Vodafone upgrade - General Topics

Hi, I've come to the end of my Vodafone UK contract, so the time has come when the retention department contact me asking to upgrade or whatever.
After a brief chat with one of them, it looks like I can have any phone I want for free, but my choices are limited.
I'm currently still using my XDA IIi which is starting to hang more often lately, so it's about time for a change.
I almost ditched Vodafone in favour of O2, only to get the Orbit on some package, as I quite liked the idea of having built in GPS as opposed to lugging around my seperate bluetooth receiver.
Anyway, I reckon the phones available to me are the ones on vodafone business website (http://www.vodafonebusinessshop.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=phones.welcome)
I would appreciate any kind of advice on what's best out there, thank you.
(What are those iPaq phones like?)

I've just noticed they do the TyTn (in the form of a v1605) which seem to be quite popular here. No built-in GPS like the Orbit, but it does have a keyboard... hmmmmm.


"myO2" on xdaII: can it be copied from xdaI?

It was the app that I probably used the most, so is it possible? Yell searches and contacts integration, news etc. it really was the app I most valued whilst on the move.
It had active update as part of it... has anyone ever gotten anything through the version on the xdaII? I don't know whether there aren't any updates or whether mine's knackered.
Also, on another note I have just called o2 for the 10th time trying to get some costly text alerts to me stopped. The calls are costing me a fortune and each time they tell me that, yes, there will be no more alerts... but there always are. I really am getting sick to the high teeth of o2's crappy service. Any advice / specific numbers to call before I kick them to the kerb?
TIA guys.
The My O2 application is something I really miss now that I have switched from an XDA I to the XDA II.
If you manage to resolve this I would be really grateful if you could let me know.
I'm one of the Active Engine testers and do have access to the WM client. Unfortunately when loaded on my Xda II and one tries to use the updater to bring in the O2 system nothing is ever received, so I think they have dumped the system.
The USA 'channels' are available but not mant of those are of use to us in the UK.
I miss the access to Yell and also to AA Roadwatch / Routeplanning.
Why didnt they carry forward that application to the XDA II.
Well I guess they must have had a fal out with the AE Corp, plus think there are alternatives via the mobile web... yeah right..

WM2005 for E-ten M500, Maybe this could be modified for us?

E-TEN Information Systems today officially announced the Windows Mobile 5.0 upgrade program for its current E-TEN brand M500 Pocket PC Phone Edition.
And you have got to admit that both device bare many simularities. So what im wondering is if we can get a hold of thier rom and mod it, or even place some
preasure on I-mate / HTC to give us a little x-mas present early for being such good custome and devoted Imate jammers. I think this path of getting WM5
is a little more feasable than waiting for some of the other solution posted on this forum.
Donno what do you guys think?
No, for a number of reasons.
1. The hardware is different between the E-TEN M500 and the HTC Magician. From processor to memory configuration to video display to camera, there's just too many variables that would make it futile compared to attempting to make a build from another HTC device, if that is even feasible.
2. The WM5 upgrade for the E-TEN M500 will be available no earlier than December 2005. I am hoping that someone would have provided a hacked WM5 build for the Magician before then.
I think the second solution is first to try. Please give us the link of the source of ur news, and should one of our members who speak english natively start to suggest a letter pushing of CDL (carrer devices company, the owner of imate) to develop a new wm2005 rom for JAM. After getting the email of CDL CEO (I think it is easy and avaialible somewre in the forum) we start all to send that letter. I think CDL should respons, or all of us will forward to Eten company as it respects its customers rather than CDL.
The site where the new was found is:
whats getting to me is that Eten , a crappy novalty Pocket Pc company has an update compiled form Microsoft, why cant Imate get them to do us one. This is the 3rd time this has happen to me, I mean when I got my first pocket pc (F-S Pocket Loox 600) the support team alienated its customers and lost many of us even though it later PPC releases were of better quality. HP has done this too with the 19xx series and 63xx series. But from what iI heard Imate had regular updates and free firmware. Looks like they going to follow the same path.
I think all of the distributors of this device, CDL, QTek, Orange, T-Mobile et-al should be pressed for a WM5 upgrade for the magician. Also we should press HTC who actually manufacture it.
