Folder "AndroidApps" - Touch Cruise Android Development

I have installed android and works enough well. But when I create the folder " AndroidApps", the so does not start and remain a black screen. Why?


Second Boot Screen(Android Screen)

Is there anyway to change the second boot screen?
prolly not talking about splash2, but the Android animation and logo after splash1 & splash2. But i could be wrong.
Theres a folder in framework-res.apk/assets/images that seems to contain the images used in the second boot screen. I haven't had a chance to play with it to see if anything happened. I guess I'll try now and get back to you in 10 minutes. =]
ok so far, I was able to change the second boot screen image without using fastboot, and just modifying the android_320x480.png itself in framework-res/assets/images, but the animation goes out of whack when trying to replace boot_robot.png and boot_robot_glow.png with other images. I'm going to keep at it to see if i can get anywhere.
Hi, i edited the boot_robot_glow.png in PS and it shows up fine when booting
EDIT: I've edited the android_320x480.png but when it boots it shows the original then flicks to the modified one
EDIT: needed to replace boot_robot.png in res/drawable aswell!
Attached images aren'y quite aligned, moves about when booting :S
EDIT: Everything's aligned now
ximonx said:
Hi, i edited the boot_robot_glow.png in PS and it shows up fine when booting
EDIT: I've edited the android_320x480.png but when it boots it shows the original then flicks to the modified one
EDIT: needed to replace boot_robot.png in res/drawable aswell!
Attached images aren'y quite aligned, moves about when booting :S
EDIT: Everything's aligned now
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would you mind telling us how to replace the files?
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk to your computer,
rename it to
copy all 3 files into /assets/images
copy boot_robot.png into /res/drawable (in assets/images aswell)
(Uploaded my new boot_robot_glow to use with above files)
ximonx said:
adb pull /system/framework/framework-res.apk to your computer,
rename it to
copy all 3 files into /assets/images
copy boot_robot.png into /res/drawable (in assets/images aswell)
(Uploaded my new boot_robot_glow to use with above files)
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Cool... Thanks guys!
Used your images and created a burning Droid for the boot up image.
Adapted the code slightly to run the commands on the phone itself then copied the zip file off the SD card through usb.
any pitfalls?
does the image have to be a certain size before 'push' ing it back to the phone?
I like your design so Ill start there, thanks for sharing the work, people have been speculation on how to change this and you did it.
I'd play it safe and keep everything the size it is, although if you have the dev BL then go for it. It will probably start from the same location on the screen but extend further across and down
This will surround the that icon better than the round glow i made this just now. Looks better just change the hue and make it red if you like.
I can confirm that this work fine on RC30 and ADP1 (there is no reason why it shouldn't but I bet someone will ask...).
So i went ahead and tried to modify the images that make up the animation, got it all repackaged, and pushed it onto the phone. I rebooted and my animation came up like a charm, looking pretty cool, but it got stuck there and the animation kept running. I tried rebooting it several times and then restored it using a backup which fixed it. I am still trying to figure out what i did wrong. Could someone take a look?

How do you make a for Apps?

