What after Treo Pro type device is not manufactured by Palm anymore??? - Palm Treo Pro ROM Development

I am just wondering if Palm stops manufacturing WinMo devices like Treo Pro what are our other options?
We all love Treo Pro as I dont see any other device which gives us a qwerty keyboard which is always out, palm shortcuts, which runs WinMo PROFESSIONAL. This is the biggest advantage as if we see we will find that other devices which are like Pro run WinMo STANDARD which is non touch (HTC snap etc.)
So Treo Pro is the best of both worlds. Please suggest if there is any other device which is like Treo Pro and also touch screen. This is important as we needs to see where we go after Treo Pro....
In simpler words I need to know if there is another device which is like Treo Pro? Which should run WinMo Professional with QWERTY. I love the customisation capability of WinMo (try SPB Diary to replace your home screen and see). The best part is QWERTY keyboard (which is always there, you dont have to slide it out etc which actually makes is useless) and the touch screen. No other phone has it. Its the best phone and I am sad that Palm may not make it anymore. Other devices are more fun then productive. I cant see one device inclusing iPhone which can really compare snapshot view of SPB Diary on WinMo device. If you are a serious life organiser you will understand it.
Guys now reply.........................

Samsung Epix/Saga meet your requirements.

thanks dude! I took a note of that. Unfortunately, these are not available in India.

IIRC hp will be coming out with a QWERTY bar called iPAQ K3 however I think it is 240x320

thanks i have added it to the list. SO, we have now 3 phones which may be like treo pro. Although, I know I will miss the Palm shortcuts. Infact, WinMo is usable as a phone only in the formfactor of treo pro.

Another one is the Samsung SGH-i780 I think it is the EPIX/Saga counterpart for EU & Asia. However it too has been EOL'd.
I am keeping my GTP until it conks out and might get a Samsung Omnia Pro B7320 (it's QWERTY bar but is only WM Standard 6.1 with free update to 6.5)

thanks bnycastro!
I wonder why they create qwerty winmo with standard? Why cant they make it professional?

the Sprint Samsung Intrepid announced yesterday looks like it runs 6.5 Professional. It comes out this sunday so we should know alot more on it soon.

thanks jimmy

that samsung looks a lot like a blackjack.
the palm pro is where its at. by far the best treo ever, screw the pre with its 'you can't do crap to it' operating system. i plan on keeping my treo pro until sprint kicks me off my $30 sero plan.

you are right! Infact, I love it so much that I have bought one more so that i can still have it after the first one reaches its end of life, which however will be very long as i keep it in a protective cover all the time.
Its the last of a rare endangered specie, lol .

i very well might do the same thing. i dont want to spend more then $100 on a spare though, and problem is these very well MIGHT become collector items before they hit garage-sale prices. i could easily see these phones actually increasing in price forever more....
im sure sprint will have enough stock to replace it for the next couple years though. i pay that stupid insurance, so i should get a replacement pro if i ever need it. and since theyre still selling them i wouldnt doubt theyre still making a few somewhere... but when they do run out of stock, ill make them replace it with a touch pro 2

dbl post

Resinis, you are right but the problem with touch pro2 is that it is NOT a 'always out keyboard'.
I think the only reson of having a PDA as a phone (which makes it useable at all) is a device like Treo Pro which makes it more user friendly than a Nokia. I like the size and the immesnse customisation capability that it gives me. It takes care of everything that I need. Organiser, phone, GPS navigation etc etc etc. But when i depend so much on it and then they stop manufacturing it then it is a serious problem as I manage my life with it.