That way the distributors and mobile operators might apply thier own pressure to HTC as well as ours. If HTC are being pressed from both sides then maybe they will do something.
In the meantime we await buzz's unofficial version.
Theres a way of starting an online petition we did it to Fujitsi-siemens for the loox and suprisingly it work. Took some time but they went back on there word. But we need on of Admins here in forum who have a little more pulling power than me. I have been read about Buzz's cracked version but i havent put too much faith in it, I guess just preparing for the worst I guess. Any one want to take the responsiblity for it???
Best way is to vote with your wallets and dont buy HTC products and switch to Eten. That is the only language corporations understand, money. If they see their customer base switching they will MAYBE think twice.
Why don't we just start to hit their boards to release the magneto for us at [email protected] ? Or else someone has a better way to contact a CEO :lol:
Blueangels, Magicians, Alpine can handle the magneto and even the Himalayas, any suggestions are welcomed..
Damn, ETEN is a crapy ppc and they are releasing the Magneto!!
efjay said:
Best way is to vote with your wallets and dont buy HTC products and switch to Eten. That is the only language corporations understand, money. If they see their customer base switching they will MAYBE think twice.
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the folowing is my history:
Wallabay------> Qtek for one year
Himalaya------> imate (2 different devices as one was stolen) for more than 2 years
Magician-------> Imate Jam Currently for around 6 months
Eten-----------> near future after throwing away CDL products for ever.
I usually don't respect any one does not respect me. CDL is not respecting us, while eten respecting their cutomers, so i think i should switch to eten. From the commercial point of view, i think that it is more benifitial to CDL to release a wm2005 for their old products (not ancient one like wallabay or himallaya) as they will gain the following:
1- they will be respectable from us as this will raise their cutomer support score very much, and will attract new customers as it will be known that the post sale support of CDL is perfect.
2- Their new devices such as JasJar is going will by self pushing power as a new product and will attract the valuable richer customers even old devices such as JAM supports wm2005 or not. In the same time the JAm which is still present in stock with a huge quantitiy start losing attractiveness and its sale curve will decline so much. While there is a large slice of cutomers who cannot afford for JasJar but can afford for JAM but only if supports wm2005 and will go to nokia or sony erricson instead of JasJar, so why not to attract them to Jam by adding wm2005 to it.
3- I am sure that the profit from selling JasJar may be less than Jam as the technology of jasjar is more advanced, so if CDL sells 100 piece of jasjar it will gain for wxample a 10% profit, while if sells 100 piece of Jam it may be 15% profit, especially if we consider that the stock of jam is dead and it is a potential loss and will go to rubbish. So adding wm2005 to jam will revive it and not affecting the sales of jasjar in the same time as it is a new coming product and has its attractiveness.
Finally i hope that CDL, or all HTC affiliated companies rethink regarding this issue and try to continue competeing in this market that of course the winner is the one who respects his customers.
The rumoured xda atom lookslike the magician with WM 2005. Maybe once this device is widely available, someone can hack the ROM.
I'm sorry that I'm not with you when you try to boycott HTC.
Eten sold his M500 with the wm5 upgrade clearly advertised. It was a sell point, so, they sold more M500 because ppl were expecting WM5.
HTC did not advertise any of his S1X0 with wm5. If they were to give away wm5, they would advertise at least S110 to be wm5 ready, and it would be a sell point too. They would win money because of the addded value of wm5.
None of us were ripped-off, and, as they keep supporting in a good way our magicians, they are doing their work. They care for us, as they give us rom updates. Not giving us something that is not free, does not turn them bad, or does not mean they don't care about us (well, of course no corp cares for ppl, they care for income! eten does too). Remember, if they give you WM5 for free, they need to support it, and develop some specific things for it. And ppl will keep magician for a longer time, and will not buy theyre new products like the 9100 and so on.
They will in fact loose money. Do you loose money when you work? I surelly don't.
One possible pressure is for us to call our network operators, and start complaining with them. And better, if companys start blaming for not having WM5 for a so much hyped (by operators) product.
Operators themselves are incredibly more powerfull that any of our petition, IMO.
Even that way, I really doubt that we will see WM5 for S100 (it is my opinion, not a rant). Maybe for christmas, with santa giving it to us.