Once again let me preface this by saying that I am a Noob. However, I have been swapping roms for the past couple of months with no major problems. The one annoyance is every time I install a new rom I have to go through the hassle of reloading all my favorite apps.
I wanted to know how to make a folder that will actually load on my Google Ion for my apps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you know how to sign a ROM its no Problem, if you dont ...
Lol, that would be a big "No."
You would have to be able to sign .zip files for it to work, You could have your favorite apps on the side so you could open your rom on the computer and add them in the apps folder.
Your prolly better off installing them individually because some roms (mostly skins) wont run with some apps although this is VERY rare!
is it not possible to resign i.e. the cyanogen rom after adding a few apps?
frleus said:
is it not possible to resign i.e. the cyanogen rom after adding a few apps?
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I am new to the signing of roms but from what i can see it is possible and seems to be a little easier than I originally thought. I just started with signing last night and was able to take parts of three different roms put them together and was able to sign it and sucessfully loaded and installed with no problems to my mytouch. Just to give an example I used the bootscreen from Qteks rom along with the transparent lockscreen from evils sense rom and combined them with wikeds rom cause I liked his icon pack. signed it and loaded on first shot with no issues.
Here is what I used posted by Dave Da illest 1 Senior Member
link to op
How To Theme Develop for Windows For Dummies in 10 easy steps (( no your really not a dummy its just an easy name for a how to lol))
well i'm going to give this a shot in the dark on how to create this how to be as easy as possible
download these files if you don't already have them
download the JDK
Download my included Auto-sign files.
what it contains.
the Test keys file..
and an file
and a batch file i created called auto-sign to make things easier to sign
after you have downloaded my Auto-sign
then you extract it to where ever you want.
use the included if your a Beginner it includes my windows 7 theme .. i edit so many files that it's easier to tell what does what and whats goiing to go where. now open that zip file DON'T EXTRACT just open it using winrar..
When it is open go to Framework.. and open Framework-res.apk
Once you open Framework-res.apk KEEP THIS WINDOW AND UPDATE.ZIP WINDOW OPEN!!
then just extract the whole Res Folder to where ever you like this makes it easier to see what files you wish to edit.. most of the files will be in the folder called Drawable
open up your favorite photo editor .. i use photoshop along with 90% of the people who Graphic Design... Edit your pictures Remember a file with a .9 can mess up your phone so edit those carefully.. and save what ever pictures you have
Now drag the whole Res Folder .. back into the Framework-res.apk
now your file is going to say files has been changed to framework-res blah blah do you wish to save it . click yes .. now your framework has been updated you can close everything out
go to the Auto-sign folder.. and open Auto-sign this will now sign your .. and rename it to .. now just delete your old rename to
put it on the root of your memory card.. reset using green call + menu + end
then hold home and end .. until the recovery mode shows up .. then press Alt+S and hope your device isn't bricked
I'm not responsible if your brick your device.. but i will help to the best of my abilty and if i can't help i'm sure XDA will
i don't sign every file in my i just sign .. and hey it works lol..
For ADP or RC 8 versions .. just download your favortie ADP theme or RC 8
put it in the Auto-sign folder.. and rename it to if it isn't already then just follow my steps
thelastgoodbrother said:
Once again let me preface this by saying that I am a Noob. However, I have been swapping roms for the past couple of months with no major problems. The one annoyance is every time I install a new rom I have to go through the hassle of reloading all my favorite apps.
I wanted to know how to make a folder that will actually load on my Google Ion for my apps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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the easy way
what i do is a .bat file with my info in it
place all the stuff you want installed into a folder
and create ad .bat file(notepad save as select all files from dropdown the put .bat on end of file name\)
mine is all.bat and inside looks like this
adb remount
adb push D:\android\install\apns-conf.xml /system/etc
adb push D:\android\install\wpa_supplicant.conf /data/misc/wifi
adb install D:\android\install\apps\android.tether.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\com.a0soft.gphone.aTrackDog.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\org.freecoder.widgets.overclock.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\com.metago.astro.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\com.qype.radar.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\com.arron.taskManager.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\
adb install D:\android\install\apps\com.curvefish.widgets.silentmodeonoff.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\com.mattwach.trap2.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\com.tapjoy.coloroid.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\
adb install D:\android\install\apps\
adb install D:\android\install\apps\de.android_telefonie.appmanager.apk
adb install D:\android\install\apps\MyBackupPro.apk
adb shell
and i do it when the setup wizard starts so when it reboots my apn and wireless are installed
here is the one twisted made... its simple and eazy... btw when I was getting sick of restoring all my apps every time I flashed a new rom, I searched for it and learned how to do it without posting once... but thats just me
download incremental here
Back your apps up as an update in case you do a wipe using this:
Back all the apps up you want.
Open the archive and replace the apps in the data/app directory.
Sign the archive like a regular update and place in root of SD card.
Flash the update you want. When finished, flash
Reboot the phone and both the update and apps will be installed.
to learn how to sign files look at this thread...
You can avoid the hassle easily by going apps to sd. After that, any rom that enables apps to sd (almost every rom) will automatically have your apps installed upon first boot.
That being said, next time post in "General" first. We don't want this section to get as messed up as it has become in the Dream forum.
Buster3616 said:
That being said, next time post in "General" first. We don't want this section to get as messed up as it has become in the Dream forum.
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lol have you noticed this forum? i guess better late than never...
as every other post says "this should be in general" or "this should be in Q&A"
but then again I cant say Ive ever seen a clean forum... sad
Also if your gonna say "this should be [where ever]" you shouldn't also provide an answer to the initial question... What does that teach? Post where ever you want because you'll still get an answer? That doesn't help your cause.

