Is the work on Custom Rom Dead - Palm Treo Pro ROM Development

I have not heard any news on the progress of the custom roms. Has it become impossible to do?.

This is not impossible per se, however the process is waiting on getting a HardSPL for both devices. cmonex is working on this, however is on holiday at the moment.

The thread at ppcgeeks has been locked, I believe its a lost cause. I guess we all should just be happy with what we have in this stock rom.

It won't happen any time soon. There are people working on it though.

Too less people got this phone and too less people will. Its overshadowed by the Pre and even that one is not doing too well. its not even out in Europe yet..
Face it, if a hard SPL will be made, only 5 to 10 people will be actually cooking roms and maybe another 5 will download and use them. Is it worth the effort? Specially compared to HTC Touch with thousands of people cooking roms..
I hope there will be someone who can create a HardSPL who don't care for the fame and glory and 100's of donations. Someone who will really care for us few treo pro owners

Too less people got this phone and too less people will. Its overshadowed by the Pre and even that one is not doing too well. its not even out in Europe yet..
Face it, if a hard SPL will be made, only 5 to 10 people will be actually cooking roms and maybe another 5 will download and use them. Is it worth the effort? Specially compared to HTC Touch with thousands of people cooking roms..
I hope there will be someone who can create a HardSPL who don't care for the fame and glory and 100's of donations. Someone who will really care for us few treo pro owners

Glad I didnt donate yet.

ro8in, ever think -possibly- that having a hardspl AND cooked roms will give the xda community an option for an awesome phone? They don't want to go to this phone, not because its not a good phone -- but because there's no community behind it.
So I believe your opinion to be retarded, and at best, overshadowed by the further options this beautiful phone will bring once win-mo 6.5 is brought on this little beauty.
I believe HardSPL and cooked roms for this phone will see a surge of interest.

Hard to say what would happen.
"Only 5 people cooking ROMs" - sounds like a good number to me. Thousands means too many options, and too much time trying to figure out what's worth trying.

True there may be only 5 or so to cook but not true about 5 people to use the roms. I know there will be more than that, possibly over 100 starting off, it will go from there...
Indeed once there is an option for custom roms the community supporting this phone will grow!
I do intend to donate as soon as I see progress, credit is due to those who make it happen!!

I don't think this phone is unpopular because there's no community support. How many people actually check community support before getting a new phone??
I think community support comes more from the fact that many people have a certain phone and once they get bored with it but are still on subscription so they can't get a new one. They start to play with roms etc.
If many people bought the phone then offcourse a bigger community will appair. Unfortunatly the palm treo just hasn't been sold as much as for example a HTC Touch pro.
I'm bored with my Treo and I would love to see some cooked roms for it. As i'm still on subscription and can't get a new phone yet. I agree that this phone will kick ass with WM6.5 I really like this phone.. By any means this phone has it all a full qwerty keyboard (blackberry style), touch screen, GPS Wifi HDSPA etc. etc. but I still don't think it will happend as the Treo pro is just too unpopular(I guess very very poor marketing by Palm). Here in Europe most phone stores didn't even heard of this phone ever. There was only one Vodafone store which by luck had a few laying around and not even on display (hidden in a closet)..


There's a hole in your rom, dear XDA User, dear XDA User!

