startup programs on boot - Non-Touchscreen Windows Mobile Other

looking for a way to start various programs on boot. that way i don't have to start them when i restart.

copy the programs shortcuts to \windows\startup folder.

yeah, i found it... and yeah, i'm a moron.


Uninstalling Intellipad

Hi all, just did a search on the forums, and didn't see anything. So here goes. How do you uninstall intellipad? It doesnt appear in the remove programs bit...does it need doing manually, if would one go about doing thins?
if it start automaticly then looking in windows\startup or what ever that dir is for the shortcut to the program and remove the shortcut and
then remove the files and reg'd it use would be the same thing as what remove programs does
you could also look in the pc activesync's add remove programs if it was installed using activesync
Couldnt find anything to do with it in shortcuts. I think all the program files are residing in the windows directory. Does anyone know which keys from the registry, would rather know for sure rather than guessing?
looking in Windows Directory and there's a lot of file IntelliPad.***
Yes I have seen the intellipad files there, its the registry keys im not sure of.

tomtom shortcut

I have just managed to get tomtom working Ok without copying/installing all the cab files....problem is the program is on the storage card in a folder called ttnav5.21 and every time I want to run the program I have to go there and click on the exe file. should it not be somewhere else like on the start menu....yes I am a newbie to this so its probably quite straightforward.
the program called total commander is easy to make shortcuts with
if you put the shortcuts in
\windows\start menu\
they end up in your start menu
is this not a pc program?
sorted....just needed a push in the right direction.
Can't you just sync your device and then browsre the memory card/move the .exe to stat menu?
yep thats more or less what i have done ie browsed the card using PC and then create shortcut and move it to windows / start menu folder. as I said I am new to ppc having just moved from symbian phones.

Can someone please help me out with this...

Ok so I flash many roms. I love them all and can never find one that I want to
I think we are all like this some times
well one thing I hate is when I load a fresh rom up everything is so clean in the programs folder. Then i load, on average, 2-3 games, and another 2-3 programs to the rom to top it off and make it my own. Then I go into the programs folder and everything is all clutter f.... well you know.
There are new folders every once in a while, and all the programs just sitting int he "PROGRAMS" folder. I want to be able to sort everything out and place the icon for each program into the correct folder in the PROGRAMS folder.
How do I do this? THanks
go into your my device section, then go into windows, then into startmenu. You'll have all of your folders and programs there. Move them around as you wish.
Hope that helps
djcaston said:
go into your my device section, then go into windows, then into startmenu. You'll have all of your folders and programs there. Move them around as you wish.
Hope that helps
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
no sorry didint
any other help?
Use a file manager -- Total Commander works good -- and browse to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs. From there you'll have all the shortcuts and you can create new folders and/or move the shortcuts as you see fit.
One thing I would recommend is using Sashimi. It has the ability to automate installation of applications and it also can move shortcuts so you don't have to do all this manually.

Help removing a program

I know at least one of you have installed a program before on your Smartphone that wasn't able to be found in the "Remove Programs" option under settings.
I'm havin' this problem with a program called "TopOCR-Mobile LE."
It was an .exe file that had to be installed on the device. So I did, and now I can't seem to remove it. I deleted the .exe under program files, but the blank icons still remain (there's two of them 'cause I thought I could be smart and run the .exe twice and it'd ask if I would want to remove the program; it didn't - instead it just installed it TWICE).
Is there a way to remove those icons? I already used Regedit's and Total Commander's search features, but I couldn't find any files with the name "topocr" or "mtopocr" (it's installation name).
What are my options (besides throwing my Kaiser against the wall or hard resetting)?
Where exactly do you see those blank icons that you are talking about
programs icons are located in
\windows\start menu\programs
it it's a program which auto start then

WM6.5 Start Menu Customising In Kitchen

I'm using the Diamond kitchen HERE. I am really struggling to organise my start menu.
I've been able to create folders using the initflashes.dat and mxipinit_startmenu_001.provxml.
But Windows installs default icons that I have been unable to remove. Where do I remove the icons such as Calendat, Tasks, Messaging etc...? I want to remove them from the start menu root, into my new created folders.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
You need to take a multi-pronged attack to control the 6.5 start menu, lol. There are many different ways to do it.
First, the icons. One approach is to search on the sys folder for "icon." Can't remember the names (icon_games.png, or something like that). There is one big-ass folder with all the icons. Just delete the ones you don't like or need. Or, create your own icon, rename it the way it's named in sys, and stick it in a package that runs later. Then you'll never have to think about it again, as long as you keep the package.
As far as folders go, I've dug out all the provxml's that create start menu shortcuts and I've deleted all of the program shortcuts (I left the settings stuff alone). I don't remember what all the provxmls are named, but you can usually tell just looking at the title. I recommend either organizing the dump file in your kitchen by extension, and then copying all the .provxmls out and examining them (some are hidden). So, if you make changes to any of them, then you should again stick them in the package with your icons that runs at the end of the cooking process. Personally, I install my entire start menu by cab file during customization, and that's where my directory is created. I've editted out everything in the initiflashfiles.dat and app.dat files. I'm not recommending that you take this approach, but this is what I do, lol.
The last thing you need to do is to cook in your HKLM\Security\Shell\Startinfo reg setting. This has all of the folder icon settings (if you use the .png icons-personally, I don't). It also orders everything the way you like it. I've also found that I never have problems with the owner info and buttons settings not showing up with this cooked in. When you look at that reg directory, you'll probably see a lot of crap in there that isn't in your start menu (or in the wrong place). Just delete those entries.
Getting that menu set up is a pain, but once you have it done, it's not so bad.
Edit: you can also run a mortscript during customization to clean and re-organize the SM. I've done that, but there's just something unappealing about moving stuff around and deleting stuff. You usually end up with a messy startinfo registry (mine's clean as a whistle now, lol). But it does work. You can also write scripts to delete the 'icon' values in the registry to use icon.lnk files to set your folder icons. It pretty much comes down to what's convenient and what you're familiar with.

