[Q] Tons of questions - WebOS Software and Hacking General

Hope you guys have patient to answer them.
First, I had an iPhone, an Android and now I have a WP7. I alway have two phones, and just sould my iPhone so I need another one. I was thinking about a Nexus S, but I want to try WebOS.
My questions:
I know HP bought Palm. They didn't released any phone until now, right? Are they working on WebOS update? Will it be released to palms handsets? I don't want to buy a phone today and tomorrow they release a new version to new phones and forget about me.
Apps? There is not Kik, WhatsApp, IM+ or whatever, right? I use a lot Google Talk and Kik to chat, and Facebook. There is any GTalk client? Facebook?
Do you guys recommend it? I know that, 99.99% of times, when you own a gadget, you have a bias for it. Being honest, I love WP7, but is flaw is apps. At least, in my opinion.
And.. which is the best hardware right now?
Unfortunately, Palm didn't sell phones in Brazil, so I have to buy one from USA. There is any unlock way like iPhone or already unlocked phones?
Thank you guys!

All current webOS phones will continue to be supported by HP, with the exception of legacy devices (palm pixi/plus, palm pre/plus, and I believe pre 2 I'm not sure though). As far as apps go, their are some great apps, the typical price is a little more expensive than android apps but not as expensive as blackberry apps. I would recommend getting a veer if you can deal with the size, if not then get a pre 3 (not sure if its out yet, lol, if not then get the pre 2). I have the palm pixi plus for Verizon and I love it, it only cost me $70 plus the touchstone back and charger on amazon.
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I know the palm pre/pre plus/pixi will not receive any more updates, but all new phones released by hp will. I am not sure about the pre 2.
If I were you I would wait till the pre 3 is released on at&t and see if you can unlock it. If you can't wait, check out reviews of the at&t hp veer. It is extremely tiny though.
Webos is my favorite operating system to use. I have used webos, android, blackberry and ios.
Google talk is built in to the messaging app on Webos. There are ways to integrate facebook chat as well.
Check out precentral.net
They have answers for everything involving webos. You will definitely get more help there.
Sent from my Fission Droid2 Global

I would wait until Palm releases the Touchpad & the Pre3 - Hopefully, they will then "go global". Don't try buying one from the US! If you must, buy it from the UK - HP UK sells contract-less phones (I bought mine there).
There are many problems owning a Pre2 (as I do) outside the "official" countries. No access to paid apps mainly. Although I don't complain that much - I have what I need from free apps.
There is a version of IM+ available by the way. Facebook app comes standard. No GPS navigation except for Google Maps, but that requires you to be on line all the time while using it.
The operating system is SUPERB. The best I've ever used. Nothing comes close. It's super intuitive and FAST.
The phone itself is really nice to handle. I love the fact that it is smaller than most phones, and the hardware keyboard is wonderful.
One minus for the lack of autofocus in the rear camera, but you wouldn't use your phone for "serious" photography anyway.
Good luck!

mikeeam said:
I know HP bought Palm. They didn't released any phone until now, right? Are they working on WebOS update? Will it be released to palms handsets? I don't want to buy a phone today and tomorrow they release a new version to new phones and forget about me.
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The first HP webOS phone was release last month, the Veer. webOS 3.0 is coming and will be on the Veer. WebOS 3.0 won't be on the Pre, Pre+, Pixi, or Pixi+. I don't know about the Pre 2.
mikeeam said:
Apps? There is not Kik, WhatsApp, IM+ or whatever, right? I use a lot Google Talk and Kik to chat, and Facebook. There is any GTalk client? Facebook?
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There's no Kik or WhatsApp, but there is IM+ in the App Catalogue. Google Talk is built in to the default Messaging app. There is a Facebook app built-in as well, but it doesn't have Facebook chat. You can use Facebook chat with other apps.
mikeeam said:
Do you guys recommend it?
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Definitely. Like you, I have two phones. I have a 2 year old Pre, and a 6 month old Desire Z. I much prefer the pre, even though the newer phone was supposed to be better.
mikeeam said:
And.. which is the best hardware right now?
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Either the Veer or Pre 2. The Pre 3 is coming within a couple of months though, you might want to wait for that.
mikeeam said:
Unfortunately, Palm didn't sell phones in Brazil, so I have to buy one from USA. There is any unlock way like iPhone or already unlocked phones?
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I know how you feel, they don't sell them in my country either (Australia). There is definitely ways to unlock them, and I think already unlocked ones too. Before buying one, make sure that you can get a credit card from one of the supported countries. The App Catalogue will only support payment with a credit card from those countries. Read this for full information: http://forums.precentral.net/worldwide-gsm-cdma/268775-official-app-catalog-geo-restrictions.html
and this: http://forums.precentral.net/palm-p...n-about-gsm-umts-frequencies.html#post2578597

Thank you so much.
I'll think about it, cause I really want to try it out. If not now, I'll wait HP here in Brazil. They've said that it will be here soon.
Loved the part about built-in google talk ;D

Both Aim and Google Chat are baked into the stock messaging app for the OS. They have no integration for Facebook chat, but there are some workarounds and it is coming to the touchpad (I would imagine it would come to the pre3 as well).
There isn't a ton in the way of apps on the market, but almost all of the basics are covered. If you want more than what is in the market, you can use preware and keep an eye on the beta feeds.
They do currently sell an unlocked Pre2 if you don't want to wait and see if they will sell an unlocked pre3.
Overall, it is a great OS.

You might have to wait a little to get the unlocked version of the phone. They do that in the States to get you to sign up for a contract on launch.