Leaked roms:
Have a look at this thread on Pocket PC Thoughts:
It discusses this question:
Are you desperate enough to try a "iffy" ROM on your device just to get to Windows Mobile 6? And Does Palm have any of the blame resting on it's shoulders for bricked devices given their non-existant communication with users regarding the timeline for this upgrade?
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Should we use leaked roms? Why do we use leaked and cooked roms?
My reply to that thread. And as I said to my soon-to-be-disappointed wife on my wedding night: it's a big one.
I tend to live most of my online life over at XDA Devs, but this is an interesting question for all hackers and tweakers:
As enthusiasts, we spend an enormous amount of time introducing instability into our systems, tweaking, refining, rebooting, registry editing, hacking, reverse engineering, re-writing, reflashing, pleading to forgiving better-halves and generally suffering from trichotillomania.
Why? So that at the end of the day we can come out with a new tweak, or a new rom, that's 0.01% faster, has a shinier bar at the bottom, tweaks the carrier logo, or whatever's your poison.
I'm a little bit of a PPC nerd, but I have the enormous pleasure of rubbing shoulders with some of the smartest hackers I've ever known. We all work hard, doing a job that we should not have to do: we spend our hard-earned time to improve the device that we've spent our hard earned cash on.
In an ideal world, Microsoft would have made the operating system perfect, and would merely push improvements to us, over the air, transparently, every week, and our WM2003 devices would have self upgraded themselves to WM6 by now.
However, due to the agreements and the way that most of the Mobile Phone Operators operate, any build improvements from Microsoft, the manufacturer (eg HTC), or indeed the phone company (eg Orange) must get pushed to the Operator, who will then rebrand it, test it (because of course, we never want buggy upgrades), decide whether to charge for it, and finally get around to releasing it some months later. Or: maybe they will just decide to sit on it and never release it, as it will impact sales for the devices that have become more relevant in the intervening period.
I love my phone (HTC Hermes), as an extension of my daily life. I like to tweak it, here and there, there and here. I know I waste a disproportionate amount of time doing so, often for little practical gain. But why then? Because we're enthusiasts, and that's what we do.
So, if Microsoft dangles a carrot in front of our face in 2005, and tells us they're going to release WM6 to manufacturers, that's great news! And if they tell us, it's hardware compatible with WM5, that's even better news! Now we just have to wait for HTC and Orange et al to release it to into our outstretched hands.
But.... sometimes, things don't work like that. It requires effort to rewrite drivers for the new OS. To test compatibility with the new upgrades. To ensure nothing crashes, or is less stable, or won't randomly drop calls. This requires investment. And investment demands cash returns. So, it only really makes sense for the operator to release a tested, substantial upgrade if they can get something out of it: whether that's improved goodwill, or just a a few dollars/pounds/won... and you know: sometimes, it makes sense not to release it all!
Why upgrade the HTC Wizard to WM6, when it will cannibalise sales from "true" WM6 devices like the Keiser? So, commercial decisions may just come down to the hard truth: they're not going to upgrade your phone, even though it can, because it's not commercially sensible to do so.
Understand: I have absolutely no problems with that. Our phone manufacturers are in Business, so random acts of generosity are few and far between. It makes sense to sell a million new handsets, then to allow the last million to upgrade.
However, if we can upgrade, should we not try? Should we not try to get the most out of the hardware we've spent our money on and are happy with?
So, speaking for the xda guys and gals, we are, as lawyers would say (and I am a lawyer, so I say it), somewhat reckless as to the consequences of our actions! We dive into the latest upgrade, take it apart, strip it down, build tools to decrypt, decompile, recompile, reflash, and ultimately cook your own DIY rom. The guys (and gals) are enthusiasts, and will try to tweak and refine. It takes time for us because often we don't know what we're doing, and have to do it all from the ground up [and don't forget: support your local rom chef. PLEASE don't complain and curse, advise and help. They work hard! And we're all people with feelings: if you prick us, do we not bleed?]
In a very very roundabout fashion, I hope I've explained a little of my personal motivation for jumping on the opportunity to upgrade. Now that doesn't always mean that I will. A brief segue, and a funny story:
I have been asked to be one of the "experts" on the Pocket PC Annual Awards. One of my perks is that they send me the latest edition of the Smartphone and Pocket PC magazine. It's HIGHLY recommended. Buy a subscription now. You will get to see a photo of me, and that alone makes it worth it.
So anyway, on the cover of this month's magazine, it proudly proclaims:
"Windows Mobile 6 phones are HERE!"
I chuckled when I saw this.
I am far from the most connected guy around, but let's say, I know "friends" that were running WM6 for getting on close to a year. Very stable, very usable versions of WM6, for various devices. These friends are generally very very careful about who has access to these leaks. And they are very concerned about the risk to the leak-er, the person giving them access to leaked roms, because people shouldn't lose jobs because of this.
So, if the "public" is wondering why leaked roms don't always get released to the masses, it's because sometimes they don't want to risk anyone getting into major trouble.
But, when possible, they try to share with the public, and to feed the useful, stable parts back into the community. And yes, cutting edges can make you bleed, sometimes. But caveat emptor.
If you do not know how to reflash and repair your phone, don't risk pre-release roms.
But, if you like to live on the bleeding edge, sometimes it's a real revelation.
The Hermes was a much better device with WM6, and the Universal suddenly became much more usable.
In fact - some of the pre-release roms were, from experience, better then the current "official" roms, which have slower bells and whistles, and are generally more bloaty.
So, again, caveat emptor, but if you're prepared to take the plunge, and know what you're doing, sometimes, it's worth it.
PS Obligatory iPhone reference: Apple once again raised the bar with manufacturer controlled upgrades - they can upgrade the phone directly through itunes, rather than waiting for AT&T to get around to it in their own time. And as iPhone hackers have seen, they pushed upgrades through very quickly. Compare that with the sporadic and tardy fashion in which the Windows Mobile community receives upgrade love.
PPS Illegal rom updates: if anyone finds anything illegal on XDA devs (or indeed this forum), let your local moderator know. I'm always happy to receive posts from concerned xda devs users.
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Vi -- EXCELLENT!! Now, where's that newest edition of Pocket PC mag??
Great post.