treo vrs other pda's

have any of you guys had other products,exec,charmer etc etc etc
basically,im considering a treo after my exec,but im really off windows after all the resets abd frezzes etc,but on another forum(3g),a guy told me he had other htc devices and they had been the same but his treo had one reset in 8months and was far more stable
have you found this to be true?
I have had an Magician and a Wizard prior to my 750. I was fed up with them not functioning as I would have liked and bought a Symbian (SE M600). I quickly realized the the UIQ3 OS is not nearly as well fleshed out as the UIQ2 and it too provided more problems than I was willing to handle. After giving a non smart phone a try I decided to give WM one more shot and bought the 750.
I can say, without a doubt, that the 750 is the best smartphone that I have used to date. Previous WM devices felt like pocket pcs with phone functionality tacked on. The 750 feels like the phone operation of the device wasn't just an afterthought, but integrated from the get go.
As far as stability, I very rarely have to soft reset my device, perhaps once every three weeks. I tend to think that phones shouldn't need to be soft reset but once in a blue moon, but as far as WM devices go this one still holds the stability record.
I have outright purchased 3 phones in the 6 months leading up to my 750 and by my preference there isn't a better phone on the market, WM or not.
brill reply mate thanks so much,
the main issue i had before was getting out the exec to find it had frozen up and id missed calls,
i think im deffo gonna go with a treo ,i guess its just deciding which
if i may ask mate,how do you find the battery life and are they touch screen? i was under the impression that as a smart phone they are not touch screen but then they have a stylus?
thanks mate youve really helped
The Treo is in fact a pocket pc. Why do they call it a Smartphone then? No idea!
But I must say that I hardly use the stylus of the device, maybe that's why?
Concerning the battery life, I can use the device for 2 or 3 days.
I've owned multiple PocketPC's and must say that the Treo is by far the most stable of them all
hmm 750 or 680 or wait for the new 755p ,i dont know which but thta made my mind up 100% thanks guys
im due an upgarde on tmob uk,ill get a n95,then sell it on unused and get a treo
if anyone else can offer any info,compereing treo and other pda's I'd be really greatfull
thank you
i've been using the 750v since november - definitely the most stable windows mobile device i've ever had. prior to the Treo I had a tytn which was a pain, a treo 650 (which i've still got - palm os is still a really good os but doesn't support 3G), an eten m500....... etc.
Palm just seem to get the balance right - they work!
the more i hear the better it gets ,thanks for your input mate
I can attest to the 2-3 day battery life. It takes a couple of weeks of use to break in the battery, though. The first couple of days, maybe week, the battery only held a day. The only downside is that the Treo uses the same proprietary charge cable that--to the best of my knowledge--all previous Treos have used. Gone are the days of a standard mini USB cable in the backpack.
Sorry for the smartphone confusion. Smartphone as described by my experience ( wikipedia has my back on this one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone ) is any high end phone that has personal computer or PDA like characteristics. (P990, M600, the original Palm OS Treos, all WM convergence devices) Microsoft had to go and make things confusing by redefining an already defined term.
Long story short; The Treo 750 is a full fledged, touch screen implementation of Windows Mobile 5. Some software may have problems with the 240x240 resolution square screen, although the popularity of the Treo has helped to push problematic programs to minority. The vast majority work just fine.
Oh, as mccune touched on, the one handed operation of the phone (ie, sans stylus) is great. The thumb keyboard is small enough to type with one hand, but still large enough to use 2 if you like. Navigating menus and through the vast majority of programs works flawlessly with the hardware keys. I only use the touch screen for the occasional game or for configuring phonealarm.
amazing feedback everyone seems to love there treo,shame its not on more networks in the uk

Leaving the Raphael for a Palm Pre?

