[Resources]Raphael goes Wiki - Touch Pro, Fuze General

HTC Raphael Wiki Pages
The xda-developes wiki system is a (shamefully) under-used resource, lets change that shall we? The information is available to ALL users and naturally being a wiki everyone can contribute to it, details about ROMs and download links etc can be added when they appear and it is easy to use.
ALL new members need to take a read through it BEFORE asking questions since if it is a common topic you WILL find it in the wiki.
Common useful pages in the wiki include:
HTC Raphael for Beginners
HTC Raphael Images*
Raphael Tips & Tweaks
HTC Raphael Specifications
Model and CID FAQ
Available Shipped WM6.1 ROMs
Available Cooked WM6.1 ROMs
Available Extracted Radio Stacks
Software utilising the sensors in the Raphael
HTC Raphael Cooking Resources (CustomRUU, Kitchens etc..)
HTC Raphael OEM Packages
Rather than have an endless number of sticky threads containing the same information as in the wiki we actively encourage ALL members to use the wiki to its full potential, lets make an example of this forum and show the community in its best light.
Dont be scared of adding/editting information, its there for everyone so if something usefull is not in the wiki....add it!
Note:: we will be monitoring ALL changes so dont abuse the system. If there is a popular page which you think deserves a quick shortcut to in this sticky thread, PM a moderator to have it added. Enjoy people.
* Not yet in the wiki, perhaps somebody should add it?


Wiki redesign

hey guys,
I'm a regular on the HTC tytn part of this board and have been quite active in updating the wiki and making it functional.
I thought i'd wonder over to this board and took a look at the wiki and have to admit, was sort of shocked. it's one enormous page that's not very intuitive!
I'm going to shift around some stuff to make the wiki for your device easier to browse and navigate, would love for you guys to help out with this venture!
I've started with this:
WM6 definitely deserves a page of its own, complete with download links, links to threads etc. it does not deserve to be in the middle of some enormous page where most people can't even see it! it's linked back to the main wiki page under the contents page, which is easier to follow.
suggestions welcome, and please help in overhauling the poor state of the wizard's wiki!!
I don't know about others here in this forum, but I think you're doing us all a huge favor. Good start on the Wizard WM6 material so far.
Ofcourse great job. I've learn from this site
I need to suggest to put some information about Not Big Deal 5.1.
I think, this rom is realy good. Realy. Not many ppl use it, but almost all of my friends that tried this rom, confirmed, that it's very ok.
You should probably rename the page to reflect the device it is for. The current name implicates it is a general WM6 page - which is not in fact.
Chatty said:
You should probably rename the page to reflect the device it is for. The current name implicates it is a general WM6 page - which is not in fact.
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awesome suggestion, silly of me. i've renamed the page to wizard_wm_6
I've updated the Wiki (Thanks for setting this up) with information and download links to my Crossbow Released rom.
Also I would like to make an observation... I disagree with the description of The Core, in that it says this is the best rom for Newbies (or thats how I read it)... Since this is a Clean / "core" rom, I don't know that I would call this a good general starting rom for someone new. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying The Core 2.0 isn't good, I'm just saying the claim that its the best rom for newbies is maybe misleading as many newbies want more than just a base rom. XPlore 1.1 (IMO) is actually a better rom for someone just starting out as it comes with some apps in it. Then Wizard Mobile 6 Business Edition is very nice with the set of apps in it too... Its just all of the roms have strengths and weaknesses, so to me calling a single rom the best for Newbies may be misleading. Let them choose what fits for them (or setup some type of Matrix to compare the roms).
BTW: This isn't criticism of this new WiKi page at all? I just wanting to provide feedback so this can become a valuable resource for the Wizard community (and I really appreciate you starting this project for us. Now I need to get back to working on the WM6 Cooking wiki pages I was setting up)
mfrazzz - good point. there should be no "favouring" of roms, it should be up to the end user to decide.
I've removed the whole best rom bit. let the person choose themselves

ROM Comparisons table (much needed)

