[Q] New to the Captivate, text message help - Captivate General

Hey guys,
As the title says, I'm brand new to the Captivate.
When I'm having conversations over text message, is there any way to make the incoming texts appear on my screen in the order in which I receive them? Right now all of my typed messages appear at the bottom of my screen, and if I receive a text I have to scroll all the way to the top to view it.
For example:
Friend: Test
Me: Response
Friend: Test
Me: Response
If messages were typed in this order, it currently appears like this on my phone:
Friend: Test
Friend: Test
Me: Response
Me: Response
Is there any way to change that? I love everything about this phone, but it's getting obnoxious having to scroll up 10 or 15 texts every time I receive a new one from somebody. Thanks in advance.

Honestly, the simplest fix is to use handcent or another third party messaging app.
Edit...I see you are brand new to the captivate.....you heard of the inspire? Might want to give it a thought.

Hmmm... It's certainly not supposed to be like that. My phone always showed the messages in the order I received them, so something is wrong and I couldn't find anything in the settings to change it. You might want to try Handcent from the market, there's a free version and it is EXTREMELY customizable. I mean, it's down right ridiculous how much you can customize every aspect of your SMS and MMS using it. Maybe that'll be a simple fix for your messages not appearing in order. If you decide to go with Handcent, make sure you turn notifications off in the stock messaging app or else you'll get two separate notifications each time you get a text, which gets annoying pretty quickly.
EDIT: I guess I type too slow, newter beat me to the punch

I get the a very similar (or even same) thing running Cog or stock. What I have noticed....this only occurs if your reply has the same time stamp as the received message i.e. if you receive a message at 9:46pm and reply to it within the same minute (in relation to your phone's time), also 9:46pm, your message will show out of order.
Hmm....now that I look over my messages...I have a MILD theory...
Messages are organized in chronological order, but the time stamps do not include seconds, only down to the minute. Afterwards, the system has to organize by something....so it goes to Name. My first guess would be if the message is sent from someone with name that comes before "Me" alphabetically, their message (send at the same minute) would appear first, and vice versa if their name is after "Me." Errr.....maybe it is by phone number, not name.......errrr....damn, that doesn't hold up 100% either now that I have looked even harder.....jeez.....only 1 message might jump up?
eh, I've just learned to live with it. Can't be too picky. Every phone has its little quirks. Just depends on which ones you want to deal with

I had the smell issue with either stock or handcent messaging apps. The problem to me was the time in my region being sent by the cell towers was off by about 70 seconds. When I would travel to another region of the country, I didn't have a problem.
I solved it with a program from the market called ClockSync (though I'm sure there are others) which sets the correct time on my phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using Tapatalk


Text Message Threading Issue on new Rom

So I was able to update my rom to the new 5.11.502.2 rom for the HTC Fuze on At&t. I have been enjoying the update, and it seems like the reception is improved.
But I did run into a problem....iono if someone could verify if this is correct or not. So when ever i send a mass text, i would only get one thread for the message and not for each other person i sent the mass text to. With the original stock rom, whenever you send a mass text, a thread conversation starts for each person you sent the mass text to.
i think everything about the text messages in the update is buggy. when i get a text and then reply but still stay inside the thread, my text message icon in the status bar stays there and then when i get more than one text from the same person and then go back to the message list it says there there is still unread messages even though i already replied to them.
That's been an issue for forever.
Nah, this is different. In the stock ROM, it used to automatically show the message was read, just by opening it. Now I have to scroll up to the message to show I've read it.
Sure, it's not that much of a hassle by itself, but when you text as much as I do, pressing the up botton a few times and then bringing it back down, just so the notifications go away, becomes a daunting task.
It's almost depressing.
Not in this way though... it used to be that I could just open the message, and it would register that it was read. Now, I have to manually scroll up to show I've read it.
It's not a huge problem, unless you text as much as I do. It's a major nuisance. Is there a registry tweak we can change to mark it as read upon opening? NOT having to scroll to the message itself, in the thread?

Threaded SMS/text order issues

Have any Captivate/Galaxy S forumers experienced the issue where, when replying to a text message right after it is received, your reply is placed BEFORE the text message on the threaded SMS view. It is a superficial issue I suppose, but it can get confusing trying to follow conversations and such.
Has anyone heard of this problem, or even better, a fix for it? I've tried setting the system time a few minutes later/earlier with no real results.
yes i have also noticed this myself. it is a pain sometimes
For me, the replies to my messages are actually date stamped 5 hours backwards so show up muchj earlier in a threaded conversation. I have not been able to find a working fix but a workaround was to install Handcent sms (free in Market). It threads everything properly and is actually a pretty nice widget that shows you the latest texts....
Would love a native fix however so please advise if you've found one...
I had this problem. I fixed it by manually setting the system time.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I'm having the same issue. For me it's related to texts coming from a different time zone. If I manually set my time to the time where the texts are coming from, everything is fine. I've been using Chomp SMS, which is pretty nice, but I'll try Handcent. When I restart the threads are correct sometimes but eventually get messed up again.
For me it's from every single phone number, no matter what the time zone. But i've temporarily fixed it with handcent, though the default sms client is classier looking.
Mine did this as well and to solve the problem go into your settings and manually adjust your clock 1 minute up so if its 12:30 set your clock to 12:31 and this solved my problem, hasnt messed up since i did this

[Q] New text messages dissappear. I am going crazy.