You can use Agile Messenger is like a All-in-one but sometimes is slow.


Android vs Windows Mobile..which is better/differences, pros and cons?

In your opinion (keep it short please) what is the difference between win mobile and android and pros and cons please?
Android pros:
Open source
Huge market proliferation (ensuring compatability and development)
Huge app market
Stable faster linux kernel
Winmobile pro:
More compatable with windows
Wifi router (until froyo)
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I have 2 Windows phones and 2 Android phones and I can't think of a single thing the Windows phones do better than the Android phones.
Well, when I got my phone at T mobile today (I was tired of att and verizon, long story..) I asked for an android phone and I get home and see it's a windows phone...?
Mind you, I'm not surprised considering they didn't even know what GSM is when I asked if t mobile was gsm.
I LIKE the fact that it acts as a hot spot so what is FROYO?
I also thing I'l like droid better so here's the question, do they make the HD2 for android and is it available for t mobile?
Also, the navigation on the windows hd2 I have seems totally retarded...
Yes, the droid (I had the 8183) was much better.
Does it mean I liked the 8183? Nope and whoever the idiot is that wrote the software that only lets you use a FRACTION of the big a$$ screen to display info, phone numbers, names and such should be shot, SLOWLY!
You guys have NO idea how many countless hours I've spent in frustration, trying to find a way to SEE things on the screen with my $hitty eyesight and all because some moron is too stupid to figure out that MAYBE they should start with making the BASICS work on the phone.
You know, kinda like the iPhone. It was great, EXCEPT at being a friggin' PHONE! Let's see, iPHONE, what part of phone didn't you understand?
Sadly enough, ALL these idiots make more money at what they do than I do
guiri_too said:
In your opinion (keep it short please) what is the difference between win mobile and android and pros and cons please?
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xda-developers > Android Development and Hacking > Android Apps and Games
rpimps said:
I have 2 Windows phones and 2 Android phones and I can't think of a single thing the Windows phones do better than the Android phones.
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Well, I loved MyPhone on Windows Mobile. And I just have my Android for 3 days, but I haven't found something as good and for free yet.
Next to that, I can't think of anything I missed yet. Even eBuddy managed to easily fulfill my needs of MSN/WLM. Even with offline messaging.
There are two things i don't like about android:
First, there isn't only one good videoplayer(ffmpeg is a must have!) EDIT: Rockplayer is a nice start, but the fps is ~100% lower than the ones i get with coreplayer
And i havent found something like Audiobooster.
Try both and take the OS which you prefer
Android Cons:
Windows Mobile Cons (based on my experience with 6.1 Buisness):
Too hard to install games and apps
Not enough games and apps
Not user friendly
Too slow response
Android pros:
huge application
Google serious to maintain the android development
Android Cons:
No Wifi proxy support
hard to copy paste beetwen app
Winmobile cons:
too late microsoft your windows mobile is dying. your development team is slow
Old win 6.5 kernel..
windows phone 7 is too late to release...your market app is not working...
all developer moving to another platform
No multitasking support for windows 7...thats shame
Search for rockbase player for videos. Funambol or mybackup pro for closest to myphone off the top of my head.
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there's a lot of things to look at but the best way to choose is this.
if you are running an app and it has issues or require a bit of memory, window will lock up and then you have to reset the phone.
with android you'll get a force close notification which you just ok it and keep using it with out having to reset.
Android FTW
User friendly
great multitasking
many apps and great games
works better on slow phones
user driven market
horrible performance, only WM phone with good performance is the hd2
bad multitasking, but happily arkswitch makes it easier
almost no 3d games, marketplace is not worth a ****
OK, As a windows Fanboy turned android here is the main thing Windows does better than android: Multimedia!!
Android is still new to the game and in my opinion hasn't really got a good video and music player. There are some ones that can pass but compared to Windows and iphone they are not that great. On the flip side I plan on developing my own music player which counts for the openness of android. WinMo is arguably just as open BUT with them going a different direction with WM7 I had to jump ship. As for Androids advantages......everything else is just as good if not better than windows (except how they manage the SD card)
Well, the few minutes I've spent with the windows platform already makes me hate it. Whoever did the software for the HD2 is totally retarded. I couldn't even get myself out of whatever app happened to come on last night and I was about ready to throw this big piece of $hit out the window.
I now know what Froyo is and if I'm not mistaken, it'll have a wifi proxy which I guess it to be is that it acts like a hot spot which should put a damper on some of the greedy phone companies (IF it is released on their phones) like ATT who charges you another 30 bucks extra for connecting to your laptop.
That to me is bull**** and greed and IS costing them customers.
Verizon is better with that but I hate their support AND I think their coverage in my area is worse. The support is TOTALLY useless and I left them once because of it and I will AGAIN leave them I think and yes, mainly because of it.
I'll try the t mobile service out for a week or so and if the coverage is good, I'll return this locked piece of $hit and get me one of the unlocked phones from NEgri Electronics. If anyone hasn't heard of them yet (which kinda would surprise me) here they are...
I mean, seriously, in order NOT to pay the full price at t mobile, I have to sign up for two years AND the phone is locked which means I can't use proggies like this one which I NEED! http://www.androlib.com/android.application.org-pbxes-fontsize-BiEA.aspx
For a buck fitty (not fifty, fitty, like fitty cents) I can get this proggy which could fix my problem but I can't do it on a locked phone. Well, they can ki$$ my ass then with all the restrictions. I'll get this one for example http://negrielectronics.com/touch-smartphone-unlocked-tmobile-2747.html , get me a monthly account instead and I can put anything I want on it. Now how the hell can I go wrong with that, AND, they're easier to sell should you want to get rid of them.
Put some of this stuff on it and some silicone case on it and you can sell it years later looking brand new which is what I did with my iPhone.
I'm going to wait for a week or so and decide if I like tmobile and if I do, I'll tell verizon where they can stick their phone.