So how many of you lucky American's are upgrading to a Palm Pre this weekend?
I'm in Australia so have to wait, unfortunately Can wait to get my hands on one of these Palm Pre's though. I love my Raphael and Windows Mobile, but the Palm Pre and WebOS is just awesome! Sorry MS Mobile, but too little too late - even with v6.5 (and the terrific ROM chef's here on xda!!)
I played with a Pre and I'm going to wait for the TP2 to hit the US, the keys are to small for me to type effectively on, its a slick UI but for functionality its just not there yet.
I dont like Palm. Sticking with my Fuze.
i think the palm pre is just a bit of a knockoff of the touchpro 2 interface .
basically the same thing slightly different with a different name.
the keyboard is rather small [i definately agree with you aaronsmckee]
and 6.5 is getting better about every 5 hours or so ( you should watch the forums its really really really fun lol ) i would stick with the raphael or tp2 over the palm pre .
I wish I could. I'm even on Sprint and only a few months from my upgrade. But I don't want to go to the more expensive plan
The push Gmail is a big deal to me, the Pre is the only device that natively supports it.
But alas, I have a new AT&T 2 year contract.
DaveLinger said:
The push Gmail is a big deal to me, the Pre is the only device that natively supports it.
But alas, I have a new AT&T 2 year contract.
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just use a third party for your push gmail, like mobipush.com
Definitely not leaving the TP for the Pre....especially with all the wonderful chefs here...
thesilentnight said:
Definitely not leaving the TP for the Pre....especially with all the wonderful chefs here...
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100% second [email protected] I'm never [email protected] HTC.
I would, honestly -- it looks like it could be fun to write code for, even with the Touch Pro's superior specs.
But the Touch Pro, thanks in large part to the great software people wrote for it, is very nice and does what I need (almost) -- plus, I just renewed my contract to get it seven months ago.
mouth said:
So how many of you lucky American's are upgrading to a Palm Pre this weekend?
I'm in Australia so have to wait, unfortunately Can wait to get my hands on one of these Palm Pre's though. I love my Raphael and Windows Mobile, but the Palm Pre and WebOS is just awesome! Sorry MS Mobile, but too little too late - even with v6.5 (and the terrific ROM chef's here on xda!!)
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Well I have already left for the Pre. I had a fuze (had ATT but switched to Sprint b/c of a much better value) but the touch pro is ridiculously priced on Sprint's network, its almost 50% higher than the pre itself, and I couldn't justify spending any more than what I did for the Pre...especially since the TP2 will be out soon. Anyway, I've had the pre for a few days now and I do miss the TP to a certain degree. The biggest thing I miss are the options that are universally provided by windows mobile. The TP in my opinion is still my favorite phone device that I've ever had, but the Pre isn't bad by any means. I just dont know what to do with all the free time I have now that I'm not able to flash custom roms anymore!
mouth said:
So how many of you lucky American's are upgrading to a Palm Pre this weekend?
I'm in Australia so have to wait, unfortunately Can wait to get my hands on one of these Palm Pre's though. I love my Raphael and Windows Mobile, but the Palm Pre and WebOS is just awesome! Sorry MS Mobile, but too little too late - even with v6.5 (and the terrific ROM chef's here on xda!!)
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Palm pre looks like a chic phone...slide down keyboard is weak...staying with my touch pro!
aren't there a bunch of hardware issues with the pre like case cracking and the screen part spinning/twisting from the keyboard slider. Also read it has horrible battery since its always downloading data.
mouth said:
So how many of you lucky American's are upgrading to a Palm Pre this weekend?
I'm in Australia so have to wait, unfortunately Can wait to get my hands on one of these Palm Pre's though. I love my Raphael and Windows Mobile, but the Palm Pre and WebOS is just awesome! Sorry MS Mobile, but too little too late - even with v6.5 (and the terrific ROM chef's here on xda!!)
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I'm interested in the Palm Pre and I'm thinking about switching, but currently, there are some serious issues that needs to be addressed:
1) Hardware - I held the Palm Pre at Best Buy and it was plain horrible. It didn't feel smooth and the QWERTY keyboard was very bad; I know that I would not be able to type effectively with that keyboard.
2) Screen and resolution - I'm really sorry, but a 3.1in screen and QVGA resolution is just not going to be good enough. The screen should be at least 3.5in and the resolution should at least be VGA (if not WVGA). I also hope that either Palm or Apple eventually moves to an AMOLED screen (but this is more of a wish than a requirement).
These are my two main gripes with the Palm Pre. It's a very good device, but it actually seems more dated than Apple's iPhone in some cases. Considering the iPhone is already outdated in a lot of ways, this is not a good thing. Meh, maybe later WebOS phone models will be superior, but at this point, I really can not switch to the Pre with those issues above.
3.1" screen and HVGA res with an all-new OS designed to take advantage of the capacitive screen is worse than a 2.8" line-doubled VGA screen that acts as QVGA?
Sound like somebody is missing the forest for the trees.
slick69 said:
3.1" screen and HVGA res with an all-new OS designed to take advantage of the capacitive screen is worse than a 2.8" line-doubled VGA screen that acts as QVGA?
Sound like somebody is missing the forest for the trees.
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Is that towards me? Next time, try pressing the 'Quote' button as I often ignore posts that doesn't have anything from my post in quote form (or at least quotation marks).
Now then, I'm sorry that I gave you the impression, but not once did I say the Pre had a worse screen/res than the Raphael. No, I don't mind if you go ahead and re-read my post to make sure. I think you may be surprised.
What I'm saying is that I'm not going to pay to upgrade to a new phone if I don't find the specs good enough. When I'm ready to buy a new phone, I'm not going to buy the Raphael a second time. I'm going to buy a phone that has a bigger screen, equal/higher res, better CPU, and just overall better specs. If that special phone happens to have WebOS on it, even better, but unfortunately, the Palm Pre is not that phone.