Ok, so I get a new text message.
I turn on the phone, notice in the lockscreen someone texted, and see an excerpt of the text. I say, ok, lets slide that messaging icon into the ring and read that message. Well, that message is not there. No message at all from that person. If its someone ive been talking to, it usually shows what i said last only, and their reply is no where to be found, although i just saw it in the lockscreen or the top bar.
I have also tried the handcent sms app to see if it could help me. same thing occurs there too.
ANY idea what could be causing this? It seems to be doing it all the time now. My only way around it is to use google voice only. ugh.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What's the limit you have set for deleting texts after a certain period? Might have something to do with that.
I have this bookmarked from the xda portal. It may be relevant
xnifex said:
I have this bookmarked from the xda portal. It may be relevant
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yeah, ive been using it, but its still a hassle. My txts were coming through just fine the day i got it, then it got wierd afer 48hrs of use.
Thanks for the help, Ill keep looking as well for an answer.
I am a very similar issue, at first I thought I was missing text messages as well.
I got a few keywords from my friend who sent the missing text and when I did a search, the text was there, but they had the wrong time stamp.
For instance missing text was sent at 17:44, when I search I found the text stamped and threaded in as if it was received at 12:40.
The wrong time is variable, I have found other texts that was stamped received the previous day.
Unfortunately I don't have a solution, and quite frankly am getting really frustrated with this problem.
ChaoticEko said:
Ok, so I get a new text message.
I turn on the phone, notice in the lockscreen someone texted, and see an excerpt of the text. I say, ok, lets slide that messaging icon into the ring and read that message. Well, that message is not there. No message at all from that person. If its someone ive been talking to, it usually shows what i said last only, and their reply is no where to be found, although i just saw it in the lockscreen or the top bar.
I have also tried the handcent sms app to see if it could help me. same thing occurs there too.
ANY idea what could be causing this? It seems to be doing it all the time now. My only way around it is to use google voice only. ugh.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Text message conversations not staying in order

When I view my list of text messages conversations they're not showing in the correct order. And the text that appears in the preview box before you open the conversation isn't showing the most recent text. When I click on individual conversations all of the messages are there and correct.. When I get a new message it will be at the top, then I respond and back out, and it'll get pushed back to March or sometimes just a few days! So for some reason just when I view all my conversations it's not remembering I've been talking to people, just annoying to have to scroll back a month to text someone you talk to daily.. Is this happening to anyone else?
Time and date of the phone correct?
*Detection* said:
Time and date of the phone correct?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, and I haven't changed the time and date for anything.
I'm getting similar thing on my Huawei P10.
When I look at my list of sms messages the last message sent is not at the top of the list. I have to scroll down through a few days of threads and then the 'latest' thread appears.
So what happens is I either send or receive a text. It shows at top of list. If I come out of messages and go to another app and then go back into messages that text that was just sent is no longer at the top, it is moved down about 20 thread down.
It's really annoying. Somebody texts me, the message is at top. I answer it then switch to other app. The other person sends me another text and when I go back into messenger it's not at top anymore it away down the list and its takes a lot of scrolling to get to it.
The individual texts within any thread are in the right order withing the thread. It's the thread that moves down below others of older date.
And the thread doesn't move to the bottom of the list just down about 20. The threads above it are in correct order except they should be below the latest ones, and the threads below the latest ones which are pushed down are also in order.
So everything really old is in order.
Very recent threads are pushed down about 20 places.
The 20 places are in correct order, except they are above the most recent.
It's quite hard to explain but it's very weird and very annoying.
If I send a text and get no response the text stays at the top until another unconnected text is sent or is received. It's only when a thread is created that the threads goes out of kilter
Have checked all dates/times/zones are auto to network
Can you force setting the date and time manually on the phone? Does this happen with other SMS apps?

App Launches when the phone is picked up shortly after a new notification

I do not know if I have a unique problem or I changed something in my settings but I have spent hours online and on my phone trying to figure this out. If I get a notification and pick up my phone within a short period of time (less than a minute or so), whatever app that notification came from launches and displays the item that sent the notification. For example, if I get a text message or email and pick up my phone with the intention of launching my web browser, the text message or email will pop up on my screen before I can do anything. This is great if I want to read that text or email but often I do not want to do that until later and it irritates the crap out of me to have to close that app and go where I intended. I think I may have changed a setting and cannot find my way back to the setting to turn it off but not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am posting this in case anyone else runs into this problem. I finally figured out it was not an S8 setting, it was a Gear watch setting. I turned on Smart Relay in the Gear settings and caused this.