This forum has become a place for earning money for more people nowadays.:(

Iam a windows mobile user starting from wizard.
The HTC WM devices are known for few things,
1. Can get free softwares and cracked softwares easily.
2. Device can be SIM,CID, Security unlocked easily.
3. Shall be customized easily with new cooked ROMs.
More than anything, all these were available for free.
But now,
1. Security/Sim unlock - pay money
2. Hard SPL - pay money.
3. Cooked ROMs- More cooks demanding registration in their own website and demanding (almost) donations for cooked ROMs with each one telling their own reason(web hosting charges, low internet speed, spending personal time, stolen device,etc)
4. Collecting donations telling some of their attactive future projects which they never have a plan to complete,
This forum has become a place for earning money for more people nowadays.
So figure out how to do everything all by your self.
Seriously, I don't blame anyone that charges for worthwhile software. I've spent a few hundred dollars on software for my phone which I spent much more money on.. I figure it only makes sense.
Not agree
If some are making money with the work of others is too bad.
But here all Devs give us their work for free, donations are accepted but no paying.
Of course this site has grown a lot and it´s a reference point on the web
skr_xd said:
Iam a windows mobile user starting from wizard.
The HTC WM devices are known for few things,
1. Can get free softwares and cracked softwares easily.
2. Device can be SIM,CID, Security unlocked easily.
3. Shall be customized easily with new cooked ROMs.
More than anything, all these were available for free.
But now,
1. Security/Sim unlock - pay money
2. Hard SPL - pay money.
3. Cooked ROMs- More cooks demanding registration in their own website and demanding (almost) donations for cooked ROMs with each one telling their own reason(web hosting charges, low internet speed, spending personal time, stolen device,etc)
4. Collecting donations telling some of their attactive future projects which they never have a plan to complete,
This forum has become a place for earning money for more people nowadays.
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your a fool i tell you
1, security sim unlock = FREE - the only one ive seen that you have to pay for is that blackstone, diamond, raphael, xperia but then thats only if you dont contribute, all of the rest are ftree but they will accept donations (BTW do u know what the money is used for? maybe its for buying new devices to create helpful softare)
2, Hard spl is free and will stay that way you can donate but for the reasons stated above its worth it
3, rom chefs may need to keep an eyes on what being downloaded so registration is helpful, also the ask for donations but then again rom building takes a lot of time to do and takes dedication and most of all caffiene, if you dont want to donate or resent the fact that theyve created something people like then dont
4, All serious app creator will follow up on the rpomises, every developer and chef will be consistant
to cut a long story short if theys guys werent able to provide this service then u wouldnt be able to have the choice to donate, itd cost you at least three times the amount you would donate
so these are free tools that people make so we can get it for free its either donate for consistent releases or shun them and leave it to companies and commercial solutions that would charge you an arm and a leg and why?
becuase we actually need this stuff
now time for pilots word of the day
if you resent paying or donating for a service then dont pay. but youd be the first to cry when they cant afford to host that rom u want and the sim unlocker you want
these people are the backbone of this forum if you dont like the fact they can make a quick buck either contibute or have a coke, a smile and shut the **** up
just noticed you donated to xda developers, are you some sort of complete thicko
skr_xd said:
Iam a windows mobile user starting from wizard.
The HTC WM devices are known for few things,
1. Can get free softwares and cracked softwares easily.
2. Device can be SIM,CID, Security unlocked easily.
3. Shall be customized easily with new cooked ROMs.
More than anything, all these were available for free.
But now,
1. Security/Sim unlock - pay money
2. Hard SPL - pay money.
3. Cooked ROMs- More cooks demanding registration in their own website and demanding (almost) donations for cooked ROMs with each one telling their own reason(web hosting charges, low internet speed, spending personal time, stolen device,etc)
4. Collecting donations telling some of their attactive future projects which they never have a plan to complete,
This forum has become a place for earning money for more people nowadays.
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hi, Pilot showed me this thread.
let me tell you my opinion, as I've been around since HTC universal (same vintage as your wizard) and I make HSPL's and am part of SIM/Security unlocking projects too.
1. warez is not allowed on these forums!!!! so stop discussing that, also this is not HTC specific, so totally nothing to do with XDA please.
2. yah, on the htc wizard there is no radio security to hack. that changed with kaiser and newer devices (MSM7xxx). if you contribute then you can still have the security and sim unlockers free. otherwise, we won't allow shops etc to play the freeloader game and earn money from our work free.
3. Hard-SPL: wow, this shows who you really are. are you a shop who resells htc devices after hacking and customizing them??? because they're the only ones who have to pay for topaz or jade HSPL. if you are just a user, you get the license transparent and free and you even get personal support if something isn't working. so stop complaining if you are just a user - but if you are a shop, then you should understand this scenario.
4. as for roms, I'm not really following that space, so dunno. but if some do that then maybe they are saying the truth, hosting is not free for sure. of course I'm sure you are still not forced to pay for cooked roms, as you mention the word "almost" regarding the donations. so it seems you can still get them free, so then why does it upset you if they'd like you to donate while they still give it to you free if you don't?
if there is a rom you are actually required to pay for - well I guess it's in their right to ask for money, but this is not my area, this is just my personal opinion. show me a link to such a rom though, I'm curious