Would you believe I had to make THREE attempts to get them to port my att number over and meanwhile, I'm paying ATT for the account. I even called and talked to VERIZON people to make sure it got done right and in BOTH cases, they screwed it up. I finally got it done the right IN The store, a WEEK after!
After all this crap AND a busted phone that was only two weeks old, I tried to get a free charging cable from one of the store manager, NOT a charger or the ac adapter thingie, just the stinkin' cable and he wouldn't even give me that. Now that is tacky and petty. Oh, the reason I wanted another cable was so I could keep one in the car cause that piece of $hit pre wouldn't hold a charge over 5-6 hours and let's not talk about TALKING time. This was a LITTLE talking and lots of stand by.
What a damn joke.
I like the pre platform and concept in general and I have several PDA's that are PALM but the PRE phone, they kinda dropped the ball on a little.
No on screen keyboard (now how hard is that to figure out), the actual keyboard should have been horizontal for size and the damn thing is a gas guzzler, AND, I don't see an option to keep the damn notifications from coming up and crowding your screen when you turn it on. Also, it's slow as $hit from when you click that you want the keypad till it finally opens up.
NO Predictive dialing and you can't get the beautiful HUGE clock to stay on top that I know of. Again, how hard is that to figure out? Does this take so long to program into the software? I mean, they almost went belly up. You'd think they had the TIME and STAFF to do things right. Sheesh!
Anyway, enough bitc*in'
guiri_too said:
Again, how hard is that to figure out? Does this take so long to program into the software? I mean, they almost went belly up. You'd think they had the TIME and STAFF to do things right. Sheesh!
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That's not how business works. Any phone advertised on TV (like the Pre) is designed for general consumers (people who don't care about the things you're talking about). It would be a terrible business decision to spend more time and money incorporating things that 99% of their target market don't care about or don't even know they're missing. If you're posting on XDA you're probably a lot more tech savvy than the average consumer, thus phones marketed towards the average consumer won't have 100% of the features you request. I always like to buy phones that are rarer and not advertised, mainly because I like having stuff that other people don't have, but also because they usually end up being a cut above the rest of the phones on the market.
Thread moved to General.
If I were you guiri_too, and can afford it, I'd order the Nexus One unlocked and as soon as it arrives, root the thing, put Froyo on it (if I could find it) and take that winblows phone back to T-Mobile. I can't believe they gave you that after asking for an Android phone. That has to be one of the dumbest salesmen ever! Or if you want to stay with T-Mobile and happen to like Sense (Espresso Sense), pick up the the MyTouch Slide. It has a keyboard, MS Exchange support and is pretty snappy to boot (speaking of boot, it only takes about a minute from hitting the power button to making a call). If you need a more business-like phone, I would suggest the Sprint Evo 4G. It's the same size as the HD2, 4.3", but it's Android. The UI looks like the HD2 as well (Sense), but it's a lot quicker and more stable. A friend of mine picked this up after having the Sprint Hero, which he got after the TouchPro (winmo) and couldn't be happier.
As far as the original question, I can only give you an anecdote; when I got my G1, my wife had a Wing which she hated. After a few months of watching me play with my phone all the time, and her Wing being replaced twice, she bought hers and was instantly hooked. We have been android fans ever since. So the advantages of Android for me are awesome stability, openness and apps, of which you don't have to use the market for (unless you get an ATT android).
Let me try to address the replies in one window.
First as for being tech savvy, yeah, I guess I am and I've been around long enough to be picky, HOWEVER, my BASIC needs are a phone I can HEAR and SEE. How come Nextel have speakers that you can hear clear across the next state and this thing I got, the HD2 I can barely hear with the fans in the car running despite them telling me it was really loud...?
Sure, I want a lot of stuff but if you read through all my info, you'll see that some of the things i don't really care about like social networking, streaming video, mp3 player and much more. LARGE FONT! How the hell hard is that to figure out? I mean, for those here who program and considering it's even in very simple programs. IS IT THAT hard to have an option of making the font bigger?
To Heybob. Bob, the problem is that I can't try and see these phones live so to speak. ALL the phones at tmobile are dummies or at least the ones I'm interested in.
Second, to be quite honest and when I think about it, I am not sure if she did mention this one was windows but I DID tell her I prefered android. In any case, NOT knowing what GSM is or if tmobile was GSM is not something I can let slide, ESPECIALLY considering she was the manager...
Now, so far, my tmobile coverage has seemed good. Yes, the phone as in the UI is still totally retarded so the windows OS has got to go. More than likely when I return this, if I still like tmobile then, I'll get a phone from Negri that's unlocked and if I'm not mistaken, he HAS Froyo phones in stock. Hold, gonna call and check..yep, he's got Nexus One with Froyo ready to ship.
Tell'em George with the long wish list sent ya if you buy one. Not that I think I'll get any referrals but hey, it never hurts when it comes time to bug them about finding me the right phone.
Anyway, back to the phones. I do NOT like this windows UI so that one is out. I like that I have found a site with something like 80,000+ apps all in one place and although I'm not stingy, when you're TRYING apps and don't know if you'll like them or not, it helps if they're cheap or free. I got something on hte Pre I didn't like but hell ,I wasn't about to ask for a $1.50 refund.
Many of the windows apps were $15 or around there. I'm not paying it if I can't get a refund if I don't like the software and I AM picky with software too.
By the way, is there someone here that has a rooted android phone that wouldn't mind putting this font proggy on there (hell, I'll be happy to pay for it at only 2 bucks or something) and show me the different font size options? http://www.androlib.com/android.application.org-pbxes-fontsize-BiEA.aspx
I WAS going to do that but as you know, I didn't get a droid phone
I showed this dude on the androlib forum this proggy. He gets it, his wife likes it (he got it for her) and now he's too busy to show me some screen captures. Thanks a lot
I've owned 4 different winmo phones and I can say that android leaves those respond FOOLS in the dust.
Android is more compatible with exchange server than windows mobile solution or blackberry.
Work gets done faster and I smile a lot more now.
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Well, I just took a few pictures of the HD2 to show people what I'm facing to illustrate it a little better.
Coming right up...