I am looking forward for the new Mitac Mio with gps and wm5. Now thats what I call a all-in-one
I'm waiting for the Mio as well. My only reason for trading the Magician is .... WM5!!
And guess what, my next device after the Mitac Mio would probably be .... another Mitac!!
So yes, HTC will probably lose money in the near future. Keeping your existing customers happy is much easier than getting new ones!
On the other hand, if a WM5 ROM (hacked or not) becomes available before the Mitac launch, I'll stick to the Magician (my preferred option).
rjtd said:
Eten sold his M500 with the wm5 upgrade clearly advertised. It was a sell point, so, they sold more M500 because ppl were expecting WM5.
HTC did not advertise any of his S1X0 with wm5. If they were to give away wm5, they would advertise at least S110 to be wm5 ready, and it would be a sell point too. They would win money because of the addded value of wm5.
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Great point I agree but Imaging how much more love we would have for our babies is the have a face lift. I mean think of sending you girlfriend to get a new set of boobs. You would play with then all day!!
Anyway lets hope they give us the option if its possible, instead of only making it available as a selling point for there next device which is more probable. Even if we have to pay and ammount say $40 for the upgrade it would be great!!
Cheers all
kta said:
I'm waiting for the Mio as well. My only reason for trading the Magician is .... WM5!!
And guess what, my next device after the Mitac Mio would probably be .... another Mitac!!
So yes, HTC will probably lose money in the near future. Keeping your existing customers happy is much easier than getting new ones!
On the other hand, if a WM5 ROM (hacked or not) becomes available before the Mitac launch, I'll stick to the Magician (my preferred option).
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Just to consider from the money point of view, in either way, you stay with Magician or purchase a new Mio, HTC is not going to make new profit. Then the question arises: why do they need to endeavor to make you stay with Magician?
zenkle said:
Just to consider from the money point of view, in either way, you stay with Magician or purchase a new Mio, HTC is not going to make new profit. Then the question arises: why do they need to endeavor to make you stay with Magician?
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No Zenkle, i am not agree with u, if i bought MIO, so, i will try a new handset and a new company with a new style and post sale support, so may i found them better and will stick to them and don't use HTC anymore. But if i have an upgraded magician the next step will be JasJar or whatever HTC. Second, if i bought a MIO now, so i will upgrade after 1-3 years from now as i will have a brand new device, but if I ve an upgraded magician , i will upgrade for JasJar after 6 months to 1 year at max.
That's exactly the point. Keeping your customers loyal to the brand is all part of the business.
In addition to this, HTC or the carriers of this brand, will soon get the reputation of not releasing OS upgrades, while others (Samsung, ETEN, etc.) may be getting a more favourable reputation of releasing OS upgrades for their devices. This would sure help the latter increase their sales.
Trust me, if they do not give us WM5.0 is that because they would, in the end, loose money with it.
I bet they have ppl doing all the calculations for them.
Trust me, no calculations were required. They simply said, "we'll make them buy something new" and that was that.
BeyondtheTech said:
Trust me, no calculations were required. They simply said, "we'll make them buy something new" and that was that.
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And why not say that. Sure, people on this forum may not go back to HTC devices, but there's millions of others that will due to I-mate, O2, Orange and all the others selling these devices. And the profits made from these devices far outweigh the measly profits made from releasing a WM5 rom for the Magician.
My opinion, I want WM5 to play with, and I have no doubt it will eventually come out once someone gets their hands on a decent version (I'm not bringing up the whole other thread to do with buzz and raptorz). But, by the time I feel it's absolutely necessary to upgrade, not just because I want to, there will be some really beefy PDA phones available and my Jam will be obsolete anyway. Hence, a new phone. Maybe an HTC, may not be. Whatever's best for me at the time. And when I do get WM5, I wouldn't mind having official upgrades and support available for it.
Just my 2 cents worth. :lol:
So companies like HP, ETEN, Samsung and others did not do their calculations? Or they don't have new products in the pipeline? All of these companies are releasing an upgrade, and I'm sure they're thinking "customer service" and "returned customers".
Immediate profit vs long term investment in the brand ... look at o2, they're releasing the ATOM, a COPY of the HTC Magician with WM5 in December, I bet HTC will be losing on sales when this comes out. Had the Magician had a WM5 upgrade and being slightly cheaper than the Atom, the Magician would have a longer shelve life thus paying more for its R&D, etc.