5. show me such a project? I again have to admit I don't follow everything on XDA, I'm curious to hear about those projects, got any links?
and a summary. as I see it, actually XDA became *less* of a place for earning money - from the viewpoint of the shop owners/phone resellers. (as they are somewhat forced to pay for things now)
XDA used to be a golden mine for these people, reselling devices with cooked roms or selling the software itself on ebay (roms, hardspl/sim unlockers) without paying anything to the following people: rom creators/cooks, HardSPL creators, free sim unlocker creators (for the latter 2: pof, jockyW, Olipro, me).
Although I respect the op opinion let me give you mine;
I cooked loads of ROMs for the wizard and I loved it. Then I got a Hermes and started cooking for it then it hit me, I never had a working device because I was flash/testing sometimes 10 times a day! The ideal solution was to have 2 devices but that costs money and even though I got some donations it was not near enough,so for that and many other reasons I kind of got of the game.
Now I got a touch pro 2 and sure I could have a crack at trying to unlock it but, are you nuts! I mean what happens when I brick it witch often happen trying to crack it?
Who is going to give me £425 for the new device? That rights no one.
Hell it took me 1 year to save up for the current device, then yes people require money because they need new devices’ to crack, to pay for software to do it etc....
i do not agree with people charging for ROMs or related tools, asking for voluntary donation hell yes, they do deserve it.
its their work so they have the right to charge if they want to....
but there are waaaay more free goodies than paid ones
skr_xd said:
Iam a windows mobile user starting from wizard.
The HTC WM devices are known for few things,
1. Can get free softwares and cracked softwares easily.
2. Device can be SIM,CID, Security unlocked easily.
3. Shall be customized easily with new cooked ROMs.
More than anything, all these were available for free.
But now,
1. Security/Sim unlock - pay money
2. Hard SPL - pay money.
3. Cooked ROMs- More cooks demanding registration in their own website and demanding (almost) donations for cooked ROMs with each one telling their own reason(web hosting charges, low internet speed, spending personal time, stolen device,etc)
4. Collecting donations telling some of their attactive future projects which they never have a plan to complete,
This forum has become a place for earning money for more people nowadays.
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I was never forced into paying 1 cent to the developers.
Sorry if i hurt you people here.
It was just from a user point of view.(Iam a NORMAL USER ONLY)
Actually the truth is, iam really fed up of a HTC device and my point was why a user like me need to spend so much for tweaking a HTC device (Its not devs mistake, i adore your opinions) and still not getting a satisfactory result from the device.
This thread was just an outcome of a pure frustration upon the under performing HTC devices and the need of customization & tweaking required
Another side, I do respect the devs who give their time for developing
and i have donated to a few already including XDA dev forum.
Next thing about,
Cooked ROMs- More cooks demanding registration in their own website and demanding (almost) donations for cooked ROMs with each one telling their own reason(web hosting charges, low internet speed, spending personal time, stolen device,etc)
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If i name a few its not so good and there are supporters for everyone and opposers for everyone and will openup a fight here.
Look at some ROM threads in Blackstone and Kaiser forum and you can understand why i say like this.
I think its a free world & one should have the right to earn from his talent if its worthy of giving him/her few bucks.
Cracks/Serials are there for every OS, Reverse engineering is a reality, imagine they are asking people to donate them & people are even paying them. So I don't think one should not ask for donations for a genuine original work.
Cooked ROM's are really a way for any young developer to earn a few bucks. I know few cooks personally & I know how good it is for them to earn. Its like a part time job for them.
I although appreciate the spirit under which the poster has commented on this tendency but that simply doesn't point out to original issues involved. Its something more than just cooked ROM's, HSPL etc.
I felt bad when I saw medkid left cooking for Kaiser just because he failed to garner enough donations out of it. But then its about thinking personally, its his intellectual property, who am I to feel wrong about it. If I dont like it I should move to other cooks w/o complaining.
Saksham Katyal
I admit that I am a cook, and a skinner that asks for donations. BUT I only ask for them in the form of tips, if you like what I do, tip me, just like at your favorite restaurant. I only ask for them on things that I have completed, or at least have uploaded already (I consider nothing of mine ever complete, there is always something to be done with it.)
But people asking for donation for things they havent released yet. i think isnt the best way because then expectations are high and what happens if you cant deliver?
skr_xd said:
Next thing about,
If i name a few its not so good and there are supporters for everyone and opposers for everyone and will openup a fight here.
Look at some ROM threads in Blackstone and Kaiser forum and you can understand why i say like this.
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If you don't like it then don't use the fruits of their dedication and hard work.
Is there anything worse in this world then someone who takes and takes without giving back ( what 10 , 20 dollars/euros in donations ) and then has the gall to complain when people take their work semi private ?
I can provide technical help to the many users here , based on my many years of WM experience and my voracious appetite for reading and searching out info., but have yet to dedicate the time and patience it takes to program an app or cook a rom. So I happily and with as much $ compensation as I can, take advantage of everyone's abundant generosity. I do so by gladly adhering to any steps , hoops, registrations they may require.