[MOD]How to customize your 3.0 lockscreen wallpaper

This is a thread to show you how to customize your 3.0 lockscreen with whatever picture you want i take no credit at all for this all credit goes to McLabia over at the evo3d forum he created this for the evo 3D so i tryed it for the shift and it worked! so here are the instructions enjoy and remember make a nandroid backup and it is not my fault if anything happens to your phone...
*First of all you want to grab m10 tools ( You can find the link for m10 tools right here
Once you have that downloaded, open it up. Now you want to get the image ready that youre wanting as your wallpaper. To make things easier on yourself, make three copies. The image needs to be set EXACTLY this way
1. Image needs to be resized to EXACTLY 540x960. You can do this in any image editor.
2. Flip the image upside down.
3. The images MUST be PNG format.
Once you have this done, you want to grab the IdleScreen_Weather.apk that is listed at the bottom of this thread. Once you get the apk, you want to open up m10 and click load file. Navigate and select the IdleScreen_Weather.apk.
Once this loads, you want to click the tab that says m10 Files. At the bottom of the screen, youll see where it says Decode Images, make sure you check that box.
You want to double click the Lockscreen_weather_bg.m10. It will ask if you want to decompile it. Click yes. At this point, youll be brought to the next tab which is Editor.
From here you want to expand until you see Textures. Under there you will see three spots labeled Texture. Click that and it will bring up an image to the right. Right click on this image and click "Show in Explorer". You will see three png files in here. You want to replace each one with the images you created earlier. This is important though. Make sure you copy the name of each file youre replacing EXACTLY. Im not responsible for any errors you make on renaming.
Once you get all three of the images replaced, go back to start and then save .apk Make sure to use the same name.
Now you can either push this through ADB or just place the apk onto your SD card. If youre using a root explorer, which is how I do it cause its just easier, you want to copy the apk into the system/app folder. You want to make a backup incase you run into any issues. Once you get your edited apk inside of the system/app navigate to the file and long press and go to permissions then set them as follows.
Read Write Execute
Owner: X X 0
Group: X 0 0
Others: X 0 0
Once your permissions are fixed, you want to reboot. When you reboot go to personalize, Lock screen, and then choose weather and click apply and thats it you have just created your very own sense 3.0 lock screen hope all went well if anything happens to go wrong PM me and i will try and walk you threw it.
how do you open the m10edit tool, downloaded fine, extracted files and there she sits ?
Just run as administrator sorry for the caps my keyboard is broke lol
jrny99 said:
how do you open the m10edit tool, downloaded fine, extracted files and there she sits ?
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There is a box that needs to be checked while viewing the tab m.10 files... check that and it gives you previews... it not as easy as one thinks...
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk

[GUIDE] Make themes for your device - no Android SDK or APK tool [ For Noobs ]

Hi all,
I know there are tons of 'how to make themes' threads out there in this community but like the title says , its specially for noobs( like me ).
Now I am not talking about noobs who dont know anything about the android OS,framework, recovery etc. Here, by noobs i mean people who dont know how to decompile apps, sign them , make them flashable , use SDKs etc. This guide will throw some light on some of the easier ways out there by using the brilliant features of some apps and programs combined with each other and believe me , it will give you the final result !
So Lets get started :
2. Ninjamorph from Stericson : creating a project , replacing PNGs and finishing the project .
3. An image editing software ( I used Photoshop)
4. Root File Manager (any)
5. Knowledge about your device , Duhh
1. Open up ninjamorph and start a new project.
2. Find the APK you wanna modify ( Framework-Res.apk for almost everything; SystemUI.apk for statusbar, clock , general backgrounds , drawer etc ; contacts/seccontacts.apk for phone/dialer , messaging.apk for sms app mods etc , i hope i made my point clear )
3.Modify Apks
now, from here you need to choose your path
4. (conventional one )Inside the project, goto drawable-hdpi ( for backgrounds goto drawable-nodpi ) and replace the pngs with the pngs you want by downloading them or extracting them from existing packages (of the same size as the original )
5. After replacing the images , simply finish your project and you're done!
Method2( which i used )
4. when you create a project , the Apk is extracted to the location in your device at /sdcard/androidthemes/workspace (your SD card) as a simple folder . Copy this folder to your Pc.
5.Edit the images using an image editing software like PS and save all the images in the copied folder itself in their respective locations OR you can replace the whole apk folder with an already modified/themed folder but just make sure that the modified apk folder is of the same device as yours( since if even a single image which is missing in the modified folder but is present in the original apk folder or is not changed appropriately , it will result in the app not being able to run. It will stop.
6. Once you're done with the replacing, replace the apk folder in /sdcard/androidthemes/extracted with the one you have changed in the above step.
7. Then Goto ninjamorph in your device and simply finish the project whose apk extracted folder you have just modified. Ninjamorph will compile and build the apk from your workspace folder and it will replace the original apk with your modified one.
8. Your new Apk has been themed! :laugh:
1.Have a nandroid backup ( big precaution )
2. Have backups of both the .apk file and the original extracted apk folder , so that if you make an incompatible modification and the app doesnt run, then just replace the apk in the file system of your device ( /system/app or /data/app depending on the apk you are modifying whether it is system or user) OR replace the extracted apk folder in /sdcard/androidthemes/workspace with the original one backed up.
Bonus - Make a flashable zip of your themed apks ( modify the updater script in the zip in the META-INF folder present in the sample zip to match your needs ) by @cheatman
Hit Thanks :good: if this helped

[Solved] Uninstall theme by deleting / editing files

I m using DU Rom 8.1 with a great pleasure.
unfortunately, I install a theme which seems not being compatible.
I have constant systemui crashes, on lock screen and can't do anything.
So, I thought to remove or unapply this theme "manually".
I can t do with adb cause the phone is not recongnized form my PC cause these crashes.
So I thought to do it by the recovery with aroma file manager.
I already deleted the data/app/xxx.apk and the data/data/com.xxxx folder, but it doesnt seem to be enough.
is there something more to do ? => edit a config file and /or delete another file / folder.
Thanks per advance for your help.
Edit , it s OK, I mnaged to do it.
In fact it was sufficient to delete apk and folder.
My problem was that I used a style from one theme and the police from another one... so I it was necessary to remove all the applied themes.