I only want one, but... which one?

Hello to everybody.
After some time reading you as a visitor, I've decide to post my first doubt for you.
I have a Qtek S200 since 2 years, and it is the third PPC that I have. It is a slow process, but it works.
By other hand, after avoiding for a couple of years, finally I have accepted from my company a Blackberry device. That is a very nice device: the ball is useful, the GPS is also useful, and so on, BUT
I only want to have one device and I use some software SPB Finance that is necessary for my normal life. So There is no option to change the software. And, also, I use and I actually have words and excel made under WM5.
So, here is my question for the experts and experienced people:
What new device should I buy taking into account:
I only want one device, with windows mobile where I can run my current software and MS mobile files but with the ability to have Blackberry Entreprise running in it.
GPS is also wellcome, and more speed than my S200 also. keyboard is not a must, but is not a problem if the best one have keyboard.
The operator that I have now is Movistar (Spain) and we (my company) are going to change to Orange in the next months.
As an additional data, I'm not a complet useless in computers, but, I would like to save as much as posible my time, due to I do not have enough free time, so, fiability will be really appreciate.
Thank in advance for reading me and, more thanks if you can give me some advise about
HTC Rapheal my friend! Or Sony Erricson X1...both very nice. Not too sure about availability on your carriers, though.
Also, you have the option of Blackberry connect to connect your PDA to your company's Blackberry servers (if they let you of course). Then you'll have the best of both worlds.
TheBrit said:
Also, you have the option of Blackberry connect to connect your PDA to your company's Blackberry servers (if they let you of course). Then you'll have the best of both worlds.
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Thank you both for your comments and suggestions. Raphael looks nice. I will wait until to have some real experience about.
Regarding the connection, that is exactly the think that I wanted to do. But, I'm getting worried about, because I would like to connect with the information that I have in the blackberry without any external petition to my IT department.
Do you think that could be possible?

Polaris vs. Samsung Omnia (i900)

This is not so much to learn the comparison because I have did the research. But i'm hoping to get advise from the good people on the forum, whereas I rely on you guys and girls sound opinion. Thanks
Which one would you recommend? Both are looking excellent. I'm close to the amount needed to get one. With all the activity on the Polaris....I have leaned toward this....but I just discovered the Samsung Omnia.
I'm in the US though and both are not available here, so i have to import it.
Thank you for your reply in advance!!!
Hello Kenjari,
I do not own samsung device, but week before I have decided to buy polaris.
If I would not found this forum, I will probably be very unhappy customer of HTC.
I had several issues with Polaris before flashing official rom.
- reactions of device were quite slow (in comparison with unofficial rom - now its okay for me)
- gsm signal was horrible. Often I was without service even my ordinary cell phone was showing full signal strength. Again, after flashing radio everithing is okay.
So for me, if I will not flash my device, it would be complete useless.
But again, now I am quite happy
Thanks nikomach for your insight because i read by a reviewer that right out of the box it was a good device. Of course, i havent experience to many official ROMS right out of the box that were good.
Thanks again.
Please if anyone else have insight please post.
The Crusie is a triband-3G and quadband GSM. I believe the Omnia doesn't cover all the bands for 3G. You should check that the 3G band that it has covers the one for your carrier, but I doubt it. That's the main drawback to the Omnia, other than that it looks like a solid device.
By the way here's a good thread comparing the Diamond with the Omnia:
I know you were asking about the Cruise vs Omnia but this article should still give you good insight.
Thanks hambola. This provided some good details on the Samsung i900. I will check if the future tmobile 3G will work with that device.
Good link!!!
Anymore opinions. This is really helping out!
Any other lasting opinions?
What about the Touchwiz GUI on the Samsung against the TouchFlo 3d Cruise?
Difficult choice!
I saw the video of the user interface of the Omnia and i think it's simply amazing!!
Besides that i think the Polaris is a much powerfull device.
The connectivity is simply the best, you have it all in just one light device.
I think i've read somewere that the Omnia doesn't have a stylus (don't no for sure), that being true i think it's a major problem. To work with some programs you need a stylus.
