How to Root Non-Sprint (Cellular South, Bluegrass Cellular, etc) CDMA Hero - Hero CDMA Android Development

Update (October 7, 2010)
Use ngholson's guide to root:
Posts in the first 40 or so pages of this thread are old old old. Try browsing through the last 10 or so pages if you have any problems.
I may put a guide for using an App to root in this first post, but I don't have time right now.
OLD OLD OLD Manual Root:
This will still work, but ngholson's guide is a lot easier and you should definitely try it first.
1. I give no guarantees for anything that may or may not result from following these instructions (or any mistakes made).
2. Doing this will probably void your warranty, BUT as long as you don't run some other carrier's RUU (not talking about ROMs here, talking about the official upgrade files. what's important is that your hboot version doesn't change) you can always just flash your carrier's RUU to go back to unrooted completely stock.
Known issues:
NONE! This is a clean procedure that leaves your current rom as is. Any issues you have will be related to whatever ROMs you choose to flash or additional packages you choose to flash to your current rom
1. Upgrade to 2.1
We know this works with the initial 2.1 updates, but later updates may patch it. If you have installed additional updates from your carrier, you may have to flash the original RUU to be able to root.
2. Download and extract the Android SDK
You really only need this for the adb binary. If anyone can suggest a better way to get it than downloading the entire SDK, let me know.
3. Download and install HTC Sync
Some carriers have specific versions of HTC Sync (I know Cellular South does).
You could also just install the adb drivers.
4. Download the hack and extract it to your SDK tools directory. (or wherever you have adb)
It's attached to this post.
5. Turn on USB Debugging on your phone
Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging
6. Plug your phone in USB
7. Run the script
For Windows this is runindos.bat. You should be able to just double click it.
That's it. This will flash the Darch version of AmonRA's recovery.
At this point you should probably backup your current stock rom (see Recovery guide below) and backup your PRL. (navalynt has good instructions on this in his root guide).
Now you can flash a custom rom or just flash the provided (see Recovery guide below) for Superuser Permissions (root) within your current rom.
Recovery is where you can backup, restore, and flash ROMs or additional app zips.
To enter Recovery mode on your phone, power the phone off. Then hold home and press the power button. Keep holding home until you get the recovery screen.
You'll see several options, but the first thing you'll want to use is Backup.I've always used the nandroid option, not sure of the differences between it and bart. Backing up does exactly what you'd expect: copies your current ROM to your sd card. It doesn't change anything on the phone. It does take a few minutes so be patient.
Most roms will suggest you wipe first, and there is a menu option for that in recovery also. Just choose wipe, then factory reset. This does nothing to your sd card and only wipes application data (app installed from the market, settings for any app, etc).
After you've backed up, Recovery is also where you flash new ROMs or additions to your current ROM. It's easiest to pick a rom you want on your pc, and transfer it to your phone over usb. you can either do this the normal way, or if you're already in recovery, there is a USB-MS option you can use. Some Recoveries require flashable zips to be in the root of your sd card (not in any directory). After the ZIP is on your sd card, choose "install zip from sdcard" and pick the zip of the ROM you want. That's it. After it's done flashing, reboot your phone. If you wiped and flashed a full ROM, the first will take several minutes.
If you flash a ROM and either get stuck in a boot loop or just don't like it, go back into recovery under the Backup option and choose nandroid restore. Pick the option you get (it's a directory named with your phone's serial number) and you'll see a list of backups named with the date/time they were created. Choose which one you want to restore, wait a few minutes, then reboot and you'll be back to exactly where you were.

I've learned that the exploit used on the Sprint Hero doesn't work on the CS Hero because it uses mmap_min_addr. This means that exploits which rely on a null pointer dereference (like the Sprint exploit) won't work.
So here's what I think I need:
1) I'll be watching bugtraq, etc... for non null pointer dereference local kernel vulnerabilities. (I don't think I know 100% what that means yet.)
2) I also need to learn how to know if a vulnerability is applicable. Like this one . I don't even know really where to begin to see if I can use that.
3) Once I've found a vulnerability, how do I exploit it? I realize there will probably be proof of concept for the exploit, but how will I turn that into something that executes a specified command like asroot2 does. Is the source available for asroot2?
4) I wonder if I need to bother figuring out if the source used to build the kernel for CS is different from Sprint. Is a change in config.gz enough to legally require HTC to provide me with source specific to the CS version?

Keep up the good work
I know there aren't many of us, but I'm really hoping to root my hero sometime soon. I wish I could help but I picked my engineering field because it didn't require learning any computer languages haha

cdiamond333 said:
I know there aren't many of us, but I'm really hoping to root my hero sometime soon. I wish I could help but I picked my engineering field because it didn't require learning any computer languages haha
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Glad to see at least one person interested enough to join XDA!
Though I'm afraid we're going to end up waiting until someone roots the Droid and/or Droid Eris and hope that works for us as well.
Can anyone give us an idea about where to find the RUU specific to Cellular South? Do those come from HTC, the carrier, or do they just "magically" make their way to the net from whoever happens to have access to them?

Really Like To See a Root
I would also like to see some success to this post as well... I have been with cellular south for years and this is the best phone they have produced! It only needs root access! Im a computer engineer a Miss. State, and I would love to see what I could do with this phone.
Maybe I could find an exploit... but it might take me longer to find it seeing that I am still in the beginning stages of my discipline.
But all I wanted to say is: LETS GET THIS ROOT!!

Root cellular south hero
I agree I have the htc hero from cellular south and would like to share the internet with my computer but cant tether unless phone is rooted

Hey guys!
I, too, am a CellSouth Hero haver... and I'm searching high and low for the procedure as well! I'll be checking back here and also searching round and posting anything I find.
If anyone gets an update, please email me at [email protected]

I too own a CS hero and i am looking all over the net for a way to root this phone. if a way can be found will any roms work on it or will new CS specific roms have to be developed. If that is the case then i am afraid we CS users won't gain access to this for awhile as the customer base is quite small compared to sprint

OBSt4l0n said:
I too own a CS hero and i am looking all over the net for a way to root this phone. if a way can be found will any roms work on it or will new CS specific roms have to be developed. If that is the case then i am afraid we CS users won't gain access to this for awhile as the customer base is quite small compared to sprint
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Well I've been surprised by the response to this thread, so hopefully there is more interest specific to CS than we may realize.
Ideally, ROMs made with Sprint Hero in mind will work on the CS Hero. I haven't put much effort into it without having root access yet, but when I get a chance I'm going to take the time to compare things like the radio image, etc and see just how much they differ from one to the other. If nothing else, hopefully we can replace the different pieces in the custom ROMs and be able to use them.
I will update this thread with what I find, and hopefully others will contribute as well.

Any news??

MrDanger said:
Any news??
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I know, right? Seriously, is anyone out there?
i have posted treads at various sites, and they all get buried fairly quickly.
Would love to solve this issue... surely someone out there would find this to be a challenge worth taking up...
i hope.
Oh, and happy thanksgiving...

markachee message
Check Ur profile for a message that I left u.

It's just going to be a waiting game.
First someone has to find an exploit, most likely in the Linux kernel. This doesn't have to be something specific to our phone. It's more likely that it will be a generic thing that will work for us, Droid, and Droid Eris (as well as Linux in general).
It's not likely I'd be able to discover one of these exploits, so I'm watching for exploits coming out (bugtraq, etc) that might work for us. There really hasn't been anything at all since the pipe.c vulnerability that worked for the Sprint Hero.

Really one thing we need that we should be able to get now is an RUU specific to Cellular South's Hero. From what I understand, an RUU lets you reset your phone to a factory/updated image in the event something goes wrong. It wouldn't directly help us get root, but it would be a "safety net" for those of us screwing with our phones trying to get root.
Anything you guys could help dig up on where/how to find it would be awesome.