best htc on the market help!!

hi guys
My question is simple, probably the awnser
er won't be, i just want to know what's the best htc out there to buy, or other PDA/Phone to buy. It's supposed to be windows mobile based so i can use some apps (It will be a phone for work, soi need to use some health department based apps, usually for WM). Keeping in mind that i would rather have an htc but other opinions are welcome, money is no issue (company pays ).
thanks in advance
Touch Pro 2
keyboard makes it a bit heavier but it speeds things up quite a bit. IMHO
+1 fot TP2!!
Also you can consider Tosh TG0
Here a little bit of history:
Merge threads: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4181268#post4181268
Depends on what you want really.
I would go for Touch Pro 2 if you want QWERTY keyboard.
Diamond if you want compact.
Touch HD if you want large screen no QWERTY.
Other significant options (non-htc) are:
Samsung Omnia II's - due out any day now, come in "iphone" style, slider keyboard and blackberry shapes. These all come with supposedly very funky, very battery saving AMOLED screens. If they follow the same standards as the Omnia 1, they are a VERY worthy competitor.
Acer M900 (which I use) - Slide out keyboard
Acer F900 - iphone style
I personaly won't touch another HTC device due to my experiences with the past four i've owned - they all hardware failed one way or another. My Omnia was about as near to perfect as I ever got. Before I heard about the Samsung Omnia II's I'd already bought the Acer M900 (the M900 is a great phone though and I wont be replacing it for a while, even though I can afford to).
thanks for the quick replys guys.
the pro II seems a very good choice, but i really want to make this right, so i've decided to do some more checking b4 i buy.
Monty raised up a good question that i should add to my scale, the omnia II, but what's the difference between that one and the omnia pro?
the url above (if it isn't blocked) is the pro i think, seems a very sharp phone, and it looks good 2.
HTC is still my preference but i want to be sure.
PS: i have a htc p3470 pharos , and i love it, 2 bad it doesn't have wi-fi and a faster cpu. i had an iphone for about a month (laughs) it's a very good phone, for a leisure phone, for a second phone maybe, but not a working man's phone, at least in my situation (if you're puff daddy propably is).
The OmniaPro (slide out keyboard) trounces the TouchPro 2 in a lot of things:
PDADB Compare
I've also listed the old Omnia for comparison sake as well as the Omnia II and my current phone of choice, the Acer M900
edit: to be fair though, i dont think you would be upset with a TP2 either, its still a well spec'ed phone.... just hope it holds together more than 6 months!

As the Raphael ages, What will be your next phone?