The Polaris can be costumized to be finger friendly or not, it's just your choice!
The biggest problem in the Polaris is the famous "driver issue", and that only makes me spend more time here at XDA!
In the end it's all up to you to make the difficult choice, they are great devices.
Good shoping!
Thanks HRQ.SLV. You are absolutely correct. The samsung ships with a stylus but its not connected to the devices. It simply just hangs by a string on the device.
The Cruise simply seems to be more versatile then the Omnia...offering stylus navigation or finger. But that Touchwiz...as new as it is.....seems impressive for a QVGA device!!!!
Whats up with the driver issue?
I have been looking around these threads lately trying to see the development of this device. The activity is great.
So far I feel informed. My only question is whether I should use the 2 in 1 unlocker....or just the simple Hard spl unlocker? ...if I purchase an unlock Cruise.
Thanks again buddy!!!!
One more question about this.
I have look online for the Cruise. I see prices ranging from $340.00 to $620.00. Why such a range in price? How come there isnt a consistent price for it?
If I go for the cheaper deal...does that mean the quality of the device will lower? Will it be used or something? I'm just curious!!
the lower the price usually means it's used. i'm selling mine and have sent you a detailed PM.
About hard.spl
I bought unlocked device too and had used Hard.SPL
Every flashing works just like charm
Price could depend whether navigation software and memory card are included in package.
Mine arrived with TomTom (useless for me) and without any memory card.
TomTom was soon officially replaced by iGO 2006 free of charge.
Hey Kenjari, great news:
twolf is making a today plugin that looks just like Touchwiz!
You can take a look here:
If you decide for the Polaris it seems that you will have the possibility of having a similar look.
I'm anxious to try it out myself!
copualt3 thanks for the offer. just pm you back.
nikomach cool, so i will just use the Hard spl....thats all I need. thanx again buddy.
Bodisson I checked out one site and called to verify and they say its brand new, i checked the other site out and called and they said its brand new. No memory cards and same app Tom Tom on both. Yet there were a $200. difference. (The good think about the second site is that he told me what I should be paying for the polaris....and it was the amount of the first site )
I just dont want to be purchasing some used dud because I'm finding the best deal. I'm pushing for brand new.
HRQ.SLV, I heavily leaning toward the polaris now. I hope twolf perfects what he is doing....I have used some of his work and it works great. Thanks for the link.
Well everyone!!!! I truly appreciate your opinions and thoughts plus your resources. My choice is to come home to the Polaris. Its obvious I will be getting a better device for my buck. More versatility, and options. Also, the support of a community is needed with these devices....and this forum is that added support that money cant buy. I look forward to joining the family real soon.
Thanks again for this supportive community.
Okay, I think I should post this just to be on the safe side.
After searching for a Polaris I found one at website A. Website B was out of my budget. After great feedback from buddies at xda-developers, my preference examined, and checking my wallet, I decided to make the good investment and purchase it.
I ordered it from website A for 368.99 this past Sunday, and ignored website B. I just checked back on website A, and the price has shot up to Website B. What just happened?
I checked thoroughly, it didnt say any where that it was used, refurbished, or anything. I also took the liberty to email support and ask why they had such a deal on a brand new device, they replied:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for your interest in our products.
All devices and accessories offered by *##$)# are brand new and come in their manufacturer's original packaging. All phones offered are unlocked. We do sell used and refurbished products, but they are always noted clearly on the product page.
We are able to offer the prices we do because we seek out the best most efficient ways to bring these products to our customers.
If you have any other questions please contact us.
Kind Regards,
Its set to be delivered tomorrow. What did I just order? Why in the hell did the price go up right after I ordered my phone?
Thanks buddies.
I hope when ever it arrives I'm not in for some suprise.
Kenjari said:
and the price has shot up to Website B. What just happened?
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Maybe they have discoverd that there will be a WM6.1 release for Polaris in September!
Or they just read this thread and learned that it's a great device!
That could be!!
Okay folks. I have just recieved my Polaris. I'm not sure what to look for as far as it been new or used.
First, it has the touchflo sticker on top of the phone. But I can see some finger smudge or something on sticker. I'm observing the protective screen and it looks a little on the scratched side, a few marks here and there.
