Verizon Knowingly activated my phone with a custom ROM - General Topics

So my HTC VZ6900 (Vogue) was acting up two days ago and I could tell it was a software issue and has not done any real research on the device till yesterday! Here is my story...
HTC started acting up while at school on Monday and was not doing great. I tried a soft reset but nothing worked... Booo. I tried removing the battery and waiting a few minutes and it took an entire 90 minutes + to get past the WM 6.0 screen! Once it got to the today screen the touch feature was none responsive so I could not really access anything. Soft keys worked. Couldn't get anything and the phone would not connect to the network.
Tuesday morning I took it to the Verizon store before I went to work. I had brought my old phone because I was not sure what was wrong. I personally thought it was a software problem, and figured that if that was the case Verizon would hard reset the phone or at least give me a replacement. Wrong. The clown at the desk took my phone and word for word quotes here: "Ah, yeah this thing is dead you’re going to have to get a new phone. Oh! Wait you have insurance you can pay $50 and they will give you a replacement."
I am a studying to get a PHD in electrical engineering and my gut told me this was not the case... So I said no thank you to the insurance and ask him to switch my phone to my old phone that being my old envy which still works perfect. When I went to leave they tried to take my HTC touch to which I protested and they complied. To work I go...
Well it was a quiet day so I had lots of free time and decided to Google VZ6900 problems, after about 10 minutes of searching I came across XDA-Developers! Did a little searching and saw that some people had similar problems. Figured out how to hard reset my phone (This was not a problem all of my contacts were saved to windows live!). Phone resets and it’s like brand new. I had seen these ideas of Custom ROM's and decided to do a little reading. After about 20 minutes I decided that it would not be hard to upgrade my ROM, loaded coke loader and followed the Verizon directions, 20 minutes later BAM running WM6.5 custom ROM. Hm I began to wonder, will Verizon be so nice as to activate this for me? I know they love to lock everything down so that they will get paid. I walk back to the store at 430 and proceed to wait 25 minutes to talk to a different person. I was explaining that their Tech earlier had told me the phone was broken beyond repair and that in fact he had just been lazy and refused to even attempt to fix the phone. They did not like this one bit. They told me I would have reset to the original Verizon settings. Though what he intended was that I needed to run the Verizon ROM with its own customization. So I asked the guy if he could get the other Tech who had helped me earlier to come into the conversation and he was somewhat upset at this time, but complied.
"Hey your back, oh wow this is the new Windows Mobile Cool!"
"Yeah I spent the better part of the day fixing my phone, now switch my phone back"
"Um... I do not know if I am supposed to do that. Um."
"Remember this morning when you told me to file an insurance claim for a broken phone?"
"Yeah, don’t have to do that anymore but I cannot activate an unlocked phone"
"Yes but telling me to file an insurance claim for a broken phone when it was not actually broken is insurance fraud"
"Oh... well we are not supposed to do this but I'll make an exception"
Two minutes later that had it all up and running and I was out the door without any problems.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the information I used, it saved me a great deal of time!


HTC RMA Repair time... [UK]

Hi everyone, I had to send my HD2 to HTC for repair since the Touchscreen failed. I sent the phone last Monday (23rd) and they received it on the Wednesday (25th). My HTC Ticket tracking says they've received the phone, but nothing else. It hasn't been updated in a week which is annoying me since my spare phone was damaged over the past weekend making it impossible to make calls.
I sent an email to their email tech support asking for an update a 2 days ago and still haven't got a reply. I know we've just had a bank holiday, but I've heard people say it can take upto 5 days for a phone to be repaired then shipped back to the customer, is this true?
Just want to know peoples experiences and how fast they got their devices back.
Thank you!
Past experience is that it'll take 10 working days regardless..
Fair enough, I just wish it was kept updated, the status still hasn't changed and it's coming up to those 10 working days. It wouldn't be so bad if my spare phone didn't get damaged last week. What about any one else, 10 working days still or has it been longer in some cases?
Dropped my HD off to them with newton rings, they neglected to email me the update page so I waited a week, called up, was told it was still being looked into, waited another week, called up, again told it was still being looked into, called back a week later, was told they were waiting on me to send them £184 or tell them to dispose of the phone! Finally got the link out of them so I could tell them what to do, apparently this wasn't possible over the phone.
Demanded my phone back, was informed it would be waiting for me, went to the repair centre in MK and created a scene until they returned my phone as they claimed they knew nothing of it, was not happy as they refused to honour the warranty.
Took it back to CPWH to let them try and get HTC to repair it, they sent it off, 3 weeks later it came back saying "no fault found" so was advised I could either let CPWH send it back to HTC and hope they actually read the fault report sent with it, or claim on insurance and get a new phone delivered the next day, I did the latter as I was totally fed up by then.
Geeez, sorry to hear about that, I hope my experience is better than yours! I've just got a status update saying the phone is currently being tested. I hope they fix it, the problem seems quite obvious when the touchscreen doesn't work, but it does work sometimes which is weird. Any one else got any more experiences?