Still in love with my Touchpro, but as with all tech, I can watch it slow down with newer builds of 6.5. Its aging and I'm thinking of upgrading soon, but I want a phone I know the community is going to support the way we do with the TP.
The HTC Leo looks so sexy....but I'm having a lot of dreams about Android as well.
For me, I cant live without hardware keyboard and GPS, so TP2 is my next choice. If only Leo has hardware keyboard..hmmmm
I'll probably wait for the 3rd incarnation of the tP (TP3). I want that snapdragon processor!!!
silverkiller said:
Still in love with my Touchpro, but as with all tech, I can watch it slow down with newer builds of 6.5.
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I don't understand this. Touch Pro has the same processor and RAM as TP2, TD2, HD etc. In other words, it's the same phone, only resolution is different. Why do you think that for example TP2 is quicker? All specs are the same.
I'll be using a phone that doesn't exist now, but it will totally kick ass and iphone users will be really jealous.
Hate the hardware keyboard, extra bulk for me so....
AT&T Pure (TD2) enroute today!
One of the phones with the snapdragon or Tegra(?) chips.
I'm caught between the AT&T Pure (aka Topaz), cuz it is just so fine in the hand and has a beautiful screen and 5mp camera; the TP2 because of the keyboard; or wait for the HD2, cuz it's a capacitive screen, has a screaming processor, and 3.5mm earphone. It looks awesome!
I only find my Touch Pro faster with the latest WM6.5 builds. I initially wanted to purchase Diamond 2, so I went to the ATT store and checked it out.
IT does have a larger screen but the width of the screen is exactly the same as Fuze, so it doesn't improved the software keyboard since the area it takes up is exactly the same width wise.
And overall the Pure feels very much plasticy, and too light for my likings.
And the WM6.5 on Diamond 2 isn't even close to what the cooks have done for the Touch Pro, so I walked away empty handed.
Maybe I'll go back to the store when TP2 arrives, but I still think TP is a solid phone, I even like to use it more than my iphone 3g. (well my gf doesn't want to use the fuze, so that's the only choice I got =/
I will wait for the HD2
My next one is going to be HD2! Look at the video. It's really cool.
I have another tab open right now, with an Acer F1 sitting in the basket for £338 - over £200 cheaper than the HD2's pre-order price from the same UK online retailer!
The only thing stopping me from pressing the 'checkout now' button is the lack of TouchFlo 3D and my uncertainty over whether anyone will develop it in the way I know the good folks here will look after the HD2. I'm so torn!!!!
im just gona bide my time and w8 because just when i bought my tilt they came out with the fuze about 2 months L8r.... but i do have the fuze now so i will just w8 til my contract is up and see what is out then.... i love my fuze and i think its the best phone that they offer @ at&t prior to the release of the new tilt 2 and pure
I feel the same. Acer F1 looks great on specs, but the HD2 has both WM 6.5 and Touch flo.
Im going with the HD2, since theres always upgrades on XDA and WM 7.0 will show its furry little face in the Spring lol
whatever the next TP3 is - gotta have snapdragon/tegra, HD kb.
have been thinking about omnia2 qwerty...
mputtr said:
I'll probably wait for the 3rd incarnation of the tP (TP3). I want that snapdragon processor!!!
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+1 on this one. Why purchase an expensive device just for the larger screen with same specs. My only concern is that ATT may not offer it due to the direct competition to the iPhone (in regards of the HD2 at least). Though double dipping money with iPhone and WinMobile based device could just kill the last thought...
I'll wait for the 1 GHz device without any doubt.
So what are the options for someone on AT&T?
I want a new phone because my TP is falling apart. The keyboard doesn't respond well, some of the keys barely work, etc etc.
The TP2 simply isn't even an upgrade. It is amazing they are even calling it an "upgrade."
I've seen soooo many reviews(Engadget,Gizmodo) bashing WM 6.5. I haven't used Android or the iPhone, but these reviews must mean WM sucks compared to Android/et al.
So I'm thinking of getting an Android phone, or would love to try a WebOS phone, etc.
Are there any phones from Europe or other carriers that I might want to look for? Something that is an actual upgrade from the TP? Thanks guys!
Touch HD aka Blackstone from down under perhaps (Telstra enabled for frequency match). But, again, same specs larger screen. Get a replacement or at least check how much it is and hold on a few more months until ATT or another US carrier announces snapdragon based phones. I could likely happen that they'll wait for MS to pair it with a WinMo 7 release (just a guess).
I messed around with a Touch Pro 2 the other day and I really liked it, but as has been pointed out, with the same chipset I'm not sure it's really worth the outlay, especially for someone who buys their handsets sim free. And they took away the handy 'torch' from the back. Cads.
Has anyone been to Qualcomm's website and seen the next Snapdragon with 1.5 Ghz cpu? Eeeek!
The trouble with waiting for the Touch Pro 3 is it's bound to be only 3mm thick, but the size of a coffee table ; )
If I can get over my current love of the Acer S200/F1 I may try and play with an Omnia Pro and see what that's like....
I just got my Fuze for my Bday a couple months back knowing that the Tilt 2 was coming. I still really like my Fuze, but I really like the Tilt 2, but I'd never get it because of the now mandatory data plans, which I'm thankful for getting my Fuze early enough. If I had my choice I'd jump ship on the next 2 generations after the Tilt 2 on AT&T, but those data plans are too expensive for me so I'll probably have to jump off my first WinMo device and go to Nokia for unlocked phones, unless HTC or someone starts selling unlocked WinMo/Android phones.Which I really hope someone starts doing, I'd really like to stick to WinMo.

[Q] Which phone best suits my criterea?