It seems to have everything in the box, plus a 1gb sd card. Does that come with all Polaris's?
Well after turning it on. Reveiwing the device, unpacking the accesories and stuff, I have come to two conclusions: 1. Either the website had the price wrong and I fortunately got a brand new everything in the box, Polaris for almost three hundred dollars cheaper then 'common price'. 2. I manage to buy a "un-stated" used Polaris that look so damn new that it would fool the makers .
All in all, I'm glad i have one. I'm glad I had those here to help me make this decision. And so far, I'm content with what I have.
BTW....After two hours of playing with it, this ROM is a pretty damn good 'official' ROM. Much better then the Advantage ship ROM.
Are there any better ROM's out there that beats the standard shipped ROM?
came across this thread late
I own a TC since July and my husband just got his Omnia about 4 days ago. in my own opinion, the device already differs a lot in specification. so if you ask which device is good or better suited for you, you have to know what you will do with the device. I uses my husband's Omnia 2 times and finding that the "process" of setting up the device is kind of confusing compared to the easiness of setting up the TC. but if you want a camera with a big megapixel count, an iPhone like features (plus the look), Omnia is for you. for me, a regular web browser, the TC is enough for now. was wanting Raphael but the price tag is out of my reach
oh, and for the US, with Omnia, you can't get the ATT's 3G because the Omnia's 3G HSDPA band is only 2100MHz. the same case for my husband's Nokia N95 ...my TC and Sony Ericsson K850 works fine with ATT's 3G.

XDA Flint - Impossible to buy :(

Has anyone been able to get there hands on a rebadged XDA Flint?
I have been calling O2 everyday for over a week, no one on there sales / upgrades team has any idea this device even exists. They have no information about it, when it will be available, how much it will cost. Nothing.
There website says it is available and on myxda site its the first device you see.
The shop section will allow you to add to basket but 404`s when trying to pay / enter details.
Has anyone got any information from them or know when I can get my hands on this!?
O2 the great pain. The saga conntinues.
This device is only available online and to NEW business customers only.
I have now spent over 3 1/2 hours in total trying to do one of two things.
Either upgrade my contract to a Business package or close it and re open a new acccount under a business tarrif.
This seems just a little to complicated for O2. I have been passed from department to department.
They all say they cant do what I request and pass me on to another team, I work in a call center enviroment myself and it is becoming painfully ovious that these agents simply do not want to handle my call, most likely as they are scored on there call durations.
I will update this IF and when I finally manage to get this device.
O2 better get there finger out, there getting one more try and im taking the 5 phones on my contract to orange and will get the HD instead.
I warn you, if you want this device on O2 be prepared for a up hill strugle with there phone system and there staff.
Anyone know of another provider offering the X7510?
O2 are unusual in that the Online, Offline, Personal and Business departments operate as separate entities, so transferring between them is difficult or impossible.
Also, it is common for new devices to be unavailable for upgrades for some time after they are available to new customers.
Interestingly, the price of the Flint has risen from a fixed £179 on all tariffs in early December to a sliding scale starting at £279 now, and all contracts are 24 months.
There is no doubt the Flint is a good device- I was one of the pre-release testers. However it is not a major step forward over the X7500/Ameo, and really suffers for the lack of hardware buttons, and also an older implementation of WM6.1 than more mainstream devices.
T-Mobile offers the x7510 (branded as the Ameo)
x7510 = t-mobile ameo 16gb
Buy an O2 XDA Flint
I had the same problem when I tried to get a Flint for myself.
I got through to a [Mod Edit: e-mail address removed for respect to personal privacy] who actioned it for me under a personal account - (from Customer Relations)
Just email him & he'll hopefully sort 1 out for you mate.
Hope this helps...
embassy said:
Has anyone been able to get there hands on a rebadged XDA Flint?
I have been calling O2 everyday for over a week, no one on there sales / upgrades team has any idea this device even exists. They have no information about it, when it will be available, how much it will cost. Nothing.
There website says it is available and on myxda site its the first device you see.
The shop section will allow you to add to basket but 404`s when trying to pay / enter details.
Has anyone got any information from them or know when I can get my hands on this!?
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Explodingfist said:
I had the same problem when I tried to get a Flint for myself.