This looks promising. At least have some people in this thread that know enough to be able to compile for the phone:
Also, realized I never mentioned I was looking at the "enlightenment" exploit set from

Just chiming in, had my Cell South hero for about a month and have been following this thread with the hope of seeing our phones rooted. I am a technician/admin with some coding and linux experience, but I am unfamiliar with rooting cellphones. anything I can do to help let me know.

you can usb tether useing pda net from the market without root

I have seen pda net, i'm not interested in just tethering but thank you.

mine comes in tuesday

markachee said:
This looks promising. At least have some people in this thread that know enough to be able to compile for the phone:
Also, realized I never mentioned I was looking at the "enlightenment" exploit set from
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Here's the compiled programs within that exploit


[CONCEPT] Root automatically from SD Card or from PC

I'm thinking of creating a small archive of files, that when extracted to the SD card root, and applied, will root the phone and apply a firmware in only three steps.
It will only contain four files - the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh file necessary for downgrading, an that contains the latest SPL and Radio, the latest Cyanogen Recovery image, and a simple script that applies root, SPL/Radio, and your favorite firmware.
I'm not sure if it will work, but constructive criticism and ideas are welcome.
First method: Root from SD card
This method puts all the necessary files on an SD card, and does not require a computer after that.
Basically, in a zip file, you have the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh,, and root script.
You extract this to the root of a FAT32-formatted SD card.
You reboot with camera+power, apply the DREAIMG.nbh, reboot.
Once the phone is booted, type in "sh /sdcard/".
From the exposed root terminal, it will begin the following:
Write the Cyanogen recovery image to flash, move image to system/recovery.img, remove image file
Place commands in /cache for recovery to apply the radio/spl combo package and if it exists, a custom firmware, in the correct order
reboot recovery, performing the above tasks automatically.
Benefits include:
- No telnet app required, not opening up a telnetd, more secure
- Only one command to enter
- No(?) risk on flashing the Hero-compatible radio/SPL out of order and bricking that way, as both are flashed at the same time
- Automates several of the processes in rooting, allowing for a quicker root
- Can be placed on a special "rootkit" sdcard, and used to quickly root your friend's phone in a matter of minutes, anywhere
Second method: Root from PC
Another method I thought of uses no manual copying to the sdcard, but requires a PC with fastboot(?) and adb.
First, it pushes the RC29 DREAIMG.nbh to the sdcard, and issues a reboot to bootloader.
You press a few keys to write the image, and reboot.
First, it pushes an containing the update just before T-Mobile patched the root kernel exploit, then it puts the commands to flash it and reboots into recovery. After that flashes, it reboots again.
From this point on, it's all automatic.
The script waits for the device to be ready, and adb install's the auto-root exploit apk, and launches the intent through adb shell am start [...]
At this point, the WiFi settings are probably not capable of downloading the Cyan recovery in the case of those of us without data plans, so it will need to be pushed.
Once the autoroot apk flashes the recovery, we must write parameters to flash the radio/spl combo package, and the custom firmware (if applicable), to /cache, and reboot.
At this point, the radio, SPL, and firmware should be pushed and written, so the script exits.
If this sounds stupid, doesn't make sense, will auto-brick your phones, start global thermonuclear war, make all random numbers generated by your phone divisible by three, cause your meticulously placed lineup of G1 dominoes to collapse prematurely, or boot up the LHC and wind up creating a black hole, I am terribly sorry, but it's an idea I had at 2 in the morning, and it took me this time to research some things and write this post. It's about 5:30 AM now.
This is only an experimental concept. Some things might not be completely thought out. I'm tired, and hungry. I may create a proof-of-concept implementation of this, if I knew a bit more about the syntax of describing intents to launch in 'am', or the command syntax of the package:/META-INF/com/google/android/update-script file.
dont forget that for root from SDcard, EU users need a goldcard, so its still not that easy..
even for insta root from PC, you still need to downgrade, and for that we'll need a goldcard.
why not just use 1click root?
First you have one click root which does give you access to recovery with security off so possible to somehow go from there instead of downgrading and all that hassle. I personally to do not care to see the advancement of this app for the simple fact that there are already a wave of people that can not read and expect hand holding every second of the way and you want to make it even easier to confundle their minds.............are you nuts....
I already have a rooting sdcard for rooting other people's phone that contains one click recovery flasher, cyan 4.04 and the hard spl and it takes me 10 mins to do it just cause off the first boot up takes so long
also you cant have your pc reading the sdcard at the same time that the phone is
The concept is good but...theres many complications to have it done automatically.
I sure would like to see something like this. I have a G1 that I rooted the long way and a MT3G rooted with the one click method. I have enough knowledge to follow instructions and read, I partitioned my own card, so the G1 was doable. I dont have the time or the knowledge to go the long route with the MyTouch gold card ADB route and would love to be able to flash Hero ROMS when I get the bug. I have Cyan's latest on the MT now and its awesome like all his stuff but I would have played with Drizzy's ROMs. For someone like me with a little ability but far less than most people on here, something like this would be the bomb!
not sure if its possible or anything, but there should be some way for the script to check if the phone has a pvt board or not, and if not, it prevents the new spl from being flashed, should reduce noob bricks.
Leave root the way it is I think the harder it is to root your phone the less peaple are going to do it. I spent alot of time reading before I rooted, not so much to learn how to do it, but to decide if I wanted to make the jump. During this reading process I learned the ways of XDA, use search, where to place the right questions and where NOT to and finally read first then ask. With an autonatic root I would have loaded it then freaked out if something went wrong and started posting root questions all over the place. Leave well enough alone... Learning to root give you the right to pursue other adventures.
maybeoneday said:
Leave root the way it is I think the harder it is to root your phone the less peaple are going to do it.
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Frankly, I didn't root my phone to feel special, so I don't see any benefit whatsoever in less people doing it.
I don't think this will work though. There's too many variables. As described it will only root US phones. UK phones would need RC7, so you'd have to include both and check if the current OS is CRC1 or CRC37 (or respective older/newer versions). But European phones outside the UK (like my German G1) will be on CRC37 too, and those won't take RC7 without a goldcard, so you'd have to automate goldcard creation as well. I'm sure the complications don't end here.
Also, shoving Haykuro's SPL onto inexperienced/unsuspecting/ignorant users' devices is just begging for trouble. Just use HardSPL - the rooting kit won't be able to run Hero-ROMs right away, but at least that won't brick the phone if flashing some rom downgrades the radio. (E.g., I know some official updates do that.)
1 click root is so simple and idiot proof (and im a total panzy noob lol)
i don t think there is any simpler way to do this lol
Frenchtom, nothing is idiot proof, have you been over to the q and a section, if there is a way to do something and good instructions, it will get screwed up cause of people not taking the time to read the complete directions and then read them twice to make sure they comprehend them
Okay, thanks for your input, everybody.
I did know about 1-click root, however I thought that depended on a kernel vulnerability that was already patched in the OTAs. I was looking at a more universal(ish) method, and I did not know about the "goldcard" issue. I did know that UK phones would need RC9, but I failed to include that as I really just wanted to get to bed.
Also, I don't think that root is anything "special", i.e. some sort of elitist egotist symbol that says "I haz root fone and I better than u". Seriously, more people should be allowed to use the more advanced features of their device at their own choosing, knowing that there are risks involved.
People who walk up to someone, say "I got a root phone", shows off some massive demo of awesomeness (i.e. Hero), and doesn't teach others to root the G1 themselves (or worse, charges for instructions that could be found free here) are really the antithesis of an open-minded community of developers adding more features as they feel, for what little donation money they get and the credit of doing something cool for other G1 users.
I do however agree that pushing features that can potentially insta-kill the device on the average person and their grandma, people that wouldn't know what the benefits of root are, and people who would never even have known that their G1 ran Linux (or what Linux is, for that matter), is just asking for trouble. A fair balance between educating people about the phone's internals and making easy-to-install root packages and stuff should be kept.
I learned a lot about Windows Mobile and embedded software when I first flashed a custom ROM to my HTC Wizard years ago. And I actually had a fear that if any small detail were left out, or if I breathed on the phone the wrong way, the flash would fail, white-screen, and brick out.
The G1 is no different, even though the flashing process has come a long way, we still have an IPL, SPL, bootloader mode, many different variations, board revisions, regional changes and operator customizations/lockdowns (I had a Cingular 8125 G3 btw), and many versions of Consumer, Engineering, and HardSPL that have to be treated very, very carefully, just like on the Wiz.
Anyway, anyone's free to try and build a better mousetra--- err, rootkit using my ideas. And thanks plenty to the dedicated developers here, the more enlightened users for helping me find out why this wouldn't work, all the users, without whom, we wouldn't have a reason to develop, and the 17%-or-so of you that dislike my idea.
When I learn a bit more, I might get into making something useful for Android.
repack dreamimg.nbh with everything, so one just has to flash the one image
Oh I am not saying that I think I am special just cause I have a rooted phone, I am also a person that is on here always trying to help walk someone through any issues that may arise,just saying making easier for people to break something because they did not read the instructions is quite common and think that it should take a little bit of work so that you learn in the process

Samsung Mesmerize?