Help dealing with sprint on faulty phone.

Hey Guys,
So my phones has an issue, whenever im using the keyboard and typing out an email or texting or whatever, the phone will randomly shut off. It then either boots up after about 5 seconds, or I have to do a battery pull. Last night I had it sitting there and it shut off, and didn't turn on, nor did it even show a charging indicator when plugged in, or even turn on. I pulled the battery, let it sit for 30 mins, and then got it to turn on. So far it did a shut down and reboot once when I was typing an email. I have been running it stock,no root, and have been experiencing this for about 2 weeks now. I took it to sprint, 1st time around, they "re-imaged" the phone, and then ran a "diagnostic" on it, handed it back and told me that ought to do the trick, which I knew was not going to be the case. But fine, ill play the game. Sure enough, that evening same issue. So 2 days later, took it to sprint again. Again, re-image. I told them their fix didn't work the first time around, and was told that I needed to bring the phone in when it had the problem, since they were unable to reproduce it. Obviously this is something that I can't just make happen on command. So..what should I do next? I am well past my 30 days, and honestly I just want to walk in and get a new phone, and not have to do some real dumb crap and toss the phone in water and then do insurance, it would end up costing me $100 at least. I did get the phone from bestbuy, and I think it has black tie insurance, although I don't know if that would be anymore or less helpful than the sprint genius techs...recommendations?
Get your replacement phone. Don't put up with their crap, tell them how it is. Be a douche if you have too
^ Shift Faced
It's kinda like when Sprint misbilled me for months and refused to correct further than 60 days back. Said "their system wouldn't allow it". I made it known I cared zilch for their system and what it could or couldn't do and after an hour on the phone and 4 "supervisors" they figured out a way.
The key is to be firm and insistant but not to curse or name call. Don't give em an excuse to hang up on you. Your phone is borked and they need to replace it. You're not demanding anything extraordinary just for them to hold up their end of the bargain.
^ Shift Faced
It couldn't hurt to check with best buy and if they won't replace it go to sprint tell them you need a replacement and don't leave till they give it to you. You pay them for a service and they don't have a right to tell you no. Or just sit there and mess with the phone untill it messes up and show them.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
So after my second trip to the tech support folk, I finally had time to call customer service, got transferred to their advanced technical guys who spoke to me for about a minute, and then transferred me to a manager, they initially suggested I go through assurion and sprint would bill me the $100 on my next bill, and I calmly suggested that since the phone was still under manufacturers warranty, that I should not have to pay a cent, after putting me on hold to escalate again, I was told I would be sent a new phone. All said it took two 45 mins trips to sprint service center, and another hour on the phone, but it's taken care of. My only complaint is that they do a better job of training their techs...example, if a software\hard reset was performed, and the customer comes back still having issues, and the phone shows no signs of abuse etc, don't do yet another hard reset and tell them to come back when the issue arises\can be replicated on demand, the customer has nothing to gain by lying about their device being broken, especially if they just want the same exact phone as a replacement. My losses, time, and about a dozen or so emails I lost b\c the phone shutoff while I was composing them.
I completely agree with you on the running around and wasted time aspect and "why would I be coming in if my phone didn't have an issue" and the tech bandaiding a problem. What I usually will do is sit down at the store and run through a routine that know usually causes a problem so I can walk up and show them that the problem isn't fixed and then they can't back out of getting a new phone for me...sometimes you just have to be an ass like that and show them whos boss. I'm paying for a service, at least let me have a phone that I can use on it reliably.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
I left my phone for an hour ( even though it didn't appear that they did anything). Before I left, I showed them with an app called "touch test" that my touchscreen has issues, and showed them how it didn't swipe right. They said "maybe it's just that app, and showed me that if I swiped in a working part of the screen swiping would work (really?). When I came back after the hour and showed them how angry birds wasn't working... they did everything to get it to work despite the problem. I showed them how angry birds on their in store shift didn't have the problem that mine did. They played angry birds for about 10 minutes trying to make it look the same on my shift as their store's shift. I think that the whole time they were hoping that my phone would snap out of it momentarily so they could send me home. Finally, like 1.5 hours later, they ordered me a freaking refurb.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App