I got through to a [Mod Edit: e-mail address removed for respect to personal privacy] who actioned it for me under a personal account - (from Customer Relations)
Just email him & he'll hopefully sort 1 out for you mate.
Hope this helps...
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"So, Mr Robinson, what did you get for Christmas?
"Well, a customer I went out of way to help went and posted my e-mail address on XDA-Developers.com, and for Christmas I got a deluge of SPAM. Well, as you know, SPAM is not just for Christmas..."
Ouch! What a way to thank a guy!
NanoRuler said:
"So, Mr Robinson, what did you get for Christmas?
"Well, a customer I went out of way to help went and posted my e-mail address on XDA-Developers.com, and for Christmas I got a deluge of SPAM. Well, as you know, SPAM is not just for Christmas..."
Ouch! What a way to thank a guy!
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To be quite fair I don't understand why they only honour this on Business tariffs!
But Oops, you're right there Nano, and didn't realise that actually and I'm very sorry. I was stressed out for you guys not being able to get the device so I was only trying to help...
- Thanks for pointing that out NanoRuler
Explodingfist said:
To be quite fair I don't understand why they only honour this on Business tariffs!
But Oops, you're right there Nano, and didn't realise that actually and I'm very sorry Mark Robinson. So guys if you're emailing him plz don't mention my name. I was stressed out for you guys not being able to get the device so I was only trying to help...
So don't mention me guys - Thanks for pointing that out NanoRuler
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It might be wise for you (and nanoruler in his quoted post) to edit out the O2 guy's email address- if you want to assist people, they could always PM yopu for the address.
There are a lot of bots out there combing sites,and harvesting email addresses to add to spam lists.
NanoRuler said:
T-Mobile offers the x7510 (branded as the Ameo)
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Is it in UK yet? It was originally only in Germany, and doesn't appear on T-Mobile's UK site at present.
It's been available in the UK for quite some time now. My x7510 is an Ameo.
good suggestion Neil. Can you help instruct me how to omit out the address
Much appreciated
Explodingfist said:
good suggestion Neil. Can you help instruct me how to omit out the address
Much appreciated
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The moderator,kyphur has already done it for you
Anyway, if you look at any of your old posts, you should be able to see a box called Edit in the bottom right of the message frame. Just click this to open an Edit box.
I bought my XDA Flint on eBay for £470.
Still no joy with this, absolute nightmare.
Now being told the only way to get this on o2 is to change to downgrade to pay a go from a standard consumer account and then upgrade to business.
This doesn’t add up with being told I can negotiate a free handset as I have been a long standing customer.
It’s looking like I need to make a complaint to get this resolved.
With regards to eBay, I have never paid for a phone / pda in my life.
Neither have I really. Not fully anyway. The way to do it is to upgrade to the most valuable handset you can for free or by paying as little as possible, then sell it as brand new for a shedload of cash. Use that cash towards the purchase of the handset you really want.
The trick is to sell it on again before it goes too commercial i.e. before it goes to the big network providers. That way it will retain most of it's original value, and you can put the cash you make towards the next new thing, again before that hits the networks. You'll still get your default upgrade too. Just upgrade for free again to a valuable device and sell it on. Then you have two pots of cash to use towards a new power toy every 12/18/24 months (depending on your contract). Gotta stay one step ahead! This isn't too difficult because, at least as far as HTC are concerned, their devices are released by them about 6 months before the networks get hold of them and stick all their ugly badges and buggy software on them!
I was a bit slower with the Flint, as the Advantage x7510 was far too expensive anyway beforehand. I just gave into temptation, even though O2 and T-Mobile already have their hands on it. Hopefully, it's value won't depreciate too much in the next 6-12 months.
Got my new XDA Flint for FREE!!! (hee-hee)
I just got my new XDA Flint but am afraid of starting it up. Will it try to install an O2 HMI instead of the normal WM 6?
This forum helped with my XDA Exec with WM5 by providing me the corporate number to overide the O2 HMI.
Can anyone help please?
I got this as a new upgrade plus I reduced my monthly costs on my business tarrif with their new small business tarrif...sweet!!!
There is no 'Corporate Mode' option on the Flint- all installations are the same.
However, there is no O2 customised front end. In fact there is no front end at all, as O2 do not include HTC Home in the build.