The only thing I question is their sanity. If it was my creativeness, dedication and talent, I would leave all you people in the dust, run straight to the iphone app store, come up some stupid app like " iboobs " that all the iPhone drones ( who by the way have to pay just to poop with the iPhone in their hands ) can't do with out. Collect my tens of thousands of dollars from the Apple app store and live wealthily ever after. Instead of having to deal with some of the idiots here, who piss and moan and ( start new *****ing threads ) everytime a chef even suggests that he may like to take control of his work by having people register on his own site
denco7 said:
The only thing I question is their sanity. If it was my creativeness, dedication and talent, I would leave all you people in the dust, run straight to the iphone app store, come up some stupid app like " iboobs " that all the iPhone drones ( who by the way have to pay just to poop with the iPhone in their hands ) can't do with out. Collect my tens of thousands of dollars from the Apple app store and live wealthily ever after. Instead of having to deal with some of the idiots here, who piss and moan and ( start new *****ing threads ) everytime a chef even suggests that he may like to take control of his work by having people register on his own site
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well, maybe not as crazy... there are many iphones and the appstore definitely makes it easy to find the apps, but nothing is perfect in this world either; if you don't have a really kick ass program then it will never make its way into the top 100 or whatever, and then it'll be hard to find it between the loads of other similar apps in the same category (especially as the search function is reported to be near useless). and many iphone owners are not willing to pay anything - just like on other platforms; many more don't even care about installing apps. just like for any other smartphone (though maybe the rate is a bit better for iphone? don't know numbers so maybe not at all). so you still have to do real work to get rich even on iphone. I read a blog of someone who made an iphone game which didn't get that successful even though it was an okay game, that's how I know so much about this
and you have to feel dedicated too.. I wasn't going to invest 99 usd and into a Mac so easily anyway for a platform that does not excite me that much though, if apple releases an iphone with a proper hardware keyboard and better screen resolution, I will be a lot more interested.
now this would make a new topic, i.e. why didn't we XDA devs switch to iphone yet or why should we?
Why this GREAT forum just can not help those GREAT freeware makers a better life?
Add one: If people think that donations can make them money you are wrong. Check the posted donation list and calculate the total amount and total time spent please.
skr_xd said:
Iam a windows mobile user starting from wizard.
The HTC WM devices are known for few things,
1. Can get free softwares and cracked softwares easily.
2. Device can be SIM,CID, Security unlocked easily.
3. Shall be customized easily with new cooked ROMs.
More than anything, all these were available for free.
But now,
1. Security/Sim unlock - pay money
2. Hard SPL - pay money.
3. Cooked ROMs- More cooks demanding registration in their own website and demanding (almost) donations for cooked ROMs with each one telling their own reason(web hosting charges, low internet speed, spending personal time, stolen device,etc)
4. Collecting donations telling some of their attactive future projects which they never have a plan to complete,
This forum has become a place for earning money for more people nowadays.
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Come on man. You're indian. You should try and understand.
1. Security/CID was never free to begin with. Even with other devices and besides, if you contribute to the forums, olipro or cmonex will probably give it to you free.
2. Since when did HardSPL cost money?
3. More cooks sure, but the really good ones stayed and don't demand a single cent to download. If you can't accept that, learn cooking yourself and then you'll appreciate what they do.
4. I think you're really referring to TouchXperience here lol which is in effect and will be completed.
I don't see why one shouldn't charge and make a little money
I think the developers should charge for their work! w/out it you would have nothing, so why complain?
BTW, I have never been forced to pay for anything here, but love donating cos w/out a stable ROM my phone would SUCK. Donating allows the developer to buy more devices (hopefully) so they can cook more roms etc, it makes sense!
you are just STINJY!
I think people are not appreciating that fine thread running behind the idea of poster. I support him in that.
nvm nvm nvm
Well I have been reading this thread, but now decided to pen down my views.
I have been the member since there were only Himalaya and Wallaby.I remember so many revolutionary events, viz, porting of wm 2003 SE to Himalaya, then wm 5.0 to Himalaya and BA, cooking tools release etc etc..Well the creators never asked for donation and whole world got benefited.
Considering the current scenario, all I can suggest that xda-dev should decide whether it wants to act like a complete dedicated support to HTC devices or an independent windows mobile Solutions provider.If it is support, then of course no donations, if solution, then yes has right to accept money for providing service.But, then it should not discriminate.It should also have dedicated sections for other WM devices, Asus, Samsung, Acer/eten.
Anyone who wants to provide solution shd register it with the xda-dev by paying small amount and can charge for providing own unique solutions..well just like an app store.This will help the website and there will not be any fakers and we have genuine people to deal with.
It is true that this website is a source for millions of Shop keepers, resellers for various things viz unlock, hard spl, customization, support when device is almost bricked etc etc.But this is limited to HTC devices.Now the scenario is changing, end user doesn't have any time and wants the proper trusted solution irrespective of brand, so if it want to buy a Windows Mobile, it has lot of options other than HTC, and a reseller or shop keeper, will have to provide the same as the end user wants, and now when we have i phone, no one will think more about it.
I feel this community has indeed given a global platform for many talented people.Let's keep it clean and respect it.No one shd point a finger like this thread.