[Q] HTC Surround Frozen?

Okay, googled, and bing'd the crap out of this and it looks like so far everyone who's had this issue has had to send their phones in for repair, but before doing that I thought I'd ask here aswell to see if anyone has been able to solve this problem.
I've had my HTC Surround for about a month now and this morning when I went to use it I noticed I couldn't read my emails, it said something like "Oops we were not able to retrieve your email." I thought no problem I'll just restart my phone. I turned it off, and turned it back on. Ever since then the phone has been stuck on the white HTC start screen. I've pulled the battery four times and tried restarting it. I've restarted it holding the volume up and down buttons and I get a bootloader screen (no option to hard reset). I can plug it into my computer on the bootloader screen and the computer recognizes the device as an HTC SD card. (This is nice to know seeing as I can, if I ever get the phone working again, load files on the phone's SD card that Zune won't let me) however this is bad because Zune will not recognize the phone.
Sooo, anyone else had this problem and been able to fix it themselves? I don't want to have to send it to HTC because I have no warranty. I bought the phone used. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
And this is running 7004, I have no unlocked the phone or tampered with it in any way. (yet)
Have you looked in the development forum for your stock ROM and tried flashing it from the bootloader?
I couldn't find a rom to flash. Maybe I will just use this as an opportunity to switch to Sprint and buy an Arrive. That way I can be done with ATT's crappy service.
I'm on my third surround now, with both previous ones dead with the exact same situation you have described. I called ATT, had them replace them on warranty for free. I'm waiting for this third one to die so I can get a different model
P.S. I tried flashing the stock ROM, hard resetting, and everything else trying to get both phones back to life but I ended up just having to warranty them. Call up ATT and have them send you a new one.
Thanks, I was able to do a warranty claim. Technically I wasn't allowed to because I bought the phone outright (used) on craigslist. But since the person at ATT was lazy and didn't check when I went in the sent me to my local device support center and I was able to walk out with a new phone in 5 minutes.
Hope this doesn't keep occurring though. If they were to ever check how the phone was purchased I'd be screwed.
doejohn531 said:
Thanks, I was able to do a warranty claim. Technically I wasn't allowed to because I bought the phone outright (used) on craigslist. But since the person at ATT was lazy and didn't check when I went in the sent me to my local device support center and I was able to walk out with a new phone in 5 minutes.
Hope this doesn't keep occurring though. If they were to ever check how the phone was purchased I'd be screwed.
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Click to collapse
I had the same problem with my Surround a few months ago. Then I had another one that kept losing the data off the device. I'm on my third one now and it has been holding up for three months.
I also noticed in the store that all the display models of the phone were having the exact same issue.
I think they changed something up, as this new one seems to be hanging in there much better than the last two.
i am new , post post post

[Q] Did I actually manage to kill my phone, or is there still hope?

