[Q] Tryig to download wallpapers - Eee Pad Transformer Themes and Apps

I went to Interfacelift to grab some wallpapers and when I open a tab with one and long press to save the image, I just continually get "download unsuccessful". Anyone seen this type of thing at all?

i just went there and found a wallpaper, clicked download, it opened the picture to full size then I long pressed to save and it downloaded fine to my SD card.

Very strange. Mine fails about 90% of the time. I managed to grab a few, but lots of others fail.

Here are some nice wallpapers in case anyone wants to use them.


Photos disappeared - yet saving somewhere.

Here's a puzzle that's got me baffled!
Last night took some photos on my phone, plugged it into the laptop to copy them over as I've done nearly everynight for a year.
Went into the \\Storage\DCIM\100Media directory and couldnt see any files at all! Weird I thought.
So went into the Photo Album of the phone to see if they were there.
The photo album showed about 10-20 photos from AGES ago, all other photos had a circle with a line through it (like a stop sign).
Looked again in the directory, couldn't see any files, so reset the phone.
Went into the Album again, only this time it showed the default photos that comes with the phone, again nothing was showing in the 100Media directory.
Paniced at the thought of losing a load of photos but still continued looking.
Something caught my eye, the fact that even though it looked like all my photos had gone, the "number available" that appears in photo mode (the number being the one that shows how many photos you've got left to take) was still showing about 1500.
So took a few random snaps.
Sure enough, the number went down, but they were no where to be found.
Checked the size of Mb free on the storage card, made a note, then set the phone to record nothing for about 10mins.
Sure enough, the size available on the storage card had gone down but still no video was appearing in the 100Media directory.
I've reset the phone several times, any picture I take results in the "number available" going down, a few more videos of varying lengths does indeed show the space available as going down on the storage card but can not find anything anywhere!
Have manually been through every directory on the storage device, can't see anything anywhere.
Anyone had this before or suss out what the problem is and obviouslly where the hell my media is being saved?
Have checked the main device, but of course not there and wouldn't explain where the space available keeps going down.
I'm stumped!!
Install Total Commander and try to search files by date.
That's best I can suggest "out of the hat".

[Q] Strange camera problem

I've searched for this here and Google and can't find anything similiar. Two days ago I tried to use the camera to take a pic and the phone locked up. The rotating "working" ring icon just went on forever. Reset the phone, and tried again, same result. I changed the image size to the smallest and it would take a pic, and the preview looked fine, but the image itself when viewed was a scrambled mess of green and purple. Kept messing around with it and it and discovered that ONLY pictures are affected. Contact pics are fine, burst mode fine, panorama fine. Even video is no problem. The preview in album is even okay. Took a couple of samples off the phone and viewed them on my PC and they were either the same corrupt image, or wouldn't open and I got an error saying "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers". I'd figure I screwed something up, but I have changed absolutely nothing about the phone in weeks. Thanks for any help you can provide, I greatly appreciate it!
try another memory card, or back up all the files on your current card and format it.
chances are your memory card is corrupted.
I've tried saving the images to the phone memory and get the same results. Also why would it only affect the full picture jpegs, and not the contact pic jpeg? I'm stumped. I've got another memory card at home, I'll try that and see what happens. Thanks!
If youre getting the same issues on your phone memory, you might need to update/reflash your phone.
If the problem happens even after that, look into Task29: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=670358
Of course try the simplest fix first (different memory card) and then try these other solutions.
Are you using Advance Config? If so, or even if not, check under the camera settings and see if "encode portrait" is enabled. That seems to lock up our devices similar to how you describe it.
I tried the spare card last night and no change. I then tried SDreamer's suggestion and instant fix. Thank you sir! I really really appreciate all y'alls help.

getting place holder instead of pic

Anybody know why pictures in my website is showing as placeholder on my WP7.5? It used to show up properly, but now just icons appears. I viewed it on my wife's iPhone 4s and the picture shows up normally. Downloaded SurfCube, I still get placeholders. It's a demo reel sites, and everybody's site pictures loads properly. Regional settings? Hidden settings? Anybody knows?
Thanks in Advance.
I would suggest that you clean out all temporary internet files form your phone, as I think your image-cache is corrupted somehow.
You can do this by going into the settings of Internet Explorer and push the button that says 'Clear History'. Don't be fooled by the label, it actually cleans out everything, including caches.
Oh, and don't forget to exit IE, and restart. If not, you will still be holding on to the old files...

[Q] when i restart

I noticed a couple of things upon restart. Do you guys know what it is and why it happens?
1) when im restarting my phone, i realize a quick message appears before it boots. That says "No memory card. phone photo, image, audio, video, album and moments features disabled" (i have one), is this normal? Some times it say no valid card too (I think its referring to SIM). Is this normal? Why does it do that?
2) Also one time when I rebooted, I noticed the widgets on my homescreen was a loaded weird. The spacing and text was not showing up properly, the size of widget looked compressed (weather and news app). What can cause this?

Phone wont see SD card/remember ringtone setting after reboot

This is a new problem... i originally deleted the settings for media storage after reading that that would get rid of the 3 times my ringtones were showing up in my selection list (when they only exist in one location.... i tried to make sure they werent duplicating themselves, the first 2 were silent and the 3rd was the real file.). so deleting that got rid of the 3 times thing, and i thought i had it licked. but every reboot, my phone forgets my ringtone setting... when i go to repick it, its not in the list, only the factory ones are.
Now, i *know* there is the work around of putting the one i want to use on the internal memory.... but thats kinda not the point... id like this to work properly. as it should. as it did before i reflashed. i reflashed the exact same rom and am using the exact same SD card.
upon googling and reading advice, i put a new folder on my sd card called media, and within there, ringtones, and notifications. (the site i read also recommended making one for alarms but i never use my phone as an alarm, ever. and the very rare time i will ill just pick a factory sound). As of right now, every reboot, i have to move the ringtone i want to use out from that folder, and then put it back in, causing media scanner to re-run, which then finally, once that is done, allows it to show up in the list along with the factory default choices.... but doing this every reboot just to have the sound i want is a ROYAL pain......... before i reflashed, it would forget what i had chosen on occasion, but at least then i could just go into the list and reselect it before... it didnt forget it existed, but only that i had chosen it. at the time that was a royal pain.... but now, id take that over whats been going on.
before reflashing i had a folder called "sounds" that it was able to see, all the time.... i had left it the same... but when my phone couldnt see that anymore, i looked for other ways of making it work.
Not sure if this is related but i have on occasion (2 or 3 times now) had my gallery forget about ALL of my pictures on external (whcih is where i keep all of them). deleting gallery data at least fixes that, and that doesnt happen every reboot either.
and before anyone asks, there is no ".nomedia" file in with my ringtones, or in with any of my pictures.
advice anyone??
anyone?? Ive already tried everything google-able