So I saw today that US Cellular is getting the SCH-i500 as well, though they're calling it the Mesmerize. If I'm not mistaken, the hardware should be identical to the Fascinate, and I'm guessing it has a full "Google experience" ROM. Anybody think there's a chance of porting its ROM to the Fascinate? Of course, it might have ifs own bloatware to remove, but I can't help but think it wouldn't be nearly as bad as Verizon's version.
Anyone have any thoughts about this? Would this be a worthwhile effort for the short term, or would it be a waste of time, and we should focus on Froyo instead?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
That'd be a great thing to try if it's possible. I'd be willing to try it out.
ivorycruncher said:
So I saw today that US Cellular is getting the SCH-i500 as well, though they're calling it the Mesmerize. If I'm not mistaken, the hardware should be identical to the Fascinate, and I'm guessing it has a full "Google experience" ROM. Anybody think there's a chance of porting its ROM to the Fascinate? Of course, it might have ifs own bloatware to remove, but I can't help but think it wouldn't be nearly as bad as Verizon's version.
Anyone have any thoughts about this? Would this be a worthwhile effort for the short term, or would it be a waste of time, and we should focus on Froyo instead?
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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it is also said to be launching with froyo...
bdube said:
it is also said to be launching with froyo...
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Well, if it's the same hardware and launching with froyo, I would put my money on froyo coming out for the fascinate within days of it's release, give or take (also, bing free).
*edit* So, According to BGR, several other reliable news sources and US Cellular themselves it's being shipped with 2.1. I only read one article saying it was being shipped with 2.2, so I think you are incorrect. It will also be released the 27th of this month and if the rumors are true, we should have froyo by then, so this is probably moot. SOURCE *edit*
Most articles say it will ship with 2.1 I think the 2.2 one was just a typo.
Yeah. It will not ship with froyo, it will be upgraded later on to froyo.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Nope, no Froyo right now. From the official press release:
The Mesmerize operates on the Android 2.1 platform with access to the 80,000 applications available on the Android Market. It includes popular Google Mobile Services including Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Talk and YouTube, and is pre-loaded with popular U.S. Cellular applications Your Navigator Deluxe, Tone Room Deluxe, My Contacts Backup and CityID. Customers can upgrade their software later this year to access Samsung’s Media Hub and migrate to the Android 2.2 platform, nicknamed “Froyo.”
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Oh, and I wouldn't hold my breath on an October release. I'll believe if and when I say it, but the way Android upgrades keep getting delayed by Verizon, I'm thinking more mid-November-ish. But hey, I'd love to be proven wrong about that.
saps said:
Most articles say it will ship with 2.1 I think the 2.2 one was just a typo.
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lol last time i ever read cnet
I'll be getting the Mesmerize when it launches, I already preordered it at a local store. I'll be watching developments on rooting closely. With the way US Cell upgrades phones Froyo won't come till next year, but hopefully nov/december would be acceptable.
cloudstrife7 said:
I'll be getting the Mesmerize when it launches, I already preordered it at a local store. I'll be watching developments on rooting closely. With the way US Cell upgrades phones Froyo won't come till next year, but hopefully nov/december would be acceptable.
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How did you pre-order it? My friend went to all of the US Cellular stores in town, Corporate and authorized retailers, and none said they are able to pre-order.
thematrixkid17 said:
How did you pre-order it? My friend went to all of the US Cellular stores in town, Corporate and authorized retailers, and none said they are able to pre-order.
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I went to an unauthorized retailer and they put my name on a list for it, no money down. They said they will call me when I can buy it, however as long as they receive their shipment for the 27th, I'll be waiting outside the door when they open at 10AM.
Have we confirmed it will be a Google Experience phone? I didn't see anything about that in the press release.
eleazar123 said:
Have we confirmed it will be a Google Experience phone? I didn't see anything about that in the press release.
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Well, the press release specifically lists most, if not all of the "Google Experience" apps individually, so as far as I'm concerned that qualifies. There doesn't seem to be a clear definition as to what a Google Experience device is. Some thought originally that it meant phones with stock Android and no custom UIs, but that was disproven ages ago. I think every Android phone is considered a Google Experience phone, unless specific key Google apps have been replaced, which Verizon and AT&T have done with Bing and Yahoo, respectively.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I want to put this out there right now, so that people will see it.
If you flash the full firmware file that's leaded for the Mesmerize, or the modem.bin file, you will brick your Fascinate.
Do not randomly flash other hardware's firmware to your device. Don't do it.
If you really, really, really want to do it because you're stupid, or naive, or feel like making a trip to the VZW store, at least post here first and ask if anyone else has done what you're going to do. More than likely we have, and it didn't work out very well.
namebrandon said:
I want to put this out there right now, so that people will see it.
If you flash the full firmware file that's leaded for the Mesmerize, or the modem.bin file, you will brick your Fascinate.
Do not randomly flash other hardware's firmware to your device. Don't do it.
If you really, really, really want to do it because you're stupid, or naive, or feel like making a trip to the VZW store, at least post here first and ask if anyone else has done what you're going to do. More than likely we have, and it didn't work out very well.
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Um, okay, where did that come from? I didn't see anyone here suggesting that anyone should do that. What I suggested was a port of the ROM, meaning the taking the full "Google Experience" portion of that ROM and adapting it to the Fascinate. Oh well, it's a moot point now. Froyo ROMs are right around the corner, so nobody's going to waste any time on a 2.1 ROM anymore.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
I want to flash the HTC radio.
destroyerbmx said:
I want to flash the HTC radio.
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I'mma slap you..
How to Fascinate your Mesmerize
****THIS POST IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS*****READ COMPLETELY BEFORE PROCEEDING*********************************************************************
I had to do this because I had flashed wrong thing in ODIN, and I had NO other choice....I did not do this by choice but this REALLY WORKS and I THINK ITS GREAT I was taking a RISK and I understood the consequences....I Could have ended up with a BRICKED PHONE, but that was not to be. I am VERY VERY happy with the results.
******************************READ ENTIRE POST BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING TO YOUR PHONE********************************************************
******************************READ ENTIRE POST BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING TO YOUR PHONE********************************************************
******************************READ ENTIRE POST BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING TO YOUR PHONE********************************************************
First -You NEED to download everything and have it on your PC ready to use !!! DO NOT START WITHOUT DOING THIS.
Second -You NEED to backup your contacts. DO NOT USE MY CONTACTS BACKUP !!! You will not have that app yet so there is no way to restore them. I used an app. called LOOKOUT from the market. You have to install on phone and sign up on LOOKOUTS web sight and make sure you run a backup of contacts, as well you need to move any apps you want to your PC or SD card. I recommend the PC to leave space on SD Card....Have at least 1GB free on card to be plenty safe.