The issues started about 4 weeks ago when I fell in a lake with my MyTouch 4g in my pocket. The issue was that I hadn't realized that it had gotten drenched until about an hour later as I was trying to chase my daughters runaway puppy through the neighborhood at the time and she wouldn't stop for anything.
Needless to say, by the time I got home and realized what happened, my phone wouldn't unlock and the camera flash on the LED was in a permanent on state. I immediately pulled the battery, SIM card and SD card and put the phone and battery in a bag of rice (a trick I had read about here). I waited for a week and attempted to power the phone back on, but again the flash led came on and the phone did nothing.
Thinking it a lost cause I switched back to my oldest phone (an old Motorola Cliq XT) and rooted it so I at least had CM 7.2 on it, though it is so slow that I am yearning for my MyTouch back again so I can actually do things like use Reddit and surf the net on my phone again (I was without my actual computer for months at one point so I got in the habit of using my phone for about 90% of my surfing and whatnot).
The other day, however, I had a bright idea while bored at work. When I got home I attempted to turn my MyTouch back on, and to my surprise, it came to life! I quickly switched out the SIM and SD cards and flashed CM 7 onto it and tried to boot it up. To my joy it seemed to work, at first, however as soon as it went to sleep, the screen would not turn back on. It lights up, but there is no image, the touch screen works and the OS seems to be working since I can feel the tactile feedback when I unlock the phone. I was hoping that someone could tell me if I had actually killed my phone dead enough that it is beyond hope or not? If I have actually killed it I was wondering if anyone had advice for me on where I could pick up a replacement for cheap?
I already tried asking /r/android the other night and the only suggestion they had was to make the dog pay for a new phone. Amusing as that may be, she doesn't currently hold a job and thus has no way to compensate me for the damage.
Any and all advice is appreciated, thanks!
If you stalk Ebay you might find one with a cracked screen that still functions for cheap or something like that ,that will allow you to use a part from your phone to make it whole.. providing you know how to replace the screen or basic repairs,that is what i have done 4 times over the past 2 years..
Good Luck!!If you look long enough and bid right you can get one for a fair price ,I bought my last one for 20 dollars and replaced the screen after dropping it in my foyer and worked like a charm you just need to be careful opening it.I hope this helps as far as providing a potential solution to ur problem.again Good Luck!!
Sorry, you probably did. Phones can barely take a couple minutes of water, yours took a swim. Usually the rice is the only way to get it dry, if that didn't work....
Your screen could be damaged though. Your best bet would be to order a good phone at a pretty reasonable price off contract on sites like ebay or swappa, or if you're eligible for an upgrade, go for it.
Motorola Cliq XT? That was my first smart phone, can't say I miss it much lol. Of money is super tight I say get an optimus T and sell that pos. The optimus actually ran cm7 pottery l pretty well for having a 600 mghtz processor
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium

HOW TO: Get the MFR Warranty to Comply

Hello all,
I am hoping HTC isn't monitoring this because the process is still on going but they cannot go back on their word as it is printed, saved, PDF'd, recorded via phone and all in the cloud in case haha.
My original problem was that the charging port was whacked out. You know how most of us have to prop up the charging cable to our laptops or other devices because one single pin out of a million decided to move so you have to Macgyver a solution? That's what I had to do at first...and then it just started saying "Slow Charging...use original charger." So I've always used the original charger and have three rapid charger 2.0's. At first I thought those three were causing an issue so I went to the original charger that came with the phone and the original cable...neither did the trick and I swapped out like 15 USB-microUSB cables and with different USB-AC units. Anyway, it got to the point where I had to plug the cord into the phone and then wrap it underneath once and let it stay for about 8-10 hours to charge. I was getting tired of it which is why I ended up with that 3rd rapid charger 2.0. The 2nd was because Digital River screwed me. But anyway...point is: there is definitely a problem with the charging port.
I first call Verizon Wireless and ask questions outside of unlocking, S-Off, Rooting, etc which my phone had been until HTC will probably reset when I get it back ... Small price to pay for what they did for me. They said they could overnight a phone to me, at no charge, and I'd have to send the original phone back. And then the gentleman happened to mention the fact that IF VZW determines a cracked screen or other damage outside the purview of the limited warranty, they would charge me $299 for the new phone onto my bill. I laughed and said I'd call HTC. I call HTC and they said "since it's not charging, and you're still under warranty, we'll fix it free of charge if you send it back to us. We'll even send you a prepaid label." Even though it went 3-day select throughout a weekend, they got it on the 16th and made the judgment that in order to fix the charging port, they'd have to charge me $200 for a new screen. I asked why I needed a new screen if the problem was the charging port. Under their (what I thought was a blanketed warranty) was a clause that stated "If the damaged area that IS covered by the warranty but there is also damage outside of the warranty, the warranty is null and void." My phone had a minor hairline fracture. Literally like an arch that you couldn't see with a dark background.
When I got the email today about the quote for $200 I went ballistic and emailed them back in their quote system telling them to call me regarding this matter. No one did. I happened to chat with an HTC Rep on the 16th who said "If it is covered under our warranty, there will be no quotation." And by quotation they mean the damn $200 quote. I remember her saying in that chat (and I ALSO PRINTED IT OUT that night because I knew I had an ace up my sleeve." Even though she didn't say "yes" completely...she left it open to interpretation that it would be covered regardless of other damage. My original thought was: "if the charging port is legitimately damaged from wear and tear 'which it was' then why charge for a new screen?" I chatted with someone today and they said that since there is other damage (that minor hairline crack), they cannot fix the charging port because they have to remove the screen and risk the screen cracking even more. I told them I'd take on that risk because I wasn't paying $200 for a new screen when all I needed was for them to fix the damn charging port! We kinda went back and forth in the chat and he ended up saying "I understand what you're saying and let me call RMA to see what they say." He then told me to call them and tell the person my number to look up my issue and then contact RMA internally. The reason as to why HTC can't contact me directly is beyond me but not the point. So I call, talk to a dude from Canada and he transfers me to a dude in the RMA department out of the country of Colombia. This fellow said that the reason for the new screen needed to be charged is because they have to send the phone back in better condition than how they got it. Like I said, I told them I'd assume all risk for them taking off the screen to repair the USB. He said this is not possible because if the screen breaks even more, then there will be issues and it's their policy that the screen be replaced because that IS out of warranty. I really was bummed at that point and just asked "come on, can you please just take the screen off, repair the USB charging port and we go on our merry way?" I told him they could also void and null ANY AND ALL future warranty issues as a sign of compromise from me.
I did not want to go through Asurion and pay $100 for a refurbished phone. To me, a refurbished phone is like a house of cards waiting to fall apart. There are probably OEM parts from initial manufacturing mixed with newer or older parts from other functioning M8 phones and I just don't like that. If it was my last resort, then yes. Obviously I'd pay the $100 over the $200. The dude said he'd come down on the quote and "only" charge $150. I told him about my Asurion insurance and he said that they could ship the phone back the way they got it and I could go that route. At this point, I was *almost* out of options for free servicing. I played the ace up my sleeve regarding my original chat on the 16th with one of their reps who said something longer but said "it should not be a quotation," after asking that I wanted 100% clarity and confirmation it would be covered. I told him the name, the time, the date, etc of the chat. He came back after a few minutes and said...the woman you chatted with actually did state "If the issue is not outside the