Okay Okay I have learned my lesson

I really love my Samsung Captivate phone from ATT. It's one of the better phones i have had from ATT...mind you not the best but one of the better phones. Recently I have become extremly frustrated with the whole froyo update situation. First the official release was going to come out in September then pushed back to November and now from what im hearing not until December through a OTA update from ATT. When I got my phone I was told by the ATT rep that an update from 2.1 to froyo 2.2 would becoming soon. I went on ahead and got the Captivate against my better judgment. That was this past summer and i paid 199.99 to upgrade. Well now it's November and all we get are rumors about an update that may or may not happen. Now that same captivate is selling for 129.99 at Best Buy. Now I feel ripped off, not only from ATT but now from Samsung. For now on whenever I purchase a new phone I will buy the phone based on what it can do at that time not based on what it might be able to do later on down the line, that way i won't be so frustrated. My older brother has an iphone 4 and now im really starting to get upset because now he is streaming netflix movies and doing a host of other things with his phone that my phone may or may not be able to do. I know that developmentally the iphone is limited but...you get what you pay for out the box and your not waiting for the phone to be able to do something else later on down the line. Im seriously thinking of just caughing up the money and picking up an iphone 4 from the Apple store this weekend. If I do that then I will give away my Craptivate to anybody who wants it because i wouldn't feel right charging someone for it being as though it's already outdated with 2.1 firmware on it.
Ill buy it if you want to sell it
djfrost40 said:
I really love my Samsung Captivate phone from ATT. It's one of the better phones i have had from ATT...mind you not the best but one of the better phones. Recently I have become extremly frustrated with the whole froyo update situation. First the official release was going to come out in September then pushed back to November and now from what im hearing not until December through a OTA update from ATT. When I got my phone I was told by the ATT rep that an update from 2.1 to froyo 2.2 would becoming soon. I went on ahead and got the Captivate against my better judgment. That was this past summer and i paid 199.99 to upgrade. Well now it's November and all we get are rumors about an update that may or may not happen. Now that same captivate is selling for 129.99 at Best Buy. Now I feel ripped off, not only from ATT but now from Samsung. For now on whenever I purchase a new phone I will buy the phone based on what it can do at that time not based on what it might be able to do later on down the line, that way i won't be so frustrated. My older brother has an iphone 4 and now im really starting to get upset because now he is streaming netflix movies and doing a host of other things with his phone that my phone may or may not be able to do. I know that developmentally the iphone is limited but...you get what you pay for out the box and your not waiting for the phone to be able to do something else later on down the line. Im seriously thinking of just caughing up the money and picking up an iphone 4 from the Apple store this weekend. If I do that then I will give away my Craptivate to anybody who wants it because i wouldn't feel right charging someone for it being as though it's already outdated with 2.1 firmware on it.
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First, you shouldn't be upset about the price dropping. All electronics have a dramatic price drop after a release. You should expect that.
Second, there is a Froyo update coming out for the phone. No doubt about it. We have already seen it released for the international version. We have two leaked releases for the Captivate. If there wasn't an update coming out, Samsung wouldn't be spending the time in making these builds. Also, you bought a Captivate with 2.1. The box doesn't say, Android 2.1 with a 2.2 update coming soon.
I also wouldn't call Android 2.1 "outdated". Compared to Android 2.2, yes it is outdated. But compared to other mobile operating systems, it's advanced. I cannot think of anything iOS can do that Android 2.1 cannot.
Now, with regard to applications: this last year has been huge for Android. They now have the volume of users and where there's volume, the developers can make money. You speak of Netflix, they will be releasing an Android app in Q1 of next year.
It could be that this phone is too advanced for you. iPhones are great and easy to use. If you don't understand all of the enhancements that Android brings, then maybe an iPhone is best for you. If being able to stream Netflix NOW instead of 2 - 3 months from now is that important to you, then get an iPhone and trade off:
Open source goodness
Awesome community support
Phone customization
Flawless google integration
More hardware options (you're not stuck with just one style phone)
Mass storage capabilities
You're not dependent on iTunes
File structure access
Build your own apps (google app inventor)
Up to 48 GB of storage
Replaceable battery
$5 monthly insurance (at&t doesn't offer insurance for the iPhone)
REAL multitasking
Memory management (If you choose to manually do it. Android is great at managing memory itself.)
The awesome Widgets
Notification bar
Oh, and the list above doesn't even mention any of the infinite possibilities if you chose to root your phone.
My question is why do you need the "official release"? The leaked version is probably just as good (I saw probably since OTA isn't out). I love it and am not really looking forward to the official one. Also most android phones are not in 2.2 so you really shouldn't feel outdated. By the way Amazon gives this phone for free (well 1 cent to be exact).
Edit: Didn't see above post; says it all better than me.
Frustrating, ain't it? Also part of the fun of the gadget.
Heck, searching for news on when the update'll be released is how I get through the workday! (I've also spent too much time flashing different incarnations of Cognitian's ROMs - Which are great, by the way).
The update will come, then we'll all be clammoring for Gingerbread!
@skinien - Great reply!
Not being able to watch Netflix movie on your phone really has nothing to do with Samsung, AT&T or the Captivate. Netflix decided to release their Android version later than the other platforms so there is nothing anyone can do.
So the real question is why do you need 2.2 right now? What capability are you looking for that will only work in 2.2? Personally, the only thing I need 2.2 for is voice dial over bluetooth.
cool story bro
There will always be an OS, hardware, phone coming soon/out right now better than what you have. *****ing about what you have is certainly an option. Not a good one, IMO, but definitely an option.
I am still using stock 2.1, rooted, with sideloaded Wireless Tether and Flash 10.1, and launcherpro hides the bloat.
With the exception of being able to moves apps to the sd, what is missing?
Who needs FroYo, anyway?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
djfrost40 said:
I really love my Samsung Captivate phone from ATT. It's one of the better phones i have had from ATT...mind you not the best but one of the better phones. Recently I have become extremly frustrated with the whole froyo update situation. First the official release was going to come out in September then pushed back to November and now from what im hearing not until December through a OTA update from ATT. When I got my phone I was told by the ATT rep that an update from 2.1 to froyo 2.2 would becoming soon. I went on ahead and got the Captivate against my better judgment. That was this past summer and i paid 199.99 to upgrade. Well now it's November and all we get are rumors about an update that may or may not happen. Now that same captivate is selling for 129.99 at Best Buy. Now I feel ripped off, not only from ATT but now from Samsung. For now on whenever I purchase a new phone I will buy the phone based on what it can do at that time not based on what it might be able to do later on down the line, that way i won't be so frustrated. My older brother has an iphone 4 and now im really starting to get upset because now he is streaming netflix movies and doing a host of other things with his phone that my phone may or may not be able to do. I know that developmentally the iphone is limited but...you get what you pay for out the box and your not waiting for the phone to be able to do something else later on down the line. Im seriously thinking of just caughing up the money and picking up an iphone 4 from the Apple store this weekend. If I do that then I will give away my Craptivate to anybody who wants it because i wouldn't feel right charging someone for it being as though it's already outdated with 2.1 firmware on it.