Ok heres the deal this may or may not be something you will want to do to your phone....DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK....This is what I did to turn my phone into a Fascinate even though I was a US Cellular Mesmerize. I WARN THIS WORKS BUT THERE ARE PROS AND CONS TO DOING THIS. To date there is NO, I REPEAT NO WAY to date to go back from this procedure to a MESMERIZE. Someone may have a way but I have not seen or found it yet. I do believe it is only a matter of time before the DEV'S come up with a restore and then you could go back to stock. SUMMARY= THERE IS NO WAY TO DATE TO REVERSE THIS PROCEDURE !!! DO AT OWN RISK !!!
First thing you need to do is download ROM MANAGER from the market and put the App on the SD Card for later install. Next Download this file here>>>>NO HYPER LINKS COPY AND PASTE IN BROWSER TO DOWNLOAD Files/ ---- to the ROOT of your SD Card it is a file called "UPDATE.ZIP" "DO NOT RENAME" put that on there and do not remove it you need it do a restore to access Clockwork later. This is where you need to have this located on SD. ---- /sdcard/
Second you need to download...DI01 update with root and busybox here>>>>
Important:"DO NOT RENAME" and DO NOT put this on the root of your sdcard as /sdcard/ That's where clockworkmod lives. PUT IN FOLDER you name what ever on SD Card. You will need to go here later in the post to install this in step#12
/sdcard/"FOLDER YOU NAME"/
Next thing you need the samsung drivers for windows for this to work. Those can be found on this thread: [this page has a good write up on how to down load and install.] or direct link BELOW>>>> Thank you DIRRK XDA member.
Download and Install Samsung Drivers to your WINDOWS PC this whole procedure was done on a WINDOWS 7 PC. WARNING: You need different drivers for mac/Linux and I do not know where to get them as I have only a WINDOWS PC.
64bit: files/epic4g/
32bit: files/epic4g/SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones_x86.exe
*************************AFTER THIS POINT THERE IS NO WAY TO GO BACK PROCEED WITH CAUTION !!! ************************************************
For this next step THANK YOU FALLINGUP SENIOR MEMBER XDA....I have altered his orig. post to give more detail for people, using ODIN please follow my post to do this !!
****************************FROM HERE ON ONLY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS POST TO DO THIS***************************************************
****************************FROM HERE ON ONLY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS POST TO DO THIS***************************************************
****************************FROM HERE ON ONLY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS POST TO DO THIS***************************************************
**************************GET ODIN AND ALL FILES NEEDED BEFORE PROCEEDING DOWNLOAD TO PC FOR USE*********************************************
Next download ODIN and run. Make sure ODIN sees your phone by putting phone in DOWNLOAD MODE by pulling battery LEAVE OUT. Run ODIN. HOLD VOL DOWN AND PLUG INTO PC with cable that came with phone, a yellow rectangle with id# means ODIN sees it----once this is connected DO NOT UNPLUG UNTIL ODIN IS FINISHED. If you do you will see a PC connected to a phone by a triangle this means you prematurely unplugged and you will need to re-flash whichever step failed to flash. It is only OK to unplug once a step is finished and Odin says reset in blue, but you do not need to you can load the next file and go. But I've got steps below so if you are here you didn't read entire post. CAREFUL Now follow step 4.1
ONLY FLASH ONE OF THESE AT A TIME. START WITH THE /SYSTEM ODIN AND WORK YOUR WAY DOWN THE LIST.---You do not just flash the pit file it is used with the other files like system,kernel,and recovery. ****FILES BELOW STEPS****READ ENTIRE POST BEFORE USING ODIN AND KNOW THE RISKS*************************************
************************ONCE YOU FLASH ANYTHING YOU CAN NOT GO BACK YOU WILL BRICK YOUR PHONE**********************************************
************************ONCE YOU FLASH ANYTHING YOU CAN NOT GO BACK YOU WILL BRICK YOUR PHONE**********************************************
1. Pull battery from device
2. Open Odin on desktop
3. Hold volume down button and plug device into computer-This will place the device into download mode
4. Verify device shows up in Odin ---This should be a yellow rectangle with id #----As well the phone will also say download mode with a yellow triangle on it
4.1: Select PIT button
4.2: Select PIT file downloaded from this post and load it into Odin. (I Never loaded the pit file when I did this in Odin and worked fine for me but from what I understand it is good practice to do so to Quote a post ---"You need to load the pit file into Odin---Missing these steps usually results in major FC hell issues." Thanks PHOENIXPATH senior member XDA
4.1: To Flash the "Stock-i500-VZW-System.tar.md5" file you,
6. Select "Stock-i500-VZW-System.tar.md5" from where you downloaded it
7. Click "Start" This will reboot your phone when complete. This flashes both the kernel and the recovery partition to enable you to flash update.zips signed with test keys. ---When done ODIN should say reset leave pit alone and load next file of the three needed to be flashed.(YOU MAY NEED TO UNPLUG and REDO STEPS 1-4 AGAIN)and jump/proceed to step#8 and continue on.
8. Flash "Stock-i500-VZW-Kernel.tar.md5" when done says reset move to next step.
8.1 Flash "Stock-i500-VZW-Recovery.tar.md5" when done says reset move to next step.
9. Flash "CWMrecovery.tar" ----THANK YOU JT1134 Senior member XDA
10. Replace the battery and Boot in to Recovery= HOLD VOL UP + VOL DOWN same time and PRESS POWER, all three need to be pushed to enter recovery.
11. In recovery navigate UP=vol. up/ DOWN=vol. down /ENTER=home key----You need to select "apply sdcard:UPDATE.ZIP" on ROOT of SD Card to enter the next recovery screen.
12.In this recovery "CLOCKWORK RECOVERY" navigation is different UP/DOWN=SAME but ENTER=power key---you need to navigate to the "ADVANCED" and then apply "WIPE DALVIK CACHE" when done select "REBOOT RECOVERY" (brings you to stock recovery) navigate to "WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET" once done go to "APPLY SDCARD UPDATE.ZIP" then "INSTALL ZIP FROM SD CARD" once there select "CHOOSE ZIP FROM SD CARD" navigate to the folder "YOU GAVE A NAME TO" and inside is the 2nd "UPDATE.ZIP" you put there and select it...wait until it is finnished...once done.."GO BACK"and"GO BACK AGAIN" then select "REBOOT SYSTEM NOW"
13. Enjoy your stock Fascinate phone with DI01 update and root and busybox . You still will have phone call ability but a couple of apps like contacts backup and vcast are "Verizon" and we at US Cellular can not use. But once you install custom ROMS in Rom Manager you will be able to get roms with them removed or get apps to shut down/freeze them and sub. them out.
Alot of the ROMS have apps taken from the MESMERIZE so this is not really an issue at least not to me.
NOW GO INTO ROM MANAGER AND "BACKUP CURRENT ROM" so any changes made from here you can get back to this point.....once done you can NOW LOAD CUSTOM ROMS,KERNELS AND ENJOY THE HELL OUT OF YOUR "FASCINATED-MESMERIZE"
Buy the latest PRO version of ROM MANAGER and use to upgrade kernels thru clockwork or load roms in rom manager......
These are the files to put in ODIN PDA Flashing one at a time with the PIT file. ONLY USE PIT AND PDA......You have been warned again. PS-NEVER DUMP IN ODIN,and do not check anything but PDA AND PIT...there are things checked in ODIN when it loads leave them alone.
Download: "To PC for use in ODIN before you begin"
Odin: Files/Odin3 v1.3.exe -This is program to use to flash.
Odin Restore file for system: Files/Stock-i500-VZW-System.tar.md5 -----THIS IS FIRST.
Odin Restore file for kernel: Files/Stock-i500-VZW-Kernel.tar.md5 -----THIS IS SECOND.
Odin Restore file for recovery: Files/Stock-i500-VZW-Recovery.tar.md5 ----THIS IS THIRD.---this is just to be safe
Odin Clockwork recovery file: ------THIS IS FOURTH ONE I FLASHED.
PIT file for use in Odin Restores: Files/Stock-i500-VZW-pit.pit ----THIS IS PIT TO USE "WITH" ABOVE FILES.
*************************THANK YOU TO XDA WITHOUT YOU THIS WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE**********************************************************
just use SuperOneClick 1.55
but you MUST install the Samsung USB drivers that Androidman78 listed for either x64 or x32 based windows.
once i did that SuperOneClick worked like a charm.
Just sayin prob worth it to go back mesmerize......
As Roms ClockworkMod and Mods and Kernels are starting to dev for the Mesmerize may want to swich if you did the Fasinated-mesmerize just an FYI all the above mentioned is located in the Fasinate forum....check this mod I made and enjoy they are here let me know what you think...Enjoy
Can change to suit likes and dislikes so I need input....

Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro (SGH-547) Root / CWR / Other Hacks

There is now a super thread over here with this root information and some more recoveries. I plan on expanding as more things are developed for the Rugby Pro.
I have added other hacks to this thread below the root download links. Enjoy.
The below guide outlines how to gain root on the Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro (SGH-I547 ATT / Bell (Yes, Canada works!) / commanche). Please read through the full guide before attempting to root your device.
You will need ODIN v3.04 in order to gain root on the Rugby Pro (comanche), I will not post a link due to the nature of the package. Google has plenty of links for it.
BIG thanks to utkanos for all the help and making this a reality
Install instructions -- goldenlederhosen has provided some further information and detail about the below procedure here
Please read his post as well as the instructions before attempting this procedure
Install drivers from link below
Download necessary packages (clockwork recovery, root update) from the links below
Copy root update to your devices sdcard(s) -- Copy to both if external SD card is present
Charge phone to at least 80%
Power off the phone
Unplug from USB / Charger
Boot into download mode (Home + Volume Down + Power)
When asked if you want to continue, press Volume Up to enter download mode
Plugin phone and
Launch ODIN
Check the checkbox next to "PDA"
Click the PDA button
Select the comanche_cwr_6015_utkanos.tar.md5 file
Make sure only "Auto Reboot" and "F. Reset Time" are selected
Click start
Your phone will reboot one the flash is complete
You now have Clockwork Recovery, continue with the steps to get root
Power off your phone
Unplug from USB / Charger
Boot into Clockwork Recovery (Home + Volume Up + Power -- Release when Samsung logo appears)
Select "Install zip from sd card"
Select "Choose zip from sd card"
Navigate to zip
Select zip
You should now have root
I am not responsible for anything bad that comes to your device when using the information posted in this thread. Everything here is dangerous, may cause a brick, will void a warranty and has the potential to just plain wreak havoc. Do not complain you followed my instructions and met with a dead device. Consider yourself warned
I've tested to the best of my ability, but I am one person with one device, I cannot catch all potential failure modes. If you find a problem and a fix, or have information that should be added let me know and I will update the necessary information.
Download Links
Head over to the super thread here (link) for links.
CWR Touch / ODIN
Courtesy of childrenofthehorn there is a now a Clockwork Recovery Touch and ODIN images for the ATT varient. The thread is:
Rootz Wiki Forum
childrenofthehorn has gotten a dedicated forum setup over at Rootz Wiki. Check it out:
Works like a charm!
Thanks for doing this guys. I was thinking I would have to create an insecure kernel for the stock ROM in order to get root. You saved me a lot of time & energy. Expect a donation coming from my way.
dweide9 said:
Thanks for doing this guys. I was thinking I would have to create an insecure kernel for the stock ROM in order to get root. You saved me a lot of time & energy. Expect a donation coming from my way.
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Thank you much for the donation
Would you be willing to pull an image of the stock boot partition (dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p7) and PM me a link?
Also: check the OP, I've added some info on how to get tethering (after rooting) without the need for a dedicated ATT tethering plan.
re: post-root stuff
>Would you be willing to pull an image of the stock boot partition (dd >if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p7) and PM me a link?
I would if I had any experience. My plan to insecure the kernel would have been my 1st time getting my feet wet with such a thing.
>Also: check the OP, I've added some info on how to get tethering (after rooting) without >the need for a dedicated ATT tethering plan.
Thanks, I did but I don't find Tethering Manager. I did find Tethering Provision. Is that the same?
dweide9 said:
I would if I had any experience. My plan to insecure the kernel would have been my 1st time getting my feet wet with such a thing.
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You can copy the contents of boot by:
Install a terminal emulator from the market
Launch terminal
Accept request for root
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p7 of=/mnt/sdcard/mmcblk0p7_boot.img
Transfer mmcblk0p7_boot.img to your favorite cloud storage provider
Share link
If you run into trouble or have any questions let me know.
dweide9 said:
Thanks, I did but I don't find Tethering Manager. I did find Tethering Provision. Is that the same?
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Provision is a separate app. When I'm back by my laptop in the morning I'll double check the paths and report back. I froze mine using Ultimate Backup or Titanium Backup. I forget offhand.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk 2
boot partition image
I tried to provide the link to both tarball & zipped files of my boot partition image, but I haven't done 10 posts yet, so xda has restricted me. Let see if a little disguise will work:
secured [email protected]/#folders/0BwUellf9svE3M01kampaMU54NWc
So what fun stuff can you do with this file & how would my image be any different then yours? Or is it another issue, like uploading being restricted because you're a developer?
Also, I'm interested in learning the process of how you created/edited the files , in order to root the Rugby Pro. I'm sure your busy, so pointing me toward a tutorial would be great.
kemonine96 said:
Provision is a separate app. When I'm back by my laptop in the morning I'll double check the paths and report back. I froze mine using Ultimate Backup or Titanium Backup. I forget offhand.
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Looks like TetheringProvision.apk is the one to freeze (do not delete unless you have a backup). If you try this let me know.
dweide9 said:
I tried to provide the link to both tarball & zipped files of my boot partition image, but I haven't done 10 posts yet, so xda has restricted me. Let see if a little disguise will work:
secured [email protected]/#folders/0BwUellf9svE3M01kampaMU54NWc
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Thanks for the file. I just finished pulling it.
dweide9 said:
So what fun stuff can you do with this file
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I plan on using a stock boot image so I can put together an ODIN image that will flash the phone back to a stock state. If you root your phone or have a custom recovery / system / boot OTA updates will generally fail to apply. The best way to get an OTA update applied is to rollback to stock and install the OTA.
dweide9 said:
how would my image be any different then yours?
Or is it another issue, like uploading being restricted because you're a developer?
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The boot partition should be the same across devices unless you make modifications.
I had to blindly update the boot partition on my device to get root, so I do not have an un-changed copy of it. In order to get an OTA update applied and to work with some Cyanogen / Clockwork Recovery stuff I will need a clean boot partition image.
dweide9 said:
Also, I'm interested in learning the process of how you created/edited the files , in order to root the Rugby Pro. I'm sure your busy, so pointing me toward a tutorial would be great.
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I worked with a few people to get help putting together an ODIN image that allowed me to get custom recovery and the clockwork recovery There is no general guide on the steps necessary.
If you are interested in diving into the custom rom / recovery stuff I will be doing some work with improving clockwork recovery for the Ruby Pro (commanche) and hopefully working on a Cyanogenmod 10 (JellyBean) port in the future. I am working on some items for the Rugby Smart (apache) at present, as soon as that stuff is taken care of I'll be focusing more on the Rugby Pro (commanche). If you are interested in taking a shot at updating the clockwork recovery for the commanche let me know and I can maybe point you in a few directions to get you going.
>I had to blindly update the boot partition on my device to get root, so I do not have an >un-changed copy of it.
You probably know this, but here's where I downloaded Samsung's ROM (disguised again, & I'm pretty sure the new "c" version is for Canada) Just search for sgh-i547:
[email protected]
>If you are interested in diving into the custom rom / recovery stuff I will be doing some >work with improving clockwork recovery for the Ruby Pro (commanche) and hopefully >working on a Cyanogenmod 10 (JellyBean) port in the future.
I am interested. Realize I have miniscule programming skills (http, xml & Google {now MIT} App Inventor).
Also, I did freeze TetheringProvision, but I rarely tether. Usually I only need to when it's raining & my home DSL slows too much. I'll let you know if I have any problems when I do finally try it.
dweide9 said:
>I had to blindly update the boot partition on my device to get root, so I do not have an >un-changed copy of it.
You probably know this, but here's where I downloaded Samsung's ROM (disguised again, & I'm pretty sure the new "c" version is for Canada) Just search for sgh-i547:
[email protected]
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I pulled that package as well. Unfortunately it is only the GPL components they are required to release, not the full ROM sources. It does contain the kernel sources which will be very helpful down the line.
dweide9 said:
>If you are interested in diving into the custom rom / recovery stuff I will be doing some >work with improving clockwork recovery for the Ruby Pro (commanche) and hopefully >working on a Cyanogenmod 10 (JellyBean) port in the future.
I am interested. Realize I have miniscule programming skills (http, xml & Google {now MIT} App Inventor).
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There is a lot of testing work and guess/check for the ROM building stuff. I was thinking of setting up an IRC channel on FreeNode for discussing work on the device. Would you be interested / willing to move some of the interactive discussion over there once I have a channel setup?
dweide9 said:
Also, I did freeze TetheringProvision, but I rarely tether. Usually I only need to when it's raining & my home DSL slows too much. I'll let you know if I have any problems when I do finally try it.
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Keep me in the loop. I tend to only tether for the purpose of my tablet when I'm not near a WiFi AP. I wanted to point it out just in case, better to have it working before it's necessary.
Let me know if you want a modded stock kernel . I'l be willing to help, even though I don't have the device on-hand.
IRC channel on FreeNode is setup: #rugby-pro-dev for those that are interested.
Motorhead1991 said:
Let me know if you want a modded stock kernel . I'l be willing to help, even though I don't have the device on-hand.
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I think we should be covered at the moment. The first priority will likely be getting a recovery nailed down and 100% before working on a customized kernel. I'm hoping to get recovery nailed sooner than later so we can do things like nandroid and similar before starting in on CM10 or another ROM.
I am also working on the Rugby Smart (apache) CM9/3.0 Kernel/CM10 stuff as well so my time with the Pro is limited at the moment. Hopefully the Smart stuff moves quickly so I can loop back around to the Pro quickly.
>I pulled that package as well. Unfortunately it is only the GPL components they are >required to release, not the full ROM sources.
Ah, learn something new every day.
>I was thinking of setting up an IRC channel on FreeNode for discussing work on the >device. Would you be interested / willing to move some of the interactive discussion >over there once I have a channel setup?
Sure, I already monitor #opennic on freenode, so I can just open another channel.
kemonine96 said:
Looks like TetheringProvision.apk is the one to freeze (do not delete unless you have a backup). If you try this let me know.
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I deleted it, and now when I try and turn on the hotspot the device temporarily freezes and then I get the message "Unfortunatley, Settings has stopped."
I deleted it, and now when I try and turn on the hotspot the device temporarily freezes and then I get the message "Unfortunatley, Settings has stopped."
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Odd, I'll have to double check my device again. Do you have a backup of the apk, or do you need a copy of it to restore?
kemonine96 said:
Odd, I'll have to double check my device again. Do you have a backup of the apk, or do you need a copy of it to restore?
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Thanks, but I made a backup copy, Think the issue could be because it was deleted instead of frozen?
ETA, help, donation etc
I'm very interested in buying the Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro for AT&T. However, there is no Cyanogenmod port for it yet. I really only want to have a phone if it can run a free ROM.
When do you think a beta CM port will be ready?
I have not done any Android development and very little administration, but I am a seasoned Linux software engineer. Is there any way I can help with porting CM to this phone?
Finally, would a donation (kemonine96 has a paypal donations link) speed up the process? I can't afford to pay hundreds of dollars, but I could do something like 50....
goldenlederhosen said:
I'm very interested in buying the Samsung Galaxy Rugby Pro for AT&T. However, there is no Cyanogenmod port for it yet. I really only want to have a phone if it can run a free ROM.
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You are not alone in that sentiment. I won't run a device I know won't receive a CyanogenMod port. The good news is as long as there is root, CyanogenMod can be made to work.
goldenlederhosen said:
When do you think a beta CM port will be ready?
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"Soon". Myself and a couple others are working on a set of changes for the Rugby Smart (predecessor to the Pro) and once they are further along I will be looking into starting the CyanogenMod port for the Pro.
goldenlederhosen said:
I have not done any Android development and very little administration, but I am a seasoned Linux software engineer. Is there any way I can help with porting CM to this phone?
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Most definitely, there are a few things that would help out a CyanogenMod port significantly. If you contact me via IRC (see OP) or via PM we can discuss some of the options and take it from there. Please note I leave my IRC connection active 24x7 so I may not respond right away.
goldenlederhosen said:
Finally, would a donation (kemonine96 has a paypal donations link) speed up the process? I can't afford to pay hundreds of dollars, but I could do something like 50....
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As much as I may appreciate a donation, please hold off as I cannot commit to working on CyanogenMod for the Pro in a paid capacity I am comfortable with. I am working 50-60 hour work weeks at my day job so my free time is severely limited. I have every intention on bringing CyanogenMod to the Pro but it is a free time problem more than anything else.
Foreign anglopu
kemonine96 said:
Most definitely, there are a few things that would help out a CyanogenMod port significantly. If you contact me via IRC (see OP) or via PM we can discuss some of the options and take it from there. Please note I leave my IRC connection active 24x7 so I may not respond right away.
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Okay, will do.

[Q] 100% Original Stock ROM backup before root?