I have been recently going through the enormous amounts of information on this site, and everything seems to be very useful, but things are hard to find.
I remember looking for modchips for my old xbox and came across a site that had a tabulated format for the different chips that are out there. I would it very very useful. May be someone with could create a thread in the Wizard section and sticky it to the main page.
This was the site I was talking about. http://www.xbox-scene.com/modchips4_table.htm
since there are the many excellent ROMs like:
5.2.1413 mUn Base - Pandora 02.x2 ROM Beta
FARIA-HTC WIZARD FINAL ROM WITH Pro Rom Kitchen...build the ROM as you like!
Crossbow Reloaded 1.7
If we could have one central location with the comparisons of the utilities in each ROM and the Registry fixes, many might find this info useful.
I could help if possibly
this is covered in this thread
Willing to help
Both initiatives are great and donĀ“t fight eachother, this one complements yours sandrobber, perhaps it can be added another row for this one to your poll?
I would suggest (with formatting and all) that you use the WiKi for something like this. You can have a thread here that then takes you to the WiKi page(s). Heck, even a seperate WiKi page for each rom that is maintained by the ROM cookers and their "fans" might be worthwhile (I've thought about setting up a Wiki page for my roms in the past, but just never did follow through with it. I think Faria's AKU 3.3 has a Wiki page where it lists known issues and fixes.)
One of the benefits with using the Wiki is that anyone can maintain it (unlike the first posts in the forums which can only be maintained by the OP).
Use the right tool
tyty180 said:
I have been recently going through the enormous amounts of information on this site, and everything seems to be very useful, but things are hard to find.
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Exactly. A forum is great for Q&A, but terrible for finding information.
You can create ROM comparison tables using a specialized comparison table web app. Here's one I used to compare Galaxy S5 ROMs.

The Ultimate Guide for Choosing a WM6 ROM

This guide is designed to be read by *everyone* - but especially those who are new to ROM flashing\cooking
If you can't be bothered reading my entire post, at least look at the steps.
And if your *really* lazy - just jump to the bottom where I have a link - though I STRONGLY recommend AGAINST doing that...
*Can a Mod please sticky this*
Okay, so the guide:
1. Regsiter for Xda-Developers
Always a good thing...
2. (Part A) Lurk\Read the Xda-Developers forums for at least a month
I know this may sound crazy, but it will benefit you. The purpose of this is so that you learn all the terminology, understand what each ROM does and become knowledgeable enough to be able to decide what to do if something goes wrong.
Make sure you read all the posts, and dig deep into the older threads from this section
2. (Part B) Read the Xda-Developers wiki
Read the entire HTC-Universal from start to end - even if you don't understand it
3. Learn some terminology
By now you should know:
What the Bootloader mode it, and how to get into it
How to 'unbrick' your Universal
How to flash you Universal if your PC is running VIsta
How to unlock the extended rom for your Universal
What the difference between a ROM and a Kitchen is
Who built the first Kitchen for the Universal
And, most important: How to use the search function
(btw - I will update this list as recommended - so keep an eye on it)
4. Read the Wiki (again)
Now that you know some terminology - read the wiki again.
If the wiki mostly makes sense - goto step 5
If the wiki still has some confusing terms goto step 2 (all parts)
5. Prioritise what you need
So, you've spent at least a month reading the forums - and you think your skilled enough to handle flashing your PDA and dealing with it bricking itself.
Now you need to decide which ROMs to try (and yes, that is a plural)
Decide which things you need the most (eg Wifi, MMS, Video Call, etc) and see which ROMs have these things
If you have a number of ROMs to try - goto step 6
If the only ROMs you have in your list are WM5 ones - install them!
6. Set aside a few weekends and test all the editions in your list
This is my main point: no one can tell you which is the best ROM - you just have to try them.
This is why we're Xda-Developers, not Xda-Users - the core of this community is playing and experimenting with our devices.
7. Report bugs to Xda-Bugs
Little do people realise that there is actually a Bug-tracker for the Xda-Developers at: http://xdabugs.vidmes.com
So, if you're smart - you'll take my advice and do the above steps
If you're not smart (but incredibly lazy) then use this link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=308461
Advice for (Senior) Members
When somebody creates a thread that is a n00b question, do the following:
Give them a link to a search (or just the search keywords)
DO NOT KEEP POSTING - Let the thread sink to where it belongs
Disclaimer: Please PM me all flames - leave the forum for praising me
Another great post
Well done m8, another great post from yourself!
It is a shame that the forum is becoming flooded with posts that have been answered so many times before.
Use the search people please!
Leo and I are working on a updated Rom, we should be able to release fairly soon. VC work has been put on the backburner for now so that we can get the Rom out as soon as possible.
So which ROM is the fastest, working Wifi, video call and least bugs????
LOL.. aside from a few typos, I love this guide.
nice post !
you should add in the poll : "this post should be sticked"
Please can yuo are to be helping me in what is teh actually best ROM I should be using on the HTC Apache I have been having from ebay though please?
Ultimate Guide for Choosing a WM6 werks on Nokia N95?
nOOb or to lazy to search ?
Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Perth
Posts: 198
Seeing as Midget has a computer now (I presume, since he did say he bought the parts), I thought I may as well resurrect this thread
After using the ROM for a while I have come across 1 problem: Outlook has no profile for MMS, nor anywhere I can set options for MMS
Is this just me or is this a problem?
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#458 24-04-2007, 07:54 AM
Moderator Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Bognor Regis
Posts: 1,291
i didnt include ArcsoftMMS as it's a vanilla rom, there are cabs for it on the FTP
(Please sticky...)
Man! Were you jobless or stoned??? lol
dreamtheater39 said:
Man! Were you jobless or stoned??? lol
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No, I was just sick an tired of the number of threads created where a n00b, as their first post (and thread), says "So many ROMs... which is the best?" and then expects a link and direct answer