I am on the AT&T network in the USA and I cannot leave it. My old phone was an HTC Fuze (HTC Touch Pro I think is the general term) and I loved it. The only issue I had with it was that it was a bit on the slow side and it lacked a 3.5mm jack, but I didn't really care. I loved it's slide out QWERTY keyboard. I loved Windows Phone. I loved it. Then the touch screen started to go bad (as if it was always being touched by something) and it being an old phone I decided to get a new one. I got an iPhone 4. I hate it. WM 6.5 let me customize my home screen so that I could see all my upcoming calendar appointments right there when I look at the home screen. The iPhone requires you to drag the top of the screen down. This may seem trivial to some, but I'm hugely scatterbrained and it really helps. There were other aspects too like the QWERTY keyboard, the ability to put emulators on it (I played Pokemon Blue on my phone), and things like that. I can't do that on my iPhone currently. Oh yeah! The built-in Stylus was also amazing! I just loved that phone.
Here's what I'm looking for in a phone:
AT&T Carrier (must-have)
Windows 7 (at least WM phone)
Slide-out QWERTY Keyboard (no Blackberry style or that wierd Vertical Slide for tiny buttons)
Stylus/Big enough Screen (if stylus, must be built-in like the Fuze, not peripheral)
Good performance (I'm referring to emulation. I played PSX games on my HTC Fuze, but only RPGs due to slowdown and lack of sound. I would like to be able to play emulators, especially SNES emulators, without slowdown and with sound smoothly)
3.5mm Headphone Jack (not a requirement, just a nice have that my old phone didn't)
What do you recommend? When I saw the HTC 7 Pro, I was in love. Then I found out it's not available for my carrier. Is the LG Quantum really the best phone for me? It technically meets my specifications, but there's something about it that I don't like. What about the LG eXPo? That caught my attention a while ago. Can that be end-user upgraded to WM 7 or 7.5 and meet my requirements?
note: I want to avoid Jailbroken/Unlocked phones if possible. I don't like fiddling with that stuff myself, and I don't want to trust some random ebayer to have done it right. I am definitely capable of learning, but I don't take unnecessary risks.
Doesnt the US version of HTC 7 Pro work on ATT network? 7 Pro and the LG are the only WP devices with landscape keyboard, then there is the Dell Venue Pro with vertical slider.
The only HTC 7 Pro released in the United States is for Sprint and is called the "HTC Arrive." I was not aware it could even be unlocked for usage with AT&T.
Im not sure is it possible to unlock and use at ATT's network, Im in Europe and dont know about US networks. Im sure if you will search you will get the answer. 7 Pro is a great device, I love it. The OS runs so smoothly, that Im sure that the LG with same specs will be a good device also, but I would go for the HTC if anyway possible.
Lotus1 said:
I am on the AT&T network in the USA and I cannot leave it. My old phone was an HTC Fuze (HTC Touch Pro I think is the general term) and I loved it. The only issue I had with it was that it was a bit on the slow side and it lacked a 3.5mm jack, but I didn't really care. I loved it's slide out QWERTY keyboard. I loved Windows Phone. I loved it. Then the touch screen started to go bad (as if it was always being touched by something) and it being an old phone I decided to get a new one. I got an iPhone 4. I hate it. WM 6.5 let me customize my home screen so that I could see all my upcoming calendar appointments right there when I look at the home screen. The iPhone requires you to drag the top of the screen down. This may seem trivial to some, but I'm hugely scatterbrained and it really helps. There were other aspects too like the QWERTY keyboard, the ability to put emulators on it (I played Pokemon Blue on my phone), and things like that. I can't do that on my iPhone currently. Oh yeah! The built-in Stylus was also amazing! I just loved that phone.
Here's what I'm looking for in a phone:
AT&T Carrier (must-have)
Windows 7 (at least WM phone)
Slide-out QWERTY Keyboard (no Blackberry style or that wierd Vertical Slide for tiny buttons)
Stylus/Big enough Screen (if stylus, must be built-in like the Fuze, not peripheral)
Good performance (I'm referring to emulation. I played PSX games on my HTC Fuze, but only RPGs due to slowdown and lack of sound. I would like to be able to play emulators, especially SNES emulators, without slowdown and with sound smoothly)
3.5mm Headphone Jack (not a requirement, just a nice have that my old phone didn't)