Hi there,
I am new to xda and new to Android hacking.
What I wanna ask is, (I guess it's of most newbies concern as well), can we have a 100% backup of our system (stock ROM)? Obviously, it is important because:
If we perform an official (OTA) update to a new Android version. And we don't like it. It is possible to get back to the old original one which we are used to. (not everybody likes new things, and/or not every new thing is good)
If our phones are having some problems. And we have to give it back to the company for a fix. In most cases they will flash a new ROM for us. If we wanna keep using the old one (explained in #1), we have to keep a copy of it by ourselves.
If we want to try new custom ROMs, we may want to switch it back after trying.
Whenever we do any modifications, it's always better to keep a backup/roll-back point. In case anything goes wrong, we have a safeguard.
For the official warranty issue.
Yup I do see there are some official stock ROMs downloads for some particular phones. But those are not really a backup of our original ROMs. And it's always hard to verify if those downloads are the original official releases. And, if those downloads are 100% stock ROMs, this means some guys out there could make it, so what is the way to do so?
Or, how those mobile phone companies do it in their labs?
I have been doing researches on this topic for a few days. Some posts claim that their methods are "backup stock ROM" or "backup before rooting". But after digging into it, they requires rooting and/or flashing CWM. Here comes a few questions:
Rooting will in fact changes some files/data of the system. So backup after root is NOT getting the original stock ROM. Is it?
Is there a method to "un-root", so ALL the changes are TOTALLY reverted?
Installing/flashing things like CWM in phone requires rooting, which would make the ROM not original. Is there a way to extract the system backup from a computer externally?
In addition, I have found some related pieces. which could be useful to anyone viewing this post, and might be useful for you to solve this (my) question. :fingers-crossed:
* as I'm a new user, I can't post links directly. Please delete the blank spaces in between.
ht tp://www .modaco .com/topic/351269-backup-original-rom/
In reply #5, user C3C0 raised a method of backing up the original stock ROM without root. But it seems he is flashing CWM and that method is only for ZTE Skate.
adb backup tool of Android SDK
At the first sight i came across this approach, I thought it is the official method to do whole system (ROM) backup (WOW - how nice!). But after studying for a few more posts, I think adb backup can only backup app+app_data, and possibly some system settings only. Am I correct? And also, adb backup is only for ICS (Android 4.0), isn't it?
adb backup usage: ht tp://forum.xda-developers .com/showthread.php?t=1420351
(But mentioned in the bottom of #1 the poster is having some issues on using adb backup. Perhaps there are some bugs and not reliable(?)
One more question on adb backup: Can it backup just one app+app_data, and restore just one app+app_data, without affecting other things? If yes, we don't need to root and don't need Titanium Backup (which requires root) for backup app+app_data. Isn't it?
** In case I have said anything or any terms wrongly in this thread, please DO correct me, for helping me and helping others.
P.S. i am using LG Optimus 3D.
Thanks a lot, wholeheartedly,
Backup phone before root
Hello all this is my first post here...woohoo!:fingers-crossed: This forum is amazing as to the amount of information available. I just wish that in looking for what I need to do I did not need to look in so many places. I feel that if I want to root my T-Mobile GS3 that all the information should be in one subsection of the forum, but it is not that simple I Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a Samsung GS3 with T-Mobile that I want to root. Everyone says to back up the phone before you do it but I am not really seeing how to make a backup before I start. It appears that most of the guides to root just say to backup without telling you how to fo it. Another thing (correct me if I am wrong) I see the nandroid backup that I think is a backup of the phone however it seems to be done after you make changes to the phone and I thought the backup was supposed to be done before you do anything. Is it that there is not a way to make a complete backup with an unrooted phone?
My question is basically the same as the OP here. I have been reading and reading and reading posts here in the forum. There is much information here and much of it is duplicated with slight variances in some of the duplicates. I am not certain as to which rooting method I should use. There seem to be so many choices. As a new person to this forum I will say that you can find just about everything about any phone which is awesome. The hard thing is sifting through the many options to pick one to use for your issue.
I do see that Mr. Robinson has a thread with backups of the original roms. The only thing is that they are default roms that are like an out of the box phone and not my phone with my apps and my settings. That is what I want to backup...My phone with my settings and my apps.
:good: Thank you in advance for any one that can shed some light on this for me and the OP'er
ASharpEdge said:
Hello all this is my first post here...woohoo!:fingers-crossed: This forum is amazing as to the amount of information available. I just wish that in looking for what I need to do I did not need to look in so many places. I feel that if I want to root my T-Mobile GS3 that all the information should be in one subsection of the forum, but it is not that simple I Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a Samsung GS3 with T-Mobile that I want to root. Everyone says to back up the phone before you do it but I am not really seeing how to make a backup before I start. It appears that most of the guides to root just say to backup without telling you how to fo it. Another thing (correct me if I am wrong) I see the nandroid backup that I think is a backup of the phone however it seems to be done after you make changes to the phone and I thought the backup was supposed to be done before you do anything. Is it that there is not a way to make a complete backup with an unrooted phone?
My question is basically the same as the OP here. I have been reading and reading and reading posts here in the forum. There is much information here and much of it is duplicated with slight variances in some of the duplicates. I am not certain as to which rooting method I should use. There seem to be so many choices. As a new person to this forum I will say that you can find just about everything about any phone which is awesome. The hard thing is sifting through the many options to pick one to use for your issue.
I do see that Mr. Robinson has a thread with backups of the original roms. The only thing is that they are default roms that are like an out of the box phone and not my phone with my apps and my settings. That is what I want to backup...My phone with my settings and my apps.
:good: Thank you in advance for any one that can shed some light on this for me and the OP'er
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Hi ya,
It's so nice that you are having the same concern as I do.
As far as i know, the approaches of rooting differ from phones to phones. So we may have to find our own specific rooting method in the phone model sub-forums. It won't be hard for your popular S3
I would like to have a look at that Mr. Robinson's thread. If he can backup the stock ROM, those app+app_data wont a big issue (i guess).
midnite_ said:
Rooting will in fact changes some files/data of the system. So backup after root is NOT getting the original stock ROM. Is it?
Is there a method to "un-root", so ALL the changes are TOTALLY reverted?
Installing/flashing things like CWM in phone requires rooting, which would make the ROM not original. Is there a way to extract the system backup from a computer externally?
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Hi midnight, welcome to a new and exciting world of Android and trying new things. First, let me assure you, what you want is NOT something new. People have been doing this type of thing for years. That is flashing and testing roms. As you will learn, it actually becomes quite addictive. We call those folks that get addicted to flashing: Flashaholics or crackflashers, lol
First let me talk about "root". This process consists of unlocking a lower level of the Android system known as the bootloader. Unlocking the bootloader of your device allows you to flash a custom recovery, flashing a custom recovery allows you to flash the Superuser binary and Superuser.apk, This is what allows you to use apps that require "root". The bootloader is not an OS file. So when you are unlocking your bootloader you are not modifying your stock rom. Only when you have flashed the Superuser package have you modified your stock rom. And even that isn't really modifying anything. When you flash the Superuser package, it adds two files to your rom at certain locations of the file system. It adds the Superuser.apk file to system/app and it adds the SU binary to system/bin. Basically you CAN have a totally S-OFF (unlocked) bootloader and still have an entirely stock rom if you want. But the real benifit is flashing a custom recovery like ClockworkMod Recovery and then flash the superuser package.
As far as extracting the stock system, you should try giving adb a go. Do it right now if you like. Ensure you have the android sdk installed and properly set up on your computer and your computer can recognize your phone. Ensure your phone is in debugging mode, connect your phone to your computer, open up a command window, and run this command:
adb pull \
This command will pull everything off your phone except for data which is where your market or Google Play apps are stored.
Beyond XDA there are aso more resources to learn from. For example, is a good place to start, and to learn more about adb check out
If you need to learn how to setup the sdk here is the place to learn how:
I'm sure others will add to this as well which is the good thing about this community.
Welcome to XDA, I hope you have fun learning, and maybe share back someday things you learn along the way.
wildstang83 said:
Hi midnight, welcome to a new and exciting world of Android and trying new things. First, let me assure you, what you want is NOT something new. People have been doing this type of thing for years. That is flashing and testing roms. As you will learn, it actually becomes quite addictive. We call those folks that get addicted to flashing: Flashaholics or crackflashers, lol
First let me talk about "root". This process consists of unlocking a lower level of the Android system known as the bootloader. Unlocking the bootloader of your device allows you to flash a custom recovery, flashing a custom recovery allows you to flash the Superuser binary and Superuser.apk, This is what allows you to use apps that require "root". The bootloader is not an OS file. So when you are unlocking your bootloader you are not modifying your stock rom. Only when you have flashed the Superuser package have you modified your stock rom. And even that isn't really modifying anything. When you flash the Superuser package, it adds two files to your rom at certain locations of the file system. It adds the Superuser.apk file to system/app and it adds the SU binary to system/bin. Basically you CAN have a totally S-OFF (unlocked) bootloader and still have an entirely stock rom if you want. But the real benifit is flashing a custom recovery like ClockworkMod Recovery and then flash the superuser package.
As far as extracting the stock system, you should try giving adb a go. Do it right now if you like. Ensure you have the android sdk installed and properly set up on your computer and your computer can recognize your phone. Ensure your phone is in debugging mode, connect your phone to your computer, open up a command window, and run this command:
adb pull \
This command will pull everything off your phone except for data which is where your market or Google Play apps are stored.
Beyond XDA there are aso more resources to learn from. For example, ht tp://www .android .com is a good place to start, and to learn more about adb check out ht tp://developer .android .com/tools/help/adb.html
If you need to learn how to setup the sdk here is the place to learn how: ht tp://developer .android .com/sdk/index.html
I'm sure others will add to this as well which is the good thing about this community.
Welcome to XDA, I hope you have fun learning, and maybe share back someday things you learn along the way.
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Hi Wildstang,
Thanks very much for your warm welcome and very informative reply. So are you a Flashaholics or Crackflashers yet?
As I am a newbie, please forgive me if I am asking dumb questions.
As far as I understand,
The steps of root is
1. Unlock the bootloader
2. Flash Superuser binary & Superuser.apk
** does "flash a custom recovery" means "flash Superuser binary & Superuser.apk"?
"Flash Superuser binary & Superuser.apk" is just "add SU binary to system/bin" and "add Superuser.apk to system/app". Then why not just copy them into place?
I just found on the web that "flashing" means replacing the OS of the phone with a new ROM. Would that still keeping the stock ROM?
To have a backup of the original stock ROM, can I
1. Unlock the bootloader
2. Flash Superuser binary & Superuser.apk
3. Perform the backup
And later, after I have flashed a new ROM, or whatever I do, as long as I didn't brick it, when I want to rollback my phone to its original, I can
1. Restore the backup
