...
Doug2873 said:
hahahahah, nice...or better yet, how about we get the kaiser to run the iPhone OS? after that maybe Santa Claus will show up...
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Well Leopard does run on my PC now *Cough*
If Android is open source, I don't see why someone with compiler knowledge couldn't make it run on any ARM based handheld...
Because booting an OS kernel requires extensive access to hardware specifications, wich is not what Androïd is about at all.
The Android SDK is now available. They have also announced that they're giving away $10 million to developers that build apps for the platform. More info here:
There's also a video of Android up on YouTube now:
For an early prototype this looks amazing.
now that the SDK is out, I will probably end up eating my own words in the next few months, assuming people on here get the appropriate hardware drivers for the kaiser from HTC.
This Andoid is a very killer OS, a lot better than the crappy WM-X, Please HTC port it to Kaiser, if not, we can create a community for build a distribution based on android for the Kaiser.
I would too like to see this new Android OS be brought to the Kaiser. If I understand correctly, they are providing all assets to the public with the SDK.
Yes your right
Subliminal Aura said:
You don't know much about OpenGL and linux do you
Next you'll be wanting to run Beryl on a pocket pc
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I would love to have beryl on pocket pc. I've been waiting for years since I first saw beryl on youtube. The closest thing we have is the HTC Cube. Can't wait .
Theres talk of this all over xda-developers.
One guy is calling people to work on it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=344076&highlight=android
And here's another thread:
I sure would like to see this happen. Since HTC is a partner in the open handset alliance I could see them releasing drivers for it. ... maybe...
Problem is - OS source or not, the hardware specs for many of the ICs in the Kaiser (esp. the Qualcomm MSM) are not publically available, which means that it isn't possible to write a driver for them.
This is why, for example, the Linux ports to previous HTC devices are (relatively) crippled - drivers for parts of the hardware can't be written because the hardware specs are not available.
Ah. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for shedding some light on this issue, Entropy512.
cant see why you can't just take the msm7200 chipset specs off of the qualcomm site and build something. I mean it has generic arm processors and the other information should be able to gleaned from the windows app itself(radios,etc..)
Subliminal Aura said:
You don't know much about OpenGL and linux do you
Next you'll be wanting to run Beryl on a pocket pc
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Nope Compiz....... Hehe
In fact the radio processor (ARM9) already runs a linux like rtos: L4 micro kernel and Iguana embedded OS. See here and here.
I think the chances might be relatively good:
1. HTC has announced they are building android based phones.
2. For the next year or so, chances are that available phone hardware is gonna be pretty much the same as what is available today (give or take).
So it follows that there are good chances that HTC will do most of the work for us. They introduce a new P4551 running Android, you guys do your ROM ripping magic, and take all the various drivers and introduce it into a generic Android ROM. Voila! Android on the Kaiser.
That said, who says Android hardware support on HTC devices is going to be any better than hardware support for WM6? HTC has already proved you can release a phone for a mature platform, with plenty of history, using almost no hardware acceleration for anything. Who says Android phones from HTC will be any better in that respect?
Cool OS
This is a very cool OS. I'm sure some of our great coders around XDA DEVELOPERS can come up with all kinds of ways to use this on many different phones. If they get the money more power to them. They deserve it. At least in my nubee opinion!

Port Meizu OS to HTC devices?

I wonder if it's possible to port Meizu OS (see http://www.meizume.com/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meizu_M8) to our HTC devices?
I think it's a really cool OS that would be awsome to have on a HTC phone, and since it's based on Windows CE6.0 maybe it isn't that hard to port? Just a guess
I think the kind people at the MEIZUME.COM forum would give us a dump of the ROM if we ask kindly
nobody knows if this is possible?
behnaam said:
nobody knows if this is possible?
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no offense but how be we concentrate on finishing up the various ports of Android for HTC devices 1st.
Well... did CE6.0 change a lot as far as driver interface compared to CE5.0?
I doubt it will work.
The M8 uses Windows CE6 with a Custom Shell made by Meizu.
You would have to also port the drivers of our Windows CE5.2 Devices to CE6 and at the moment no one knows if that is possible or how long it would take.
That's what I mean, though. Is porting of drivers required or is the driver model the same?
Drivers are not the same and would have to be rewritten.... which is not an easy task.
windows mobile 7 is based on ce 6 so it will be possible then. until then... we wait.
okay, thanks for the replies! thought it was easier to port windows made stuff to windows made stuff but I seems like it was easier to port android to our phones lol

[Q] WP7 on iPhone 4?