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Well..if you will feel bad selling it.I'll gladly pay you for the shipping of it to my home. Feel free to get the I-phone if this is what you are wanting to do. They work great for what they are.I bought both of my sons theirs last August when I got 2 Captivates for my wife and myself.So I can always use a spare one
Your not alone in your feelings of anger over not getting what was promised,I too am a bit pissed off about it as well. I do know that in time it will be available in a official capacity..but in the mean time I'll wait it out like everyone else is doing that wants it. Sooner or later there will be a completely stable custom rom for it that isn't a PIA to load and has everything working properly on it.This is what I am looking forward too,but again it is a waiting game for me and many others..
Feel free to PM me your mailing address for the shipping cost if you elect to give it away..
Screw the official release, get froyo now!. nothing like free tethering. Im sorry but next flex streaming? who cares i got flash! i get hulu streaming lets see an iphone do that.. my droid takes a poopoo on the iphone.
There are plenty of awesome, free ROMs here. Try one on for size before you go spending hundreds of dollars to be told what you can or can't do with the phone you just bought.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
You have word reference on android, not even a close one on iphone. I dont really use my ipod touch to watch netflix. It gets stuck a lot and the screen is way to small. The only netflix app I used is netflix on windows media center. Why are you frustrated about netflix on a small screen now. And by the way, we have swype keyboard, it if not even on evo 4g. And my rooted phone has many paid apps and games on it, but I got them for free. You never need to jailbreak it to install some free games.
Iphone doesn't have the xda app, hahaha, just a joke.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Others have said it but if your "smart" enough to make your way to the XDA developers forums you should have no problem flashing one of the 10+ 2.2 roms in the android dev subforum.
Who's going to really use the official att 2.2 with all its bloat ware anyway?
Iphone is for kids that want to show off their fart apps at school and for grandmas and grandmas who cant use a phone. On the other had captivate is for people who like to flash, unbrick their phones and explore the open world of android with will be the furture of mobile devices. Iphone has been the same for the past 3 years and people get horny when a new iphone comes out and it caj do copy paste wow!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
skinien said:
First, you shouldn't be upset about the price dropping. All electronics have a dramatic price drop after a release. You should expect that.
Second, there is a Froyo update coming out for the phone. No doubt about it. We have already seen it released for the international version. We have two leaked releases for the Captivate. If there wasn't an update coming out, Samsung wouldn't be spending the time in making these builds. Also, you bought a Captivate with 2.1. The box doesn't say, Android 2.1 with a 2.2 update coming soon.
I also wouldn't call Android 2.1 "outdated". Compared to Android 2.2, yes it is outdated. But compared to other mobile operating systems, it's advanced. I cannot think of anything iOS can do that Android 2.1 cannot.
Now, with regard to applications: this last year has been huge for Android. They now have the volume of users and where there's volume, the developers can make money. You speak of Netflix, they will be releasing an Android app in Q1 of next year.
It could be that this phone is too advanced for you. iPhones are great and easy to use. If you don't understand all of the enhancements that Android brings, then maybe an iPhone is best for you. If being able to stream Netflix NOW instead of 2 - 3 months from now is that important to you, then get an iPhone and trade off:
Open source goodness
Awesome community support
Phone customization
Flawless google integration
More hardware options (you're not stuck with just one style phone)
Mass storage capabilities
You're not dependent on iTunes
File structure access
Build your own apps (google app inventor)
Up to 48 GB of storage
Replaceable battery
$5 monthly insurance (at&t doesn't offer insurance for the iPhone)
REAL multitasking
Memory management (If you choose to manually do it. Android is great at managing memory itself.)
The awesome Widgets
Notification bar
Oh, and the list above doesn't even mention any of the infinite possibilities if you chose to root your phone.
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Oh okay! you see thats why i like this website for folks like you! so there is a sample of froyo available to download from this site? Thats nice!! i will look for it and give it a try. I think i can hold off on getting rid of it not too mention 400.00 for an iphone is pretty steap....lol!!! So i guess for now im still a android phone owner. I just need to be a little more patient i guess. But tonight when i get off work ill be trying to do the root thing on my phone so that i can tryout the preliminary froyo on my captivate. Thanks for the information I appreciate it.
pobinghun said:
You have word reference on android, not even a close one on iphone. I dont really use my ipod touch to watch netflix. It gets stuck a lot and the screen is way to small. The only netflix app I used is netflix on windows media center. Why are you frustrated about netflix on a small screen now. And by the way, we have swype keyboard, it if not even on evo 4g. And my rooted phone has many paid apps and games on it, but I got them for free. You never need to jailbreak it to install some free games.
Iphone doesn't have the xda app, hahaha, just a joke.
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Yeah your right, ive been reading a lot of responses to my post and from what i gather i have the better phone in the Captivate vs the iphone 4. I think i will keep it. Plus i just heard that you can root the phone and add a sample of froyo that should hold me over until the official froyo arrives. So Thanks a lot for your advise. I will be keeping my Captivate...not too mention 400.00 for an iphone is crazy.
mac208x said:
Iphone is for kids that want to show off their fart apps at school and for grandmas and grandmas who cant use a phone. On the other had captivate is for people who like to flash, unbrick their phones and explore the open world of android with will be the furture of mobile devices. Iphone has been the same for the past 3 years and people get horny when a new iphone comes out and it caj do copy paste wow!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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LOL!!!! okay okay guys I get it! I have the better phone vs the iphone 4, I will be keeping my Captivate, i just have to be a little more patient with it thats all. Im excited about trying out that froyo sample available from this site though. I'll be giving it a try tonight! thanks for all the information!
sportedwood said:
Others have said it but if your "smart" enough to make your way to the XDA developers forums you should have no problem flashing one of the 10+ 2.2 roms in the android dev subforum.
Who's going to really use the official att 2.2 with all its bloat ware anyway?
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Your right, i have the official 2.1 ATT rom now loaded with stuff i don't even use...lol!!! I think i will be keeping my Captivate and trying out a couple of those new roms on it. Thanks guys!!! thats why i love this site!!!