2. Delete "SU binary in system/bin" and "Superuser.apk in system/app"
3. re-lock the bootloader
Is this correct?
I don't mean to challenge you. But does adb pull \ really backup the system, or just all the files?
Thanks very much again!
Hey midnite_,
I am a newbie too and have a lot of blank spots in my understanding of what we can do with android. I also came here with same question. I found how to root, this isn't a secret. Like you, I want to know how do I fix it if I break it.
So, with regards to your questions.
1. Unlock the bootloader
Not clear on this one, as not every tutorial even mentions this part. My feeling is that this might be specific to some phones, like HTC.
2. Flash Custom Recovery (such as AmonRa, CWR, TWRP...)
Recovery is an intermediate stage of phone booting process after bootloader but before OS.
It is there to allow OTA (Over the air) updates. During those, the OS is halted and replaced with a newer one.
What this means for us is that the recovery is capable of replacing OS (ROM - are these terms interchangeable?).
Recovery is the same as hidden partition on windows, that is sometimes present on a PC. It has a limited interface.
It can replace one OS image with another. It probably checks the checksum and creates the new one after the update. It is probably the gatekeeper.
Stock recovery will not replace OS with an image from SD card or from PC through USB. Only OTA.
This is the reason for flashing the custom (hacked) recovery on.
Custom recovery is made to allow additional options, such as allowing image sources such as PC or SD card, and also a ROM backup (write OS image to PC).
3. Flash update file using "upgrade from SD card" function of custom recovery now in place.
In this step, the Superuser.apk and bin files are placed. Stock recovery will not let us do that.
Also, I think the reason we can't just use ADB to "copy" superuser package to phone is because the system is either running or exists as an image (compressed?), and is probably protective of its modification. (So, likely the superuser package also replaces the checksum that the OS uses to check if it has been compromised?) Yes, this modifies your rom.
I assume that unrooting could be done after this by updating again with a file that removes superuser package and that would make your rom stock again.
4 OR flash custom ROM, which usually includes superuser package. Of course using custom rom means you no longer have stock rom.
To have a backup of original ROM, you would :
1 Unlock bootloader,
2 Flash (install) custom recovery
3 superuser doesn't matter here
4 Use custom recovery function to back up your stock ROM.
I want to know the answers to the rest of your questions as well as some clarifications to mine.
Personally, I am looking for a way to backup the stock recovery as well.
I know there are some people asking about this. The procedure appears to be as follows:
(pieced together so don't take it as a tutorial)
1 Unlock bootloader (again, unclear on this. Also some mention S-OFF and others don't)
2 With USB debugging allowed (meaning connect as device requiring a driver), Connect to a PC with ABD, and a driver installed.
3 From ADB, issue a command "adb boot" instead of the usual "adb flash".
This will make the phone boot into a custom recovery image that is residing on PC, without first writing it to the phone.
4 Unclear how, but make that custom recovery now being live to back up stock rom to pc.
5 Unclear how, but make that custom recovery now being live to flash either root or custom rom to the phone.
6 Disconnect, reboot the phone. Once in OS, use root privileges to mount recovery partition ? (this makes it visible as drive)
7 Don't know how, but use root privileges to back up now visible stock recovery partition to PC as image.
( This should give you two out of three original parts.)
Keep in mind that even if my peace-by-peace "know-how" ever works, there is at least one clearly faulty step:
The back up of the original state of the boot loader has been never made. I do not know if it is easily can be toggled back and forth from lock to unlock and back without leaving any trace. Also, like yourself, I probably don't quite understand what am I talking about, but I have tried to make as much sense of what I have read here and there.
This is my first smart phone, and my experience with linux is limited to building a minecraft server on MineOS, which was pre-made so that not much was required to make it run. I have "mounted" a partition for the first time last week, trying to break Win7recovery, booting it with Knoppix. This is why I think this is probably will come in play here too, as the recovery partition on W7 was hidden. Until then I didn't understand what mounting means, as windows always does it for you. So, take everything I say with a bunch of salt.
Please, let me know too, if you find out more. I want to flash the hell out of my Prism, but I want to be smart about it.
bump... midnite_ r u still around?
Hi Descent2,
Yes i am still around but i am busy with other stuffs at this moment. Thanks very much for your reply. You have studied a lot and you really did good summarisations. Very informative and I learnt a lot from it. Hope some of the masters or experienced ones would come by and bring us out of the mist
Descent2 said:
Hey midnite_,
I am a newbie too and have a lot of blank spots in my understanding of what we can do with android. I also came here with same question. I found how to root, this isn't a secret. Like you, I want to know how do I fix it if I break it.
So, with regards to your questions.
1. Unlock the bootloader
Not clear on this one, as not every tutorial even mentions this part. My feeling is that this might be specific to some phones, like HTC.
2. Flash Custom Recovery (such as AmonRa, CWR, TWRP...)
Recovery is an intermediate stage of phone booting process after bootloader but before OS.
It is there to allow OTA (Over the air) updates. During those, the OS is halted and replaced with a newer one.
What this means for us is that the recovery is capable of replacing OS (ROM - are these terms interchangeable?).
Recovery is the same as hidden partition on windows, that is sometimes present on a PC. It has a limited interface.
It can replace one OS image with another. It probably checks the checksum and creates the new one after the update. It is probably the gatekeeper.
Stock recovery will not replace OS with an image from SD card or from PC through USB. Only OTA.
This is the reason for flashing the custom (hacked) recovery on.
Custom recovery is made to allow additional options, such as allowing image sources such as PC or SD card, and also a ROM backup (write OS image to PC).
3. Flash update file using "upgrade from SD card" function of custom recovery now in place.
In this step, the Superuser.apk and bin files are placed. Stock recovery will not let us do that.
Also, I think the reason we can't just use ADB to "copy" superuser package to phone is because the system is either running or exists as an image (compressed?), and is probably protective of its modification. (So, likely the superuser package also replaces the checksum that the OS uses to check if it has been compromised?) Yes, this modifies your rom.
I assume that unrooting could be done after this by updating again with a file that removes superuser package and that would make your rom stock again.
4 OR flash custom ROM, which usually includes superuser package. Of course using custom rom means you no longer have stock rom.
To have a backup of original ROM, you would :
1 Unlock bootloader,
2 Flash (install) custom recovery
3 superuser doesn't matter here
4 Use custom recovery function to back up your stock ROM.
I want to know the answers to the rest of your questions as well as some clarifications to mine.
Personally, I am looking for a way to backup the stock recovery as well.
I know there are some people asking about this. The procedure appears to be as follows:
(pieced together so don't take it as a tutorial)
1 Unlock bootloader (again, unclear on this. Also some mention S-OFF and others don't)
2 With USB debugging allowed (meaning connect as device requiring a driver), Connect to a PC with ABD, and a driver installed.
3 From ADB, issue a command "adb boot" instead of the usual "adb flash".
This will make the phone boot into a custom recovery image that is residing on PC, without first writing it to the phone.
4 Unclear how, but make that custom recovery now being live to back up stock rom to pc.
5 Unclear how, but make that custom recovery now being live to flash either root or custom rom to the phone.
6 Disconnect, reboot the phone. Once in OS, use root privileges to mount recovery partition ? (this makes it visible as drive)
7 Don't know how, but use root privileges to back up now visible stock recovery partition to PC as image.
( This should give you two out of three original parts.)
Keep in mind that even if my peace-by-peace "know-how" ever works, there is at least one clearly faulty step:
The back up of the original state of the boot loader has been never made. I do not know if it is easily can be toggled back and forth from lock to unlock and back without leaving any trace. Also, like yourself, I probably don't quite understand what am I talking about, but I have tried to make as much sense of what I have read here and there.
This is my first smart phone, and my experience with linux is limited to building a minecraft server on MineOS, which was pre-made so that not much was required to make it run. I have "mounted" a partition for the first time last week, trying to break Win7recovery, booting it with Knoppix. This is why I think this is probably will come in play here too, as the recovery partition on W7 was hidden. Until then I didn't understand what mounting means, as windows always does it for you. So, take everything I say with a bunch of salt.
Please, let me know too, if you find out more. I want to flash the hell out of my Prism, but I want to be smart about it.
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check here
All your answers can be found here: [REF] [GUIDE] Welcome to your device, the Galaxy S III. For more XDA related issues check here: [GUIDE] - XDA New User Guide - Getting started on XDA
Good Luck!
XDA Moderator
ASharpEdge said:
Hello all this is my first post here...woohoo!:fingers-crossed: This forum is amazing as to the amount of information available. I just wish that in looking for what I need to do I did not need to look in so many places. I feel that if I want to root my T-Mobile GS3 that all the information should be in one subsection of the forum, but it is not that simple I Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a Samsung GS3 with T-Mobile that I want to root. Everyone says to back up the phone before you do it but I am not really seeing how to make a backup before I start. It appears that most of the guides to root just say to backup without telling you how to fo it. Another thing (correct me if I am wrong) I see the nandroid backup that I think is a backup of the phone however it seems to be done after you make changes to the phone and I thought the backup was supposed to be done before you do anything. Is it that there is not a way to make a complete backup with an unrooted phone?
My question is basically the same as the OP here. I have been reading and reading and reading posts here in the forum. There is much information here and much of it is duplicated with slight variances in some of the duplicates. I am not certain as to which rooting method I should use. There seem to be so many choices. As a new person to this forum I will say that you can find just about everything about any phone which is awesome. The hard thing is sifting through the many options to pick one to use for your issue.
I do see that Mr. Robinson has a thread with backups of the original roms. The only thing is that they are default roms that are like an out of the box phone and not my phone with my apps and my settings. That is what I want to backup...My phone with my settings and my apps.
:good: Thank you in advance for any one that can shed some light on this for me and the OP'er
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Thanks mf2112. But those resources are seem only for GS3. And it seems it is not teaching us to backup our stock ROMs, it provides stock ROMs for us to download instead. Is there a general way to backup our stock ROMs?
mf2112 said:
All your answers can be found here: [REF] [GUIDE] Welcome to your device, the Galaxy S III. For more XDA related issues check here: [GUIDE] - XDA New User Guide - Getting started on XDA
Good Luck!
XDA Moderator
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You must unlock your bootloader then flash a custom recovery. You will then use that custom recovery to make a backup of your rom. That backup will be stored on your sd card.
Now, I have tried to help you and so have a couple other folks. You expect us to just give you answers step by step. I am sorry but this is simply not how XDA works. XDA is set up in a way which makes it for any users to find quickly what they want to know. Use the search feature on the site and you will find many answers. I tell you to go do your own research now and be proud of what you learn on your own. And if you cannot, please do not try to modify your phone further, you may just brick it if you aren't careful.
midnite_ said:
Thanks mf2112. But those resources are seem only for GS3. And it seems it is not teaching us to backup our stock ROMs, it provides stock ROMs for us to download instead. Is there a general way to backup our stock ROMs?
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I put in the GS3 links since the OP was using that phone. Every phone will be different so I don't think a general way or guide would be practical.
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda premium