Is there any possibility of dual-booting IOS and and WP7 on an iPhone 4? I'm really interested in playing the Xbox Live games on my iPhone. So that's my main goal. If there is another way to do this, I would be interested in the info. Thanks!
Most likely not. Android can be ported to the iPhone because it is open source whereas windows phone 7 os is very much closed source.
Also, windows phone has special hardware requirements and, if im not mistaken, the Iphone 4 does NOT use the same qualcomm chipset as windows phone.
You would also have issues with your hi-res screen becasue windows phone only supports WVGA at the moment.
So it is probably not possible,
Without any source it won't be possible at all. That's why people have been successful in porting Android to the iPhone series.
Thanks. I figured that there was probably a reason why it hadn't been done yet. I appreciate the info!
Why dont ya just get a windows phone?
Ported OS to another phone will never work as smoothly as a real device dedicated for the job.
If you seen android running on the iPhone it was never really that usable. Even when i had the HD2 Android was still buggy and laggy.
May later be
moved to Q&A
There is OS7, but it is a visual port only and still works just like iOS under the hood. I used it for a while on my iPhone 4.

[DEV HACK IDEA] Porting over Android to the new Chromebook..??

I checked out the specs of the newly-announced $249 chromebook, and I realized what an awesome android device it would make, if only android was successfully ported to it....
I know at the same price point we can get a n7 32gig, but the larger 11.6" LED HD tempts me, though the res at 1366 x 768 is not that great. also, all the hands-on reviews have heaped a lot of praise on the high-quality keyboard-touchpad on the device, which is even more tempting and would make up for the lack of touch input on the device...
Its config is pretty identical to a flagship android phone/tablet with two cortex-A15 cores on the Exynos 5250, 2gig RAM and 16GB onboard storage with an expandable mem slot, 2 full usb ports and a full HDMI out, with the usual WiFi a/b/g/n and Bluetooth 3.0.
I'm a noob when it comes to creating ports and ROMS, but I guess it would not be such a difficult task for the awesome dev community out here to manage that feat. Maybe we need to wait for an actual android device with the exynos chip inside to release, whose android ROM we could use as a base to port to the chromebook...
windows 8 RT would be more awesome, but seeing that its a licensed OS, porting it might amount to piracy/illegal hacking, so its not something that I would discuss/encourage here....
Chromebooks boot with UEFI (Basically a modern BIOS), so the Android source code would have to be heavilly modified to be bootstraped from UEFI. Not to mention drivers and custom kernels (which isnt much of a pain if the hardware has documentation, all eyes on you Samsung.)
And I dont think we will ever see Windows on a chromebook unless someone creates an emulator for ChromeOS... Which I dont think is possible, but dont quote me on that.
i know it would take a ton of modding to find a workaround for it, but enabling the developer mode on the chromebook allows booting of an unsigned linux installation off the external memory (eg. gentoo ubuntu) on the x86 chromebooks currently available (Cr-48 etc..)
trying something similar for booting android off an image on the mem card might be a possible way...
UPDATE : https://plus.google.com/109993695638569781190/posts/b2fazijJppZ a google employee has already begun work on porting ubuntu..!!
drivers would be difficult, esp for the SoC as there is no device currently on the market with it. but maybe after Samsung releases a couple of phones/phablets running the A15's, porting of the drivers could be attempted...
I was wondering the same thing and figured I would come here to see if anything was planned. I just ordered the new one and was curious if there would be much interest in modding this thing. Guess in due time!
rumors say the upcoming google nexus 10 tablet is running identical hardware (exynos 5 dual omap15 / 2gig ram) which is gonna run android 4.2
once its out, MAYBE porting the ROM to the chromebook may become a teeny bit easier...
the_crazy_devil said:
rumors say the upcoming google nexus 10 tablet is running identical hardware (exynos 5 dual omap15 / 2gig ram) which is gonna run android 4.2
once its out, MAYBE porting the ROM to the chromebook may become a teeny bit easier...
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If I'm not wrong Nexus 10 will have exactly the same processor than the new Samsung Chromebook. If someon manage port android to this new latop I won't hesitate to buy it.
there is a developer board with same hardware and as far as I know it has android source codes, you can check the website http://www.arndaleboard.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Wasnt this done a while back with the CR-48 thanks to Hexxeh?
Just got to find a way to port it over to the new Chromebook, then port Android.
Since Android was ported to the HP Touchpad I'm pretty confident that it can be ported to this device... I mean the touchpad was the last thing I thought Android would run on and it runs like it was made for it... COME ON DEVS!
Following this thread with anticipation.
Well seeing as this device uses the same SoC as the nexus 10 i would be hopeful someone will manage to port android. I for one would be keen to have this option!
Touch Chromebook?
If this article on Android Community turns out to be accurate and Google release a touch chromebook any time soon, I would throw some money at a kickstarter to get android on it. Would be cheaper than an N10 - and probably quicker than waiting for a keyboard dock...!
Can't link because I'm new... androidcommunity.com/google-reportedly-plotting-12-85-inch-touch-chromebook-20121126/
Very hopeful!
^ here's a +1 form me
OK...I was able to get into the uboot portion of chromeos and managed to load uvboot ( unverified boot )which will allow the booting of non chrome os kernel's. however it seems its looking for something else. I already got Ubuntu loaded on it so maybe I'll try to get it booting off the SD first so I don't brick my cb.....keep you guys posted.
rawtek said:
OK...I was able to get into the uboot portion of chromeos and managed to load uvboot ( unverified boot )which will allow the booting of non chrome os kernel's. however it seems its looking for something else. I already got Ubuntu loaded on it so maybe I'll try to get it booting off the SD first so I don't brick my cb.....keep you guys posted.
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great work! i'm still waiting for my chromebook the stock's very erratic, and i cant find anyone willing to ship it to my country...will try to help as soon as i lay my hands on one!!
Ok ... DD'd the system.img from the stock N10 factory image and created a new BOOT partition. Booting the Chrome OS kernel worked ( which should be fine due to the fact that the CB and N10 have the EXACT same ARM SOC ) it seems the boot partition need to be re-written to work with the UEFI. im going to keep digging until I find something ( or someone lends some expertise dealing with UEFI and BOOT ).Happy New years !!
Kernel boots..just has a hard time mounting the ROOTFS...any want to shed some light on this.
Super stoked for this!! Have been thinking this would be good to have Android on from the minute I got it!! Looking forward to this!!