Possible new website. Checking for interest.

These forums are great but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a website for mainly wm5 and wm6 devices. I'll just list a few things I'd like to have on it and hopefully get enough good feedback and ideas that will inspire me to actually design the website.
- Overview of roms for various devices. Including user reviews, screenshots, and some detailed stats on the roms such as memory after a fresh flash. (will probably need help getting those numbers as I don't have access to all the phones)
- Downloads for roms (only if uploaded by the author) otherwise, links to the respective threads here.
- Downloads, reviews, screenshots, ect of popular software. Mostly freeware.
- Guides on things such as skinning programs like S2U2, rlToday, Wisbar, ect
- Skinning sections, upload/download skins for above. Ratings ect.
- Icon packs? If anyone wants to create and upload their own icons to share?
I'm only going to have more ideas as I begin this project but I imagine that I may need some help. Also, I would like to do as much as possible with the developers and with their permission.
No actual work has been started yet. Just been thinking it would be nice to have all of this on one website or at least organized information and links all in one place.
I run a site personally, www.PocketPC-Live.com but the strength of inteligent people here who cook ROMs, release many small and usefull utilities make this place the best!

Hello Folks. Love the site, but have a question about the sprint Diamond...

Hello. 2nd post here. Great site you guys have. It's so informative, it's almost overwhelming for the average user / non developer person like myself.
I did read the thread: Sticky: RULES FOR OPENING NEW THREADS - (Your Thread May Be Removed If You Do Not Read This) So, yeah, I get it if you delete this thread. But If you do, at least PM me and answer my question beloe please? Ok?
I have a sprint mogul. All i wanted to do to my phone was to make it look like a Diamond. E.G. today page, windows media player diamond skin, phone dialer keypad, etc.
This forum is so huge, and everything is so very spread around. If there is not one 'master' thread already, how about have a 'master' HTC Diamond thread where all downloads/cabs for the diamond conversion could be stored? Or have a dowload page for this. If there is something like this. I apologize as I looked but did not see. Thus warranting deleting this post. C'mon, can ya make it easy on us?
Because this is not a program repositoy website, this is a developer forum. if you would like to download any of the software provided by the xda developers you can use the search function or the wiki.
If you would like to put together a list all members are welcome to edit the wiki, and so of course you are more than welcome to do this
BY THE WAY- great job reading the stickies before posting *thumbs up*

