[Q] Maemo 5 Source Code - HD2 MeeGo Development

do someone know, where I can get the sourcecode of Maemo 5 (not meego)? I am interessted to experiment a little bit.

more Information http://maemo.org/development/sources/


[Q]Few little questions.

Hey, im new here, and I would like to ask about few things. I own a Nokia N900 phone, and i was curious if THIS could be installed on it, without actual android on it ( i can get android 2.3.3, because of the nitdroid port, but i would like to avoid installing it in android). As far as i know, X10 and N900 have both same cpu architecture (Armel), so this should do. So my main question is: Will this run on maemo5, or i need to get meego/android? When i have about 3-4hours of free time ill test it and post results.
P.s. I know its not maemo forum, but still, there should be maemo section here, or at least maemo+meego in one : ).

[Q] <Q> There is a n64oid source code?

Hi all, im new here and first of all, sorry for bad english.
I have here a n64oid "source code".
why the quotation marks in source code? - is because i dont know anything about development, so i dont know if this is a real souce code.
if this is indeed the source code, is possible create a Nintendo 64 emulator that works on Xperia mini pro?
Actually, it should be. It'd be probably hard to make it compatible with the lower resolution of the Xperia MIni Pro, but with the source code, it's feasible. How did you get n64oid's source code? The author has caught some flack for using mupen64plus and not releasing the source, at least officially.
I get it from n64oid's Google Code page

Porting for Lenovo LePhone: WE WILL PAY!

Nowadays many user are complaining about LePhone, and mainly about its ROM. First, users dislike Lenovo's custom-made OS. Second, it rarely updates. Its latest version is still Android 2.2.1 but the latest version of Android is already 2.3.5! So we came up with the idea: Hire some guys that are very good at porting systems to port CM to LePhone!
Although Lenovo haven't opened the source code, but I think there's still a another way because a guy called "zbwu" ported an Android 2.3.2 to LePhone on January 2011.But unfortunately he sold his LePhone later and bought a DHD instead.
So we are really thirsty looking for someone to port CM to LePhone! The total pay is 10000RMB (About 1567USD)(Maybe more, maybe less).
If you are interseted in this, please send a message to me!
And finally, thank you! Please forward this to other forums if you can, and we would be very thankful for that!
Please make CM for LePhone!!!

[Q] [Windows RT] How to ARM compile x86 exe's for use in jailbroken Surfaces?

Hey XDA members,
I have got a surface recently, and have looked into jailbreaking (I can't at the moment because 8.1 isn't jailbroken yet, but when it is I will jailbreak)
I have learnt that to run some x86 exes, they need to be ARM compiled, I want to learn how this is done, if someone could give me some pointers or give me a tutorial to look at, it would be greatly appreciated. One other question is what program is used (I think I saw someone talking about Visual C++ being used to compile but I'm not sure)

[Q] New things to learn after doing Android for two years?

I have been doing Android for the past two years professionally. I have had a look at the source code and made my own version (just tweaking some UI classes).
Now, I am not sure what to do anymore. Anyone has some tips on how to advance in Android? The focus is to learn new stuff.