warranty, it should not be a quotation" so yes at first I didn't mention she said that first part because I didn't think it was relevant lol. After stating that I was about to go H.A.M. on this guy but he cut me off by saying he got authorization to cover the quotation and that the phone would be fixed free of charge within a few days and then shipping out via UPS Ground. He mentioned that they would fix the charging port, PUT A NEW SCREEN ON!!!!!, flash the original factory software which isn't even Android 5.0.x. It comes back as Android 4.4.4 which I thought was ridiculous too. But anyway at that point...I felt victorious. It took me 30 minutes in the chat room today with HTC and then about 30 minutes on the phone with the RMA guy in Colombia. When he first came back and said the entire quote of the chat lady from a couple days ago, like I said, I almost went ballistic but then he said HTC would cover the quotation. I told him that he probably should have led with the fact that HTC would take care of it free of charge.
I then asked how long, etc. I also asked about the software. Seeing as my phone is S-Off, Unlocked, *OFFICIAL* and rooted...I wanted to make sure there were no surprises. I didn't specifically bring up those points but I asked again for clarification: "From here matter what the will be fixed free of charge?" and he said yes. So that statement also covers the fact that when they turn it on and see the custom recovery of TWRP 2.6.x.x and all the lovely things I've done to void the warranty for sure, that I'm covered and I have to be since he said it.
I know this was a long post and I apologize but I wanted to let people know of my experience with HTC. One thing that surprised me the most was that I bought the phone in April of 2014. And yet the phone was still under manufacturer warranty until June 11th (I called about the situation on the 10th of June!). I think I got it April 11th of 2014 which would mean a 12-month warranty PLUS a 3 month extended manufacturer warranty? I don't know. I don't care phone is being fixed and I'm getting a new screen. I'm pretty pumped up about it even though I won't have it for another week.
I went on this forum to see other people's experiences with issues with warranties and almost 100% said that it didn't matter if there were software changes like unlocking or S-Off'ing but cracked screens and whatnot would definitely be an issue.
FOLKS: DO NOT GO TO A VERIZON WIRELESS corporate store if you think you have a hardware or software issue and need a repair!!! I REPEAT: DO NOT GO TO A VZW Corporate Store! You can read other people's issues. I'm just glad I read those before I did what I did and just sent it directly to HTC and then talked my way into almost a new phone pretty much. When they run their tests at the store, they'll notate that there is a crack and it's S-Off, unlocked, etc. Here's the kicker: even if they don't notate it and you think you're getting a new phone in the mail (which you will) and the factory gets the phone and says "there's a crack" or there's too much physical damage...they will charge your account $299 for this specific phone at this point in the year.
That will then stay on your phone's SN/IMEI for the rest of its short existence. They put it in their system and therefore there's no way around it. I quietly asked the girl to take a look at my phone before I shipped it to HTC to see if Verizon would just send me a phone. She looked and said that yeah it's a hairline crack but I won't say anything. She was so awesome (and pretty damn cute).
I guess the point of all of this was for me to write out my frustration, displeasure and then elation after the fact. You know what also bothered me? The speed of shipping. The label they sent me to send to them was UPS 3-day select. I will get my phone back via UPS Ground. FedEx came Tuesday to drop off an empty box for me to put my Powerbeats2 Wireless in to send back to Apple (grrrrr Apple since they bought Beats by Dre after I bought them). The driver waited for me to open the empty box and put the earbuds in, tear off the label which had a label underneath pre-printed, overnight priority by 10:30am. So I got the empty box Tuesday the 16th, had the driver wait like 2 minutes, Apple got it the morning of the 17th and by evening they sent me an email saying they'd ship a replacement free of charge, overnight via UPS! So it went out Tuesday the 16th...and I'm supposed to receive it today (the 18th) by 5pm. How crazy fast is that? 48-72 hour turnaround with me not going anywhere. And now UPS allows you say "leave package even if signature is required." No way HTC, Google, etc would ever go to these lengths. It takes about 6-9 total business days of actual transit back and forth with my HTC phone currently. I sent it on the 12th. They got it the 16th. Diagnosed it either that night or the 17th and then this whole debacle started. He said I'd get it by the 27th since it would probably ship out Monday the 22nd. And that's IF UPS Ground delivers on Saturdays. I don't even know if they do anymore.
I think I wrote this much because I'm so pumped up still and happy haha. If you actually read this entire post...I thank you. And hopefully you gained some 411 about how to go about a warranty exchange/repair. If you have even the tiniest hairline fracture of a screen, you're screwed unless you're within your 6 months (or is it 12 months even with new M8 purchases and not the M9?). This was an awful day to begin with...and now it just got a ton better. I'm officially off the hook for dropping my phone a couple times but only once did it crack and it was a hairline crack at that.
I FEEL SO TRIUMPHANT RIGHT NOW!!!!! And this all went down 2 hours ago. It took me about 45 minutes to write this.
Thank you for reading. Which I highly doubt 99% did all the way through. PM me for the bulleted version lol.