zte z990g (Rooted) Needing general information about su rights & commands

:fingers-crossed: ok so I've FINALLY been able to root my net10 zte merit z990g using a simple .zip install suggestr
d to me by a friend. (I know I took the easy way)
Since rooting it, I've went from the factory 2.3.5 stock and installed an ICS based verioson, which seems to be running great minor exception internet browser crashed & installation of opera web browser seemed to work smoothly on.
Since rooting it, I've bought another phone (Lg Optimus Dynamic) and activated it so that I may study the rooted device futher.
My questions are as follows:
1. Could someone possibly tell me the complete list of su commands are for my zte merit z990g and how to enter them? (Id like to use my su rights to explore the device componets, network (since its deactivated and has no working sim) and bootloader files/settings, etc for my own educational purposes to POSSIBLY futher my knowledge of the android based device. (quite new still yet to the whole technology mods, hacks & tricks) as well as explaining the whole shell thing?
2. Bootloader: how do I know if its unlocked, and if it isnt then what do I do to unlock it?
3. Is it possibe for one flash or install another custom rom or kernel to unlock a device? As stated I've went from gingerbread 2.3.5 to ICS . I first installed a .zip of TouchNav then a DexMeritRoot. zip, shortly after that I installed the Though it seems to be stable, the battery drains extremly quick and there still is hardly any memory. Any ideas on a tweak setting to optimize
these issues?
4. Does anyone have another suggestion for a rom that I could try?
I ask advice as I know there are possibly other users out in the xda forum who are waaay more experienced with this device and could possibly share their wisdom with an inexperienced noob thats looking to expand her knowledge. So far, whats been done since the root, Ive enjoyed it (I use it to connect via wifi only to connect with friends and play online games when not tinkering with trying to enhance it to full potential) Ive just grown sightly accustomed to the udated zip of ICS and would like to try something new.
So, there it is guys, is there anyone who would like to offer their advice on the subjects? Id love to get some feedback.
Thanks in advance!!
ok, so I now know that I can install a .zip custom rom contaning no kernel since the merit is known to have issues rebooting and its linked to an "unstable kernel....but this confuses me. Doesnt the android based Zte Merit z990g have to have a kernel to function??
And I've come across the Stayboggy blue steel custom rom but Im apperhensive due to conflicting replies in the forum area I located it in. Dont get me wrong, he has some wonderful ROMS and software that Ive researched online. I just get a little nervous upon installing anything (Fear of drastic noob brick)
I've yet to find any real answers in my researches just yet, however I will continue to explore the device.
I guess upon reading Ive realized the bootloader thing has pretty much been addressed all on its own. Im guessing I wouldnt of been able to install the icecream Scamwhich custom rom, version of the ICS, would I??
Im still trying to find out the whole su commands, how to create shell etc so thats what Im tryin to grasp now.
Still would appreciate any opinions, and advice from others. on anything in the thread...
Okay so just to clear a few things up.
The bootloader for the merit is already unlocked due to Touch Nav being able to be flashed and replace the Stock Recovery with the The bootloader would be the first menu that you "tampered" with in order to flash a permanent recovery that would allow you to use Touch Nav or ClockWorkMod recovery and then install ROMS. In my experience, I haven't ever come across a ROM being "pre-unlocked". This is because the way to unlock most phones is using the IMEI and being that is different in every phone it just can't be done until after the ROM is flashed. Some phones have apps for them like the Galaxy line and others are harder to unlock.
As far as running shell commands, you'll need to do that through ADB or a Terminal App. That's really the manual way of performing tasks on your device like pushing or pulling files with read/write privileges aka SuperUser. So it depends on what all is you want to try to learn to do manually. Like pulling system apps from your phone, replacing boot animations zip files, or what have you. In ADB, if your device is connected and have ADB debugging checked off you can try the command: "Adb devices". Minus the parentheses to check if can run other commands. "Adb help" will show you a quick command paragraph. You should still Google ADB commands or Android Terminal commands to explore further. Since your phone doesn't have a service, I recommend you trying a voip app to make calls through wifi just as neat thing to mess around with. Well that's just a bit of what I've gathered in my short time here in Xda Developers. If you like the challenge of research in the android/Linux world, this is really exciting way to start.
Oh and as far as the Ice scam Sandwich ROM, it is still Gingerbread. It's only themed system ui to look like ICS. There isn't an ICS based rom out for the ZTE Merit. Even SpeedFreak2.0 is Gingerbread. The low system storage issue was greatly addressed in SpeedFreak2.0 by creating an sd-ext3 partition on the micro sd. I had to create that in either TouchNav or ClockWorkMod and format. So backup all your data prior to doing this and installing the New Rom. I now have 4gb free of system storage and the Merit clocking at 864mhz. Pay close attention as I believe you install that ROM by restoring a backup file NOT flashing the. zip.
Now for the unstable kernel, I would recommend you download the 1.0 kernel I mentioned in another thread. The kernel comes in the ROM and it wouldn't run "without a kernel". Again, this would be after installing SpeedFreak2.0 by backup restore using ClockWorkMod that I believe is installed by flashing an that reboots TouchNav and let's you use a Temporary ClockWorkMod from which to backup(install) SpeedFreak2.0. You extract the SpeedFreak2.0. zip and get the backup file from there. I hope I made sense. I'm up late and I'll come back and check on you. Feel free to PM me if you find yourself lost.
Sent from my PantechP9090 using xda premium