Possibility of dual booting android and windows xp on our device

hi there the possibilities for our device is endless it is definitely possible for our to dual boot windows xp and android with our device maybe we could make it run on our armv7 processor if someone is able to do this project i can help
aaronjasper49 said:
hi there the possibilities for our device is endless it is definitely possible for our to dual boot windows xp and android with our device maybe we could make it run on our armv7 processor if someone is able to do this project i can help
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Windows XP ? Impossible not going to happen, not worth the effort.
Windows 8 RT, Possible, not worth the effort..
Recommendation: If you need or really want to have both, buy a Lenovo or Dell WIndows 8.1 tablet for less than $200 and you will be much happier.
Development Level: Lazy N00b
aaronjasper49 said:
hi there the possibilities for our device is endless it is definitely possible for our to dual boot windows xp and android with our device maybe we could make it run on our armv7 processor if someone is able to do this project i can help
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So you want to Dualboot Windows XP and Android ?
May I know which device you've ?
One thing is sure, YOU CANT DO THAT ON A TAB
Many members including myself got idea of running Windows 8 x86 on Tab 3 10.1 since it have a 32Bits kernel, but nothing happened.
I think this will never happen, because of mainly two things:
1. No drivers available, you would have to write them all cause there are no preconfigured ones.
2. Windows is closed source.
You would need to be a Dev at Samsung, otherwise you will never have an insight into the specific hardware of those devices. Samsung but also Intel (in case of the 10.1) don't publish most of their documents.
if you want to really understand what windows xp will be like run it through an emulator.
now, don't get me wrong, i loved windows xp, hated everything before it hated everything after it.
apple is bull****.
Linux is beautiful.
Android is commerce riddled slop and needs to die a horrible flamey cinematic death accompanied by bad lighting
and a third rate orchestra trying to play anything while being fed into the woodchipper of your choice.
anyway the point outside of my ranting is, maybe yes but seriously no.
as soon as i figure out how to get a decent lightweight linux distro running on this thing then i might be able to
get wine going. better to get a windows-able tablet pc and dual-boot android x86.