The release ROM for the Flint is a good one- newer than the cooked ROMs, and is fast and reliable.
If you use it with a non-O2 SIM, you will need to manually enter the connection details as it doesn't include HTC Connection Manager.
Thank you NeilM!
Thank you very much for your help.
So I should have done the full install instead of skip it? Ooops? I will do a hard reset then and start over. The quick start guide says I can make video calls....is this true in WM6 I thought this was not supported?
My next task is to see if I can port the Tom Tom license over to this PDA. Then put an SPB front end unless anyone has a better suggestion?
As you can tell I am behind the times - it has been a long time since I upgraded from the XDA Exec (2005 - which has always been rock solid and reliable) and the Flint fits my purpose of a mobile office whilst going to clients facilities. This Flint in a small briefcase and a note book makes my commutes to clients a breeze. I see other consultants with giant ruck sacks and 20 million gadgets/laptops notes books etc and I pop out with this thing, my mobile phone, a leather note book and I am ready. I did not get the Flint to be a phone. My problem with Blackberry's are the keyboards are too small for my fingers and Blackberries dont have MSWord and Excel apps to create/edit information and the Flint has a video out so I can show PPT presentations on sales calls. If only MSFT could allow creation/editing of PPT...that would be a result. (Suggestions anyone?)
Also, does anyone know if there is an Open Source application for pushmail as my company run Linux servers and was looking to see if one existed to mimic the push of mail instead of the Flint constantly checking, thereby saving power. (In no way am I trying to avoid the MSFT push mail solution, I just want to know if another exists as Open Source)
Don't reply if any of the above has already been discussed in this forum. I should do the work to find out the info. However, I did not find too many Flint threads on this forum so I do not know if there are SW or HW nuances that need to be considered.
Thanks to all!
No problems with the questions! The Flint/X7510 is sufficiently 'rare' that there are few comprehensive answers out there, though it is very similar to the X7500.
You definitely need to hard reset (Settings/System/Clear Storage) as a lot of essentialstuff gets installed from the supplementary installation (Opera, JetsetPrint etc)
The O2 theme is very blue as you would expect, but there is absolutely no other O2 stuff apart from the O2 Connection mamnager which configures the settings for whichever O2 provider you are with. If you use another operatorSIM, you will have to enter the settings manually, but this is not difficult.
For using as a presentation tool, I'd advise buying the enhanced output cable (unless it is already supplied)as it includes a USB host connector and an RCA Video Output. The USB can be used with an external mouse/keyboard (even a wireless combo) or a pen drive if needed.
If you are serious about needing Powerpoint presentations, and don't mind spending a bit of cash, then I can highly recommend Softmaker Office. It is expensive at €70 but has 3 programs which are respectively fully compatible with desktop versions of MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint. You can create, edit and read any file on the WinMo device, and can even print to PDF format.
For a front end, I think Spb Mobile Shell is an excellent choice, especially in combination with PocketPlus (but you need 4.03 Beta available from the SpbClub forums). You may also need to look at an extra Soft Keyboard, as the Flint only includes the basic MS ones. Cootek Touchpal and Spb Keyboard are both good options.
Video calls have been supported in all 3G Windows Mobile devices, from WM5 onwards- not sure where you got the info about WM6, but that is not the case! Maybe you were reading about US versions of the X7501 which some companies insisted on their users utilising- this had the front camera removed for security reasons (supposedly!). Obviously both parties need a decent 3G signal but it works well. The Flint runs WM6.1 and has good video capabilities.
TomTom- how old is your version? If more than a year it would pay you to buy the current version with its updated maps- currently on offer at £30 for UK and £40 for Europe. If not, then TomTom will supply you with a new activation code. If you have only used one previous activation, you can go to www.ttcode.com, enter your map's product ID and your new phone's Device ID, and it will generate a new activation code. If you've already used your activations, then email TT support with a proof of purchase for the Flint and they might provide a new code. Beware though that if they deem the Flint as unsupported, they may not give you a code.
For 'quick and dirty' location, then the new MS Live Search V4 or Google Maps work well, though the GPS does take up to 5 miunutes for a 1st fix (subsequent fixes are quicker).
Hope this helps!