HTC threatens handset hackers with legal action

MobileCrunch are reporting that HTC threatens handset hackers with legal action for distributing ROMs.
maybe we, the community should build a list of user, a signature of opposing people to the closure of the site. stating that the use of the ROMs is for the purpose of cooking our own ROMs and increase the usability, performance, and desirability of the HTC handsets.
Maybe HTC need to be made aware of how much their customer base relys on ROMs for development of the HTC Handsets, and possibly go as far as to list who wouldn't buy a handset without access to other ROMs.
If Froyo doesn't come to the Desire, I WILL be installing a modified ROM regardless of HTCs feelings, and if this becomes impossible, I WILL be changing to a different brand and boycott HTC from then on. I feel very strongly about the users right to modify their phone in any way they see fit.
I dont even use the roms but i appreciate the work and effort put into them on the chance that i might use them. I also love HTC hardware because of the huge communities developed and bought my Touch Pro 2 based on the outside support that exists and if it were to get taken down by HTC i would second guess my next purchase of a Touch Pro 3 (i know it doesnt exist but something along the lines).
And as far as recommendations of hardware this site alone has swayed alot of coworkers into buying HTC hardware knowing they can tweak there purchase if the need arises.
As a matter of fact, I am now using the HTC support contact form to tell them how wrong they are in promoting this action.
The main reason because of which I didn't buy a iloserphone but chose a WM device is that I can play with it as much as I want.
In that letter it also specifically says "...or of all infringing works derived from the Intellectual Property", which means basically CUSTOM roms, the ones we're all using.
First comes, then will be the turn of XDA which hosts links to said custom roms and/or stock roms, same goes for htcpedia and everything else.
If they want to shut themselves down by making their users hate their devices, their choice, but probably we ought to let them know they're just being stupid.
Here's the message I sent them via their website, I encourage you to write them in the big numbers.
I am the happy owner of a HD2, and I really am satisfied this device. One of the reasons I am satisfied is because of its hardware specs, the other maybe more important one is that I can actually change the way it works to perfectly suit my needs. Otherwise, I could very well dump it for an iphone.
Now, I know that the person reading this message will be a support employee, and by no means anyone who actually makes the decisions, yet I stringly encourage you to forward this mail to the upper levels.
I just learned that HTC sent a C&D letter to
I know the legal mumbo-jumbo HTC is all about on that decision and I don't need any of that.
I also know another thing: excluding the people who buy your devices just because they were bundled with some dataplan by some carrier, and have no clue how to really use them other than as simple phones, there is a LARGE part of people, including myself, who buy your devices because they like the way they can be customized and how they can be made so much more powerful than what they came out of the store.
If you start acting against websites that allow us "power users" to get the most out of our phones, then it's like you're acting against your customers, and that is a very silly thing.
I can easily see how this kind of action could be taken further, against other leading community websites dedicated to your devices.
If and when you will do that, you will repay the dedication of your customers with legal threats, and you will instantly lose the interest in your products by the same people that now love them for the reasons I explained in this letter.
Please think carefully about it.
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ephestione said:
As a matter of fact, I am now using the HTC support contact form to tell them how wrong they are in promoting this action...
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Thanks! I'm doing the same right now. Apple is not a loser in the game, they dont shut down websites of so-called "hackers" who tweak, crack and write programs which jailbreak their iPhone, and they could just do it, they have plenty of reason to do it BUT only one NOT to do it: $!
I told you, Apple is not so stupid... unlike HTC who shoots itself in the head!(hoping the damages will be soft?) Really silly...
Edit: here's mine:
It recently came to my knowledge that HTC sent a C&D letter to the website and if this is true, and you are serious about it, please do re-consider your decision. As a proud owner of an UNBRANDED HTC HD2, HTC BLACKSTONE AND HTC DIAMOND 2, I am asking you to not bother the core of your business: without the shipped roms and the subsequent custom roms from it, I, just like hundreds of thousands of HTC owners around the world (just look at the membership of various forums offering custom roms), would not have bought an HTC device. Why we did buy it was the possibility to modify it to fit our needs, this includes by the means of custom roms too, but not only. If you take this from us, you're left with the "carriers dependant" customers who are, by far, the minority of your customers. If you're serious in taking down websites that make us buy your devices, you will have to face the consequences because without shipped rom, we will just jump ship! As you already know, the competition is tough so you better think this legal action twice if you don't want the value of your shares to melt like snow at the beginning of spring.
I have no words about what HTC is doing. I totally agree with ephestione, and if xda-developers did not exist (or any other similar forum), I would not have an WM Smartphone, as the stock ROMs are normally slow, many times out dated, and not suited for my needs.
I hope that HTC understands that sites like these are the BEST PUBLICITY that they can get fro their devices. You have people working for FREE to make the device better, what else can they ask for?
Instead of promoting, cooperating with the main chefs, and using it to their advantage, they prefer to drag them to the court, and shut them down!!!!
They already void your guarantee when you flash a custom ROM, so I can't see how initiatives like this can cost them more money.
I hope they realize that soon, and save their faces by gracefully changing their position.
I do not say, approve, but at least look the other way
I hope more people will join this cause.
Android is opensource so remove all htc apps in ROM and host htc apps @ mediafire
I Support you if its possible. How about a open letter to htc in Taiwan? I can write a letter as PDF and share it here.
Maybe we should download all of those ROMS an reupload the on a sharehoster only to start a thread with the collection of links over here? Or Maybe a thread in every Device-specific forum?
Thoughts? Want to participate?
How dumb are HTC?
It is the ability to use cooked roms that has helped me tolerate the flaws in WM over the years.
Without the offending roms I would have stopped buying HTC phones years ago. IMHO they should be encouraging the chefs.
They've gone all APPLE!!!
If they persist with this I might as well buy an i-prat and just jailbreak it.
Although slightly off topic I see the WM7 wont allow Sense etc, will HTC still be on their hobby horse. (from what I have read elsewhere it was people messing with sense that p1$$ed them off).
Can some one Post the E-Mail Address /Contact to take my part (and hopefully others) in this ridicules process?
I want to tell them how stupid that is...
Maybe I should switch over to IPhone... if you can't customize it at least works better out of the box!
Dino Crisis said:
Can some one Post the E-Mail Address /Contact to take my part (and hopefully others) in this ridicules process?
I want to tell them how stupid that is...
Maybe I should switch over to IPhone... if you can't customize it at least works better out of the box!
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Germany Deutsch +49-692-222-7334
Mon - Sat 09:00 - 18:00 (Mon - Fri) 09:00 - 13:00 (Sat)
upload all ROM's to
but my upload speed sucks
acky85 said:
Germany Deutsch +49-692-222-7334
Mon - Sat 09:00 - 18:00 (Mon - Fri) 09:00 - 13:00 (Sat)
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Have sent email....
what do you send? can i use ur text? My english sucks
another site where I posted a modified version of ephestiones letter (thanks for that!) is
EMail addresses I found are
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
HTH, Franky
No cooks, no buy
I wouldn't have bought my HTC Rhodium if there weren't custom ROMs available for it. None of the stock HTC ROMs are any good compared to custom ROMs. HTC should thank the chefs for taking their half finished ROMs and making them usable, because it's the chefs who are helping HTC to sell more phones.
That's one hell of a shot in the foot you've got there...
[RANT] This has to be without doubt one of the daftest actions HTC have ever taken against anyone...
"Hello loyal customers....... We'd like you to go to jail please! "
I heartly agree with everyone on here so far, the main reason I bought my HD2 was because of the custom ROMs on here. (Infact it got reflashed before I even put the SIM in! )
I steer clear of everything Apple because I like to be able to customise what I want, how I want. If HTC are getting all edgy because they're promoting diversity, then they should jump in the iBandwagon and I'll go back to using my Nokia.
I can say with 100% truth, if it wasn't for XDA-Dev's I wouldn't have had 6 HTC's by now. [/RANT]
Dear HTC, as a legal and loyal owner of multiple HTC devices (Vodafone magic x2, Telstra desire, Telstra hd2 and Vodafone legend) I am entitled to download any updates for these devices. As such I would like to maintain my copy for safe keeping. Seeing as you do not maintain a public copy of historical roms for unsupported devices I believe this is a suitable compromise. Also this way there is no cost to your company.
If wish to continue on this misguided attack I will dispose of these devices, buy a competitors product and never buy or recommend your product to anyone.
Yours Sincerely,
They have a forum too
HTC's official site has a forum too.
Check the forum before posting, make sure you pick the right place for your country or maybe we can all post in the same forum. Also, if we do let's just keep a single thread over at their forums. No sense in flooding them, that will just get the threads deleted.
I hope HTC has more sense(pun intended) than to lose distinction between piracy and a huge group of fans that can only benefit them.
I am on my 5th WM HTC device and it is basically because of you guys that I have kept on going with them. I can't imagine having all this fun tweaking, prodding, and modifying any other phones.
Android should be safe... but...
This really does suck. From my understanding and previous history with scrappy unsupported phones from other OEMs, even if I did stick to WM, I would have gone out of my way to get an HTC phone, because of this site and the work that gets done here.
Fortunately, I went with a Nexus One running android so aside from the appropriated Desire keyboard, there really isn't anything that's HTC specific app wise. Also tack on the fact that Android is covered by GPL if I'm not mistaken so that should shield at least the Android development hacks. But who knows really. It could also be a licensing issue with WM specifically that may have triggered this. WM licensing is something truly weird as none of it is really visible to the end user and is usually agreed upon between OEM and carrier.
I just hope this doesn't spread to here. XDA is the central hub of making smartphones actually smart.

