voice tag on att 8525 - Non-Touchscreen Windows Mobile Other

I had a program on my 8535 that would allow me to place a voice tag on all the programs on my phone. The phone wouldnt charge the battery so I got it replaced. Now I dont see that option/program on the phone. I have looked all over but I cant find a program that will do that. It listed all the installed programs and allowed me to record a voice tag any I wanted to run by voice.

wrong forum you need to go to the Hermes forum


finding where my son (phone) is

I know that verizon, sprint and at&t have a locator feature that you can sign up for, but I am with t-mobile. I am buying a phone for my son who is 11, and would love to be able to have a locator service for him/ his phone. I dont care if i need to access the internet to do so.
Someone told me that there is some kind of sd card that i can put in his phone and I would be able to locate it, but after doing a search on the internet I couldnt find anything.
Please help me if you can
try searching on google for mobile phone tracking, you dont need an sd card, but if he had a tytn ii or other gps enabled device ,i know you can get software (where is my phone) that will txt you the gps co ordinates. i know we have a few sites here in the uk such as http://www.traceamobile.com/ but not too sure about america
i tried searching like you said, but cant find anything. PLEASE HELP
Couldn't you just ring him and ask him where he is?
Or ask him to ring you to keep you updated.
The simplest method is often the best. Having just received a phone from his Grandparents, my 9 year old Son is learning about rights and responsibilities.
google flexispy

Automatically add number after call

Hey Guys,
I have a simple question (I think), but can't seem to find the answer...
After calling an unknown number normally my phone asks me if I want to save that number to my contacts. Today however, I wasn't thinking and accidentally clicked "Don't ask me this again" in staid of the "yes" button.
I would like to switch that option back on, but I can't seem to find the option... I've searched in my phone settings, Google and the XDA-Forum.
I'm kinda PPC noobish, so I don't know if this is a standard WM6.1 function or if this is a function backed into the ROM I flashed onto my HTC-Touch (the ShadoW 2.0 ROM by Cloudyfa (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=363637)).
It's a small thing, but something I find useful to use so I hope someone can give me the answer Thanks in advance!
Can anyone tell me how to do this? I mean, if I can switch it off, there must be a way to switch it back on...

Voicemail replacement for windows mobile?

Hi guys
I've done a quick search, came across 'youmail' but don't think I can use that (in the UK on T-Mobile) so was looking for a program that instead of me having to phone my voicemail number and go through listening for 5 minutes to the number repeated etc. which isn't always useful.
Anyone have any suggestions that instead of your phone network intervening, your phone will 'pick up' and they will record a message directly to the phone.
If anyone knows of anything let me know
it was up alot a long time agoe
back then 2 things made it impossible
first was that one could not record the user in the other end only oneself when recording
second was that auto pickup in phone settings simply dident do anything
not sure if more recent phones got it working though

Find lost Kaiser by GPS?

Had an idea but I have yet to try it. Would it be possibly to remotedly activate your Kaiser and run a GPS program to give the unit location so that you could find where you left it?
Can say Pocket Controller Pro do this when the phone is in standby mode? Then if you ever lose it all you have to do is get somewhere with internet connectivity.
if it is then i'd suspect that thiefs would remove the sim card anyway as it would be blocked when the phone was reported stolen and if they wanted to sell it or even use it themselvs they would most likely hardreset it first removing the tell tale program
yeah ultimate theft alert and where is my phone (WIMP) both do this
u send a specially formatted sms with your pin number to the device
something like <lost> 1387 and it sends you back the gps co-ordinates
but you need gps signal and for the phone to be on
good thing is (definitely with UTA) hat if they change the sim it texts you, so you can just send the special sms to the new number
and no, the sms do not show up in the inbox
are theives intelligent enough to know what a hard reset is, and would they even bother, most think removing the sim makes it untraceable
Another vote for WIMP, but i think someone on this forum has developed something else to do the same thing.
This isn't about theft
This is about me leaving my kaiser somewhere safe, say at work and not being able to remember where I left it.
That's why I ask. I know about ultimate theft alert but if the thing is not found and the SIM isn't changed then that won't work. The WIMP program sounds like what I want.

Motorola Q9h Speed Dial help...

Hey everyone,
I am not sure where else to turn at this point but xda... I had an AT&T Tilt that I had modded quite well to my liking, but then I lost it. So I had to revert back to my old Motorola Q9h. There are a few quirks about reverting back to a smartphone from a PPC that are bugging me. Like how I can't find anything like bitpim to back up all my text messages so I can upgrade to 6.1. I have a lot of text messages, some that I need to retain in case some legal dispute happens in the future with my ex. Anyway, that's minor, I can live with 6.0 for now. Threaded messaging would be the only real benefit for me and it's not a must have in this case.
Anyway, on to the reason I am posting. I don't know what happened with my speed dial function but for some reason, my 1 key does not link to my voicemail anymore. I don't have the default voicemail contact that comes with the phone and I don't have a clue what happened to it. I tried creating a new contact with the voicemail number and assigning it to the appropriate speed dial button, but it says 1 and 0 are "Reserved". I have searched numerous forums for some help with this to no avail.
So I decided to try and see if I could figure it out myself (sounds ominous, I know, I know, but I haven't changed anything yet, don't worry ). I sat at work today, bored out of my mind, and decided to just look through the phone to at least pinpoint the location of the speed dial contents in the registry. The only thing I have found that sounds promising is located at:
BUT... I don't read or write in this language. I could also be in the completely wrong location. Any guidance from this point onwards would be greatly appreciated. If you need any more details, please ask.