WOW... Did you see this?

So far this is the first tablet that has excited me...
No angry birds yet (But Quake 3!!!)
yeah and no email or calendar or BBM unless tethered to a Blackberry. That is a massive fail for what looks like a great media machine.
What? That completely doesnt make sense! I cant believe that the final version, which will have WIFI and cell will not have email, calendar or BBM... I dont believe it.. Dont spread FUD...
Prof-KOS said:
yeah and no email or calendar or BBM unless tethered to a Blackberry. That is a massive fail for what looks like a great media machine.
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stanglx said:
What? That completely doesnt make sense! I cant believe that the final version, which will have WIFI and cell will not have email, calendar or BBM... I dont believe it.. Dont spread FUD...
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This is what was stated to Engadget by Mike Lazardias (Co-CEO of RIM) at CES. RIM is calling it a security feature for the Playbook. You'll probably get a Gmail app from Google and Google Calendar app maybe, but the Playbook has no PIN for BBM or BES support without a tethered Blackberry. I'm not sure about BIS.
They're still 3-4 months from launch, so I hope they fix it. I like to root for Canadian companies so I hope they figure this out, but if they go to market with tethering as the solution, it is a massive fail.
Here's a quote from the article you linked to.
"We weren't able to see any of the BlackBerry applications (like BBM, Calendar, and Messages), since they require you to be tethered over Bluetooth to your BlackBerry phone, and RIM wasn't ready for that. Maybe Mike L. didn't want us to see his personal email for some reason."
I think they bought out TatHome didn't they, and that is who is making this new OS/UI, originally I thought it was going to come out for Android. Meh I can play Quake 3 on my G-tab Just have to find a keyboard and mouse for it.
No Go...
I wish it has 10" screen...sorry
BlackBerry's downfall is a complete lack of dev/app support. Phones are far emough behind cuve let alone a device from RIM with a new form factor and operating system. Hardware alone isn't enough to win.
I agree... Unfortunately they partnered with Adobe for its framework.. Not that its a bad framework - its actually very very good BUT you need to purchase Adobe's development tools and its relatively expensive when you compare it to Microsoft (Free for VS Express) or Android...
We will see though.. If they can release an express version of the IDE I believe it could catch on fairly quickly...
That demos was just awesome for something that is still months away.... I would love to get my hands on the development environment and see how different it is over Java and C#.. They are claiming its far more rapid development than either of the two...
Lnin0 said:
BlackBerry's downfall is a complete lack of dev/app support. Phones are far emough behind cuve let alone a device from RIM with a new form factor and operating system. Hardware alone isn't enough to win.
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Should I buy a pre plus?