SPL/HSPL Request...

A good 1 1/2-2 years or so ago, when I was using my TP2 regularly, Mighty made the best rom (personal opinion, not the focus of this post), and we where stuck with the only HSPL out.
Issues this phone was plagued with, but along the way I heard of Mr.X making his own, back then, I was offered by someone the HSPL for my own testing, but I was content to not poison the pool and let Mr.X finish it right...
Now I am back and asking if anyone has this mystical and (from all accounts of those who boast they have it) magical HSPL they would be kind enough to send me?
I really regret now not taking the person on his offer back then because it seems Mr.X has totally gone "POOF" (in relation to anything on, and any actual dev, only things I can find from him are mundane replys on ppcg) and essentially from what I have heard and asked elsewhere, its been abandoned... It might have been unfinished (HSPL gets re-written when you carrier flash, im fine with that), but its still a far cry better (OFC from the raving reviews on those privileged enough) then stock or the Oily one...
I have failed in selling or trading my TP2 for an HD2 and have decided to start using it again in leu of my Mogul... saying no to that offer has never stung so much ​
...let me read this again...with glasses!
Kane3162 said:
A good 1 1/2-2 years or so ago, when I was using my TP2 regularly, Mighty made the best rom (personal opinion, not the focus of this post), and we where stuck with the only HSPL out.​
Issues this phone was plagued with, but along the way I heard of Mr.X making his own, back then, I was offered by someone the HSPL for my own testing, but I was content to not poison the pool and let Mr.X finish it right...​
Now I am back and asking if anyone has this mystical and (from all accounts of those who boast they have it) magical HSPL they would be kind enough to send me?​
I really regret now not taking the person on his offer back then because it seems Mr.X has totally gone "POOF" (in relation to anything on, and any actual dev, only things I can find from him are mundane replys on ppcg) and essentially from what I have heard and asked elsewhere, its been abandoned... It might have been unfinished (HSPL gets re-written when you carrier flash, im fine with that), but its still a far cry better (OFC from the raving reviews on those privileged enough) then stock or the Oily one...​
I have failed in selling or trading my TP2 for an HD2 and have decided to start using it again in leu of my Mogul... saying no to that offer has never stung so much ​
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if you mean the 0.72 HSPL, I can help with that.. I recall some people wanted a newer version because it would work better with some ROMs. if that's what you mean, you can send me a PM.