What do you recommend? When I saw the HTC 7 Pro, I was in love. Then I found out it's not available for my carrier. Is the LG Quantum really the best phone for me? It technically meets my specifications, but there's something about it that I don't like. What about the LG eXPo? That caught my attention a while ago. Can that be end-user upgraded to WM 7 or 7.5 and meet my requirements?
note: I want to avoid Jailbroken/Unlocked phones if possible. I don't like fiddling with that stuff myself, and I don't want to trust some random ebayer to have done it right. I am definitely capable of learning, but I don't take unnecessary risks.
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OK, first off, there's a huge difference between Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Phone. I'm really surprised you liked WM6.5, because it was always slow and annoying to me. I am even more surprised you had a bad experience with the iPhone. While I am completely devoted to Windows Phone, I still think the iPhone is a solid phone.
About phones, AT&T definitely has the best Windows Phones. While the Quantum is its only keyboard slider, I would reccommend you reconsider your keyboard requirement. ALL Windows Phones are smooth/fast, have the 3.5 jack, and have reasonably big screens. All Windows Phones also have an awesome on-screen keyboard. WM6.5 phones are not capable of upgrading, and I don't even think AT&T sells them anymore.
By the way, I've had the HTC Arrive, and it's a good phone, but the new AT&T devices are thinner, faster(as in processor), and have 4G LTE.
My recommendations?
1. The Nokia Lumia 900 - $99 on contract
I have it currently, it's awesome. 4" screen, 4G LTE, beautiful hardware.
2. HTC Titan II - $199 on contract
I almost picked it over the 900, but its $100 more and doesn't have Nokia's exclusive apps. It does have a bigger screen though, and some say a better camera.
---------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:40 AM ----------
Forgot to mention, a stylus will NOT work with any Windows Phone, as they use capacitive (multi-touch) screens. Also, emulators are partially supported on Windows Phone, I think there are a couple on the marketplace, but it seems like they are always dealing with trademark/copyright issues.
If you really want the 7 Pro, you can order one online from Europe (there are various online stores that will ship overseas). It should work with AT&T's 3G, though I recommend that you double-check the bands it supports just in case, and of course make sure it's SIM-unlocked. You'll have to pay full price, and AT&T doesn't appear to offer any plan discount even if you bring your own device instead of getting a subsidized one (yet another reason I think they're a crap MO, but I assume you have your reasons...)
Do not get the Arrive; it is a CDMA-only phone and is completely incapable of connecting to a GSM network like AT&T uses. The 7 Pro as sold in Europe (and possibly elsewhere) is GSM.
Let me further explain why I loved my Fuze (HTC Touch Pro)
It was slow (ish), but not that slow. I had removed all the bloatware from mine and a few tweaks and it was only noticeably slow when doing certain non-typical tasks. This was a non-issue for me except for 2 problems: I could not play SNES games and I could not play PSX games with zero slowdown.
How I used my phone:
Organizer/PDA with contacts and a calendar. The customizable home screen that displays all upcoming appointments is great, as was the calendar system. I'm scatterbrained and it really helped me. Iphone's lack of customizability in this area sucks.
As a flash drive. I always had a usb to micro usb cable in my backpack and so I kept all my schoolwork on it as well as anything I needed. There's an app for it so my iPhone can have similar functionality, but it's not nearly the same.
As a game device to while away the time. I had PSX JRPGs on it, the original Pokemon games, Zelda, Mario, etc. These were all emulator based games from my childhood. This is strait up impossible on the iPhone without jailbreaking, which I won't do, and also means I basically require the slide-out keyboard as touch-screens work poorly with emulators.
Lastly, I stored music on it, but never really used it as an MP3 player because it lacked the 3.5mm jack.
From what everyone is telling me, and from what I've learned about how Windows Mobile 7 is not a PocketPC based operating system, I'm most likely to leave it for android. I strongly dislike operating systems that don't allow for 3rd party apps without prior approval. That's one reason I hate the iPhone. The others are the lack of a touch screen and the lack of a customizable home screen. The way I currently use my iPhone, except for a few features it's nothing more than a browser enabled phone because it simply can't do what I want it to do without jailbreaking.
I guess the phone to get for me is the Samsung Captivate Glide since Windows Phones don't really have what I'm looking for.