Hi all,
I am wondering whether to buy a plus to learn webOS development, does anyone thinks there will be a big market share of webOS phone?
Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using XDA App
I don't see why not. webOS is going to be big next year. I think every app in the market needs to be rewritten in order to work with the new Enyo framework. Now is the time to make apps
thereddog said:
I don't see why not. webOS is going to be big next year. I think every app in the market needs to be rewritten in order to work with the new Enyo framework. Now is the time to make apps
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But what is the official version of a Pre plus has? I am wondering whether I should buy a pre plus or considering newer model.
I have a Verizon Pre Plus. The most recent updated version on mine is Palm WebOS 1.4.5.
Of all of the phones I've owned, or played with, WebOS is the best and most intuitive - even better than iOS. However, Palm/HP needs to get over the clunky slider hardware.
I love my Pre. I was and still am a Win Mo diehard. Absolutely hated Android, Win7, iOS, and Blackberry. After picking up my pre I haven't looked elsewhere.
Even though it has many shortfalls, WebOS is SUPREMELY easy to use. It just feels so elegant and polished. Never once has my phone froze, stuttered, or slowed down during use. Multitasking is unrivalled.
With HP pushing new stuff out in the summer, and WebOS on PC shortly after. 2011 is going to be big with WebOS
Honestly... I don't think so
Look, I love webOS- I really do. It's a great mobile operating system and is really underrated and I want to see it thrive. But I've had a Pre Plus for year now, and while I love webOS, I can't stand the hardware. The screen is small, the processor is slow (but there's always overclocking ), the battery life is bad, and it's got a terrible build quality- I'm on my 5th Pre at least. It could be more, I've lost count. But when I went to Palm Developer Day in November 2010, I got a free Pre 2, as did everyone else who went. The Pre 2 was an awesome phone. I loved it, and I'd recommend you buy it if you're interested in webOS. It's got a much better build quality and is much faster than the Pre Plus, and it comes with webOS 2.0 out of the box. Unfortunately, my Pre 2 was run over (I'm kinda careless as you can tell) and no longer works, but for the 3 or so months that I had it, I loved it. It was a great phone, and I highly recommend it. You can get the unlocked GSM version and put whatever SIM you like in it (you'll get AT&T 3G, but not T-Mobile 3G, sorry) and you'll be good to go, or you can buy the Verizon version. Either way, the Pre2 is the way to go. Good luck!
Yes, I also would recommend you to buy a new Pre 2 as he is going to get the Update to newer WebOS-Versions which will support the new development modell (Enyo which uses Javascript, you can also mix C or only use C for development).
You can get a cheaper developer Pre 2 if you register.
Just look here to get started:
I don't think that WebOS will surpass Apple or Google very fast and in this year it will "only" establish and stabilise itself. The next year is when it is getting bigger. For now there is still some room for good Applications in WebOS.
We have good Twitter, Music and Notes-Apps... But I guess if you have an idea and you kick it your idea will work wherever you try^^
A third working eco-system, especially at the start, is a big chance for "new" guys or people who have a good App which now only is on the third, fourth or fifth place because the platform where he is now already isn't very "flexible" any more and has some big established players. In such an environment he could try to make himself a name on another platform before the big ones show up.
I am selling a LNIB pre 2 gsm unlocked. PM me if interested.
Wait for pre 3
Sent from Snarf phone
wait for the pre3
I think webos is promising, but still need a lot of work before it becomes perfect and mature as iOS and android. You can try pre plus.
wait for the Pre 3
buy a veer. it can open upto 30 apps and still run.

Which Device Do You Have?