The First XDA Phone

Hello anyone reading this message.
My name is gregory. I am like most of you pretty pissed about the behavior of canonical (at least if you followed the ubuntu edge fund campaign What a lame way to make advertising. Of course, anyone with a bit of sense would smell the scam here, 32,000,000$ in a month? come on man!!! So here I am. I've been a flasholic for years and I think I came up with the idea of making my own cell phone about 3 years ago. fear, shyness and lack of funds made me drop the idea several time. But today we have the possibility to change the cell phone world together, thanx to canonical's lame way to advertise their OS. Basically here is my idea, Why not fund our own XDA phone? After all, many of us having problem or getting fed up with the slow updates of our phones are coming here to get things done. Most of us don't wait anymore for those big brands to update our devices. So why in the world are we waiting for them to build them. I've been around XDA for quite some times now and all I see here is a great mix of DEV. So correct me if i'm wrong. The dev on XDA are for most way faster and more reliable than the one at samsung, htc etc. the parts for the phones are all made in china for the most part, we all know some designers and the ubuntu edge crowfunding made it to 12,000,000 +. So here is my question to you people on XDA. Why don't we make our own phone the same way. Even 10,000,000 would be largely enough to make simply the best phone in the world. we could make a poll about each part and design in the phone, and i'm pretty sure the dev here would agree to make the device better. Not only because they will be pay for it, but because they love it. I am no business man, neither a develloper. I don't know code or anything in that matter. Now let me tell you my vision (and no i didn't take LSD for it)
imagines a phone with the latest specs like the edge. 128gb drive storage, 4gb ram, sapphire glass etc etc, it would be nice, but now imagine the same device with the XDA community back up, updates and corrections every 1 or 2 months, pushed straight to your phone without need of external program (kies, itunes or else... why is it call mobile phone if you need to have a computer to update it?), a minimum of 3 years updates, and of course, the ability to solve your problem here without having to talk with lame company commercials who would send your phone to korea just because they don't know anything about the product they sell. won't it be a dream? - more ideas are very welcome and that's why WE should do our own phone.
As I said, i'm not into the cell phone business, although I know some things about business in china, i'm no designer or dev, but i'm sure we could put up a pretty team from people here and make it happen. And when it's done, start a crowfunding. I know it would work because the name XDA alone stand for quality and improvement in our mobile world today. I have in mind that anyone willing to do that would succeed and I can't protect this kind of idea since i'm not the one who invent cell phone. but I also think the great thing with the xda community is that there is no lame boss or greedy stock sharers to decide what people should do or not. I'm hard working and if people think we should make it then i'm willing to work my ass, even travel (i'm from Paris, france not texas ) overseas to make this happen. here is the team i think we should put together to see this device built:
- people who knows the chinese technology market (where to buy and select company)
- DEV who knows about Android devellopment (maybe ubuntu or any other)
- designers ( let's try to make something more beautiful than the iphone )
- lawyers (I guess)
- commercials
any other ideas are welcome.
I opened this thread just to see your reactions on the subjects. it a little messy because i have so many things in my mind but feel free to argue, critisized, encourage, or just explain to us anything that comes in your mind. cheers
jimmymetis said:
Hello anyone reading this message.
My name is gregory. I am like most of you pretty pissed about the behavior of canonical (at least if you followed the ubuntu edge fund campaign What a lame way to make advertising. Of course, anyone with a bit of sense would smell the scam here, 32,000,000$ in a month? come on man!!! So here I am. I've been a flasholic for years and I think I came up with the idea of making my own cell phone about 3 years ago. fear, shyness and lack of funds made me drop the idea several time. But today we have the possibility to change the cell phone world together, thanx to canonical's lame way to advertise their OS. Basically here is my idea, Why not fund our own XDA phone? After all, many of us having problem or getting fed up with the slow updates of our phones are coming here to get things done. Most of us don't wait anymore for those big brands to update our devices. So why in the world are we waiting for them to build them. I've been around XDA for quite some times now and all I see here is a great mix of DEV. So correct me if i'm wrong. The dev on XDA are for most way faster and more reliable than the one at samsung, htc etc. the parts for the phones are all made in china for the most part, we all know some designers and the ubuntu edge crowfunding made it to 12,000,000 +. So here is my question to you people on XDA. Why don't we make our own phone the same way. Even 10,000,000 would be largely enough to make simply the best phone in the world. we could make a poll about each part and design in the phone, and i'm pretty sure the dev here would agree to make the device better. Not only because they will be pay for it, but because they love it. I am no business man, neither a develloper. I don't know code or anything in that matter. Now let me tell you my vision (and no i didn't take LSD for it)
imagines a phone with the latest specs like the edge. 128gb drive storage, 4gb ram, sapphire glass etc etc, it would be nice, but now imagine the same device with the XDA community back up, updates and corrections every 1 or 2 months, pushed straight to your phone without need of external program (kies, itunes or else... why is it call mobile phone if you need to have a computer to update it?), a minimum of 3 years updates, and of course, the ability to solve your problem here without having to talk with lame company commercials who would send your phone to korea just because they don't know anything about the product they sell. won't it be a dream? - more ideas are very welcome and that's why WE should do our own phone.
As I said, i'm not into the cell phone business, although I know some things about business in china, i'm no designer or dev, but i'm sure we could put up a pretty team from people here and make it happen. And when it's done, start a crowfunding. I know it would work because the name XDA alone stand for quality and improvement in our mobile world today. I have in mind that anyone willing to do that would succeed and I can't protect this kind of idea since i'm not the one who invent cell phone. but I also think the great thing with the xda community is that there is no lame boss or greedy stock sharers to decide what people should do or not. I'm hard working and if people think we should make it then i'm willing to work my ass, even travel (i'm from Paris, france not texas ) overseas to make this happen. here is the team i think we should put together to see this device built:
- people who knows the chinese technology market (where to buy and select company)
- DEV who knows about Android devellopment (maybe ubuntu or any other)
- designers ( let's try to make something more beautiful than the iphone )
- lawyers (I guess)
- commercials
any other ideas are welcome.
I opened this thread just to see your reactions on the subjects. it a little messy because i have so many things in my mind but feel free to argue, critisized, encourage, or just explain to us anything that comes in your mind. cheers
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A search would have shown you this has already been talked about and "If" it ever did happen it would not be with any parts from China at all. The parts would have to be of the highest quality. But as I said this has already been talked about before.
zelendel said:
A search would have shown you this has already been talked about and "If" it ever did happen it would not be with any parts from China at all. The parts would have to be of the highest quality. But as I said this has already been talked about before.
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i tried to find anything about this but didn't, could you tell me which thread talk about that?
zelendel said:
A search would have shown you this has already been talked about and "If" it ever did happen it would not be with any parts from China at all. The parts would have to be of the highest quality. But as I said this has already been talked about before.
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if this has been discuss already then you can close the thread. still didn't find anything on the subject, maybe i'm not using the good key words to find it. anyway thanx