Guess we all (webOS users) are sort of scattered under the current situation... And this forum is kind of small and generic
Let's get a picture of who is looking here for help.
Which webOS device do you have? (Note you can "vote" multiple times if you own more than one.)
How is it working?
webOS version?
Favorite tweaks?
How long have you been using webOS?
Do you do any development?
I've had my webOS phone about a month. I bought a used GSM Unlocked Pre 2 off eBay. It's running webOS 2.2.4.
I LOVE this device, am using it heavily and plan to continue to do so.
Preware is a must
UberKernel overclocking with the OnDemandTcl1200 profile + Govnah
Lots of Top Bar patches and the Advanced Reset Options patch all make life easier
App Tuckerbox
Dr. Battery
I'm getting ready to install the SDK and will try my hand at some small things to see how far I can get.
webOS just works so nice. We all need to evangelize about it.
Just bought a palm pre 2 unlocked gsm from ebay us and shipped to Italy
played half a day with 2.1 and is very pretty, now is updating to 2.2.4, hope to see something cool!
I'm an android user and fan, but webos is beautiful!
Beware of the 2.2.4 update for the unlocked Pre2. I've had a total of 4 of these devices between myself and my wife and they've all suffered the same idiosyncrasy. For some unknown reason, after about a week of normal usage the sound for alerts vanishes requiring a soft reset. It doesn't matter if they have preware or any overclocking, a stock 2.2.4 has done this. It may be a minor irritation for some but not hearing an alert for an important email is a big thing to me.
Unless you're using your Pre2 for message sharing with a Touchpad, I strongly recommend keeping it at 2.1 until the guys at webosinternals figure out if there's a patch for this. I've jumped ship to Windows Phone 7.5 but I still keep an eye on the happenings at webOS because I love the UI. I still find myself swiping at my phone and feeling like an idiot.
fatclue said:
Beware of the 2.2.4 update for the unlocked Pre2. I've had a total of 4 of these devices between myself and my wife and they've all suffered the same idiosyncrasy. For some unknown reason, after about a week of normal usage the sound for alerts vanishes requiring a soft reset. It doesn't matter if they have preware or any overclocking, a stock 2.2.4 has done this. It may be a minor irritation for some but not hearing an alert for an important email is a big thing to me.
Unless you're using your Pre2 for message sharing with a Touchpad, I strongly recommend keeping it at 2.1 until the guys at webosinternals figure out if there's a patch for this. I've jumped ship to Windows Phone 7.5 but I still keep an eye on the happenings at webOS because I love the UI. I still find myself swiping at my phone and feeling like an idiot.
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Thanks, unfortunately finished updating before reading this...
The bad thing is that in 2.1 the google account sync wasnt working well, in 2.2.4 is flawless (as can i see by now).
The pre2 is my secondary phone, so i do not need it 365days a year but only when i go out for work.
Thank you anyway
Treo 300 - Treo 650 - Treo 755 - Pre, Pre, Pre, ( ) Touchpad
RumoredNow said:
I've had my webOS phone about a month. I bought a used GSM Unlocked Pre 2 off eBay. It's running webOS 2.2.4.
I LOVE this device, am using it heavily and plan to continue to do so.
Preware is a must
UberKernel overclocking with the OnDemandTcl1200 profile + Govnah
Lots of Top Bar patches and the Advanced Reset Options patch all make life easier
App Tuckerbox
Dr. Battery
I'm getting ready to install the SDK and will try my hand at some small things to see how far I can get.
webOS just works so nice. We all need to evangelize about it.
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I was one of the lucky firesale TP buyers and love the thing. I have installed CM9 on it so I could get some apps like Netflix but webOS is a beautiful thing.
I just received my Touchpad and rooted it to dual boot. I'm typing this from the Android side now, but I'm impressed with WebOS. I've worked on several Android tablets, but this is my first WebOS toy. Wish there were more apps, but what a nice screen!
Sent from my Dual-booting Touchpad using Tapatalk 2
I've noticed that even the hard-core Android fans love webOS once they get to know it. The sad fact is that even with HP's mishandling (I'm really trying to be civil), i don't see how webOS could have survived. The lack of apps was a mortal wound that couldn't be closed. Just look at all the comments and they sound like a scratched record, "loved the UI but needed this app or that so I loaded CM9. But use webOS most of the time". UGHHH! End of rant.
I really hope that the opensourcing can give webos a second chance.
As an android fan i must admit, android can learn very much from webos... in te days of the selling of palm, i really hoped google would buy it...
US GSM Unlocked Pre 2
Works great - secondhand too
Quite a bit
9-ish months, iOS for a year before that, and PalmOS for several years before iOS.
Not a dev, idk why i'm here
xandros9 said:
Not a dev, idk why i'm here
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To try and help breathe some life into the webOS forum here?
RumoredNow said:
To try and help breathe some life into the webOS forum here?
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As much as I hate to admit it, I think webOS's fate as a stand-alone OS has been sealed. My honest opinion is that what we know as webOS today will live on as a major redux of Android. It's already showing up in the form of modified Enyo apps on ICS and a modified version of touch-to-share. Being Linux-based will make it easier to incorporate the best features into Android now that the source code is being released. I still follow the threads here and on WebOS Nation because I really miss webOS but the lack of development and sub-par hardware makes it impossible for me continue with it. My work requires certain apps that webOS simply doesn't have and that's such a shame. Us old dinosaurs (yeah, I've been through a mid-life crisis and a heart attack so I qualify) are very resistant to change but there's nothing wrong with keeping up with new technologies.
The first is palm pre plus, second palm pre2, now htc hd2
Pre- & TouchPad
My pre is retired and used as a media player on webOS 2.1 30% of the time, it works every time lol. It's really showing it's age but I keep it going because I just can't seem to find a capable media player on Android that will pass media metadata to my receiver as well as webOS 2.1
TouchPad is stock and fantastic the way it is, no problems.
I own a HP Pre3 running 2.2.4, bought it on ebay.
I'm using Advanced Device Menu tweaks and some browser tweaks.
Didn't get into developing now, may I try to get into it when I get more time.
What I still miss is a onscreen keyboard. Having that and maybe a few more apps, webOS would be THE KILLER OS.
I just have the touchpad
I can't add votes to the poll
I just picked up a pair of Veers (one black, one white). Can't wait. They should be here early next week. I get to practice Dogbert's Unlock method and then figure out how to use Impostah to put a profile on them without wiping my Pre 2 so I can test drive them.
Another dinosaur here
I never got into the smart phone thing so I missed out on the pre and pre plus rush. I'm still looking for a pre plus or pre2 but have 2 touchpads. While there are advantages to android with the many apps out there, I continue to operate with webOS on the touchpad. I am a purchasing officer for an export corporation and use my touchpad daily for the business. The thing I don't understand is the common rant from folks who say that their webOS device is useless without android. What apps do you (really) need that are not available within the webOS or preware market? I find that everything I need to operate my business is available within the webOS community. My touchpad allows me to be productive in the field. I do not have android installed on my touchpad. My wife had classicnerd android on hers but that's for the games.
I have had to use a few work arounds for issues like a lack of camera but otherwise, the touchpad performs very well for my business needs. Yes, I could do more with an iPad or another (pure) android tablet but would be required to spend a great deal of cash for a minimal return.
Those of you who really want to be productive, tell me what app you find in android that you can't find a webOS equivalent for. Chances are that you could be surprised.
just sayin........
ngocxuyen said:
The first is palm pre plus, second palm pre2, now htc hd2
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How did you get webos running on the HD2? Would you share a link please?
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